Dariak Talesa
Active Member
Objective: A
Location: Bunkers
Allies: Mandalorians, Draco Vereenhttp://starwarsrp.net/user/7738-draco-vereen/, Zathra Fetthttp://starwarsrp.net/user/8159-zathra-fett/, Olivia Dem'adashttp://starwarsrp.net/user/4105-olivia-demadas/, Arrbi Betna, Vilaz Munin, Dariak Talesa, @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Primeval, Anja Aj'Rouhttp://starwarsrp.net/user/6330-anja-ajrou/, Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou, Boo Chiyo, The Dark Man, Keira Ticon, Mard Szaks, Cordelia deWinter, @Zambrano the Hutt
Gear: Gear: Mandalorian Ripper Long Rifle, microdite tipped slugs | Mandalorian Ripper carbine, solid slugs | Beskad | Kal | 4x frag grenades, 4x white phosphorus grenades, x2 fragmentation mines
Unit: Mandalorian Protector Infantry
Strength: ~200-400 Mandalorians plus support/command elements (supply trains, logistical support, HQ staff, etc.)
Objective: A
Location: Bunkers
Controller: Dariak Talesa
Within the bunker he was situated in Dariak could see the advancing runners and vanguard forces pushing through the minefield. Though he assumed that the men being ushered towards the mines to trigger them were fanatics rather than forced slaves. Was there even a difference. He didn't know. All he saw was a target. A chance to spill blood. He hadn't been told to target anyone specific. The Mandalorian figured it was time to let fly. The advancing Primeval forces might have been out of range for his carbine but he had heavier guns at his disposal.
He chimed in his helmet comms to the Protectors within the the bunkers. "Let the tanks handle their transports. Focus on the inbound assault wave. Cleave them apart ner vode!"
The weapons within the bunkers churned out their firepower towards the Hutt's runners and the other vanguard forces. The MT-40Gs thumped as their high-explosive grenade belts were chewed up by their guns' inner workings and spat out the deadly ordnance in the hopes that the wounds and deaths dolled out by the grenades would tear swathes out of the Primeval ranks.
While the launchers thumped and pounded away the ACS-203 Hellfire Autocannons and HVKF-RC-2s projected a literal wall of slugs. It was as if the bunkers themselves were causing the air around them to thunder and roar with the sheer volume of firepower that made Dariak's heart thud in his chest. He wanted to charge ahead. Meet the enemy with blade on blade but the Fort had to be held. The generator made secure. From this position he could pour supporting fire onto the Mandalorians' enemies.
That wasn't all however. The Protectors armed with the Hyperion Squad Automatic Weapons had selected their blaster packs which when twinned with the MCA-762CGs caused a wave of light like the tide of the sea of death was coming in. Dariak's bloodlust was up so much he tapped a Protector's armoured shoulder and indicated that he wanted to operate the MCA within his bunker. He braced himself and held down the trigger and swung the weapon in a slow arc as the blaster bolts spewed out.
"Keep firin' till they see the glow o' our barrels!"
Location: Bunkers
Allies: Mandalorians, Draco Vereenhttp://starwarsrp.net/user/7738-draco-vereen/, Zathra Fetthttp://starwarsrp.net/user/8159-zathra-fett/, Olivia Dem'adashttp://starwarsrp.net/user/4105-olivia-demadas/, Arrbi Betna, Vilaz Munin, Dariak Talesa, @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Primeval, Anja Aj'Rouhttp://starwarsrp.net/user/6330-anja-ajrou/, Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou, Boo Chiyo, The Dark Man, Keira Ticon, Mard Szaks, Cordelia deWinter, @Zambrano the Hutt
Gear: Gear: Mandalorian Ripper Long Rifle, microdite tipped slugs | Mandalorian Ripper carbine, solid slugs | Beskad | Kal | 4x frag grenades, 4x white phosphorus grenades, x2 fragmentation mines
Unit: Mandalorian Protector Infantry
Strength: ~200-400 Mandalorians plus support/command elements (supply trains, logistical support, HQ staff, etc.)
Objective: A
Location: Bunkers
Controller: Dariak Talesa
Within the bunker he was situated in Dariak could see the advancing runners and vanguard forces pushing through the minefield. Though he assumed that the men being ushered towards the mines to trigger them were fanatics rather than forced slaves. Was there even a difference. He didn't know. All he saw was a target. A chance to spill blood. He hadn't been told to target anyone specific. The Mandalorian figured it was time to let fly. The advancing Primeval forces might have been out of range for his carbine but he had heavier guns at his disposal.
He chimed in his helmet comms to the Protectors within the the bunkers. "Let the tanks handle their transports. Focus on the inbound assault wave. Cleave them apart ner vode!"
The weapons within the bunkers churned out their firepower towards the Hutt's runners and the other vanguard forces. The MT-40Gs thumped as their high-explosive grenade belts were chewed up by their guns' inner workings and spat out the deadly ordnance in the hopes that the wounds and deaths dolled out by the grenades would tear swathes out of the Primeval ranks.
While the launchers thumped and pounded away the ACS-203 Hellfire Autocannons and HVKF-RC-2s projected a literal wall of slugs. It was as if the bunkers themselves were causing the air around them to thunder and roar with the sheer volume of firepower that made Dariak's heart thud in his chest. He wanted to charge ahead. Meet the enemy with blade on blade but the Fort had to be held. The generator made secure. From this position he could pour supporting fire onto the Mandalorians' enemies.
That wasn't all however. The Protectors armed with the Hyperion Squad Automatic Weapons had selected their blaster packs which when twinned with the MCA-762CGs caused a wave of light like the tide of the sea of death was coming in. Dariak's bloodlust was up so much he tapped a Protector's armoured shoulder and indicated that he wanted to operate the MCA within his bunker. He braced himself and held down the trigger and swung the weapon in a slow arc as the blaster bolts spewed out.
"Keep firin' till they see the glow o' our barrels!"