Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Objective: B
Location: The jungle
Allies: [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Conner Garon"]
Gear: Chain-sickle, Primeval Advanced Agent Tactical Armor, Lightsaber

The zombies were acting stranger than usual around these two enemies. Something was interfering with Perla's magic, but she wasn’t sure exactly what. However it was clear that pair of Mandos were using something to combat the Force because the zombies would de-animate when they came within in range of her opponents.

Since Perla was up high in the tree she couldn’t hear the younger Mandalorian taunting Jemmila or the fellow Force user threatening to burn down the jungle. If she had heard that she might have shimmied down, but it didn’t matter because she was about to be knocked from her perch. She was able to hear the rocket coming and crouched expecting to take a direct hit, but instead she heard it explode against the tree.


The trunk broke and Perla went hurtling down to the jungle floor. She hit a couple of large branches on the way down but couldn’t grab ahold of any. Quickly she used the Force to slow her descent, but she still smacked the ground fairly hard. She grunted with pain in her ribs. Feth that hurt, and the witch hoped they weren’t cracked.

The Dathomir spellweaver scrambled to her feet and realized that as she tumbled down from the jungle tree she had lost her chain-sickle. Son of a mynock, where did that weapon go? There was no time to scavenge around for it. Perla unhooked her lightsaber and ignited it. The zombies were still running around uselessly.

She guessed that the Mando who shot the rocket at her was older, perhaps related to the younger one. She faced the aged warrior and spat on the ground. “Waytha ara quetha way,” she murmured. He would feel a light wind around both of them. It wasn’t hurricane force or accompanied by thunder and lightning. Perla was merely taunting him with a fairly innocuous spell.

“How does that breeze feel, Mando? Come closer to me if you really want a storm," she spat.
Location: Fort Monroe, minefield.
Objective: A / Try not to die for the Witch
Allies: [member="Mard Szaks"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Enemies: @Anj-- Oh, you mean now. @Mandos [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Dariak Talesa"] (but maybe not for long....)
Gear: Vibrostaff thing

He did not know what things the Witch's enemies threw at them, but he knew they were loud, and they were deadly. Every time one of those things made impact, the tall alien jumped, then winced at the grating on his inner ears. At this rate, he would be deaf! Not that the Witch cared.

​Ue-'Kuo let out a soft hiss, too soft to be heard above the ruckus, too soft to be heard even by the Witch, though he remained close to her now. Again, treacherous thoughts surfaced in his mind; treacherous, dangerous thoughts.

For instance -- he wondered, should he be separated from his Master, if one of the other beings would be willing to hear his story, be willing to spare him. For surely, they both shared a common goal; for surely they disliked the Witch as much as he, or else they would not forgo discussing things with her.

For instance -- he wondered what would happen, should he scream now. Surely it would be stronger than when he was first captured, for he was stronger. The humidity of the jungle, so much like his home, was keeping his health up and his skin moist. If he screamed now, he could drop the Witch and her people, and make a run for it. He could run, be free, and --

Ue-'Kuo's head shot up, lips pulled back in a fearsome snarl. More of tthose things were coming...And they were louder, closer, more threatening as they screeched towards the group.

Forgetting his prior thoughts, focused now only on the present danger, the Blind One raised his stick and pointed to the sky. "Danger!" He hissed, loud this time. "Above, danger!"
Objective: A

Allies: Primeval, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"] (coming for you guys in the bunkers mostly I guess :p), [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Gear: Hover Throne, Dalek Hands, Vaapad Familiar, The Awe and Fear of the Meek and Vulnerable

Unit: Zambrano Terror Runners; A unit full of criminals, captives, and other slaves with the most basic armor, and dysfunctional vibroblades, each one rigged to run away from their Warlord Zambrano the Hutt into enemy lines no matter their level of exhaustion... and explode.

Strength: 12- 138 K.I.A.
Objective: A
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt

Boom after boom sounded off as the slaves continued on to step on mines and climb over razor wire effortlessly. Their armor protected them from as much, and if it didn't their cybernetic motivation allowed them to ignore it completely. Meters and meters of death lay ahead, but they had already travelled across roughly four hundred and thirty meters of minefield and razor wire, suffering dozens of deaths not only at the hands of mines but also at the hands of targeted gun fire from the bunkers ahead of them several dozen meters away. The death ratio was increasing, but the mass of people was too great to die off so soon... not yet at least. Guns and artillery launched, and it was probably difficult to tell what exactly was exploding when one went off: mine, person, or artillery shell. The answer of course was all three.

Now, however, they were approaching the Bunkers with their big guns, which meant that the slaves now actually had targets to blow up other than mines. Officers, wherever they may be (probably in space or something) would be able to monitor the slaves seriously, awaiting points in time where advantageously positioned runners could explode to cause the maximum amount of damage against the enemy. Now the death ratio was certain to increase by quite a lot.

In mere seconds, some of the "lucky" slaves crossed over the remaining portion of 70 meters of minefield, bullets, and shrapnel between them and the bunkers in just a few seconds thanks to their inexhaustible sprint. When the first one got to the bunker, it jumped near some of the weapon emplacements, getting shot up by weapons fire in the process and probably being dead before detonating with the force of a thermal detonator, likely destroying that piece of equipment or other was killing the controllers. This was happening across the bunkers, and many more runners were still left to survive long enough to detonate across the bunker system. Anyone operating a weapons system directly was at risk of suffering thermal detonator levels of destruction quite near them.

Four runners were currently on their way to charge at Dariak in his MCA, with about a dozen behind them in various spreads. He couldn't shoot them all, and at some point they would get too close to shoot... and when that happened, he'd have to deal with Thermal Detonation Explosions across his bunker. They were sprinting like olympic athletes, and motivated by an unkillable and conditioned fear of their Warlord. They were not perturbed by the deaths of others or by the sounds of gunfire, explosions, or really any other sound of war.

Soon, several if not many mandalorian soldiers were about to experience why these runners were named after Terror.
Objective: Aesh, Assault base, bring down shield, hail hydra...wait, wrong shield...
Location: Wayland Forest about 1.2K from the base
Allies: Primeval, [member="anja aj'rou"], [member="boo chiyo"], [member="keira ticon"]
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="draco vereen"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Gear: Fuegranna, Armor, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Revolver

Unit: Gulandi Warriors
Strength: 150
Objective: Following Taryc's Orders on behalf of Anja Aj'Rou, assaulting base/shield generator
Location: With Taryc
Controller: Taryc Ap'Irae

Taryc and her unit of warriors, still unscathed by the defenders preference to assault the problem directly before them, made it around the dial of the compass to a position directly behind the line of assault of Anja's troops. Once again, she picked a tree and deployed her warriors around it, then began to climb slowly and surely. Once she got to the top, she found a thick limb held up at an angle pointing towards the fort. She laid her body down against it and readied her sniper rifle again. She rested the stock guard of the rifle in her left hand, the butt of the weapon resting comfortably in her right shoulder as she sighted down the field.

She saw [member="Arrbi Betna"] firing from near the hangars and taking out people with well placed shots. She knew that to be the sign of someone far to skilled to remain a player in this game. She sighted down on him, then laid down three carefully aimed shots, using the force to help steady herself on the branch once again. The first shot was aimed at his weapon, attempting to take it out of commission with her heavy round. The second was aimed at the elbow of his left arm (assuming that that is the arm holding the barrel of the weapon), hoping to take that out of commission as well, and the third round was aimed at the chest. She would then begin to exit the tree, as before, allowing the force to guide steps, assuming that there would be some retort to her sniping eventually.

Summary of Actions
1) Move 15 degrees on the compass
2) Climb tree
3) Take 3 shots at Arrbi Betna
4) Drop to the ground and relocate, likely relocating while a response is being fired in the general direction of the tree Taryc was in.
Objective: A

Location: Bunkers
Allies: Mandalorians, Draco Vereen, Zathra Fett, Olivia Dem'adas, Arrbi Betna, Vilaz Munin, Dariak Talesa, @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Primeval, Anja Aj'Rou, Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou, Boo Chiyo, The Dark Man, Keira Ticon, Mard Szaks, Cordelia deWinter, @Zambrano the Hutt
Gear: Gear: Mandalorian Ripper Long Rifle, microdite tipped slugs | Mandalorian Ripper carbine, solid slugs | Beskad | Kal | 4x frag grenades, 4x white phosphorus grenades, x2 fragmentation mines

Unit: Mandalorian Protector Infantry
Strength: ~360 (40 KIA) Mandalorians plus support/command elements (supply trains, logistical support, HQ staff, etc.)
Objective: A
Location: Bunkers
Controller: Dariak Talesa

Dariak swung his head towards a far off bunker on the line as it started to smoulder. The enemy had advanced up to the bunkers and detonated either grenades or themselves. He couldn't tell. Part of him wanted to order the Protectors to pull their guns in behind the bunkers' shielding and slam down the heavy metal slating to call in a fire bombing strike on top of their heads. Yet without the withering fire the bunkers the other enemies could advance. Either way the bunkers would be over-run and the base, and by extension the planet would be lost.

He pulled away from his heavy weapon and shoved a Protector at its controls. "You! Fire!" he snarled as his blood was lit by rage and bloodlust. He connected his comms to the rest of the Protectors and barked his orders at them. "Everyone not at a weapon station leave an' engage the enemy at the gunports' blind spots. If we don't clear these bastards out we won't have a defensive line left. Do not be dismayed or afraid. Meet everythin' head on. Hod Ha'ran already knows if you live or die today! Fight with valor an' Kad Ha'rangir will surely deliver ye to the afterlife or Manda!"

With a rallying snarl following his cry Dariak left his bunker and moved around the side. Other warriors followed suit along the bunker line. Those who were merely there to replace gunners soon left their bunkers and opened fire with their personal weapons in a bid to increase the amount of firepower being thrown at the Runners. Hoping to drown them out with the sheer volume of slugs and bolts. Dariak double tapped his ripper carbine's trigger with the crude sights homed in on every piece of central mass he could fill his weapon's fore and rear sights. Dariak let his carbine hang on its sling as he took a fragmentation grenade from his webbing and pulled the pin, flinging the sphere into the advancing wave before letting out a defiant shout.


Summary of Actions]

Spare troops inside the bunkers have deployed to add their firepower against the Terror Runners. [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Terror Runners are the focus of every Protector under Dariak's command (Within their line of sight. I assume there are others around the other side)
Objective 2
Location: jungle
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Bestala Vizsla"]
Enemies: Primeval, [member="Bal'gul"] , [member="Lord Daemos"]
Gear: two lightsabers, a light foil, night ops armour, skinning knife, Sith power gauntlets,

The situation was bad. Muad Dib was crouched, arms outstretched from his body, as the attacks closed in on him. Five slashing lightsabers were coming from Bal'gul, one from left, right, above, and two in a straight lunge. Daemos attacked once again with his mind and a crossing slash of his two lightsabers in the form of an X.

Stuck between the two attackers most would surrender to their fates. But Muad was not that man.

His left hand went up, his skinning knife flying from his hand in an arc toward Bal'gul while his right thrust his lightsaber toward the stomach of Daemos, as most armour is weak there due to the need for articulation and mobility, in a hope of an imposing score.

The attack Daemos launched upon him in the force met the closed minded Mad knight of Mandalore. He had learned his lesson, especially against this opponent, and locked down his mind. Yet, even still, he felt the effects of the force maneuver as ripples in the water. Having protected himself from the initial impact he still ride the waves caused.

Just as Muad attacked he pressed his strikes until feeling the burn off the interlocked lightsabers in the shape of an X hit his upper right ride and two of the blades, from Bal'gul' s lunge, impaled his left calf and thigh.

So, reacting on instinct, Muad activated the gauntlets which fired the repulsors pushing both at his enemies and their weapons, and launching Muad backwards ten meters where he stumbled for a moment.
Location: Jungle
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: Prime
Objective: Beat Da Prime
Gear: x2 lightsabers, x2 beskad, x3 vibroknives, Beskar'gam

He creeped through the jungle, his senses heightened by the force stalking his prey much like a feline or other beast of prey. His eyes and his mind scanning for targets, he could feel them in the foliage but he had yet to find them. He had seen Strider fighting but the old salt had more then enough ability to defeat an opponent, especially with allies at his back. He sniffed the air and he began to slowly move trying to keep himself as silent and obscure as possible, the objective was to see them before they saw him. Oh what a task to silently stalk and to bring blood out and about.

The dark one beckoned for an opponent, he yearned for the thrill of blood.
Location: Wayland; Jungles
Objective: B
Allies: Mando's
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]
The Master's eyes widened at the sight of the thermal detonator. It was closing in on her fast and with the bullet also speeding towards her there was no way Ana could just bat this thing away. It seemed perhaps this wasn't his first battle with a force user. When she got home she would need to remember to tell her husband about this little trick.

As the detonator went off Ana did her best to shield herself once again in a Force bubble. Those things really did seem to come in handy a lot of the time. This defense however didn't shield her completely from the blast as she felt her helmet rattle a bit before she could hear a crack. It wasn't long before Ana could see said crack along her visor. The crack would be visible from the outside as well and pieces of the helmet beginning to fall off. The HUD screen was also cracked and as far as Ana could tell at the moment not working. Her skin on her face she could feel was warm perhaps burnt and cut but it wasn't much concerned about that currently.

The Master kept the bubble up as she took a few needed seconds to regroup herself before making her next attack. The bubble she using as kind of a timeout corner of the fight. She didn't need it but it was nice all the same.

As the little bubble began to go down her hands went to her helmet for a brief second to adjust whatever was left of it. She was going to need to fix it after this battle. Hopefully Orick had not somehow got himself entangled in the battle. As much as she knew he was capable of handling himself she hoped he kept safe.

Energy flowed to her hands creating fire balls which she would mold in her hands to a little ball before creating another. The process of creating five small little ones didn't take long and as soon as Ana was satisfied for the moment at least she tossed two directly at him and counted to three before tossing another pair at him. The last one was kept for the moment allowing it to grow a little bigger before being thrown at her foe.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Primeval [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Conner Load-out
Viccae Assault Rifle

As the witch and her coworker began to flex their force muscles by calling up fire and wind, Conner stood there unimpressed by them. When you literally went to hell little things like fire and wind really wasn't a huge deal to you. Conner didn't need a wacky space religion to fight for him, his religion was warfare, his baptism was combat, and his guns were the rhetoric that he spat at the enemy. So with his Beskad in hand Conner grabbed one of his pistols and withdrew it from it's holster, he stared at the both of them and tried to think about how to take care of them. Combined the Ysalamari would create a fifteen to twenty meter wide force bubble so long as they kept in close proximity of each other, but knowing how these folks liked to throw trees they would probably split up during the fight.

"Meg solus narir gar mirdir cuyir jatne o'r haav?" Conner said to his father followed by a small chuckle.

"Ner ku'r cuyir bat turjilyi'r, gar haa'taylir kaysh ka'kra'a ibac asalaramir" Conner said with another small laugh.

Conner turned back to his father and that deathly serious expression turned on his face beneath his helmet. It was time to bring the pain to these outsiders and bring them down a notch with good old fashion mandalorian iron.

Ni malyasa'yr slanar laam, gar ukoror diryc, nynir etid ti goore miak gebi ti kad. He said then turned back to the force users.

Activating his jump pack it sparked to life running low on fuel as he made one of his last jumps upward. Quickly placing his pistol back into the holster he grabbed his rifle on his back and began to fire the remaining clip of force dead blast beetles at the woman as he ascended into the air. With the combined force of winds and effectively shooting a rifle with one hand it caused the shots from the rifle to be off their mark by a decent amount. But that was the beauty of playing with horseshoes and hand grenades, you didn't have to be exact, just had to be close. So with ten blast bugs that could also correct their own flight path they began to close in on the woman in crab armor who was threatening to burn down the forest. Who cared if she did? Conner had seen hell and a burning forest would of been paradise compared to that place.
Objective C
Location: Inside Mount Tanis
Allies:[member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Enemies: :[member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="Verz Horak "] | [member="Briika Detta"]
Gear: Personal Armour | Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

As the motley crew was pondering over the hatch leading into the darkness, the explosions became greater and greater in their power, until they resulted in the ground on the mountain to rumble too. That's what happens when things go boom, Jun Nez thought to himself, but as that thought had passed he felt another rumble that increased in power over the next seconds until it was a full earthquake. Jun Nez just about managed to take a knee, before the quake was in full aspect. "It's an earthquake he said" as he saw the others feeling the quake too, this wasn't another episode. As the earthquake was stopping, the sniper began speaking to herself or a person on xir communications. It could be both. Just as he looked over at the sniper, his scanners picked something up, actually two things. The first was about five other people entering the mountain from the other site, the next was a energy spike near the heart of the mountain, it closely resembled that of a timed explosive. "You were right, we're not alone and furthermore, I think the earthquake set off something inside the mountain." he said in a now slightly concerned voice as he looked at the sniper. However the sniper disappeared into the mountain via the hatch it had opened, he wasn't sure if it heard. He looked at the two others, gave a nod and followed the sniper. It was dark, but he could still see due to his scanners and goggles. The sniper was sliding down the hatch, which appeared to be ladder-less. Jun Nez did the same, using his feet and hands to control his descend.

Objective: Objective B
Location: Place #2
Allies: The Primeval
Enemies: The Mandalorians, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The wind buffeted him like a hurricane, his already weary body being further tormented by the forces of nature. The cyclone brought with in roaring spouts of fire and charred wood, his cloak further burning away to nothing beneath his banded armor while the charred material crashed into his armor and smeared across the surface. He could smell his flesh burning underneath his armor, the pallid flesh becoming charred and burnt as the flames coated his body like a shroud of pure hate. Nerve endings were seared bare and smoke rose from his body in great puffs before being swept away with the rest of the current, and then come another great tidal wave of fire to bathe him in it's infuriating sting. The anger reached a crescendo within the Sith Lord, the pain and hatred overflowing the cauldron that churned within him, and polluting his body with blackness so profound the fire seemed to come from him rather than come at him.

He stretched out his hand and his will flung forth to batter against Siobhan, his mind extending past his mortal coil to strike out with righteous fury and the wrath of a tyrant. Mechu-Deru was his weapon, and he once again attacked the cybernetics implanted within the woman's body, an attack that was the polar opposite of the precise surgeon's strike that originally targeted her artificial elements and was more like he had taken a butcher's cleaver to a piece of meat with wild abandon and reckless hacking. All the while he would continually be thrown this way and that way by the terrible winds, constantly burned by the hateful flames, and his body bruised and battered to the point of many sections of his flesh not burned to turn a sickly fusion of black, blue, and green. He no longer cared whether his body was further harmed, his mind now singularly targeting Siobhan with his intense anger.

The titans were on the verge of destroying one another, and the whole forest with them.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], Primeval
Gear: 1x MKI bolter (lost gun, still got the ammo), 1x bolt pistol, 1x sonic shotgun, wrist-worn flamethrower, vibroknife, grenades, lightsabre (lost), beskar'gam

The forest was being consumed by the fires the two titans had brought to life. The smell of charred wood, burnt flesh and blood was in the air. Across the entire battlefield the flaming tornado raged and brought naught but destruction. It was a most beautiful sight to Siobhan. Through the Force she could feel how the Sith Lord suffered and his agony brought a tired smile to her blood-stained lips. She was giving her everything to control the maelstorm she had brought forth, to deliver pain and agony to him. Just a bit more...she was certain she could succeed. She felt the anger rise inside him like her crescendo and her own rage rose in response as she drew upon her power to intensify the winds as much as she could. He would fly and fall...very, very far and be roasted by the hellfire that was vaporising the forest.

That was the plan. The thing about plans was that they often went awry. Siobhan had exerted herself and used up tremendous amounts of energy. Both to defend herself against the relentless Sith Lord and unleash epic, beautiful destruction. Maintaining control over the massive, raging cyclone and keeping the flames from roasting her demanded their toll. This meant that she was unprepared for the Sith Lord's mechu-deru onslaught, though in retrospect maybe she should have expected it.

He had assaulted her with this power before, but then it had been like the slash of a surgeon. Now there was no finesse to it, rather it was the approach of a butcher - or a battering ram for that matter. Vornsrk struck with reckless abandon and massive brutality, ironically enough in the same way she utilised her gift of telekinesis. Suddenly painful agony surged through her body as her augmentations began malfunctioning, going haywire or burning. much pain. It was so strong that Siobhan could no longer control herself and she let out a blood-curdling scream of such force that it shook the very foundations of the earth as if had been struck by tremors.

Her bionic hand had already been malfunctioning before when the Sith Lord unleashed his might, but that assault had been far weaker. Electricity surged through her hand, burning through vital circuits and causing spasms of pain as it jumped over towards those parts of her that were organic. Artificial flesh was fried and the air was filled with the smell of burnt circuits, then abruptly her hand blew up! Her beskar gauntlet held, which was actually not that good because it contained plenty of burnt electronics and metal where her hand had once been. A bloody stump remained of her arm and more and more blood was seeping out.

The pain was enough to make her drop down to one knee and force her to the ground, but there was no respite from the pain, for powerful sparks of electricity surged through her leg, shaking her. Siobhan was not totally inexperienced when it came to mechu-deru. Once a long time ago, she had been infected with the technovirus and almost been turned into one of the cybernetic abominations. Moreover, Coryth had dealt with this power before and Siobhan knew what she knew. But there was no time to think. If she did not act fast she would be destroyed or left crippled. So in this instant Siobhan switched her bionics off. Every single one of them, which left her blind and crippled. For about a tenth of a second, temporarily denying the Sith Lord solid purchase. Or at least that was the logic. Then they were switched on again and electricity coursed through as she sought to fight fire with fire.

Aphotic energy writhed inside her, driven by her rage, and she sent a blast of telekinesis towards the Sith Lord, for she was seemingly heedless of the fact that if she did not get out quickly, the forest would become a funeral pyre. The blast would be like a massive explosion of power, a battering ram as she threw all her hatred, pain and rage back at him. He was already burning and being flung around by the tornado, but she did not care. Her mind was just focused on bombarding him with her intense rage. More driven by instinct and rage than actual calculation, a desire to inflict pain no matter what the cost.

However, these exertions left Siobhan, already half-blind, ignorant of the fact that by now the destruction in the forest had reached a point where she could no longer control it. For the flaming tornado still raged across the land and the fires spread, but they were no longer directed by her. This was what made Alter Environment and those powers derived from it so volatile. You could bring forth the whirlwind, but the thunder could easily strike you as well. Thus it was with her when she brought forth her kinetic explosion, the attack that made the winds completely spiral out of control. With her Force Senses so impaired by the damage she had suffered, the warning she felt in the Force came too late and so a tree, uprooted by the raging winds, came tumbling down towards her. No time to dodge, no time to go flying as she had so often done during the fight. Truth be told, she would not have the energy for sustained flight anymore at this juncture. Certainly not while wearing full beskar'gam. Half of the burning tree simply collapsed on top of her and she was knocked down to the ground with great force, bones snapping and breaking in the process.

The fire upon the charred wood leapt upon her heavily armoured form. Even the formidable beskar'gam had its vulnerabilities, especially after such an impact, and so where it found purchase, the fire demanded its tribute from her. Moreover, her visor had been cracked badly and now when she tried to breathe she coughed violently as smoke filled her lungs. On instinct she sought to call upon her power in an attempt to dissipate the raging heat that was trying to consume her.

But there was pain, so much pain. She bit down upon her tongue and, as her own blood coated her teeth, slammed into the tree with her telekinetic might, blowing it up. Charred wood was sprayed everywhere in the process. Sheer blunt force impact from the tree's collapse, coupled with Kaine's mechu-deru onslaught, made walking...difficult for her. Spitting out blood and coughing she crawled out and across the ground, trying to find her opponent. Before her was an image of hell, the carnage that both titans had wrought. If they did not leave the area fast, it would be a funeral pyre for both of them.
Objective: Defend the Base
Location: Fort Monroe; ~350 meters from Main Building, ~180 meters from Death Fence, ~50 meters from closest Bunker
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Zathra Fett"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Zambrano the Hutt"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"],

Gear: Olivia Dem'adas wore simple, light Beskar'gam.It was the standard for her clan's officers, naval crew, and operators. A simple Beskar armorweave was worked into a uniform, beskar and leather boots were applied to the feet, and thin plates of Beskar were added to key locations around the chest, arms, and legs. Over this, her dress uniform's jacket was worn. It was not the invulnerable class 8 armor that her vod wore into battle, but it was all she needed. She was armed with a Tenloss Model 9-type 11 sidearm and a beskad saber on either side of her waste.
Vehicle: Myrkava-C
NPC Template
Unit: Clan Dem'adas Marine Company, Myrkava Tanks
Strength: 250 Marines, 15 tanks
Objective: Defending Fort Monroe
Location: 110 Marines are defending main vehicle bay, all others loaded into Tanks and deployed along roads roughly in-line with bunkers
Controller: Olivia Dem'adas

Olivia quickly tapped at the controls in front of her. "Slave all weapons to the Droid Processors and stand by for my orders." Olivia said as she worked at the controls. The sound of metal on metal echoed over her head as her tank took fire. Three shots hit her own tank, a handful more hit the other two at her position. She tried to ignore it for the moment, focusing instead on the task her people needed her to perform. Video and sensor feed from over a dozen sources filled her command station with data on enemy positions and strength. Tapping at the controls, she highlighted the enemy tanks first, then the clusters of infantry that she could see. Everything from the treeline to the bunkers, she highlighted the densest population of hostile infantry as well as the closest vehicles as priority targets. Next, she activated the droid processor of her vehicle and asked it to come up with a firing solution. Each vehicle firing from right to left, as quickly as each vehicle was capable of, at each of the targets she selected. The droid processor already knew what 5 HE and 5 HE-Frag warheads could do to light vehicles and infantry. With 15 tanks opening fire, that would be, theoretically, 150 shots in the span of 50 seconds. It took the droid 12 seconds before a pattern of fire was displayed on the screen in front of her.

"Uploading fire-control data now." Olivia said as she pressed a button. 15 green confirmation signals lit up one of her display screens within 3 seconds of her pressing the button. "Engage." She ordered.


She could feel as the turret of her own vehicle spun rapidly, traversing to the right at its maximum speed. One of the display screens showed her the view from her own vehicle's gun-sights as it zeroed in on one of the enemy APC's. A resounding boom echoed through the tank as the main cannon fired. The tank's turret swiveled slightly to the left, another vehicle only a few feet from the last filled the scope, a slow whurr sounded as the shell revolver rotated to the next round. 5 seconds. The weapon fired again and the same echo pulsed through the vehicle. The turret rotated again, this time to an infantry cluster. A slow whurr sounded, the revolver taking slightly longer to switch from an HE round to an HE-Frag round. 8 seconds from the last firing of the weapon, another boom echoed through the hull of the tank. <Three shots in 12 seconds.> Olivia thought to herself, a fourth round firing into another cluster of infantry before she could finish the thought. Her view shifted to that of an armored vehicle on one of the five roads that connected the treeline to the base. An HE round fired at the first of the vehicles. 5 seconds later and barely a shift in the turret's position, a second HE round fired into the next vehicle on the road. 7 seconds after that, an HE-Frag round was fired at the space between vehicles to land among the infantry that followed behind the vehicles. Her view shifted closer to the treeline, behind the front waves of infantry and vehicles, settling onto a unit of infantry in what appeared to be Yuuzhan Vong Crab armor. 8 seconds after the last echo, another shot rang out inside the Myrkava. Each echo of a barely controlled explosion sending pulse-waves through Olivia's body as the air pressure inside the vehicle was changed slightly by the firing of the cannon. 5 seconds and the turret barely moved, switching to the other side of the cluster of Crab Armor wearing infantry. Another HE-Frag round was launched at the unit of infantry before the turret swung around to its tenth and final target. Another of the Primeval's APC's filled the targeting scope of her tank. 8 seconds after the last round had fired, an HE round was lobbed at the vehicle.


It took 62 seconds from the first shot to the last for the Command tank to finish firing. A glance at the other screens showed that other tanks were still firing. 72 seconds from the first shot until the last of the volley had finished. <150 rounds down-range in 72 seconds.> Olivia thought to herself. It was 22 seconds longer than had been advertised, but that was 22 seconds of shifting between shots in the revolver and traversing left to find new targets. For now, Olivia was satisfied with the performance. An audible click from the front of the vehicle let Olivia know that the gunner had assumed control of the main turret once again. From the sounds that were comming from the front of the vehicle, the loader and commander were both at work reloading the vehicle's main weapon. "HEAT, HESH, and AP rounds." Olivia called out. There was a slight pause from the front of the vehicle before the crew continued. Whatever they had already loaded, they chose to leave in the revolver as they loaded the rest of the rounds. A shifting sound told Olivia that the driver had abandoned her seat to help the commander and loader do their job faster. In any other situation, Olivia would have scolded such actions. But her tanks would not be moving anytime soon.

As the crew went about re-loading the tank's main weapon, the gunner set about laying into whatever hostile infantry she could find with the 20mm Autocannon that sat coaxial to the 140mm cannon that had just unleashed its fury upon the Primeval line. As for Olivia herself, she was busy searching through display screens as she tried to get an accounting of the Primeval's fighting strength after her assault. Her squadron had taking a light burst of fire from one of the squadrons of enemy light vehicles. One of the vehicles was showing a broken .52 Caliber rifle. Otherwise, they appeared to be fine.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: B, Jungles
Allies: Primeval, [member="Laguz Vald"] (On Communicator)
Enemies: [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Gear: Signature


They could make fire?

He should have sworn, cursed, thrown something at the woman, but for a second Kiran was simply flabbergasted by the fact that this woman had summoned fire out of thin air. He had never known Sith, Jedi, or whatever this woman was could do that.

Unfortunately for him, his moment of being stunned in awe did not do well for him. The first fireball shot straight into his chest, biting into his armor and searing away the duraplast in a single painful strike. Kiran let out a roar of pain as heat coursed through his chest, barely absorbed by the armorweave. He stumbled, back, trying to catch himself only for the second fireball to strike him in the shoulder.

It burned and hissed, his armor singing and turning into near charcoal, razing across his skin and burning him.

“KARK!” He screamed, this time jumping to the side. Pain lanced through him, but the last two fireballs missed him completely. With a yelp of pain Kiran struggled to his knees, his hands reaching behind him, freeing another powerpack and slamming it into his pistol.

The blaster raised, and he fire three quick shots directly towards the womans last fireball, hoping to set it off before it could be thrown.
Objective: B - 2 - PvP
Location: Jungle
Primeval, [member="Lord Daemos"]
Enemies: Mandalorians
Primary Targets: [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bestala Vizsla"]

x1 Hoversled, x8 lightsabers

Several of Bal'gul's eyes blinked. A touch, a veritable touch! But alas, only two of the blades had struck. Not all five. In fact, Bal'gul wasn't quite sure how the other three had been blocked, but no matter. The nimrod had been pierced through thigh and calf. He was certainly hobbled, if not absolutely crippled.

The fellow then did perhaps the most unintentionally heroic thing. He activated repulser gauntlets and blasted himself backward, while at the same time managing to hit Bal'gul with a palm shockwave. Odd, it eerily resembled that of some holovid theatric featuring an arrogant philanthropist in a metal suit. No matter. Bal'gul tumbled backward, flopping end over end. He landed in the midst of dense foliage. Some sort of bush. One eye was staring at the shrubbery, attempting to discern its genus, when suddenly the loricated trollop's tossed hand grenade exploded.

Of course, Bal'gul, having eight eyes, had already seen the grenade land before he'd gotten blasted. Albeit mostly due to the cursory warning shouted by yonder war monger. He had been trying to deduce a masterful way to extricate himself that wouldn't end in bits and pieces of Iyra everywhere, when the shockwave had hit him quite serendipitously and hurled him backward.

Not being an energetic creature by nature, especially not when stranded on land, Bal'gul decided to remain stuck in the bush's leaves, however prickly they might be. The grenade exploded, hurtling shrapnel about. Bal'gul spun four emerald blades before him in a semblance of Form III, his preferred - and really his only - form. Any shrapnel that reached his blades never reached him. The advantage of being equipped with eight arms. The downside, of course, was that now he would have to find a way to get from here all the way over there. That idea sounded horrendous. Mmph. He still had shrapnel stuck in a tentacle from the last explosion.

"What a drag," Bal'gul bubbled wetly as he tried to locamote his way back into the fray. Thankfully the nimrod wouldn't be very fast either, what with his left leg being out of commission and all. Hopefully Bal'gul's allied bumpkin would take the presence of mind to engage the more mobile of the foes and leave the nimrod to Bal'gul. No doubt their snail-like charge and subsequent collision would become a thing of legend.
Objective: A - Destroy the generator
Location: Moving in on the Nandos
Allies: The Primeval | @[member=Anja Aj'Rou] @[member=Keira Ticon] @[member=Boo Chiyo] @[member=The Dark Man] @[member=Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou] @[member=Zambrano the Hutt]
Enemies: The Mandalorians | @[member=Olivia Dem'adas] @[member=Draco Vereen] @[member=Arrbi Betna] [member="Anyone Else"] at A
Gear: LL-Interchangeable Weapons System |
Advanced Agent Tactical Armour | BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol | 4 EMP Grenades | Vibroblade

NPC Unit: Primeval Golden Banner 5th
Unit:Primeval Golden Banner 5th
Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFVs
Objective: The Siege of Fort Monroe
Location: Shortly in front of the minefield
Controller: Mard Szaks

So far, so expected. Mard fell into a kind of trance as he jogged along the road to the apparently downed gate, thinking about their chances of survival. They had already lost around a quarter of their troops, and had made it only about a third of the way to the gate. This was too much to be acceptable in the long run. Or in the short run, for that matter - but the plan was the plan. Maybe now was the moment to change it?

As these thoughts ran through the hulking soldier's head, a few other things began beside it. As his instinct dictated, he ducked. And not a moment too soon - when the MIFV next to him exploded, a piece of debris that would have otherwise left a sizeable hole in his chest instead decapitated one trooper next to him, spraying blood on the vehicle on the other side. A somewhat fierce pattern; maybe they should paint their units similarly in the future? He would present the idea to command if... no, once they were done with their objective. He didn't plan to stay on this planet yet. Maybe retire later on. Have some cigars imported from somewhere, piss on some Mandalorian graves and so on... But this wasn't the time for those thoughts.

As two more MIFVs exploded it was obvious that the COILs were overwhelmed with the amount of targets. What also became clear was that they had to reduce the amount of hits they took. Mard had taken some scratches and bruises from when a fragmentation shell had landed nearby, and, as he was hopping over the shredded remains of the soldiers closest to the blast, commanded: "Kriff, fire smoke at the tank line. Both launchers." As he gave the command, an eerie calm settled over his mind, and he internally counted to three after the rockets had launched. "Poodoo, Napalm. Two launchers sweep across the whole line, one concentrates on one tank." Another three seconds passed, too slowly for his liking. "Frek, all your smoke, I want those Mandos to choke." Four more launchers fired, and that was the last of their rockets. Good. One less factor to worry about. Always see the positive in a situation.

If his idea worked, the first two salvoes of rockets would be shot down by the anti-air defence the tanks had. Exploding into smoke, they would cover the approach of the salvo of napalm, which would hopefully make them take their shirts off inside at the least. Shirtless Mandos were fun to stab, as he had experienced in a night raid on his home planet. Then, the remaining smoke should cover the tanks wholly, giving them a very hard time targeting anything. He hoped he could get to the commander. Ripping his or her throat out would be a pleasure.

11 MIFVs, no more rockets.
74 Soldiers
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mount Tantiss Ruin
Objective: #3 - Maze Run
Allies: @Nandiach_Ankah | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | @A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | @Ebenezer | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: Listed in bio

Signatures on Bree's HUD started to come to life as the group moved through the shield to just inside the mine area. Now Briika knew what had Anija all concerned. There was a Prim party on the other side opposite of their position. The hairs on the back of her neck raised at the thought of them. She'd be a fool not to be afraid of them, but it was more that the Mando'ad just didn't care for their kind period.

The loud booms and the corresponding shakes from the battle going on at the fort were very evident by now, but then the shaking became different. Now it wasn't in sync with the barrage of military artillery. The earth began moving more violently by the second.


The blonde baar'ur grabbed onto Graad's arm to steady herself as she began to fall backwards, then was forcefully sent forward slamming unceremoniously into the rugged Concordian. Good thing the ver'verd had a cod piece in place otherwise Bree would have gotten him good where it counts.

With debris raining down on them from above, the only thing to do was go down the rabbit hole so to speak. Briika didn't wait to be told, she made for the hatch and grabbed onto the ladder's side rails, then slid down into the darkness. When her booted feet hit pay dirt, she activated the spotlight on her buy'ce and brought her "Kath Hound" up to ready doing a quick scan of the area.

< "Utrel'a!" >
Objective : Maze runner
Location: mining platform mount tantiss ruins
allies: Nandiach_Ankah |Graad Hokan |Verz Horak |Anija Ordo |Chaos Maxtor |A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: Laguz Vald |Ebenezer |Jun Nez |Token Waters
Gear: left hand: beskar plated vibrosword. Right hand: beskar plated vibroknife . Holstered weapons: two basic blaster pistols. Armour: lightweight beskar'gam with reinforced gauntlets for hand to hand combat.

Zhaerack joined the squad that Anija assembled for this mission and followed them as they were just getting ready to head inside the mine. As this was Zhaeracks first real mission he was concentrating on the mission ahead and following his fellow mandos word by word and step by step. For him this was his chance to show he is reliable and would happily die protecting his brothers and sisters.

Zhaerack moved toward Anija right as she gives the signal to stop and be quiet. At first Zhaerack didn't know why Anija gave that signal but it didn't take that long to figure it out as he saw Anija glance over to a primeval group that seem to be heading into the mines also. They were around 400 meters away. Zhaerack pointed his gun towards the group, waiting for Anija to give the order to fire on them but instead Anija voted against battling them now. Zhaerack wasn't sure why but he wouldn't question Anija's orders.

All of a sudden , an earthquake happened mainly due to all the artillery be used in the other battles against primeval. As Zhaerack fell face first into the dirt he heard the the hatch that was in front of Anija open. A few moments later he saw Briika slide down the ladder that was in the hatch and Zhaerack quickly got up and walked over to the hatch and grabbed onto the ladder. He slid Down the ladder and waited at the bottom for the rest of the group to come down. While he was waiting he saw Briika's spotlight and knew she was alive.

While waiting he done a quick gear check and he seemed to have dropped his vibroknofe when he fell into the dirt. Zhaerack was furious that he let this happen but kept his composure so he didn't embarrass himself in front of the other mandos.

Cordelia deWinter

Objective: Boom Boom Napalm The Mando Site
Location: Objective A
Allies: Primeval @anja aj’rou [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="The Dark Man"] @ue-’ku… sorry dude your name is too freaking long.
Enemies: Mandalorians at Objective A @Olivia Dem’adas [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Zathra Fett"]

A unit of The Golden Banner 5th
Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFV’s
Objective: That Mando site in Objective A
Location: Objective A
Controller: Me

New orders were relayed down to the forces; coordinates. Another sigh, another rap of fingers. Why was she bothering to do this again? While considering her current state of affairs, the Golden Banner 5th would start to move up the road to the base. Napalm and smoke rounds were shot at the flanks as a heat shield and to make a line of deadly fire in the hopes that the sticky lingering flames would ensure none would cross the line.

Once the Mythosaur would come into view, orders were simple. But that will have to wait until they were within line of sight.

Meanwhile, Cordelia would close her eyes. Falling deep into the Force, the woman would sink into the mysticism gleaned from her mother. She would simply start to concentrate and focus for the upcoming objective, needing her strength, energy, and a lay of the land to see who and were the enemy was.

Mental Translocation; an ability where she was able to move out of her body to scout within the realm of the Force beyond mere physical restraints.

Her brethren would be required to ensure her safety while she did so.
Location: Outside the Main Base
Objective: A (kinda)
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Primeval [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Cordelia deWinter"] (is filler post)

The continuous barrage from the mighty vehicles were drawing attention. The great metal beast shuddered under the force of its own firepower. The massive shells continued being launched every couple of seconds, detonating in the distance. The Laser Cannons and Heavy Laser cannons rumbled with power, dealing death in mass no doubt slaying the enemy in swaths. I had grown bored with the slaughter of meaningless troops. There would be more. There was always more. My mind had began to wander again. Back to thoughts of her. Her touch, her voice. The shudder of the big guns momentarily snapping me back to reality. I walked back to the vehicle complement and patted the large war droid there. Netra was my only companion now. He was all I had left. The Fire control officers no longer needed direction. "Grind them to dust and leave nothing but burning corpses" had been plenty. I needed to be alone with my thoughts, and right now only my memories gave me comfort. The continuous bombardment with leave few alive, if any. And soon there wouldn't be any enemies for me to come to grips with anyway.

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