Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magnificent Probably More than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Mandalorian Wayland]

Objective: A
Location: Fort Monroe>Bunkers
Allies: Azrael Olivia Dem'adas Anija Ordo Draco Vereen Vilaz Munin Zathra Fett @Arrbi Betna
Enemies: Anja Aj'Rou, Boo Chiyo Zambrano the Hutt The Dark Man Keira Ticon Mard Szaks
Gear: Gear: Mandalorian Ripper Long Rifle, microdite tipped slugs | Mandalorian Ripper carbine, solid slugs | Beskad | Kal | 4x frag grenades, 4x white phosphorus grenades, x2 fragmentation mines

Unit: Mandalorian Protector Infantry
Strength: ~200-400 Mandalorians plus support/command elements (supply trains, logistical support, HQ staff, etc.)
Objective: A
Location: Fort Monroe - Bunkers
Controller: Dariak Talesa

Dariak was unsatisfied with taking pot shots at enemy infantry so far away that their deaths would merely be absorbed by their living, advancing comrades. It wasn't enough to kill. They had to know who took their life. With a growl he slung his long rifle across his back and secured his helmet over his head. With his carbine firmly in had he moved within the Fort to make his way through the complex and took as many turns as it required to finally exit the building and climbed into the saddle of a nearby speeder bike. He hoped no one would need it as he kicked it into gear and brought it to bear along the road that pointed towards one of the closer forcefield gates.

Air deafened Dariak as he huffed inside of his helmet. Dariak's equipment was weighty and only served to draw out laboured breaths as he revved the speeder towards the his destination. He was eager to see if he could help the battle in favour of his kin. Yet he had no impression that he alone would turn the tide of the battle. Many saber-wolves down a rancor after all. Once he reached the gate he swung his leg over the side and slid away from the vehicle before he started to climb the guard tower which the occupants helped him up by pulling at his webbing when he was close enough. After his awkward scaling he nodded to them in thanks before the thundered towards a nearby bunker.

Another Mandalorian lowered a rope ladder for Dariak who in turn eyed it cautiously. With sagged shoulders and a sigh he clambered down the rope until his feet found solid ground and dashed towards a bunker as far as his armoured form would carry him.

Dariak almost fell into the bunker at the entrance causing a few of the Protectors there to look behind them and note the panting warrior at the door. "Don't mind me lads. Just look tae yer front aye?" he said with a wheezing chuckle before he chimed onto his comms. "This is Talesa to all callsigns at the bunkers were them Protectors are at. Ye got anywhere specific ye want them to turn their heavies on?"
Objective: A

Location: CHARGE THE FORT!!!!!!!!!!!
Allies: Primeval, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Gear: Hover Throne, Dalek Hands, Vaapad Familiar, The Awe and Fear of the Meek and Vulnerable

Unit: Zambrano Terror Runners; A unit full of criminals, captives, and other slaves with the most basic armor, and dysfunctional vibroblades, each one rigged to run away from their Warlord Zambrano the Hutt into enemy lines no matter their level of exhaustion... and explode.

Strength: 150
Objective: A
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt

And thus came down, the most holiest of commands: charge! No time was wasted for mobilization, and despite the unrefined nature of the rabble under his command - influence, rather - they knew how to do one things very well, and that was running no matter the obstacle. The means for which they are controlled? Their Warlord knew only one thing well, chase with extreme unmitigated malice and violence. Simultaneously, all of the cages containing the dozens upon dozens of slave groups opened just as the Warlord let out a roar most unholy into the night with his hands stretched out into the sky as they separated into tendril clusters, revealing the growing bones beneath. His eyes turned a fiery ruby not only due to his mood change, but because his mind was now at work. It clawed its way through the psyche of any weak mind that looked upon them, instilling them with such revulsions, disgust, and dread, every instinct of theirs would tell them to run, run for their lives, run like they have never run before.

Each slave became their namesake: Terror Runners. Not a soul within them was left unfrightened beyond belief, and they knew only one response to this situation. Sprint, sprint like hell, and whatever they do, never falter. As the Hover Throne revved forward, bolting towards the nearest slave, he unleashed his personal familiar loyal to the end to him since Sarapin, the young Juyo Lovey! :D. It was a blur among the crowds, and zipped through the ranks, nipping at their heels, tackling them, following the will of its master to herd these helpless sheep to their final destination.

The stampede of human livestock exploded onto the seen, racing past Perla's Prisoners, and making haste directly towards the base without any strategic mission in mind. Missions and strategies worked best when you wanted to break the enemy's wits and crush his forces, the explosive bum rush with more or less innocent people (innocent in the sense, that no living sentient being should have to endure what they are forced to endure with, and does have an equal population of woman, and smaller population of children), had no intention of breaking the mind with wits... it was going to break their moral through disbelief. This was a brutality on a whole other scale few people have ever truly witnessed.

Sure there could be men out there who slaughter woman and children on mass scales for no other reason than they can... but it took a truly rare breed to take them alive, strap them with bombs, and force them to run against their will into enemy lines.

Zambrano's were a breed like no other.
Objective: Aesh, Assault base, bring down shield, hail hydra...wait, wrong shield...
Location: Dropship -> Wayland Forest about 1.5K from the base
Allies: Primeval, [member="anja aj'rou"], [member="boo chiyo"], [member="keira ticon"]
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="draco vereen"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Gear: Fuegranna, Armor, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Revolver

Unit: Gulandi Warriors
Strength: 150
Objective: Following Taryc's Orders on behalf of Anja Aj'Rou, assaulting base/shield generator
Location: With Taryc
Controller: Taryc Ap'Irae

Taryc watched on her helmet's HUD as details of the investment of the Mandalorian base came in on a streaming feed. The first wave of the invasion had successfully taken the attention of the bases defenders, as well they should have. Taryc and her unit of death worshiping Gulandi Warriors were ensconced on a drop ship, being deployed to the ground to reinforce the investment of the base. The dropship shot straight down into the atmosphere, dodging errant bolts of energy being fired up toward them from emplacements on the ground. When the dropship neared the treetops, it leveled out and flew swift as a falcon to a clearing that had been designated as LZ Besh. The dropship wasn't going to stop there, however.

"JUMP!" Taryc yelled as she leapt from the open dropship. Air thudded into her Beskar armor as she exited the vehicle. The imparted momentum of the vehicle took Taryc and her warriors the rest of the way into the clearing. Her warriors arrested their free-fall and landed with the aid of some single use rocket packs, dropping into the clearing swiftly, then vanishing into the treeline towards the base. Taryc came down with the aid of the force, landing at a run as she snaked into the woods herself. After a few meters in, the Gulandi were found, disposing of the rocket packs and unlimbering weapons.

For the first part of this mission, they would be providing security for Taryc to employ sniper tactics on the enemy, and as such, thirty-five of the warriors brought disruptor rifles to bear, forty brought chitin carbines to bear. The remaining seventy-five warriors broke out their amphistaves. The melee warriors provided the outer ring of defense as they moved forward, the ranged filling in the pocket with Taryc at their center. They moved swiftly and silently through the woods until they were around twelve hundred meters from the base. The warriors took defensive positions, still well within the trees (the treeline is about two hundred meters away), and Taryc climbed up the tree. She took her time and made sure that she went up smoothly. When she got to the upper branches, she got a view of the base, finally. She was approximately fifteen degrees of the compass away from the line that the other Primeval forces were on. She unlimbered her sniper rifle and settled into a nook in the branch she was on, letting it support her weight. She settled the rifle into her shoulder, steadying the barrel grip in her left hand. She sighted down the barrel at a mandalorian that seemed to be giving orders. She used the force to steady herself in the branch, caressed the trigger, and sent a fifty caliber, armor piercing round down range. The Force kept her still in the branches as she shifted to a young 'Vod' in an anti-infantry turret and fired again. She transitioned targets a third time, the training ingrained into her since childhood letting the shifting from target to target be smooth and quick. She saw a mandalorian getting onto a tank, and fired a round at that one as well.

When she was done with those three shots, she let herself slip from the branch, using the force to guide her steps down to the bottom layer of branches, then down to the ground. As one, Taryc and the warriors with her moved in an arc towards the line where Anja's other troops were, maintaining the twelve hundred meter range as best they could as they did.

Summary of Actions
1) Arrive with NPC force
2) Climb tree
3) Take 3 shots at random Mandalorians, I did not specify anyone this time, though any PC is welcome to take the hits :) . I figure at worst, I shot at 3 NPCs.
4) Drop to the ground and relocate, likely relocating while a response is being fired in the general direction of the tree Taryc was in.
Objective: Defend the Base
Location: Fort Monroe; ~350 meters from Main Building, ~180 meters from Death Fence, ~50 meters from closest Bunker
Allies: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Zathra Fett"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Zambrano the Hutt"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"],

Gear: Olivia Dem'adas wore simple, light Beskar'gam.It was the standard for her clan's officers, naval crew, and operators. A simple Beskar armorweave was worked into a uniform, beskar and leather boots were applied to the feet, and thin plates of Beskar were added to key locations around the chest, arms, and legs. Over this, her dress uniform's jacket was worn. It was not the invulnerable class 8 armor that her vod wore into battle, but it was all she needed. She was armed with a Tenloss Model 9-type 11 sidearm and a beskad saber on either side of her waste.
Vehicle: Myrkava-C
NPC Template
Unit: Clan Dem'adas Marine Company, Myrkava Tanks
Strength: 250 Marines, 15 tanks
Objective: Defending Fort Monroe
Location: 110 Marines are defending main vehicle bay, all others loaded into Tanks and deployed along roads roughly in-line with bunkers
Controller: Olivia Dem'adas

Rockets soared overhead, mass-drivers continued to bark out at the forcefield gate behind her, and, of all things, the Primeval launched an infantry assault on a minefield.

For a moment. Just a moment. Olivia wished she had some popcorn.

"All units, suppressing fire with autocannons and support weaponry. Loaders and Commanders, empty revolvers and re-load with HE and HE-Frag ammunition." Olivia said over the company wide channel. "Be prepared for Mad Minute maneuver."

A series of acknowledgement icons lit up her display while the roar of automatic weapons filled here ears. 20mm Autocannons barked out four-round bursts of energy enveloped, ironically charged projectiles at the wall of infantry and light vehicles that approached from the treeline. .52 Caliber and .32 Caliber Automated weapons barked out their own streams of energy enveloped projectiles into the throng of approaching infantry with all the accuracy afforded to them by the droid processor that had been installed on each vehicle. The occasional bark of a 40mm grenade launcher stood out among the rest of the weaponry as the weapon launched large HE and Gas Grenades into clusters of Primeval Infantry. The grenade launcher was being used sparingly. It was capable of emptying its entire 200-round drum in as little as 60 seconds. The rest of the weapons had plenty of ammunition to spare. The .52 Caliber Automated Weapons spat out their energy enveloped projectiles at a rate of 480 rounds a minute, sweeping back and forth over the wave of approaching infantry. Each .32 Caliber Weapon did the same at a rate of 720 rounds a minute, sweeping back and forth across the wave of approaching infantry.

Olivia watched it all from the commander's station. Glancing at each screen in turn, she could see that each of the 15 vehicles at her command were opening fire on the enemy. Instead of clustering in one spot and forcing their way through the minefield or down a road, they had spread out over a wide area of treeline and were just now making their assault on the fortress.

Mard Szaks said:
The missiles launched by the other wing of their assault had been mostly countered, with only a few reaching their destination, and the rest filling the sky between them, and a long stretch of the minefield below, with fiery hell. After focusing on the first salvo, any anti-air guns would not have the time to refocus on the second, twice as big, and fired merely moments later from the other side of the wide spread attack force. Thus, only a few of them were taken out, and the rest - about 70% of the salvo - reached their target inside the hangar bay.

As they pushed onward, a sudden hopeful message came through the commlink: "The gate! It's down!" Their attack must have hit something vital. "Good. Let's keep it that way. All units, concentrate fire on that gate." He considered an action for a short while. Then he switched to the internal channel of his vehicle. "Fire the launcher. Get those high explosive rockets in there." A heartbeat later, the hissing sound he heard earlier came through much louder, from directly outside the MIFV. Then, their sensors told them the missiles exploded. "All right! Move up to the minefield, then we wait for the infantry."

The tactic had left them spread out over an area that was nearly 2,000 meters wide and allowed each of her vehicles the opportunity to fire at the hostile forces without risk of friendly fire. Olivia watched as 20mm Autocannons from 15 separate vehicles focused their attention on dense pockets of infantry or on the tracks of the approaching vehicles.

Olivia listened to the dull thump of each weapon firing as she watched the video feed that scrolled from dozens of screens. All the while, she listened to the tank commander and loader as the unloaded five sabot rounds and replaced them with six new rounds of High Explosive and HE-Fragmentation rounds. It took them 32 seconds to unload the initial ammunition and 35 seconds to reload the new rounds. It should have only taken the two of them 25 and 30 seconds. Olivia would have to drill them harder on that particular maneuver. That, or teach the driver to help.

"Main cannon ready." Called out the commander of Olivia's tank.

"All Squadrons report ready to fire, mam." Called out Olivia's sensor tech.

<Good.> Olivia thought as a grin spread across her face. "All units, take aim. Mad minute on my mark..."

After over a minute of hellish fire, the weapons of the 15 Myrkava tanks silenced themselves and a moment of calm descended on the onrushing infantry and vehicles. For those who could see such details from half a mile away, 15 140mm barrels tracked their targets.


Summary of Actions

15x Tanks
Unloading 5 rounds of Sabot, re-loading with 6 HE and HE-Frag rounds.
Firing 20mm Autocannons, at vehicle tracks and clusters of infantry.
Firing 40mm Grenade Launchers at pockets of infantry.
Spraying all visible infantry with .52 Caliber and .32 Caliber automatic weapons.

15x Tanks taking aim and preparing for next order.
Objective: A
Enemies: [member="Mard Szaks"]

Miraculously the first Artillery shells didn't do anything. They would this time. "Open all guns Into those apc's." I ordered the fire control officer. Four Redeemer Main battle tanks began firing MHAT Baradium rounds set for point delay to maximize their effectiveness against vehicles and those inside. Traveling at 3km/s they would arrive in the blink of an eye. Each of the tanks Autocannons began unloading high explosive rounds into the vehicles as well, hoping to catch a few more of the vehicles. The fullisade of firepower was constant, continuous and powerful. Weapons meant for use against fellow Main Battle Tanks were being unleashed here, and these were small Armored Personnel Carriers.

As the other nail in the coffin the mighty Mythosaur unleashed it's full complement of weapons into the apc's. Two dual heavy laser cannons, like one would find on an AAT began firing in tandem, a continuous bombardment of ammunition. The two quad laser cannons, like would be seen on a light freighter, opened up into them as well, much quicker than the heavy laser cannons. Then the main gun, set for point detonation MHAT Baradium rounds fired to leave devastating craters in the enemy formation. At this distance the artillery shells would arrive in a fraction of a second. Finally, it's own Autocannon fired into the vehicles With high explosive rounds. The wrath of a metal beast such as this was meant for siege, for drawing attention, its weapons could make a mockery of enemy vehicles, and it outsized an AT-AT by four times, and was many more times their size in mass and weaponry. Such was the fury of Mandalore. I would not be kept wanting.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandolorians [member="Conner Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Gear: Link is in my sig for the rest of my gear. Just to clarify though my jetpack has been replaced with ysalamiri nutrient frame

Strider could hear and feel the ground crumble below him, which could only be the force wizards showing off their magical gardening skills. The old man would tried to scramble clear of the falling earth but his injured leg was making such evasion impossible. That was when his son came to a father's rescue in a badass jetpack snatch n go. The combined weight of both Garons and armor overloaded the personal propulsion device beyond its capabilities forcing them to ground hard a short distance away. Conner sprung to his feet in a expert combat roll filled with youthful vigor. Strider on the other hand stumbled and staggered to his feet, favoring his damaged left (bionic) leg. Once he had his senses together, he rose his EE-3 carbine up to the ready, waiting for further attack and jungle rape.

The Forest was much thinner than Garon would have preferred for a stealthy approach, scattered molested trees and low, scraggly undergrowth complete with sink hole was starting to make this battle field a ecological disaster. But he knew better than to put off by the less than optimal. The Primes were going down and Strider was going to see to it that starting with these two force wielders. He was getting pissed, for the two would rather stay at a distance and bombard them with sky falling trees, boulders and other forms of trickery, instead of a straight up scrap. The old man would spit on the ground with disgust but his helmet prevented him from displaying such behavior.

With a few blinks of an eye Strider would llink up with his son's HUD's targeting data and quickly transferred said data to his own HUD and more specifically the where about the Rancor Rider was hiding. "Alright Son! Lets kill these aruetiise and send them to which ever god they worship!" The old man snarled with venom deep in his resonating voice. Strider would take up firing position on Perla, his EE-3 carbine's scope zeroed in on her with the aid of his son's data he would open fire sending a volley of blaster bolts towards her location.
Location: Wayland; Jungles
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Jhaega Fellwinter"]
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]
Just as the dance had begun she was joined by another Mandalorian. She had gotten used to most of them being crazy. Battle did that to a person. One whom she was not familiar with but Ana had many brothers and sisters so it would be impossible to know them all. The Pink Mando was always happy for the help and that it was friendly fire at this. Her husband was busy with a job otherwise she would have been with him so working with someone was something Ana was used to. The young woman was sure by now Orick had heard what was going on here and Ana could only hope he didn't come rushing back. This was just a little pest control, they would all be able to go back to their regularly scheduled programs soon enough.

As her Mando quick literally charged at him Ana backed up if only not to get taken out herself. She wasn't even going to try to deceiver what poetry he was saying just be happy he was with her. Ana's saber went to face as she watched him pull out his blaster and aim it towards her and the other thingy at him. Going to deflect it, the blast hit the side of her saber causing Ana to lose grip of it and it fly off somewhere into the forest while the blast smacked her in the side of the head causing her to see stars for a few seconds.

Ana had thought she had a good grip on her weapon but apparently not which was no worry she was better with a blaster anyway. Regaining her composer she spun back to her opponent and placed her now empty hands in front of her she sent a flash of energy from them in hopes of blinding to her friend a chance at mauling him. This was an ability that she had learned from the Silvers called Force Blinding.
Objective: A - Destroy the shield generator
Location: On the approach to Fort Monroe
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"]
Enemies: [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"]
Gear: Ghost Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Vibroknucklers, Lightsaber, Primeval Light Armor

Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFVs
Objective: The Seige of Fort Monroe
Location: Primeval landing zone, outside Fort Monroe
Controller: Bannerman Mesoth [NPC]

"Bravo sq ... get secon ... dred meters."

Leaning forward in the crouched position that he had maintained atop the vehicle, the boy raised a hand up to the side of his helmet. The COIL drivers of the vehicles behind him had been focused on anti-missile defense, but the EMP rounds which had detonated overhead caused the commlink to go in and out. The HUD within the transparisteel view of his enclosed helmet flickering from the magnetic distortion.

The sound of blaster and chemical propellant rounds was a faint undertone to the thunder of explosions overhead, as the boy watched as a soldier nearby was felled by a shot of some kind. Leaning into the crouch position, the child-soldier brought his rifle up to the mask. Through the narrow lens of the scope, the Pantoran surveyed ahead, further afield of the gateway to a row of bunkers. The landscape and sky dipped and blurred with the pitch and yaw of the vehicle as it rode forward. Through the dizzying motion, the flash of a muzzle -- to indistinct to read if it were blaster or a slug of some kind -- caught his eye.

Bringing his left arm back toward him, the boy spoke into the link. "Small arms fire from the bun..."

A sudden force flung him backward. He was aware of a metallic sound, before a crack split across the transparisteel glass of his facemask. His vision became distorted as the horizon, the sky, and the ground all seemed to trade places. He'd tumbled from off the MIFV before he'd even realized it, finding himself in the dirt with the wind knocked out of him... and not the slightest idea as to what had just happened. Dragging himself up to his feet, a series of small prayer beads tricked from out of the armored glove. The crystal at the end of the reverie chain slipped down to the ground at the boy's feet, decorated in spots of blood. Examining the glove, the boy saw that the durasteel plating had split, sheered away in parts, while others seemed to have splintered -- embedding into the armorweave of his arm and body. A thin trickle of blood ran along his forearm, from where a piece of shrapnel had cut through the suit.

"...tanks... coming fire..."

Bending down, the child stooped to pick up the reverie crystal when the earth itself seemed to suddenly move.

The MIFV that he'd been tossed from seemed to implode. The sudden impact moving through the ground as though the earth had suddenly become a sea -- the wave lifting the child up in a tidal motion. As the wave of earth overtook him, the boy found himself buried under soil, rock, and debris. Flaming hunks of durasteel rained down, as sparks came down like rain. When he had picked himself up a second time, loose soil clinging to the folds of his armor, the child found himself looking at an armored infantry unit in disarray. At least four vehicles were reduced to cinders, as the tank treads of another two had come completely off of their vehicles, leaving those units ground into the earth. The remaining vehicles were vying to re-position without direction.

Picking up his rifle, the boy threw the weapon on his shoulder and started back toward one of the disabled units. The crew inside was working to suppress fires that had broken out, opening the vehicle in order to allow some of the smoke to be vented.

"Does anyone have visual on Bannerman Mesoth's vehicle?"

"Bannerman Mesoth's vehicle is down."

The chatter over the link left the boy disheartened, disillusioned, and disoriented as he struggled to try and pull some understanding of the battlefield together. Only a moment earlier, he'd been perched atop an MIFV. Now, the fog of war had started to take hold. And their orders seemed no longer clear.

Except the words of GOD were always with them. And His GOD had a Prophet. A Prophet that had spoken. Chiyo -- keep us moving.

Moving inside of the vehicle, the boy keyed the link inside the shielded circuits of the MIFV. "This is Agent Chiyo. Alpha Squadron, Charlie Squadron -- target mass drivers on the tanks."

That would put some rounds down range on one threat.

"Bravo Squadron, give us cover," the boy added, trying to recall the specific name for the laser device the MIFVs used. Coil? Whatever. Pew-Pew-Missile-Defense.

Yeah. That.

"Echo Squadron, target mass drivers on the bunkers."

- 4 MIFVs destroyed
- 2 MIFVs disabled
- 5 MIFVs damaged, but functional
- 14 remain operational. 5 on COIL anti-missile defense, 3 mass-drivers targeting bunkers, 6 targeting tanks
- 84 soldiers remaining (29 KIA, 7 wounded)


Knight of the Obsidian Order
Location: Jungle
Objective: 2, Mother Nature is a beeyotch.
Allies: [member="Perla Pirjo"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Conner Garon"]


The Primeval Rancor babe was a clever witch. The earth under the older soldier's feet began to bubble and melt beneath him. Surely he would be dragged down into it and covered in suffocating mud. However, just as the Mando had begun to lose his footing, Jumppack Johnny shot across the sky and flew over to the other soldier to pull the obviously wounded man upwards. Pity. Jem was quite looking forward to either hitting a home run with him or watching him fall into a sinkhole.

Now both of the soldiers began to unload all of their ammos at Jem and her new witch buddy. The Dark Jedi Knight tried to strafe, but she wasn't quick enough to dodge every crisscrossing beam from Jumppack Johnny's pistols. She felt the ping of blaster fire hitting her Vodunn Sker Keric armore, and while it didn't penetrate the shell, it still knocked her on her ass.

Landing with an "oof," Jemmila whipped her head left and right. The jungle around them was beginning to look barren with trees ripped from their roots lying in piles of dust and broken rocks. She began to feel like she was out of ammo. Then a gasp escaped her lips as it hit her: the sinkhole. Crouching in the mud, Jem began to dig through the sinkhole with invisible hands, unearthing a huge skeleton of a long-dead creature, perhaps some kind of large predatory lizard. She weaved a pattern in the air in front of her and the jumble of bones rose in the air, hipbones and leg bones parting from the ribcage. She hurled the creature's rib cage in an artful arc towards the soldier [member="Conner Garon"], attempting to force him down, and literally caging him to the ground with the ancient creatures's bones as they speared the ground.


Well-Known Member
Objective: Defeat the Mandalorians in the Jungle
Location: Jungle
Allies: Primeval | [member="Bal'gul"]
Enemies: Mandalorians | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Bestala Vizsla"]
Gear: Tantibus | Kalligs Scorching Saber | Sith Beskar'gam | 3 Betty Blasters | 12 Ammo Packs | 1 Bodo Bass Gun belt stocked with Traditional, Incindiary and Cryogenic Grenades

Stepping back, then to the side, Damien narrowly dodged the blow from Muad, which left a mighty dent against the side of his leg bracers. Hearing a yell in Mandalorian, he utilized his 360 degree HUD view to spot the grenade, and immediately threw a minor Force Push.

Instantly the grenade slammed to a halt, but still close enough that Bal'gul may feel the concussion. There was only so much Damien could do to be useful.

Then returning his attention to Muad, he split his concentration, slashing out aggressively with his saber at the mans chest - making an intersection like an X. While at the same time, he also launched his mind once again, attempting to flood his opponents intellect with the last moments memory Damien had of his last body burning to death by shots fired from his own ship.

Forcing pain, was not the proper term, more like symbiotic comparison. If successful, even only partially, the likely hood that Muad would be forced to his knees would be high. Who could stand the sensation of every cell in their bodies being ignited all at once?

Had his full attention been in the attack, it likely would have a higher success rate, yet Muad had thus far shown he either did not have any, or had left his mental shields down. So Damien counted on this, while at the same time, being distracted with a physical attack would hopefully open the brain enough.
Objective: Fight.
Location: Jungle
Enemies: [member="Lord Daemos"], Sith Knock-offs aplenty and actual Sith
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"], Mando'ade
Gear: Preliat's Armor (do I have to link it?), Crushgaunts, Tomahawk and Beskad, Two Westar-34s, M45, and his jetpack, which I guess is technically more of a tool, but hey, whatever.

Preliat's eyes flared with rage, as he dashed through the forest. Dashing through the woods, low and in a hunched sort of way. His namesake wasn't just metaphorical, he actually did move like a wolf. And he came upon a man he was never fond of- [member="Muad Dib"]. Muad was a traitor to the Sith, and a supposed brother to Preliat. But Preliat had never really trusted him, until now. It all clicked, and Preliat's unwavering loyalty and brotherhood was forever earned by Muad.

And the undying scorn of Preliat Mantis, was set upon to [member="Lord Daemos"]. Preliat narrowed his eyes behind the T-shaped visor, and shouldered his M45 rifle. Daemos, it appeared, was trying to force himself towards Muad. Preliat reminded himself of his birth's inability to be touched mentally by the force, the thing that gave the Sith and the Jetii their power. Preliat considered his power more substantial and more useful, his power of training, experience, and hatred. Daemos could not touch Preliat's mind directly, but Preliat, to the Sith, was a walking maelstrom of hatred and rage. And Daemos could feel that- directed at him. But more specifically, he could probably also feel the impact of Preliat's M45 rifle.

Preliat was not one for theatrics or semantics. The heavy rifle barked in his hands, red bolts erupting from the barrel, directly to the engaged Lord Daemos. Preliat's shooting was near perfect- after all, he was now in his 30s, and had been firing a weapon against enemies of the Mandalorians since he was 22. He did not say anything, he offered no quarrel, he simply- fired his gun. And waited for the result. With the Sith, it was always the unexpected, always a sort of trick up their sleeve- but hopefully, the bolts would at least buy Muad some time to gain a better footing than what he appeared to have now.
Objective: maze runner
Allies: Nandiach_Ankah |Graad Hokan |Anija Ordo |Verz Horak |Briika Detta |Chaos Maxtor |A'den Shereshoy
Enemies: Laguz Vald |Ebenezer |Jun Nez
Gear: right hand : beskar plated vibrosword. Left hand: beskar plated vibroknife. Holstered weapons: two basic blaster pistols . Armour: lightweight beskar'gam with reinforced gaunlets for hand to hand combat.

Zhaerack was nearing the mining station in his shuttle so in preparation for his landing he sent a message to Anija letting her know how close he was and what he will flying in on.

With the mining station nearing he began to calm himself and prepare for the mission anija requested him for. Zhaerack began landing procedures as he circled the meeting point point and he landed the shuttle near some trees so it was hidden out of plain sight.

As he went over to Anija for the mission briefing he saw Graad Hokan and Briika Detta standing beside Anija. He greeted them for a few moments but then observed the Mining facility and the question still remained in his mind what is so important about this place. He didn't ask anyone as he knew it would be explained in the mission briefing .
Location: Objective B, Jungles
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]
Gear: ACS-004 Immortal Armor | Bes'Bev | Mandalorian Ripper | Acidic Paragon Vibroaxe

One blast grazed the Wolf's shoulder, you see

While this beast fought Kiran upon Objective B.

The Annihilator was stopped by Phrik, but even so

in the Wolf's shoulder, it would leave a hole.

"Not very nice," Jhaega gnashed through his teeth

With this mercenary, for whom he had a massive beef.

"It's time to teach you some manners, boy, I'll not be kind

at the end of my talons, soon, yourself you will find."

And so the Beast progressed, but for one more shot he was not ready

Jhaega flipped around, planting his feet in the mud, holding himself steady.

Unhurt he was, unfazed by the weapon - though the shot was true

It had hit him somewhere, the elder Wolf knew.

He progressed forward taking his axe off his back

Proceeding upon his prey Kiran, ready for his snack.

The Wolf's eyes widened and his teeth bore white

And down came the axe in an attempt to smite.

A sparkling fire of green and red erupted from the Wolf's back, like the Fourth of July!

Jhaega paused, panicking, standing still, for he knew not why.

Like a lit fuse to a firework the sparks did burn

And in the belly of the Wolf, his gut did churn.

"Oh no, my jet pack, your bullet found true!

I don't believe I'm the one to actually kill you."

And with a nod and a turn, the Wolf waved goodbye

And his jetpack exploded, taking him into the Sky.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Jungle[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Rumble in the Jungle[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: Mandalorians | [member="Karta Kote"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: Primeval[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Target: [member="Kran Meelan"][/SIZE]
[/SIZE] rifle, bres'briik grenades, her knife was within the slot of her armor, her pistol [SIZE=12pt] , [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]armor (link at bottome) crush gauntlets
[SIZE=12pt]Post 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What did they want from them? Arla asked herself she had an answer one that no one would like, they wanted surrender and obedience. The only thing these thoughts did for the Vod was to make their will to stay free and their dedication to removing the Sith that much more urgent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Did the Mandalorians look pathetic and small to the dar’jetii Arla could now see her target through the undergrowth, the veil of vines parted by the muzzle of her rifle, her emerald green eyes narrowed down as her finger rested against the trigger. The seconds trickled by in her head it felt like a single breath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She lowered herself down, she wanted to blend in, remain hidden behind the veil she let loose a volley of shots the direction of her target, she did not wait to hear whether it was a hit or not she was on the move headed towards him.[/SIZE]
Location: Wayland; Mining Platform - Mt. Tantiss Ruins
Objective: Maze Runner [Objective 3]
Allies: [member="Nandiach_Ankah"] | [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Darth Wyrrlok VI"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Briika Detta"] | [member="Chaos Maxtor"] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ebenezer"] | [member="Jun Nez"] | [member="Token Waters"]

Dusk was just beginning to darken the skies as Anija and the rest of her team moved beneath the giant Harvester. A few more had shown up. Anija frowned slightly as she recognized the voice of [member="Verz Horak"]. She could have asked him the same thing, really. Out of the two of them, she had more reason to be out here - at least as far as she was concerned. And, after a few moments to consider, she said as much over the secured squad channel she was using.

Her voice was slightly amused, and her eyes were watchful as she scanned the area around them. Infrared helped some in the gathering dusk as it caused shadows to lengthen. ANNE helpfully overlaid IFF markers on those around her in Anija's sensor window. "Why wouldn't be here, Verz? We've just been attacked.... and I had picked up some strange movement out this way. Sensors told me it wasn't any of our people... so I decided to take a look. Manda only knows what else they brought. If my sensor readings from the base are any indication." She sighed, and lead them further under the looming bulk of the Harvester.

As she drew closer to the one side, she lifted her fist, causing the group to halt. "Besides... this is a phrik mine. It's a very valuable metal. if I were invading a planet and knew it had such deposits, I would go for them too." She paused. "Not to mention the other things which are rumored to be here." Shaking her head slightly, she tried to dismiss that thought. Most of it was speculation at most. A few more steps, and Anija spotted the edge of an access hatch. With one foot, she cleared it of leaves, keeping her body turned slightly outward as she scanned the area.

It was then that she picked up the heat signatures for the first time. Before... all she'd gotten was an elusive sense in the Force. And now, her infrared was picking them up as well. At least four people... roughly 400 meters away.. .and about even with their own position in relation to the underside of the walker. She crouched and lifted a hand in a closed fist, signalling quiet before she motioned with her head in the direction of the others.

"There is another scout team here... and it's not one of ours. No IFF transponders. Must be a scouting party sent by the Primeval..." she said quietly, looking across at Verz. "Now... before anyone starts shooting, let's stop for a moment. There's a lot of delicate machinery here that we don't want to damage. Nor do we want to accidentally set off the mining laser. Shooting would do either one." It was as she spoke that the sounds of fighting from the direction of Fort Monroe became louder.

To the point that one could hear it echoing through the trees, and the air and ground vibrated with the concussions from the explosions. A silence fell over them as Anija considered this. The fighting had to be pretty intense for it to reach this far. Frowning, she stayed crouched to get a better feel of the ground itself. The ground was still shaking. And as Anija laid her hand flat upon it, she felt it buck sharply. Her gaze snapped to Verz and she spread her feet as it happened again. At the back of her mind, a danger sense screamed.

The ground bucked again. "Earthquake!" she yelled, dropping to one knee as she stumbled. A hesitant step forward, and she yanked the hatch in front of them open. Below, a ladder descended into darkness, the illumination bulbs flickering as the ground shook again. "Feth...." she hissed. "All that artillery from the base.... it set off an earthquake..." As she stood there for a moment to catch her balance, a shower of rocks fell from the side of the mountain that loomed in front of them.

And still more. This continued, and as she watched it horrified, an alarm shrilled in her helmet. ANNE had registered something on sensors. Her eyes snapped back to her readouts. An energy spike from deep within the mountain. She frowned, and clenched her fist. "Feth..." she swore. "We have... a situation, people. The... earthquake appears to have activated something deep within the mountain. Whatever it is... we need to get down there and turn it off!"

It was then that she turned quickly to Verz. "Marshal Horak. I hate to ask this of you at a time like this. But... I need you to return to Fort Monroe and help defend. I can't explain why. But, I need you there.. .and fast..."
Objective: B
Location: The jungle
Allies: [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Enemies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Conner Garon"]
Gear: Chain-sickle, Primeval Advanced Agent Tactical Armor, Lightsaber

Stifling a laugh, Perla watched the two Mandos struggle to get out of the sinkhole. They finally flopped on the side of it like two helpless fish. Mud and silt continued to tumble and drip into the hole, and then finally the dissolution process was over, and the ground was still again. But now there was a deep crater on the jungle floor directly on the battlefield. The Mandalorian with the jump pack would fare better maneuvering around it, but the other Mando, clearly wounded now, would be more at risk of falling into it. If only Perla could get that jump pack off of his partner's back.

But her thoughts were interrupted by two things. First of all, she was being fired at from both of their opponents. She scrambled further up the tree using the Force to speed her advance, but she ended up taking some blaster fire on her right calf. “Augh!" she shouted and then unleashed another torrent of Paecian curses. Perla’s armor was durable from blaster fire, but that didn’t mean the leg of her armor wasn’t going to be damaged, or that she was completely impenetrable in the Primeval Agent armor. A sudden barrage of fire would most likely blast through the Cortosis-weave, Terenthium-desh and Plasteel and she would be at risk of serious wounds or even death given the right armament.

The sinkhole began to move again which surprised the Dathomir exile. All of a sudden she saw something rise from the sticky mud as though it had hatched directly from primordial soup. For a moment she thought the bones were alive, raised from the dead, but as she watched Jem expertly extract the ribcage and throw it at the rocketing Mando, it gave her an idea.

When she met up with Jemmila – if they both managed to survive - she would give her a big kiss on the cheek for planting this notion in her head. Good work, Jem, she mentally whispered to her ally. The ancient spirits, dead or alive, will help us take back our rightful homelands.

All of them would next hear Perla’s clear, husky voice ring out: "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!”

Perla had only recited this incantation once before, but it had been successful. This was powerful and dangerous Nightsister magic she was calling upon. A green mist rose up from the sinkhole now, casting an eerie glow through the entire jungle area.

Corpses were rising.

Two decrepit Myneyrsh stumbled out of the sinkhole, along with a dead Psadan. Most likely they had perished in this very spot not too long ago in their own bloody battle as these particular Wayland species were enemies. Perla needed the utmost concentration to keep them alive, so she stayed right where she was in the tree. The spell was particularly unsafe for both her and Jem as well. As she ordered the zombies to attack, there was a chance they would attack the women spell casters too. Hopefully Jemmila had the foresight to move out of the way when one of the angry corpses came too near. Also if Perla was knocked unconscious or killed, the dead aliens would cease to exist and would go back to the pile of rotten flesh that they were.

The three zombie aliens lurched towards Strider, and quicker most than holoshows depicted, they swiftly attacked the injured Mando, trying to overtake him with the sheer force of their dead bodies.
Objective: A

Allies: Primeval, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE]Ue-‘Kuo-‘Koe’c’cu-Eou"], [member="Boo Chiyo"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Mard Szaks"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Enemies: Mandalorians, [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] (coming for you mostly I guess :p), [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Zathra Fett"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], @Anybody else I'm missing
Gear: Hover Throne, Dalek Hands, Vaapad Familiar, The Awe and Fear of the Meek and Vulnerable

Unit: Zambrano Terror Runners; A unit full of criminals, captives, and other slaves with the most basic armor, and dysfunctional vibroblades, each one rigged to run away from their Warlord Zambrano the Hutt into enemy lines no matter their level of exhaustion... and explode.

Strength: 124 - 36 K.I.A.
Objective: A
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt

The neat thing about totally worthless troops set to one task, is that they were totally expendable when they failed, and inevitably, accomplished some menial larger task because of it. For instance, there was a minefield apparently surrounding the fort, and rather than the Primeval Prisoners walking up to all confident like and blowing themselves up... Zambrano was sort of... clearing a path for them in a sense. The swarm of worthless infantry maggots ran senselessly at top speeds through the minefields with almost no regard to their current situation, killing a dozen almost immediately, setting off mines and subsequently exploding due to their implants. This would immediately alert the arguably less-worthless Primeval Prisoner Unit to be notified of the minefield in front of them, and to proceed with more caution than the cybernetically enslaved suicide bombers.

Although mines were an effective trap to destroy targets on the off chance that they step on them, mines were mostly terror weapons, meant to deter targets from entering... but these slaves were of a different sort, who could feel no greater terror than from the one they were running away from. There was no obstacle in their way that would cause them to back down. They were almost like zombies set to fast forward, there was literally nothing in the world that would stop them from running... short of causing them to explode prematurely, or free them from their confines through ion or E.M.P. disturbances... which was a fifty-fifty shot between the two using such technology. As it happened, that was precisely what was happening, among other things. For one thing, Gas grenades were being launched into the charging mass of people-cattle... which was entirely ineffective due to the vacuum seal of their suits, which was basic as butter in virtually any other way. The HE grenades claimed very few of the soldiers, but many of them were injured as a result of their shrapnel, though this did little to deter their resolve to run (but did decrease their effectiveness) Ion weaponry was being fired into them, causing some of them to explode, and others to be knocked back, completely dazed without their cybernetics motivating them to run, before scampering off in fear of their present situation, followed probably by them stepping on a mine.

The largest adversity needed to be overcome however, was the automated turrets being fired back and forth through the infantry line. Those would be the first targets of the suicide bombers... assuming they got there of course. The turrets took their targets down one at a time, detonating each individual one after the other as they made their approach. All the while, the minefields lit up with explosions all around, sending debris in all directions, spreading the gore of the self detonating infantry through all segments of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, in the back, Zambrano continued to press them on with his Vaapad and his malignant intent, not yet even approaching the battlefield. He was upset that he had yet to make his first catch of the day, but pressed on in his single minded pursuit. Off in the distance, he could hear the barking of gunfire, the screams and detonations of his quarries, the glorious atmosphere of positive horror enveloping the entire region. How delighted he will be upon finding the miles of gore he would witness upon coming to witness the minefield he had lead his slaves into.
Location: Jungle
Objective: Rumble in the jungle
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: Primeval [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"]
Conner Load-out
Viccae Assault Rifle

Well that was something you didn't see the average enemy do every day. The darksider that had been chucking trees at them worked her way to the sinkhole and started to dig with the force, digging away in the middle of an active battlefield, past the three trees she ripped out of the ground with her brain, then past more trees that collapsed on strider in the first place, then deep enough to get to the bones bellow. In all of this time Conner could of casually walked up to her and shot her in the face, but he was just too interested to see what was going on.

So by the time the woman threw the rib cage Conner had just sort of stepped out of the way. What with it falling in an arc gave him plenty of time to move. So Conner just looked back to his father and shrugged and then peered back to what was coming their way.

He watched as zombies of the locals began to rise from the sinkhole to rush at his father. Clearly animated by the force Conner didn't even need to waste his ammo on these folks. Stepping towards them the Ysalamari went and did what it did best, create a ten meter force neutral zone. Once the three zombies were inside of it they were cut off from the force and simply became limp dead corpses, once they were out of the lizards reach they could be animated again but what would be the point? They couldn't come near them as long as they had the lizards, and the only way to remove the lizards from the two mandos would be to get in close.

So Conner stepped forward to the darksider in the Vong armor and placed his pistols in their holsters then eyed her beneath his helmet, and with a very cold tone he spoke to her aloud.

"Do you plan on using your useless religion and space magic to do all your fighting or will you fight like real warriors. So far you have proven to be less than capable, but I'm willing to give you a warrior's death." Conner said as pulled his hand towards his back.

His leg burned and his cuts ached but he had to keep up the act that he wasn't hurt at all, fighting on his injured calf wasn't something he wanted to do but maybe these two hags knew what was good for them and walked away. With his fingers wrapped around his beskad the man pulled the blade from it's sheath and stared down the woman waiting for the enemy to make their move.

Auswyn Nothrael

Location: Wayland; Jungles
Objective: B
Allies: The Primeval | No-one in particular...
Enemies: Mandalorians | [member="Garrus Garon"]
Gear: Two well-blooded daggers, one lightsaber.
Music: The Devil Within

The moment his grip had loosened, she'd greedily gulped down air until the pressure was reapplied, a small measure that would increase the time in which she could last in this state, though only by so much. Her hand, her one good hand at present was swept away from where it was and she managed to hold on to the knife for a few more moments, before a crushing grip was wrapped about that wrist and she couldn't help that the knife fell from her fingers that slowly eased open the harder that his hand viced around her wrist as he made his beastial demand that she vacate the premises of his psyche, posthaste. The sheer power that thundered in that roar was a thing she felt seep into her bones, and she would have laughed if she could for how it tickled in that strange way.

He had, unwittingly, shown her a great deal just by the unbidden thoughts that ran through his mind while she was standing in its muck. These were gifts that she could pick and choose from, to unwrap and use at her discretion. She felt the bones of her right wrist start to crack and the shock of pain didn't seem to do much but send a writhing shiver through her that couldn't escape with the air in her lungs that was running out. Carbon dioxide that needed to escape, she would soon start to feel as if her lungs were burning, but not before he was burning, too. So when he made that roaring command and she was slammed into the earth, she had but one word for his mind:

~// No. //~

And she took his memory of burning, peeling, crackling flesh and used it against him, flicking the 'switch' that lit up at that remembering, that it should cause such a excruciating sensation to be reported by every nerve in his body; he might feel as if he were being sizzled alive inside his 'body glove' as she began to feel the burn inside herself from the lack of air. It was only fair.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: B, Jungles[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Kiber Dorn"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Enemies: [member="Nolan Detta"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Gear: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Hydrastaff[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, about it yo.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Vheissu tanked the shots launched at him, the bullets crashing into his carapace. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Most of the time that wouldn’t be a big problem, a few bruises here and there from the kinetic impact and blunt damage, but this was different. One of the biggest problems with Vonduun was that it [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]lived[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], its own organic entity and it [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]felt[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] each hit deep into its being.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was hurting and lashed out in the limited way it could.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Nails, claws and spikes writhing around and cutting into the Master Shaper’s flesh behind the armor. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]His eyes turned a deeper yellow, pure amber as he immersed himself into the pain and channeled it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]And then Nolan decided to punch it up a notch - quite literally so, coming with a punch and then turning that punch into a fiery abomination of flame and scorch. But that was a mistake in itself, because Vheissu Ireles knew the flames well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]They were his brethren, the flaming inferno his wife and the souls of the burning his eternal companion. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So when Nolan came in with the flames of his flamethrower, Vheissu gestured quickly and [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]turned the flames around[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] against his armored opponent. Suddenly those same flames that had been threatening the Elementalist would be swirling around across the barrel and those same flames would [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]increase[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] in its intensity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He would [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]burn.[/SIZE]

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