Laguz Vald
Adapt or perish
Sounds of a crowd gathering reached him over the sound of the pleasant music of the quartet, and with a smile Cailin weaved his way through the throng to stand closer to the point of magnetism; the Baroness. His long, elegant fingers were easily balancing a tall champagne glass at the bottom of its stem, the clear liquid sloshing around gently as the man navigated towards the front of the masses. He was higher than most, and realized that it probably obscured the view of many others, but he didn't care much for it either way.
He was here gaze upon the fabled visage of their gracious hostess, and perhaps to draw the Baroness' amber eyes to himself as well. With the look he'd chosen for the evening, he would stand out from the crowd — both literally and figuratively — and that knowledge gave him an air of confidence that couldn't be easily missed. The tall man straightened his back and squared his shoulders a bit more, sipping his fine drink as his lavender eyes peered at the woman over the edge of the glass in his hand.
And even if he failed to draw the attention of the Lady herself, Cailin had smaller fish to fry, should he be denied a more... intimate audience with the mistress of the manor. A small smile curled the edges of his lips at the thought, and he wet his throat once again. It would definitely be an interesting night.
[member="Baroness Magrath"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
He was here gaze upon the fabled visage of their gracious hostess, and perhaps to draw the Baroness' amber eyes to himself as well. With the look he'd chosen for the evening, he would stand out from the crowd — both literally and figuratively — and that knowledge gave him an air of confidence that couldn't be easily missed. The tall man straightened his back and squared his shoulders a bit more, sipping his fine drink as his lavender eyes peered at the woman over the edge of the glass in his hand.
And even if he failed to draw the attention of the Lady herself, Cailin had smaller fish to fry, should he be denied a more... intimate audience with the mistress of the manor. A small smile curled the edges of his lips at the thought, and he wet his throat once again. It would definitely be an interesting night.
[member="Baroness Magrath"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]