The Baroness took a moment as she placed herself upon display, looking around the grand entrance hall as the guests began to break off into either the dining room or the ball room. A small smile remained on her lips as she stepped down towards the ground floor, standing and greeting a few of those whom had arrived. Her right hand remained idly by her side, placating the large Nexu that seemed to guard and watch over her, small growls or purrs marking the arrival of a new guest to the Baronesses side and which direction they were approaching. It was a marvelous beast that she had with her since she was a young woman just barely accepting the mantle of Baroness when her parents passed.
For most of the night her eyes had fallen upon [member="Feena Mason"], the Queen of Naboo whom was kind enough to grace the soiree with her presence. While making her own little attempt to make her way to the young woman, and her male companion, she was stopped by an unfamiliar face, though the presence in the force was something not so new to the Baroness. With a kind smile, and a graceful nod her head, the Baroness' yellow eyes peered upon [member="Darth Arcanix"].
"You're very welcome. I do not believe we've met before though."
It was true, she was often good with remembering those whom she had met before, and those that she had not. Her attention once more gazed towards the Queen of Naboo, though her full attention was upon the one before her. Ever mindful though, she had remembered the others around her, even the Chiss that seemed out of place; though the Baroness had seen one of her kind before, the primp and proper, eyes down standing up straight, the marks of a former slave were always apparent to those whom still owned them. The Magraths in that matter though were one of the more well known families that actually cared for and saw that their slaves were always treated properly.
- [member="Feena Mason"]
- [member="Laguz Vald"]
- [member="Sage Bane"]
- [member="Zerrene Torran"]
- [member="Enigma"]
- [member="Dral Ordo"]
- [member="The Cartographer"]
- [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
- [member="Darth Arcanix"]
- [member="Lord Daemos"]
- [member="Armand Temi"]
[[ooc: I apologize for the lateness of my reply. I got caught up in cleaning my room and my computer had been unplugged for a couple days.]]