Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Magrath Family White Tie Formal

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Dral Ordo"]

"That's good, I suppose." She paused, surveying the coalesced group of people who had arrived, trying to make sure that there were no antagonistic faces. "I'm just here to have fun, mingle, and enjoy the festivities Lady Magrath has prepared for us. She smiled, hoping that no one attempted to mess with what she was doing. The last thing she needed was some sort of nasty surprise.

Nasty surprises were never any good.
The former Mandalorian chuckled.
"Aren't we all?"
It was then that the Baroness appeared and revealed a large dining hall and a ballroom.
Dral turned to his conversation companion and extended a hand.
"I don't suppose you would care to dance?"

[member="Armand Temi"]

(OOC: I always pictured it going about half up her forearm.)
IC: Nefertari didn't find the man's comment insulting.
"I have thought of things like that before. However, I'd rather least at the present time. I mean, you try to make the best of a bad circumstance, and this thing has its advantages. It makes a nice melee weapon I can tell you that."
It was clear this man was nice, a flirt as well. Of course, Nef didn't mind. Several men, and a few women, had flirted with her over her lifetime.
"I can imagine," said Armand. He had felt the heft of her robotic hand. Getting hit by it probably felt like a blow from a sonic wrench.
"What do you do now as a Jedi Knight?" Armand asked, wondering if Nefertari was stationed on a troublesome planet much like a military post. Or perhaps she used the Force for diplomatic missions only.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Zerrene Torran"] [member="Baroness Magrath"]

"If you ever wish to learn more, seek me out," Taeli said, setting a datachip on the bar's counter. "You can find me in the offices of Krayt Industries on Coruscant as I run the company. Perhaps we can see about developing those powers of yours and you can pursue your goals and be a part of something greater."

With that, Taeli got up from the chair and moved off to find the Baroness.
As Armand was just about to ask Nefertari about her Padawan, his datapad vibrated in his coat pocket. He withdrew it and predictably his sister's smug face flashed up on the screen. He was here in her place after all. Armand sighed heavily and said, "Excuse me" to the gracious Jedi. He went off in a corner near some elegant topiary and typed out the message, "what do u want now?!?"

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Moving through the crowd, the Chiss Zerrene was still on her mind. On one hand, she would be perfectly willing to take another apprentice, especially with Sophie almost to the point of being named a Sith Knight herself, and it would certainly galvanize her current apprentice to be even better and strive for greatness than before. On the other, she didn't want any infighting within the organization she was slowly building. It wouldn't do to destabilize things so early.

Regardless, if Zerrene sought her out after this party, she would take her as an apprentice. She finally spotted the person she was seeking and started making her way over to the [member="Baroness Magrath"].

"Baroness Magrath, I wanted to thank you for the invitation to your party. It is truly an exquisite event."
Cadmus sipped his wine slowly as his eyes scanned the room. The party seemed to be in full swing now that the Baroness herself had decided to grace us with her presence. He stopped mid sip when his eyes fell upon the Queen of Naboo just across the room. His father would never forgive him if he learned the queen had been at the party, and Cadmus hadn't talked to her. The temper of his father was not something Cadmus felt like dealing with. His drink rested in his hands as he made his way over to her. In truth, he had seen very little of the queen when he had spent time on Naboo, but he had to be polite.

@[member='Feena Mason'],
Rylla entered the Magrath Estate, cursing her late arrival. She hadn't found her late father's invitation until earlier that day, and getting here while donning a proper dress to match her black hair, red eyes, and pale skin was stressful to say the least.
The Sith apprentice looked around the rooms, searching for someone entertaining to converse with.

[member="Cadmus Fontaine"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Armand Temi"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]
[member="Sage Bane"]
[member="The Cartographer"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Dral Ordo"]

"I would be glad to, Ser." She smiled, taking the offered hand as the pair walked to the dance floor. "This is the first dance I've been asked to in a very, very long time." She continued smiling and began to dance with the former Mandalorian. "You know, the Mandalorians are probably gunning for your head. I'm willing to bet that they have ships outside the system, waiting to catch you and kill you. Quite bloodthirsty..."

She of course wouldn't mention how she'd been nearly baked alive by a certain sadistic Mandalorian - but then again, she wasn't that person anymore.
He chuckled as he danced with the woman.
"Perhaps. But I have faith in the Baroness' protection. For now."
"Not to mention the Dar'Manda warriors waiting in my ship for just such an occasion."

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Dral Ordo"]

"Makes sense to me. The less violence in my life, the better." She smiled, considering the current situation of how things were going. In a corner of her mind, she wondered if her mother would have any sort of thoughts or other input on that sort of thing.

Then she remembered how weird their family relationship was.

Dral frowned in concern as he examined his dancing partner, seeing she was distracted.
"Is something the matter?" He inquired, concern showing in his face and voice.

dear bb brother, i have spies at the estate and they tell me you aren't paying enough attention to the Baroness or the Queen of Naboo. get your butt moving around that party! his sister wrote back.

spies? who? he typed in reply.

doesn't matter. oh by the way you've been officially accepted into The Ession Reformation's ranks as of today courtesy of moi and the beautiful strings i pull. no need to thank me now just...

Click. Annoyed at his intrusive sibling, Armand turned his datapad entirely off so no more of Tmox's messages could come through - or at least he wouldn't have to read them until morning.
He went back over to Nefertari and said, "Sorry... business. So were telling me about your padawan. And by the way, do you ever take on more than one apprentice at a time?"

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Baroness took a moment as she placed herself upon display, looking around the grand entrance hall as the guests began to break off into either the dining room or the ball room. A small smile remained on her lips as she stepped down towards the ground floor, standing and greeting a few of those whom had arrived. Her right hand remained idly by her side, placating the large Nexu that seemed to guard and watch over her, small growls or purrs marking the arrival of a new guest to the Baronesses side and which direction they were approaching. It was a marvelous beast that she had with her since she was a young woman just barely accepting the mantle of Baroness when her parents passed.

For most of the night her eyes had fallen upon [member="Feena Mason"], the Queen of Naboo whom was kind enough to grace the soiree with her presence. While making her own little attempt to make her way to the young woman, and her male companion, she was stopped by an unfamiliar face, though the presence in the force was something not so new to the Baroness. With a kind smile, and a graceful nod her head, the Baroness' yellow eyes peered upon [member="Darth Arcanix"].

"You're very welcome. I do not believe we've met before though."

It was true, she was often good with remembering those whom she had met before, and those that she had not. Her attention once more gazed towards the Queen of Naboo, though her full attention was upon the one before her. Ever mindful though, she had remembered the others around her, even the Chiss that seemed out of place; though the Baroness had seen one of her kind before, the primp and proper, eyes down standing up straight, the marks of a former slave were always apparent to those whom still owned them. The Magraths in that matter though were one of the more well known families that actually cared for and saw that their slaves were always treated properly.

  • [member="Feena Mason"]
  • [member="Laguz Vald"]
  • [member="Sage Bane"]
  • [member="Zerrene Torran"]
  • [member="Enigma"]
  • [member="Dral Ordo"]
  • [member="The Cartographer"]
  • [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
  • [member="Darth Arcanix"]
  • [member="Lord Daemos"]
  • [member="Armand Temi"]

[[ooc: I apologize for the lateness of my reply. I got caught up in cleaning my room and my computer had been unplugged for a couple days.]]
"Taeli Rae," she said bowing to the Baroness. She could sense the woman was slightly distracted by the Queen of Naboo, and she didn't want to hold her up from speaking with the Queen. She could feel the dark side clinging to the Baroness, it was ever so subtle, but it was there. Oh how fun that was indeed.

"If you have time later, I would like to talk about a possible business proposition with Krayt Industries," she said with a smile. "But that can wait, as I can tell you wish to talk with someone else for now. Thank you again for the invitation."

[member="Baroness Magrath"]
The Eternal Queen
The Queen caught the eye of the Baroness, but she said nothing yet. She was already caught up speaking to another guest. She would wait. She gave her a smile and nod before turning her attention to the young man, [member="Cadmus Fontaine"]who, who was making his way towards her.

"Hello to you," she greeted, dipping into a shallow bow, "I don't believe we've been introduced.

[member="Baroness Magrath"]

(ew. Short post. Sorry)

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