- Planet Name: Aurum
- Demonym: Auru
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- System Name: Meissa System
- System Features: Ner (G-Type Main Sequence Star) | Kol (Moon) | 32 Hour Rotational Period | 451 Day Orbital Period | Located in the Habitable Zone | 6th planet from Ner | Sits along the Crusader's Way Hyperlane
- Coordinates: T-59
- Major Imports: Medical Supplies, Technology
- Major Exports: Adegan Crystals, Arboreal Resources, Foodstuffs
- Gravity: Standard
- Climate: Humid, Tropical
- Primary Terrain: Jungles, Mountains, Oceans, Small Tundra Poles
- Major Locations:
- Azar City: Capital of Aurum, Azar City is the main hub of activity. It is here that the people of Aurum prosper, with jobs aplenty and entertainment out the wazoo. The buildings are made of white stone and metal, a stark contrast to their jungle setting.
- Village of Levia: The largest of the outlying settlements, Levia was made up of individuals rescued by the few Je'daii survivors following the Horde attack. It is rather primitive, especially when compared to Azar City, yet the promise of a similar face lift and funding keep its populace from forsaking their homes in favour of the City itself.
- Remains of Volos the Quaker: Skeletal remains of the largest Tejdóru ever recorded, hidden within a cave network. Just the lower jaw of the creature is as large as an average human male, and it makes for quite the site to behold. Thankfully these days the creatures are significantly smaller!
- Ruined Je'daii Enclave: The original settlement on Aurum, home to the first men and women to step foot on the planet, the Je'daii Enclave now lies in ruins. Inside countless bodies lie, skeletal reminders of the viscous assault by the Horde.
- Derelict Graug Factories: Remnants of the Horde's presence on Aurum, the Factories now lay empty. It's rumoured that small groups of Graug still roam around the area, though whether there is any truth in that remains to be seen.
- Native Species: Monkey-Lizard, Dire-Cat, Whisper Bird, Tejdóru, Moolkirook
- Immigrated Species: Human, Umbaran, Togorian, Graug, Other
- Population: Sparsely Populated | Just a handful of settlements, and one Major City
- Demographics: Main population made up of Togorian, Human, and Umbaran respectively. A large influx of immigrants from Bakura make up the bulk. Smaller settlements of Graug exist, as well as the odd alien species
- Primary Languages: Galactic Basic Standard | Umbaran
- Culture:
Now that the central hub of activity has been restored, normalcy has returned to Aurum. While there are a handful of small villages which are being shown the same treatment (and currently do not have the same luxuries afforded to those in the City), for the majority of the population life is good. Countless job opportunities arose, bringing unemployment rates to an all time low, and the reestablishment of stores, cafe's, and entertainment venues left the populace with plenty to do in their free time.
Having been without such luxuries for a frightfully long time, the citizens of Aurum - at least those within the City - have become gluttons for entertainment and food. Music halls fill each weekend with novice talent, plenty of which would sound horrific by Galactic Standards and yet despite this they simply cannot get enough of it. Despite this they remain steadfast in their duties, hard working through and through, knowing all too well the hardships they would face if they allowed their civilization to fall back into ruin.
While there is no set religion, plenty of those who lived on Aurum prior to the Horde attack have grown to idolize the High Queen of Aurum almost to the point of viewing her as a living deity. For the most part this refers to the Togorians, who admittedly were saved from potential genocide by the High Queen during one of Kaine Zambrano's bitter moods, though many of those who lived through the attack - even non-Togorians - have taken to doing the same. After all her return brought with it a revived prosperity.
- Government: Hereditary Monarchy, led by the Hearthfire Family | In the absence of a Hearthfire on world, a leader is appointed by the High Queen to rule by proxy
- Affiliation: House Hearthfire | The Je'daii Order
- Wealth: Medium | Aurum is slowly recovering from near-annihilation at the hands of the Vong. Efforts have been made by numerous parties to repopulate and restore the planet to its former state, and both funding and a sudden influx of immigrants have helped to bolster the economy around the Capital. The rest of the world is significantly less wealthy than the City.
- Stability: High | Since the restoration efforts, prosperity has returned to Aurum. The presence of both the Je'daii Order and the return of the High Queen and her men has left the population with a sense of safety, and their elevated position from individuals clinging to life to prosperous citizens leave them with little to complain about.
- Freedom & Oppression: While Aurum does have a Monarch, her attention is split between two worlds and her focus where Aurum is concerned is to bolster the morale and rebuild what was lost. The overall stability and prosperity of the world, added to the fact that the High Queen is not breathing down everyone's necks, leaves most with a feeling of freedom without the threat of harm or unrest. The large presence of Je'daii help to keep disputes civil without overstepping their positions and interfering too much in peoples' day to day lives.
- Military: Aurum's military is made up of a mixture of men brought to Aurum by the High Queen, ex-Fringe Legionnaires from Bakura, and volunteers from the general populace who enlisted to try and ensure a repeat of the Horde attack never happens again. It is by no means the largest army known to the Galaxy, but given the size of Aurum's population it is still decently sized. Most of the weapons and armour are old Fringe tech, though with the rebuilding of the City complete funding has begun to make its way into the planet's military budget.
While they are by no means soldiers, there is also a large presence of Je'daii upon the world who would likely step up and assist if the world came under attack. Outside of this, however, Aurum keeps pretty much to itself and her military is mostly a precautionary thing not something which will be used offensively without due cause.
- Technology: Standard in the City | Below Galactic Norm in the outlying settlements
For millennia Aurum went untouched by any known sentient beings.
Many species, both known and unknown to the Galaxy at large, evolved upon the planet yet none ever developed past a point of semi-sentience. The dominant of these species were the Tejdóru, fierce draconic creatures whose great wings blocked out the sun, and for generations they reigned supreme in all their fiery splendor.
Over time, however, their increasingly difficult mating process and solitary preferences led them to dwindle and alongside a waning of numbers their size and strength likewise suffered. By the time that settlers touched down on the planet, most of the creatures were so small they could fit comfortably within the hands of a grown man.
These settlers came from beyond the stars, belonging to an organization known as the Reconstituted Je'daii Order. Wary of what could potentially have been a hostile environment, and respectful of the nature which lay in abundance, they opted to hide away their home within one of the great mountains in the North West of the planet and for a great many years their Force sect grew. All the while the world remained away from the star maps of the Galaxy.
All that changed when a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Kyros colonized the world, turning it into a secret society away from the eyes of her fellow Sith. She brought to it men, women, and children who had been put to slaughter by the Empire, formed a great City known as Azar - named for a particular Ewok she had once known - and declared herself Queen over the world. Though she made no efforts to have her location publicly broadcast, news eventually spread of the colony and death came to the land.
The Horde attack was brutal. Citizens were butchered in their homes, the remaining Je'daii were crucified at the foot of their mountain, and in the aftermath large factories were constructed to rip the natural resources out of the mountains. Graug became the dominant species in those parts, and what few survivors remained fled to remote regions of the planet in hopes of keeping their lives.
Salvation came in the form of the Wardens, men and women who selflessly came to remove the blight of the Vong. The Je'daii were removed from their torturous resting places, efforts to rebuild one of the smaller cities to the far North began, and soon enough Aurum was once again left to its own devices.
In the years which followed the Moross Crusade came to town, though their grasp over the world did not last so long as to leave any true impression. At least, not in the way the Horde had. Their departure brought with it a period of quiet, where the men and women who remained on world did all they could to rebuild their lives.
It wasn't until the Je'daii returned to the world that life seemed to bolster once more on the planet. Soon after the High Queen herself joined them, and the reconstruction of Azar City began in full swing. Survivors were sent for, those too weak to bring themselves were shipped across the planet, and rows upon rows of medical tents were set up.
When the City was finally complete the High Queen settled down with one of her sons and resumed her post of governance, more than happy to allow the Je'daii to remain given all of the assistance they had provided. Since that point the world has only continued to grow in prosperity, with restoration efforts turning toward the smaller settlements.
All the while the Order continued to grow, as did the general population of the City with the remnants of an old Fringe Legion making their way from Bakura to Aurum on the urging of an old friend. These men and women, alongside their families, truly helped the world to thrive, and provided a line of defense should the likes of the Horde ever choose to return once again.