Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Misty Mountains | Tingel Arm Coalition, Hurikane


The Arm rises!

After a call to arms sent to the galaxy from the planet Sanctuary, individuals from across the Outer Rim travel to answer. The Tingel Arm Coalition is born, a union of planets and organizations which stand on common ground, ready to face the plight of tyrany which plagues their space...



Leaders from across the Outer Rim arrive on the rugged planet of Hurikane, met with towering cliffs and cold, barren landscapes. The intention of the location is clear, it's rough exterior a defense to suspicion of activity. Fynch gathers welcome guests aboard an experimental vessel, the Freebird, while the brand-new fellowship waits for their new base of opperations to be prepared. They come to pledge their swords for the long journey ahead. No matter the intention of the individual, no aid is being turned away so long as they stand for peace and prosperity in an independant rim. Newly arriving allies await to be ushered onto the bridge of the Freebird, where the former Commander in Chief of the Lothal Protectorate stands in preperation for them, ready to join all those who have come as brothers and sisters in arms.



In a time now past, the Bryn'adûl laid waste to Hurikane, destroying a Jedi Temple that had been drawn by the unique crystals found on the planet, the Hurikane crystal. Now the Bryn have faded away, leaving the remnants of the Temple to become the home of a new kind of evil: Pirates. They stage their opperation on a desolate planet, far from the reaches of those whom they plunder, the rich agricultural worlds of the rim. Now their staging ground has caught the eyes of those who seek to reclaim it and return the Temple to a righteous purpose. The Tingel Arm Coalition's earliest able men move to take control of the Temple, scaling up the nearby cliffside to catch the band of miscreants off-guard. The goal is to take the structure as the Arm's first base of opperations, the staging grounds for the coming liberation of the Outer Rim. Failure is not an option. Remnant troops from the Lothal Protectorate's Riflemen stand ready to assist, with squadrons of X-ceptors ready to intercept fleeing pirate vessels.

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Stepping onto the bridge of the ship, Vulpesen glanced around, his black tail swishing behind him in a show of curiosity. Another group born to fight tyrants and create stability with the promise of freedom on forgotten planets. It seemed such groups were cropping up faster than empires could oppress them. That simple fact was enough to bring a fanged grin to the Valde's face. Between the Galactic Alliance, the Dark Hand, and the Scar world Confederacy, there was admittedly a worry for whether or not Veradune could spread its forces so thin, especially with the Alliance being at war. But that's what Zorrens did. They fought for others. It was in their blood, their culture, and it made up their entire way of life. What's more, the Vitae Security Forces were growing larger every day. Contracts with groups like this would only help spread Veradune's influence, and with it, the umbrella of protection that his people craved so dearly to give.

Fynch Fynch


Tags: Open

Lothal Protectorate

There was a shake in Fynch's leg, a shudder of anticipation as he waited for those who had heeded his call to join him on the bridge. He couldn't help but shaken. After all, his career had a chip on his shoulder that weighed heavy with the loss of an entire planet. His home, Lothal, burnt to ash and stolen away by the Empire... Did he have any right to stand before a galaxy? To ask them to unite for a mutual cause? The former Commander in Chief did not know.

But now was not the time for such wavering in his faith. Should no action be taken to free and defend their homes, those like the Empire of the Lost, the Dark Empire, the Sith Order, and anyone else of their brood would surely expand in bullish fashion, eager to gobble up all those in their path. This was a war for the future of the Outer Rim, and the man once known as Solarus Fynch would be damned if he let the banner that flew over it be that blasted cog. There was hell to pay. Fynch had seen the power of the common man united under a shared desire, the ancient urges that screamed out under the boot of tyranical rule. It was time to let these urges flow forward. Free them from their cages so that a new age may be ushered in, one where the Imperial flag is stamped out under the flames of revolution and burried under the monument of a free civilization.

No more waiting.

Stepping onto the bridge of the ship, Vulpesen glanced around, his black tail swishing behind him in a show of curiosity.

"You must be the Valde of Veradune," Fynch noted, turning his head to greet the Zorren with a proud smile. "I must say it's quite the honor. The reputation of your people marks your presence as the highest respect. Commander Fynch, Tingel Arm Coalition."

Fynch turned back to the window, his hand settling on the pommel of his blade. A curious expression spread across his face.

"I can hear the winds of change..." he stated. "We are all about to step into something far larger than ourselves..."

Kiwa had signed herself up for more than she had expected. What she had simply thought was a playdate with her grenades had lead to her freeing a bunch of slaves, meeting a Jedi, getting her eyes ruined and now she was ending up being part of some rebellion. Not that she'd refuse it. It sounded fun at the end of the day and it gave her ahem..."bad guys" to test anything she made on. Not exactly very heroic, yes but Kiwa never saw herself as a hero. She was an inventor first and foremost. What she made was what was important to her. Even now, after having fixed her cybernetic eyes, she was tinkering away, having commandeered a room on the Freebird to herself. There was something strange about the ship though. She strangely felt more attune to her craft, more at peace with herself. Kiwa also could have sworn that she didn't need her cybernetic eyes to see things when she had first came aboard the Freebird. But that wasn't important, as a voice perked up from her door, one of the people she had rescued coming to see her.

"Excuse me...Miss Kiwa? Commander Fynch is welcoming people on the Bridge. You might want to see who shows up?"

With that, she reached up to grab her goggles off her bench, sliding them onto her face and letting them smack back against her as Kiwa hopped up to her feet, throwing her arms straight up into the air with a burst of energy. Might as well see who was signing themselves up for this little mission. Well, it wasn't a little mission but she wasn't sure what else to call it. A rebellion? Did that make her a rebel? Rebel Kiwa Kiles...Had a good ring to it. Hm...Wait no. Bad Kiwa. Don't get distracted.

"Lead the way!...Also, call me Kiki. Miss makes me sound old. I ain't old."
It took a few moments for Kiwa to actually find her way around the Freebird. She might have been here for a short while already but...Well, mostly she was in her workshop room. Anyone who actually looked in there would probably find the leftovers of food containers that had been brought to her whilst she was in there because she didn't even leave the room to eat. None of that was important though as she arrived at the bridge to see Vulpesen Vulpesen and Fynch Fynch . Or well, Commander Fynch. Urgh, he best not expect her to call him a Commander. That was part of the reason she had never joined the military like her sister Magant Kiles Magant Kiles had. She hadn't spoken to Maggie for a few months now...Eh. That wasn't important. Kiwa just stood off by the side of the bridge to listen. She had no authority to speak herself, at least in her eyes.
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): OPEN


The exile, The Outcast, The Vagabond. A’Runda had been on his own for some time now. Fulfilling his role as a Warden of The Sky he fought brigands, pirates, local despots, evil-doers of all kinds. Traveling overlooked and neglected parts of the outer rim and wild space to bring down those who threaten the safety and security of its inhabitants.

A’Runda worked in solitary. Never asking permission nor forgiveness for what he did. His journey could seem aimless, especially since the exiled Tusken didn’t quite plan his travels. Taking twists and turns as he tried his best to move in accordance with the ebb and flow of The Force. That was how he got by. His actions and destinations were like a piece of an unknown puzzle. Where its contents could only be understood and appreciated as it pieced together. He simply trusted in the process, and to not stress too much about chaos unfolding. Avoiding the distractions of things outside his control or influence.

It was only until very recently that he heard of the bloodshed in the core. Which only bolstered the resolve and dedication in his actions as a Warden of The Sky. Perhaps the conflict in the galactic center was precisely why he was traversing wild space. All the attention it drew would leave the rim vulnerable to opportunists. A’Runda had to trust in the Jedi and fellow champions of The Force to take care of the bigger battles. His place was here…

. . .

Being so disconnected with the wider ongoing events in the galaxy wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes he would step on the toes of others in their fights. Which he was trying to avoid now on Hurikane. Although he was no Jedi he found the idea of pirates squatting in an old temple something that needed correcting.

To A’Runda’s surprise it seemed like he wasn’t the only one who sought something similar. The Tusken observed the Jedi temple and those starting their assault on the pirates within an adjacent ridge. Peering through both the lens of his goggles and the scope perched atop his old cycler rifle. He wondered if the situation was going to resolve itself now without his intervention, and that he should just move along. But something compelled him to stay. Sensing that there was more to being here than riding an old temple of pirates.

Shem honed in on the Jedi Temple, his avian eyes honing in on the structure from below. Most would be needing to propel up the cliffside with cables and wenches, but he was held back by no such restriction. A Rishii was born to fly, so that is exacty what the young Jedi Knight did. With one good flap of his wings, the warrior shot up past his allies, the men and women who hailed from Lothal, rising up to the top. His good bow was clutched in the talons of his feet, a plasma arrow knocked as he rose up to the edge of the cliff.

Three targets. Male, humanoid, likely drunk. The guards, and sloppy ones at that. The Temple itself was a smaller structure covered in very poor patches in the walls, attempts at reinforcement of what was likely damage caused by the Bryn back when they were still a blight upon the galaxy.

The first arrow flew, sailing through the leg of the first guard. As he screamed in agony and fell to the ground, Shem swooped in, grappling the second pirate with his powerful free talon and hurled him at the third, sending them tumbling off the side of the cliff. Just as he did so, the first Riflemen breached the top, climbing over the ledge and crying out in unision, ready to storm the structure that lie ahead of them. Shem, ever the inspired warrior, let out an avian caw of his own.

"WOOOO!" he wooped, drawing his lightsaber and igniting it's green blade. "HERE WE GO!"

One good kick and the makeshift door was thrown across the withering hall of the temple. There was no turning back now. By the end of the day they'd have the temple.

No stone left unturned.

Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge


A set of 30 Fleet Transports came out of hyperspace above the planet, alongside 15 Astrocats and 10 Tenacity Class Corvettes.

As one of the Corvettes came down, a message addressed to Fynch Fynch hit his datapad.

An that was a lot of credits.

As one of the Corvettes docked with the Freebird, the sound of a teenager in a labcoat muttering to herself could be heard.

"300 Pumas, 250 Skycats, 50 Rocs..." She paused, looking up to Fynch and Vulpesen Vulpesen with an unimpressed look. "Ah, you must be the VSF representative, and...Commander Fynch. Rara Gowasi, Si Tech's lead designer." She offered a small handshake to the large man. "My boss is offering all of this as a gift upfront with the expectation you'll pay us back...eventually. And more to come later." She smiled. "My boss will be here shortly. She's currently inside the ship dealing with her racyon."

Vulpesen's ears flicked at the sound of a fleet dropping in from hyperspace and turned to face the viewport as Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi listed the resources and her expectation for future payment. What struck him most surprised however, was the age of the person who had apparently summoned such a force. Either he was losing all perspective of age, an distinctly possible situation, or she was young, even compared to his early adventures. "Always a pleasure to work along Si tech," he stated, finally turning away from the viewport.

"And yes, Vulpesen Torrevaso, Valde of Veradune and CEO of the Vitae Security Forces,"
he offered, clearing his throat as his attention went once more tot he commander. "My men getting a bit spread at the moment, but such is the price when you've vowed to aid the fight against Tyranny, no matter where it rears its head. Perhaps this partnership will yield an opportunity for growth. The Galactic Alliance is a fine bunch, but my aims expand beyond established borders or a single government."

Fynch Fynch

Objective: Reclamation.
Allies: A'Runda A'Runda & Shem Spinner Shem Spinner .
Descending through the clouds of Hurikane, Balun Vale piloted his Starfighter towards the given coordinates of the former Jedi Temple. The Outer Rim Territories were not like the Core Worlds. Still, after surviving the battle of Coruscant, perhaps that was precisely what Balun needed to move on from the traumatic experience. He was not a typical Jedi, yet the New Jedi Order had raised him as far back as he could remember. Now into the second year since his leave of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Balun had decided to dedicate himself to serving the Outer Rim, a vast open expanse of space that did not fall under the same hand of law enforcement and political leadership the heart of the Galaxy.

It had been fortunate timing that the Tingel Arm Coalition had put forth a call to service to all those interested in keeping the peace in the Outer Rim Territories; the offer had been perfect, giving Balun a new direction to pursue. Before the battle of Coruscant, he had called together a small crew of youths. They were without family or people to call their own, so Clan Terentatek had come about. They were small, but they weren't alone, and that was what counted. Now, Balun had set his sights on a more significant ordeal, bringing help to those who required it yet were outside of the galactic spotlight. Nobodies like himself, those who had it tough in life and fought for everything they had. Those who would miss credit from the core-worlds. Those who deserved to find support from others when in need.

"This is Balun Vale to any Tingel Arm personnel. I am setting down on the outskirts of the Temple, coming in from the east in an S-91x Starfighter. Anyone in the area requiring assistance, let me know" Balun spoke into the mic of his flight helm, his words casually chosen and not of any military service. He was a Jedi in all but name, letting his actions prove his heart and integrity. Should no-one respond, then he was happy to explore the grounds alone. According to information passed on by the Tingel Arm Coalition, Spacers dwelled in the former Jedi grounds. Despite Coruscant, he hadn't been forced to kill anyone yet, but there were certainly other ways to deal for unwanted company, and Balun had a few tricks up his sleeve.
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Hurikane
Objective: Reclamation
Tag(s): Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

A’Runda observed from afar a little while longer. Deducing that it was some sort of ambush to catch the opportunistic pirates off guard. Lowing his sawed off cycler rifle he was about to turn his back on the battle. Not wishing to interfere where he didn’t need to. But he caught a glimpse of some large bird as part of the assault as well. Brandishing a green lightsaber.

Behind his red goggles A’Runda’s eyes narrowed some. The commotion being stirred up meant that the pirates would likely put up some opposition, even if taken by surprise and disorganized. The Tusken caught a glimpse of one of the defenders aiming a weapon from within one of the windows. If they had some sort of heavy repeating blaster cannon it could turn some of the assailants into a violent spectacle.

Raising his firearm A’Runda rested the sawed off cycler rifle on his forearm and trained his sights on the defender. It was a longshot. But the Tusken’s aim would be true. This was child's play compared to harassing podracers every year back home.

Taking a deep breath to steady his aim the Force aided in guiding his the round to his target to compensate for the greater spread his projectile will be subjected to for having such a shorter barrel. Once ready A’Runda squeezed the trigger. Unleashing the firing pin inside to slam into the background. Creating a loud noise, sounding like a cross between a blaster bolt and a primitive musket.


A yellow solid projectile zipping across the air from the ridge he stood on to the temple. Curving downwards from the pull of gravity before the slug slipped into the open window of the temple and struck its target, still with considerable momentum despite the long range. It seemed like A’Runda was going to find himself involved after all.


Objective: Fellowship - Join the Revolution
Location: Bridge of the Freebird
Outfit: Adapted New Aldera Inspector Uniform
Tags: Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

I couldn’t believe that the N.A.A.M accepted my brother’s recommendation to send me as their representative to find out what this new Coalition was all about. Sure I had just quit my job serving the oppressed people of New Alderaan, when @Velran Kilran’s cronies took the ability to do it properly away from me. And sure I was looking for a change in my life. But I was looking forward to maybe having some time to figure out what my next move was. Becoming the ambassador of the New Alderaan Anti-Imperial Movement was not what I had in mind. But since the stormtrooper rebellion had been put down, we were in dire straits and the leadership of the movement were in hiding. Getting off New Alderaan and visiting with a new Imperial threat was just asking for blood to be spilt. So instead Ramys Marnarro Ramys Marnarro dropped me off, on the way to Hurikane to do his own investigation into what the Tingel Arm Coalition was capable of.

After leaving my brother’s ship I was escorted to the bridge. I tried my best to gauge the demeanor of my escorts, but my experience as an investigator wasn’t proving all that useful at this point in a more political/diplomatic setting. The man at the head of the bridge, was the same as from the message that the N.A.A.M. leaders had shown me, and one that I knew by reputation from his time on Lothal. But someone I had never met and wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

Others had arrived before me. Three forms were already on the bridge by the time I arrived. I slowly advanced towards Fynch, the man from the message, as I did so one of the other attendees caught my eye. I blushed as I passed by Vulpesen to introduce myself to Fynch before turning any attention to the man I spent a date with not too long ago. ”Greetings from New Alderaan Commander,” I said with a respectful nod of my head. ”The N.A.A.M. is eager to help your cause in whatever way we can. Though at the moment movements on New Alderaan are problematic.” I nodded again and waited for a response from Fynch before I took a step off towards Vulpesen.

”I did not expect to see you here,” I whispered hoping the other two wouldn’t pay too much mind to the interaction. ”I was about to reach out to see if your offer to show me your planet was still good. Then this…opportunity came along. It is very good to see you.” After the Commander the others got very little of my notice when the opportunity to be at Vulpesen was presented to me.

"Greetings to you all," Fynch greeted, the new arrivals filling the space rather well now. "Si Tech will be pleased to know that I have a set plan for later payment for this act of charity. I am certain your 'Boss' would take great pleasure in liquidating Imperial assets. The cost of freedom shall be carried upon their backs. I shall see to it that those who provide aid recieve a slice."

There was a good variety of men and women here now. Those who fought to free their worlds, simply opposed tyranny, or were looking to gain from the downfall of empires. That didn't matter to Fynch. He understood that every hand in this coming battle was going to carry with it value. The Commander was going to see to it that their talents not be wasted. By the end of the road he was certain that the action they took right here would define generations to come.

”The N.A.A.M. is eager to help your cause in whatever way we can. Though at the moment movements on New Alderaan are problematic.”

"You need not concern yourself with shortcomings," the large man insisted. "My home lies under the thumb of an oppressor. Anyone in your shoes would have their focus split. Rest assured, I shall see that the resources we gather here return the good grace of the N.A.A.M. After all, we stand united in our goals."

Fynch turned his head back to the window, looking out at the planet of Hurikane. He was, by no means, a force sensitive man. Yet even still, the force was intertwined with Lothal. His mother had always said it was the thread of fate, a power which drew heroes from places least expected to stand up to evil. It was, after all, the thing that had manifested those who bore the phoenix so long ago to liberate their home. Perhaps there was a spiritual pull to this place that had drawn so many in.

"To those who are here in solidarity with me, you all recognize that this is a declaration of war," the Commander stated. "All intentions stand in this room with equal weight, no matter their merit or morality. By crossing through the door of this bridge, you align yourself with a free Outer Rim. Accept the mission to fight for the sovereignty of planets. Raise arms in opposition to the slavery and oppression brought by Imperial ideals, be it literal or metaphorical. Force willing, each and every one of us shall achieve what we seek, whatever it may be. Regardless, we all stand in fellowship now."

He turned back, a soft smile on his face.

"I ask you all to fight by my side."

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"This is Balun Vale to any Tingel Arm personnel. I am setting down on the outskirts of the Temple, coming in from the east in an S-91x Starfighter. Anyone in the area requiring assistance, let me know"

"Copy that," Shem responded. "The entrance is hot, so you'll have a good window to slip in. I'll move towards your location-"

Shem glanced up just in time to see a slug rip through the one of the windows, violently reducing the man on the other end to what he assumed was little more than torn flesh. A sharp exhale escaped his chest as the pressure of the passing velocity hit him, sending a chill down his spine.

"Holy moly," the Rishii muttered. "Nice to have friends..."

The Riflemen were quick to act, moving in and taking cover in the first hallway. Shem, ever the proactive Jedi, strode out in front, lightsaber raised to defend his allies from incoming blaster bolts. His mind was at ease after the initial surprise of the sniper arriving had passed, his breath stilled as he slipped back into the motions. Shem could feel the ebb and flow of the Force itself, guiding his hand into the future, playing at extreme speeds before his very eyes. Precognition was no stranger to the young seer after all. As he pushed the offensive, slowly moving down the hall, he reached back towards his comms.

"Vale, we got them active in the west entrance hall, first floor," he relayed. "See if you can wring them out from the back, pinch them in and clean them out!"

Objective: Reclamation
Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell A'Runda A'Runda Shem Spinner Shem Spinner

This was Ankeen's first time flying into real, proper combat. He'd been shot at before, and fired back plenty of times, but he hadn't flown directly into battle since Lothal, and this time he was staying. The nerves were intense, but the thrill of finally fighting back completely overrode them as the Red Loth-Wolf descended toward Hurikane like a meteor. The hold was loaded with other survivors of the Lothal Protectorate along with some more...colorful characters and a squad on speeder bikes. The plan had been for the ground infiltrators to break the ice, then Ankeen and company would sweep in for reinforcements to make sure the pirates were properly pinched.

"Acknowledged, Vale, this is the Red Loth-Wolf making the approach in the east. I've got a lot of guys here eager to clean house. I'll be ready on fire support once I make my drop." Ankeen piped in over the comms before switching to internal comms with a grin. "We're making our final approach on the temple now, lock 'em, load 'em, and smoke 'em now before we make landfall. And remember to give those pirates Hell!"

Clearing the clouds and canopy from his low flight, Ankeen found the back of the temple lightly guarded, although that would likely change after he opened up with all cannons and swept in toward the landing platform to drop the unloading ramp.

Benaiah Maquis


A small reddish shuttle came out of hyperspace. Inside the cockpit alone was a brown haired and gray eyed man at the controls. He wore a brown coat with makeshift light green and black armor complete with an old Raxian army bandolier. In a cautious glare he noted the assembly of vessels around the asteroid carrier. The latter itself was incredible beyond words to the pilot's point of view. There was a part of him that wanted to just stay in space and keep viewing this unique ship but it was not to be.

"Duty comes first." Benaiah said out loud in reminder. Pushing the controls forward his shuttle sped toward the carrier. Subsequently he was hailed.

"Attention unknown shuttle identify yourself and state your business."

"This is Benaiah Maquis of the Raxian Liberation Front. I'm here to answer the call of your coalition."

He replied back before transmitting the necessary information to their database and they scanned his shuttle. Within a half minute he heard the helmswoman on the other end.

"You're cleared Maquis. Head for the nearest hangar and we'll provide you directions. Commander Fynch will be at the bridge."


Soon enough he slowed the shuttle's speed as he entered the bay until making the final descent.

The Present

The man of Raxus had arrived just as the Coalition leader spoke to the assembled. Benaiah maintained silence not wanting to interrupt the speech. Behind the others he folded his arms together over his chest. A declaration of war huh?

Well technically Raxus Secundus, homeworld was not at war with any major power but for long how he wondered. Not to mention Imperial influence has already infected certain factions of Raxus' government. Benaiah closed both eyes and gritted his teeth for the briefest moment, remembering those he lost.


Eyes opened again Benaiah stared seriously at the group before him, in a stoic expression. What he heard was pretty much what he agreed with and inspiring even like that holo message to the whole message. Yet he didn't really know any of them and so maintained his wariness. Hence why the rest of his cell were not present with their ship just in case this was a trap.
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge

"Si Tech will be pleased to know that I have a set plan for later payment for this act of charity. I am certain your 'Boss' would take great pleasure in liquidatin Imperial assets. The cost of freedom shall be carried upon their backs. I shall see to it that those who provide aid recieve a slice."
"Oh! Any Imperial machines you get your hands on, bring back here. We were gonna set up a manufacturing plant here to recycle Imperial materials." Rara smiled. "I've always been one to believe in reusing stuff. If the Imps are gonna make massive AT-ATs with all that metal, might as well use it against them once you blow them up."

Rara paused, looking to Vulpesen Vulpesen with an inquisitive, and more importantly, mischievous look.

Vulpesen Torrevaso, Valde of Veradune and CEO of the Vitae Security Forces,
"Ooooooooooooh, so you're the guy The Boss has a cr-"

"Hey Now."


TAG: Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi Vulpesen Vulpesen Fynch Fynch Benaiah Maquis

"Ooooooooooooh, so you're the guy The Boss has a cr-"
"Hey now. Don't go spreading rumors that aren't true."

Jonyna, dressed in her own casual attire, walked onto the bridge like she had somewhere to be. Which, she did. Looking to Fynch Fynch she smiled. "My only hope is to make it so you're rebellion is better equipped than mine was. I understand you were once the head of the Lothal Protectorate, yes? Been to Lothal a few times, beautiful place." Jonyna offered the man a smile. "I'll be happy to assist in getting it back. The jedi are at your back, as is the Force."

She paused, her eyes idly wandering over to Vulpesen Vulpesen "...Hi Vulpes. Still trying to steal my thunder?" There was a playfulness to the comment, a sly smirk as she looked to him.

Objective: Reclamation.
Allies: A'Runda A'Runda , Shem Spinner Shem Spinner & Ankeen Kewon Ankeen Kewon .
There were allies on the ground; A'Runda and Shem Spinner appeared to be already engaging the Pirates from the response he received over the Comm, and shortly after that came the voice of Ankeen, declaring his imminent arrival along with troops ready to fight alongside him. There was a moment of hesitation as Balun considered laying down some heavy fire from the S-91x Pegasus to cover their arrival; however, from the sky above, he could thus far only make out small arms fire, nothing in the sense of artillery.

"Alright, Chipper. It's time to test those piloting skills of yours," Balun said into his Microphone, addressing the Astromech Droid seated in its external compartment atop the Starfighter. His earpiece responded with a shrill whistle as the little droid enthusiastically confirmed. "We're entering a hot zone, so as soon as I'm out, take her away somewhere safe, and I'll get you on the comms once I'm good for a pick-up", Balun explained as the fighter began to descend further, soon relaxing back on the throttle and removing his safety harness in preparation.

The Starfighter soon banked left in a wide arc to circle the old Temple, the small craft drawing the attention of the pirates as it continued to slow, eventually hovering over the eastern courtyard; "Don't let me down Chip!" Balun called back to the droid, soon pulling his helmet off his head, hitting the release for the cockpit canopy and pulling himself upright. It looked higher than it likely was, shy of twenty feet from the ground; Balun tugged at his lightsaber, yanking it from his belt before leaping forward and calling to the Force in order to slow his descent and soften his landing.

Blasterfire pelted at the ground around him and zipped overhead; the starfighter thrusters kicked off as the astromech piloted it to safety, and the snap-hiss of Balun's amber blade signalled his arrival with prejudice. He had come knowing there was a fight to be had, yet also to reclaim a part of that which was stolen from the Jedi of old, and to see it restored to its former grace.

Landing on both feet, Balun quickly moved to duck low, bringing the orange blade of his lightsaber sweeping around horizontally to deflect a blaster bolt that would have hit him dead centre. His plan was simple: get into close quarters and aim to disarm the pirates. They had numbers on him, yet he had the Force as an Ally, and he allowed it to guide his movements, letting go of his anxiety and fears and instead falling into a passive trance-like state, his mind honed upon every vibration in the flow of energies around him, his awareness heightened and his body moving instinctively. The young swordsman would move from left to right, side-stepping and zig-zagging as he closed in upon the group that had left the Temple interior to greet him with zealous accord.
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"Raise arms in opposition to the slavery and oppression brought by Imperial ideals, be it literal or metaphorical. Force willing, each and every one of us shall achieve what we seek, whatever it may be"

Yeah. Down with the imperials and oppression. All that jizz. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. As much as she was going to stay with the TAC for the forseeable future, she didn't have that much interest in their mission. It was a nice thought and everything, but it didn't really give her anything. Now blowing stuff up gave her a lot of things. Serotonin was the most important part, but it also gave her materials to work on...Speaking of things to work on, her mind started to wander to different things to make...A flamethrower...A chillthrower maybe...This planet apparently had crystals on it so maybe she could use one of those for an invention...Though her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed just how many people were here.

This was a lot more official than what Kiwa had been expecting. Alongside a lot more politics. She supposed it made sense. Weapons didn't grow on trees...Well, they did if your enemy had an allergy to trees but she highly doubted that anyone like that would be someone they were going up. After all, if anyone was going to let someone with an allergy with trees rule over them, maybe they deserved it. It was starting to get pretty stuffy on the bRidge in her eyes. Hm...She shoulda went off on the chance to blow people up when she could, but now it was a bit late.

She was mostly in her own world...Up until she specifically heard the Jedi had the TAC's back, causing her eyebrows to perk slightly. A Jedi Order was willing to back them? That'd probably send shockwaves when it was found out by their target. Before blinking as she realised the statement that the TAC would have to pay back for these "gifts" that were being given to them. Hmph. It wasn't really a gift if you had to pay it back now. That was more of a loan. It sounded like something the Trade Federation would do. Give a loan of equipment and expect payment back...but maybe that wasn't the case here. Most people wouldn't look a gift horse...or in this case, a gift cat in the mouth but Kiwa wasn't much in the way of trusting people. Either way, she stayed stood where she was towards the back. She didn't have anything important to say to all of these big and important looking folk.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Fynch Fynch Vulpesen Vulpesen Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi Benaiah Maquis Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Fynch Fynch | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi | Benaiah Maquis | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro



Ever since what had happened to Breshig, ever since their ba'slan shev'la, The clans of Breshig through the company had supported numerous rebel groups and cells. It was not that they hadn't before, but the number of groups that they'd stamped out for credits had been a lot more than the number they'd helped. Perhaps it was because of what had happened to their home world and their people that they'd been filled with a drive to give people with a just cause against the right chaakare the means to do so. Regardless of the reason, the Tingel Arm Coalition wouldn't be the first, and it sure as haran wouldn't be the last.

He knew very little about this Fynch character or what drove him, but it was that in particular that he'd come to find out. As was customary for these meetings, Shuklaar had not come empty handed. He'd brought weapons, medical supplies, Haran'calyr-class recon speeders and some very eager volunteers. These volunteers in were in fact NS/SD-01 'Gar Nayaor Verd' Network Security/Slicer Droids, CMD-01 'Gar Cayatr Baar'ur' Combat Medical Droids and ID-01 'Gar Verd' Infantry Droids, that had decided to throw in with the cause. Naturally, the company were also planning on providing some "advisors", but those were still en route.

The contract with the RTL had been one quite like this, though that particular client could have certainly paid more if he'd asked for it, he'd elected not to charge them full price. With the Tingel Arm Coalition, he was going to charge them nothing. There were other benefits to be gained from this relationship, even if he and the others responsible for decision making the company felt strongly about the reason for the endeavors the Tingel Arm Coalition was about to undertake in any event.

"We've got docking telemetry," said Nyles from beside him. "You know how I was complaining when you had me take you to that meeting with John Locke John Locke with too little firepower? I think we maybe, just maybe, brought more gun than we'd need." Based on what the Morut and her escorts could see, that was very much the case. Not an amount of firepower he'd be comfortable being on the other end of, but they were running "friendly" with targeting systems currently inactive and sensors on passive.

A smile slowly creeped across Shuklaar's features, "And like I told you last time, vod, we're not here to start a fight. We're here to commit to helping these good people kick some Imperial shebs. Maybe do some sheb kicking of our own alongside them in time." If he understood things correctly, they weren't going to stay small for long, when that time came he fully intended to put his full weight behind them.

"So what you're saying is, I get to sit back while my vod'ika makes a nice big mess, and then I come in and help clean it up?" asked Nyles, likely giving him a pointed look from behind his buy'ce. Emri must've picked up on his comment, because Shuklaar could hear her chuckling from across the main tactical display.

"Elek, but do not let her hear that I said that," said Shuklaar after a moment's thought. Nyles laughed. "In any event, you should be thanking me, this is basically a shakedown after what you've put the Morut through."

"What I've put the Morut through?" accused Nyles. Shuklaar responded with nothing but a blank visored stare. "'Lek, fair point. Technically my doing, but we agreed about those deployments." Shuklaar smiled underneath his buy'ce. This was true. Both Coruscant and Junction had been deployments that not only he'd voted in favor of but ones that he'd advocated. Nyles had his reservations about Junction, given how things were going with the Protectors, but had nonetheless yielded to his and Aran's insistence.

"Alor, and alor, if the two of you are quite done, we've almost completed docking procedures," informed Emri, no doubt giving them both an amused look from behind her buy'ce. Shuklaar chuckled and threw a crisp informal salute in their directions before turning to join Ra'gar Nihut'tyr and his command squad. "I'll make sure he doesn't start any wars without you knowing, alor," called Emri after him.

Shuklaar just took a breath and slowly shook his head. "Having last minute regrets?" asked Ra'gar dryly from beside him. Shuklaar merely turned in his direction and held his gaze for a moment. "I'll take that as a yes."

Thankfully, the trip to the connected docking port was short thanks to the arterial monorail system. The cycling of the airlock felt like it took an age, but Shuklaar chalked it up to his cybernetically enhanced reflexes and perception making him just that much more impatient. The engineer in him knew that even with millennia of standardization it still took two ships a little time to properly sync up. The first Marine he saw looked like he wasn't sure if he should draw his weapon or get the haran out of the way. He didn't blame him, were he an aruetii on the receiving end of an airlock of heavily armed and armored Mandalorians he might have had a similar reaction.

He was however, once the shock value had worn off presumably, directed in the direction of the meeting. On his way onto the bridge, Shuklaar's armor picked up the sounds of conversation up ahead. He picked up the gist of what was being said about the same time that their armored footfalls would be audible. Standing with the coalition was unlikely to make friends among those the coalition opposed. Shuklaar chuckled to himself. Any relationship likely to be hurt by the decision to support the TAC was one he needed to revisit or terminate.

"I ask you all to fight by my side."

The last phrase he picked up was the exhortation to fight alongside him. Not usually a man of many words outside of those he called his friends, he was still a businessman and so he knew the value of a good first impression. "Careful what you wish for," he said, raising his volume so he could be heard as he and Ra'gar Nihut'tyr stepped onto the bridge, the rest of his rammikade staying a few paces back. "Breshig War Forge and Strill Securities are fully prepared to have your back." There was no threat, only a reminder of the reputation the company had for achieving results with means and weapon systems some may have considered...less than ideal.


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