Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Need to Feed (open to Eternal Empire)

Lori napped in her cell, she didn't sleep. She was tired, hurt, hungry and cold. Yet she had gone through this before.

How many breaks would she get? How many chances? If the Empire could risk killing her, then she knew they'd of done so already. It made her feel remorse for all of the people whose lives were seemingly worthless and expendable to the Empire.

So many were lost....

So many didn't have the opportunities that she had.

So she had to make the best of it.

Lori sat up in her cell, drawing up her knees and wrapping her arms around them. Her chin rested on top of her knees. She wasn't bored in any way. No, this was a great time to practice her skills. And so she worked on moving the particles in the air in front of her, swirling them with the Force so that she could make not one ball of light, but two. And then three. And four. And so on....

Eskk Jannik Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Did... did that actually... work? He didn't let it show on his face but, the fact that Eskk actually bought his excuse was actually mind boggling. Sure Darlyn had hoped this half-baked plan would work but, he never really gave excuses or plans like this a real fighting chance. He had 100% been ready to simply give up and start ripping people and buildings apart with the Force to get where he needed, but it at least seemed that Eskk was willing to play along.

Well. What was the next step, since he hadn't planned this far ahead? Eskk Jannik continued long enough to give Darlyn two different options, which gave him time to think quickly. While he could escape, regain his lightsabers, and get through to escaping with Loreena rather easily if he went with the prisoner idea, giving up the amulet he currently wore underneath everything would force him to rely on his force stealth ability. And good as he was, he'd be letting his signature be up for memorizing, which was totally unacceptable.

The cameras would keep him away physically from Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , but he could still figure out what cell she was in. He could also wait for a good moment, and possibly shut down the command center by overloading everything, or dominating one of the guards' minds to start blasting. Maybe even get all the way to the cell before breaking his cover. Well, he was an 'agent' now, best to keep the closest cover yeah?

"Considering the Empress's concerns, it would be more useful to observe from the command center, as per your first suggestion. Any conspirators of hers would be less likely to act with more witnesses, even 'prisoners', considering they'd crack under interrogation. For the time being, a wider view will be more useful in catching our traitor."

Keep the military/clinical tone, reinforce the 'objective', pray to the Force this works. Even if it only got him inside...

Eskk Jannik

What a shame, Eskk thought to himself. He felt like he had sold the jail cell option pretty well. Eskk had also wanted to go through this agent's belongings. Still it was an interesting choice.

By the way he was dressed, you'd have thought this agent would have wanted to be arrested to preserve his cover. He was obviously supposed to be some type of Jedi. There was something very strange about this whole situation, but there was no reason for Eskk to act just yet.

"Right this way, Agent." Eskk led the man into the base. He didn't immediately take him to the command center. Their first stop was the administration office. "I'm going to need a visitor's pass for this man," Eskk told the woman behind the desk.

"Give it senior officer level permissions," Eskk added. "Standard one day duration."
Eskk turned to the agent and spoke, "with this pass you'll be free to roam the base as you please without me there to handhold you every step of the way. Which I'd rather not do if it's all the same to you."

"In order to get the pass," Eskk told him, "we'll need to take a clear picture of your face and you'll have to provide a name for the pass."

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Lori couldn't help but smile a little as she was surrounded by a dozen little balls of light. Pretty little things. Her eyes lifted to the camera looking into her cell.


She moved one of the balls of light up towards it, obscuring herself from view as the light took over. Now how long before the Troopers would come? Or would Eskk Jannik come by himself? She had eleven balls of light waiting....

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
A picture. Feth it feth it feth it. That wouldn't take too long to use facial recognition on, especially since he was a planetary president. He hadn't thought to put effort into place letting himself be disguised, he didn't really plan on a prison break, which meant that there wasn't an easy, neat, and clean cover for him. What could he do what could he do... of course there was a longshot. A very, very longshot, depending on if they were smart enough to do a name check as well. Oh he really hoped they did a full name check.

Darlyn let the Dark Side focus a bit within him, not enough to be perceptible, since he was changing nothing, but enough that his normally blue eyes should appear to have the flecks of yellow common to darkside corruption. He wasn't sure how noticable the change would be compared to normal, but he knew his official portrait showed zero signs. With luck, it'd be enough to change any recognition software... as he unfastened the hood. "Tréigthe will do. T-R-E-I-G-T-H-E. Don't mind the face too much, I didn't get to choose the template." And that name should, hopefully, maybe keep his cover from being fully broken. He could handle suspect, after all he was consenting to his picture being taken. But he knew well enough by now that Treigthe was out there somewhere, making waves of his own. He should still have notices, somewhere, up... at least within silver space... about him.

Would they really buy that it was him though? He was indicating by his words to Eskk Jannik that his face wasn't his own...

He waited until the picture could be taken, before putting the hood back up and again securing it. His two best hopes were the eyes being slightly off affecting the search, or them buying his excuse of being Treigthe. Hopefully together it'd be more than sufficient. That, and he noticed one of the troopers approach the Major.

"Sir, the prisoner's managed to obscure the camera in her cell with some source of light. We haven't received any reports of her breaking out of the cell as of yet, nor do any of the other cameras show as much. We were waiting on your orders to handle the situation or wait for your arrival."

Darlyn faked a dry, sarcastic, single laugh at this, before glancing back at Eskk. "Well it seems Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun has something up her sleeve. I don't suppose you want to show me how efficiently the situation can be handled yourself? If ever a time for our traitor to come to the rescue has shown itself, I'd say the moment we can't see her on the cameras is prime opportunity, don't you?" Perhaps the fact this situation would demand some expediency would remove the opportunity to question him entirely. It could be evident in his voice he wasn't aware this was going to happen, after all.

Eskk Jannik

Eskk had been pleased that the agent had consented to having his picture taken. His face would be recorded by the cameras in the room as well. Eskk looked on his face, though he was awfully quick to claim that it wasnt his face. None the less, the face he wore was that of a citizen of commenor, and he bore a striking resemblance to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun .

How strange, Eskk thought to himself. Assumimg he was telling the truth about the false face, it would seem his entire cover had been devised to get close to the woman known as Loreena. What other use could there be for such an obvious resemblance in his disguise.

If that was the purpose, Eskk wondered why he had refused to be placed in the cell. Such an event would have only served to reinforce his cover. Things weren't adding up, but Eskk didnt have enough information to act yet. Eskk's musings and his pleasure was ruined by news from the approaching ultranaut.

Stang, Eskk thought to himself. That girl and her balls of light were causing him trouble again. What's worse Eskk had to take the mocking tone in this supposed spies words. He had better hope that Eskk concluded he was who he said he was, if not he would most certainly pay.

"Take Mr. Tréigthe to the command center, immediately." Eskk ordered with his irritation clearly evident in his voice. Eskk left the room. As he did so he spoke into the communicator embedded in the collar of his grey robes. "Major Jannik to Command, transfer the last five minutes of camera L1 to my datapad and the last thirty minutes of camera C35. You'll have a guest shortly, he is to be respected and obeyed."

Eskk made his way to the holding cells. As he walked he viewed the image from camera C35. That was the camera in Loreena's cell. It showed her making several balls of light until she used one to block the camera.

This woman was a pain and Eskk was beginning to regret not simply eating her. Everything that had come to revolve around the woman's existence in his care had caused him only grief. Eskk walked into the holding area and closed his eyes. He wasnt going to be blinded this time, at least not involuntarily. He used his memory of the area aided by his special sensory organs, which were going crazy on account of the girl, to navigate. He positioned himself so he was facing in the girls general direction.

"For someone who claims to be taken," Eskk said allowed, "You seem to be trying awfully hard to get my attention. You could have simply asked to see me. Maybe you enjoyed our game more then I thought and like to play another round of spin the blaster? If not, what can I do for you?"

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
It worked! Well, sort of. Enough to get someone over to her cell. Unfortunately that someone ended up being Eskk Jannik . Lori moved 5 of the balls of light over towards where he stood. They moved through the bars and surrounded his face.

She got to her feet and walked over to the bars of her cell. "Don't flatter yourself. Who said that it was even you that I was looking for?" That was a lie of course. She did hope that he would be the one to arrive. Although it wasn't for anything other than for escape.

Her eyes dropped down to his waist where she saw a hilt that she recognized. It was HER lightsaber! He stole it!! The nerfherder!!! Lori held her arm out between the bars and used Force Pull to try to get the saber to fly into her hand. She also let those 5 balls of light explode like flashbangs, only without the sound. Not all at once either, just one at a time.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Holes were appearing, he knew it. Flaws and faults in his no longer half baked, but entirely fabricated on the spot story. How long would it take for his real name, Darlyn Excron, to make its way to the people no doubt searching the entire holonet for his face? Likely no time at all, likely only long enough for him to get to the command center as Eskk Jannik had suggested. Slightly longer would be the name, which would only take a little longer to dig out. He'd wanted to catch his copy for a while now, putting out missives and notices plenty, keeping all of the Silver Concord's allies appraised to his existence. Ironic that he'd use his old sith name, more ironic still that he'd use it and his copy as a cover.

Without a comlink, there really wasn't a way for Darlyn to know when the information was found, and transferred to Eskk himself. But he had plans for that, a way around that problem. Because Eskk made a mistake, he let Darlyn away from him and freed him to begin getting creative with his powers. Time and power, his natural gifts would get him through this, they simply had to. He hadn't trained his life to be anything but powerful, after all.

Once he arrived at the Command center, he was greeted properly, and given the ability to observe the cameras as he saw fit. He quickly scanned them to find Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , and made note of what it was labeled. While he looked at the cameras, determining the building layout and, therefore, Loreena's location, he began to gently probe, subtly, with the Force. He wasn't sensing any other sensitives, no one to really notice what he was doing... which meant he had full reign. The plan was now started, formed in the moment he knew he was alone.

Every person had a limit, a mental fortitude to which they could resist the power he had used to begin this charade. He only needed one, useful, suitably vulnerable individual, of which there had to be one. He did his job of dutifully, diligently observing the cameras, as he searched out the suitably weak trooper. They were all so, disciplined though, it would be difficult, and it took some time. He watched the confrontation silently, for several minutes perhaps, until finally he found one. Not necessarily one who's mind was weak, but one who had gaps. Steadily now, he began to worm his way into his mind, being careful this time to be cautious, and feed his fear and anger to mask what was taking place by encouraging those thoughts.

As a last preparation, he began to make sure he was in contact with the consoles, or at the least within range to make contact quickly, preparing for a second part to his plan. The soldier he needed paranoid so he could be manipulated easily, but the console he needed to be able to use his Lightning on subtly. He planned to make his moment quite the spectacle, even if this would be taxing on his state of mind in the moment. Focusing on these tasks meant he had to bank on anyone trying to get his attention assuming he was just that intent on focusing on the screens. for just... a little... longer...

Eskk Jannik

With his eyes closed, the erupting balls of light had no effect on him. He counted the number of times his eyelids flared red signifying an erupting ball of light. It happened five times.

Simultaneously, he felt the pull on his belt. It wasn't hard to guess what Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was reaching for with her force powers. Eskk reached out with the force and grabbed the lightsaber causing it to pause in the air between them.

Now it was just a question of which of them was stronger in the force, or it would've been if Eskk intended to engage in a fair competition. With his free hand Eskk reached up and let out a strong force push, using his sensory organs to target Loreena's position.

The push was ment to be strong enough to throw her against the opposite side of her cell, hopefully causing her to lose focus on her force abilities and bring her lightsaber back into his hand while also causing the balls of light to disperse.

After a few seconds Eskk opened his eyes.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Lori kept her arm held outstretched, watching as her lightsaber flew towards her. And then it stopped...

She gasped a little, having not expected that, having never experienced anything pulling back before. "No!!...That' mine!!" No sooner did she utter those words, before she was thrown back against the wall. Lori dropped to the floor, losing her focus for a few miliseconds. 4 of her balls of lights ceased to exist, leaving just two left. One obscuring the camera, and another out in front of her. Lori pushed the other air particles around it in a quick rotation, causing the ball of light to grow until it was bigger than her fist. And this time she put more into it than just visuals; this time she added some Lightside energy to it too, before sending it careening into Eskk Jannik .

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Darlyn could feel everything click into place. HE could feel his grip on the man's mind solidifying, and he was close enough that no one would be able to notice him touching the consoles. Maybe when the cameras were restored, but... the moments that mattered wouldn't be noticed. Hopefully, of course, there was always the possibility that this could go really wrong really quickly. Darlyn lifted his hand up to the hood-covered chin, and stroked it slowly in thought, making sure to accidentally bump the metal console briefly, a momentary spark under his control jumping at the contact. "Something's wrong, why hasn't anyone made a move yet?" The words were mumbled, audible enough that the gentlemen nearby heard, his attempt at a cover, before he willed the man he'd wormed into the mind of to action.

Reach down, grab the grenade on your hip. Subtly, quietly, someone in there is a traitor. Traitors need to be killed on sight, but which one is it? Best take them all out to be sure. Arm it, throw it. Now. And prepare to shoot them too just to be safe.

In an instant, the guard he'd wormed into threw something into the room, catching everyone's attention as it bounced and rolled into the room. As Darlyn reacted, he only managed to shout, "Get down!" before it exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. IN the same instant he willed the spark of the Force Lightning he'd sent into the console to rapidly rise in both amps and voltage, causing the system to overload violently from the inside. An advanced technique, but it was highly useful all the same.

The two explosions created an immediate confusion, though the troops were quick to get a hold of themselves and immediately moved to get the situation under control. Darlyn for his part had tackled one of the guys closer to the grenade out of the way, saving their life and furthering his alibi with any luck. He pushed himself to his feet, before watching the mind dominated trooper being gunned down by the unaffected, killed or not would be determined later. Perfect, perfect. He grabbed one of the short-range communicators from the staff he'd tackled, and spoke quickly and rather matter-of-factly into it.

"Major, trouble in the command center. Traitors made their move, we've handled one here but there has to be a second somewhere in the facility. The culprit we've got here couldn't have managed this much on their own... Cameras are down, keep an eye on the prisoner. The second, more important traitor should be making their way there shortly." And with that he left, making himself as unnoticeable in the minds of others as he could manage.

C35, should be easy to get there.

Eskk Jannik :|: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Eskk Jannik

"It was yours," Eskk corrected the woman as she finished speaking. "Now, it belongs to me. I'm rather pleased you noticed it though. It gives me an oppurtunity to show you how I've taken it and really made it my own."

As he finished speaking Eskk activated the blade. The lightsaber hummed to life. It's blade was a dark grey color surrounded by a bright red lining.

Eskk paused for a moment to allow for a reaction. "It's so very pretty, now." He said after a moment and deactivated the lightsaber clipping it back on his belt. At the same time a message came over the communicator. He didnt recognize the voice delivering the message, but when the content was spoken, it became clear that it was the spy that delivered it.

Strange Eskk thought. All the command center operators had passed the highest levels of security checks. He thought it very unlikely that one of them would be a spy. Something wasnt right about this and now Eskk would trust nobody. The pleasured expression on his face changed to one of irritation.

"Now, Miss Arenais," Eskk addressed his prisoner. "I have quite the multitude of problems occuring at the moment, and I need you out of the picture. Since, I cant rely on you to behave yourself, we'll have to try something a little different.

Eskk reached out and invaded her mind with his racial force ability. This type of mind attack was unlike typical darkside attacks which focused on domination and overpowering of the will. It was also unlike Jedi mind control abilities which focused on the power of suggestion to influence the weak.

This mind attack targeted the brains serotonin and dopamine receptors causing the serotonin receptors to release vast amounts of the chemical. While also causing the level of dopamine in the brain to rapidly decrease.

Physical symptoms of this mental attack, would include headache, muscle rigidity, and extreme fatigue among many other things. Eskk typically used this ability to allow him to feed. He knew the symptoms could last for at least thirty minutes, but he had no idea how long after that they would retain effectiveness.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Lori's balls of light dissapated in the air once Eskk Jannik started speaking and claiming her lightsaber as his own. She watched as he ignited it, and instead of the silver core with white blue outline along the lightning bolt shaped blade, it bore other colours entirely. "No! You've corrupted it!!"

She got to her feet and bolted to the bars, reaching out with her hand and the Force to try to snatch her lightsaber back from his belt again.

But then his mind attacked her own. Lori had never had her mind attacked before, so she had no idea of how to prevent it. She stumbled back as her head ached, her jaw clenching as her whole body went tense and rigid. "Stop!....STOP!!.......stop...." Lori collapsed to the floor of her cell, losing consciousness in a matter of seconds. Inside of her mind she struggled to will herself awake. But it was a battle waged in darkness as she sought to push him out of her mind.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Stupid imperial construction. Did everything have to be so fething big around here? It felt like it was taking forever to get around the place, which meant more work and effort to just not be noticed. Even without cameras tracking him now, he had to listen and feel out the presence of others to avoid having to, encourage them not to notice him simply walking past in the hall. That said, he was still doing more than adequate to make his way through, after all he had a single, burning job to do now... all it'd take is getting it done quickly to avoid combat to be a job well done and a day deserving of some nice whiskey.

Though at this point, he'd disrupted things enough that a little violence could be acceptable.

At long last however, he managed to find his way to the cell blocks, and a quick peek into force signatures showed that there were still at least two noticable ones in there. No doubt both Eskk Jannik and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Had he arrived before Eskk could leave? Had he taken the option of standing and waiting for him or whoever it was to come? Eskk's presence couldn't be probed without alerting him, the best he could do was keep his mind just open enough to the flow of the Force to track it in the moment, and see if the man left.

He waited for a time, watching silently, with the small prayer to the Force that he'd just walk down the other way, leave him and Lori alone. The amulet meant he wouldn't be so easily detected in the Force itself, but he was just as vulnerable to someone's own two eyes as anyone else. There was some fortune that he'd come here after a totally calculated path and not at all a windy and twisted one because he was just lost.

Well, not really, but he did indeed happen to come from the end he'd be less likely to take on a direct path from the command center. Right around now any background check would be complete, so if his cover being blown was gonna happen now was the time, assuming they didn't believe his excuse of being the clone, maybe he'd make a beeline for that command center.

Eskk Jannik

Eskk stood gazing upon the sleeping form of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . he didnt care to observe things such as beauty. So he formed no opinion as to whether she was or wasn't. What the woman was to Eskk was interesting, a learning experiment. Eskk had never before had the opportunity to test the boundaries of his power and he was curious how long it would last now that he had stopped using the force to apply it.

"Sir, the background check for Mr. Tregeithe has come back with two possible results." A voice said over the communicator.

Ah mr. Tregeithe, Eskk now suspected highly that all was not as he said it was. "Send the data to my pad," Eskk ordered. A few seconds later he had the information in the palm of his hand. He stood in front of Loreena's cage half watching her, half skimming the files.

The first result that came back matched what Eskk had seen to perfection. It belonged to a force user named Tregeithe that was a wanted criminal in commenoran space. He had no link to the Eternal Empire. It seemed that they were meant to believe that this man was the man that was here.

If he really was a spy for the Empire there would still be something here. A report of his initial contact with the Eternal Empire, or something. There was nothing, however and that provided Eskk with enough information to detain the man.

Also earlier he had noticed that there was some resemblance to Loreena in the man. Did they have some kind of connection? Eskk wondered. He's have liked to ask the girl himself, but that wasnt possible at the moment.

Eskk moved to the second file. He was looking at the same man minus the yellow eyes. Only this man was noted as being the president of Commenor. That made him a high value target to the empire, as commenor was the Capitol of the SJC and the two factions were moralistically opposed to eachother. Now Eskk was very intrigued, did he have a simple criminal or did he have the president of Commenor? Eskk didnt know for sure, but he knew what to do in either case.

Eskk took out a master key for the cell block and used it to unlock Loreena's cell door. He then spoke into his comm system, "all imperial troops, we have an enemy spy among us that has gained access to our communications, switch to reserve frequency beta one five."

Eskk manipulated the communication device under his collar. There were several frequency listings and several channels for communication. It would take awhile for anyone unfamilar with the Eternal Empires security protocols to find a specific frequency setting and channel without prior knowledge of how to operate the device.

Once Eskk switched his comms he walked out of the cell block from the opposite direction from which he had come. "Deactivate Mr. Tregeith's access card permissions immediately, Eskk ordered. All units switch to scattergun weapon function. We are dealing with force users. One is weak and the other's power is unknown."

"I want five squads surrounding the entire holding section. I want another five squads guarding every exit from this building. The remaining five squads are to prepare to storm the holding area from multiple directions and converge on the cell block. Attempt to detain targets on sight. If they do not immediately comply, start shooting. Try to take them alive, if possible."

Eskk focused his sensory organs on Loreena. He would know as soon as she moved five feet from her cell. Thats when he would spring his trap.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
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Just darkness. A black fuzzy darkness. That was all that she saw and all that she could feel. A part of her just wanted to let herself go with it and enjoy the nothingness. Yet another part of her struggled; one that kept reminded her that she needed to escape and had a lot to do.

Eskk Jannik 's voice was heard, but she couldn't fathom what he was saying. It was almost as though he was speaking through a wall.

Lori hated it all. She struggled to wake herself up and in doing so, it caused her body to twitch a little. Her fuzzy mind was dumbfounded as to what had happened.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron
Ruse was up, so to speak. Darlyn still planned to use Treigthe's identity for this, if only for plausible deniability later. But, that was then, this is now. Hearing over the intercom the command to change it over, he figured it time to ditch the EE tourist paraphernalia, the badge and the com that was. They were of no use to him now, he doubted they'd let him keep officer privileges', and he'd rather not risk tracking of some kind. He would break it but, no real point, since that might initiate some tracking regardless. So with both the communication device he'd borrowed and the badge discarded, he stepped into the now empty cell block, calmly moving down to the one with Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun .

And of course, she was lying unconscious on the floor. Really now, was this an appropriate time for her to be sleeping on the job? He shook his head and moved to the cell itself, noting how nothing seemed to be secure. Well, looked like he expected this officially, which meant there was certainly a trap set. The next step, then, was to spring the trap. Eskk Jannik may now have the 'advantage' of knowing his lack of allegiance to his side of the conflict, but now Darlyn was still effectively in control. How fast really could the imperials muster sufficient defenses? Well, if everyone had clearly defined duties perhaps not long, which meant he couldn't afford to be long here. Speed was his only real advantage.

He checked her pulse quickly, noting it was fine, though he knew of course something was off. Not being a doctor he couldn't say what, but there were ways to fix these things. He let the Force as a whole flow between himself and her for a few precious moments, trying to figure out how to help her. Whatever it was, was beyond his abilities, but he could maybe help some of it with a controlled shock. He pressed his fingers together against her and delivered a quick shock, something to jolt her awake more than anything. Using the darkside to heal was possible, but he knew it was rather painful, and he wasn't even sure what afflicted her was an ailment that he could heal anyways, so maybe waking her up or helping her focus would suffice.

That's all I can do goofball, the rest is up to you.

With that, it was time to spring the trap. Without hesitation, he picked up Loreena in a fireman's carry over his shoulders, a nice and stable hold, and began the dash down the way he'd come, opposite where he'd felt Eskk leave. How long had passed, how prepared would they be? That remained to be seen.

Right then, shabuir, lets see how fast you run.
This wasn't at all what he was expecting. He'd come as a friend to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron in a hopes he might be able to do something to help the rebellion, but it was only just that. He hadn't come to fight or deal with any sort of issue that might arise. Yet, no sooner than he did touch down did he see such a friend get arrested and taken away. He almost missed it. If the Force hadn't whispered something to him he probably wouldn't of to begin with.

But he did see it.

He followed along as best he could, though he couldn't keep up for too too long. By the time he'd finally caught up, well. She was inside a cell. Or at least he assumed so, given how the building looked. And the armed guard. Internally he swore. If he'd been more on the ball, he could of helped before it got this far. No time to go back though. A whole squad stood between him and the exit he was planning to go in. He'd even figured out the sort of way he'd get by the pair of guards that had been there originally.

Now though, he needed something else. And- Crap. They had scatter guns. Well, that wasn't too surprising. It was a military base after all. He took a breath. How in the world was he going to deal with this? He took a breath. Calm your mind. This isn't impossible. Just really, really hard. Kahlil lowered his binoculars as he started to stand up. There was something he could do, though it'd mean he'd bring a lot of attention to himself.

Ah well.

As plans went, this was probably the most reckless he'd thought up in a while. A group of three speeders, all programed to head straight towards different exits. And travel at really too high of speed. They'd barrel directly towards their destination in sync. Literally the exits. They were planning to crash. As soon as they did laser fire would erupt from the nearby trees. A full assault by appearance.

Really just some poor quality blasters Kahlil scrounged up to auto fire in homemade and crappy sentries. A distraction, to pull attention from the last exit. The one he was currently charging at. Or at least, if the chaos he was trying to cause was gonna work. It was a hit hard, hit fast sort of deal, and hopefully he'd make it back out in time for his own ship to pick them up.

Eskk Jannik

Eskk Jannik

The squads Eskk had assigned to surround the holding area had fully assembled by the time, Eskk had traversed the hallways out of it. During that time Eskk had felt his captives presence move.

"Squads six, seven eight, nine, and ten. Give me a sit rep." Each of the squads reported in that roughly half their men had reached the assault areas. Stang, Eskk thought to himself, the karking incompetant troopers will be the death of me.

Eskk had no choice, he had to move with what he had. "Squads 6-10 initiate the assault with your available forces." That would send thirty men in groups of six into the holding area and after the prisoners. "Remaining members of squad 6-10 are ordered to reinforce squads 1-5 surrounding the holding area. Now there would be five groups of eighteen men each guarding any way out of the holding area.

"Squads 1-5 report contact immediately. Someone give me a status report on the command center." Eskk ordered. There was a brief period of silence. Then the chief technician came over Eskk's communicator.

"Major," he informed Eskk, "this is going to take a long time to repair. This isn't your typical grenade damage. Somehow the whole panel is fried. We're looking at days to replace all the wiring and circui..."

Another voice came over the communications device cutting him off. "Squad eleven reporting contact at main entrance!" The squad captains excited voice reported. "A speeder crashed into the building, there appears to be no driver!"

"Squad twelve reporting contact from side entrance front." Another voice reported. "It's another speeder sir."

"Squad 13 reporting contact, another speeder." A third voice reported.

Before Eskk could respond all three voices came over the radio, "taking fire, taking fire, multiple contacts in the trees."

Stang, Eskk thought to himself. This was beginning to look like a coordinated assault on the base. These rebels were fast. He hadnt even managed to inform Imperial command that he had a prisoner yet. So how did they know?

There would be time to worry about that later. "Squads 14 and 15, reinforce squads 11 and 12. Engage the enemy." That would leave the rear exit and one exit on the opposite side of the building undefended, but Eskk had no choice at this point.

"Initiate lockdown protocol Alpha," Eskk ordered. All over the base blast doors began to close restricting passage between sections without a proper identification card.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Due to the sensitivity of the Mission Ty was contacted last minute by the empire Via holo-net. As Ty was touching down a few clicks from the Objective he received an update from the Empire "Mr. Sibo, due to the current situation unfolding your objective is to Kill the target if she unable to be apprehended we understand the gravity of the situation and as such your mission down there is off the books. Officially no civilians or allied personnel were to be harmed in the mission to apprehend the fugitive however unofficially you have an allowance of 20% casualties for allied and civilians."

Ty grabbed his sniper rifle and poison mynock as he exited the shuttle and moved to his predetermined nest on the other side of the area opposite from the blaster treeline. As he was setting up in the treeling opposite to the one that's currently firing Ty looked to his Mynock and spoke to it Telepathically. "Alright friend ill try to keep them busy you get there and attempt to poison the target if you can if you don't believe you can we will go to plan B." His Risen Mynock chirped in response as ty went prone using the force to sense the auras of individuals threw the walls as he looked through the scope.

"Strange I'm sensing several force users here...this will make things harder as they can probably sense my presence...."

due to the rather large amounts of interference from the building and auras from others in the building and so on Ty was having a hard time getting a clear reading on where the Target was so when he came across the aura of a female technician he pulled the trigger as the rifle made a rather loud boom before the 14mm x 110mm round slammed threw the building blowing the poor women in two. as the dust started to settle Ty let out a sigh "shit...well at least I have the allowance." rechambering a round he reconnected with the mynocks from earlier and spoke telepathically. "I'm going to need you to be my eyes buddy you spot the targets ill shoot got it?"

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