As soon as he saw the ball of light, Eskk knew what was about to happen. He shielded himself from the blinding effect of the light by taking cover in the hallway he had come from.
The room the troopers were in lit up with an intensity that Eskk didnt know
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
was capable of. Even in the hallway it hurt his eyes to see. The flash distorted his vision while not completely blinding him. Eskk was forced to spend a few seconds blinking to get his normal sight back.
With his sensory organs he could feel Loreena moving away from the door. Then she somehow went down underneath the floor. Eskk went to the blast door which was whistling as it rapidly cooled.
The men in the Eastern offices were still recovering from the blinding affect as Eskk tried to raise the door. It wouldn't raise all the way, but there was enough room to slide under it.
Eskk put his pistol back in the holster, and dropped to the ground. He crawled underneath the door into the holding area. Loreena and her rescuer were gone. The only clue to their whereabouts was cutting marks from a lightsaber on the floor. Eskk used a force push to reveal the hole they had used to escape.
The three half squads from the south were just arriving in this area to apprehend the escapee. Eskk ordered the eighteen men into the sewer hole after them. Their orders to shoot on sight still stood.
Eskk wasn't going down there himself. There was a limitation to what he was willing to do in the name of duty, and running through a nasty smelling sewer was beyond that limitation. Besides, he had a better idea.
"Someone get me schematics for the sewer system. I wanna know every possible exit."
Then he sent a message to the ground control tower at the spaceport. The message read, by order of the Imperial Military, all outbound space traffic is to be canceled. You are to open fire on any and all non military vessels attempting to take off without the prior approval of Major Eskk Jannik. This order is in effect until further notice."
After that, Eskk ordered squads 13, 14, and 15 to report. Squads 13 and 14 came back over the radio first. "Sir, the assault turned out to be a bunch of cheap blasters rigged to automatically fire from the trees. We're in the process of disabling them now."
Then squad 15 came over the radio, "sir we've located the sniper and have him surrounded. We're prepared to apprehend him on your orders." Eskk thought about it for a moment. He couldnt take his word that he was an imperial. So far all he had done was kill civilians and severely wound one of his men.
"Apprehend the target, be advised he may be an imperial," Eskk ordered his men. They would momentarily swarm the location of
Ty Sibo
. A few seconds later a schenatic of the sewers came back. They had exits all over the city and even outside the city intonthe mountains.
Stang, Eskk thought to himself. There was no way he could cover that much ground with the troops he had available. Maybe he didnt need to.
"Squads One, two, and three report to the space port and patrol it looking for the targets. Squads 4-10 go into the city and patrol it looking for the targets. Tell the Bursoll Two Imperial Police to call in all off duty and reserve personnel. I want as many eyes on the spaceport and the street as we can get."
"Tell the ground control to run the registrations of every ship docked on the spaceport. Thoroughly crosscheck the names of the owners against our records and flag anything suspicious. If the fugitives are spotted alert me immediately."
Darlyn Excron
Kahlil Noble