Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Need to Feed (open to Eternal Empire)

The jolt from Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron was a big help. It was far better than her fighting the darkness alone. Her body twitched in response, although consciousness still eluded her.

It wasn't until he started carrying her down the hall that she started to wake up. "W-what?....w-what's going on?" All that she saw her legs moving, the floor, and someone's rear end. Was it Curtis? Lori shifted herself up, but not too quickly. Her head hurt a lot. It took a moment for her to realize just who was carrying her. "Uncle? How did you....?" So many questions ran through her mind.

It wasn't until the blast doors slammed shut that she remembered what had happened. Eskk Jannik had captured her. And he stole her lightsaber! He even corrupted it!! So this was a rescue. Surely her uncle had a plan....

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
She was awake! Time to get her caught up to speed, quickly. "Shhhh, I'm not here got it goofball?" That should get the whole point across, or at least make it clear not to refer to him as Uncle quite yet. They had to get out of here first before the family reunion could be done quite right. Speaking of which, up ahead he could see, what was that six? Six troopers coming into the holding area with the blast doors closing down behind them. Lovely, there went his speed, and element of surprise. Still though, six people weren't a threat, by a long shot.

"Sorry gentlemen, you're not important enough to care." Darlyn lifted up his free right hand at them, and sent out a high powered blast of Force Lightning. More specifically, he altered the function of the Lightning into the potent Chain variant, in which it would practically pierce through them, or more accurately bounce and electrocute them all. They had enough time to report contact before the Lightning was sent out, and much to Darlyn's surprise the armor seemed to take it, that was to say he didn't see the equipment exploding, but he could tell they weren't really doing well against the lightning itself.

After, honestly just a short while since he didn't care who lived after that shock, the six would drop pretty quickly. With that, while his presence in the Force was obscured and made hard, impossible even to memorize the feel of, he more or less announced to every Force Sensitive in range at least part of how powerful he was. More surprise was being lost, unfortunately, but it meant they had time.

Darlyn set Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun down, making sure she was sat up properly. "Tell me if they get here before I finish." He was making his voice sound intentionally harsher, playing his cover up, and unclipped his yellow lightsaber. He flipped it around so it was the normal end, not the cross guard end, and ignited it, plunging the blade into the blast doors. Cutting through shouldn't take long, within 4 seconds the door would be visibly heated up on both ends, and in 12 it would be glowing bright, ready to start falling apart. How long would it take to cut apart? Probably not all that long, but there were what, 24 more troops coming down at him from the other end at all due haste? He wasn't entirely sure he'd cut through before they were here to stop him. Probably at least part of the way though, maybe.

Of course he didn't know how to identify the captain, who'd have a keycard, or this'd be much easier.

Eskk Jannik :|: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble :|: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Holy chit it worked. Kahlil counted his blessings as he watched the guards on his side of the building leave from sight. That was enough for him. He stayed as low to the ground a man his size could. Trying to be sneaky. Sneaking wasn't entirely his thing, but that's why he'd set up the ambush he did. An ambush that would quickly get discovered if the forest line was charged by the guards.

That wasn't something he could worry about though. He rushed through the exit to get inside. So far so clear. Though, he had no idea where to find Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun in this place. Probably shoulda thought that part through. He grimaced as he made his way through the hall, peering around corners as needed. The cameras would likely find him in a moment, then hell would break loose. This was a terrible idea. Absolutely terrible. He shouldn't of tried this without more informat-

The power of Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron was something he remembered and knew all too well. A friend. An ally. Was he here to do the same thing and save Lori? That'd be incredibly helpful to have someone else though here. He took off in a dash, saber in hand, as he headed to where he last felt that burst of power. Hopefully this could work out.

Eskk Jannik Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

Eskk Jannik

"Major Jannik, sir." came someone's voice over the communicator. They weren't a military official, he could tell by the panic evident in their voice. "Something came through the wall and... This lady just exploded."

This whole karking situation was getting ridiculous. First he had these two criminals to contend with, one of whom had an uncertain identity. Now there was an assault taking place on the western side of the base by an unknown number of individuals. To top it all off, some nerfherder was blowing holes in his base and killing civilians. Eskk dreaded the thought of the paperwork he would have to do later.

"All civilian personnel are to evacuate the base through the main entrance immediately. Squads 11 and 12 and report to the main entrance and protect civilian personnel. Squads 13 and 14 are to charge the position the unknown persons are assaulting us from. Squad 15 is to hunt down the unknown sniper. Attempt to take any persons found into custody, but if they do not immediately comply, lethal force is authorised."

The half squad that would have just entered through the blast door of the Eastern wing of offices came over the radio, "contact outside the Eastern..." Static punctuated the end of the message. A few seconds later the squad in the Eastern wing of offices reported in. "Sir they are coming through the blast door at a very fast rate of speed. Requesting backup."

"Squads 1-10 converge on the eastern offices," Eskk ordered. He was tired of these shenanigans. "Shoot on sight, targets are considered armed and dangerous. Do not try to apprehend alive unless they surrender. Ensure your weapons are set to scattergun function."

Eskk immediately began to run towards the Eastern wing of offices. He was using the force to enhance his physical abilities, so he would arrive in about 1 minute. Eskk called his purple lightsaber to his right hand. He called his DL44 Blaster Pistol to his left hand as he ran.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Ty looked through the scope and kept in contact with his Mynock waiting for any surefire way to spot the Target. his Mynock flowing threw the hole in the wall and past the panicked worker as it told Ty telepathically what it was seeing. Eventually, ty briefly cut contact with his Mynock to relay some info to Eskk via a telepathic shout."Where are your men at, Major i would hate to have them be apart of my casualty report? Also for the record, if that's not your men heating up the blast door I suggest you make your way there..." Ty would fire off two more shots at another random wall one of the shots claiming another civilian and the other hitting the blast door most likely cause some damage to it. "also for your sake major I was never here, I'm only here to make sure you get your quarry and if you don't I've been authorized to kill the target as well as given a 20% civilian and allied casualty allowance, the empire can always replace the civilians its a lot harder to replace good men." ty said coldly to Eskk telepathically so only he could hear Ty before returning his psychic link to the poison risen Mynock.
Lori's head was pounding. At some point it'd go away, right? Eskk Jannik had done something to her, yet she didn't know what. Her mind was attacked somehow, her whole body, and yet she couldn't stop it.

She heard the Force Lightning emanating from Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron 's fingertips. Was that what had happened to her? No, no it had to be something different.

"Tell you if they get here.....right..." Lori braced herself against the wall as she got to her feet, her head pounding all the more, yet it was good that she didn't get up too quickly, otherwise she'd of fallen over. The noise from the compound being attacked didn't help her either. She felt helpless, given that she had all of her weapons taken from her. Yet she didn't have the Force taken from her.... Focusing on that, she turned her attention to the particles in the air and began spinning them rapidly, creating another ball of Force Light, this time as large as a basketball. "I've got my flashbang ready..." Well it was more of a flash than a bang, however it held a lot of the Lightside with it. Her Dad was gifted in the skill and so was she. But it was about all that she was good at as far as Force powers went.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Darlyn glanced at Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun as she propped herself up, making sure she wasn't too weak to do so as he continued melting the blast door itself. When she generated Light though, he visibly flinched in a brief panic, before turning his head back to the door itself. "By the Force could you be careful with that? You any idea what that could do to me if you were strong enough?" He couldn't even try to hide the way his voice wavered a bit at that. He knew she was just using it to create light to blind people, something even he could do if he knew how, but that was quite the power to casually throw around.

Not quite as strange, though, as the second shot from Ty Sibo Ty Sibo . Now he recognized there was someone toting a heck of a gun somewhere. Now he heard the first shot, it was hard not to, but the shot that impacted the door managed to land against the weakened, melting part of the door itself. Normally it probably would've just done some damage on one end, but it actually deformed a part of the door inwards, at them. "Oh, lovely. Think they'll let me borrow that gun? Looks fun."

As the metal began to chunk, falling apart from the door, Darlyn couldn't help but be surprised at how easy this was. Sometimes Lightsabers just, well he never really thought about how much heat they produced until he was doing something like this. Turning a door to slag was, quite a feat. Though what wasn't a feat was, as enough chunks finally fell away to create a hole one could see through... and shoot through. Which Darlyn found out quickly, as one of the leading troopers managed to get a decent amount of the scattergun shot right through.

Straight into his chest, and sending him falling back from the hole.

It hurt quite a bit, but Darlyn had instinctively begun using Force Body the moment the door began to open up with holes, which did a couple of things for him. For one, the single scattergun's partially blocked shot didn't manage to break his skin, being enhanced as it was, but for two it meant he was able to get right back up, despite audibly cussing various choice words in both Basic, and Mando'a. Cumulating in him shoving his hand through the hole and sending a blast of Chain Lightning through to the other side, before stepping to the side of the hole and continuing to burn through, intent on creating a hole big enough to dive through at least. It'd cool down right?


Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble :|: Eskk Jannik
Everyone was converging on a single point. That was actually really good for Kahlil at least. Especially when he saw it. Sewage. Every place needed to have some way to remove waste. Especially a military base that had this level of people within. An escape plan. He clicked on his mic to speak to his droid, R6, with some sense of relief. "Heyyy bud. I uh." There was a string of annoyed beeps from the other end.

"Yes, I know. Those were for a shipment. But-"

Another string of annoyed boops.

"Trust me, I get it. We'll have to explain and all that but really I'm not in a good-"

This time, far more sassy bops.

"I.. What? No! Listen! I kinda broke into the place. And I need the schematics for it's plumbing."

One single, confused beep.

"Please just hurry uuuohchit."

He rounded a corner right into one of those squads, who immediately raised their guns at him. Kahlil raised his hands. Chit. He was caught. He had to be caught. They didn't know who he was, right? A stranger in a military base? No way they'd just let him go.

They let him go. He wasn't one of the two targets in question. With the craziness going on they assumed he was a civilian. There was no report of an infiltration more than Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron . The young Jedi let out a sigh of relief before nodding and heading the way he was directed. Opposite of where he wanted to go. But they could lead him to where he wanted to be.

He followed behind just out of sight, careful not to gain their attention again. Another blast of lightning, this time he could see it. Definitely Darlyn. And that light. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . She was close. A beep sounded off on his comlink as the map came up. Perfect. There was a close enough tube for this to work. Looking to the blast door that was currently being cut open in the distance, well. He needed to be quick. The tall figure rushed down another hallway, narrowly avoiding another of the squads, before finally reaching his destination.

With a quick flash of his saber he cut through the floor, and fell into the sewage system below. Damn did it stink, but it'd work. It had to work. They weren't just going to be able to rush out of here, especially once the squads occupied outside realized there wasn't anything to bother them in the trees. A quick pull of the Force replaced the flooring he had cut out, then he took off in a run. All that was left was to get the duo to drop in.

He reached out, trying to tap that connection to the Light to send Lori a message.
Ten feet back from the door, have Darlyn cut the floor. Get into the sewers.

Eskk Jannik Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

Eskk Jannik

Eskk slowed his run when he recieved the telepathic message. He listened to the voice with intrigue then irritation. So the Nerfherder blowing civilians into pieces was supposedly on his side. When he started making suggestions as to how Eskk should proceed, he became irritated. He was awfully smart for someone with no skin in the game. Eskk wanted to kill him just as badly as he wanted to kill the spy and recapture Loreena.

Eskk wondered what he should do. It wasnt the first time a mysterious entity had made the exact claim this entity had just psychically made. However he seemed to have legitimate concern for Eskk's troops. The other man hadn't exhibited such a concern.

Whether or not he was legitimately a part of the empire was hardly relevant at this point. He was not the priority, and if he spoke the truth, Eskk was happy to have one more gun firing at his enemies.

Eskk got to Eastern wing of the offices as the blast door continued to be rapidly heated. The only object Eskk knew of capable of causing this kind of damage to a blast door was a lightsaber. That meant his spy was probably a force user.

Eskk allowed his rage to fill him and sent a focused blast of force energy to the center of the heated circle where the lightsaber was cutting through. Normally he wouldnt have enough power to affect a blast door so easily, but he hoped with the superheated and weakened state of the metal that his force push would knock soke super heated chunks of metal back towards the spy cutting into the door.

Afterwards Eskk fired his blaster pistol into the expanding hole of the door. Due to his sniper skills the shots were accurately traveling through the hole. That was no guarentee that he was hitting anything though.

The half squad from the western side of the holding area should have been arriving now. They had been instructed to open fire on anyone they didnt recognise in the holding area.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Ty watched from the scope of his rifle as the hole in the blast door formed and shots were exchanged. seems that they have that taken care of I hope... Ty thought to himself as his Mynock made him aware of the man being held at Blasterpoint by a squad of troopers. mabie its a accomplice well lets see about that. Aiming through his scope he lined up the shot and pulled the trigger however as the bullet traveled through the air instead of hitting Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble it instead Went a bit to the right taking off a Squadmans arm at the shoulder before blowing threw the wall next to him.

Ty looks down at his rifle before looking back at the were he shot.. oooh i forgot to zero this....ill fix that... doing the mental math realiseing he only can make 2 more "mistakes" before its a failure... he redirected his attention to The door ready to assist in shooting if need be.
"Do to you? No, it's just a light. It'd just blind you for a few seconds, wouldn't it?" That was all that she had ever used her balls of Force Light for. She didn't know of the full extent of their use, nor that it could hurt Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron .

And then the voice of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble popped into her head once Darlyin was momentarily shot backwards. She used that opportunity to send the ball of light through to the other side and then made it bigger, essentially blocking the hole from view. ~The sewers?...Okay, we'll try.~

Lori kept herself up against the wall, out of a clear shot from the hole. It was made even bigger once Eskk Jannik interfered, and she needed to leap back from some of the pieces of the door. "We need to get below! I'll try to distract them." Force Light might of been the main Force skill that she knew, but there were a couple others as well. The molten pieces of the door were lifted from the ground as she wrapped the Force around them and sent them hurtling through the hole at Eskk and the others opening fire on them. She enlarged her ball of Light until it's diameter was 4 feet and kept it shining as bright as a small sun. "Hurry! I can't hold this for long!"

Lori heard the footfalls of trooper boots on durasteel floors coming in behind them. Oh crap!! She let her ball of Light explode and then gathered the Force behind them. At first she thought that she could make some kind of shield, but her energy levels still weren't what they should be. So instead she Force pushed the lead trooper into the ones behind him. "We've got company!"

Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
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How the feth was she able to conjure Light and not know of its most famous attribute, the things it did to darksiders like him? He was even more lucky then that she wasn't actually strong enough to do to him what it was meant to, nor was trying to use it in such a way to begin with. He'd have to tell Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun later, if only for his own safety at this point! Though for now her light orbs were doing a good job to help distract people, especially as he had to jump back away from the door to avoid being seriously burned by the melting metal.

"Oh do you mind? I'm trying to do an escape here and your attempts at stopping me are very much annoying me!" He shouted the words at, well no one in particular really, Eskk Jannik and his men mostly? He was more irritated than annoyed at their ability to stop him from just steamrolling through, if he'd worn his 'gam this would've been no contest. Stupid idiot him had decided not to wear such recognizable armor, though, and while that was giving him some identity cover, it certainly wasn't doing much to stop scatterguns.

He heard the distant shot from Ty Sibo Ty Sibo , just a little underneath Lori's words and the raging firefight that was starting up. DL-44's and scatterguns tended to be loud, but at least on the other end of a compromised blast door they were muffled to him. Get down underground? Was there a basement? Or.. oh by the force a sewer level. He prayed that it was a secret basement as he nodded to her, letting her focus on the door and distracting them as the hole was being widened by Eskk bit by bit. Without the lightsaber, it'd be cooling rapidly to try and match the air around it, so unless he tried to open it (assuming it still could with massively warped metal) or burned through himself it should at least mean he wouldn't be shot in the back. Now he was focused on cutting through the much more compliant floor roughly where he felt appropriate. Whatever was underneath was much more willing to be parted, and he was making quick progress.

And then the stench, yeah that's a sewer level.

He was able to actually fully cut the section of floor, but before he could lift it Lori shouted that they had company. He looked up, and seeing the troops he condensed the Force into his free hand, preparing a particularly potent blast of Lightning. Some of the soldiers managed to open fire, however, and he had to push himself up and between himself and Lori, multiple fragments of the scatterguns slamming into him, and a few even managing to break his skin somewhat before he sent the Lightning into them. Whoever made this Ultranaut armor had never meant for them to deal with the electrical power of lightning, apparently.

He huffed and lifted up the floor section he'd cut free, coughing quite heavily. He hadn't properly prepared Force Body this time, so he was running on borrowed time and adrenaline. He motioned to Lori to get in there, quickly, before half falling through the hole himself, grabbing one of the nearest guard's thermal det's on his fall into the sewers themselves... clutching his side out of pain and exhaustion.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Kahlil had blinked in mild surprise as one of the troopers was blown to pieces before him, but he didn't linger on it. Either a friend helping out, or an enemy who happened to miss. Neither was good. Thankfully, ending up in the sewers below would take him out of the direct line of fire, if only for a little bit. With that minor connection to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun for that mental message he was able to sprint through the sewers to the point in question. Just in time to see the ground cut and Lori and Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron coming through. Neither were in good shape., but Darlyn seemed to be way worse off.

He dashed to the man's side, pulling him to his feet. "We can't stay. They'll start to close this off. Can you run?" Looking at his injuries, probably not. His attention instead turned to the woman. "If you can run, I'll carry him. We need to move." With that said he pretty easily lifted Darlyn up into a fireman carry and started to run. It wasn't a long stretch to the exit, but all eyes were here now. They didn't have long at all.

His attention turned back to the hole that had been cut out, then to the slab that had been removed. Raising a single hand he'd send that slab back to where it'd came from in a hopes to slow down the troopers long enough for the trio to get around the bend and out of direct line of fire.

Eskk Jannik Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

Eskk Jannik

As soon as he saw the ball of light, Eskk knew what was about to happen. He shielded himself from the blinding effect of the light by taking cover in the hallway he had come from.

The room the troopers were in lit up with an intensity that Eskk didnt know Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was capable of. Even in the hallway it hurt his eyes to see. The flash distorted his vision while not completely blinding him. Eskk was forced to spend a few seconds blinking to get his normal sight back.

With his sensory organs he could feel Loreena moving away from the door. Then she somehow went down underneath the floor. Eskk went to the blast door which was whistling as it rapidly cooled.

The men in the Eastern offices were still recovering from the blinding affect as Eskk tried to raise the door. It wouldn't raise all the way, but there was enough room to slide under it.

Eskk put his pistol back in the holster, and dropped to the ground. He crawled underneath the door into the holding area. Loreena and her rescuer were gone. The only clue to their whereabouts was cutting marks from a lightsaber on the floor. Eskk used a force push to reveal the hole they had used to escape.

The three half squads from the south were just arriving in this area to apprehend the escapee. Eskk ordered the eighteen men into the sewer hole after them. Their orders to shoot on sight still stood.

Eskk wasn't going down there himself. There was a limitation to what he was willing to do in the name of duty, and running through a nasty smelling sewer was beyond that limitation. Besides, he had a better idea.

"Someone get me schematics for the sewer system. I wanna know every possible exit."

Then he sent a message to the ground control tower at the spaceport. The message read, by order of the Imperial Military, all outbound space traffic is to be canceled. You are to open fire on any and all non military vessels attempting to take off without the prior approval of Major Eskk Jannik. This order is in effect until further notice."

After that, Eskk ordered squads 13, 14, and 15 to report. Squads 13 and 14 came back over the radio first. "Sir, the assault turned out to be a bunch of cheap blasters rigged to automatically fire from the trees. We're in the process of disabling them now."

Then squad 15 came over the radio, "sir we've located the sniper and have him surrounded. We're prepared to apprehend him on your orders." Eskk thought about it for a moment. He couldnt take his word that he was an imperial. So far all he had done was kill civilians and severely wound one of his men.

"Apprehend the target, be advised he may be an imperial," Eskk ordered his men. They would momentarily swarm the location of Ty Sibo Ty Sibo . A few seconds later a schenatic of the sewers came back. They had exits all over the city and even outside the city intonthe mountains.

Stang, Eskk thought to himself. There was no way he could cover that much ground with the troops he had available. Maybe he didnt need to.

"Squads One, two, and three report to the space port and patrol it looking for the targets. Squads 4-10 go into the city and patrol it looking for the targets. Tell the Bursoll Two Imperial Police to call in all off duty and reserve personnel. I want as many eyes on the spaceport and the street as we can get."

"Tell the ground control to run the registrations of every ship docked on the spaceport. Thoroughly crosscheck the names of the owners against our records and flag anything suspicious. If the fugitives are spotted alert me immediately."

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Ty would rise to his feet with arms raised in a form of surrender "Major if you value these troopers' lives you would tell them to leave me be as I have a job to do and I will kill them if they get in my way." Ty spoke coldly as he raised his handset to the troopers who found his position. His risen Myknock Telling him their locations. In case he had to fight his way out. With the Mynock landing on his shoulder, he bent down slowly to pick up his Rifle and clip it To his body. The Uniform he wore was a hex pattern camo HARM armor with his biosuit underneath and no helmet showing his skeletal face.

A Blackwatch Operative insignia, was on his left shoulder while the right was the Hades corp Company logo. "I'll try not to kill you but I can't risk failing my mission hope you understand." He said to the troopers who found his location. before Igniting his Red Protosaber and rushing forward with a Force dash cutting just below the knee on the first two as he made his way to the sewer fully intent on following them deflecting blaster shots while his armor tanked the shatter shots. Ty stuck to his word and Tried to only cripple and not kill those who would try to get in his way.
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The noise didn't help Lori's headache, but that in and of itself was fading away ever so slightly over time. Whatever Eskk Jannik did to her, she hated him all the more. Not to mention the fact that he had stolen and corrupted her lightsaber!!!

She climbed down into the sewer as Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron helped them to gain access. Her nose scrunched up with the smell, and she used her sleeve to over her nose and mouth to at least help her to breathe. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble approached them shortly thereafter. "Yeah, I can run. I sure hope you have a good idea of where we are going."

And now it was Darlyn's turn to be carried. Her mind ran through a whole bunch of scenarios for how they could get out. There were so many different stages to go through. First they needed to escape the sewers, then the city, then the planet and then the system. Neither of those were going to be easy by any means. Especially as she was currently wearing a prisoner's uniform. "I hope you all have some sort of plan..." Her only plan at the moment was to run.

Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
"Hey hey hey I can still wa-aaaaaaaah-lk" Darlyn tried, rather fruitlessly, to convince Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , who was now making his presence known to Darlyn rather suddenly by picking him up over his shoulders despite him protesting it. All the same, he still let his, sparring partner, pick him up like that... since admittedly it would probably be faster than letting him try to expend more energy running, risking him getting too exhausted to maintain Body. By how he felt now, he really needed at least a shot of bacta to keep from collapsing the moment it dropped. If he only could've been prepared for this...

He managed to wriggle himself out of the heavier cloak of the borrowed jedi robes he had on and tossed it to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . "Hold onto that, it should at least make you look less like a criminal when we get out." After all, they could be leaving just about anywhere right? By now they had to be running, and Darlyn was listening for the chasing of the troops behind them, fiddling with the timer on the thermal detonator This would need to be timed real dang well to work right.

"I have a ship out there, but I doubt we'll be able to get to it. Still I need to get it back, it's not under my name but I'd rather not lead them back to the rental. Last thing I need is more proof I was here after all. There's a droid on it I could have start it up but I ah, kinda left the comlink in the cup holder."

There were two paths coming up in the next bend, one closer and one further on. One left, then a right. "Next right. Trust me." He tossed the thermal detonator down the first bend, where it connected to a pipe and stuck. Given right enough timing, it should explode, possibly catching troops in the thermal explosion and partially blocking the path itself.... and make it seem like that's where they went, hoping to catch the chasing guards. Diversion, so they could exit somewhere else. After all, why would someone waste such a device?

He also tried to indicate to them both to be as quiet as they could as well, since the diversion would only help if the noise masking of the explosion worked.

Eskk Jannik :|: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
"I do, but uh." He glanced up to Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron with an apologetic smile. "We're not going to the space port. Toss that thermal the other way." The Spaceport would be crawling with Eternals. It's why he had R6 head off somewhere more remote. The mountains. It'd be a run, but hopefully the last place Ty Sibo Ty Sibo and Eskk Jannik would be looking. His gaze turned to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Yeah, there was a couple questions he'd have to ask her when they got out.

"We're gonna have to talk about this once we're out. Darlyn, I hope you know the frequency of your droid. Your best bet is to have em wipe any information if you wanna stay hidden." The Jedi took a breath before doubling down on his run. They wouldn't be able to stop, not for a while. "If you need to stop, Lori, let me know. We might be okay to pause for a little while, but that'll be a risk."

Eskk Jannik

Eskk could no longer feel Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun presence in the force, or with his sensory organs. She was too far away. Eskk was several hundred feet in the air. He looked down at the mountain range from the cockpit of his TIE reaper.

Eskk intended to have it earn it's name. The city was watched by his troops and so was the spaceport. One might say it was crawling with them. These mountains were the only place Eskk didnt have eyes.

There was only one exit from the sewers into the mountains and Eskk was above it. He was close enough that the signature whine of his TIE craft would be heard in the sewers before they ever saw him or he ever saw them.

Eskk didnt care. He would fly runs past the entrance until someone found them somewhere else, they showed themselves, or his fuel got low and he was forced to return to base. Eskk hoped it wouldnt come to that as the time it would take for him to get to low fuel would probably mean they successfully escaped.

Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Lori caught the Jedi robe and slipped it on. "Don't tell Caedyn about this...He'd just say that it's a good look for me." A Jedi was one of the last things that she ever wanted to be. Well, that or a Sith. She was quite comfortable at being her own thing and not following in either of her family's footsteps.

Yet in some ways she was going down the same path as her Mom. Whereas her Mom freed slaves in a number of different ways from the Hutt Cartel and was a thorn in their side; so too is Lori freeing people from oppression and being a thorn in the side of the Eternal Empire. And both didn't use the Force much. Both pretty much hidden their abilities for different reasons. And both had their first loves being of the Darker part of the spectrum. And both were part of a Monarchy too.

Oh no...

Lori just followed where she was instructed, too lost in her thoughts for the moment. Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron threw his detonator and she followed along to where Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had gone off to. The moment that he said that they needed to talk about this later, she knew that there'd be some kind of scolding or something going on. Although they could end up being lucky and he'd forget! Yeah, that could happen.

"I don't have a ship. I was actually coming here to look for a new one. They'll probably set up a blockade. We'll have to hunker down for a while."

Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Eskk Jannik

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