Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Need to Feed (open to Eternal Empire)

"Kahlil, buddy, I can't stay here longer than they can block off this planet. They'll know it's me and not Tréigthe (Trey-ke) if I'm forced to stay for too long." He sighed a bit and rubbed his chin. Unlike both of them, he had to get off world, soon, and long before this blockade simply assumed he had gotten off world somehow. Fething nightmare, but there had to be a way out for him. Something that would benefit everyone.

Since he was on Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's shoulders, he had plenty of time to think while the massive man was carrying him. Searching for an answer, he considered everything, no matter how bad an idea, and began to weigh his options. By now they would be well away from the ultranauts after them, and probably have taken more than a slightly winding path through the sewers to get to wherever they were. It should be relatively safe to talk quietly to both of them about a plan.

"The droid should be fine, ish. The ship isn't under my name or linked to me in any way. It's a rental after all, it'd be clearly registered to them, which wouldn't even be a blip on their radar. No reason to concern themselves with a normal rental service after all." This was true enough, and by that measure the ship could stay docked for quite a while without anyone really suspecting a thing. "As far as a blockade, I could run it easily if I got into orbit. I can jump to hyperspace off any actual hyperspace lanes without the computer, which means unless they have interdictors up there they can't really stop me from getting past them. I'd probably have to swipe a ship from someone, but I could always swipe an Imp ship as long as it has hyperdrive."

"That'd also help the both of you, they'd probably relax the blockade sooner if they thought we got off world. I'd just need one of you to get my rental off world. The point is I need to make sure I can keep my deniability about ever being here."

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun :|: Eskk Jannik :|: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
"You've got a side full of shot, Lori's got something wrong, and there's no outside help. We are not going to the space port. That's going to be crawling with enemies. My ship's already headed to the mountains in wait. R6 can get us out of here no issue, but your identity? Least of our concerns at the moment." Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron was risking everything to help his niece, but so was Kahlil. Though, thus far no one had seen him enough to recognize who he was. If anything, he'd likely be the one able to get his ship out. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was right though. With the blockade they're not going to be able to get off world. The young Jedi let out a sigh before glancing back to the dark Jedi on his shoulders.

"We'll go to my ship. Get you healed and find a safe place. They didn't see me, I made sure to short out the cameras while I ran through. Once I'm sure you two are safe, I can get your ship from the space port. Alright?"

Eskk Jannik Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

Eskk Jannik

Eskk was still flying above the Mountain, looking at the exit to the sewers that lead out here. So far, there had been nothing. Eskk was getting bored with the endless passes over the empty mountain scene, but he wasnt going to give up.

"All squads report," Eskk ordered into his comlink. The squads in both the city and the spaceport gave the all clear. The squad and a half reported that some kind of explosion had taken place in the sewers and that two of their men had been trapped under the debris. They were still trying to dig them out.

Squad fourteen was the only squad with anything to say. "Sir," the captain of squad fourteen said. "All the blaster weapons in the trees have been secured. We found whats left of squad fifteen. Someone decimated them." Eskk thought about what to have his men do next.

"Rodger that," Eskk acknowledged that he had heard all the squads reports. "Squad fourteen bring any surviving members of Squad fifteen to the infirmary. No one is to file any reports until I've debriefed them." Eskk turned his attention back to the sewer exit. Wherever the fugitives were, he hoped they would emerge soon.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Unable to catch up with the targets, Ty doubled back to the entrance waiting for security to die down a bit before Leaving the sewer heading to the evac site. "Well i may have failed but I can blame it on the terrorists blowing up the building and people in the area," Ty said to himself as he made his way to evac. Even THough he himself knows that that was a lie.
Lori listened to Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble as they debated on just how to get out of here. All of this was her fault. But she had done nothing wrong outside of trying to get herself a new ship. And maybe attend a little gathering. It was Eskk Jannik that took it upon himself to arrest her after she took away his dinner. How was she supposed to know that he was an Imperial??

"Hey...I'm getting better. The headache's going away. Just as long as we get out of here and away from this smell, I'll be even better." Lori kept up with Kahlil well enough. All three of them would need really good showers by the end of this. Otherwise the smell would just linger.

Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
"A side full of shot? Is ot really that bad, cause I genuinely can't feel a thing. Which means it should be more than fine until I drop Body, then we can start worrying. Probably should've started it before I got sucker punched, then you wouldn't be carrying me right now."

He was grumbling, of course, but there was a bit of a playful streak he was putting into it. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was a good friend and, truth be told Darlyn could actually tell he was right in this instance. Darlyn needed at least some basic medical aid or Force healing or he'd be in a pretty not great shape.

Of course he was right as well about his identity, sort of. His was the one that would actually risk open war here, so getting back quickly was still imperative. Simply not the biggest concern. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun then piped up with news she was recovering, a good sign.

"Probably didnt need to do that big guy. I sort of blew up the consoles in their command center after getting them to invite me in. Fun story, I'll tell you two it over tea sometime. For now, Kahlil, how far away is R6 right now? Lori, you got any tricks left up your sleeve? And can you put me down, we have to be nearing an exit."

Eskk Jannik

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