Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Next Invasion


Well-Known Member
Okay i just caught up on the ooc, may I suggest some one commandeers my ship. It`s almost perfect for the job of getting into that place on mass.

1: it got cloak, so you can land with out hindrance of aa guns
2: it`s covered in matrix armour, can take pounding when it starts to strafe the building
3: all it`s weapons are ion based, so it will knock out all that ray shields in the way
Darth Acarus said:
Fadeyka could be dealt with.
She and all of Havoc squad were attacked by me and glitter outside while the center was smashed. Shes near Ellain, Rohn and the others which is with me cause there is no more inside. Now Odiums bombs just have to go off and level the rest of the place cause we dont mess around. Move to the palace all of you.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Praelior"] I am trying to crush a thruster to save the library, as you suggested

Though I recommend again that you get my corvette and leap over their using it, thus avoiding the mine laden bridge, and any ray shields by shooting the power generators with my ion cannons
[member="sabrina"] I have a 50m tall who knows how many tons sithspawn who has a huge reach. I am going to destroy said mine laden bridge and area while walking over there.... After I finish this fight against all of havoc squad because 7 on 1 was smart odds
Yes yes they do need help and

Alexandra Cinthra
Darth Tsolan
Darth Astraios
Darth Mierin
Darth Acarus
Darth Isolda
Darth Praelior
Darth Janus
Darth Nexus
Eleena Miho
Darth Banshee
Darth Junra
Hion the Herglic
Arturious Engel
Darth Hauntruss
Darth Odium
Darth Veles
Quinn Vos
Darth Helios
Cale Gunderson

Have done well
Then Veles will make his way to the palace!

Even though some survivors are near the medcenter and if he finishes them now, they won't bother him in the next invasion...

And he wants to burn a hole into the Havoc squad and reduce their numbers a bit :D
Assault main city's seat of power: The One Sith must assault or destroy the Capitols main seat of power. The Governors palace must be attacked and taken over, or razed to the ground.

Raze it to the ground my lovelies. Quickly and efficiently.

Razing both the Med center and the palaces grants us victory.

Dear god the insanity of it but this fight with Hauntruss is bringing out the fun. What better place to watch a jedi master and sith fight then in the maw of a giant worm that is destroying a city? Answer there is no better place

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