Darron felt Rosa press her back against his, the green and blue blades he carried hummed in unison as once more the world crystallized for him. Every threat was assessed within an instant, and the Jedi Master began to prioritize everything. The tingling he felt all over his senses was that split second of knowing what was going to happen before it did, it was one of the two things he was particularly gifted at amongst his brethren. Everything was being rated in his mind's eye as he saw all the Jedi circling up together. The troop transports and the snipers above were most troubling, then it had to be the natural fauna of Dxun that was next in the threat category. The snipers could easily be deflected, the artillery guns would pose issues, and the Sith who were back throwing objects at the Jedi were a separate threat. With his two blades, one blue the other green crossed infront of him, the Jedi Master began deflecting bolts as he felt the Jedi circling up as instructed.
His voice enhanced by the Force, was barely audible to the Jedi as he issued orders. "I need Jedi on those transports, and I need some to break away and handle the tower defenses. Those well versed in combat need to stay down here and deal with these monsters and the Sith. Now GO!"
Just before he entered Vaapad he sent one last communication to Rosa, you need to stay close but give me room to operate if you're wanting to watch my back. Good luck.
With his orders given, the Lion of the Jedi emptied his mind of all emotion. He knew who his threats were and he knew how to deal with him, so he did what he had always done. As his emotions cleared, Darron channeled his will to win and desire for victory into a conduit within himself. As he did he pulled from the darkness around him and formed a superconducting loop within himself. On this particular world the influx of power was almost intoxicating to the Jedi Master as he walked the penumbra of the darkside making it his weapon of the light. With all that energy and emotion boiling within him, he kept a calm expression on his face as his deadly focus took over. I have a job to do, and not one of my men will die today. The thought became his mantra as he heard his heart begin to beat loudly in his chest, almost like his own personal war drum.
The Force flowing fully within him, the Jedi broke from the circle as the first wave of blaster bolts made their way to him. His blades moved as a blur as they knew where to go before even Darron did. A few men fell to stray deflections as Darron appeared to be encased in light as he started to slowly march forward. They are holding back, there's more to come. He sent the message to the assembled Jedi as they went about their orders and just generally trying to survive. His boots slowly made their way across the stone, the ground shaking from the incoming beasts. Darron was focused on one specific creature, a massive zakkeg. Each bolt he deflected towards the creature only seemed to be absorbed by it's thick plating. This will be difficult, he managed.
The thought barely crossed his mind as he was leaping up and away from Force lighting, they were directing him towards the massive beast. Judging from the fear in their own hearts, this monster is to be feared. As soon as his boots touched the ground, the massive creature was only inches away from goring him as the Jedi once more took to the air, this time landing on the monster. His feet landed on uncertain, yet muscle bound ground as he tried to balance on the creature as it charged through the center of the great clearing they where in. His lightsaber strikes did little as he swung his blades down on it between dodging blaster bolts and artillery fire. Couldn't we have made this easy?
The zakkeg took a sharp turn and Darron had no choice but to allow himself to be launched away as a artillery shell hit the monster where he had been. Yet the beast still stood, and it roared before charging the Jedi Master. "Come on you monster!" His voice was barely audible over the din of war as the monster came closer and closer, calm yourself Wraith. At the last possible second Darron fell to his back and drove his blades into the creatures neck as it ran past him, his blades carving a path through it's body as it ran it's own self through. He quickly stood to regard the creature as it fell to the ground, well that wasn't so bad. He turned to asses the battle but three Sith Master's were upon him in a blur of red blades....