Kadrak shrugged and smiled. "Not stupid, necessarily. Just having a bit of fun. Plus, you'll have your armor, so it's not a horrible thing by any means. I've seen plenty more ridiculous plans implemented, and watched a few of them succeed." A slow grin. "And there's a chance that some of them may have been of my own doing. But, of course, all's fair in the end, most times. Unless something particularly bad malfunctions, but I try not to let that happen. Unless we're talking traps, in which case I let that happen a lot."
She smiled again and reached up to gently place her hand on top of his. "You'd get along with them, I think. There were three of them in the span of a few years. A Zabrak, a Togruta and...a Chiss, ironically enough, though they were just passing through at the time and only stuck around for around a week. A brilliant mechanic besides."
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