Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Punishment Due... (TJO/Pub and LS Jedi Only)

And so he waited, listening to all that the Jedi gathered had to say. It was then that one of those branded upon his torso made himself known. Jedi Mast Kian Karr. One who rose among the ranks to the Order in fast fashion. Yet Ket knew what others did not. Kian Karr was not made a Master because of what he knew, no, Kian Karr was made a Master for fear of what he would become. The Force had shown Ket all that Kian would be, from his birth, to humble beginnings, to his teenage years, all the way until the present time. Kian was one of the Ten. One of the Jedi that the Force had shown him to be under his protection. One of the Jedi that needed his guidance, no matter what the Jedi themselves thought. And within that, Kian had opened himself to Ket, and let him deep within his soul. And like the fire of those Jedi Masters before him, Ket could not help but do as the Force commanded him. With conviction, the Force as his guide, Ket stood there, and took quiet, humble steps until he was face to face with the Master Jedi.

"You speak to me gently. You give me what many would never think to do so; you give me equal footing. You see me as I am, and you harbor no judgement. Why is it so? You ask questions to which you already know the answers, Kian. I will not sit here and give you the same speeches I gave Kana, for you have progressed far beyond such needs. I will simply do this:"

And Ket reached forward, and placed his hand upon Kian's own hand. Skin to skin, being to being.

"Watch, Kian. See that which the Force shows you. Accept it's vision, and know that I mean you no harm. I am a True Jedi, and I hold within my hands the Force's message. You seek to know why I will not give up those who accompanied me? It is the same reason you would protect your fellow Jedi. The Force shall make us all answer for our actions. I have no right to betray them, for the Force has told me so. It is my Master, and surely you shall see that. Embrace the vision the Force grants you, Kian Karr. For the Force guides us all."

And with that, Ket took Kian's hand within his own fully, eyes closing, as he once again became the conduit the Force had chosen him to be. One by one, he would show those chosen what the Force wanted for them, and from them. For it was it's will, and no one else's.

[member="Kian Karr"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“Of course.” Kana began to gently rub her nose bridge in embarrassment. “I’m an idiot.”

It wasn’t her call to make in the first place, obviously. The Republic was the law, not the Jedi yet somewhere along the tracks even Kana had forgotten that. In an unexpected move they all received a message from the grandmaster none-the-lesser and Kana perked her eyebrow at [member="Ryan Korr"] and shrugged.

She truly had no idea what to do.
Corvus kept her cup in position and her back to the wall. All this touching was making her feel a little uncomfortable. And her eyes were on Ryan. It was his prisoner and it was he that the GrandMaster wanted to hear from.

She couldn't help but nod when Kian and Kana spoke however. It was - in her opinion - as she'd hinted at from the outset, a Galactic Republic decision. His crimes were against them. Jedi too of course - but those would be covered by the Republic charges. Jedi uphold laws but do not pass judgement. If Knight Korr or the GrandMaster believed a character reference was appropriate, then it would be given. Honouring the law was one of the pillars after all. Even Jedi, on Republic business, were expected to suffer the consequences should a law be broken.

[member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Ryan ground his teeth as he watched the Sith Lord sway his companions with fine words and talk of the Force's Will. He'd heard such obsequious language before, couched in terms of what the Force Willed. It all sounded alluring, he could see it in their eyes. Kiann, normally so unreadable behind his mask, oscillated. Truden, well he didn't know her, but he could see that she had already decided in her head. Corvus? She glanced between him and Ket, wavering.

An ache formed inside Ryan's chest. Could they not see? These words were the same that had spilled from the mouth of Selena Halcyon, or Dragonsflame, or Carn Dista. "The Force Wills it." A sanctioning of any action, a justification for any war. With those words, the Jedi had fallen upon the Graug and annihilated most of their species. With those words, Selena had embarked upon an imperialist expansion while wearing the mask of justice and supposedly ridding the galaxy of Dark Siders. With those words, Carn Dista, Graxin Rade and Saki proclaimed the superiority of Jedi above those of 'lesser' status. With those words, they would let the will of the Force be the judge and jury, while they would pose as the headsmen. The executioners.

As he watched his friends swayed by the philosophical wooing, Ryan felt a coldness seep into his bones. A chill ran along his spine. Alone. He felt so alone. He longed to join with them, to share in a belief that Ket's words were real. But the utterance of those words sent memories crawling from their dark and hidden places. Memories of holding a dying friend in his arms, her blood soaking his clothes, because he could not save her. Because a Jedi who claimed to know the "Will of the Force" had abandoned them. His chest tightened, the ache forming into a knotted ball.

He set his cup of caf down and inhaled deeply. Perhaps it was true that wisdom resided in gray eyes. Ryan could only hope.

Buzz buzz.

A frown creased his brow, or would have if he hadn't already made several new lines due to the incessant frowning from this whole ordeal. He withdrew a data pad from a pocket in his pants and stared at the message. His lips twitched, trying and failing to form a smile. It was like a flash of lightning in the sky, failing to touch the ground.

To: [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
CC: [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
RE: Van-Derveld
Subject is uncooperative over Praxeum Incident. Refuses to give up accomplice. Arrived at detention cell without incident, shows signs of the Light Side and is seeking judgement. Subject seems to be pushing for character reference and exoneration. Wants to join the Jedi. Truden and Karr appear to agree with the former. Cannot say for Raaf. I find him guilt-ridden, but unrepentant. Lacks humility. Seems to find that his abstinence from killing us all constitutes enough of a righteous act to make him a Jedi.

Excuse my candor.


[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]
Once more the images flashed in Kian's eyes. He felt the images as well, felt the emotion behind them emanating from [member="Ket Van-Derveld"], and it was clear that Ket truly believed in the "vision" he was giving Kian. But there was something about Ket's devotion to the force that bothered Kian, something about it that seemed too obsessive. He seemed to feel he was chosen......and that the others were chosen for some task, and that notion disturbed Kian a bit.

"Be careful," Kian said pulling his hand free of the man's and stepping back, "that you do not follow blindly." Kian believed in following the guidance of the force, but he also put a great deal of stock in following your instincts and your intuition. Fanatics followed blindly, and fanatics made poor Jedi.

"I also do not put much stock in visions for they are so easily misinterpreted.....often to disastrous endings." Kian said considering the prophecy regarding Anakin Skywalker. He was still hesitant to trust the man, and was having difficulty gauging him. Kian glanced around the room at the others. [member="Kana Truden"], who seemed to know Ket better then the others, [member="Corvus Raaf"] who was somewhat silent, and [member="Ryan Korr"] who seemed to be greatly displeased by all this. Turning his gaze back to Ket, Kian folded his arms across his chest.

"I have to say though, I'm still at a bit at a loss. What is it you seek from us? What are you after?" Kian said after a moment's hesitation. "I gather that you feel the force has guided you here, and perhaps it has. But to what end? What is it the force wishes you to do?

"And," Kian said raising a hand and pointing a finger into the air to emphasize the point, "as a 'True Jedi', what exactly do you expect us to do?" Kian asked. There wasn't any sarcasm in his voice, but there was a great deal of skepticism. That was Kian's way. He needed to see multiple sides to an argument, he needed to hear rationalizations and arguments for or against. He needed as much information as possible to make a decision like this, and at the moment, things were too steeped in innuendo and vagueness. Kian wanted straight answers, and to gauge the thoughts of the man as well as those around him.
“Please, it’s a valid question, Mister Van-Derveld.” Kana removed her hand from her nose bridge. “We’re trying to understand you but all the skirting around the vague and all these mentions of the force's will is just making it hard on us. A clear answer is called for.”

“We in this room aren’t the final authority, the Republic is, and most people in the Republic aren’t jedi like we are. Can you provide us with an answer they would understand?”

“Why are you here, and how do you yourself see this going down in the end?”

Even Kana's writer had to admit, they were getting pretty confused and annoyed by all this walking in circles.

[member="Kian Karr"]
[member="Ryan Korr"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]
The Force.

It was a blinding thing, something that could obscure all else in one's mind. They all were born of it, molded by it, lived within it, and died by it's whims. This had been true of so many; Sadow, Revan, Bane, Yoda, Vader, Skywalker, Jinn, Kenobi, Stone, Yoghurt, Ol'rean, Mal Pannis, Sha, and so many countless others. Even Van-Dervelds. Jedi, Sith, or anything inbetween, they all gave their last breath to the Force. Such was the way of things. So many saw only what was in front of them, they saw nothing but the past, and the actions of lesser men and women who knew nothing more than what the Force wanted of them. Even the worst of the Sith, the true and complacent Sith, those who wielded cruelty and pain as if they were simple tools...The Force guided them as well. The Force was a mysterious thing, and answered to no one. It's compassion and it's vengeance were rolled up into a question wrapped in an enigma, and it had revealed it's true intentions to a very select few over the countless millenia. He had been granted powerful visions by the Force. He had seen much, and only wished to do as the Force itself wished of him. They sought stright and true answeres, free of the enigma. And so, he would give them. But not because they asked. No, he did not give them to save his skin. The Force would do with him as it pleased. He would do so for there were those within this room that needed to hear it. Not because they were confused, but that the Force itself wished them to hear it. The Force had plans for them all, and nothing happened by sheer coincidence.

Sighing lightly, as even he had wishes and wants on how to carry out the Force's will, he knew that he was only granted that privilege when the Force saw fit. And with this cell, the Force would show him once more; he was not in charge, and never would be, nor was he ever.

"You wish to know much, Master Karr. I had hoped you would see things in due time, when you were ready for them. But the Force, it reveals itself in mysterious ways. So, as it wills it, I shall give you the answers you seek."

With that, from within a hidden pocket in his terantatak leather coat, he produced an amulet. It was shaped like a hexegon, a dull red crystal that fromw ithin shone a bright yellow core. It was magnificent to behold, but from it the Darkside poured. It was malign, cruel, and evil. It was utterly forsaken, a tool of the darkness like no other. He placed it upont he floor at his feet, and spoke truly.

"This is the heart, the soul, the undying hatred of who you all know Ket Van-Derveld to be. This is the Sith Lord, in his purest and most potent form. When I sought Inari, she ripped from me all that I had become. All that I had ever been. She ripped from me that part of me that was Ket Van-Derveld. Within this crystal, lay the madness I became, the cruelty I had wrought. All the pain, the anguish, the regret and true darkness I had ever held, is now held within this amulet. This is why I sought [member="Corvus Raaf"] . She is the only Jedi within the galaxy I knew would be able to dispose of this properly. I tried...and I failed. I cannot destroy that which I was. The Force led me here not to seek redemption, but to rid this galaxy of a blight which spent 800 years manipulating the life all around him. Kana's fall within her family...Padawan Diamond's rage against those who he thinks cares not for him, even the ascension of so many Jedi so quickly...all are the result of the machinations of the soul that lay within this amulet."

It was then that he let loose the undying light that had nearly been extinguished within him, that pure, unadulterated goodness and compassion he once had as a child and teenager that had nearly been snuffed out like a candle in the void.

"I am no longer Ket Van-Derveld. I am Keticus Nal'Varen, my true brith name given to me by my mother, the name that had been etched in the annals of the Jedi Order near a thousand years ago before I became that within this amulet. A name no one has spoken for almost as long. The Force wills my actions, and I seek not to convince anyone of this. I only seek to do as the Force has willed me to do. And if the Order wishes a name, I shall give it..."

And with that, the humility, the questions, all of the doubt would be given a proper amount of doubt in kind.

"I raided the praxeum because the Jedi hold within their possession something they think so commonplace, but to the rest of the galaxy, something as rare as the moment we are in right now. A Memory Maze. Even as powerless as I was to the Darkness, I sought to cure the madness before the Force's appointed time. That was folly of me. But the one who brought me, the one who helped me...her Rave Merrill."

[member="Kana Truden"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Rave Merrill"], [member="Darius Olar"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]
At the mention of the accomplice's name, Ryan was hastily punching away on his data pad.

To: [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
CC: [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
RE: Van-Derveld
Subject states that his accomplice was one Rave Merrill. I've heard mention of the name before. Doubtless it means more to you than it does to me. Will update you when I have more to tell.


[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]

He clicked the data pad shut and looked at Ket.

"You were questioned before on the Praxeum. You refused to give up your associate. You said you were bound by honor."

Korr crossed his arms.

"What changed?"
"The Force's Will. Nothing more, nothing less. I am bound to it's direction. It is as alive and ever-changing as you or me, Knight Korr. When you calm your soul, and embrace it for what it is, you will see that. As I said before..."

Ket's head lowered, and he let loose a deep, long sigh of breath.

"Your outlook on life shall be your undoing. I only pray to the Force that you shall see it's light, pure and proper."

[member="Ryan Korr"]
The snap of Ryan's taut and drawn out patience could have been audible. He had never claimed to be a good Jedi. He only did the best he could. He'd held his tongue, but enough was enough.

It began with a soft snort.

"When I answered your call for judgement you met me with threats and scorn. I accepted it. Later you declared me impatient. I accepted it."

The gray eyes had storm clouds in them now.

"Now I ask you a simple question and you greet me with patronization. Is the view from your newly attained moral high ground really so high that you feel the need to treat us like ants?"

[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kana Truden"]
"I speak nothing but truth, Knight Korr. The Force's truth. Accept it, dismiss it. As you said yourself, you will not be my judge. I let myself be judged only by the Force. The punishment I am due shall come, but that within itself is simply the machinations of the Force's will. A True Jedi would understand. I mean you no harm by my words, I only seek to do as the Force shows me to be proper and right. Perhaps you yourself need to look within as I have. You hold such great pain and anguish within yourself. But until you too learn to let go of such notions, an embrace your destiny within the Force, you shall never be whole. You shall always have a chip on your shoulder, and you shall never know peace. And I feel sorry for you."

With that, he simply fell silent, and would not entertain anymore of Ryan's raving against him. It was not his way anymore.

[member="Ryan Korr"]
"A True Jedi."

Ryan muttered the words again, incredulous, then shook his head and stared at his companions. Did they see the condescension he saw? Did they see the arrogance of one who would wish to be a teacher in the Jedi Order? Did they see how Ket slipped out of responsibility by slapping a label of "Will of the Force" on his actions and calling it a day?

The young Jedi Knight was not without his faults. Yes, he was impatient. He harbored resentment. He had known anger, loss, sorrow, and a precious little amount of joy. He was jaded. He was wary. In no realm of imagination could he be deemed perfect, or even exemplary, but he would stand for what he thought was right, no matter the cost to his body... or his reputation.

So now he wondered who his companions thought played the fool, captor or captive?
[This entire post is potentially based on a misinterpretation.]

The ears were listening but her eyes were trying to burn a hole in the back of Ket’s skull as he talked about her ‘fall within her family’ and more before letting them set on the crystal. She wanted to destroy it herself. Corvus could very well know best how to do it but Kana had her ideas. A sun was pretty hot, right? One nice push of the button and any ship in existence could toss it into one-in-a-million of suns.

“That was him?” Kana’s fist clenched into a tight little ball. “All this time it was him?”

Her entire mental picture was destroyed. Had her parents merely been puppets in some sick sort of joke to a now-former sith lord? Was Kana’s mere existence a sick joke in itself? She could be wrong in her assumption but to hear that the actions and inactions of those around her potentially had been because of the soul that had rested within [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] at the time made her question how much he had truly changed.

He was the one who as a ‘true jedi’ had broken her down into pieces so that she could move on yet here she stood more emotional than ever. She gave him another look that radiated anger in droves. She dug her nails into the palms of her hands and her fists began to shiver. Her hands burst open and she spread her fingers as if she was trying to let go of the frustration. She had to calm down, for her own sake.

Kana had asked for it. She was at fault for letting this happen in the first place. She had taken in the words of a prisoner and seemingly convinced herself that she wanted to believe it. Now here she was finding herself doubting everything she had just heard. Person for person, word for word the ideas that Ket had seemingly managed to sway her on began to feel like... Well, she really had no words for it.

Kana focused on letting the anger go. She would speak when it was needed of her.
Corvus was listening. She was doing a half-decent job of pretending she wasn’t as she drank from her cup - but she was definitely giving the prisoner 100% of her attention.The mention of an amulet threatened to expose her interest, but she managed to keep her eyebrow under control. But when he called her out her by name, she could no longer control the traitorous brow and it gave her away.

And then things began to fall into place. A cynic would suggest conveniently so – and none more than the name of his accomplice on board the Praxeum. If reports were to be believed it was a very dead accomplice.

In Corvus' mind nothing had changed. Lots of words had been spoken - but they were just words. They had an amulet to be disposed of. They had a name that might prove to be useless. And they had a prisoner that law dictated would stand trial in a Republic court.

The prisoner might wish to answer to the Force. Any true Jedi would. Every night, as she lay in bed, Corvus asked herself if there was truth between her heart and the Force. All else might be transitory - but justice had to be done and moreover, be seen to be done.

[member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Rave Merrill? Kian made note of the name and decided he would look further into the individual later. He hadn't heard the name before.....though he wondered if they were related to another Merrill he knew. Then Kian's attention was drawn to the arguement between [member="Ryan Korr"] and [member="Ket Van-Derveld"]. Kian could emphasize with Ryan, it seemed like Ket had been goading him since Kian arrived and he was sure he had been doing the same before then.

Kian wondered if it was done on purpose. If Ket was trying to goad Ryan into a fight, and if so, Kian wondered why he would want that. There was something about the way Ket was speaking, something that seemed to be.....less then humble. It was as if he was privy to the deepest thoughts and ideas of those present, or at least he believed himself to be.

Kian also eyed the amulet that Ket had laid upon the floor. He eyed it skeptically and turned to [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kana Truden"], wondering what they thought of it.

"Interesting." Kian muttered as he eyed the amulet. But he quickly turned his attention back to the tension between Ket and Ryan.

"You speak of Knight Truden's past. You speak of Knight Korr's fall." Kian said folding his arms across his chest as he considered the man. "What I am still waiting to see, and what perhaps the others are as well, is whether or not you've turned that inspection of yours inward?"

"Is that real?" Kian emphasized pointing at the amulet. "Or is the new name you give yourself merely a means of distancing yourself from the blood on your hands?" Kian asked. It was an honest question, not housed in anger but in an honest attempt to gauge what the man felt about what he had done. So far Kian had heard words....but he hadn't felt guilt from the man and that was something that concerned him. Kian had no doubt that the amulet was real, he could feel the darkside taint from it, but he wanted to know if it was merely a tool by which the man was recasting himself as a better person. A way to say those crimes were not his.

"Is the new name just a way of assuaging your own guilt?"
Rave Merrill would have been irritated and contemptuous that Ket had given up her name. But the trillionaire industrialist, the woman who'd spread thousands of instances of Sith alchemy and Nightsister crafting across the galaxy, a woman with a great deal to lose by Ket's unveiling... longer existed, in any sense. Spiritualists couldn't find her, nor could her family and students. Rave Merrill was legally dead, and many, many people were busy following the clues in her will, in order to claim treasures upon treasures.

The true story, of course, was far more complicated, but the essence of the truth remained thus: that Rave Merrill was utterly gone. She hadn't died, returned to the Force, found a new body, imprinted herself in midichlorians, bound herself to an object or to a location, sojourned to Chaos -- none of that. She plain and simply no longer existed.

Awfully convenient, the Jedi might say, that he names a dead woman as his accomplice.
Her visions had brought her this far. Perhaps they would see her through to the right choice. Still, she had her doubts. The Force itself, had called her here, and that was something Coryth could not deny, even if she very much wanted to. This time, she just wanted to be here, to listen with fresh ears and see the situation with new eyes. For a moment she idly wondered if perhaps the others would stumble upon the same thing she had.

Since revisiting the deserts on Tatoonie and running into a man, who had been nothing but a mysterious stranger at the time, Coryth found her thoughts and visions predominately wandering to him. To Ket. Something that actually annoyed the little redhead.

It was one thing to see wars and evil events of the most distant future. It wasn't so fun to have your nightly dreams interrupted constantly with something a little closer to home.

Inside a ship, borrowed with a droid pilot, Coryth watched as the prison ship came into view. "Master Coryth Elaris, requesting permission to come aboard. I believe I may be able to offer some perspective on the prisoner which you are holding, Ket Van-Derveld."

Maybe she could, maybe she couldn't. None the less, she had to try. For she was a firm believer in second chances, though only second chances within reason and without stupidity. There was a firm limit when it came to such, and no one wanted to see what would happen when that line was crossed.

A sigh came, Legends are told. Some turn to dust or to gold. Which are you? Gold? Or will you too fade into obscurity and nothingness? Will you be just another worthless Sith turnaround, who will go back to the depths of hell at the drop of a hat? I certainly hope not Ket, for your sake. Thoughts kept to herself as she waited for permission to dock.

[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Ryan Korr"]
"Permission granted," Ryan growled into the commlink, then immediately massaged the bridge of his nose.

At this rate, every Jedi in the Order would come to have their say about Ket Van-Derveld by the end of the week. And they would inevitably reach the same conclusion. Ket was going to stand trial, he would be convicted and he would receive a prison sentence. If he still felt the same way after 25 to life, maybe he had a place in the Order.

"We're about to reach maximum occupancy. I'll be outside."

Korr left the cramped room. He had to go see about a dead woman.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
The name indeed hold some weight to Kiskla.
[member="Rave Merrill"] had been the champion of an election she had hosted for the Lords of the Fringe during her time as a councillor.

To: [member="Ryan Korr"]
CC: [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"]

Rave Merrill was a high council member of The Fringe, from what I was last aware of.

Thank you. Let me know if intervention is required and I will be there.
"Thank you." Coryth spoke softly, ignoring the sharp tone she'd received in reply. Seemed folks were .. cranky. None the less, not her problem. Unlike the others there, Coryth had first seen him when his heart had started to change. Met him on a miserable speck of a world, where it seemed his soul and very life hung at the edge of a cliff. It would have only taken a slight nudge to have pushed him off into oblivion then. Perhaps things were different now.

Few Jedi actually knew of her these days, and it was something Coryth had done intentionally. While she would answer to the Council, for the most part she remained on the fringe, helping people who needed it most. The sentients who often fell beneath the view of the illustrious council. Using the force, she masked her identity with care, letting the lightside show brightly through but no other indicators that it was her. The last thing she wanted was for Ket to know she had come, not when she was here merely to observe for the moment.

Something about the place felt unnaturally cold, and found herself pulling her tattered grey cloak tighter around her body, lifting it's hood over her fiery red locks. Small bare feet carried the petite Jedi through lengthy hallways and winding corridors until she finally came to what seemed to be a rather cramped cell. Carefully and quietly, Coryth slipped in behind the other Jedi but did not step forward, nor did she announce herself. She merely wanted to get a feel for the situation exactly as it was before she stuck her toes in the middle of it.

[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Ryan Korr"]

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