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The Rains of Castameer (Ground Battle)

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"Marines of the Regiment! Tonight is the night of nights. Today, as you read this, you are en route to the great adventure for which you have trained for your entire lives."
- Horus, Lord of Admirals

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel Kyle Nasher
Perspective: Lieutenant Isaac Knight, Recon Marine

Unit Roster

1st Battalion 42nd Marines

Aurek Company
125 C Quality Infantry Marines
Infantry Kit
MM100 MM110 MM115
Movement: 02.24 to 03.22
Attacking: No Target
4 C Quality MARV-1a and 4 C Quality MARV-1b
Movement: 02.24 to 05.21
Attacking: No Target

Besh Company

125 C Quality Infantry Marines

Movement: 02.24 to 03.22
Attacking: No Target

4 C Quality MARV-1a and 4 C Quality MARV-1b

Movement: 02.24 to 05.21
Attacking: No Target

Cresh Company

125 C Quality Infantry Marines

Movement: 02.24 to 02.21
Attacking: No Target

4 C Quality MARV-1a and 4 C Quality MARV-1b

Movement: 02.24 to 04.20
Attacking: No Target

Voracion Citadel, Castameer
Commonwealth MPD, Initial Assault

"We're hit! We're hit!"

The out of control Commonwealth dropship had begun to spin as it fell through the Castameer sky like a brick, and Lieutenant Isaac Knight struggled not to pass out from the g-force. Warning chimes wailed plaintively on the panels in front of the pilot, and the growing turbulence nearly swept the marine clean off his feet. He struggled desperately for a spare seat and the relative safety its harness would provide, having just left his own in the belly of the dropship to ask for a status report. As the cloud cover broke and the snowy fields of the planet surface lurched up to meet them from below, he took comfort in at least knowing what their status was. Karked. The MPDs crew were scrambling at their controls, desperately trying to coax any more life out of the dead bird.

"Engine one is dead! Lost main thrust engine two! I can't keep her level, gonna try and glide her in!" the pilot screamed at the top of his lungs behind him, and dimly through the blackout haze Isaac understood he must be talking to him, "Comm traffic is karked, sir! The weather conditions...something about this planet's atmo is wreaking havoc with MPD engines! We're way off course from the Mandalorian LZ! I can't see any friendlies on my scope, I have no idea where we'll be putting you down, sir! There's no more time, I'm sorry sir, I'm-"

Isaac had vaguely been aware of the ground growing massive in the viewport before him, too big, and now it had swallowed up the pilot and his words and the whole world caved in suddenly around him. Then there was no more.

"Hello?! Is anyone alive in there?!"

Knight coughed himself awake, his breath clouding up his heads up display in the frigid air. The already damaged vacuum seal of his suit was no match for the planet's environment, and as he flexed his extremities it was just as much to check for frostbite as to see if anything was broken. Miraculously, he seemed to have suffered no catastrophic injuries, though he couldn't recall ever having felt quite so sore in his entire life. As the fog cleared slightly from his visor, he realized just how lucky he had been. The entire cockpit in front of him had been caved in. The pilot's valiant efforts to level the MPD out had almost been enough, had saved his life, at the expense of the crew. Slowly coming to his senses, the Lieutenant struggled to turn and see the state of the dropship rear, to check for survivors among his men, but he was pinned.

"I see movement! Get a torch, quick!"

Even after they got to him, it took the Commonwealth marines several minutes to extricate Isaac from the wreck of the craft. The corpsman was first in, and didn't seem to believe the special forces operative's repeated assurances that he was fine. Finally, he acquiesced and allowed a team of men in to bend back the metal pinning him down and haul him up and out of the wreck. Expecting howls of pain, they marveled as he suffered the assistance without complaint, apparently able to stand with some assistance as soon as he touched the snow. The marines crowded around him, and in confused anger he commanded them to keep looking for survivors. They looked at him oddly, and in frustration he turned to go search for himself, and that's when he saw it.

The crew had done the best they could, Lieutenant Knight was certain, but beyond the shreds of the cockpit they had pulled him from, there wasn't anything left of the MPD. Or his men.

Rally Point Xesh

"The entire situation is karked, Lieutenant," Lieutenant Colonel Nasher grunted as men all around him hastily broke down the temporary command post they had until quite recently just been standing in. As far as Isaac could tell, Nasher was the ranking officer in the entire area of operations, "Someone down here must have figured they'd have an easier time with us than the Mandos, so we took a helluva lot of AA fire on the way down. To top it all off, something about Castameer's atmosphere apparently wreaks havoc with Commonwealth tech, we lost sensors, communications, guidance. I tell ya, its a god damn miracle those brilliant bastards got my boys down anywhere near the Citadel at all! From what we've been able to gather, most of the assault force wasn't so lucky. They're either too scattered to be useful, or their pilots missed the area of operations entirely. You're looking at the Commonwealth invasion of Castameer, son! First Battalion, Forty Second Marines! We'll get the job done."

To the northeast, Knight could see the Citadel and the buzzing hive of activity on its southern ramparts. Talented as their crew had bring to bring this battalion in essentially blind from low orbit, they had missed their northern landing zone entirely and were cut off from their Mandalorian allies. On their flank, other forces were assembling from galactic governments the isolated Alexandrian did not recognize. So far, they had made no aggressive action towards the stranded Commonwealth forces, and Colonel Nasher had told Isaac that the cease fire was mutual unless any of his men were fired upon. Their orders from the Lord of Admirals had been clear, the Rogue Sith were the priority, along with defending their Mandalorian comrades.

"We're trying to make contact with the closest Mandalorians to our position, from what I remember of the battle plans either Vereen or Dem'adas. Until then, our objective is to flank and destroy any Rogue Sith forces between here and their last known position. I'm sorry, son, I don't have a recon mission for you. That got scrubbed along with a whole helluva lot else today."

"That's okay, sir," Isaac replied, following the Colonel to the awaiting MARV, "Just give me an MM110."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
LOCATION: 20.18, moving to get in the trenches at 15.15

ENGAGING: Sith infantry under [member="Vilim Ramic"]
+ 150 at hex 16.18, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers, moving to 17.17 (out of range, behind the woods)
+ 112 at hex 17.18, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (38 dead), moving to 18.17 in a fighting retreat (in the woods, still in range)
Note that my forces disengage from these forces and move out of range during this post.

Representing the T3 corporation Ke'dem, a portion of Team Nadd, plus guests.

4 3 Vornskr APCs, Unique, Quality A = 150 points
40 36 infantry, Unique, Quality A = 300 points - all loaded into APCs
100 generic Quality E infantry rabble = 50 points
Total: 500 points


In a perfect 'verse, pulsed deflectors and Force-shield specialists and Force-aimed counterfire would have dispatched all those rockets with ease. But there was no perfect 'verse. That was why Ke'dem existed in the first place. Sometimes, mortal timing just plain got it wrong.

One of the four Vornskr APCs took two successive PLX hits and vanished in a ball of fire.

All things considered, Ashin's hate was already a pretty significant thing. She owed the Sith, owed them hard, for the torture of her wife and a thousand lesser sins and impertinences. Now she also owed them for twelve people who'd fought for her year in and year out.

Well, maybe less. As the fireball cleared, half a dozen well-toasted Ke'dem contractors stumbled out onto the tundra. Their light armour was of very high quality, they were well-trained in combat precognition like any Dark Jedi, and the Vornskr had sloped plating and an anti-spalling coating. They'd made it out before the second missile finished off the APC. Even so, that was a quarter of her armoured strength, gone in a moment.

The enemy was in the woods now, making a fighting retreat, and well they might: here came the First Order at last. Bombers swooped overhead.

"Survivors, cram in, two to a car. We're moving out. First Order forces are about to level this whole area." Her helmet's display had a general overview of the battle, in low resolution. Off to the north, Mandalorian forces were heavily engaged, surrounded, and in plain view of the artillery. The southwest was a blank, a storm front obscuring Republic movements, if any. Way past the citadel, more Mandalorian forces were wrecking face, but too far for her Dark Jedi to contribute. Her direct opponents appeared to be falling back to the trench line...

She slewed her swoop bike, squinting with helmet magnification past the battered trees, and her eyes went wide. "On me. On me on me." She accelerated north, and the three surviving APCs roared after her at just under half the speed of sound. They slewed around the patch of woods, then northwest in a straight blitz across the tundra.

Toward two and a half kilometres of lightly-defended trenches.

The Vornskr was a narrow beast, and if she was lucky, those trenches would give all kinds of cover from the turrets to the north and west. And even if the APCs didn't fit, the Dark Jedi would be pretty much ideal in those circumstances.
The assault was going well for them right now. They were outnumbered currently, but the Rancor Company's equipment was holding for now and preventing loses. Gray continued to rush through the Sith infantry with his lightsaber active. He had dropped his shield once he got in the midst of them and was letting his armor take the brunt of the fire he couldn't deflect. It had taken a beating, but so far had managed to hold up. His blade sank through armor and flesh as he tried to turn as much of their attention away from the Squads of his infantry shooting at them. The current tone of the engagement of definitely in the favor of the Raxis forces right now.......but then he heard a message from some of the forces still at the dropship scream out of enemy artillery arriving. Gray turned his attention to the South and saw shots already falling swiftly towards his men.

The captains of the different Rancor squads all began to yell for their men to take cover but little time was allowed to pass for the orders to be understood and followed. The first wave of artillery fell upon their position, throwing snow and dirt and people in every direction. Those who had their shields up managed to survive the hits even if they broke from the damage, but those without were not as lucky. The dead and dying were already produced....yet it was only the first round of countless more to follow. The squad captians all began to move on top of the situation screaming their orders over their squad channels, " Charge into enemy lines! If we are going to die, we should make them take their own with us!" They all began to scream out that were alive and rushed the enemy infantry in a fury of artillery shells raining down all around them. They had little choice now but to fight or die and they all would rather die fighting than like cowards.

Gray cursed under his breath as he was powerless to save those killed by the artillery. He instead began to charge towards the AT-AA as he got onto his com system. He said over it as he used the force to enhance his speed to inhuman levels, " Lightning Squadron A disengage from your current targets and get those artillery. I don't care what you have to do, give them a reason to stop shelling our position. Squadron B ignore the infantry and take out those walkers NOW. We might need to withdraw and regroup." He hoped the Sith cared more about their forces lives than killing off his forces right now. He needed those walkers gone and he was the best option to take out those in his area. He was already upon them to, and once he was close enough he leaped up and then used its leg as a springboard to get on top of it. He pulled out two of his Eaters from his ammo belt with his left hand as he used his lightsaber in his right hand to cut a hole big enough for them into the cockpit. He activated them then dropped the two into it before leaping off and heading to the next one. He continued to use the force to enhance himself, his muscles starting to ache from how far he was pushing them past their limits with the force. He ignored them though, he needed to make it through this battle then he could let them have their way. He got to the second and leaped up onto the top of it in the same manner as he had the first once. He got on top of it and pulled out two of the Eaters with his left as he went to cut a hole with his lightsaber. As he got the hole into the cockpit made, he went to drop them but the walker suddenly made moved in a way he wasn't ready for. One of the grenades fell through the hole, but the fell to the ground below the walker.

Gray began to fall off, but barely managed to get his magnetic locks activated on his boots. He fell forward onto his hands, barely avoiding having his left hand removed by the blade of his saber. He got back up onto his footing, deactivated the magnet locks, and then leaped off the walker using the force. As he hit the ground, he rolled forward and then back up onto his feet. He began rushing back into infantry, looking back to see if he was successful as he went. He needed to be because he wasn't sure they would let him do that again.

The Lightning Company Squadron A had moved as soon as their orders were given, making for the artillery full speed. They made it to them shortly and began to come under fire. The drivers attempted to dodge as best they could while letting their shields protect the machines and their crews when they couldn't. The gunners unhooked their MG-02 from the power-packs and all loaded fresh powercells into them. They knew their only chance of taking down any of the artillery was to take the legs out from under them. They made for under the large artillery walkers, but one of them couldn't make it as they were taken out by focus fire from the walker's crew. The five who had survived all got themselves parked under the walkers and began to open fire onto the joints of the right front and right back legs using the energy missiles from their MG-02. Three were on the front and two on the back. They each took their 2 shots with their missiles then began to reload the powercells. They were moving as quickly as they could. They needed these things taken out for the sake of their brothers-in-arms.

The Lighting Company Squadron B followed their orders as quickly as their fellow squadron. The three attacking the infantry disengaged and made their way towards the walkers to join their squadmates. The gunners unhooked their MG-02 and loaded in powercells as the drive came up on the walkers and then began to go in circles around them. All of the speeders did this with 3 on each walker as they attempted to pin them down. As they did this, the gunner took shots with the MG-02 energy missiles at the cockpits of the walkers. After 2 shots each the gunners would begin to reload their energycells to repeat the strategy until they had the walkers taken out or they were forced to adapt.

The Rancor Squads all had managed to charge into the Sith infantry lines with their shields up and screaming, " RAXIS!!!" They had lost brothers and sisters to the artillery and had no clue if it would follow them into this fight or not. All they knew was that if they stopped now it would end in death for sure. Their only hope for survival was to take out the enemy in front of them. So they couldn't stop, they wouldn't stop. They just marched forward towards death screaming, shooting, and bashing those who got too close with the butts of their rifles. Some of their shields had already been broken or cells ran out of energy. Others had their shields still going but for how long they didn't know. All they knew was they didn't have time for caution, so they wouldn't worry about it. Shots flew around everywhere, detonators went off, and people died. It was horror of war, but they refused to be broken by their enemy. They would be the Breakers. They were the Raxis Rancor Company. They had seen this before and would not be deterred.

The Rancor Squads 1-5 watched as their Alor was on top of the walkers assaulting them himself. He had been the first one in and was now taking the more dangerous job here himself. They couldn't fall behind when their leader was the front line during this battle. They needed to protect him, and nothing would stop them from it. As the different Sith forces tried to defend their walkers from the Mandalorian Alor with the dark blue saber, the company members began to unload on them. They refused to go down and pushed forward like Revenants promising the judgement of death for the irredeemable sin they had committed by ignoring them.

The Rancor Squads 6-10 were as unrelenting in their attacks, refusing to lose the ground they aggressively took from the Sith infantry. The Sith officers had noticed the actions of the speeder troops and ordered their rocket troopers to stop them. The Rancor squad captains all issued orders to their own to prevent it. Fighters charged forward screaming their cry of battle towards those with rocket launchers as Gunners mowed down any who thought about stopping them. They pushed toward their objective with the will of the possessed by the heat of battle.

Gray needed to do something to turn things around more. They had good momentum at first, but the artillery arriving had caused the snow to turn from being white to red. It was a flurry of chaos and it was unclear how well things were going to go for them. They might live or they might die right now. The fate of his clansmen was in his hands, and he couldn't let his pride get the better of him. He got onto his com system and sent out a message on all Mandalorian channels as he stabbed a Sith soldier through the chest with his saber, " To all Mandalorians, this is Alor Raxis. Our forces are under heavy fire and will be slaughtered at this rate. Any assistance would be invaluable. I repeat, we are under heavy fire and need assistance. Our coordinates are as follows...." He named off their position and then ended the message to dodge a rocket aimed at his chest. It flew off behind him and exploded on a rock. He hoped either [member="Draco Vereen"] or [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] had heard and could afford to send his men some help. He was doing everything he could right now, but he didn't think it was enough.

Location: hex 18.06
Objective: Desperately trying to survive this battle
Allies: [member="Stardust Raxis"] , [member="Symara Tarriq"] , [member="Draco Vereen"] , [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Enemies: [member="Vilim Ramic"] , Sith forces

Gray's Loadout: Raxi'gam, Ammo-belt, wrist attachment x2, back attachment, M5, AA-01, Calm, Bryar pistol, Eaters x6, lightsaber

-Raxis Rancor Company: 168 infantry alive (32 deceased)
-Squads 1-5 hex 18.06 engaging Sith infantry
-Squads 6-10 hex 19.07 engaging Sith infantry
-Raxis Lightning Company: 2 Squadrons (1 speeder & crew deceased)
-Squadron A hex 17.08 engaging Sith AT-AW
-Squadron B hex 19.07 engaging Sith AT-AA
-IFW Chi-Class Heavy Dropship
-Heavily damaged yet still operational
Location: South-West [01.24]
Allies: [member=Isaac Knight] | [member=Junko Ike] | [member=After Dark]
Enemies: [member=Vilim Ramic], Sith Forces

Ali felt her stomach jump as the gunship released its magnetic clamps from the sides of the MAT-TE and dropped the vehicle onto the ground. Their fall ended after only several meters as the large walker sank into the snow, the impact being readily absorbed by the hydraulic suspension of the walker's maneuvering legs. Keeping her eyes on the display screen ahead of her she reviewed the current situation on the ground and compared it to the aerial surveillance reports she'd received during their entry from orbit. CSAF appeared to have been the only force to avoid sustaining casualties upon entry to the battlefield, due mostly to the relatively small size of their force. With the rest of the organization tied up on various other worlds, balancing the needs of many different communities, Ali had not been given much to work with. At best they were an augmenting force, giving a lending hand to the Sith's other enemies, such as [member=Junko Ike]. The range of CSAF's MAT-TE's would allow them to reach out and place fire on the defending Sith emplacements from great distance, providing Ali and her force with a greater spectrum of maneuverability on the battlefield. As she reviewed the current tactical situation, she began reaching out to those forces nearest to them in order to coordinate, then began ordering her forces to take positions on their flanks. There were hills to the East, forests to the North-East, and a series of lakes and channels directly North nearby a small mountain range; all these options were decent choices for cover on their approach, though there was a lot of ground to cover in the meantime.
For the moment, CSAF's forces picked up, splitting up into two groups of three walkers each; their infantry remained tucked away inside their bowels. The six vehicles pressed forward into the tundra, taking positions in the drifts at [05.24]. CSAF's air support scouted ahead, circling around to [08.20] in order to glean the positions of potential enemies.

Points Available: 500

260 points
S/HAR/BO Commando [x65 "B" Grade, Rare]
Primary Weapon Range: 1,2oo m

120 points
C1M2A MAT-TE [x6 "C" Grade, Limited]
Primary Weapon Range: 12,ooo m (12 km)

120 points
A-10 LA-AT Gunship [x4 "C" Grade, Limited] = 60 points
T-80 X-Wing [x2 "C" Grade, Mass] = 30 points
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter [x2 "C" Grade, Mass] = 30 points
Location-15.08 engaging 13.09 and 14.09
1 squads of God killers engaging walkers at 16
3 squads + stardust engaging walkers at 17

Objective: engage and destroy walkers
Allies: [member="Gray Raxis"] , [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] , [member="Symara Tarriq"] , [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Vilim Ramic"] and Sith forces

Stardust spotted something that caused her to step looked to her men as they saw it, then immediately began firing upon it though with its armor and shields it did nothing to its armor

Then she got a loud warning in her ear that caused her to look to the sky, artillery was inbound on her position!" Everyone take coooover!!!!!" She screamed to her men as they those that could in time pressed themselves to the now heavily damagedo sparrow turned to cover now riddled with heavy fire, the artillery pounded behind them sending dirt, rocks, and snow, she didn't know how many people she had just lost, but she could feel her anger start to rise

She stood and looked towards the walkers, she looked to those that remaining" alright folks time to step it up" she said and watched [member="Gray Raxis"]'s men on speeders carrying the mini guns he made to the walkers and start to fire upon them" hahaha alright! Men focuses fire on the joints of those walkers with incendiary rounds now!" She said as her men changed out the rounds in their weapons and started firing for the joints on the walkers...she hoped that support would come....she heard gray over the radio asking for help so....let's hope they came quick...or this world would become their grave

Forces- 10 dead +works- 2 sparrow hawks remaining both operational but with heavy damage 20% till unusable


Event Account
OOC: [member="Draco Vereen"] and [member="Ali Hadrix"] your troops moved onto another writer's units so I relocated you one hex away.
If there's any moves I missed let me know.


North-West (01.01 etc) – [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] @Symarra Tarriq
South-West (01.24 etc) – [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Isaac Knight"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="After Dark"]
North-East (24.01 etc) – [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Gray Raxis"]
South-East (24.24 etc) – [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Ajira Cardei"]
Forces representing T2 company Akovin Stock Company:
Point Total - 492/500 pts
Total Infantry - 250
Total Walkers - 24

Casualties: 0
Damaged: 0
Confirmed Kills: 0

Current Position: 19.20
Allies: A den of wolves... [member="Asharad Graush"](?), @Ajira Carde(?)
Enemies: The Sith forces presented against her, in whatever form they took. Currently, that means [member="Vilim Ramic"] at position 18.17

Personal Equipment:
On the March

"Crol, are those...?" Triam looked behind her company as a series of armor units and infantry took up position ahead and to her flank. That white armor, those flags... first that dreadful slaughter, and now this?

"Are those, what?" Crol said with a ruffled brow, in his usual temperament was not well versed in galactic affairs, or their history. Those walkers looked inspired out of something from the history holos... and not from the pleasant chapters. It took her a few moments to recall, when it hit her, and it almost made her head thinking about they had made a resurgence some many centuries out of their time period.

"The First Order..." She breathed the words out, worried about the power of the name attracting attention. Luckily despite her random bout of superstition, they didn't seem to bother noticing her.

"Who?" Crol, portraying his ignorance deftly. Triam really wanted to slap him upside the head right now, but was honestly worried Mr. Follow would get the wrong idea and attack him. That silent droid creeped the kark out of her... its programming had always been off, since the day she jacked him off of Geonosis from the Techno Union back when that name actually meant something.

"You dolt! Those are the lunatics who picked up the pieces of the Galactic Empire... there are records that claimed they had once built a weapon capable of annihilating entire star systems from across the galaxy... and they are carrying the very same symbol they bore." She paused, "I guess that makes them more of a Second Order..." The mercenaries sarcasm, even as empty as her words sounded, was enough to bring forth a small smirk.

"Soooo... they're the enemy." Ah, curse this Zeltron geezer and his simplicity! Triam thought to his response, but decided to remain silent, there was business to attend to after all... even in spite of the mild uneasy distraction of an ancient relic of an organization flanking her with infantry and armor. Attacking them now, if it ever became in her best interest, was basically suicide at the moment. Never allow yourself to be flanked, and never reveal your true intentions until it was the exact moment you needed to. She had a feeling she would face the First Order, but knew she was vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Though she didn't like it, she was forced to comply and cooperate to their formation, becoming an unwilling cog in their machine.

At least their intentions in this war were... actually, she had no idea about their intentions being involved here. To her, it was simple and common sense to partake in the destruction of the Omega... but with the history of the First Order and terrifying super weapons, all she could do was hope her army would survive in great enough strength to prevent them from doing anything other than destroying the weapon.

"We've got confirmed targets," Although the visibility wasn't great, Triam could see the retreating forces of Rogue Sith infantry approximately one and half clicks out from her new position. At that moment, Triam's eight little probes floated out of their compartment in her back, and through deft control of her sight mounted onto her verpine shatter sniper rifle, they zoomed forward on their repulsor lifts. She doubted they would be of much use so quickly, anything more than a kilometer would take time. Nonetheless, she unceremoniously ordered her droid, Mr. Follow, through physical contact to lift her up on its shoulders. It was not a comfortable position, but it was surprisingly stable, and allowed her a clear vantage point over the wall of droids which surrounded her.

While much her vision was obscured by the zooming reference frames of the Argus drones synced to her rifle sights, she was able to scout out the enemy positions with her ordinary scope vision. That was when she spotted soldiers with PLX launchers, and knew right away that those would be the first to go.

Triam had never been much of a sniper in the past, but she had a habit of getting really lucky when it came to marksmenship. She had been involved in a sniper duel on Geonosis, and despite being relatively unfamiliar with the weapon managed to force the enemy to retreat while picking off their remaining teams pinning down her friendly forces... of course all of that was interrupted by a force user with an issue with her (who she soundly stomped despite already being injured, and eventually succumbed to a moment of weakness that endangered them both into a draw). So to say she was a novice wouldn't do her actual skill justice. In a moment, a slug would be electromagnetically accelerated onto a curved path through the air, compensating for local gravity and wind conditions, on a probable crash course with the side of a Rogue Sith infantryman's head. If she succeeded, she would move on to another target, before being startled by the much louder bang of Crol H'hurut's Dressellian Rifle.

"The hell you think you're doing with that thing? You're way out of range!" She yelled at him over the din of heavy blaster cannon and ordinance fire arcing through the air from her Heavy Walkers.

"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate... nothing is out of the range of the force..." His eyes were closed even as he moved his rifle, almost in a reverential way that Triam hadn't noticed before now. There was more to him than she gave him credit for, and from then on decided not to be distracted by these non-things, and took another target.

The anti-personnel specialized droids would hopefully accrue massive damages against the enemy unit as they sent barrage after barrage of heavy blaster fire from the skies. That, in combination with her and Crol's sniper efforts in attempting to take out the only real threats to their walkers, would hopefully combine to devastating effect. It was likely inevitable that the enemy would charge their ranks, realizing a confrontation would be inevitable... but they would be met a small army of vastly superior makes and models of soldiers then they could ever hope to grow up to be.

Movement: 21.22 -> 19.20
  • Triam Akovin and Crol H'hurut (two individual snipers) attempt to snipe infantrymen carrying PLX rocket Launchers, at a range of 3 hexes.
  • [3x] M2 Heavy Walkers fire their heavy blaster cannons on infantryman, at a range of 3 hexes
  • [3x] M2 Heavy Walkers fire their heavy ordinance launcher on infantryman, at a range of 3 hexes

Rozalyne Kurganova

[SIZE=14.6667px]Faction: Galactic Republic
Objective: N/A (Opening post)

Allies: [member="Junko Ike"], [member="Ali Hadrix"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Enemies: Rogue Sith[/SIZE]
Sacred Worlds by Blind Guardian

[SIZE=14.6667px]Despite the massive armada the Sith had assembled in the system, the Republic flotilla found the orbital defenses of Castameer to be surprisingly light on approach. With minimal resistance, their carriers were able to skim the edge of the atmosphere, opening their bays for entire groups of fighters, gunships, and transports to stream outward toward their assignments across the icy planet. The carriers and their escorts would then ascend to geosynchronous orbit to screen against orbital bombardment. If the allied fleets in deep space failed to defeat the Sith armada, however, then they were all as good as [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]glassed[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px].

Rose and her mixed unit of
[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Caridian[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] pilots and Kiribian Dragoons had the pleasure of taking a particularly nasty looking fortress, which appeared to be the command center of Sith forces planetside. Knocking out their headquarters would make it an easier time of subduing the other Sith planetside in a state of chaos and isolation.

As soon as her vehicles were safe on the ground, her force was off for the Sith fortress. Her Saber teams made
[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]good time[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], the collection of swift speeders and wheeled vehicles specially chosen for making rapid maneuvers. Squadrons of starfighters and gunships flew just overhead, keeping a low altitude in an attempt to slip under the sensor ceiling and firing arcs of the Sith air defenses. A single interdiction squadron (Raven) flew high overhead above the clouds, though, providing top cover against enemy air assets. What Dragoons weren’t loaded up in A-10s flew beside them under their own power by flutter pack, guns and launchers primed.

She had no special words of encouragement to offer her men as they closed in on the fortress. Her fellow
[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Caridians[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] knew exactly what was at stake, her people having been on the receiving end of these awful superweapons of terror long ago. More recently, they had suffered through a brutal civil war against Sith proxies. Sweet revenge was definitely an order. As for the Dragoons, well the Yinchorri didn’t need much more motivation than the challenge of the operation. What daredevil tendencies had to be instilled into the youth of other races was just an innate quality of the aggressive reptilian race. One of the reasons they were so prized as shock troopers and grenadiers.

Within the cabin of her Saber, she studied the readouts from all her vehicles on a tablet, all beautifully fused together into one comprehensive picture thanks to Hydra. The battle was already underway, with the allied forces of the Mandalorians striking first, already busy devastating all the men and landscape that lay before them. She had zero communication with them, so she could only rely on her unit’s own observations to determine the current battle lines. Telemetry from active enemy sensor arrays was collected and cataloged for later reference and attack. It gave her some idea
[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]about[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] what to expect as she took to her corner of the field. She was also sure the Sith would have plenty of tricks in store as per usual. The distinct lack of air support was noticeable for one thing.

Her Jedi ally was also in the fray. Among her assets, the Atrisian had brought along a set of elite warriors, while the Jedi herself had access to strange powers to cast illusions among other things. White Current, Ike had called it. The exact mechanics of the ability were hard to grasp for the woman blind to the Force, but all the same, she was happy to have some space magic of her own to call upon in this battle.

The CSAF was present, a small contingent of the paramilitary group plowing ahead doing some scouting. Opposition in the south had thus far been minimal in comparison to the north, so it was a good idea to do a bit of probing to see what may lay in store for the Republic and Jedi. All the better that mercenaries do it for her while she was able to conserve her own forces. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Attention to [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Jedi and CSAF,” she opened over an encrypted laser line. “Republic forces are coming in at[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] your rear. I’ll be launching air operations to neutralize their air defenses ahead of our advance. Ike, please try to conserve your warriors. I want them with my Dragoons when it comes time to storm the fortress.”

“Saber teams, slow progress coming in,” she said to her own forces, transmitting precise coordinates through direct inputs to her tablet.

“All squadrons, proceed with SEAD operations. Raven, continue providing top cover. Vulture and Drake, you both have the fine privilege of being my [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]weasels[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] today. Time to stir up the hornet’s nest. Well, stir it up more. The Mandalorians look to be causing all sorts of havoc up north.”

Raven squadron continued forward at high altitude necessary to avoid ground fire and maximize its coverage of units below, while the other squadrons ascended and spread across the south at combat speeds, hunting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]While she would be content with creating a corridor in the south for her Dragoons and vehicles, ideally she wanted all of the Sith’s air defense to come down to make short work of their ground forces. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Aside from the Dragoons riding with Angel and Valkyrie, I want everyone else to keep low and behind the Saber teams.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]There was a chorus of confirmations from her respective company and squadron commanders, who in turn began the process of disseminating her commands down the chain. For now the plan was to nip at the Rogue Sith at the South and see how they answered. [/SIZE]

Order of Battle

[SIZE=14.6667px]Dragoon Companies[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Griffin Company[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Dragoon Squad[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x DRK-1 Probe Droid[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]

Kestrel Company[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4x Dragoon Squad [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x DRK-1 Probe Droid [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Osprey Company

4x Dragoon Squad
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x DRK-1 Probe Droid [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Raptor Company

4x Dragoon Squad

4x DRK-1 Probe Droid [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Garuda Company [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4x Dragoon Squad [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x DRK-1 Probe Droid [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Saber Vehicle Teams[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Team Leopard

[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]TX-30 [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]
4x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]MobileMortar-3 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]8x BAAWS[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]

Team Panther[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]8x TX-30 [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x MobileMortar-3 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]8x BAAWS[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Team Cougar

[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]TX-30 [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x MobileMortar-3 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]8x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]BAAWS[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Team Lynx

8x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]TX-30 [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x MobileMortar-3 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]8x BAAWS[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]


Raven Squadron [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]10x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]A-Wing[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]
4x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Missile Boat[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]

Drake Squadron[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]10x A-Wing [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x Missile Boat

Vulture Squadron

8x A-Wing [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Cyclone Bomber[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]

Buzzard Squadron[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]8x A-Wing[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]4x Cyclone Bomber [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Angel Squadron [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]6x A-10 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]6x A-Wing

Valkyrie Squadron
[SIZE=14.6667px]6x A-10 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]6x A-Wing

[SIZE=14.6667px]None, opening post[/SIZE]


((This is After Dark/Suravi. I originally signed up for this thread under this sub-account.))
Clan Dem'adas Armored Marine Battalion
Faction: Mandalorian Clans > Clan Dem'adas
Quadrant: North West

Previous Hostile Actions
Vilim Ramic said:
Northwest engagement

Draco Vereen Olivia Dem'adas Symara Tarriq

The Sith forces had been taken aback by the ferocity of the enemy forces that crashed into their positions. Men died all around, not clones though... the Castameer Sith would not lower themselves to use such forces when they had plenty of loyal troops, carefully indoctrinated to serve their Sith overlords and their officers. Fanatics they would be called anywhere else. They died by the dozens, men sprawled out in the snow and hard ground, blood and burns pockmarking the earth around them. The walkers lumbered, bringing all of their impressive firepower to bear but even they couldn't stand against the barrage. One exploded in a burst of flame and death, crumpling to its knees. Another was damaged, two of its repeating cannons blow away, its armor dented and holed in several places. Still, as the orders to fall back to the trenches came in, they gave as good as they took. Rockets fired from the men holding the PLX launchers, and if one man fell, another would pick up the launcher to try and slow down those behemoths of Mandalorian engineering. Blaster bolts whizzed through the air, aiming for anyone that might reveal themselves even as the infantry fell back. The remaining operational walkers engaged at the northwest engagement would act as a buffer, firing all of their weapons at the enemy. It would be a slow retreat back, and many would die but hopefully they would take as many of the enemy with them as they could.

Olivia's song ended as the enemy advance broke and turned into a fighting retreat. A heavy clang reverberated from somewhere towards the front of her Myrkava and a slight reverberation traveled through along the hull of the vehicle, transferring into the soles of Olivia's armored boots. It was a sound that Olivia knew all too well from her clash with these same Sith Walkers at Empress Teta, the sound of a Proton Cannon shell ricocheting off the front of her tank. A single press of a button switched one of the display screen's view to the airspace behind her vehicle. In the sky, she could still see the Proton Cannon shell arching into the distance.

<Stagnation is death.> Olivia thought to herself as she shifted her attention back to the lumbering constructs of ageing design. The firepower they had unleashed upon the handful of walkers should have been enough to obliterate them outright. With just three of the aging Canderous model tanks, Clan Dem'adas Marines had previously been able to fight to a standstill against a single one of these walkers, eventually overwhelming the clumsy walkers by focusing on the exposed legs that all heavy walkers shared. Here and now, she out-numbered those self-same walkers with roughly three times the numerical forces as before, with tanks designed to vastly out-perform the old Canderous line of tanks.

<They should be dead.> Olivia repeated to herself as she ignored the withdrawing Sith Infantry and focused her attention on the walkers. Here and there, she saw the occasional contrail of a rocket burst forth from the Sith forces and race towards her Myrkava. Here and there, a rocket found its mark and detonated against the thick composite armor of the heavy tanks. Most, however, were intercepted by the active-protection flachette launchers built into her tanks. And since no crew had yet reported damage worth noting, she felt she could safely ignore the infantry for the moment... so long as they continued to focus fire on the Myrkava.

"Alpha Company." Olivia said aloud, cutting through to every sub-commander and crew-commander seated within one of her 15 Myrkava. "We cannot afford to get bogged down here. Every moment we waste, tens of thousands of our vod are dieing in space. Do not slow down and pay no heed to infantry, our tracks will deal with those that get in our way."

<However.> Olivia thought to herself. "We can't afford to flash the Darjetii our shebs." She added as a crude idea came to the forefront of her consciousness. "The walkers... aim for their legs as you move through their position. Move each squadron in a standard V-formation and ram these d'kute as you continue forwards."

A chorus of quiet clicks and green acknowledgement lights was the only confirmation she needed.

The tactic should work... Each Myrkava, if her information was accurate, weighed nearly twice as many tons as the Sith Walkers in spite of being roughly half the size of each. Not to mention having a significantly lower center-of-mass than each walker. And they had the advantage of being faster and more maneuverable... Olivia pressed her finger against the touch-screen capable display that showed a top-down map of the battlefield. Placed firmly over her company of Myrkava, Olivia slid her finger forwards to the southern-most grouping of Sith Walkers and Infantry, then turned her finger sharply and moved it north over and past the second group of Sith Walkers and Infantry. Behind her finger, a thin red line connected to the Myrkava Company's digital representation and projected the path she indicated the formation to take. A quick swipe of her finger had extended the red line around the grove of trees and on a direct path for the norther-most bunker. A similar series of swipes ordered Bravo and Charlie companies to flank around the north and south side of the tree grove and move for the same bunker.

Another tap of the screen and the orders were sent to the Company Commanders. Three green lights was all the acknowledgement she received.

Olivia felt the subtle increase in G-forces that came with her vehicle's driver pressing the throttle to its maximum setting, a slight shift to those same forces came as the driver lined them up with the nearest walker. Anti-personnel weaponry ricocheted harmlessly from all sides of the tank, the occasional rocket finding its way to detonate against the hull... the kinetic and explosive force of which failing to so much as rock the vehicle, merely sending small vibrations through the hull that let the crew know that they had been struck. Outside, Olivia was sure that there was superficial damage to the armor plating of the Myrkava. But it was unlikely that the damage went beyond the first compost layer of beskar, let alone the second.

<The best they can hope to do with these basic weapons> Olivia thought to herself <Is damage the tracks of a Myrkava... Assuming this poorly trained rabble could think of such a tactic as aiming.>

As she finished her thought, another clang reverberated through the hull as a Proton Cannon Shell again ricocheted off the front of her tank. <Eventually, one of those guns is going to hit something without bouncing off.> Olivia thought to herself knowing full well what sort of damage the Proton Cannon wielding Sith Walkers were capable of inflicting. They were a threat. A small one, but a threat all the same.

Olivia watched and felt the subtle vibrations as the top-mounted anti-infantry weapons of her Myrkava barked out at the swarm of Sith Infantry as they plowed into the scrambling masses. Some were quick enough to get out of her way. Others were not. Olivia didn't care either way, this scum was beneath her.

"Incoming ordnance." Called out her sensor technician, interrupting Olivia's thoughts.

"What?" Olivia asked calmly, more curious that concerned.

"Looks like friendly fire. Incendiary." The technician said. "Apparently Clan Vereen thought we were going to slow down."

"For this?" Olivia said aloud, knowing that the woman seated next to her wouldn't relay that particular message. "Not a chance. We weather the storm and continue our advance." She added, intending the latter part for the benefit of her vehicle's crew to hear. Apparently, if the events of the Primeval Invasion of Wayland were to be the basis for anything, having friendly forces drop Napalm on Olivia's Myrkava Company was going to become some sort of sick tradition for these sorts of battles.

As Olivia's squadron of three tanks was about to collide with the nearest Sith Walker, the first shell struck her position. Fire enveloped everything. Her vehicle, the vehicles near her, the nearest Sith Infantry, and the Sith Walker. Through the flames, she saw its lumbering outline as they continued to race towards it. A loud thud and a powerful jerk forwards as part of their momentum was converted into kinetic energy threw Olivia forward against the restraints of her chair. The Sith Walker was no longer in front of them. <But did it go down?> Olivia questioned silently as she searched a display showing the feed from a rear-facing camera for the fate of the Walker.

Olivia was thrown against the side of her chair as the vehicle made a sharp turn to the left and began its movements northward towards the next series of walkers. Fire and Napalm continued to envelop the world around her Myrkava and the occasional thud against the hull of her vehicle told her that somewhere in the chaos, Sith Infantry were still firing rockets at her company.

A few moments later and the scene would repeat itself two more times before Olivia's Myrkava was clear of the fire and the Sith. Ignoring the walkers to the left of her position, trusting their destruction to the Clan Vereen forces, Olivia focused her attention on the armored wall the loomed before her.

<Time for the main event.> She thought to herself.

"Enemy contact." Came the voice of Charlie Company's Commander. "Sith Infantry in the far side of the treeline."

Annoyed that there was, apparently, one more distraction between her forces and her objective, Olivia opened a com-line to the sub-commander. "Then mow them down, adjust your course to run them the feth over, and rally on my position." She said coldly.

Units and Movement
Unit One: Alpha Company; Myrkava Armored Company
Location: 06.04 > 07.06 > 08.05 > 08.04 > 11.06 (6)
Unit One: Bravo Company; Medium Armored Company
Location: 05.06 > 05.07 > 07.08 > 08.08 > 09.08 > 10.06 (6)
Unit One: Charlie Company; Medium Armored Company
Location: 08.04 > 14.07 (6)

Hostile Forces
07.06 (Heavy Walkers + Infantry)
08.05 (Heavy Walkers + Infantry)
11.05 (Heavy Walkers)
12.04 (Heavy Walkers)
08.08 (Infantry)
09.08 (Infantry)
16.08 (Heavy Walkers)

Fire Distribution
Alpha Company
15x .32cal Automatic Weapon w/ ROF 720rpm vs Infantry @ 07.06 & 08.05
15x .52cal Automatic Weapon w/ ROF 480rpm vs Infantry @ 07.06 & 08.05
15x 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher w/ ROF 20rpm vs Infantry @ 07.06 & 08.05
15x 20mm Coaxial Deck-Cannon Autocannon vs Heavy Walkers @ 07.06 & 08.05
15x 140mm Smooth-bore Antimatter Reactive Cannon (3 rounds each) vs Heavy Walkers @ 07.06 & 08.05
  • 2x AP, 1x HE Shell
Bravo Company
25x Bow Plasma Repeater ("burst fire") vs Infantry @ 08.08 & 09.08
25x Coaxial Plasma Repeaters ("burst fire") vs Infantry @ 08.08 & 09.08
25x 90mm Railgun (1 round each) vs Infantry @ 08.08 & 09.08
  • 90mm Discarding Sabot Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Rod
Charlie Company
25x Bow Plasma Repeater ("burst fire") vs Heavy Walkers @ 16.08
25x Coaxial Plasma Repeaters ("burst fire") vs Heavy Walkers @ 16.08
25x 90mm Railgun (1 round each) vs Heavy Walkers @ 16.08
  • 90mm Discarding Sabot Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Rod

Krieg. Krieg. Krieg. Krieg.
Locations: Infantry Hex 01.23 Moving to 01.24
Locations: Walkers Hex 01.24 Moving Anti Air to 02.23
Objective: Roll Out
Allies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="After Dark"]
Enemies: Sith forces currently

The Artillery was reporting a no hit but it had the range to find the enemy and could go with it. "Adjust and continue to fire, I want the other units near us to have some softer targets when they get close." Junko was thinking about it as the artillery cannon was working to adjust targets and fire off another shell. The long range cannon she was happy to find with the older transports and the anti air defenses. Keeping them together would benefit them greatly as well as with the ones they coudl tell were within the area of operation. Junko started moving while she began positioning parts of it on her own tactical datapad bringing the anti air to be up in the front of the cannon to protect it. Once things got within range of them they would be able to protect it. The titan's and the trooper transports would follow with the main bulk of the groups they had while her elites went towards circling around. Witht he artillery cannon they at least could work some range and hope to combat or soften a hole in their perimeter defenses.

Onna-bugeisha - Infantry
Ironmongers - Walkers Artillery Cannon engaging armor 11.17

Vilim Ramic

Voracion Citadel
Command Center

"General, we have reports of napalm being dropped in the forest to the northwest," a lieutenant yelled from one station. "Our forces there are cutoff from retreating further!"

"Trench line breached at 15.15! Three enemy APCs sir!" another yelled.

"More enemy forces arriving in the southwest, accompanied by fighter craft!" another cry.

Vilic took in all the shouts and panic going on around him, not taking his eyes off the tactical map. If his forces in the northwest could not be saved, they would simply become martyrs to the cause of the Sith and Darth Molior. In his mind, there was no greater glory than to die in battle, no more fulfilling death. He envied those men who had already lost their lives in this battle, but he was not about to let the enemy roll over the Sith's citadel like they were. Oh no, the battle would continue... even if every single man and women here had to give their lives to take the enemy with them.

"Inform our forces in the northwest they are to take as many enemy with them as they can, for the glory of the Sith," Vilic ordered. "They are to stand their ground now, burning forest or not, and take out as many as they can. All other forces, besides those engaging the enemy in the northeast are to continue their pull back to our entrenchments. Deploy 10 AA Gunboats to deal with those APCs that are breaching out lines."

The general atmosphere in the command center was still frenzied, maybe even more so than before. Mandalorian, Republic and auxiliary forces for them, First Order arriving... they were all coming now. Perhaps it was time to try and divide their forces... yes, if they were to start fighting among themselves... but how to do so... Reports had indicated the Mandos were not looking kindly on Republic forces... perhaps that was the opening he would need.

"Intelligence, see if you can identify who the Republic commanders are," he ordered, a plan forming in his mind.


Northwest Engagement

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Symara Tarriq"]

The bombardment from the tanks did their damage, taking out two more walkers in quick succession. One was damaged, unable to move but its weapons were still operational. All around, men screamed and died in the burning forest, the forest that was attacking them now because of the efforts of the Mandalorian Force Users. The remaining walker in sector 7.06 brought all its weapons to bear, its main cannon turning and firing in the direction sensors picked up a grouping of men staying still.

All around, the order had been received... they were to die in this burning hell and cause as many casualties as possible. Their fanaticism would keep them in place, among the dying and fire and smoke, shooting all the while with anything that came to hand from either their own weapon or that of a fallen comrade they had picked up. Blaster bolts and missiles continued to try and impede the Mando advance, with some men taking out their thermal detonators and actually running at the Mandos with the grenades primed in a suicide charge. Explosions would echo through the hellscape, walkers firing all their weapons as the Mandos but taking a ton of fire themselves. They would not hold out for long...

The walkers to the north were fairing somewhat better, but they were being swarmed by the Mando gunships, their famous Basilisk war droids. They were opening up with quad lasers and concussion missiles, but one walker was already damaged and unable to move now. It would be easy prey.

Northeast Engagement

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Men died in the small skirmish in the area, even one walker had been damaged and couldn't move from the fire from the enemy miniguns. But AT-AWs had shields themselves and they could shrug off such attacks for a time, their main weapons turning to devastate the enemy forces as they could. Two of the walkers, however, were moving to engage the Mando tanks that had moved to support Gray and Stardust. Unfortunately, for those tanks, the artillery had now zeroed in on them and fire would begin to rain from the sky on them. The anti-vehicle turrets at the north bastion were also now opening up on these tanks, heavy anti-vehicle fire aiming for the turrets and treads of the tanks.

The infantry continued to fire on the Mandos under Gray and Stardust, their fanaticism and zeal leaving them unfazed by the savage war cry as the enemy moved to close quarters. A walker blast exploded among the combined infantry fight, throwing bodies of both sides here and there. Friendly fire was acceptable to these men and their commander, so long as the enemy also died. They all knew their purpose was to fight for their overlords... and die for their overlords.

The crew of the AT-AA that had a new hole in cockpit certainly reacted to the detonation of an old Sith Empire piece of technology. The commander of the AT-AA recognized that, as the twisted metal borers began eating away at his walker, that there was only one thing to do now. The Force User who had cut the hole was running back towards the infantry engagement... well he and his crew would see to it the man didn't make it. His walker pursued the Force User, while he gave a command that would immediately make them martyrs and examples to those fighting for the Sith. As they neared the Force User and the infantry engagement, the AT-AA exploded in a fiery explosion of pressure and super-heated shrapnel, the command for a self-destruct having been given.

The other AT-AA took the missile hits, but kept going, the other members of the crew opening up their firing ports and unloading heavy blaster fire at the men on speeder bikes.

Southeast Trenches

[member="Triam Akovin"] [member="Ajira Cardei"]

Ten AA Gunboats would lift off from their position, their repulsors moving them quickly to the enemy APCs that had broken through. Their weapons systems would open up on them, a continuous stream of fire from multiple directions as the squadron of repulsor craft spread out in a semi-circle, trying to form a kill zone. The infantry that had been previously engaged continued moving to the trenches, retreating from the heavy fire of some enemy armor approaching, and because of this not noticing two men that would stop moving forever from the sniper fire, their PLX launchers left behind in the snow.

Not engaged yet

[member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Isaac Knight"]

2,642 Castameer Sith Infantry
+ 126 at hex 17.07, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (24 dead), engaging Grax Raxis and Stardust Raxis
+ 120 at hex 18.07, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (30 dead), engaging Gray Raxis and Stardust Raxis
+ 150 at hex 8.08, moving to 8.09
+ 150 at hex 9.08, moving to 9.09
+ 300 at hex 12.08
+ 300 at hex 12.16
+ 300 at hex 8.12
+ 300 at hex 16.12
+ 180 at hex 7.06, 15 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (64 dead), making a last stand to wear down as many enemy as possible
+ 170 at hex 7.05, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (65 dead), making a last stand to wear down as many enemy as possible
+ 150 at hex 17.17, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers, moving to 16.16
+ 96 at hex 18.17, 18 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (14 dead), moving to 17.17
+ 300 at hex 8.12

9 AT-AAs
+ 1 at hex 18.06, one equipped with flak fire pods and one equipped with concussion missiles
+ 2 at hex 19.07, one equipped with flak fire pods and one equipped with concussion missiles
+ 2 at hex 9.08, both equipped with concussion missiles, moving to 10.09
+ 1 at hex 12.08
+ 1 at hex 8.12
+ 1 at hex 12.16
+ 1 at hex 16.12

16 AT-AWs
+ 1 at hex 7.06, firing every weapon at the advancing enemy, specifically towards the shaman position
+ 3 at hex 8.06, one damaged and unable to move, firing every weapon at the advancing enemy
+ 2 at hex 11.05, all quad lasers and concussion missiles fireing at enemy gunships
+ 2 at hex 12.04, one damaged and unable to move, but both still firing at enemy gunships with all quad lasers and concussion missiles
+ 2 at hex 16.07, turning and engaging tanks at 14.07
+ 2 at hex 17.08, one damaged and unable to move, but still firing on Gray Raxis and Stardust Raxis
+ 1 at hex 12.16
+ 1 at hex 8.12
+ 1 at hex 12.16
+ 1 at hex 16.12

30 AT-LAWs
+ 10 at hex 9.16, moving to hex 9.15
+ 10 at hex 10.16, moving to hex 10.15
+ 10 at hex 11.17, moving to hex 11.16

20 AA Gunboats - 450 points (15 x 1.5 x 1)
+ 10 at hex 12.14, all moving and firing upon enemy APCs and forces at 15.15
+ 5 at hex 12.10
+ 5 at hex 14.10

24 SPMA - 250 points (10 x 1 x 1)
+ 5 at hex 12.14
+ 5 at hex 13.10, opening fire on tanks at 14.07
+ 5 at hex 14.12
+ 5 at hex 10.12
+ 2 at hex 10.10
+ 2 at hex 11.15

8 Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Air Turrets
+ 2 at 12.08, opening fire on tanks at 14.07
+ 2 at 12.16
+ 2 at 8.12
+ 2 at 16.12

8 Anti-Infantry Turrets
+ 2 at 12.08
+ 2 at 12.16
+ 2 at 8.12
+ 2 at 16.12
Clan Vereen War Conclave
Commander: [member="Draco Vereen"], Alor
Sub-Commander: Sklor, Beast Shaman
Sub-Commander: Jarl Volgrim
Allies: [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Symara Tarriq"]
Enemies: [member="Vilim Ramic"]


Unit Roster
Assault Kindred
Movement: 07:05 (4/2 Hex)
Firing At: 08:05 | Infantry Deployed Firing at 08:05
Shields Active (400m Radius)

Sky-Strike Kindred
Movement: Air
Firing At: 07:06

Air Support Kindred
Movement: 06:05 (10/10 Hex)
Firing At: 07:06

Air Cavalry Kindred
Movement: 11:04--> 016:06 (10/1 Hex)
Firing At: 12:04 (Infantry)

Air Cavalry Kindred
Movement: 10:04--> 16:06 (10/1 Hex)
Firing At: 17:07 (Infantry)

Jump Infantry Kindred
Movement: 06:05 (3/2 Hex)
Firing At: 07:06

Jump Infantry Kindred
Movement: 08:04 (3/2 Hex)
Firing At: 08:05

Mobile Infantry Kindred
Movement: 08:02-->10:04 (6/1 Hex) or (3/2 Hex)
Firing At: Tanks Firing on 12:04

Mobile Infantry Kindred
Movement: 08:03--> 9:05 (6/1 Hex) or (3/2 Hex)
Firing At: Tanks firing on 11:05

Fire Allegation
Firing At 17:07
  • 36 Basilisk War Droids engaging in Close Quarters Battle with all them Guns and Claws
  • Black Smoke Covers a mile radius around the zone
  • 12 Proton Bombs launched into AT-AAs

Firing At 07:06 (Infantry/Walkers)

Firing At 08:05 (Infantry/Walkers)

The retreating Sith infantry found themselves trapped inside a burning forest that was attacking them in small patches and bluffs. Branches reaching out to beat infantry, roots rising up from the ground to trip them, and whenever they were grabbed, they were often pulled apart. All around them Clan Vereen warriors howled as they lobbed more and more fragmentation and incendiary grenades into the inferno at the beleaguered Sith forces.

Enemy walkers began firing guns into the Ori'edee's massive shields, targeting the shamans, but they had a long, long way to go before that dream was realized, the Force Users safely inside the shield embankment, covering almost a kilometer wide area of the advancing clan Vereen Forces. Those groups of warriors that were outside the shields and stopped advancing already, more than happy to lie prone on the ground at the Sith's former location and rattle off suppressing fire with their long range rippers and fire grenades from their under-barrel launchers at clusters of the Sith inside the very much still burning forests. Those Sith that did charge through the shields would find quad laser cannons, meant to kill starfighters aimed at them, more than capable of turning a person to a fine red mist, along with four rotary blaster cannons that put the Z-6 to shame lacing them even as they entered, Mando infantry inside sputtering fire at them right along side the big cannons. Some made it to the front lines and exploded taking small handfuls with them though.

Cobra Gunships just kept pouring e-web, heavy laser cannon, and anti-personnel cannon fire into the enemy, the howling young bloods still getting a kick out of the very one sided match up. Myrkava in the north, having seen how ineffective they were against solely walkers, having struggled to bring down any across two volleys outnumbering them nine to one, felt confident they could survive a few return fires if they had to, and instead turned their guns on those in the northern edge of the burning forests, spraying their anti-personnel weapons and launching dozens of grenades each into the downtrodden, burning foe. Their main guns loaded powerful Ion Sabots in a hope to bring down the last remaining walkers on this side, who had already received punishment. The Ionite sabots were designed to penetrate shields, as that was literally what ionite did, and disable vehicles like a big ion cannon.

Finally, soaring down from the skies, a squadron of heavy missile boats, a little bigger than the AT-AW walkers, and likely as resilient given their construction, swooped down from the skies towards the heavily engaged sith in the Forests. Each dropped a single proton bomb into the massed infantry inside the burning forest, while focusing twelve concussion missiles on the last remaining walker in that area, hoping to finally put a slight dent in the armor.

Draco liked his lips from behind his mask. Yeah, it was talking a long time, and yeah, they weren't doing that much, but it was still early. He could feel the shamans still doing their thing, making use of their connection with the Force. What few men were at risk moved around, taking comfort behind the Ori'edee's shield barrier as they needed to, letting fresh troops take their place providing suppressing fire while they went to the easy task of grabbing additional ammunition for the walker and dropping more grenades into the forests, the very slow moving grenades able to go right through the shield, while blaster bolts and quad laser cannon blasts did not.

Against the enemy walkers further to the east, the Basilisks disengaged, taking a few quad laser cannon blasts, which no doubt to the surprise of the walker crew bounced off their armor and reflected back towards the ground in a cruel twist of fate. Concussion missiles chasing them as they fled were easily dealt with by chaff and the prominent Point of Impact shield they used. They finally activated their screamer generators, leaving a massive trail of black smoke and fog, covering a mile radius in a thick layer, which should prevent the citadel forces from supporting the infantry and walkers Raxis and now Clan Vereen would be fighting. The Basilisks tore across the open ground, zipping across the field to the endangered clan Raxis troops, where several of their number flung Proton bombs into the infantry and AA walkers before engaging the Infantry with claws, pulsewave cannons, flamethrowers, shock wave rods, and rapid fire mass drivers.

OOC: + 170 at hex 7.05, 20 of these armed with PLX rocket launchers (65 dead), making a last stand to wear down as many enemy as possible These were at 08:05 and I occupy 07:05.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
LOCATION: 15.15, moving to get in the trenches at 19.09

ENGAGING: AA Gunboats at 15.15, then infantry at 18.07, under [member="Vilim Ramic"]

Representing the T3 corporation Ke'dem, a portion of Team Nadd, plus guests.

4 3 Vornskr APCs, Unique, Quality A = 150 points - 15.15->19.09
40 36 infantry, Unique, Quality A = 300 points - all loaded into APCs
100 generic Quality E infantry rabble = 50 points
Total: 500 points

OBJECTIVE: Help rescue [member="Gray Raxis"] and [member="Stardust Raxis"]


The standard One Sith AA hoverboat weighed 300kg; each of Ajira's APCs outweighed the entire boat formation by a factor of four. The boats had a top speed of 70kph; the APCs could accelerate to just under half of Mach One. The hoverboats had no shields, minimal armour, and exposed decks; the APCs had deflectors, sloped armour, a dozen force shield specialists apiece, and the hull-down shelter of the trenches. In a perfect 'verse, Ajira would have simply gone bowling with 12000kg balls against sluggish 300kg pins, while tearing them up with her 13mm turrets. And sure, she dished out quite a bit of turret fire as Force shields intercepted mini-missiles and so forth.

But there was a more serious need, on a battlefield level, than her opportunity to shred more than a few of these pieces of tinfoil. Old, never-updated Clan Ordo communications protocols kept her anonymous Mando armour tied into some of the Mando channels, and Clan Raxis was calling for aid. The Raxis forces had jumped in too far and gotten surrounded, which would happen to Ajira's forces if she lingered too long here. So tempting as it was to utterly wipe out the assault boats, or take a swing through the withdrawing infantry, she gave the order.

Her forces accelerated out of the trenches: the three surviving APCs, each crammed with eager and irritated Dark Jedi, and her lone swoop bike. They poured on the gas, north around the citadel, taking stray fire but nothing the shields couldn't handle. Kilometres of snow snapped past in a blur.

The Ke'dem forces circumvented a patch of rocky ground and bore down on the infantry behind the embattled Mandalorians. Force-targeted 13mm turrets opened up on the already-hurt infantry from behind.
Location: 22.21
Objective: Kill anyone in the way.
Allies: None.
Enemies: Anyone in the path of the Order.
People: [member="Triam Akovin"]

A'sharad watched as the bombers screeched off, far ahead.

At this point they should've been quite close to the retreating infantry.

They may have moved from their location, but the bombers were hot on their tails. As their units presumably moved into the coordinates position of 17.17, they should've been rained on by four bombers, with a full payload of bombs and laser cannons. Aurek Company was hard on the chase, and they wouldn't allow them to get to the trenches without being harassed all along the way.

"Keep moving," he said through the comms of Trill Company.

Even the armour kept on pressing on ahead.

The two AT-TT's kept on following in the infantry.

The armour and infantry on the far left flank continued moving around the trees and natural formations of Castameer. Chances were they'd arrive at the trenches at the end of the battle, when the Citadel was taken. However, the repulsorlift LIUV's continued North-West, around the treeline and then North-East to come up along the far left flank of the fleeing Rogue Sith Troopers.

Zerek Platoon continued as well, their gunboats speeding off soon after the Imperial Bombers. Proton torpedoes and laser laser cannons. The pilots had brought themselves high up into the air and then angled themselves downwards onto the fleeing Rogue Sith troopers. This included the dual-barrelled laser cannons on the top of the Arcturus Gunboats. The targeting computers had their information, and they fired from right atop the Sith, and once the first round was done they began their turns for the second.

And then there was the screech of laser cannons from the walkers ahead of the Sith Knight. Reports said the Rogue Sith directly in front of his units were fleeing.

Many of the walkers had begun firing on the retreating Sith forces.

[member="Vilim Ramic"]

Battlegroup Aurek:

Battlegroup Two: Zerek Platoon
  • Eighty White Wolves Stormtroopers - B, 320pts (21.22 ---> 18.20)
  • Two Arcturus Imperial Gunboats - Common, 30pts (21.22---> 16.17) Engaging Rogue Sith Troopers at 16.16 from 16.17

WW: Scout Unit

Battlegroup: Trill Company

Northwest, Castameer
Faction: Firemane Industries & Technologies (Tygaran Alliance)
Commander: Major Lavali Sanjeet

The Lion's Maw

Infantry Company - Alcori's Wrath
Movement: 2.07 >> 3.07

Manticore Squad - Fire Angels
Movement: 3.04
Firing At: 7.06 [member="Vilim Ramic"]
1 Tank Support Squad
9 Heavy Support Tanks
Manticore Support Tank
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Heavy Ordnance Platoon - Angelii Halo
Movement: 3.04

Heavy Ordnance Platoon - Kerrigan's Pride
Movement : 2.05 >> 2.07

Anti-Air Sections - Ashira's Grace 1 & 2
Movement: 4.05 >> 3.07
2 Anti-Air Sections
6 Anti-Air Tanks
Hydra Anti-Air Tanks
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Self-Propelled Gun Sections - Phoenix Section
Movement: 2.03
Firing At: 6.06 [member="Vilim Ramic"]

Reaver Section - Red Reaver
Movement: 4.06 >> 4.08
1 Assault Tank Section
3 Assault Tanks
Reaver Assault Tank
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Valora Walkers - Valora's Might (1-4)
Movement: 4.05 >> 4.07
1 Walker Unit
4 Valora Walkers
Valora-class Walkers
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Northwest Region
Objective: Eliminate Rogue Sith
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Enemies: Rogue Sith | [member="Vilim Ramic"]

"Keep moving!" Sanjeet shouted to the troops as they trudged through the snow, "keep artillery going, follow them - BURY THE FOREST ON TOP OF THEM!" She called over communications, yelled really - just so that she made sure, they could hear her. Symara shook her head and kept her rifle on her body. Looking down the scope when she could, and watched as Sanjeet trudged ahead, "get the armor moving, don't bunch up so close either - march, march south to the trenches."

It was a bitter cold - one Symara hadn't really felt before. Sure Corellia could be kinda cold, maybe - the Republic? She didn't stick around long enough to find out, and Mon Cal and Tygara were places she could stay. Tygara more than Mon Cal but for very, very different reasons. She looked over her shoulder watching as the massive Valora-class walkers kept up right by their mechanical legs. Moved forward, hearing the whir of their motors reminded her of her own metallic body.

"Sgt. Halifax!" Sanjeet called, "tell the Mandalorians that we're breaking to the south, we'll see them at the citadel."

He nodded and got back on the radio to tell the Mandalorians of their plans, by now they had all hoped that the various teams there had worked enough damage inside that getting through wouldn't be so difficult but it's hard to say from here. Very hard to say, behind them they could still hear the sounds of artillery. Rapier rounds screaming through the air decimating their targets.


Event Account

OOC: [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] since you didn't put any hexes, you are not on the map yet.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"] your jaunt through the trees with tanks was not possible. Movement for tanks is 6 clear, 1 obstructed. That is, you can move through one obstructed hex and that's it, so I've moved you in the clear terrain.
[member="Draco Vereen"] your 1st air cavalry move confused me. Left it as is.
[member="Asharad Graush"] you moved your infantry into the hex where [member="Triam Akovin"] was so I displaced them one hex.

North-West (01.01 etc) – [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Symara Tarriq"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
South-West (01.24 etc) – [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Isaac Knight"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"]
North-East (24.01 etc) – [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Gray Raxis"]
South-East (24.24 etc) – [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Ajira Cardei"]
Ali's Ending Location: [09.23]
Allies: [member=Isaac Knight] | [member=Junko Ike] | [member=After Dark] | [member=Rozalyne Kurganova]
Enemies: [member=Vilim Ramic] & Any Allied Sith Forces

CSAF's forces began to splinter again as the two MAT-TE groups broke away from one another and took up positions at [09.24] and [09.23]. Utilizing their long range sensor systems, the vehicle's gunners targeted Rogue Sith armor units at [11.16], within the borders of the compounds. CSAF's bombing support, a team of two T-85 X-wings and BTL-S8 K-wings softened up the area with a swift attack run, flying in from the West and looping away in the East. For the moment, their A-10's remained within the area, moving to the nearby [12.16]. They withheld any fire for the moment, observing the battlefield from distance and funneling sensor data to the rest of the Brigade. The Eastern engagements were in full swing, though CSAF and the Republic were facing the heaviest lines the Rogue Sith had organized, which occupied the Southern borders of their compounds.

Ali reviewed the tactical situation developing in the East, observing the engagements developing there with a critical eye. Already the Rogue Sith were mixing their forces with their enemies in a series of trenches, and for a brief moment Ali wished she had bolstered forces with which to assist. Despite the presence of forces less than friendly to her own, such as the Mandalorian Clans, Ali recognized the mutual enemy they all shared on this battlefield. Whatever it was the Sith were developing on Castameer could only mean death and suffering for untold masses of beings throughout the Galaxy. Such was the way with such fanatics as these Sith Imperialists.
As the bombing run lit up the region within [11.16], CSAF's walkers opened fire with their large mass drive cannons. HETDAT munitions (High-Explosive Thermal Detonator Anti-Tank) were designed to rend armor plating on similarly-classed vehicles. Depending on the reality of the damage caused by the attack, APFSD (Armor Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarded Sabot) rounds might be required. The walkers shook as their weapons began to fire, and from within Ali reached out to communicate with her surrounding friendly forces.

"[member=Rozalyne Kurganova], message received. My forces are attempting to soften up their Southernmost positions, while keeping an eye on the engagements ongoing in the South-East. If you have forces to spare, they could be utilized to build a support line near my own. We could allow each other a great deal of support-by-fire and maneuverability that way. I'm currently trying to get numbers on hostile forces, but with all the activity this is proving difficult."

3 x MAT-TE Walkers + 30 x CSAF Commandos (inside walkers)
Maneuvers: (05.24) ---> (09.24)
Mass Driver Cannon Fires: Rogue Sith Armor @ (11.16)

3 x MAT-TE Walkers + 30 x CSAF Commandos (inside walkers)
Maneuvers: (05.24) ---> (09.23)
Mass Driver Cannon Fires: Rogue Sith Armor @ (11.16)

4 x A-10 LAAT Gunships + 5 CSAF Commandos (inside 1 gunship)
Maneuvers: (08.20) ---> (10.19)
Mass Drive Missiles: Rogue Sith Infantry @ (12.16)

2 x T-85 X-wings + 2 x BTL-S8 K-wings
Bombing Run: Rogue Sith Armor @ (11.16) (West-East Direction)

Points Available: 500
260 points
S/HAR/BO Commando [x65 "B" Grade, Rare]
Primary Weapon Range: 1,2oo m

120 points
C1M2A MAT-TE [x6, Limited]
Primary Weapon Range: 12,ooo m (12 km)

120 points
A-10 LA-AT Gunship [x4, Limited] = 60 points
T-80 X-Wing [x2 "C" Grade, Mass] = 30 points
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter [x2 "C" Grade, Mass] = 30 points

I labeled my maneuver locations in my last post in the wrong spot, so they were overlooked. I moved some of my forces to (05.24) & (08.20). In this post, they moved from those locations to (09.23), (09.24), & (10.19).
Northwest, Castameer
Faction: Firemane Industries & Technologies (Tygaran Alliance)
Commander: Major Lavali Sanjeet

The Lion's Maw

Infantry Company - Alcori's Wrath
Movement: 3.07 >> 5.07

Manticore Squad - Fire Angels
Movement: 3.04
Firing At: 8.09 [member='Vilim Ramic']
1 Tank Support Squad
9 Heavy Support Tanks
Manticore Support Tank
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Heavy Ordnance Platoon - Angelii Halo
Movement: 3.04

Heavy Ordnance Platoon - Kerrigan's Pride
Movement : 2.07 >> 4.07

Anti-Air Sections - Ashira's Grace 1 & 2
Movement: 3.07 >> 5.08
2 Anti-Air Sections
6 Anti-Air Tanks
Hydra Anti-Air Tanks
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Self-Propelled Gun Sections - Phoenix Section
Movement: 2.03
Firing At: 9.09 [member='Vilim [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Ramic[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]']

Reaver Section - Red Reaver
Movement: 4.08 >> 6.08
Firing At: 8.09 [member='Vilim [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255,0,0)]Ramic[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255,0,0)]']
1 Assault Tank Section
3 Assault Tanks
Reaver Assault Tank
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Valora Walkers - Valora's Might (1-4)
Movement: 4.07 >> 6.07
Firing At: 8.09 [member='Vilim [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255,0,0)]Ramic[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255,0,0)]']
1 Walker Unit
4 Valora Walkers
Valora-class Walkers
Rating: C, Quality: Common

Northwest Region
Objective: Eliminate Rogue Sith
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Enemies: Rogue Sith | [member="Vilim Ramic"]

Sgt. Halifax rushed to Maj. Sanjeet, "the Sith seem pretty flat Major, artillery units requesting new orders." He marched alongside her as they turned to head toward the trenches with Sanjeet ordering their armor ahead of them. His feet trudged through the heavy snow, white pieces of fluff were mixed with mud, twigs and other things that he'd rather not mention. Sanjeet ordered everyone to fall into columns and get as small as possible to remain hidden behind the snowy hills.

"I think walkers spotted infantry by the trenches, so fire at mark 8.09 and mark 9.09, let me know when they've realigned." She told him and then looked for Lieutenant Tarriq who was behind her. Major nodded for her to come forward, Tarriq with her sniper rifle in hand moved as quickly as she could through the snow. "Get up with the armor, I want you tell me what you see around the corner - and do me a favor, don't get run over." Sanjeet was finally settling down her high nerves were either gone or she'd finally just come to the conclusion that she'd either live or die.

Symara smirked, "Corellian's honor."

"Uh huh, get moving." Major Sanjeet ordered with a chuckle and watched from behind as Symara moved out ahead of them to catch up with the tanks.

Sgt. Halifax rushed back to Sanjeet's side, "artillery has acquired new targets, ready on your orders, Major."

"Fire at will, I want those Sith scrambling for cover," Major Sanjeet ordered.

The sounds of artillery shells piercing through the sky above them could be heard, followed by a terrifying sound when they landed - again, and again, and again. Symara panted as she moved up, her lungs burned and she sucked in a breath and brought her rifle up so she could see through the scope and communicated what she saw to Major Sanjeet who then ordered her to tell the Reavers to begin firing. "Red Reavers fire at mark 8.09." And the Valoras too. "Valoras fire at mark 8.09."

Armor's aims were adjusted followed by some very loud and perhaps concussive sounds of armor firing at the Infantry, hoping to corral them back and keep them occupied until the Reavers could push up and incinerate them with fire, allowing the Infantry to swing around and do what they needed to do.
As Gray had looked back to see what had happened with the walkers before he made his distress call along the way, he saw he was being chased down. Walkers chasing a single person would not end well and he had a bad feeling about the outcome. So he had to veer away from his own men as the artillery shells did not stop falling, seemed the enemy commander cared more about wiping out the enemy than potentially saving his own men, and began to head away from them. His shield still had some power left in it, so he activated it after he had to dodge a rocket to the chest when he made the call. It was not long after his shield went up that the walker suddenly self-destructed and sent him flying forward into a clump of snow, fallen trees, and rocks. The shield had managed to stop the shrapnel from hitting him but he took a trunk to the chest that managed to damage the outer layer of phrik and had enough force behind it that the silicar couldn't stop all of the blunt trauma of impact. It had knocked the breath out of him as well as began making his ears ring loudly. All Gray could do was lay there right now in the snow and wait for control of his body to return to him enough to get back into the fray.

The Rancor Company was having a hard time with their fight. The artillery didn't let up even after they had engaged the enemy infantry at close range and the people were as fanatical as the shelling was. Their armor was better than most infantry armor and they had their shields, but both were already at their limits on what they could handle. Snow and dirt was being throw up all over as blaster fire flew through the air like swarms of mating flies. People were dying on both sides and becoming injured was just delayed death in the kill zone that had been created. They were unsure of what they were going to do, but then the artillery fire lightened up and the enemy infantry seemed to be moving and regrouping closer to their base. A small glimmer of hope had returned and the various squad captains began barking out orders for them all to regroup as best they could.

Rancor squads 6-10 had managed to protect their speeder brethren from the rocket launchers and now with the Sith having repositioned themselves closer to their base they were able to form a defensive line keeping the walkers away from aid. They continued to fire upon the Sith and started to launch thermal detonators into the Sith ranks. Those with shields began to form a forward line as those who's shields were drained began to replace each other's power cells. All the while this was happening they continued to fire upon the Sith infantry and launching thermals at them. They were holding their position now while aggressively firing when out of the south a new force showed up. As the squad captains were about to begin to issue new orders to handle this development, the new force opened up fire upon the Sith infantry with an overwhelming amount of power. They all cheered out as this happened and began to push their attack on the Sith even harder.

The Lightning Squadron B were single minded in their tactic of firing on the walkers as they went in circles around them. The gunners all replaced their power cells as they ran out of energy and then continued to shoot energy missiles at the cockpits as they passed by. The enemy had begun to open fire upon them with heavy blaster fire, and nearly took them all out in the first pass by. The only saving grace for them was the drivers' shields were still holding for now. The biggest problem they faced was snow and dirt being kicked up was beginning to block their vision and so they had to adjust by making wider and wider circles with each pass. This was causing the accuracy of their shots with the missiles to lower, but it was all they could do to maintain their assault without being taken out by those blasters or running into something.

The Lightning Squadron A had managed to make one of the walkers immobile, but it hadn't stopped the shooting. That was going to be an issue for their brethren as their shots continued to rain down and kill more of them. The squadron captain knew this wasn't going to work so he moved onto the next plan. He ordered 3 of the speeders to go underneath the other walker and to attempt to board it using the legs. They left to do this and as they did, the other 2 speeders moved out from under the walker. The gunners hooked up their MG-02 to their power-packs and then began to open fire on the cockpit of the still mobile walker. The other 3 speeders got on the other side of the walker from the immobile one and rushed the middle leg. They parked their speeders underneath it and the drivers grabbed their M5s. They all secured their weapons to their backs and made sure their shields were active. They then began to climb up the leg to the top and began to attempt to take the walker by force. All the while the other 2 speeders attempted to distract the crew of the walker by shooting at their cockpit.

The Rancor Squads 1-5 had watched as the walker was lead away from them by their Alor and then exploded just far enough away it didn't kill anyone. A small blessing in the otherwise terrible situation as artillery shells kept bombarding their location. The SIth infantry had moved and regrouped themselves closer to their own base, which had ironically allowed them to regroup as well. The squad captains ordered them to take defensive positions behind the cover of fallen tree trunks and large enough rocks. Medics were ordered to treat the injured and one to go check on the location the Alor had been in when the walker exploded. They were all using this chance to reload their weapons as well as their shields. After awhile black smoke and fog was spotted in the sky closer to the enemy base. The squad captains all began to issue orders to be ready for enemy reinforcements, but what they got was a complete shock to them. Large Mandalorian war machines suddenly shot into the Sith infantry and began to tear through them. The Raxis troops began to cry out, " For Mandalore!" As they began to rush forward to try and finish off the enemy with their sudden reinforces.

Gray was able to get control of his body back after the medic had found him laying in the snow. A bacta needle was jabbed into his neck and the miraculous fluid was able to repair enough of the damage to his body after a few minutes for him to stand up. He took a moment to examine the battlefield as the medic continued to double check him for internal bleeding. The artillery had managed to stop or slow down enough to being able to be ignored for now thanks to that black smoke in the sky and it seemed that they had reinforcements on both front of the battle. That was good, very good, but he got a report that some of the walkers had stopped shooting them, which accorded for that earlier easing of the shelling, and had begun to engage their allies. The anti-air walkers seemed to be handled and the infantry on both fronts was now caught in a death box by his men and the reinforcements. The issue now was going to be those walkers on his allies. So after the medic cleared him of internal bleeding he got up and began to head towards the walkers.

Gray ordered 6 of the Rancor troops to join him and they went after the walkers. They had no way to realistically destroy the walkers on their own right now, but he had a plan that might let them stop them. He was going to "acquire" them from the Sith forces currently crewing them. He got on his com and said to his wife, " Star this is Gray. I'm going to steal one of those walkers near you. Can you take the other one for me?" He then left it at that and knew his wife would understand his question. He wasn't so much asking if she could but telling her he needed her to or his plan might backfire. She was going to be as important to the plan as he was, so he hoped she moved on it. His troops joined him after he finished his message and together they moved on the walker.

As they got close to the walkers, Gray ordered his men to activate their shields and ready their weapons. He briefed them on the way of the basics of the plan and had begun to draw force energy into himself. They were on the walkers soon enough and as they got there, Gray suddenly began to focus. He unleashed the stored up energy and threw his troops up into the air and on top of the walker. As his men landed, they all rolled and got back to their feet. They began heading to the hatch to get into the thing while using their magnetic locks on boots to stay steady. Gray had to take a moment to catch his breath after he threw them. He had used the force several times and was pushing his limit. But he couldn't stop now and gathered up just enough energy to leap up on top of the walker to join his men. He did a roll and came up onto his feet as his men entered the walker. He followed them to it and jumped down through the hatch into it. It was time to see if they could take out the crew and take control of the walker for themselves.

Location: hex 16.07 in the AT-AW with 6 Rancor Company infantry
Objective: Wipe out the enemy forces and obtain as many walkers as possible
Allies: [member="Stardust Raxis"] , [member="Symara Tarriq"] , [member="Ajira Cardei"] , [member="Draco Vereen"] , [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Enemies: [member="Vilim Ramic"] , Sith forces

Gray's load out: Raxi'gam, Ammo-belt, Wrist attachment x2, Back attachment, M5, AA-01, Calm, Bryar pistol, Eaters x6, lightsaber

-Raxis Rancor Company: 148 infantry alive (52 deceased)
-Squads 1-5 at hex 18.06 engaging hex 17.07
-Squads 6-10 at hex 19.07 engaging hex 18.07
-Raxis Lightning Company: 2 squadrons (1 speeder & crew deceased)
-Squadron A at hex 17.08 boarded and attempting to steal the undamaged AT-AW
-Squadron B at hex 19.07 engaging AT-AAs
-IFW Chi-Class Heavy Dropship
-heavily damaged and needs a few repairs before operational
Forces representing T2 company Akovin Stock Company:
Point Total - 492/500 pts
Total Infantry - 250
Total Walkers - 24

Casualties: 0
Damaged: 0
Confirmed Kills: 16

Current Position: 19.18
Allies: A den of wolves... [member="Asharad Graush"](?)
Enemies: The Sith forces presented against her, in whatever form they took. Currently, that means [member="Vilim Ramic"] at position 17.17

Personal Equipment:

Damn it. Triam cursed in her head as First Order armor units halted her engagement of enemy forces. They are in the way, and the enemy is getting away! The nearly silent zip of her verpine, and loud cracking of Crol's Dresselian Rifle halted momentarily as the "friendly" units obstructed their view. Luckily the kraka-boom of the Heavy Blaster Cannon Fire, and Ordinance Launchers continued to rain death from above on top of Rogue Sith infantrymen as they retreated back to their trenches. It appeared though that the First Order forces had yet to fire on the enemy, and that... concerned her. Until they fired on them, she wasn't sure if she was currently surrounded on all sides by a force intending to work along the same lines as those threatening to use the weapon they created. With those factors in mind, she only had one choice: move into the forest.

"North! Into the forest, I don't want to get into their way." Not that I wouldn't mind taking them down a few pegs, I'd just rather live after this engagement... It was clear to her now, she made a tactical error in her landing position

"Keep firing on those poor sods!" As the infantry charged northward into the forest (effectively halting any of her attempts to snipe the enemy given the trees in the way), the Walkers were relatively unperturbed by the presence of trees as far as their weapons went... mostly. It wouldn't be as effective, but the trees didn't grow as tall in biome as cold and tundra-like as this one, and the M2 Heavy Walkers were nearly three stories high. The Heavy Blaster Canons had some trouble adjusting for the tree tops, but the Heavy Ordinance Launcers had a much easier time angling their projectiles through the air to hit their target. Ordinarily, they wouldn't have much visibility on the enemy, but Triam had become Argus incarnate, a monster with eyes everywhere. Her drones, released a few minutes ago, had zipped their away through the flat landscape, and from nine different angles provided key information relayed back to Triam's HUD. She issued relative distance away and triangulated the enemy's fleeing position to her droids, who commanded the walkers their firing solutions.

"Damn these trees, I can't see a thing... I can curve my bullet around them but I can't guarantee I'll hit anything without knowing where they are." She heard Crol muttering as charged into the forest, loading in more shells. Triam smirk at the geezer, and decided to give him some help.

"Well Crol, with my extra set of eyes, I can tell you they are in that direction." She pointed in a north-eastern direction. "There are a lot of trees in the way, sure you can bend the bullet that many times?" Crol grumbled and gave her an impudent look.

"Telekinesis is line of sight, if I can't see them, it doesn't matter how many things are the way. If I knew exactly where they were, that'd be a different story. 'sides, it'd be much easier to shoot at the sky and bend it down on top of my target. Too much work otherwise." This only widened Triam's smirk into a toothy grin.

"Then let's get you a line of sight shall we?" At that moment, she grasped Crol H'hurut by the cuff of his arm and lifted in the air with her Sky-strike miniature jump back, landing on top of an M2 Heavy Walker's Heavy Blaster Cannon mount. From this height, the infantry could roughly seen from over a kilometer away in the midst of their retreat. It was certainly a long shot, but not impossible for one attuned to the force. Triam momentarily took off her helmet, and proceeded to put it on to Crol... who immediately objected.

"What are you-?" Triam silenced him.

"I need you to pick out those Plex Launcher troops, and that's going to be difficult to do with the reduced visibility with the tree line. You'll need to at least identify them with the magnification of my helmet. Understand?" Crol silently complied underneath her helmet. It reminded her, that she had done him a disservice as an employee by not giving him suitable armor, and frowned a bit as the older man pointed his weapon to an unseen target in the distance. She would have to correct that.

A crack of his rifle sounded, and in the seconds afterwards where he used the force to alter his trajectory, there was silence between them. He would be doing all the sniping for the next couple of minutes, as she couldn't even hope to attest to that kind of accuracy. There simply things she could not do, try as she might. Projectile guidance of objects moving at those speeds just wasn't one of them... though possibly not out of the real of possibility in the future...? Keep dreaming Akovin. But maybe...?

Akovin's Dogs kept moving through the forest, firing at long range while she anthropomorphize her droids as getting antsy for a fight. It wasn't as difficult for her to do whenever over hearing the TA4 chatter... they were far more intelligent than she gave most droids credit for, and were rather personable for a combat unit. Though thankfully, not the kind of personal Mr. Follow seemed to be... what a creepy droid. Speaking of which, the droid seemed to walking just below the Walker they were standing on, waiting for her to come down.


Movement: 19.20 -> 19.18 (into forest)
  • Crol H'hurut attempts to snipe infantrymen carrying PLX rocket Launchers, at a range of 3 hexes (17.17) *standing above the trees atop a Walker to provide line of sight for Force assisted projectile guidance.
  • [3x] M2 Heavy Walkers fire their heavy blaster cannons on infantryman, at a range of 3 hexes (17.17) *experiences some difficulties aiming at target due to treeline
  • [3x] M2 Heavy Walkers fire their heavy ordinance launcher on infantryman, at a range of 3 hexes (17.17) *experiences little difficulties aiming, angling its projectiles and aiming at the group indirectly.
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