Kurayami Bloodborn said:
Any Member Can Join: Upon Approval by Major Faction Leadership.
If we wanted to use the Rules as literally written, then every Writer would require prior approval from the Major Faction leadership to join a Tier 1 Dominion. This would include the Faction's own members.
In practice, Dominions meant to remain Tier 1 don't have the Major Faction Leadership approving their Faction's own members individually. People just act as if there's blanket approval.
Hence why a Tier 1 Dominion can escalate to Tier 3 via someone joining the Major Faction that's doing the Dominion, then push the thread to Tier 2 status, then invite others to join and push it to Tier 3. Basically, a false flag op.
If this ever actually happens, Factions will likely start interpreting the Rule literally and become more exclusive while also limiting who can join what Dominions - even if these people excluded from the Dominion are members of the Major Faction.
Another possible false flag would be for someone to join the Major Faction as a member, or join a Tier 2/3 Dominion, and repeatedly make (valid) posts until they are over 1/4th of the posts in a Dominion. Every successive post increases the required post count by 4. So say in a Tier 1 Dominion, someone that posts 26 times rather than 20 pushes the post requirement from 100 to 104.
Krest said:
No minor faction made after the beginning date of a dominion can rebel it.
Even with this specific rulechange, a sockpuppet Minor Faction for a Major Faction could exist perpetually so long as it isn't declared Inactive by an Administrator.