Outside the City
Olivia Dem'adas wore simple, light Beskar'gam. It was the standard for her clan's officers, naval crew, and operators. A simple Beskar armorweave was worked into a uniform, beskar and leather boots were applied to the feet, and thin plates of Beskar were added to key locations around the chest, arms, and legs. Over this, her dress uniform's jacket was worn. It was not the invulnerable class 8 armor that her vod wore into battle, but it was all she needed.
After all, she rode a tank.
Sensors and displays showed her when the rear ramp of a drop ship lowered.
"All tanks, forward." She said calmly into her helmet. She could hear the roar of the vehicle's engines as the driver of the
Canderous-class Assault Tank lumbered forward and into the light of Empress Teta's sky. The massive vehicle rocked slightly as repulsors struggled to keep the massive vehicle from impacting the ground. From the viewscreen at the commander's station, Olivia could see that the dropship had dumped them out much farther above the ground than she would have liked.
Already she could tell that something was wrong.
"Squad leaders, report status." Olivia said into the communicator in her helmet, automatically routed through the vehicle's own communicator and broadcast to the other tanks in her platoon. She could see the two tanks to the left and right of her own as they fell through the air and drifted to a stop only a few centimeters above the ground. They, and her own tank, made up squad one. They had dropped nearly 80 meters from the back of the dropships and were still well outside of the city. Ahead of them, they saw open terrain and the city nearly a mile in the distance.
<This will do.> Olivia thought to herself.
"Squad two to Squad one. Status is green." Came the first voice from her communicator, a quick click from her communicator acknowledged their communication.
"Squad three-bravo to Squad one. Unable to locate the rest of our squad, mam.." Came the second. Olivia silently cursed the Sith. Two of her tanks and Taung knows how many of her people had been taken out en-route to the drop point. She clicked her communicator again, acknowledging the communication. She would have to find a new platoon to place that lone tank in...
"Squad four to Squad one. Four-charlie is unaccounted for." Came a third voice.
"Three-bravo, redeploy to our position." The voice continued. Olivia almost wanted to reprimand the individual for giving that order, but it was a completely obvious course of action, and it saved her from doing the babysitting.
Olivia continued to listen to the radio and wait, but no further responses came. Whatever had happened between leaving the battleship and landing on the planet, they had lost two full squadrons and suffered casualties to two more. Olivia sighed slightly. Nine tanks. Not the full platoon of 15 she had wanted to start with, but she would make it work.
"All tanks, form up on command position. Standard three-by-three formation." Olivia said coldly into the radio.
"Ahead two thirds. Stay in formation and keep your eyes open." She continued, keeping her own eyes on the sensors and viewports. They had a mile of open ground to cover, not to mention the horrors of urban warfare with armored vehicles. This was hardly the best battlefield for Olivia to join, but she would be damned before she let herself sit out this fight.
She had never met [member="Mia Monroe"]. But her dieing breath had launched a thousand ships. The mando'ade were here for the Dar'manda. Olivia included.
(OOC: I see your worm. I see your rats. Say hello to old faithful.)