Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Reckoning [Invasion of Empress Teta: Mandalorians vs One Sith]

Location: Cinnagar Rooftop

Eventually, Darth Junra made her way to the top of a roof overlooking Cinnagar. She gave the battlefield a good, long observation as the team of snipers she requested slowly gathered and set themselves up for the battle.

An Acolyte, [member="Tylan Toarinar"], followed Junra to the rooftops. Behind him, several slabs of frozen carbonite were pushed by several soldiers onto the rooftop and left near the door.

Closing her eyes, Daella spoke aloud so Tylan could hear her ask, “Why do we know a black hole exists? How can we know where it is when all light fails to escape its grasp?

From that moment onward, Tylan would have noticed Daella reaching out to the city through the Force. Her eyes continued to remain closed. The Bral remained a considerable distance away from Daella - and thus, its cargo did not affect her yet.

Before waiting for an answer from Tylan, Daella told him, “It blocks and disturbs what one would normally see. The same could be said with observing certain phenomena with the Force.

Slowly, Daella panned her head. It drifted toward the Bral vehicles. She observed one of the decoys. Then, her head panned toward one section of the city. Main City Group 1/2.

Ysalamiri caused a massive disturbance on Coruscant,” added Daella, “A surprise to think the Mandalorians could harvest such creatures. This time, they used the same trick without any planning or consideration.

Then, Daella stretched out her right arm toward the area of the city containing the true Bral.

They keep me from using the Force to influence my senses and Sight of what's in a bubble,” she said with her eyes still closed, “A near perfect sphere - the source of what plagues us being in the center. And, I can tell where my power cannot reach just as when a black hole blocks sight of a star.

After saying that, Daella opened her eyes. In the far distance before her was the Bral containing a plethora of Ysalamiri.

Found it,” she claimed.
Location: Empress Teta - Capital City of Cinnagar
Allies: The One Sith.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"][member="Vraska Yo'gand"][member="Smeg"][member="Ratih Lah"][member="Nam Karakk"][member="Nas Vua"][member="Azal"]
Enemies: Mandalorians
Objective: Engage the Mandalorian Forces
How to Join:
Group 1: Guerilla Groups Within The Buildings of Cinnagar, the Capital City. This will mostly be Sith.
Group 2: The sewers below Cinnagar. [member="Smeg"], the Rat King, will lead you. Attack their unsuspecting armies from below.
Group 3: With Tsavong and the army gathering outside the city walls. We're gonna box them in the city and destroy them with force of arms and possibly magic.
Group 4: We're gonna need some people airborne. Any pilots and/or people who can NPC them?

A single bullet seemingly found it's way into the shield surrounding Tsavong's army. A sniper shot. It looked like it was aimed to take off one of the heads of the people standing on the Rakamat that the Tyrant stood on.


He looked to the @Darth Vornskyr, then back at the Mandalorian forces gathering opposite of the Yuuzhan Vong army. Tsavong gave a hearty laugh as his villip chirped.

It was Darth Mierin's face.

"The Mandalorians are employing the same tactic the Protectorate employed on Coruscant. Purge the city."

"Let's change the stakes, shall we Voice?"

Turning over in true villainous fashion with his cheesy lines and dramatic bravado, Tsavong directed his forces into the City, trampling past the tank division that was seemingly attempting to engage alone.

"INTO THE CITY," he shouted as the war drums began to beat louder.

[member="Abric Korne"]
[member="Aeon Caedus"]
[member="Aiker Ebizu"]
[member="Aleksandr Idruin"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
[member="Alyssa Motierre"]
[member="Apos Sanaz"]
[member="Ariel Shadowmaster"]
[member="Aros Varr"]
[member="Arturious Engel"]
[member="Asar Anchti"]
[member="Assadar Ilrast"]
[member="Asteria deWinter"]
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
[member="Azrael Dugarde"]
[member="Baron Doklor"]
[member="Bastian Briareos"]
[member="Bria Shadow-Tarkin"]
[member="Cain Laatl"]
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
[member="Chloe Van Derveld"]
[member="Commander Orin"]
[member="Connar Arneir Whitelight"]
[member="Countess of Báthory"]
[member="Cractius Stretus"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
[member="Dak Canton"]
[member="Dante Imura"]
[member="Darth Acarus"]
[member="Darth Akron"]
[member="Darth Angrel"]
[member="Darth Apparatus"]
[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Darth Armyss"]
[member="Darth Astraios"]
[member="Darth Avara"]
[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]
[member="Darth Helios"]
[member="Darth Hoshek"]
[member="Darth Isolda"]
[member="Darth Janus"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
[member="Darth Malificete"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
[member="Darth Mierin"]
[member="Darth Naefas"]
[member="Darth Naomi"]
[member="Darth Nephthys"]
[member="Darth Nexus"]
[member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Darth Sevrus"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Darth Tuk'ata"]
[member="Darth Tyrana"]
[member="Darth Veles"]
[member="Darth Vindica"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Darth Zarrah"]
[member="Darth Zelane"]
[member="Desolis Kharr"]
[member="Doctor Agnusdei"]
[member="Dr. Cain Wards"]
[member="Dredton Torum"]
[member="Drehich Ortuga"]
[member="Drex Skyreaper"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Eleena Miho"]
[member="Evard L'Rik"]
[member="Eve Amelia Zambrano"]
[member="Ferian Adair"]
[member="Foren Derfom"]
[member="Gahven Nightwalker"]
[member="Gancorth Typho"]
[member="Garth Hummel"]
[member="Hal Terrano"]
[member="Hion the Herglic"]
[member="Invicta Zambrano"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Jacen Cavill"]
[member="Jaden Korr"]
[member="James Mathison"]
[member="Jared Ovmar"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
[member="Jettak Swift Yatinini"]
[member="Jora Vao"]
[member="Karina Dartrex"]
[member="Kathryn Langley"]
[member="Kezeroth Barcu"]
[member="Khantor Ruu"]
[member="Ksayral Zekaidos"]
[member="Kyla Verss"]
[member="Kymaero Vol"]
[member="Lady Grey"]
[member="Lady Hel"]
[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Laufeia Carzi"]
[member="Leena Mai"]
[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
[member="Lily Rose"]
[member="Limos Secura"]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
[member="Mala Kulan"]
[member="Max Scorpio"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
[member="Metus De'cal"]
[member="Mike Zenima"]
[member="Mulak Chren"]
[member="Mya Munro"]
[member="Nam Karakk"]
[member="Nas Vua"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
[member="Paega Anginous"]
[member="Quinn Vos"]
[member="Ratih Lah"]
[member="Razer Sin"]
[member="Remy Singh"]
[member="Revy Khai"]
[member="Rex Praxus"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Selena Halcyon"]
[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Sero Valrel"]
[member="Shiro De'Vol"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Silas Tyree"]
[member="Silva Talith"]
[member="Skorn Draclau"]
[member="Skyren Vau"]
[member="Sorin Vanado"]
[member="Sorthus Axvyr"]
[member="Sven Talith"]
[member="Sylvanan Glass"]
[member="Syrra Venn"]
[member="Taral Mirtis"]
[member="The Hydra Queen"]
[member="Titus Zan Thul"]
[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]
[member="Trenchcoat Man"]
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
[member="Tyger Tyger"]
[member="Tylan Toarinar"]
[member="Valduin Izbien"]
[member="Valentina Clairemont"]
[member="Vehanv Kiva"]
[member="Vilox Pazela"]
[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]
[member="Vraska Yo'gand"]
[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]
[member="Yruss Shien"]
[member="Zack First"]
[member="Zenoc Lah"]
[member="Zhaera Shai"]
[member="Zothan Venn"]
Location: Overwatch, City Center
Allies: [member="Elara Lok"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Itessa"]
Enemies: @Hydra Queen

Chaos had erupted at ground level as skraal came swarming out of the sewers, vong creatures of all shapes and sizes began to appear from every point and the comm link in her ear exploded with chatter, shouts of the dying and panicked. The tension was rising, but it was a distance from her. Detachment was key. That was until a mass of tentacles filled her scope. She squeezed the trigger without hesitation. Once, twice, three time before it toppled out of her sight.

"Where the hell did all of this come from?" she asked herself more than anyone else. She ran her eyes along the ruins of the prefab base and the great worm. "This is Overwatch, requesting immediate air support over the base. Target is close to friendlies, but they're dead if you don't get here NOW!"

She tracked the winged woman across the skies. "Hell cyar'ika." she muttered, before firing two rounds, one for her head, the other for her chest.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Location: The edge of Cinnagar
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Mando Tanks and [member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
Objective: Reconnaissance in Force

Ground warfare was not exactly Cyrus' specialty. Combat in space was measured in millions of kilometers and hours passing, with tens of thousands of lives at stake. It was a slow, cautious affair, prone to moments of great triumph or crushing defeat. Ground combat was it's opposite in nearly every way. Quick, brutal, with ranges from the tens of yards on. Sure, on a strategic level it was basically the same, but that was hardly in the thick of things. Commanding from a secure bunker wasn't really his style. After all in space every person on the ship, from the Admiral to the junior most spacer, faced the same risk. Death by turbolaser made no distinction between ranks.

So he'd taken command of an AT-AW, a design suspiciously similar to the AT-SA developed for Atrisia. That and the Hypervelocity guns made two classified pieces of technology leaked, which was beginning to look like a trend. A bit of haggling had seen a pair of AT-HK's attached as escorts, and two Hellhawk's were flying overwatch. Not much of a force really, just enough to get out kick someone's teeth in. Definitely a better option than sitting in orbit watching the veteran Mandalorian fleet conduct near-flawess drop runs on the planet. Too bad they weren't gunning for fight, it would've made for an interesting show.

Without communicating, Cyrus split off his small unit from the rest of the army outside the city. Reports had come in of a tank platoon airdropped behind their lines. Sith air defenses had done some work, but they were still a threat, especially given how generally unimpressive the Sith army was. Not for the first time, Cyrus longed for the veteran stormtroopers of the short-lived Atrisian Empire. Still, you worked with what you had, and right now that meant a Proton Cannon.
Allies:One sith
objective: unknown

Morningstar had no idea where he was as he just exited the swears and he was heavily engaged in combat, he started out by offering support to the sith troopers but thats proving to be pointless. He begins to push forward towards the city and he was killing any that was got in his way.



Allies bodies fell like wheat to his sword. Lasers just bounced off his armor or did little damage. A fine set indeed. But Fear was outfitted with Mandalorian Iron, no sword was a threat to him. Even if he was stabbed somehow, he'd just heal and come back two times as mad. Kaggak's sword lodged into his jacket, scratching the nice paint job he'd been given on the armor beneath. It stuck in somewhat by the materials. He'd kept shooting in the mean time, his rifle still ineffective. He might have to give a good ol' fashioned beat down to take this clown to school. Fear looked down as his foes arm reached for a new weapon. He backed off a step, but it was useless. Kaggak's grenade took him in the gut. Stupid idiot was at point blank range and would take more damage than him. Fear was blown clear off his feet by the explosion. Landing with a ground scrapping thud.

That hurt for sure, that goodness the flack jacket took on some of the overpressure. A quick feel around told tale his rifle was gone. "Alright you Sith stick sucking karker". Fear bent his knees in and pushed off with his left hand. "I am going to teach you the meaning of fear. And annihilate you in the process"! Bolting forward the third of a ton Gen'dai was like a tank gearing to ram. His torso bowed to gain the lower center of gravity. The Fear freight train was coming in fast. Aiming to knock Kaggak to the ground.



So the sword was stuck in the droid's jacket, eh? At least the grenade had hit him pretty well. And now he was running towards me, like some kind of enraged animal. Good luck with that. I sidestepped the crazy machine, and gave him another taste of my grenades. Four more shots of it, and my arm would be in bad condition. I drew my next weapon, a long-handled blade that I'd been issued as a standard combat weapon. I roared as I began to sink into a bloodrage.

"Our revels now are ended, droid."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Location: Outside of City
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: One Sith [member="Nevizkut"]
Status: Armed to the teeth.

Basaba looked up at the Rassilons leaving and her sisters were going off. She didn't need to be faster and the first into the fight. She only needed to be the one to deliver the blow as the sounds of basilisk war droids came overhead and more creatures, it looked like a drexal was flying around. Something she knew well and still she moved towards the cities outskirts, fighting in the center was a dangerous place and worth an airstrike or two. She also dind't want to be in the bubble of the bral as it would cheapen the moment when her hands found their throat and squeezed while they tried everything with the force.

That was the thought while she waded into the sith soldiers and fired the horak rifle switching between the settings as she ejected and reloaded power packs. The one sith apprentice coming to her attention as a shot struck her helmet and Basaba turned her head lashing out with the rifle and bashed one of the large massassi to gt its attention as she slung the rifle over her back. The shoulder cannon tracking the creature as her helmet was clicking before her fist came out. grabbing the face tendrils and squeezing. His scarl coming out before she brought his nose into her helmet with a smash. Her eyes flicking and firing off a shot at the one in the crowd.
Location: Above city
Allies: One Sith / One Sith Fighter Squadrons
Enemies: [member="Itessa"] | [member="Michael Steelfang"] | [member="Grozurra"] | [member="Shaw McKeller"]
Objective: Divert dogfighting and shoot down dropships

The CZ-V3 Cirrus Skyfighter slashed across the sky. Lily weaved in and out of the way of skyscrapers as more fighters joined the fray, and none of them were friendly. She glanced over her shoulder in time to see a Mandalorian vessel shoot down and destroy a One Sith starfighter. Lily hit the gear sticks hard, bringing the directional stick upwards. The skyfighter broke away from the dogfighting, knowing she was outnumbered. She rose higher and higher into the clouds, exceeding speeds of 2,000 kilometres per hour. Far from the skyfighters speed limitation. Lily began to decelerate, gliding in the sky.

She could see everything below, and the One Sith fighter squadrons were vastly outnumbered. That was it, only one choice. Take out any transport that tries to hit the ground. Prevent any form of chain of supply to help the Mandalorians. Even if it mean't she would be shot down in the process. She dived her vessel, screeching as it descended towards the buildings. "I've spotted a bogey, eight o'clock, speeder transport," Lily reported. "Copy that," Venus answered. "Coordinate squadrons to attack enemy transports. Too many fighters out here for us to deal with. We need to gun down those transports before the enemy guns down us."
"On it," Venus concluded.

Lily began to trail after the transport, steadying her skyfighter. The Dar'manda knew what her own people were like, and if the enemy transports were as she expected, it wouldn't be easy taking them out of the sky. She didn't have time to shoot each and every transport out of the sky with only her laser cannons. Lily reached over her dashboard and thumbed the targeting sequence, attempting to get a lock on the transport as she trailed behind it. The Keshiri sat back into her harness, flicking the lid off the directional sticks. Lock acquired. Lily slapped the trigger, firing all four homing missile launchers into the rear engines of the transport.
[member="Basaba Willamina"]

Location: Unknown
allies: One sith
enemies : basaba

Morningstar was unaware of her existence but out of instinct he tries to deflect the shot, he had no idea where she was so he calls out."Mandalorian Dog come out and fight or perhaps your going to hide like the hut spawn you are?"
Location: Cinnagar City Streets
Enemies: The Sith
Allies: The Mandalorians, [member="Koyi Zythor"], [member="Dred Varad"], [member="Garrus Garon"]
Objective: Repel rats

Rats and worms. Rats and worms and Vong. They sent the weakest enemies at them. His troops. His troopers. And they were advancing at vehicles, armed with MT-40G rapid-fire 40mm death machines and men with heavy repeaters. Needless to say, the 'army of filth' was not a particularly wise idea. However, the beasts with the tentacle got too close for comfort, and Preliat directed Koyi to lay waste to them with a simple hand gesture. He waved his hands around in a circle and upwards with a closed fist. He communicated with hand signals, making it difficult or even impossible for Sith to know what he was about to do next.

His men turned, and so did he, towards the giant warm sprouting from the ground. And the turret gunners that weren't focused on repelling the enemy, and any remaining soldiers within the vehicles poured out, slugthrowers and heavy blaster rifles ripping the Sith and Vong forces apart. The Mandalorians were notorious warriors, and bipeds and rats would not entirely phase them. Preliat grit his teeth, as he held down the trigger to his Heavy Ripper, the barrel spitting out ripper rounds like a zipper. The Implanters, jumped on the backs of his troops, but found it difficult to get anywhere with both the Beskar armor- and the fact that Preliat was taking the fight upwards in a moment. Jetpacks activated. His men had forgone the nullification packs, including Preliat himself. He swiveled, bursting an approaching Vong creature to pieces with the heavy ripper.

And then, he gave the order. They all knew what to do. The Mandalorians- fought and came prepared. Mandalorians began to activate their jetpacks, one by one. And they shot upwards, towards the tops of the buildings. Preliat dropped his heavy ripper, and picked up one his fallen brother's ammo belt and his Gladiator rifle. He jetpacked upwards, and held up a fist, bent his elbow, and threw his fist forward twice. Mandalorians had little regard for the safety- at least, the ones in his platoons. They would cover any Mandalorians that were moving into the buildings and away from the FOB, and upwards into the buildings. He had machine gun crews line up at the edges of the building, and the CQC specialists covered the stairs for when the Vong inevitably came. And as for the riflemen, the grenadiers, the marksmen, the SAW gunners, the snipers, the mortar crews- they all took position at the edge.

And fired.

They fired at the beast, the large cylindrical beast that arose from the ground and all of their time practicing, their trained eyes and arms releasing a storm of fire on the beast that had come from the ground.

Preliat stood at the edge, one hand firing his Gladiator rifle, the other removing his trusted Westar-34 blasters and going to town with both weapons. He looked outwards, as his armored body swayed, looking for a greater foe.


He tucked the rifle against his chest, and fired one well aimed shot at [member="The Hydra Queen"], as she stood in the midst of it all, or rather, flew. Years of training and experience went into the well-aimed shot. It was not meant to kill- but to warn. She was fighting a true warrior, a savage in every sense now.
Location: Tete capital
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: One With [member=Darth Tsolan] [member=Alexandra Cinthra]

The Mandalorian began running throughout the building which was a long trip since he had to go through rooms and kick down doors just to get closer to the exit of the building and to his objective. He did noticed that his targets moved from their original position. "They know something, better make it quick." The Bounty Hunter then sprinted through the building and finally reached the exit. "Damn, I wish I had my jetpack. Now I'm gonna have to go through the long way again.

And once again Vilaz started running through the building where his targets were at previously and began going through the rooms and obstacles of the building.



Watching his rear view sensors came in handy. Fear dived down and into side ways recovery roll to his feet. Ugly here would need to try a lot harder to get another shot in on him now. "Do they"? The grenade passed over him and exploded a ways down the alley way. "So you want a knife fight fleshy. I'll play". Fear drew a foot and a half long trench knife from his belt. This idiot thought he was a droid. So why the melee weapon got him, but he was going to use the confusion to his advantage. "Come at me Meatbag". Fear again lowered his stance, but it was for any necessary weight shifts he may need if that launcher was used again.



Oh, so this droid was fast. And he had a fething huge knife. And my sword still stuck in his outer plating. When he came up to me, I yanked on the handle, pulling it free. The sword had blood on it?

So, that wasn't a droid. Interesting. It certainly looked like a droid, but you could never tell, I guess.

"Alright, fethhead, let's get messy."
DA LOCATION: Cinnagar Streets, Riding the worm
DA ALLIEZ: One Sith, [member="The Hydra Queen"]
DA ENEMIEZ: Mandalorians, [member="Preliat Mantis"]

If one were to look close enough, or you know, be in possession of a pair of binoculars, perhaps a sniper scope you might have caught glimpse of a rotund rat, perched upon the GIANT BEHEMOTH OF A CHROM-VRONE. Of course, when I say perched I mean clinging on for dear sweet baby cheezits. We'll not lie to ourselves when we say that Smeg was not a creature built for all out war.

His own war back home with that bloody wizard was one of a subtle nature, it was guerrilla, throat slitting in the alley-way kind of deal. Eat the corpses of your enemy and all that.

Of course it also didn't help that in his own Filth Games that there were never a whole mess of Mandoborings all focusing fire at his location. Probably shouldn't have sat on the behemoth worm drawing all the aggro then, eh? Smeg's totally manly squeals of terror filled the skies as the worm reared backwards almost throwing the Rat King off of his mighty steed.

Wait. His ears twitched, picking up on a thrown insult. Ugly queen? THAT BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN DIRECTED AT SMEG OR I'LL...I'LL...Huh, turned out it wasn't directed at the Skraal, but rather at the frankly lovely Hydra Queen (who didn't abuse Smeg and was therefore the best).

With one claw still clinging tightly to the worm's surface, Smeg grabbed the brown vial from his belt and with all the dexterity his twitching whiskers could muster, threw it at the very rude Mandalorian. The force of the throw was aided by the Chom-Vrone, who in that moment just so handily jerked forward.

Not that his mystery vial would do much good, given all that armour that the Ner'Dolts tended to adorn themselves with, but then again, Smeg was not a smart rodent.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Location: The edge of Cinnagar
Allies: Sith l [member='Cyrus Tregessar']
Enemies: Mando Tanks and Olivia Dem'adas
Objective: Reconnaissance in Force

I looked around the bridge of the Resurgent, before keying the comm to admiral Tregessar, and to Serra Belv, captain of the Red Brigade.

"Red Leader, are you in position?"

"Yeah, babe, we've just been waiting for you. If you have all that time to spare before giving orders, you and I should be having bedtime, instead."

Did I mention that the woman in question was also my unrequited lover? No? Well, she was.

"Maybe later, Serrie. Right now, we gotta make us some Mando juice."

"It'd be my genuine pleasure, Evie-babe. Red Out."

I turned to the fleet comm system.

"Admiral Tregessar, do you need assistance?"
Location: Cinnagar Streets
Allies: Mando'ade
Squad: Neskar, Anastasia, Navio
Enemies: Dar'jetti
Objective: Renounce the Beast Rider; [member="Hion the Herglic"]

Heavy fire blasted from the Mando'ade, combining their forces to drive into the massive winged beast that attempted to sweep away from the battlefield. With the combined forces of laser cannons, pulse wave cannons, and their decimating rounds of slug throwers and rail guns, the beast was no longer able to sustain flight. Beset at every angle until the last of the volley of ammunition; the rail gun's incendiary rounds caused it's head to violently explode, killing the creature instantaneously. The only issue with their assault was the trajectory of the beast, and it meant that the Drexl was coming down, and coming down hard. An immediate command to scatter was given through the communications. The shadow above them growing larger by the second - the infantry forces of the Red Legion scattered attempting to outrun the planet bound winged beast.

Repulsor engines roared from the war droid flared to life ripping the mechanized beast from it's firm plant on the ground and into the air. The rest of his squad having been given the order to fan out for cover, and avoid the devastation of the dead beast's final descent. Only seconds later did the swerving trajectory narrowly miss one of the mighty leather like wings that collided with the duracrete city street. Azrael held no remorse for destroying the creature in a time of war. And yet still he hadn't wished the beast to suffer, and had taken it out with a headshot to put it down in an instant. The rider however was going to be a greater challenge, with such a mighty bellow of raw power, to combat that they were going to have to use strategic tactics. Facing it head on would be sure suicide. As if on queue, the angry roar of the Herglic; now standing atop his dead mount rang to the heavens.

"TAKE COVER!" Azrael shouted through the communications array as he immediately killed the engines of war droid and road it to the ground within seconds. Then a roll to the side dropped him behind the Bes'uliik's left side and he hunkered down. No sooner did he do that than the veritable explosion went off. Hion's massive maw bellowed with the strength of a bomb ripping apart everything in the pressure shockwave, and even further from the release of pressure that decimated anything not heavily shielded. The internal damage was even worse as the Red Legionaries were broken apart by the violence of the blast that rocked on their internal organs until they were but soup within armor. The pressure wave pounded mightily against the war droids. Most could take and weather the blast - and at least shield the vode behind them from taking such critical damage. The sound was deafening.

Azrael gritted his teeth as wave after wave of the enormous blast raced across the war droid managing to move the hulking beast a few inches. "Anyone that's still standing, fan out, encircle him, get me within ten meters of that blowhard!" Azrael barked the command, and un-clipped a device from his arsenal after the winds had abated. Turning to the side he immediately chucked the orb along ground level till it would plant itself firmly just against the side of the fallen beast, only feet from where Hion stood.

Mando'ade that remained out of the blast area began to move in, firing with their laser cannons and Disruptor rifles. They were coming in from every angle, drawing the brute's attention as Azrael maneuvered around flagging Neskar to keep closeby, and watch his twelve o'clock. Activating the Echani Combat shield feature on his belt, Azrael was on the move, beating feet and heading towards the brute to claim his six. He didn't need to get too close, all he had to do was make it far enough to wither the influence to the Force, and then he could continue the assault. Thankfully he had some backup. About five seconds after he moved from the cover of the war droid, the grenade he tossed earlier would empty itself wherever it was, and deal out a encompassing toxin into the air. Hion had to breathe into order to give a Force Bellow, he had to draw in air at some point, and that toxin was from a Force breaker grenade, which would only further inhibit his connection to the Force.

[member="Neskar A'toll"] |[member="Navio"] |[member="Anastasia Rade"] |[member="Michael Steelfang"] |[member="Itessa"] |[member="Kaia Brin"] |[member="Countess Calum Teramo"] |[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] |[member="Mac O Shenanigans"] |[member="Kad Kando"] |[member="Dred Varad"] |[member="Vilaz Munin"] |[member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="A'den Prudii] | [member="A'den Shereshoy"] | [member="Adelaide Baldesarra"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Ailyn Kelborn"] | [member="Allison Willamina"] | [member="Anaye Li KaTar"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Anita Willamina"] | [member="Aran Ordo"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Axiom Keirn"] | [member="Ava Lok"] | [member="Bane Rade"] | [member="Bendak Garett"] | [member="Bertolt Shereshoy Vhett"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Buliwyf Jarhulda"] | [member="Cabur Aranar"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Cassus Vhi'torr"] | [member="Craliet Verd'un"] | [member="Cross"] [member="Davin Starrunner"] | [member="Desmond Verd"] | [member="Dex Cavall"] [member="Draven Fett"] | [member="Dred Malachore"] [member="Dunta Feskitt"] | [member="Edric Keiser"] | [member="Ember Rekali"] | [member="Emberli Garett"] | [member="Erebus Vivant'] | [member="Ermac Laith"] | [member="Elara Lok"] | [member="Fear"] | [member="Firax Ved"] [member="Flynn Mercado"] [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"] [member="Garrus Garon"] [member="Genet'orar Detta"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Henry Garon"] [member="Hunter Yagami"] | [member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] | [member="Illyria Skirata"] | [member="Inara Ka"] [member="Iris Harper"] [member="IxChell Kai"] [member="Jaal Rocker Tono"] | [member="Jaden Taacyn"] | [member="Jathin Fallin"] | [member="Jedediah Bagely"] | [member="Jon Swanson"] | [member="Jorkus Ordo"] [member="Ka'ika Skirata'] [member="Kable Detta"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Kadala Skirata"] [member="Kadesh Tiamat"] [member="Kalzor De'Hallen"] [member="Kane Chansul"] | [member="Kara Cabor"] | [member="Keltin Gelfon"] | [member="Khull"] [member="Kila Cadau"] | [member="Kor Rinn"] | [member="Kote Tal"] | [member="Kyle Tethair"] | [member="Kytarra Hawk"] | [member="Laaran"] [member="Lavania"] | [member="Lee Bane'] | [member="Lilly Tenshine'] | [member=Lord Daemos'] [member="Lynx Vhette"] | [member="Mando Skyre"] [member="Merec Vizsla"] | [member="Mirshen"] | [member="Mirta Kar"] | [member="Natalie Kolesnikova"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Niki Manson"] | [member="Nob Soldat"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Oberon Drexel"] | [member="Ordo Ka'rta"] [member="Ploog"] | [member="Ragnar Fett"] | [member="Ragnar Ordo"] | [member="Revy Khai"] | [member="Rickon Ordo"] [member="Rion Ke Teldan"] |[member="Sandis Veeran"] | [member="Satara Hawk"] | [member="Sea'ika Vel"] | [member="Seriem Vhett"] | [member="Shane Sisko Skirata"] | [member="Shaw McKeller"] | [member="Silas Ward"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Skye Mertaal"] | [member="Spar Malachore"] | [member="SyDen Kes'sin"] [member="Taneith Jy Vun"] | [member="Teroch Gra'tua"] | [member="The Boulder"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] | [member="Titan"] | [member="Tyrl Raines"] | [member="Vash Ordo"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Xander Lok"] | [member="Zoe Kelborn"]​
Location: Outside the City
Allies: Whoever shows up
Enemies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Objective: Breach outer defenses, Reach the City, Support Infantry, Engage and Eliminate Key Targets

Olivia was as vigilant as ever. Her eyes scanned each viewscreen in turn, then searched through the Beskar-Glasteel alloy view-slits that surrounded the commander's hatch of the vehicle. The terrain was not the best. Rolling planes, forests in the distance, and mines dotting the surface for as far as the eye could see. They were exposed, not to mention that they had somehow managed to get dropped off outside of a city that stretched to the east and west for as far as her eyes could see. The mission report had informed her that over half of Empress Teta's landmass was covered by its capital city, Cinnagar. And yet, the dropship pilots had managed to land them outside of the city.

<It's only a mile. Open terrain or not, it's only a mile.> She thought to herself as she scanned for threats among the towering buildings only a mile away. <Why the frell couldn't they drop us in the city?> Olivia pondered.

That was, until she saw them. Half the Sith army had assembled outside the city walls, apparently prepared to counter-assault whatever position the Mandalorians had chosen to take within the city. <Not bad.> Olivia thought to herself. <Instead of spreading out to fortify the entire city, they simply prepared a counter-assault force along the border.>

"Contacts." She said into her helmet, her communicator relaying her words through the tank's encrypted communications channels and sending them to what remained of her plantoon. "It looks like they're making their way into the city." She said. She was about to order them to engage, thinking the force vulnerable to a surprise strike. But she stopped herself when she noticed a detachment separate itself from the rest of the force and begin marching their way towards Olivia's platoon.

"Approaching hostiles." Olivia spoke into her communicator. She was sure that the rest of her sergeants had spotted the threat as well, but she vocalized their presence anyway. Ret'lini. "Looks to be one assault walker and two VTOL escorts... and two lighter walkers." She informed her platoon. Eying the readings on her viewscreen, Olivia continued with her orders. "Sensors show target is 1,400 meters and closing. Squadron one, slow to one-third and continue advance. Platoon two, come about by sixty-seven and a half degrees and accelerate to full speed. I want you to flank them from the east. I've no idea what the engagement range on that thing is, but I want us in position ASAP. Platoon three, divert and accelerate to the west. Your orders are identical."

Olivia watched from her view-slits as the squadron to her left and right broke off. Their turrets rotated to keep the massive walker in sight, each commander likely already ordering their crew to load the first round of shots. "Load the main cannons." Olivia said to the crew of her tank.

Combat Force
9x Canderous-class Assault Tanks

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
DA LOCATION: Cinnagar streets
DA ALLIEZ: The One Sith, The Hydra Queen, @Morningstar [member=Smeg]
DA ENEMIEZ: Mandalorians : [member=Azrael] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Elara Lok"] [member=Navio] [member=Fear] [member="Dred Varad"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Koyi Zythor"] [member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Ava Lok"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
DA OBJECT: Destroy the FOB, Fight Mandos

Down the Chom Vrone went, right on top of the makeshift fob, setting itself to stabilze in it's area it would now house.

A storm of shots would fly at the worm, striking the thick casting. But as Yorik Coral was the prime ship-building material for the Yuuzhan Vong, and the cylinder shaped Chom Vrone was made of such a material, the blasters and slugs would be slow to cause damage to the worm.

The rock it had digested soon will go flying, hundreds of meter-wide tubes extending from the top of it, spewing out plasma onto the surrounding area --- at the Fob, at the flying Mandos, and even some unlucky Skraal who managed to get in the way; it was settling down to continue eating more and more of the surrounding rock and wreckage of bunkers and buildings.

Meanwhile, the Hydra Queen held on tight, riding the Chom Vrone as it settled down. This was the only thing that would save her, as the constant movement angled her body so. That first shot missed her head, but it managed to strike at several of the insectlike tresses of her hair, slicing a good chunk of them clean off.

The one aimed for her chest managed to strike right through her left arm instead ( if it is a slug?), piercing through the seemingly vong crab armor she wore.

A shriek of pain would turn into anger, as the twin suns of her eyes would snap up towards the direction from whence it came. Her gaze would lock upon that of [member="Ava Lok"], and a snarl would curve over her violet lips.

Enter the grabbing of a handful of Razor bugs, the projectile biots used by the Yuuzhan Vong. Shaped from the sparkbee, razor bugs were a relative of the thud bug, but served a different purpose. Essentially living knives, razor bugs had carapaces that were capable of shredding flesh and piercing certain types of armor. They also had the homing capabilities of the thud bug, as well as a vapid tenaciousness to continue attacking a target until either it or the razor bug was subdued -- so if these babies missed... they were going to come back baby!

Hydra had every intention of going straight to the woman, flying there to attack ---

Until she heard it.

It wasn't the warning shot that drew her anger to [member="Preliat Mantis"]. No, it was one little word. One seemingly harmless word for such a slander, if one really thought about it.

But it came to her then.

The voices. Deep tenor. Sarcastic. An ass.

Dude... queen can fly. Literally. She can grow wings.
Call me a queen one more time, and I'll have fun cutting out your tongue.
Only if you stop being a cold hearted queen.
There was the line... about two kilometers behind him. The Mando had just unknowingly crossed it.

How achingly familiar...

She would shriek out her rage at the Mandalorian, just as [member="Smeg"] sent vials of filth at him. No one calls her that.

No one.

Vongsense would bloom in her mind, and the Hydra Queen would coax an Umrach near Preliat to attack the Mando, tentacles that could reach up to four meters reaching out to ambush and trap him.

The Implanters, down on the ground would quickly move on arachnid like legs, carried dozens of surge-coral seeds on their backs. The creeper would inflict pain on and disable their victims by using their feathery appendages to disrupt the victim's nervous system, then they would attempt to implant the seeds.

The Yargh'un, would attempt to horde through and over run any of the Mandalorians on the ground, while those that were flying would soon feel the reach of the long tentacles of the Umrach.
Location: City Limits
Allies:[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Enemies:Sith Vong
Objective: Take the City

Process was slow and grueling, but unrelenting. As the Bassilisk war droids advanced Kad could not help but let his mind wander to Ordo and Gilamar. He prayed that Gil gut shot the aruetii. The young Mando didn't know why Ordo did what he did, but he knew that he would pay dearly for it. A round zinged off his armor and he returned his attention to the battle.

He raised his SAR repeater and fired a volley into the Sith trooper's chest. As the man crumpled to the ground, the Cathar raised his head to the city. soon, he hoped it would be under Mandalorian control.

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