Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Righteous Side of Hell [Republic Re-Invasion of Alderaan vs. One Sith {Masters & NFUs only}]

Location: Heading towards Aldera

What she was about to do felt very wrong but there were times when one must make use of what one has. Rianna was piloting The Morning Star towards Alderaan her home. A world that had always been at the forefront of the Republic, and it had been lost to the Sith. Her riduur was now the Dark Lord of the Sith and all of this in reality tied to him in some way.

She needed to go there, could she be of any help. Another unknown factor. Before transmitting her identification she quickly sent a message to [member="Ordo"] .

Cyar'ika I am preparing to do something that I am not sure of the outcome on. The Republic has gone to Alderaan to try and reclaim it, and as you know the Sith are occupying it. It is my home, it is our home. I cannot stand by I must be there, I must do something. The lives of many demand it. The people that rely on House Organa to protect them, I cannot let them down. Ner kar'taylir darasuum gar riduur.

She took a deep breath and began her message to the surface, "This is Rianna Organa Ordo I wish to land just outside of Aldera." She banked her ship she was going to head for a place outside of Aldera, there were reports of many Jedi still on the planet, helping civilians and preparing for this day. What would happen? In her mind so many things played out.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Disrupt enemy forces
Enemies: Galactic Republic [member="HK-36"]
Allies: The One Sith, [member="Tsavong Kraal"], [member="The Hydra Queen"]

Coric's jousting assault was not so much damaging as it was disorienting and disrupting. He closed in fast and spiked a soldier with each joust past, causing the Republic and Protectorate forces to scatter each time he dived in on the Lancer bike to spear someone. Each pass brought the end of only one man, but the mobility of the speeder bike allowed him to break the engagement quickly, with some Republic forces either trying to pursue or regroup. One Sith forces quickly could overwhelm, outmaneuver, or simply out shoot the disrupted forces as they advanced on enemy positions.

However it was not long the assassin droid had Coric in his sights. However as [member="HK-36"] fired his shattergun, Coric sensed the attack through the force, and jerked the bike up and veered hard left. The shot went wide, and Coric quickly was out of range as the mercenary slammed on the accelerator. "A little slow on the punch." Coric commented as he looked back to see Tsavong, a four armed vong, ambushing the droid. Coric thought he was a menace with his power lance. However after seeing Tsavong on the battlefield for the first he made it a mental note not to accept contracts against the tkun wielding monstrosity.

"Sir Republic forces are entering the city perimeter and engaging Vong forces at the Citadel." A Sith officer said over the communicator to Coric. "On my way." The Dark Jedi said, changing direction on his speeder biker.

Closing on the force led by [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. The Dark Jedi Master once again lowered his power lance, ready to strike any unlucky man who fell within his path. Ahead he saw the Jedi Grandmaster Grayson. Aiming the super-heated tip of the lance towards the girl, he slammed down on the accelerator of his lancer speeder, and closed in for the kill to spear the Jedi at speed of over two hundred miles per hour.
Elegant and depraved.
Location: LZ
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic Mongrels, Dak Canton

An idle moment passed as the grenade left Helios' hands. He'd felt the wind blow the silver strands of his hair as his clothes rustled in unison. Standing with his feet a shoulder's width apart, Helios raised his arms as the Soldier in the foxhole withstood the detonation of the grenade and afterwards, lifted his weapon to fire upon the Hand of the Dark Lord. A twitch momentarily pulled at the Eldorai's mouth. Was it annoyance? Angst? Hard to tell.

Straightening his palms and fingers, Helios focused the darkside to his being. Using his negative emotions to fuel his connection with the Force. Then, Helios' ears jumped, reacting to the weapon the soldier fired at him. Prompted by the danger of being riddled with holes, Helios twisted and manipulated the darkside of the force to conjure Energy thereof. The master conjurer immediately materialized, a large, spiked, Midnight shield which Helios held still via the Force. Following the examples and principles of Darkshear one would eventually be able to conjure and forge energy into any other shape besides a simple spear, which was relatively small and easy to forge. It's first uses were made in moments of desperation, and in some cases no prior knowledge at all. The difference between Helios' mastery of the art and the first original recorded uses of the technique is that, his conjurations aren't invisible to the eye. Whether this was an advantage or disadvantage, he had yet to find out.

The ammo being dispersed from his aggressor's weapon didn't slide and clink off of the shield as it would ordinary steel but instead slapped into the conjured weapon with a series of thuds. Advancing towards the Soldier whilst maintaining the conjured shield, Helios drew close enough to see his aggressor's torso. Retracting his right arm, he drew the shield backwards and afterwards violently pushed the weapon forward, attempting to pierce the man with the numerous spikes and hopefully pin him onto the inside wall of the foxhole.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Protect what matters most?
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Tsavong Kraal"], [member="The Hydra Queen"]
Allies: The Republic, [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

And this is where she would step a sensation of danger overcame her. It was overwhelming and one she could not possibly ignore. She shifted her position, searching for the threat and somewhere in the distance, she heard the sound of an approaching speeder.

The Force wasn't something that was to be forgotten, nor was it something she was never too far from touching, or from sensing and calling upon. Her hands would clench tightly around her ignited saber hilts as she called upon the Living Force surrounding her. The very earth beneath the duracrete would begin to shake, as the rubble would begin to rise around her and [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. She would feel the earth close to the Grandmaster, the living organisms that moved and connected the very ley-lines of the Force together and she moved them. She felt the Force within her, flowing through her. The Living Force talking to her, guiding her.

Massive chunks of dirt and debris would rise as Aaralyn focused on the incoming threat, small clouds of dirt would reveal concealed threats should they be within the immediate area. It would rise between Kiskla and Coric and appear as if the area had been ensared in a gravity trap of some kind. Aaralyn grit her teeth and held the debris there for a moment and then launched her hands forward. As she threw her hands forward, she would aide the movement of the debris with the Force, allowing it to be guided into the air and forward just enough to make a difference. Physics and gravity would assume control of the rest. A torrent of duracrete and earth would be headed in the direction that [member="Coric Adromak"] was coming from. The pieces were of different shapes and sizes, and it wasn't limited to actual earthen debris, no...there were corpses and strewn metal.
Location: Streets of Aldera Ruins
Enemies: [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Republic comm chatter was ablaze. The battle in the ruins of Aldera continued with great intensity. Swarms of Sith Troops and Yuuzhan Vong monstrosities savagely fought against the Republic’s protectors. Fresh bodies began to pile up on the already blood stained grounds of the city.

Static overpowered the comms near [member="Kiskla Grayson"] for a moment.

-parine…” a voice exclaimed over the holocomm channels.

It--parine! Shoo-“ said another voice.

Silence from that line followed. Then, someone managed to call for help by saying, in great distress, “Squad Gamma in need of reinforcements! We’ve confronted Daella Apparine! Please send someone!


The battlesight that Squad Gamma found themselves at was just ruins and abandoned buildings. They took cover behind a wall. Silent. The bodies of several Republic troopers remained in the streets. Cut in two.

Three troopers remained. One a Duro male named Niol. He had idolized the tenacity of Havok Squad and those that had hunted the Sith. In fact, he once held Daella Apparine in a high view. His former hero now relentlessly hunted him and his comrades.

Another trooper named Vesena, a female Iridonian, steeled her nerves for the upcoming skirmish. She held no particular love for Jedi beyond their usefulness in battle. This was compounded due to the fact that many of them had defected to the One Sith - the biggest one being Daella Apparine.

The last of the troopers that lived was a human male named Zodesa. In fact, he was the squad leader and tried desperately to hold the group together. Yet, he did not expect to face the challenges that Daella would bring.

Looking to his subordinates, Zodesa gave the signal for them to prepare for a tactical retreat. He believed they had to stall Daella long enough for suitable reinforcements to arrive. Both Vesena and Niol nodded in acknowledgement - gripping their blaster rifles tightly.

With a valiant cry, Zodesa then sprung from his cover and targeted Daella - who stood several meters away from them, and roared, “For the Republic!


A couple minutes had passed since Zodesa leaped forth from his cover. Niol’s headless body laid just a few meters from Zedosa. The life in Vesena’s eyes was no more - now sporting a charred hole through her chest.

Weaponless, Zedosa was on the ground - pushing off his feet to back away from the slowly approaching Sith Lord. Darth Junra glared at the soldier with cold eyes. She said no word as she suddenly lunged forward and sunk her purple lightsaber into Zedosa’s stomach. The soldier gasped in pain and soon expired.

The moment Zedosa died, Daella retracted her lightsaber from his body. She looked up toward the mountains that the Republic had come from.
Location: Aldera Ruins
Objective: Defeat the Sword of the Jedi
Enemies: [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Allies: The One Sith,

Coric was almost caught off guard by the storm of debris created by the Jedi. He slammed on the breaks, and gave a sharp turn away from the debris storm. The mercenary almost flew off the lancer speeder from the sudden change in velocity, and he dropped the power lance to ensure the he did not lose grip of the handles and fly off the speeder. But like his enemy, Coric to was a master of the force, and he summoned a telekinetic barrier to shield him from the earth storm. He strained from the intensity of the barrier and the force of the debris smashing against it, but he was able to make a hasty escape. He spared only a moment to dump the lancer bike and turn back to the location of the Jedi.

Through the force, Coric could sense not one but two powerful force signatures. Thanks to Aaralyn, a considerable dust cloud had been kicked up, and while he could sense them through the force he could not see them. And if the Dark Jedi could not see them, they could not see him. Quickly he cloaked himself, being a photokentic he was fully able to bend light around him. Vanishing from plain sight he gripped his Sith Lightsaber and began to move towards the Jedi Master who had created the earth storm. With the cloak and the feeling of the dark side of the force everywhere he hoped take the Jedi out before she knew what happened.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Ruins of Alderaan
Objective: Follow the Force
Enemies: [member="Darth Mierin"]
Allies: The Republic

Blood and goo splattered over his robes, the once proud Jedi Knight turned Master was fighting in the fray of the battlefield. Sweat trickled from his brow and he could feel a wariness stirring up in his body, but it wasn’t the usual soreness that occurs when one was fighting for a prolonged time. He hadn’t been fighting in an extended battle, probably hadn’t been going on for more than a few minutes… yet Sardun felt tired. It was a tiredness of the soul itself, because he couldn’t see an end.

Not one that would end up positively for the Republic that is, or for the Galaxy at large and that made him wary. They were fighting, and fighting, and fighting… yet they were only losing. Even the Army of Light, with fewer resources and fewer men had had more success in their skirmish against the old Empire. Maybe it wasn’t a fair assessment, it probably wasn’t, no situation was the same and yet… yet Sardun couldn’t help but wonder what they were really fighting about here.

Was it protection, or was it a desperate attempt to hold onto territories by a stagnate Nation? Questions, and yet he fought on.

Kiskla called to him, with a slash he finished off the last critter and stepped back into the line, about to answer her with a jest. But then… something called to him, it was a ripple through the Force beckoning. On Alderaan a brother and sister had died at the hands of a Dark Lord, a Pure Sith, yet her name was unknown to him.

The Force knew all though and it called to him, not for vengeance, but for justice. To bring the her to justice and put his Jedi siblings to rest.

‘I must go to her, Grandmaster. She was the one, and my conscience cannot let her go free.’

With that he disengaged from the fight, taking a detachment of clone troopers with him. The journey towards her was uneventful, most of the enemies were engaged at the front so this was relatively safe for now.

Eventually he reached her, surrounded by her Honor Guard, cladded in blood.

His troopers started firing the moment they got them in sight, fortifying their position.

‘I saw your face on the news, my Lady. You have killed friends of mine, lay down your weapons and you will receive a fairer treatment than they had gotten.’


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

Mierin turned to the left as a squad of troopers approached. She felt her Royal Guardsmen tense, their HUD's blinking and their Power Armor whirring as they turned towards the danger that was approaching. The troopers that came outnumbered the Royal Guard nearly three to one, yet none of them seemed worried, least of all the Sith Pureblood at their head.

Her eyes flashed over the forward ranks.

She spotted a man there, a Jedi. Her lips turned into a frown as he approached her. He seemed relaxed, calm. Not the emotions would should be feeling when they encountered a Sith Lord like her, a Pureblood of true power. Her frown only deepened when he spoke. Friends? She had killed many peoples friends, their families. All who stood in her way.

“I have killed only those who stood in the way of the path of peace.” The lie flowed from her intertwined with the force.

Already she was the snake in the garden.

Of course there was no move to set down her weapons, no move to tell her Guard to do the same. The Hand of the Dark Lord did not surrender, not when outnumbered, not ever.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Ruins of Alderaan
Objective: Follow the Force
Enemies: [member="Darth Mierin"]
Allies: The Republic

Calmly the Jedi Master brandished his Lightsaber, without engaging it for now. He hadn’t been expecting surrender, not truly, and yet the belief was there to always offer the chance. To always give a person a chance of redemption and peace, few took it and yet… those few made it worth the effort.

‘Then we fight.’

His words were simple, yet he still did not engaging the saber. Just as Sardun would always offer a chance of redemption, so would he never attack first. Perhaps it was foolish in the way of strategy and tactics, but there was something more important than winning. Something more important than victory, the simple peace that you felt in your heart when you knew your cause was in the end righteous.


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

“So they have blinded you.” Mierin said with a smile. She made no move to draw her lightsaber, made no move to be aggressive in the least. She simply smiled at Michael, her eyes growing more alight. The golden glow settled in as the force began to row around her. “Have the Jedi really turned into nothing but murderers and killers? Have you really fallen so far that you can think of doing nothing but fighting?”

This was Mierins game.

She had always been powerful with words, had always been strong with the manipulations of the force. It was not entering someones mind per say, it was not breaking their thoughts and manipulating their ideals. It was forcing her own will upon them, a technique even the ancient Jedi utilized, though she used it with far more...supremacy.

Dominate mind. The technique of compulsion.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Palace Ruins
[member="Darth Mierin"]

In reply towards her smile, Sardun offered one of his own and replied to her provocations. Because that was they in essence were, the twisting of situations to fit into her own reality. To convince her opponent that he was in the wrong, or even worse reaffirm his own believes and make him angry. Why is that worse you might ask yourself, an angry person was a stupid person, generally at least. The Jedi Master would neither budge on the matter, neither would he take it too personal.

Mierin was a production of her own actions, and the actions others had inflicted upon her persona.

'My dear, you words are lost in translation, I am afraid. You brought this war to us and we react in the only way a human can, by protecting ourselves and the people we love dear. We are the Guardians of the Galaxy and we will protect it against everything that threatens it, even ourselves if necessary.'


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

Her eyes drifted for a moment, the glow shuddering slightly.

“We offered peace. We offered solace. Look upon the worlds that have joined us. Coruscant has flourished, Csilla has grown, Prakith has never known such joy. Can the Republic say the same? No. They stagnated, they paused, they suffered their own bureaucracy day after day, stifling their own people.” Her words began to press upon him, push into him. “We brought war, but we also brought prosperity.”

“Those that follow us gain peace, stability, calm. The One Sith does not want war. We do not want death. All we seek, is a galaxy united. All we seek is an end to the storm.” The force continued to flow, just as the truth. Mierin was not lying when she stated their goals, it was after all the truth.

The One Sith only brought war in order to bring peace. It was they who would bring the calm to the storm, it was they who would silence the chaos.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Ruins of Alderaan
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Her words… they had merit, to some degree at least. Sardun found himself giving her a small nod and yet...

‘At what cost? Children left without their parents, houses burned to the ground.. all in the pursuit of peace and plenty you say. Let’s be straight with each other here, my Lady. You care not for the pain and agony of the common folk, the Dark side corrupts completely and you probably don’t even realize it. Maybe… just maybe, some of you started out with good intentions, but no men or woman can resist the will of the Darkside Not for long.’


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

“What is the price of peace?” Mierin asked, her words pressing onto his mind. “Would you not sacrifice yourself to save a thousand souls? Would you not give up a planet, to save the galaxy? That is the price one must pay. It is regrettable, it is sorrowful, but it is reality. For Peace, For Order, we must sacrifice. We must sacrifice our friends, our family, ourselves.”

“It is the way of things. For the sake of peace, for the sake of a stable galaxy, we must sacrifice.” She sounded genuinely saddened by this, as if it pained her to think of the deaths that she had caused and may cause in the future.

She kept his attention away from the darkside of the force, kept his mind dancing away from the evil that stirred within her. Subtle nudges and presses of the force ensured the direction of his thoughts, pressed him towards what she wanted, and nothing else.
Location: On his way to the LZ/Base of operations
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: Bad Pubs, [member="Simone"]

Veles had yet to participate in the fight. Up until now, he’d been scanning the battlefield with his cybernetic eye, which offered him a nice picture of the battle. Remaining hidden under Force cloak, he simply watched as the battle progressed, occasionally eliminating a camping Republic sniper on the roofs. What he wished to find, what he searched for? Nothing, really. While he wanted to help, his abilities as an assassin seemed to be sort of useless right now. He could always flank the enemy forces and start ripping through the Republic soldiers, but large battlefields as this were not his place. Those belonged to warriors and sorcerers, not diplomats and messengers such as him. He needed to do something sneakier, something seemingly small yet more devastating in effect. What could it be?

His eyes wildly swivelled around, searching for enemies, allies, traps, anything. Only after noticing something small flying around, the amphibious Sith’s attention focused on the object that had caught his interest. A bird? Those usually did not fly among the Republic forces… A drone? The sudden realization the Republic had to have a base somewhere hit him. And since they have most likely sent the majority of their forces to Aldera… Veles silently nodded a few times, his new objective clear. Cut off the Republic’s ears and puck out their eyes by taking away their coordination and data feed, which he guessed was exactly what the little droids provided. The only thing he had to do was finding the base and getting inside. The latter won’t be hard with his abilities, or so he believed. It was the former that might offer considerable challenge.

The excellent eyesight of the Mon Calamari combined with the cybernetic wonder in his head glared around the battlefield before he launched himself to the roofs of the damaged buildings. His gaze shifted towards the sky and he searched for any ships bringing in new Republic soldiers and taking the wounded out of the battle. He could board one of these shuttles and let the pilot take him straight to the enemy base. Once inside, blowing up some crucial structures might be worth a shot.

Sighing, the Mon Cal Master looked back down, his eyes darting from one being to another. Living or dead, it mattered not. Upon finally catching a glimpse of what he needed in the corner of his eyes, Veles fell from the building by casually stepping into nothing but air and soundlessly landed in his feet before walking over to a corpse conveniently carrying some explosives. Removing those from the dead body, Darth Veles cloaked them as well with his powers and continued his search.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Ruins of Alderaan
[member="Darth Mierin"]

She began excellently and then horribly missed the point. It seemed the Sith Lady was misguided at the best, or actively trying to hide her intentions from him; both were troubling one more than the other. It was true that Sardun would sacrifice his life without even a second thought, if it meant that a thousand souls would be safe.

But… it didn’t mean that he thought he had the right to decide the fate of a whole planet, to accomplish a means that was abstract at its very nature.

‘I am Jedi and so I will sacrifice myself for the greater good. But I am also human, and so my judgement is flawed and my power has limitations. Sacrificing someone else… for supposed Peace… for Order.. I cannot find good in that, no man or woman has the right to make such a decision about someone else.’

Sardun sighed and continued. ‘I find myself pitying you, Lady of Shadows and Deceit. When you leave this world for the next, what will you have accomplished? What will your legacy be? Do you wish to carve out an Empire for your Dark Lord, would that fill you with joy? So… limited in your scope, you are. Surrender yourself, my Lady and even for you there might be redemption. The Darkside will not avail you in the after, only pain will be there for you and yours.'


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

“My legacy in this galaxy will be peace. It will be the Order that I restored alongside by brothers and sisters, it will be the storm that I silenced with my fellow.” The glow of her eyes stopped, and the flow of the force ceased.

“Yours Jedi?” The Hydra Staff attached to her spine began to move it wriggled about and its heads lifted themselves from her armored shoulders, hissing quietly. “Yours will be a constant crusade of war, of death, of endless falls of blood and death.”

The Sith Pureblood began to advance on the Jedi. She still made no motion of attack, she didn't not draw her lightsaber or even clench her fist. She simply began to walk towards him, her stride confident, and powerful, commanding.

“You have wrought nothing but death and war.” She spoke with fire in her voice.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Palace Ruins
[member="Darth Mierin"]

A Jedi never strikes first and so Sardun was prepared to wait for the upcoming fight, a Jedi... never strikes first. Sadly the Republic Army hasn't got the same principles of honor and patience as a Jedi Master though, the moment the Pureblood started to advance towards their Jedi rifles were primed. Not fired yet, but primed, just to be sure that if there was deceit or an attack they would be able to react quickly enough.

The war with the Sith had done a couple of things though, a lot of veterans... but also a lot of rookies getting pressed into service. One of them was a part of the squad and... that was where the problem started. Moment one of the Hydra heads started shaking around, making a fuss the rookie accidentally pressed in the trigger.

Blasterfire aimed at the head, was a rookieshot, but it did something else. The rest of the Squad couldn't just wait now, so the shooting commenced. Some of them targeted Mierin, the others started to exchange fire with the Honor Guard.

With a snaphiss his own lightsaber engaged and Sardun said with a frown.

'My apologies, it seems our conversation has to be cut short.'

Then he waited.


Palace Ruins
[member="Michael Sardun"]

The shot went wide, far wide. It didn't hit Mierin, and those that were aimed towards her seemed to far. The Royal Guardsmen jumped into action almost immediately. Their Power Armored bodies jumped forward, they moved in great leaps, rocket powered packs pushing them forward into The Republic Troopers. Like massive mountains they began to cut through the Republic Troopers, Sonic Rifles, Phrik Blades, and massive power gauntlets began to bite into the troopers.

Mierin simply stared at Sardun, didn't move an inch even as blaster fire rained all around her.

The Sith Pureblood didn't move to draw her lightsaber, instead she made one single move. Her cybernetic arm shot up, and then she clenched her fist. Telekenisis rushed around Sardun, it was sudden, powerful, and exacting.

She didn't reach for his throat, she didn't reach for his torso or anything of the sort.

Mierin exacted a single powerful strike of Telekenisis upon his knee. The strength of a mountain falling upon a single joint.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Palace Ruins
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Telekinesis usually needed line-of-sight to properly work, which wasn't a problem in the original situation. But the moment she started to move her hand, not reaching for her saber, Sardun knew how late it was. A small boulder was ripped between them and with strain Sardun managed to push it towards the Pureblood, the rock form took the blunt of the attack. Her power was immediately apparent, as her hold broke the boulder apart sending pieces of it in every direction.

Karma wasn't with the Jedi Master this day though, and a single piece crashed into his left knee. Which bruised it and made it hurt more than you might think, the Jedi grunted but didn't react in any other physical way.

In his left hand, the one not holding a saber, light started to form.

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