"This is Amar, a Sith world of great strength; located very close to your planet, which is essentially a diamond left on a park bench in the middle of Nar Shaddaa...waiting to be taken, and too easy a prize to resist." Ali straightened and held her gaze with Alyesa; although her words had spoken to the Selkath, her eyes had never left Organa. Now, however, she separated them, and looked about the chamber.
"One of two things will happen. You will join the Republic, we will make an arrangement to transport a sustainable supply of kolto in exchange for payment at a war time markup of no more than five percent. In exchange you will receive a bonafide flotilla and mobile garrison to ensure the protection of your people and your product, and when the Sith invade, we will do what we can to fend them off." Ali turned off the holoprojector, causing the lighting in the chamber to dim somewhat. Perfect for instilling the atmosphere I want, Ali reflected before she concluded.
"Or, we will leave here today with no agreement and when the Sith invade Manaan and enslave your people and strip its oceans bare of kolto, I will ignore your pleas for help and wait until the Sith are too occupied throwing your people into concentration camps before I even consider launching a counteroffensive to free your world.