Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Saqqar Is That? [Black Sun Dominion of Saqqar]

...well Ordan certainly hoped that Ariella hadn't been talking about him however when Rayl chimed in about his lightsaber he felt some relief wash over his features. Luckily no one could see how his expression had changed in the darkness with only the dim light provided by the glow sticks illuminating the area. When Rayl produced his lightsaber, igniting the blade, Ordan would move backwards to give him an ample amount of room to work with while being mindful of his surroundings. Instead of stepping he'd slide his feet along the fllor so that he didn't risk planting his foot onto one of the spikes extending out of the floor...

...success was in the future as well. Rayl had said he felt his lightsaber cutting through the stone which made it feel as though their salvation was at hand. This meant the three of them weren't going to die down here in the darkness. Looking between Rayl and Ariella in the soft glow of the lightsabers blade while Rayl cut into the stone with it Ordan remained silent and waited for an exit to be carved for the group. He felt a spike rising out of the stone floor brush against the outside of his leg and muttered...
"Lets agree no more levers if we make it out of this."...seems pretty legit to him...
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]
Sliding closer as it seem more of those spikes was coming out of the floor. Which wasn't getting any bigger they seem to be growing more and more. Until she could tell that there something more odd it was the odor she she tell them. Shaking her head not to for now. It was the words of what seem to be coming from angel will it was just [member="Ordan Vosk"]. "I Second Mr. Vosk no more pulling level no matter how interesting they seem to be."

Looking over towards his voice even with the glow of the lightsaber she still could only make out shapes. Really starting to hate night blindness to the max. After what seem to be like mintues in reality it could been a few second. It was music to her hearing the stone give away and a thunk. Wondering who was going first, "I vote for the one holding the light saber to go first.", , now the odor was strangest its every been. Nope she would wait until they got out of this given situation to ask about the funky odor that seem to her be the strongest its every been since being down here.

"Do you think creature could live such a forsaken place like this?"

Fellowing through after @Rayl Wilded Only to hear what could only be was a crunch just what was under their feet now. It seem that it gave away easily then her foot was hurting like there was not one busy. "Ouch I don't suppose anyone got a first aid kit with them, guys."
[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Ariella"]

Rayl put more of his shoulder into the blade. Forcing to to cut faster through the stone to freedom. Minutes past as the spikes slowly raised, Rayl paid them no heed and focused on his task. Eventually he bested his rocky foe and it fell out with a grand thud to the floor. The echo carried on through this structures corridors far and wide. "I'll of course go first". Rayl jumped through his opening, the rest would follow. it was just as dark out here as it had been in the trap room. Only the red glow of his saber gave any light.
[member="Freynk Porkins"] [member="Domino"]

She wished she could get out of the damn space suit already. Airal hated these death traps, and it had been known as she hadn't gotten in it very politely. She was on deck seven. " This is Thamne I am repairing the control consoles, once engineering and you fix your problems I should be able to get you whatever you want. " She was messing with wires now, and on another console she had some sort of program running that supposedly diagnosed the system or that is what she was told it did from the description that was when suddenly gravity turned on then it was off again. She hit the floor in a omph cursing to her self as the program apperantly did more than diagnosis so she slapped her hand on the console to stop it. She radioed over " Sorry about that won't happen again" She grumbled to herself about programs and wires as she went manually doing it now as apparently that program wasn't to be trusted.
Pulling herself up from the computer core after spending maybe the last two hours trying to wire everything back together, bypass burned out circuit boards, and boot the dang thing up in safe mode, Domino noticed a light on her wrist console start blinking as her suit tried to reconnect to the tac-net the Suns had set up throughout the station. "Frack!" She screamed inside her helmet. The core must have been shielded from comm signals and other interference and she hadn't even noticed the sudden silence, so intent on the core like she'd been. Still, she heard most of [member="Airal Thamne"]'s broadcast and was about to reply when the gravity flickered on and pulled her back into the hole she'd been floating half out of.

Good thing the room was shielded because she would have been cursing up a storm over the comm channel she'd just opened otherwise. Only the quick shutting down of the gravity again and the plastoid plating along her back had probably saved her from a nasty bruise, or worse, when she'd fallen on a still open electrical drawer. Climbing out again, Domino made sure she was resting against solid ground before keying her comm this time. "Damnit, I said wait for my order to turn gravity back on! Somebody could have been in the shaft!" Oh crap... "Somebody go make sure nobody was in the shaft." Sighing, domino tried to get her temper back under control and forced her tone to a slightly more pleasant one. "In the meantime, the core is back up at fifteen percent on safe-mode while on back-up power. Anyone have status on the main generators?"
[member="Freynk Porkins"]
Airal cringed and knew it was indeed her fault. She would of left to check the shaft but well she was wrapped in wires at this point, rewiring the console which finally whizzed to life. It happened to be the power control, well the bridges version of it. She slowly stuffed the wires back in their casing, taking care with it as she closed the hatch and sat in the chair. This was the chief engineer's station, on the bridge and well she was pretty sure she could get something running. "I am going to attempt to start it from here" She pressed the controls to get the main generators back on but nothing happened. She Kicked the console and something was starting as she felt the bridge start to draw on the back up generator. The signals were being sent to the generator she was sure of that. " Hey is everything ok with the main generator.. I can't seem to get a response." @Freynk Porkins [member="Domino"]
...there was plenty of tension in the minutes that followed as Rayl cut through the rocky wall with his lightsaber while Ordan waited with Ariella and the spikes in this deathtrap slowly raised from the floor intending to skewer their victims. Luck would have it that wasn't going to happen though because with a loud -thud- the rock that composed the walled room fell outwards offering the trio the opportunity to escape what would have otherwise been their deaths. Rayl was the first to help himself through the exit and Ordan, being mildly chivalrous, would had let Ariella go second before he took up the rear as the third man out...

...moving from one dark room into another, albeit a safer one for the moment, Ordan would have focused on the dim glow of crimson light shed by the lightsaber that Rayl was holding before saying...
"Just a minute."...then he'd place his hands on himself and begin sliding them downwards slowly. Eventually he came up with a small bactapad that he would turn and offer to Ariella..."It's not much but it should help."...not a first aid kit but it should help with some of the damage. They would all need to be as healthy as possible if they wanted to make it out of this mess alive. Once he'd handed the bactapad over to Ariella he would begin moving out into the darkness of the new room careful not to stray to far out of the light that was being provided for the three of them...

...they were underneath the room they'd entered through obviously but it was impossible to tell how far up or down this tower went, there could have been literal floors buried beneath the snow and ice beyond what they'd encountered here. Narrowing his eyes Ordan felt somewhat naked without his LMG but at least he still had his Cudgel and patting it with his right hand he'd turn to look back at the others...
"Suppose the best idea might be to find a staircase that goes up. We already know what we run into when we go down."...meaning the spikes in the room that had been meant to kill all of them, thankfully they'd failed in that endeavor...

...enhancing his senses Ordan would let the force begin to flow through him slowly however he wasn't picking up on much besides the obvious down here in the darkness. He'd concentrate a moment but he still came back with little that would be of any assistance to the three of them besides a jilted comment...
"Wonder how everyone else is doing topside and in the space station."'s a wonder Saqqar even had a half functional derelict station orbiting considering the archaic remnants they'd encountered here...
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]
Finding this room just as dark what could she do in a situations like this, but do what all Hapans do. Find herself letting out what little she knew about the force. Ordan speaking to her what could only guess that holding something out for her to take. Finding herself reaching out only missing it a couple times from where his hand. Finding that flipping her own hand to place it in. Taking it as she murmured something under her breath. "Thansk, there.",

Taking off her soul finding her voice to speak a bit louder "I don't know about you both but I vote for not pulling or pushing any kind of levers.,", she had enough of those things for one day. It came like a whisper only to find herself something else happening. After which pushing herself upward finding herself moving closer to Ordan finding him to reach out every once in a while as they went to look around the room. After all with out her google that got knocked off on the ride down was gone. She wasn't very useful, but she did what she could with reaching out with her hand. That one thing that had with her sense being heighten that was of her hearing and her touch, along with her smell which that smell was stronger more then every now.

Then there came what sounded like a clicking sounds. "Please tell me that one of you heard that, clink.clink..chink.", as she trying to listen to the way it was coming from. "Please tell me that just dripping coming from our snow suits.", as she let herself trying and look around but keeping a soft hand upon the one arm.

[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Rayl Wilded"]
[member="Ariella"] [member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Airal Thamne"] [member="Domino"] [member="Rayl Wilded"]

Wendy was moving now, she was late and didn't really remember where she had been. She had woken up covered in honey with strawberries and somehow she was guessing either her master had been testing her, they were celebrating her ascension to knight or Ordan had slipped her some slutty in her virgin drink at a party.... She wans't sure what it was but she would ask while she was running and checking her saber and sonic shotgun just in case. She spoke into the comlink. "Ah sorry I am late."
[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]

"It would be best if we can find a way back up. Regroup with everyone else. Least if we fall in another hole we can get out a lot easier". A burst of static and a garbled voice crashed through the silence into his ear drum. Wendy's message went unintelligibly by. Communication was impossible here, something in the rock must have a jamming effect. Rayl didn't tell the others, no point if nothing got in and he didn't want to shatter any hope. "We should get...". The clicking Ariella noticed rose ever so slightly over his voice. She commented on it to hopefully be water, but....

Rayl froze. His saber dimly lighting the passage way. The noise came from ahead of the group, and he was on point. "Hypothetically. How can something live here if food can't grow in the cold"?
...he'd lost his Light Machinegun somewhere along the way and truth be told Ordan hardly even thought about it, he still had a Blaster Pistol on his person and his Crudgel which would need to suffice if they ran into danger again, however he began to wonder when Ariella mentioned the sound that he'd started to hear in the back of his mind. All he could think was that they'd went from one deathtrap to another then..."Yeah I hear it."...his voice was hoarse then his eyes would have veered over towards Rayl..."Maybe something can grow in the cold."...alien planets, different types of vegetation and all that; it was completely possible that something, whether plant or animal, had evolved to live down here in the dark. That or Ordan's favorite theory which was that there happened to be an alternate exit from these levels and something may have wandered into the depths of the tower long before they arrived. Either way... thing Ordan had to admit was that he never thought he would be so glad to hear Wendy's voice crackling over comms even if all he could make out was her name which prompted his response...
"Wendy."...he began..."If you can make out anything I'm saying don't pull the lever."...lets face it Wendy was pretty accident prone and the last thing they needed was her following in their footsteps though two force users trapped in the depths compared to just one might have been a boon to the group rather than a bane...

...Rayl had taken the lead, the clicking sound was coming from ahead of them and Ordan would look over at Ariella before he moved to stand behind Rayl and off to his right where he'd have a clear line of attack if he could see the source of the clicking. His right hand would sweep down over his hip and he'd tighten his fingers around the handle of his Cudgel before lifting it up over his right shoulder and letting it rest back across it. Imbuing the lacquered wood with the power of the force it took on a dim glow in his hold that would allow it to be told apart from other items and grant it certain benefits that it would have otherwise been without had Ordan not channeled his power of the force through it...

...he stood, cudgel over his shoulder, at the ready and waiting...
"Well if we're going to do this there isn't much point in waiting around."...his eyes narrowed, nostrils flared and it looked like he was preparing to take the lead and march into the darkness looking for a fight. Hopefully if he waited just a few moments longer whatever was there would come to them though...
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]
Finding herself thinking of a ticking of a clock in her head. Tic Tac Tic Tac whats aways you now my sweet dear. Going wide eye for a number of reason one being that now she couldn't see anything at all another thing was that there was something out there that made her shiver more then being trapped in the room they was in.

After which time she step with a uneasy pace after which she move herself over to what look to be the side of the cave putting her hand upon the side. "Hey the side of this room is warm, strange.", this was just one of many puzzle they had while coming down here. What a place to come to play it seem or at less to solve puzzles. Could there be something deep with in the planet that gives off its own natural heat.

"I have a feeling we going to find more then we barged for, guys.", as she held her breath to see which of them would move forward only this didn't happen as there seem to be a glow coming right at them very small it seem to be floating in the air.

[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ordan Vosk"]
[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Ariella"]

"Haven't we been through enough already". Falling in holes and nearly being crushed to death. Now lost in the dark with something else down here! Two spheres glowed a dim yellow. Swaying to and fro with the clicking noise. It was unnerving to say the least. "Ordan", Rayl grabbed hold of one of his several blasters. "Take this gun. Whatever this thing is we're killing it".

Slowly he advanced by the red light of his saber. The clicking stopped, and so did the swaying light. It held a moment before disappearing. Rayl licked his lips. He got a taste of the new stench in the air. Closer he got. Like meeting a demon in ones own nightmare would be how to describe it. It was chitinous and black. Pustuleous and very multi-limbed. Two claws rested on the ground in front of it. Like some kind of scorpion, but extremely large and ugly. This was a mutant! 'Nope'. The Crime Lord backed slowly away; one step, two. Turning for his compatriots and escape. "Run you fools"! Rayl burned away from the beast. Its eyes burst open and all its legs began to move its bulk. It hissed and clacked in its own cry of hunger.
...he'd been listening, ready to move in with his force imbued cudgel to attack, when Rayl handed him a Blaster Pistol and Ordan took it with his left hand..."My thoughts exactly."...he shared the sentiment that the two of them, with backup from Ariella would kill whatever this creature was however as they drew closer and the clicking ceased along with the back and forth swaying he would have narrowed his eyes to take a longer look. Only the dim glow of Rayl's lightsaber revealed anything as the two of them advanced slowly, the Blaster Pistol he had taken aimed ahead, until they saw the black sheen of its chitinous armor and the pustuleous, multi limbed, body to match and Ordan seemed to know this was not a good place to be...

...before he could act Rayl had already sounded the retreat and started to run in the other direction while Ordan lowered the Blaster and shoved it into an empty holster on his belt where he usually kept another weapon. He would have turned to run however Rayl's retreat aroused the Scorpion Mutant and set it to action causing it to come forward with a snap of claws and its tail raised high and primed to strike. Ordan knew better than to run at it which is why he began backing away slowly until the creature started to skitter forward on the attack and snapped one of its claws out towards the man...

...the response was Ordan's left hand whipping up and extending outwards towards the creature before an invisible wave of concussion force outstretched away from him. The Force Push would have battered into the mutant creature, crumpled against its chitinous body and thrown it backwards onto the stone in a brutal display of power however it was non lethal and the creature would recover in earnest shortly...

...the attack gave Ordan the time he needed to turn and run. He'd spare a glance at Ariella and call out...
"Get out of here!" he made his retreat on the hells of Rayl only looking over his shoulder to see how close the mutated creature was to him before his eyes turned front once more. As he ran Ordan scanned for corridors, junctions or anything else that he could turn down to make good on his escape but most of all he also looked for Rayl's back because odds were he would follow his route as he ran after him...
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]
Wendy was moving now, she had a great deal of things to keep doing and had plenty of time to work on them. With a small smile though it was all coming together and reports were coming to her datapad about them working on her armor and equipment. The analysis of Miss Domino's Song of Mandalore armor was done and they were going to be able to mimic some of the systems as she moved off into the distance and her magenta saber activated while she started to attack and their continued feedback and reports about what was coming out of the armor were good. She could check on it and hope that her hand armor was made or at least ready to be made. They had her measurements after all and that would be more then enough.
As she tasted some dry in the back of her mouth when her own self went cold, hearing those words run. "Don't have to tell me." taking off with nothing but a slow gate with flat of her foot throbbing. "Don't you think be a good idea to shoot at the entrance to try a bring it down on the creatures.", Finding herself unable to think much as she wanted to put as much distance between them. Thinking that this wasn't the way she wanted to spend this trip. Sure go explore there can't be anything to go wrong there. Right Right flying down what looked to be another passage.

Guys a little help, light would be good", finding that one thing was for sure this wasn't a place for a blind Hapans to be. Wait that was her shaking her head, as she had tripped over something that was blocking. Was this bones of some kind, as she felt in the dark feeling now that what could only be a leg bone. This way might not had been a good plan. "Guys, sweets I think this going to end badly for someone or something."

[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]
[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

Hot on their tails was a beast from nightmare town. Its bulk shook the ground beneath their fleeting feet. Rayl lead in front of the trio, desperately searching for a way out as he fled for life and limb. Ariella crashed into the floor behind them, even over his haggard breathing and racing heat coupled with fear he knew she was down. Dammed if he was going to let her be out though. Rayl slid to a halt and turned back towards the horror show. "Ariella! Get the hell up. That's an order"! A quick hand pulled out a blaster and shot wildly to do whatever it could to buy time. The monster slowed and roared from the pain of burning plasma bolts. The damage was minimal though, only managing to piss it off more.
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Ordan Vosk"]

Wendy was running and going after them, with a look upon the blips on her datapad she checked and rechecked her shotgun coking it and being ready for the first enemy that came into view as she jumped up firing the shotgun at whatever Rayl was firing on. Her submachine guns were clapping together as she touched the ground crouching on her knee plate taking aim and searching down the length of the sights. She was breathign in and focusing now while speaking. "What the frak is happening."
...calf muscles tightened as Ordan raced ahead down the corridor behind Rayl until he saw the man skid to a halt and turn back to help Ariella. Now Ordan was a fighter, a brawler and he was stubborn but even he knew better then to turn around and charge back towards that mutant. Rushing ahead Ordan saw Rayl pass him as he went back for Ariella, he turned to look back over one shoulder and saw that she had fallen, then he disappeared into the shadows leaving the both of them behind. Not a bad plan considering if the mutant devoured Rayl he stood a decent chance of climbing the ranks of the syndicate faster but it was not meant to be....

...perhaps it was the fact he sensed another presence, Wendy had delved down into the depths of the tower and come to their rescue, through the force or maybe it was a short sighted bout of loyalty that irked in his chest but Ordan returned. He'd drawn the Blaster Pistol that Rayl had handed over to him earlier and coming to the side of the Crime Lord with the blaster raised he squeezed the trigger. Aiming down the barrel of the blaster pistol every shot that Ordan fired sent a bolt of energy lancing towards the carapace of the mutant horror. No matter how many shots were fired it seemed like it only irritated the creature though...

"Get up!"...he shouted at Ariella who needed to climb onto her feet while Rayl and he laid down a bit of suppressive fire that kept the creature at bay if nothing else before grunting over at Rayl..."If I die because I came back I am going to be really pissed."...a dirty situation called for a dirty mouth so Ordan didn't mince words in this case. Picking his shots he tried to aim for the main body of the mutant, especially towards one of those glistening eyes...

...then he sensed it again, the threads of the force calling vaguely to him and he recognized their origin which caused him to call out...
"WENDY!"...he barked her name loudly..."We could use a bit of that fancy footwork you have."...sure Wendy was a klutz but she had a lightsaber too. Right!? Well it was more than Ordan had however after this he might look into constructing one of his own. Another shot fired from the blaster would singe the carapace of the creature but all that ever seemed to do was annoy it more...
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]
[member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

Rayl's heart raced faster than a swoop bike. Any more stress and he'd felt it'd likely explode right out of him. That wouldn't be the kind of ending he had planned for himself. Something more dramatic and explosion filled would be more his style. This monster wasn't going to be able to oblige that. So there was no reason for him to die here this day. "I don't plan on dying today Ordan. So neither should you". Rayl scowled and growled. His legs picked up speed. The foe reared and roared, eying the fallen woman for a tasty snack. It got over the annoyance of their blasters and advanced once again.

"So lets fight this thing back"! Ariella wasn't going to be eaten on any of their watches. "Wendy find a way down a floor"! Rayl's red saber scrapped along the wall bursting streams of sparks. It may have provided a distraction but it was hard to tell with this freak. He'd make it pay attention though; closing the gap and lunging for a strike with his blade. His attack would afford the time for Ariella to escape herself or Ordan to grab her.

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