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Dominion The Servile War | AC Dominion of Kamar

Second Great Hyperspace War:
The Servile War


Kamar had once been a peaceful world, it's people not bothered by the goings on outside their desert. That was until the arrival of the Warlords of the Sith, an army of religious extremists waging war against the established norms of the Sithdom and the Empire. Their schism threatened to tear apart the tingel arm until the declaration of the Ashlan Crusade. At The Battle of Ninn, the primary defensive position of the Warlords was shattered. The Warlords pledged many of their remnants to the Brotherhood of the Maw, including Kamar, which had been fief to one of the 3 Dark Sovereigns, Lord Vora Kaar Vora Kaar .

The Kamarian people have been enslaved for the better part of a decade, forced to work and harvest the natural resources of their home to fuel the Sith war machine. Some perverted Sith have seen fit to abduct Kamarians and experiment on them, creating vile sithspawn soldiers as strong as many humanoids combined.

Since the Crusade has taken the former Sith world of Brosi, a very wealthy planet that once dominated the sector, the Kamarians have grown bold. Having chaffed long enough and knowing that Sith domination was weakening, the populace has rallied behind a newly declared ruler, Queen Surskit, and launched a rebellion against their masters. With or without intervention the natives seemed poised to win, but still overtures from the Jedi have been warmly received and help is appreciated. The Ashlan Crusade, sensing the perfect time to root out the last stragglers of the Sith from the region, have arrived to legitimize Kamar's revolution and offer them protection under the Ashlan banner should they want it.

With hope, the Servile War on Kamar could be a springboard for more uprisings against the Maw elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Objective I

The Kamarian peoples, an insectoid race, toil under the oppression of the Sith. They make up a significant amount of the assets possessed by the Brotherhood of the Maw on this side of the galaxy, but the Crusade can help them. Humanitarian ships are sent in from the nearby world of Brosi with relief and first aid for the battered slaves. Peacekeeping soldiers accompany them to ensure safety while the slave rebellion spreads across the planet.

Ensure that some sense of order is attained by aiding the Queen and her cabinet, or work directly on the ground to negate the influence of the Sith among the populace.

Objective II

The Crusade has set a fire under the Sith and sent them scrambling. Round up the last of the Sith slavers and put them to the sword while you occupy their labor camps. Be wary, former Warlord and new Mand'alor Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze leads his Death's Hand cult in an effort to keep the former Warlord's space out of Jedi control. Ousting the Mawites here will be yet another sign that the Crusade is on the righteous path

Objective III

Explore the desert, home to sandworms, buried Sith temples, and more!


Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | OPEN

The vanguard of the crusade reached the rocky plateau surrounding the world's largest remaining labor camp by dusk. The high walls of dark rock surrounding the dry caldera where the camp was located provided a challenge to both sides of the impending engagement. Ashlan dropships landed on the cusp of the cliffs, giving them a height advantage. Yet, they quickly realized without bombarding the camp, an unsavory option with so many slaves interred within, that they would not enter easily.
Geiseric stepped off the dropship to a warm night breeze, still carrying the heat of the day on it, as well as the stench of the filthy camp below them. The Dark Side was incredibly strong in its grip on this place, meaning there were still many Sith present.

"Alright, knights. I don't like the look of this. I'm sure you all feel it too."

Heads bobbed up and down in agreeance.

"Snipers, we'll need constant coverage. We will be blind down there without you. I will alert you once we are halfway down to begin firing."

The squad of elite snipers saluted and readied their positions as Geiseric continued the debrief. Non-Force users had made a name for themselves in the Crusade, matching even the most skilled Jedi combatants in technique as well of course in their disdain for the Sith.

"Consulars, focus on negating their energies, especially among the Kamarians. A guardian will accompany each you in this task. I will take the bulk of the guardians and together we will cut a path towards the overseer of this camp. May the Force be with you all."

In perfect file the crusaders made their way down the side of the cliff on what amounted to barely a path, relying on prescience through the Force to guide their footing on the rocky outcroppings. True to his plan, when the Jedi were about halfway down the side of the caldera Geiseric called to the sniper team.

"Fire when ready."

Just a second after the snipers affirmed the command, a single wave of large green blaster bolts soared in unison down into the camp. The camp lit up in seconds as its defenders rallied, and there were plenty to speak of. Geiseric wondered if the slaves here knew of the rebellion, or if the Sith had cracked down here even harder.

The assault of the camp was underway. The first hurdle would be throwing open the gates. That alone promised bloodshed, but each Jedi Knight knew what they were laying their lives down for. No Sith, No Exceptions.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: @Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina wasn't happy with the request to try to stay away from the fight today. It was as if she had asked Gei not to pray to Ashla for a month. As Gei asked her, no matter how hard it was, she said yes to staying and helping the residents then. She understood that her beloved crusader wanted to protect her, but the reverse was also true. She also wanted to take care of the man. But so she went to the civilian population, with difficulty. But as promised, she won't go there unless Gei is in very great danger. Despite her promise, she would not be able to let him die.

She was in a bad mood and worried. Eina didn’t like it when they were fighting separately, not only because they were stronger together because of the dyad, but also because she was always worried about that. The Valkyrja knew that such a situation led to her existence. She knew what had happened at Dantooine, what a strange game the Force was played with her parents there, that they could not communicate despite the Force-bond; that they did not find each other and her mother was late. She was afraid and worried about what would happen if she was late one day. Eina trusted Gei's abilities, she knew he was very strong and could fight anything and probably he'll win, but she loved him and worried about him.

It was more because of the Maw, she knew what kind of monsters made them up. She stood on the border of the settlement, looking straight at where Geiseric Geiseric was at the moment. She knew exactly where he was. The warm wind played softly with her hair and wings. Eina gripped the handle of the spear tightly and squeezed it. Already at Korriban she was able to fight a horde of demons again, alone. She was injured there, true, but won. She would be able to fight with some crazy marauders.

She didn’t understand the part that they wanted to take care of her because she was probably being hunted by many. That it was a potential target for enemies. On the one hand, she was the heiress to the throne of the Eternal Empire, the mascot of Ashlan Crusade, and the future living saint of Ashla 's religion. The Valkyrja did not understand that her eventual death would cause pain and sorrow to many. She didn’t hold herself as much as others did her. She was replaceable; in this, she was like her mother. That's exactly how she thought of herself, just like Eina. And not to mention she thought she was able to take care of herself, she always did this alone.

"Lady Eina, it's time to start." said one of the Sisters behind her.

Eina looked back and nodded. She looked sadly once more in the direction where Gei was in the distance, then turned and headed inside the town. She hoped Ashla would be with her beloved crusader today and she wouldn't have to intervene, and Gei would come back to her intact…




Objective III

Location: The hot sands
Objective: Hunt down worn that plagues the mines
Tags: open


Sand grans spilled through the hands of the Cybernetic Jedi as he stood. His beautiful friend Loki sat nearby eating the carcass of some large desert mammal and fighting over scavenging rights with a pair of Serianan Griffins that had brought his allied into the field today.

The sand particles here were different, he could detect more nitrogen and oxygen in them which meant they were likely churned up from the more nutrient rich deep sands, a clear sign of burrowing activity. Flipping to infrared vision he looked around, there was a very mild temperature difference between the sands here and the surrounding sands, another sign that this sand was recently buried deep, away from the sands glare. "It was here less than 3 hours ago by my estimation" Hei finally said, looking back at the other two riders that had joined him on this hunt.

The monster in question was a Sand Burrower, the locals mining corporation reported it between 50 and 120m long and around 5-10 metres in diameter, it seemed bigger with every subsequent person he spoke too. It was hard from the data he had to give a good guide. He felt a little humour inside him, technically he was doing this task at the behest of the Sith Sympathtic mine owners. He wondered how they might feel if they knew that right now his allies were working ti over throw the Sith remnants, and the newly worm free mining area would be handed to their brutalised employees.

Looking through the scope on his rifle he could see the Fourth member if their hunting party, around three miles away, reflecting the sun on a mirror to signal him, 2 short, 1 long. Recent evidence of activity, no sightings, shame. "saddle up, let's get back in the air, he hasn't surfaced for a while, we might catch a break when he comes up for air."



Objective I

Location: Landing near a large Kamarian slave town
Objective: provide humanitarian relief
Tags: Open

As the lead Knave Transport roughly descended through the atmosphere Isla sat finishing her software update. She still couldn't get her head around downloading new software into her brain. Years she had spent learning things in school and college, and now she logged into a database and had downloaded a understanding of a complex new language in a matter of minutes. It wouldn't let her speak it as she would still need to learn and practice the intricate muscle movements to mimic the alien insects, but being able to understand them in real time could help prevent any unnecessary misunderstandings. She thought back to her recent mission to Kayrii with the Kobitana Foundation and watching Tiresh practicing the insect greeting over and over again. She waited until she was alone before attempting a short 'hello' in the kamarian language. She almost felt SAINT laughing at her as she completely mangled it. Her vocal cords just weren't the right shape to correctly pronounce the words.

The Knave landed harder than she was used too, almost knocking her off her feet as the pilot misjudged the sands under his landing skids. "what was that pilot?" she shouted through "did we crash or land? You better not have damaged my ship" she knew that pilot just bought himself time in the simulators and he blushed hard when he realised it was the Prime Minister scolding him directly.

Isla had a few minutes to wait whilst the Marines secured the landing area, they fanned out with tactical precision. Isla had taken to favouring marines for humanitarian missions, she had a small detachment of Sisters of Ashla here, but found the marines posed a less intimidating presence when trying to provide aid to scared civilians. It also saved the valuable Sisters and their heavy equipment for more hostile environments. Finally, the Sisters of Ashla were expensive to operate, and the recent push across the Caldera had blown a big hole in her budget. She needed to be able to justify every expense not directly linked to offensive. The four dozen Sisters aboard Knave 3 would provide support if needed.

After it was confirmed that the area was secure, Isla stepped out into the sunshine, her glasses darkened to filter out the powerful UV rays and she pulled her collar up to keep sand out of her mouth. The expected delegates from the slave encampment would have seen them all land and should be here shortly.​


Abishai Contesoto


Location: Labor Camp
Equipment: Zeison Sha Warrior Armor | Discblade | Sacred Blades Sword | Ashlan Rosary
Tag: Geiseric Geiseric | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Open

The stench was carried on the dust-dry wind that tugged at the Crusaders' garments. Abishai stood behind Geiseric as the Jedi peered down at the crowded camp. The Knight of the Sacred Blades had been added the Jedi contingent, along with the elite snipers, to support their mission of freeing the last major camp of enslaved Kamarians. Standing above it, Abishai confirmed Geiseric's observation, there was a sensation as repulsive as the stink of the camp that permeated his being, the taint of Bogan lingered. Sith were still contaminating the place.

Abishai's concern was for the insectoid populace below in the inevitable conflict to come. That too was the reason for the make-up of the strike team, individuals who could attack with precision, slaying foe in the midst of the innocent. At Korriban it had been less messy. While the bulk of the Crusaders battled the demon horde at the old factories, Abishai had been repelling raiders from settlements. There, It was a line of defenders against a mass of enemy. There was freedom to slay the abominations in sweeping swathes of unrestrained violence.

Geiseric delivered his orders, and the snipers filed off to secure their positions, while the Jedi Consulars and their protectors too found strategic locations. Abishai followed Geiseric and the remaining Jedi along the precarious path down the cliffs. "Ashla, guide us." He murmured under his breath. Halfway down, the snipers opened fire, and the camp stirred like a disturbed nest of lightning ants in the blaster bolt's green glow. One of the Jedi ahead of him lost her footing. With a flinch of his hand, Abishai caught her with the Force. A large rock was dislodged by the woman's slipping foot, and the Blade Knight caught it too before it bowled across a switchback in the path below lined with the lead Jedi knights. The boulder was guided to a safe resting place, the Jedi set again upon the path.

It seemed all eyes fell to the gate, behind which no doubt an untold number of defenders awaited them.
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Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


Heinrich waited patiently at the entrance of the town as his fellow crusaders began to funnel in. Negotiations on the planet of Brosi had been simple enough, but there was still much work to be done. The Kamarians had been fleeing their homeworld in large numbers in the wake of the downfall of the Warlords, hoping to escape the remnants that now represented the Maw's interest in the region. There had been whispers of despicable experiments done on the populace, and upon further investigation, those rumors appeared to be true. Heinrich couldn't imagine the horrors these people had been subject to, nor did he wish to. They had endured more than enough pain, and the Crusade would be the ones to take that pain away.

The Grand Marshal had wanted to accompany the others in the assault on Kamar, but he knew that their forces were in good hands. For now, he was needed here, with the battered and downtrodden Kamarians. It wouldn't be his sword, but rather his kind words and helping hands, that were needed on this day. And not just for them...

He approached his dear friend Eina as she approached with the Sisters, a reassuring smile on his face. He knew that Geiseric had asked her to stay away from the assault, and there was a good chance that the idea made Eina feel uncomfortable. It had to be difficult for them to be apart, considering their deep connection, both through the Force and their feelings for one another. As such, Heinrich would do his best to keep his friend in a positive mental space, even if he wasn't the best candidate for the job.

"Eina, it's good to see you. I have begun attempting to establish relations with the local authorities, though communication has proven difficult. Perhaps once the Grand Admiral arrives, we will have better luck. My forces are currently working to coordinate our supply lines, and are waiting for the medical crews to arrive. I pray your journey wasn't too troublesome."

It was a small question, but it carried a heavy subtext. Heinrich knew that it wasn't easy for her, but he wouldn't mention the matter directly unless she did first. He awaited her answer as he watched the transport land in the distance, signaling Isla's arrival. Once the officials from the camp arrived, they could begin the process of helping these people.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina probably really needed a little support. She didn't want to bother Gei with her bad feelings either, so she cut herself off from the Force as much as she could. No, she didn't hide these feelings, it was bad too in the near past when she didn't talk about the wedding or the child. The Valkyrja did not like to lie or deceive others. So it was really best to pull a wall between her and him, so to speak, to make Geiseric Geiseric feel her pain, helplessness, and bad mood as little as possible. She didn’t want her beloved crusader to be put at a disadvantage because she felt that way.

As she walked into the city, she felt Heinrich's presence. As they got to each other, she tried to smile, but couldn't. Eina seemed most like she was sick; as if she had also lost the light that surrounded her. The otherwise cheerful gleaming blue eyes were now sad, and there was only pain and worry in them. She also had sorrow and worry on her face, though she was now controlling her feelings well; the external signs were visible, she did not try to hide. She never did.

Heinrich was not mistaken; she really wouldn’t have talked about it if someone hadn’t asked her. That’s why she carried a lot of burdens, a lot of secrets. And many harmed her. For example, what Isla told her or she could not tell Gei why and how they got so close with Heinrich and why there is already a fraternal relationship between them. She couldn't concentrate on helping the locals, and that only made her mood worse. She shook her head to the Grand Master's words.

"This wouldn't be my place right now…" she said bitterly. " I'm worried about him, I should be there with him and help him. I am a warrior; I can protect myself and others. No need to take care of me… this is not the first time others have hunted me and tried to kill me. Demons always do the same. I…"

Her voice trailed off, looking back in confusion and anxiety in the direction her soulmate was, only very, very far from her, but still at arm's length because of the dyad.

"I want to be there and help him. I can't just wait here while he fights… I'm afraid the same thing will happen when Dad died… I'm very worried about him Hei… My place is on his side…" she said.

The Valkyrja looked at the group arriving farther away, where Isla was too. She trembled for a moment; she had a bad feeling again. Eina tried to divert her thoughts and was worried not only about Gei, but also about Hei.

"Do you feel better?" she asked a little worriedly.




The Unchained

Geiseric Geiseric , Abishai Contesoto

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Exercises in Futility

Khamul always knew that the Crusade would come for Kamar. After the fall of Ninn at the hands of the Ashlan forces, it was only a matter of time before they had found their way to the worlds of the Dark Sovereigns themselves. These crusaders of the Light would not stop until they managed to swallow all of the former Sith worlds, and even then... they would inevitably thirst for more. The Dark Voice himself understood this, and in his usual, perceptive nature, had deemed it wise to send Khamul to secure their resources there. By the time Khamul had arrived to oversee the operation upon Kamar, the planet had already broken out in rebellion. Pockets of resistance were littered across the dry surface of Kamar, disrupting the Brotherhood's operations. Khamul had spent weeks putting these rebel cells down, squashing them like the insects that they were. Nevertheless, the Demon Mandalore knew he was only buying time.

His gaze shifted in the direction of the cliffs as the crusaders approached. They arrived in great numbers, bringing the fury of their precious goddess with them as they made their descent. One of the accompanying members of Death's Hand approached, his weapon already drawn.

"Shall we greet them with blood, Mand'alor?"

Though becoming Mand'alor was always his vision, Khamul was still getting used to the title. It was only weeks ago that he had secured the support of those upon New Mandalore, adding to his forces and finally possessing a solid claim to the title. Yet, there was a part of him that still felt he had more to do. There would be no end to the journey until the galaxy burned. The mission would not be complete until all bowed to his people once again.

"They'll have their blood soon enough. Let the turrets do what damage they can. As soon as the gate comes down, send the former Dark Sovereign's creatures to meet them. Keep a small contingent of our forces here, and send the rest to accompany the last of our transports. We will kill as many of these interlopers as possible, but no matter what happens, we are leaving this planet."

"And what will you do?"

"What I do best... kill Jedi."

With those words, he made his way for a nearby balcony, waiting patiently for the crusaders to reach the gate.




Objective I

Location: Landing near a large Kamarian slave town
Objective: provide humanitarian relief
Tags: Open

The Kamarians arrived at Isla's security cordon where the Prime Minister stood waiting for them, the insectoid leader was tall and distinctive in his features and although Isla had no frame of reference, she expected he was a handsome individual. She made a hand gesture that she had learned was a polite greeting and her chattered a welcome to her. Isla could understand his speech due to her implant, but anything she spoke in reply had to go through an interpreter droid which slowed things down. But eventually they mounted up on their speeders and headed to the town.

The Ashlan plan of having a small jedi degation approach first was smart. Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Had shown the Ashlan hand of friendship and convinced them of their intentions. Now, the Kamarian tribe leader rode in the lead of her Transports along side her, a sure sign to any of the scared slaves that this large military force meant them no harm.

Isla learned a little of the history of the town on her way, originally formed around a small oasis of various desert tribes, more and more flocked here until the slavers took control, by which time the settlement had swelled to thousands and the oasis was long gone. The population suddenly found themselves dependant on the slavers for water, and so the abusive relationship formed. How tragic, and not unlike some other stories from ex Sith worlds. She assured him that one of the speeders included well boreing gear, once they punched through to the water table they could pump their own supplies.

As Isla's speeders travelled, they separated as some went to other parts of the town as selected by the town leader. Isla saw her allies not far ahead and waved to greet then.

" Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust It is great to see you, it looks like your preliminary work has gone very well it appears. Have you heard any news from the other expedition." she looked toward Eina who had not spoken to her much since she visited her in hospital, leaving Isla once again feeling like an outsider, looking on on a close knit family unit.



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The heavy weight upon Eina's shoulders was apparent, and Heinrich could only place a hand on her shoulder in response. He couldn't ever understand what she felt, not in the way she did. A Force dyad was something rare and special, a connection that ran deeper than any Heinrich would ever have with another. Despite this, he would certainly do what he could to help her.

"I know its hard, Eina. Geiseric is strong, though, and he has plenty of support in the attack. I have faith that he is in good hands."

It wasn't enough to make her feel better, and Heinrich soon found himself searching for another approach.

"We have plenty of troops attacking the facility. What we need right now is your calming presence and helping hand. There may be those in need of your healing powers as well."

As he spoke, Heinrich motioned toward the Kamarians in the distance. He knew he couldn't get his friend to stop worrying about her beloved, but he could at least keep her busy while they awaited his return. As the Valkyrja asked how he was doing, his hand moved back to his side.

"I am... doing better. Still working things out, but that will come with time."

There was no need for him to elaborate; Eina knew how tormented he had been in the wake of the duel with Solipsis. Luckily for him, they wouldn't dwell on it long, for the Grand Admiral had approached, bringing them back to the task at hand. He offered her a smile as she spoke.

"Isla, it's good to see you. We haven't heard anything yet, though I expect we'll have a report soon."

It was always a comfort seeing the Grand Admiral. Heinrich had found himself often thinking about the early days of the Crusade in recent months. The once fledgling movement had come so far, and it was strange to think about the past. Seeing faces such as Isla's reminded him of just how far they had come, and those moments of remembrance were what kept him going.

"The local delegates will be here shortly. From what I've gathered, things aren't exactly optimal for them right now. They seem to be receptive to our presence though, so hopefully that will allow us to get them the help they need."


“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi, The Order of Blades

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon / Armor

Location: Settlement, Kamar
Tags: Open


The settlement's restoration project was underway. Old buildings were being torn down to make room for new ones. Temporary tents were erected to house supplies and the Kamarians who had been displaced before the arrival of the Ashlan relief effort. Mess halls were put in place, and fully staffed to accommodate the growing concern to combat famine. Around the settlement, make-shift guard stations sat like pill boxes to defend the settlement. Routine patrols conducted in the surrounding areas to ensure the supply lines into the settlement went unmolested, whilst protecting the flowing masses of refugees marching to the settlement. Most of the threats to the refugees had long since gone, but the dangers to the unprotected posed a real concern.

I came to the settlement under the assignment of providing protection to the refugees and to aid in overseeing the final stages of the settlement. There were still masses of work to be done, and the supplies required were still being shipped in. Some of the building materials, the settlement director told me, were on backorder. We could only work with what we had, can't build if we don't have it. The tent system made sense, at least the Kamarians had a roof over their heads. I ask the director where I was needed most, where my services would make the greatest difference, and she told me about a hunting pack of
howlrunners eluding the patrols and picking off refugees trying to make it to the settlement. Instinctively, I inquired what a howlrunner was; and after a rather disturbing detailed lesson about their species; I agreed to handle the canid problem.

Gathering a few soldiers to accompany me, I set out into the desert where the last known attack took place. Tracking roaming pack hunters was no easy task, they were more associated with a nomadic mentality than a stabilized form of den life or one particular hunting territory. My knowledge of these howlrunners came from second-hand knowledge, even the director didn't know much about their actual behaviors, so it was possible they preferred the relatively easiness of a personal domain in which to hunt freely over travelling daily to find food; but the changed ecosystem brought on by the previous dictators might have disturbed the natural balance of the planet. And thus, these howlrunners evolved out of the necessity of survival.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina glanced gratefully at Heinrich as the man tried to comfort him, although not with much success. Not even the Valkyrja knew if anyone would be able to reassure her. She thought she would only be calm and better if she knew that action was over and they were all safe. Yes, only then could she calm down. She has always been overprotective against everyone; not only was she trying to protect Gei too much, everyone. But even then, her betrothed was different, he was different because of their dyad.

When Heinrich put his hand on her shoulder, Eina instinctively hugged the man and cuddled to him. They were already in such a close relationship to do so. Although she was close to Isla, in her case she was unlikely to have done the same. She needed comfort and a sense of security. As she cuddled up to the man, it was felt that Eina was trembling all over her body. Although she was able to hide her strongest feelings from outsiders because she now controlled them well, her body revealed how worried she was and what condition she was in.

"I know he is strong and well trained; I trust in his abilities and in him. But my place is on his side to help him. We have sworn to each other that we will fight the Bogan on each other's side for the rest of our lives by Ashla's blessing… I want to help him, take care of him, not stay away from the fights, helplessly." she said softly and bitterly.

She didn't even think it could be misunderstood that it might have sounded like they were already married, even though they had just entered the engagement. Eina finally let go of Heinrich and stepped back a little. She nodded; she knew the locals needed it, but her thoughts were not here but elsewhere. Eina could not reassure herself, how would she be able to reassure others in this situation?

"You know, if you want to talk about it or anything, I'm always here, and you can always count on me, you are like a brother to me." she offered kindly.

And soon they arrived where Isla was. She nodded at her, then greeted her too.

"Isla, it's good to see you!" she said.

However, the woman's question struck her; her heart sank and another pain occurred in her soul. Eina knew Isla probably didn't want any harm, but it turned out again. And now she was too worried and upset. And she almost lost him because of the issue that Isla asked. Her spear fell out of her hand and fell to the ground. Tears streamed down the Valkyrja's face.

"Why do you always have to hurt me and cause pain with your questions?" she asked bitterly, then ran to the directions of the buildings while she started crying.




Objective I

Location: Landing near a large Kamarian slave town
Objective: provide humanitarian relief
Tags: Open

Isla was about to respond to the greeting from her colleagues when Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir attacked and her accussed her of being hurtful, she barely got words of of her mouth as she watched the Valkyrja run off in tears leaving her spear behind. She glanced at Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and silently mouthed "what did i?" Isla turned to the local community leader of the Kamarians that still stood beside her and bowed apologising. The leader returned the bow diplomatically as the interpreter passed on the message, but she heard some of the other locals now joining the Ashlans passing comment, translated loud and clear in her implant.

"Heinrich, I am going to have to.... I don't know? Fix something? I'm sorry, I am so confused. I will leave the elder and our forces in your excellent hands for a moment. I hope I can sort this quickly." She didn't need to explain herself to Heinrich, not out of some priveledge of office, but as a trusted friend he would understand and he was one of the most reliable leaders the Crusade have so would take control of the situation whether or not she asked.

Isla ran in the direction of the buildings that Eina had fled to "SAINT, please give me tracking on Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and relay a message, Isla wishes to speak to her urgently." she hoped that Eina had not thought to turn off her own link.

Running in to the building that she had recently seen Eina enter, she shouted out "Eina! My friend, please talk to me, I am sorry if I have hurt you some how!" after everything Eina had been through with the hunt across the galaxy, she knew the woman to be more vulnerable that she appeared and was quite concerned. She would fix this, she adored Eina and did not wish be a source of pain for her.

An alert pinged in her ear of a commander requiring new landing coordinates for some reason, she mentally forwarded the message on to her assistants who would deal with the request. She needed to focus, she kicked herself for finding herself in this kind of predicament and she tried to analyse everything she had said to Eina recently.



Tags: Harmony Harmony Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Calmly joining their Jedi brethren at the bottom of the cliff, the Sisters of third company's tactical squad spread out into a crescent formation as the snipers above began to fire. Coming to stand alongside the leader of the group, a Jedi Knight who went by the name of Geiseric, Sergeant Mercy cast her gaze skywards.

Bolt after bolt of purifying green light whispered across her vision, turning the world around her into one of sound and fury. "Nice night for it," she mused aloud as the echoing shots continued. Smiling wanly, Mercy lowered her gaze as the blasterfire suddenly gave way to the shrill scream of mortar rounds arcing through the air.

The sharp, harrowing sounds they made as they plummeted was nothing compared to the sound of the shells striking home. Feeling the ground quaking beneath her boots, the sergeant watched as the slave camp's outer walls shook and shattered, a half-dozen rounds striking true in the time it took to wipe the dust from her visor. A few fell short, digging deep furrows into the dry earth. Cover for the assault.

Or graves for the Bogan.

Activating her shields, Mercy flicked off her assault cannon's safety and slid a thermal detonator into her weapon's underslung rocket launcher. The shelling carried on for a few heartbeats more, hammering at the defenses until one lucky shot tore the gateway asunder. Rockcrete and shrapnel spouted from the shelled towers as the mortar fire abruptly ceased. The dust clouds thrown up by the shelling did little to deter the snipers as they went about their bloody work. If only all of Ashla's warriors were so dedicated...

Turning to face Geiseric, Mercy nodded as the mortar teams' last report died away. The blasterfire continued. So, too, did the shouting coming from the slave camp. It was time to move in. "By your orders, Champion."



Location: In Position with the girls
Tags: Sister Mercy Sister Mercy Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Being on over-watch was something Harmony would call, boring. Watching the lightshow in the distance from behind her magnifying lenses, she couldn't really report on much else except displacement of enemy fire. It was a good thing they were off the mark, because otherwise they'd be in a world of trouble. Didn't make it any less boring however. The rest of her squad remained down below, in position, ready to move. Meanwhile, Harmony was left up top all on her own, with only a comm and her imagination to keep her company. Well, she had a few snipers here and there to keep her from being alone, but they were busy making shots.

The barrage of steel, blasters, and energy displacement was like the intro for a kick-ass battle. One that Harmony was rather eager to get into. She watched several of her side's shells land, and the enemy fortifications gave way. It was time to take it home. She flipped off her safety, and fired up her FAE, she was really hoping this would be the moment she was waiting for. Leaning over the edge of the cliff, Harms comm'd her fellow sister for orders. "Sister Mercy, do we have the green light. I'm about to back-flip off this ledge, over."

At least let me do a flip. That was the least she could ask for right now.

As intended their attack fell upon the enemy like a swift bolt of lightning. The Sisters of Ashla had proven themselves time and again to be the most capable of the Crusades orders. As the assault began in earnest, the defenders rallied themselves to fight back. In the air above the encampment, silhouettes of horned figures danced across the darkening sky on the backs of fiery jetstreams. Death's Hand.

Gei had heard tell of the Mandalorians who had fallen to the side of their oppressors, those who had sundered Mandalore. Perhaps it was not the same Dark Lord they served that had demolished their home, but it was the same evil. Yet another reason to keep Eina away from this cursed place. She did not share the same respect for the Mando'ade as he did. If there was any humanity left in the beskar-clad Mawites he would be sure to find it before putting them out of their misery.

The vanguard began their charge through the torn-open gates, greeted not by Mawites as expected, but by Kamarians or some equation of them. They stood decisively taller than the squat natives, almost taking on a strangely more humanoid physique. Their lower set of arms were gone, making room for a much larger, singular set of arms coated with heavy carapace. They carried blaster rifles far too large and unwieldy for a normal soldier with apparent ease by the way they sprayed blood red bolts across the battlefield. The Jedi Guardians formed a closer unit, merging their shields all around them to form an energy testudo . The guns battered them, but their formation did not break.

The consulars remained at the back of the fight, behind both the vanguard and their supporting Sisters, and though direct assault was not their forte they were far from useless. From the back ranks they bent the force around their enemies. Along the walls Mawites turrets began to explode while enemy guards fell to the ground as if they had imbibed a gallon of liquor before battle.

The advancing testudo pushed the mutant Kamarians back, though they held their ground at the gate's threshold. The formation did not give way, and at Geiseric's order he and the front file broke open to released a handful of light-armoured Jedi from within the formation who sallied forth and cut down the abominations.

"There are more," he informed the other Jedi. He was certain they felt the sickening auras elsewhere in the camp. "disperse formation and get the consulars in."

The knights obeyed and the consulars ran up to the gates to join them. Each one joined at the side of a Guardian and the half-dozen pairs moved into the camp under the cover of the barracks and huts. The major throughway would be the battleground of Geiseric and the vanguard.

The gates and the small open courtyard beyond them were hardly secured by the time a Death's Hand contingent landed and made contact. The knights and their Sisters dug in as many of them faced the savage tactics instilled by the New Sith Order for the first time. The fight would be brutal, but with their starting advantage Geiseric intended to maintain the upper hand.

"Snipers, watch the sky for Mandos. Make them your priority. Do not let them push you from your position!"

The hot sands
Objective: We are going on a Worm Hunt
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1 M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol, M.I. Model 12 shatter rifle x2, Thermal Detonators, Magnetic Detonators, Perun's Call
Tag: Hei Sogecki Hei Sogecki | Open


He's been on starfighters, Stardestroyers and even in ruins but this is the first time he has ever been on a Griffin or anything living, to be honest. A giant bird creature with nasty-looking claws and who now feasting on a dead animal. He had clung to the feathered beast's back like a limpet the whole trip here. He had grabbed the invitation to hunt with both hands. He's not new to hunting, he's done this before. He's even got weaponry from the last Worm he helped hunt. Back then he didn't even have armour, well proper suit of armour then. He saw it in the hall of the Mothership.

Right now, they are resting and he was able to slide off quickly and quietly and eat a quick snack. He still needs to work on the cinnamon. There is way too much. Vulcan scribbled a note on a plasteel fridge magnet and stuck it to his leg, these magnets are stronger than the usual fridge magnet. The recipe will be modified later, much later.

After a while of resting and drinking water, he climbed back on and hung on tight. the last time he was on a worm hunt, it was on a frozen lake of acidic water, but now, it is sand, a vast sea of sand. He shook some sand off his Beskar'gam as he had a coating of the stuff already. A Mandalorian never complains, well openly anyway.

<"We can use bait,"> Vulcan suggested helpfully. <"We need something this worm will eat, that way it comes to us.">

Vulcan awaited a response to his suggestion. Yes or no he's not going to mind either way. The previous worm had a taste of Beskar, and it came to them looking for something to snack on, it could work here, at least in theory.


Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


As the embrace came, it was returned, and Heinrich held her tight for a moment. She was clearly in an incredibly fragile state, which wouldn't likely change until she was sure her beloved Geiseric would come home. It had to have been difficult being away from him, especially given their strong connection through the Force. All Heinrich could do for now was try to help her feel at least a little better.

"I understand, Eina. It's not easy being away from those we love. Yet it is a burden we must all bear from time to time."

He didn't feel that his words were helping much, but he would at least try to console his friend. As she offered to talk with him about his own problems at a future time, he simply replied with a nod. There was too much on his plate right now to open that can of worms, and he felt that if he were to speak of it again, it should be to the others. Heinrich had kept his secret for too long... soon it would be time to let others in on the reality of his past.

As Isla approached, she was met by a harsh response from Eina, who promptly ran off in tears. Heinrich shook his head at Isla, lacking the words for the situation. As the Grand Admiral moved past him to pursue Eina, Heinrich stopped her for a moment.

"Isla, when you talk to her, just know that she's in a... delicate state right now. Her time away from Geiseric is starting to take its toll."

There was no need for further advice on the matter; Heinrich knew that Isla would understand. They had all known each other for quite some time now, and as such, they had all grown rather close. Heinrich had faith that Isla would know what to do.

As the Grand Admiral left, Heinrich turned toward the Kamarian delegates, offering a bow of his own. There would be plenty of time to help his friend later... for now, he would have to do his best to be a politician.



The Unchained

Geiseric Geiseric , Abishai Contesoto

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Exercises in Futility

The assault upon the facility was swift, accompanied by the resolute aggression that Khamul had come to associate with these crusaders of the Light. They had proven to be worthy opponents, though the Demon Mandalore wouldn't give them any such acknowledgment. Despite their recent success within the Tingel Arm, they were still bound by their chains. They were still weak. Such weakness, though hidden behind the shroud of combat prowess, was still enough to make Khamul feel disgusted. Shackles were meant to be broken, not worn with pride. He would have to show them what it meant to truly be free.

As the gates came down, the Kamarians poured forth, unleashing their fire upon the attacking forces. It did little to hold the crusaders back, though Khamul didn't expect these abominations to win the day. No... if there was any hope in finding victory here, it would be achieved by none other than Death's Hand. As the assault force began pushing the Kamarians back into the facility, Khamul sent a transmission to his nearby vode.

<<The time has come. Remember, we are only here to stall. Kill as many as you can, and get out. We will have our share of blood, but our mission remains the same. Do not let them through until the transports leave.>>

As soon as the transmission ended, the walls of the facility began to echo with the rumbling sound of jetpacks. Out from behind the cover of the walls, several squads of Death's Hand began to pour out, taking to the skies in an effort to gain an advantage against their attackers. Khamul looked on for a moment, taking in the sight of those willing to die for the true way of their people. He would have loved to watch the glorious display of violence they would inevitably unleash, but in the end, he could not call himself Mand'alor without leading from the front.

His own jetpack ignited, lifting him off of the balcony. His course was set, sending him straight toward the Jedi vanguard. He loosed the missile from his jetpack, sending it as the herald of his arrival to the unsuspecting crusaders below. Soon after, the Demon Mandalore drew his dread blade, igniting it in its shadowy crimson glory. His target approached, and he slammed into the body of one of the closest Jedi. As he landed on the man, Khamul drove Mandalore's Lament deep into the crusader's throat, cauterizing the man's vocal chords as the man let out a silent scream. The blade slashed away, leaving the man dead on the ground. From the ashes of the chaos, Mandalore the Unchained stood, holding his blade in defiance of the champions of Ashla...

If he was lucky, he would get to kill them all.



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