Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Sverð Fyrstr (swords) |
Ljósspjót (spear) |
Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) ||
Empyrean gland |
OPBC-01m ||
Current appearance
Writing With:
Heinrich Faust
Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Rhiza Dural
Abishai Contesoto |
Sister Mercy
Khamul Kryze
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Plans; at that moment, Eina couldn't really even comprehend what a relationship was all about or what it meant in the short or long term. It was as new to her as it was to feel something for someone that she felt in Gei's direction. She was not a human being, but this was forgotten by many over and over times. By the time Isla remarked that their friendship had broken, she shook her head. She didn't feel that way, yet she needed time.
The whole thing of feeling like she had almost lost the other half of her soul, not to mention what had happened on Ession, upset her quite a bit, and now she was even more worried about Gei. She didn't know what to say to Isla's words because she didn't really understand them. It is already incomprehensible and strange to her why people talk about the relationship with others, why they want to know about it. It was an intimate thing that belonged to two people. At least in her perception.
Maybe that’s why she was always embarrassed when Gei hugged and embraced her in front of others, or just because she did the same with the crusader. If there were only two, it was not like that, only in front of others. No, she wasn’t ashamed of her soul mate, she just felt like their relationship belonged only to the two of them; she knew everyone knew they formed a couple, but even then, it was just theirs. Nobody else's. And Eina still had no experience in relationships, as she has never had anyone but Gei in every way.
Because of that, she didn't know if what Isla said made sense or not. The Valkyrja wanted to say it has a sense, but she couldn't do it. Gei was special, yes, but Eina wanted him to be really happy. Now that she knew she hadn't bothered her beloved crusader if they didn't have children, at least she said that because their joint dream was different. So they can fight the Bogan together, side by side and they can help others, and they can do what
Ashla wants. However, she had an answer to Isla's next words, she understood that and she knew it.
"But I don't want him to sacrifice anything for me, to give up anything for me. I don’t want him to put me in front of his duty or Ashla. His duty and Ashla are paramount to him, always. It was his commitment and devotion that made his soul so pure and this made him the most wonderful man in the two worlds." so she could only say that these were the reasons she fell in love with her beloved crusader.
She didn't know what to say, or what is the usual at such times. Eina nodded apologetically, but was still too upset. That she had to stay here, also because of what happened at Ession. It was at this very moment that Geiseric's message arrived that the battle was over. Eina was infinitely relieved, though her mood was still bad.
"I need time for this… and now I have to go, please forgive me!" she told Isla.
The next moment she was no longer there, after a short concentration, Eina teleported to where the others were, to Gei. She immediately felt the dead, the souls. As much as she wanted to embrace and kiss her betrothed, she had another task. The Valkyrja bounced off the ground and flew into the air to see the whole place. It was then that she began to concentrate and call the souls from their dead bodies.
Down below, the Force users could feel Eina's power, and everyone could see the souls glowing in the golden light as they left the bodies of the dead and flew to the angel-winged entity hovering over the city. Thanks to their light, Eina was also visible in the night, her aura in the Force was still glowing in the golden light of
Ashla, and thanks to the souls, she was also surrounded by a golden glow.
Eina's power gently embraced the souls; the woman's wings and finally Eina's whole body
glowing in golden light for a few moments. So much so that there were daylights down there for a few moments and Eina wasn't visible from the strong light, but there was a pleasantly warm, healing feeling in the Force. By the time the light was gone, two other angelic creatures, two Children of
Ashla, were hovering beside the woman, sustaining themselves with their wings. Two dead knights chose this fate, and Eina reshaped their souls so that they could continue their mission in
Ashla's name even after their deaths. They got a new chance, a new life.
After that, she opened a rift into the Netherworld with a graceful and elegant movement, and the two angelic creatures and souls left. The lights were gone too, only Eina was left there; all souls were already safe. Valkyrja then landed where Gei was. The woman's face was red due to the crying, her eyes still watery. As there were others nearby as she walked over and hugged Gei and cuddled him, she blushed.
"I was so worried about you!" she whispered softly.
"I was so afraid something will happen with you."
However, before she let her beloved crusader go and help heal the injured, she kissed the man for long, instinctively covering themselves with her wings. At that moment, she could only express the relief that the man was okay with a kiss. Afterwards, however, she releases him and steps away from Gei. They still had a lot to do here at camp…
Last post.