Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Servile War | AC Dominion of Kamar

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina wasn't really bothered by the distance and that she is not with him, but by how it all turned out. She felt like Geiseric didn’t want her to be there because he was worried something was going to happen. And Eina interpreted that the man didn't want her to see if something happened to him or he might die. Last but not least, feeling bad didn't help her; she had a bad feeling, and that's when a bad thing usually happens. So really, these two things added up the worries and not just the separation, the fact that spending days or weeks separately wasn’t a problem because it happened multiple times and they could communicate at any time.

It was different now because of the ones listed earlier. Just because, despite the dyad, she hadn't let the man as close as they had since their engagement. She was afraid he would want to leave if they talked about that topic, so Eina was more distant. But not since, and that has made her partly more vulnerable, as she dared to be attached to Gei more than before. She still had to get used to it, she had to put this in order in her soul, and the situation didn’t help.

When she entered the building, she was notified that Isla wanted to know her situation. Eina wouldn't let MANIAC say that. The Valkyrja actually had to realise that she wasn’t even afraid that Gei would die, as that was just another step in the circle of lives, even if the man became one with Ashla, they would still be able to talk, do anything. Rather, she feared he was in trouble, that her beloved crusader would get hurt, or someone causing him pain. Eina feared one thing about death, which was that someone would share the same fate like her father.

She fell to the ground at one of the walls in the building, hugged her knees, and continued to cry. Eina had never worried so much about anyone, not even Gei before this situation. If that conversation hadn't happened on Ession, she would have let the man completely close from the start; she felt that the time they had spent together would have been very different if she had no fear that Gei might not want to be with her. That's when she heard Isla's voice, she wasn't in a position to talk, especially not about the pain she was causing.

"Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" she said crying.




Objective I

Location: Landing near a large Kamarian slave town
Objective: provide humanitarian relief
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Isla saw the Valkyrja curled up in the corner crying and stopped at the door way, not wanting to do anything further to antagonise her, and certainly not wanting to between Eina and the way out. She didn't expect the woman would physically attack her, she was too kind, but in her emotional state she was hard to predict.

"Please Eina?" she pleaded with her "I only ever wanted to be your friend, if I have said or done something to upset you I need to know so I can fix it?"

Isla was beginning to cry herself, she was already on the edge today with Tiresh still missing since the Imperial attack on Kuat. She hadn't even had time to come to terms with all her mixed emotions about that relationship, and now another person she cared deeply about was sobbing on the floor because of something she must have done. Maybe she was just going to be alone and friendless, maybe it was better that way as was clearly awful at personal relationships.

"I am so sorry Eina, for anything I have done that has caused you pain. Please forgive me, or at least talk to me so I can begin to earn your forgiveness." she wiped her away her own tears and looked at Eina sadly. What had she done? What could she do? Thinking back to her different conversations with Eina she couldn't think of anything, all she had asked was about her relationship with Geiseric, maybe there was something there? But she had never had anything but kind words to say about either of them, even in private.

She looked at her communicator, there was several other things requesting her attention, but Heinrich and the others could handle that for now so she tossed the device on the floor and took a seat. Running her fingers backwards through her fringe just wondering what the next step.


Abishai Contesoto



Location: Labor Camp
Equipment: Zeison Sha Warrior Armor | Discblade | Sacred Blades Sword | Ashlan Rosary
Tag: Geiseric Geiseric | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Sister Mercy Sister Mercy | Harmony Harmony

Though the hail of sniper fire had announced the beginning of the assault, there was a still tension lingering over the valley as long as the gate stood. All knew that once the gate fell, the camp would ignite with violence...and glory for Ashla. The signal was given and the Sisters' mortar shells screamed through the air, destroying the gate. Then the Jedi vanguard surged forward.

Abishai took position behind the vanguard line creating the shield wall that launched forward through the collapsed gate. The work of the consulars was apparent as blazing turrets fell silent, as did many gunmen. The first to oppose the Crusaders were the abominations. The Sacred Blade could bring no weapon to bear from his position, instead using the plentiful missiles just created by the Sisters' barrage. The master telekinetic lifted his hand and, one after another, jagged chunks of broken rockcrete wall lifted from the dusty ground to be flung at the defenders. From the size of a Gamorrean's head to that of a small speeder. the heavy projectiles crashed into the twisted Kamarians.

The Crusaders moved onward, undeterred by the wavering line of heavy blaster fire, until the defenders broke. Then Geiseric gave the word to disperse and the Jedi assumed a new strategy. As reluctant as the Zeison Sha was to work with jedi, Abishai was highly impressed by the military discipline they followed. Then the Sacred Blade saw the glowing streaks of death in the skies. A rocket streaked from one shadowy Death's Hand towards the ground, exploding near Abishai. He was thrown to the ground, his ears ringing.

Rolling to a crouch, he snatched the discblade from his belt and flung it at the mando, feeling it move through Ashla's power and guiding it. Too difficult to deliver a killing blow in his disorientation, the Yandorian weapon did slice through a strap on the aerial attacker's jet pack, causing it to swing loose, sending the Hand into an uncontrolled spiral and into the ground. Abishai guided the discblade back to his hand. It was immediately loosed again when one of the mutant Kamarian's was seen at the corner of a building, having slipped past the Jedi assault. The spinning weapon lopped off the thing's head before once again returning to it's master. How unfortunate to have to kill any Kamarian, but the knight knew those things had already ceased to be Kamarian.

Abishai's gaze swung to the barracks radiating in rows from the main thoroughfare where the fighting was the most brutal. Concerned that the wicked enemy would begin to kill slaves indiscriminately in desperation, the Knight moved to the nearest row of squalid quarters in hopes he could lead them out of harms way. While he did not have a luminous blade of energy light the Jedi's sabers, the Knight of the Sacred Blades drew the heavy curved sword at his side. It gleamed with a holy glow, the power of Ashla forged into it and coursing from Abishai's being along it's razor's edge. He looked back for the most secure path to safety before heading to the first barracks.
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One thing stood above all else in Geiseric's mind: Pride. Through the hail of blaster fire and the voracious attacks of the Death's Hand, his knights remained strong. They did not waver, for they embodied the Code of the Jedi. In the thickness of battle against the Dark Side, that is all he could ask for, an even those who fell did so with valor and glory, for their sacrifice was witnessed by those who would go on and continue the war in their memory.

The Mandalorians descended upon the vanguard with the same lightning speed the Jedi had afforded them, the same tenacity. Beskar'gam of blood red, indistinguishable between shined and soiled, came down hard atop him from the air. The Mando drove his heel against Geiseric's shield, knocking him down and forcing him to drop his lightsaber. The enemy straddled the energy shield, pinned Geiseric down while he brandished his own Sith saber. With the Force, Geiseric pulled his saber through the air towards them, activating it mid-fly. The blade connected with the Mando's back, bouncing off the beskar and spinning away through the air again. Again he pulled the blade back towards the Mando to the same effect. The blade continued to batter the beskar with no result other than increasing the fury of the Death's Hand warrior.

Finally Geiseric called the saber back to his hand, then released a blinding burst of force light from his rosary. The Mandalorian roared and fell off of Geiseric, who quickly turned the tables and wrestled his opponent to the ground. The crusader pushed a knee into the center of the plate armour and readied his blade, leveling it with the gap in the armour between the Mando's chin and collarbone.

"Be at peace." he uttered to the Mandalorian as he drove the blade down, clear through the neck, severing the Mando's head from his body. It was brutal, he knew, but necessary.

It did not escape him the fact that this war was one of fate, one that would dictate decades if not centuries of history yet to come. He hoped his soldiers knew that truth as well, knew that they were fighting an enemy who would defend his way of life with tooth and nail. That was the reality of the eternal war between Light and Dark, yet now there was so much more at stake. Not for millennia had the forces of both the Jedi and the Sith possessed the strength they did in the age of chaos.

Gei stood and recouped his bearings. He quickly saw that not all of the vanguard had the same luck in fighting off their attackers. Standing nearby over the corpse of a crusader, like a dark mirror of Geiseric himself, was the devil. In his hand, a Darksaber. He had never encountered this warrior before, but his weapon spoke a thousand words from a thousand generations. The Darksaber was a Jedi killing weapon. The weapon of the one who would lead the Mando'ade.

He held his blade out forward in challenge.

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Tags: Harmony Harmony Abishai Contesoto Geiseric Geiseric Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

"Sister Mercy, do we have the green light. I'm about to back-flip off this ledge, over."

Advancing alongside the Jedi, Mercy chanced a glance backwards towards the slopes. The dark slab of rock hid well the snipers as they flitted from perch to perch, unleashing a bolt or two before repositioning. It was a dangerous game they played, though, no more dangerous than the one second squad was about to enter into. "I would prefer it if you rejoined the squad in once piece, Sister Harmony. So, no back-flips." Her HUD picked out the Raptured at one of the highest points. If not for her tech, she wouldn't have seen Harmony. Or her squad-sister.

"That applies to you, too, 'Bela. Get down here!"

"Copy that," Abela replied, jumping from her spot a dozen meters to the left of Harmony. Her propulsion Unit fired once, twice, slowing her descent and enabling her to land squarely amongst the Consulars without breaking a leg. She dusted herself off. "Your turn, Harms!" The Raptured challenged. Mercy didn't dare look. She already had enough on her plate without having to worry about whether Harmony would do the smart thing for a change.

A soft thump sounded from somewhere behind her, the noise practically smothered by the shouting and shooting, the hum and clash of sabers. "All right, ladies, form a square around the Consulars! Staggered pattern!" Taking her place at the front, Mercy followed the vanguard through the shattered gates, her eyes scanning as her finger slipped inside the trigger guard. An Abomination crawled from the carnage the Jedi warriors had left in their wake. Beady, insectoid eyes lifted to regard the Sisters as they approached, their wards in tow. A weak-limbed arm produced a weapon.

Mercy put a bolt between the once-Kamarian's eyes before it could squeeze the trigger.

"Contact right! Thirty meters!" Pree shouted, returning fire as bolts of red light burned a path towards her.
"Left side! Six mobiles, twenty, twenty-five meters." Vala reported a second later.
"They hostile?" Mercy asked putting a bolt through another Abomination and feeling nothing.
"Time will tell," Vala replied quietly.

Indeed it will, Mercy thought, lofting her shield high to deflect a bolt aimed at the Consular behind her. Despite not having any armor or blasters to speak of, the Consulars were doing remarkably well for themselves. Lightsabers of blue and green and molten gold drove aside the bolts that make it past the cordon of Sisters. A few they even returned. Remarkable...

"Sarge! Front and center!"

"I got 'em," Mercy replied calmly, addressing the squad of Kamarians charging towards them. Unlike the ones she had seen so far, these ones didn't even possess weapons. Bare-handed, bare-faced, they charged as if possessed, bravely disregarding the bolts that put down their comrades, one after another after another. The last one made it to within a dozen paces before a bolt sawed its lower mandible away. The alien didn't even scream as it collapsed, its momentum carrying it to Mercy's feet, where it stayed. "What the feth was that about?" Abela asked, looking to her Sisters as the battle ebbed.

The Consulars departed to join their brethren, driven by some unknown order. Still no-one had answered.

Mercy opened her mouth to speak, but blasterfire snatched her words away. Twisting where she stood, the sergeant recoiled as a bolt slammed into her helmet. Her dedicated shields took the punishment. Of that bolt, and the one that followed. "Shooters! Two o'clock high," she said, unphased. Raising her Assault Cannon, she let off a series of shots, the bolts tracing the Mandalorians as they took evasive maneuvers. Now fully engaged, the Jedi were unable to come to the squad's aid. Mercy cursed as another bolt got past her guard, sparking off her thigh armor.

"Ashla damn them," she muttered, spinning it time to sweep a beskad aside with her shield. There were Mandos behind them now, too. "Abs! Harmony! Deal with those flyers! The rest of you: stand your ground and fight! Fight as if your lives depend on it!" Parrying another blow with her shield, the sergeant bulled forwards, chopping the lip of her shield into the Mando's throat and sending him sprawling. She drew her vibroblade as another leapt towards her, beskad in hand.

"For Ashla!" She shouted, leaping to meet him.


Location:On the move with the girls
Tags: Sister Mercy Sister Mercy Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Harmony frowned as she was given the news she feared. No back-flip. Sister Abela moved down off the ridge, following all the procedures and landing with an overwhelming degree of unremarkable safety. "Roger, making my way downstairs, over." Her voice had much less enthusiasm as she made her exit. Sister Mercy wanted her down in one piece, so she'd have to just take the orders as they came. Stepping off the ledge, Harmony dropped down to her squad, deploying her pack as she slowed her fall. She just touched down when the order to move forward was given.

Forming their ranks, Harmony moved with her sisters, eyes searching for danger, only to have it called out to her by Sister Pree. It wasn't much of a surprise that the hostile dropped, but the origin of the beast was another matter. Harmony had a wisecrack she wanted to exchange, but the tense nature of their situation convinced her to withhold it.

Mercy's shout alerted the squad to another danger, as Mandalorians came in on high, with blaster fire raining from above. Either way, it wasn't a great look for the squad.Needless to say, Mercy called her to action soon after.

Taking to the sky, Harmony primed a V-6 Haywire grenade as she witnessed the Mandalorians closing in on her and Abela's position. "'Bela, go low, I'm gonna gamble here." She said, adjusting her altitude to carry her above her sister's current position, and watching as several Mandalorians moved to intercept her. Blaster fire began to race by her, but Harmony didn't cease her maneuvers. Drawing her rifle in one hand, she charged at the Mandalorians, before cutting her propulsion pack off. She proceeded towards the group of Mando's on pure momentum, slowly falling from the sky as gravity seized her. With the warriors now in range however, she threw her grenade upwards, and plummeted from the sky.

The EMP burst that followed knocked out the jet-packs of the Mando's and they soon followed Harmony in her fall from the sky. Turning to face the Mandos, Harmony began to open fire on them, their forms flailing about as the combatants tumbled to their doom. Mandalorians however, were nothing if not craft. Harmony had managed to eliminate four of the falling warriors, but as she turned her sights on the fifth, a whipcord snagged around her right arm, and jerked her rifle off course. The ground was rapidly approaching, and she was running out of time to maneuver. Turning on her propulsion pack, she tried to straighten out, put all the thrust into countering her momentum, but as she began to slow, the still falling Mandalorian remained attached to her; the extra weight was a problem that she had no answer to.

"Harms, your dropping too low! Pull up!"

"I got it, I got it!"

She was running out of time to execute her big plan. Her left hand went for her Vibro-blade, seizing the hilt, she brought the weapon down on the cord that bound her, freeing her from the tether, but not from the wrist rocket that slammed into her back. A violent force smashed into Harmony from behind, her form still several meters in the air, and was now hurtling from the sky in a ball of fire.
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Location: Labor Camp
Objectives: Gather slaves
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

Personal Equipment

Rhiza sat in the cockpit of her starhopper, with her transport ship following close behind. On the ground she could already see the gunfight had happened. She could assist there, but she had her orders. The Ashlans had requested that she act defensively, protect the slaves and get them out of harms way. Was this a test, she must be obedient, temper her aggression, and resist the lure of few slaves of her own. A wry grin stretched across her face at the last thought, would the ashlans be searching her ship on the way out?

Her starfighter landed and she hopped out, running to a group of slavers saw watching the firefight. She shouted at them "get inside your shelters! What are you gawking at!" she snarled and some of them slinked back in the the prefabs. The walls were thin but would take a stray blaster and keep them safe.

Rhiza saw a worthwhile goal, a small group of tents with what looked like a medical symbol daubed on them. Outside were several dark bags with bodies in, shame, she thought. She would get the medics and any wounded on her ship and out of harms way. That might earn her some support amongst the Ashlans if nothing else.

As she approached she stopped herself, descending on black rockets, the red armoured form of a mandalorian landed. A hospital, the perfect target for his kind, defenseless, plenty of easy kills. "MANDO!" She shouted "Think you can handle something that fights back?" as the Mandalorian turned, she ignited her blood red light saber. "Sith!"

The mandalorian took to the skies and started firing blasters at Rhiza. She blocked shot after shot, jumping high into the air and launching a throwing dart that the armoured warrior blocked. He sped over her head and she reached our with the force, grabbing him telekinetically and wrenching him down to the floor hard. As he rolled away, a shower of tiny projectiles sprayed out from his gauntlet and rained down on Rhiza. She released the Telekinesis just in time to put up a force barrier and block the birds. "Nice trick, bucket head!" she grinned as he launched again into the air. She quickly launched another dart and he blocked again, but this time that was intentional, before he could recover, her shock bolas were in her hand and she threw them hard.

The spinning electrified balls flew at the mandalorian and wrapped around his legs. Electricity cracked through the warriors and he fell to the ground. In seconds this Zygerrian was on him, she kicked his helmet off as he twitched on the floor, still wrapped up in the Bolas. His scarred snarling face looked up at him.

"For Ashla, I suppose" and with a flick of her wrist her saber decapitated the mandalorian warrior.

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Hei Sogecki



Objective III

Location: The hot sands
Objective: Hunt down worn that plagues the mines
Tags: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt


"Bait would be an excellent idea my young friend. This creature snacks on those heavy herbivores we saw flying over. He senses their vibrations." he thought for a few moments "My concern is distance, at a his maximum speed, assuming a straight line he could be nearly 200 kilometres away, far too distant foe bait. Once we have confirmed siting, I would suggest we put your plan into motion."

He walked towards her mount and stared checking his explosive bands for how many detonators he had, he held on up for Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt To see. "he should be able to feel these go off from about 25km away, that is our goal. Spot him close enough and we can lure him in."

Hei was enjoying the hunt, he had previously hunted only one sand worm, much smaller, and the beast gave up little fight as it was being culled due to disease. It was disappointing that he had to kill a healthy one today, but he could do it now with respect, or they would pay someone else less human to do the job.

A flashing in the distance caught his eye and he looked through his scope again. He breathed slowly for a few seconds, deciphering the message. "5 km north of the scouts location, disturbances in the sand where the beast breathes. Ready to bag us a worm. You head for the bantha, try to spook them to get them running. I will start making some noise to get him here."

"Good hunting!"
Hei mounted Loki and took off, followed by the other Griffon rider, but not before tossing his first thermal detonator out into the sand nearly. A plume of smoke and debris burst up as the device went off with a bang. Loki was flying low over the sands and Hei dropped another detonator. That should get his attention, then once the bantha are running, that should lure him in closer.



The Unchained

Geiseric Geiseric , Abishai Contesoto

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Exercises in Futility

The fight continued to rage on as blasterfire rang out against the Kamarian sky. Death's Hand were giving their all in attempting to hold the forces of Ashla back, but Khamul knew it wouldn't be enough. But then again... they didn't come here to achieve victory; such would have been a fool's errand. No, they were here to reallocate resources, and that task was nearing its end. Khamul wouldn't need to signal his brethren, as they knew precisely what to do. They had all accepted their fate when they took this mission, awaiting the glorious death befit to true warriors. As for Khamul, he would find a way to endure. If he could not, then he had no right carrying the title of Mand'alor.

The remaining resistance within the facility itself was scattered, with Death's Hand only putting up small pockets of resistance as they attempted to funnel the last of the slaves out toward the transports. Those that had joined the main defense of the facility did what they could to keep the rest of the crusaders busy for just long enough, unleashing whistling birds and flame upon the attackers. They were giving it their all, as if it were the last fight of their lives... and for many, it would be.

Suddenly, a single word came from one of the crusaders, a man that Khamul was not familiar with.

"At least you do me the respect of using my rightful title, Jedi."

His own blade rose to meet the challenge, his fiendish gaze piercing through his ancient mask. The stench of the Light oozed from the man like a sickening fire, causing Khamul to tighten his grip around Mandalore's Lament. His disgust for the Jedi was endless, and he would make it a point to demonstrate that disgust.

"I've killed your kind before, on Ninn... Dromund Kaas... and now here. Your fate will be no different!"

His body shot forward, his momentum carried on the wings of the Dark Side as he lashed out with his dread blade, slashing across toward the crusader's chest. This foolish Jedi wished to die so badly, and the Demon Mandalore was happy to deliver that death upon him. There would be no reprieve for those shackled by the Light...

They would only know Darkness.




Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The negotiations were going well, for the most part. The largest concern was one of retaliation against the Kamarians from the Maw, which Heinrich could hardly blame them for. They had suffered long under the thumb of the Bogan, and only recently had been able to begin regaining their independence. The reality of that situation was, of course, that they would not be able to properly defend themselves against the full might of the Maw, and as such, they would need protection.

"I understand your concerns, truly, I do. Trust me when I say that the Crusade will take every precaution that can be taken to keep your people safe."

There was a moment of the Kamarian delegates murmuring to each other in their own language, and though Heinrich had a protocol droid to translate, their voices were not more than a whisper. Heinrich could tell from their body language, however, that there was still a level of uncertainty among them. It would be remedied, in time, as would many of the wounds left behind by the former overlords of the region. For now, Heinrich just had to convince them that they were in good hands.

"The Crusade allows planetary governments their share of autonomy, but if it makes you more certain of our dedication, we will be willing to send some additional forces to protect the planet until your people have fully recovered. We will also assist you in the rebuilding of your own security infrastructure, and will be willing to provide training to those in relevant positions. As for the rest of the details, we will have plenty of time to sort those out."

His political acumen wasn't as developed as some of his comrades. He didn't have the diplomatic air of Isla, nor the fiery charisma of the cardinal, but Heinrich could at least make his sincerity clear to others. It must have translated well, for after he spoke, the delegates began talking amongst themselves once again, this time much more excitedly. It seemed that the negotiations were working, and Heinrich let out a sigh of relief. He only hoped that Isla and Eina were doing equally well.


Abishai Contesoto



Location: Labor Camp
Equipment: Zeison Sha Warrior Armor | Discblade | Sacred Blades Sword | Ashlan Rosary
Tag: Geiseric Geiseric | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Sister Mercy Sister Mercy | Harmony Harmony | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

Inevitable chaos swallowied the labor camp. Blaster bolts and missiles screamed through the air, explosions, yells and screams echoed in ears. Several terrified Kamarians huddled between two buidlings caught Abishai's gaze and he hurried thiem to take better cover. He needed to know what danger may threaten those hiding in the barracks. With Ashla's grace, he lept to the roof of one of the small temporary shelters. He could see the Crusaders Jedi guardians advancing, the Sisters and consulars moving through the camp. Dark Mandalorian figures harassed them relentlessly and without mercy. Then, at the other end of the camp, he saw the transports. Slaves were being hastily herded onto the ships. The Bogan scum were escaping with their valuable assets...slave labor.

At the end of a row of the squat buildings, a small medical camp was set up. Near it, over the din of the battle, Abishai heard a harsh voice also chastising Kamarians for not taking cover. The felinoid woman appeared intent on evacuating the medical tents to a couple small ships nearby. They could work together to save as many Kamarians as they could. Abishai began to leap from roof to roof, watching as the woman in the skin suit took on a Mandalorian. Resourceful and ruthless, before he could arrive, the lightsaber in her hand had relieved the warrior of his head.

Leaping between the last two huts, a rocket streaked ahead of the Blade Knight and impacted on the edge of the barracks. The explosion flung Abishai through the air, and the Zeison Sha quickly flung out his hand and caught himself in the Force before hitting the ground, easing the last few meters to settle on his feet. The Mando hovered above the knight, the flamethrower on his arm belching forth fire. Abishai angled his body instinctively, arm up as a force shield held the searing flames at bay. His other hand flung out, the Force striking the Mandalorian in the chest and sending him somersaulting backwards through the air. Both hands reached out again in the Force, gripping the warrior and casting him to the ground. Beads of sweat gathered on Abishai's brow as he fought the thrust of the mandos' jet pack to ground the warrior.

Around the corner, a consular and her Sister protector appeared. A heavy blaster rifle was raised and an entire powerpack was spent as the mando pinned to the ground succumbed under the rain of blaster bolts. Abishai pointed in the direction of the enemy transports. "They are loading laborers to escape!" He announced, and the two hurried off. Turning back to the medical tents, he quickly approaching the feline swordswoman. "How many can you fit on that..." His gaze turned to the ship... a prison ship. "...that ship."
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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Help and support the locals
Location: Settlement, Kamar
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For Eina, feelings were still things she didn’t understand, couldn’t articulate. With her own people, or now with Children of Ashla too, it was all easier, but she could not express herself before or for the mortals. The Valkyrja is not used words, but to convey thoughts or feelings. What is pure reflects reality and not what one tries to lie. She didn't like it in people and didn't understand it. Still not. Eina had been among them regularly for years now, but there was never enough among them to learn that. And it was different with Gei, they knew what the other wanted and what the other thought.

Unless one of the parties hides their worries and fears, as Eina did. She hid her great fear, which almost devoured her. Because of this, the Valkyrja didn't let Gei as close to herself as she could have; for a long, long time. Because of this, she felt the need to send her away so the man could be happy. If that question had not been raised, it would not have happened. That’s why she felt like she had almost lost him, her best friend, the other half of her soul.

She looked up at Isla's words, crying, not knowing how to say it correctly. She didn’t want to be rude, but she didn’t know how it should be, what was right, or how mortals communicate that.

"I almost lost him because of you! I sent him to look for someone who can make him happy, a mortal companion… Who is like him, and not like me." she said painfully. "Ever since we talked it has been in my mind that I can’t make him happy, that I can’t give him a family…"

How should she say that? She wasn't sure, because no one but Gei knew this in Realspace...

"I can't have a child... I'm not even a woman. Just a Force Entity, all of the Valkyrja neuters. I’ve always had a female identity and personality, but that’s not make me a woman. Not physically, just because of the shape-shifting. I kept the child issue from him for years and didn’t let him get completely close to me because I was afraid of what he was going to say that he could never be a father…" she said crying.

And now it's the case that Eina was here and Gei was there after the crusader asked her to stay here to protect her...


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"ughf!" the Jedi grunted as the Mandalorian's heavy strike slammed into his shield, readied the moment Khamul had begun his charge. He motioned away the darksaber with a push of his shield and stabbed forward with his own blade. It didn't matter where he hit the man, his beskar would protect him all the same, just as Geiseric's own armour made of Nethermetals would protect him. Both combatants were surely to realize this fight was one of endurance. Whoever would win had only to outlast or rout the other.

"Strike me down and you only buy yourself a short time. Your authority here has crumbled." if Geiseric was killed, others would finish the job no doubt. The Maw's time on Kamar had ended, but from the way the Death's Hand continued to fight they had not come to this realization yet. False promises of the Dark Side yet blinded them.

"We are not so different, Mandalore. Only that you have chosen to remain under the purview of your oppressors."


Objective I

Location: Landing near a large Kamarian slave town
Objective: provide humanitarian relief
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Isla listened to her friend and the gravity hit her, along with the guilt of how much she had hurt her, unintentionally, but still it was her own fault for assuming.

She paused for a moment before speaking "I'm sorry Eina, I have been a terrible friend to you, I thought I was being a good friend, asking about your plans for the future, but I should have been asking more about you first." she thought about Eina's mother, she had what? four children? Isla had always just assumed Eina would be able to have children too.

"I had no idea you were unable to have children, I know so little of your species. I only asked because,"] how was the best way to describe this? Because she was nosey? Because she was jealous? Maybe a little bit if both, but it was more than that. "I suppose I asked because I care about you so much, I know I have probably thrown away our friendship now, but I see you like a sister, and your relationship to Lord Geiseric is like a love story to me, and some times you just want to see what is in the next chapter? If that makes any sense." She could only worry how the literal thinking Eina would interpret her words and hope she understood her intentions.

"Children is not the only goal of a relationship anyway, and it is only one of many routes to happiness, I don't even know if Geirseric wanted children, but I know he loves you, and I can't imagine he would give you up for anything." she looked thoughtful for a moment as she considered her own issues "sometimes things like children just seem less important when you find someone special, you know"

She breathed deeply, truly hoping she was getting her point across properly and in a way that Eina would not misunderstand. "Listen, Eina. I'm not going to try and avoid the blame, whether is meant it not, I have hurt you, and I am so sorry. I just want you to know I only spoke from a place of care for you, I hope you can forgive me, even if it takes time"

Tears ran down Isla's face, she felt so much guilt for hurting her friend and almost destroying her relationship.



The Unchained

Geiseric Geiseric , Abishai Contesoto

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Exercises in Futility

Blackened plasma lashed out, crashing against the crusader's shield as Khamul pressed his attack. His enemy's own blade lunged forward, causing the Demon Mandalore to pull to the side, allowing the blade to slide along his beskar. The crusader was grounded, steadfast, and unfazed by his attacker's ferocity. This duel would not be determined quickly, the victor uncertain. It would finally answer the question of what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Amidst the conundrum that was the duel, Khamul found himself burning with a deeper rage than ever before. Something about these so-called holy warriors made his blood boil even more than the average Jedi, causing his hatred to burst at the seams.

Khamul released his force on the shield, parrying the lightsaber away as he took a step back, putting some distance between himself and the crusader.

"My authority is absolute, Jedi. It is only a matter of time..."

His free hand stretched forth, and from his fingers poured crimson lightning, arcing its way toward the crusader as he spoke.

"You are the one who is a slave, Jedi. A slave to duty, to faith, and to your precious goddess. My bonds were broken long ago!"

The lightning was bursting forth more aggressively now, and Khamul began to press the attack. He stepped forth, keeping his hand outstretched as his blade cut toward the crusader's sword hand. He didn't expect to take the man's hand, but he would try nonetheless. This crusader needed to be put down, and fast. There was no time for him to keep the pace, not with the last of the ships preparing for takeoff.

No... had to end his now.



Hate flowed from the Mandalore. How could the Death's Hand have fallen so far to the Dark Side? Infiltrating the Alliance, leashing their mortal enemies... Geiseric wondered what Darth Solipsis' touch could not reach.

A wave of burning passion through the Force preceding the Sith Lord's lightning. Geiseric quickly deactivated his shield and outstretched the palm of his hand. An equal burst of Force Light absorbed and dissipated the incoming dark energy.

"You are the one who is a slave, Jedi. A slave to duty, to faith, and to your precious goddess. My bonds were broken long ago!"

Khamul's rage came to a head with a vicious strike. Geiseric's blade caught it at the base, the two sabers locking dangerously close to their emitters. Gei could feel the extreme heat of the weapons now even through his armour. He focused deeply in the Force, putting his energy into his swordarm, pushing his strength further towards his limit.

"Just... like the senate... Solipsis has deceived you!"

Blade met blade, Force met with Force. Functionally they stood as equals. Geiseric knew he would not defeat Mandalore the Unchained. Not yet. For all the weakness he sensed in the man's mind, he was still a strong fighter. If this warrior was as good as Geiseric believed, he would know when to cut his losses. As the camp burned, chains were indeed broken: chains of those oppressed by the New Sith. Kamar had been freed...


Location: In Position with the girls
Tags: Sister Mercy Sister Mercy Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

The impact sent Harmony flipping end over end. Alarms blared in her helmet, and she hung to consciousness by a thread. She slammed through some hard, felt something breaking around her, then slam into something else. Pain filled in the rest of the memory, as all she could see was darkness for several moments. She managed a low groan, and her vision slowly came back into focus. The front of her visor was splattered with blood, and the taste of copper was filling her mouth. Great. She tried to move, making out a shattered stone floor before her, and felt a surge of pain course through her back. A muffled groan escaped the confines of her helmet, and she became aware that her rifle was no where to be seen.

Not good. An attempt to comm someone earned her the sound of static, though she managed to roll onto her back through a great deal of pain.

Only to find a pair of Mandalorians touching down outside the structure she had slammed through. Merciful Ashla, is this it? She pondered, finding her legs to seemingly be made of jello as she tried to get to her feet; it didn't go far. The pair had weapons drawn, moving towards her in a callous mater. They already wrote her off? They spoke in their weird language, moving to inspect the wounded woman before them. Something Harmony was rather resentful of. Her hand felt something down by her side, and recalled where she stored her handgun. Which meant she had a chance at making a play her.

Wincing, Harmony felt the grip on her pistol, and took in a deep breath.

Then switched her UPU on.

She only had one shot at this, better not mess it up.


Location: Labor Camp
Objectives: Gather slaves
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Geiseric Geiseric Abishai Contesoto Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

Personal Equipment

The Zygerrian caught her breath for a second while she quickly checked the Mandolorian for his communicator, ripping it out of his ear and putting it in to her own. It crackles into life and she could here them barking orders at each other, mostly in Mando'ade but a bit of basic, it might help, it might not.

Abishai Contesoto walked over towards her postion, he looked like he had had his own scrape but was doing well.

. "How many can you fit on that..." His gaze turned to the ship... a prison ship. "...that ship."

Rhiza grinned, "Well Jedi, I suppose that depends on how comfortable you want them to be? 16 and they each get a cell to themselves, I'd call it 80 if they are happy with standing room only?" it would e cozy on board but it would be safer than being stuck here, one of her crew had started shepherding the medical staff on board, why were they arguing with them? They needed to get on before the rest of the Mandos got here.

She shouted over, beginning to lose patience with these stubborn creatures, a medic was a juicy scalp for a mandalorian so they could get on her ship or most likely die here. "Oi! Kamar! Get on the ship or you get left behind OK? Simple as that? We are here to help you." the Kamarian chittered something obscene at her, but did as he was told. Rhiza looked at the Jedi and shrugged with a smile, probably a more aggressive approach, but needs must.

Rhiza in a flash pulled out her saber and jumped as blaster bolts rained across the position she had previously occupied, two mando warriors hovered on their jetpack raining down shots. She nodded at Abishai Contesoto who seemed to know what she meant, running full pelt, she left in the air, using the Jedi's back and shoulder as a springboard and welding the force to sail high up to catch the warriors of guard, she swung her saber in a flash, removing the hand and pistol of one of the assailants in a smooth motion, as the fell back down to earth, she lashed out with her whip and caught the leg of the other mandalorian, staying attached just long enough to pull him along with her momentum, he didn't have time to stabilise himself before she carried him back down to the ground. They only had seconds before he blasted back into the air, Abishai was closer to him then Rhiza "take him down Jedi" she yelled.



The Unchained

Geiseric Geiseric , Abishai Contesoto

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Exercises in Futility

Plasma crashed against plasma, biting into each other as heat shot outward from the blades. Khamul felt the warmth against his face as their weapons grabbed to one another, the light bursting forth in a glorious and fiery display. Khamul grinded his teeth behind his mask, the levees of rage having been burst open. He had only met this crusader today, and he already could feel the hate. The Light... the Jedi... this Ashla they worshipped... weakness, all of it. And the weak did not deserve to live.

"I am deceived by no one, Jedi. The Brotherhood are merely a stepping stone to something greater, though I don't expect you to understand. Faith has blinded you to the truth, and it makes you weak."

His gaze shifted toward the skies above. Death's Hand was beginning to pull back, making their way to the last of the transports. Though they were losing their footing on Kamar, they had accomplished their goal. The Demon Mandalore pushed himself away from his opponent, leaping back just out of striking range.

"The Warlords... the Maw... this planet... all just stepping stones. You will understand, one day, as will the rest of the galaxy. You have one this battle, but know this..."

A few more steps back.

"The next time we cross blades, I will kill you."

With those words, his jetpack roared to life, and Khamul took his leave, joining the rest of his brethren as they moved forward to glory and war.



Abishai Contesoto



Location: Labor Camp
Equipment: Zeison Sha Warrior Armor | Discblade | Sacred Blades Sword | Ashlan Rosary
Tag: Geiseric Geiseric | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Sister Mercy Sister Mercy | Harmony Harmony | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

As Abishai approached, the Zygerrian was fitting the dead Mando's comm into her feline ear. Smart. The Zeison Sha only flinched on the inside when the woman referred to him as Jedi. In the heat of battle, he could understand the confusion. Regardless, her answer regarding her ship confirmed to the Sacred Blade Knight that it was indeed a prison ship. There would be time for his curiosity later.

"People offered freedom from slavery will prefer crowding onto your ship, rather than being crowded onto theirs." His gloved hand raised and pointed to transports rising into the air at the other end of the camp. Others from the Zygerrian's ship were hurrying the insectoid Kamarians aboard. Abishai joined the stranger in urging them on. It was no time for courtesy. Explosions, blaster fire and the hum of lightsabers roared around them.

A hail of blaster bolts rained down, dodged and deflected by the crimson lightsaber that instantly appeared in the Zygerrian's hand. A most curious woman indeed. Abishai's own sword, not of focused light but of rare alloyed steel, also raised, gleaming with the flow of Asha, weaving as it redirected bolts sentfrom the two hovering Mandos. A glance at his new companion and he knew somehow what the wild woman was thinking. Abishai bent over, providing a platform to help the feline fighter to launch at their assailants.

Her performance was stunning, blade and powered whip employed to disarm and disable the Mandos. When the Zygerrian dragged the second armored warrior to the ground, Abishai made short work of him, his heavy curved sword cleaving between beskar helmet and chest plate to sever the head from the body. Emerald eyes lifted to the Force-wielding felinoid with a small grin. "Most impressive. Ashla bless you, I am glad you are our ally and not theirs!"

He quipped in way of introduction, as he took a few steps and scanned the area. It appeared as if most of the makeshift medical camp had been emptied out.


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