Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Siege of Commenor [TSE/CSA]

Lauri hit the ground hard, a blaster bolt slamming into his leg. The Sith were overrunning the trench. By now most of his men were dead, thouh he knew they'd have taken Sith with them. He had dropped his rifle on the way down, and it had slid out of reach. He began to reach for his pistol to return fire, but a shot went into his arm. So much for that.

All he could do was look on as his foe cleared the trench, putting down what was left of the centerbium.

[member="Anden Fancelo"]
It was massive.

The Behemoth looked even larger on the inside if that was even possible as the Crestfallen II and the Midnight entered the cavernous hangar. But deep beneath the chaos of pilots, technicians, and droids everything was in fact operating like a well oiled machine. Fighters and shuttles were immediately stored away upon entry into the hangar to keep it clear. Once the group made it outside of the shuttles were immediately taken and filed away in priority slot one and two, meaning they could be deployed and battle ready in half the time it would take the Sith Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"] to run down to the hangar.

Occasionally the demonic voice of the artificial intelligence referenced as AQUILA could be heard booming through various areas of the ship. The AI's voice was sinister and maybe even disturbing to newcomers but it seemed to operate seamlessly with the crew. AQUILA was an independent, sentient intelligence unbeknownst to most it was imbued with the dark side and it had developed a personality on its own, a darkness that made it welcome to tyrants like Kaine and Braxus. As a longtime servant of the Zambranos it know exactly what they expected of it, and in turn it ran a highly efficient ship. A tram had arrived shortly after their arrival without even going near any panel and all crew stayed clear of it, ensuring the Emperor both didn't have to wait long and was given privacy for wherever he chose to go.

As soon as the group stepped on the tram a small holographic display stand glowed projecting a small holographic form of AQUILA. The hologram was to others just a warrior clad in heavy crimson armor, but to those with the proper knowledge AQUILA took the best representation of Nereus the All-Father, his hands clad behind his back as he stood at the ready "The system has been locked down I've taken the liberty of setting up a perimeter screen. Anything without proper authorization that passes will be obliterated. Shall I have an IDF collection team meet you at your destination to take the Queen for processing your majesty?" Aquila asked Kaine.

The Shadow Hand however was off to one side communicating with Blackblade teams on the ground that have infiltrated key areas on the field and in Chasin City. [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] the adopted daughter of [member="Yasha Mantis"] was on the ground somewhere either within the city itself, or near the palace. After the slaughter on Sabarene she was tracked through the Behemoth's advanced hyperspace tracking system to Commenor. He transmitted surveillance images of her both with and without her beskar armor on. Lastly the Sith Lord designated the young Mandalorian for capture and not termination, when it came to operations against Mandalorians the elite Blackblade Guard rarely left them alive. Years of brutal war in the past had hardened them against the sons and daughters of Mandalore, the Blackblades were soaked in Mandalorian blood from those past wars. If necessary they would stun the young Mandalorian but they weren't permitted to do anything more than that unless they were provoked. If they were?

They would react with extreme prejudice.

"I'zi rimd diopr da vassivd dui i'aymb ami vuim duii''zi haymk uil rui'ss xi xlaybud uili." He said in Epicant to Kaine after he responded to AQUILA. The sound of the tram filled in any periods of silence.

Rook Lokar

Things weren't always as smooth as you'd think, really. Maybe it was the Mandalorian trying to kill her, or it was the 'other guy' that found himself thrown in the mix-match of nonsensical nonsense that was the situation soon to unfold. Did Rook know which one of them was the 'other guy'? No, he hadn't a clue. That's what made him nervous, if nothing else. Rook hadn't done anything with his recently-revealed Jedi partner, but there wasn't anything beyond that. They were partners, but partnerships ended more than they succeeded, didn't they? He almost scowled much in the way a child had.

"Who're you?" Rook called out in the moment of pressing his back against a wall, shielded by it. It was evident as to who he was talking to, and Nej likely had the same question boggling in his mind.

[member="Ayessa Kroan"] - [member="Rohak Vizsla"] - [member="Nej Tane"]
Location: Tunnel systems
Objective: Get the hell outta here
Allies: CSA and pals
Enemies: Any Sith in the tunnel system

Something out in the darkness bucked violently, and Saka was hit in the face by the horrific smell of sewage water that came roaring down along the side of the walkway, Gagging and blinking the rancid burn out of her eyes, taking a step back from the edge. She shot a look over her shoulder at her fellow companion in the tunnels. “We’ll get to the next ladder when we reach it, Charlie i thi-” She became distracted by the pain and the terror of eight millions minds and the lifeblood of the universe screaming a soundless NO that resonated in her core.

For the briefest possible moment, she tried to reach out with the Force to sense what was happening.

The sensation stopped. After a short pause—


Cringing away with a shriek of pain, Saka spat several things her former master would have restricted her to the Temple for weeks if he'd overheard.

"Did you feel it? eight million souls snuffed out like a sea of candlelights in the wind," She rubbed her eyes again "We've gotta go, i don't wanna be down here any longer."

[member="Charlie Nooran"]
Location: Chasin City, Plenty's Food's warehouse
Objective: Double Dip, Freight food stuff and smuggle wanted Commenores off planet.
Allies: CSA and Company
Enemies: Anyone that gets in his way

Khull looked out from the warehouse second story window. What was once a beautiful skyline was filled with plumes of smoke with formations of fighters holding superiority over the air. The Sith Empire had shown little if any mercy on this planet. Intel had come in informing of the complete destruction of Munto, the Capitol city and crown jewel of Commenor. There were also reports of executions of important figures belonging to the Government and Royal house. The invaders were not messing around knowing cruelty was the quickest way to finish this war...... if one called this one sides massacre a war at all.

The large feline looked back from the window and down past the catwalk he was standing upon and into the loading bay where bulk containers were being filled with products frozen in slabs of carbon freeze. He knew it would be the most expensive food stuff, like Melahnese that was being loaded into the crates. Now the question was, why was a smuggler being hired to freight such goods off planet during a siege? Theft wasn't a worry, for the Wo family and Plenty's corporation would have extensive insurance on their buildings and product with in. It wasn't just food that was being smuggled, there were people within those carbonite slabs as well. People that are desperate enough to risk their lives with the health risk of carbon freezing and blindly trusting the pilot to get them safely off planet. For a price of course. That was why Khull was there, for the credits and not out of the goodness of his heart. There was a huge profit to be made out of desperation and he had been paid handsomely for the effort thus far. But what was in it for the Food Corporation? It wasn't Khull's business to ask, but he had curiosity and his curiosity thus far has come to the conclusion that Plenty's Food were going to double dip on the insurance. Insurance fraud with a side of heroic civil service to wash the guild away.

Greed is what makes the galaxy go round. Why would it be any different now? "Move faster!' The cathar growled from above, his voice deep and resonating. Khull was a excellent specimen of the cathar race, athletically muscular with a heavily corded neck, large limbs and a long black main giving him the look of a lion. He wore a black leather greatcoat that would usually hide his various weapons. Just not today since he was forced to keep his blasters and assorted blades aboard his ship on the orders of the Empire and their tight lidded martial law. His right thigh felt naked without the gun holster strapped to it, a uneasy feeling that had put the feline humanoid in a fowl temper.

The various workers below were moving as fast as they could, they were risking just as much if not more than the smuggler was. His sniped words of encouragement were surely not needed and showed little to no improvement in progress in the loading process. Khull could hear the heavy hiss of the carbon freezing process taking place in the back room. He took in a deep breath to calm himself before returning his attention to the window again. Once the bulk crates were loaded, he would need to transport it through the streets of chasin and through many checkpoints. Then, if they make it that far, they would need to get past their security inspection at the starport. There was a lot of 'Ifs" in this plan, but that also came with a high price tag to it.
Location: Senate Halls
Equipment: See Sig
Enemies: [member="Mythos"], The Sith Empire

Adas’ attack on Kol had indeed frightened the crystal a bit but as long as his master was so close their bond performing as it should they would face down any threat together. An attack on one was an attack on both. They did not fight for control like Mythos and his ax. Kol and Aten were unified, they were ones of light. Even through the gauntlets Aten was able to feel the shattering of bones, the multitude of cracks and snapping sounds vomit-inducing. This was not part of the Jedi mandate, to break the Sith, to kill. Aten had never wanted to take it to such an extreme yet his foe left him no other choice. To be captured by the Sith a second time meant death, to give in to Mythos would be the same. So, the Jedi would fight, fight for all he was worth. For those, the Sith had wronged in years past, for those in the present who required protecting, for those that would come.

At the height of the uppercut, Aten spun and came down in a slight crouch the saber in his right-hand deactivating and being placed back on his belt. Eyes tracking Mythos’ flight through the air, Aten felt a pang of regret for the Sith as the broken body continued its flight. The way in which Mythos spoke of the CSA, the way in which he had admitted his betrayal had seemed as though at one point he’d been conflicted. He was a man that seemed to be filled with many regrets, grudges, hatred. Weren’t the Jedi the same? As Aten prepared to turn and leave he felt an unnatural chill fill the Senatorial chambers, there should’ve been the sound of Mythos striking the ground or wall but there was none. Spinning on his heels the Morellian was welcomed by the peculiar sight of Mythos’ limp body hovering, a marionette controlled by the dark, a vessel for its power.

Aten’s legs spread shoulder-width apart but there was no longer any ground beneath his feet as he began to hover in the air. The force pulling on him and the rubble, holding them suspended in the air. That field then tightened the a faint crunching as the stones around were crushed and the force seized Aten’s body in an unnatural grip. The Jedi’s mouth hung open as the force sought to crush and restrain him. The armor held it at bay but Aten’s body was incapable of moving as the tremendous pressure was put on him.

Kol, I need you now more than ever. Give it to me. Aten commanded of the crystal, in that moment the saber upon Aten’s waists true purpose came to fruition. Through the spintiri, and dantari crystals housed within in conjunction with the Heart of the Guardian the saber served as more than just a way to recover spent force energies. It honed Aten’s focus to the point where the pain was non-existent, driven from his mind. His powers amplified by the Spintiri taken to another level by the Heart of the Guardians ability to intensify the abilities of the crystals. The dantari drawing on all the spent energies of not just the battle between Aten and Mythos but that from Commenor itself it too enhanced.

The servos in Aten’s right arm fought the grip, the fingers flexing bending and with a thought, the arm activated. The synth-flesh that sat upon it boiled away the scent of it appalling to all those who could smell it. Mythos was given a good view of the cybernetic as claws tipped the fingers, the phrik outer casing but there was also an energy surging through it. An ancient technology, that of an energy arm, a weapon capable of disabling an entire force field in a single strike. That energy would usually course down the arm but Aten pulled it into himself. The art of tutaminis finally coming into play. The only other force power the Jedi was fluent in. It joined that which was offered by the saber, Aten’s body seemed to vibrate from the sheer amount of power he’d drawn in all at once. A single bloody tear retreating down his right cheek. Teeth gritting Aten began gathering all that energy in the palm of his right hand. He wouldn’t be able to dodge Mythos as shot through the air like a missile.

Come get it.” Aten hissed through clenched teeth. The force gathered in his palm the lilac orbs that adorned his skull seeming to glow from the power gathered. Right arm raising, fingers splayed wide Aten roared as he released the force in not a projected strike or simple push. It came out in a wave rising up to meet Mythos’ repulse and ax. The energies of the light and dark collided in a magnificent display they became a storm of energy that sought to destroy all that surrounded it. The atmosphere around them seeming to shake and evacuate the chamber as an explosion followed the collision of energy.

Mythos sought to break the walls of the senatorial chambers, yet had forgotten the damage he’d done to the foundation from slamming a statue down to it with the force. As the explosion rocketed outwards in all directions the walls did indeed break, so too did the foundation. The center of the senatorial chamber exploded outwards the pressure from the explosion too much for it.

Aten could do nothing but watch in awe at what he and the Sith had managed to accomplish, he almost didn’t notice that his entire right arm was missing, having been destroyed in the aftermath of the explosion. The combat outfit he wore nearly gone as the Jedi’s torso lay bare. The supports that had been embedded in his side for the cybernetic bled from the excessive force put on it the bolts digging into flesh and pressing against bone. There the Jedi lay falling, into the darkness of the hole he and Mythos had created in the floor rubble following him. “He truly was the Fist of the Sith.”
It was hard for both [member="Kat Decoria"] and for Beth to withstand the disturbance. It was painful, brutal, and... Devastating. So many innocent people had just lost their lives at the hands of the Sith. Why did they do that? They knew Commenor wouldn't survive the invasion, anyway. Most nations wouldn't be able to withstand a Sith invasion in Beth's mind. But, this was war. And she assumed it was a lesson - most likely to Lady Kay and the Arenais.

United? No union had so far withstood the Sith advances. The Galactic Alliance, namely. But, maybe at some point, something would happen that would stop the Sith. Maybe the galaxy would suddenly change for the better. At least, at some point it would - would it be within their lifetimes, though? They may be running, hiding, and just surviving the darkness until it was their time to go.

Kat wasn't going to let her go, despite the danger to herself. It was sweet, but in truth, Beth couldn't imagine something happening to her. On that same note, she had to hide her presence on the planet and make it back to Mandalore before Yasha figured out what all had happened. Or maybe she should go into hiding. That may be the safer option for Beth, after everything that had transpired, at least... Ugh. In either case, she had to figure out her next plan of action with Kat. Stubborn girl! Although, it did warm her heart that she cared. "My Gramma is... Or was, on Sabarene." Alive or dead, no one knew except the Sabarene folk and the Sith.

Her face turned pale at the mention of Preliat though. She had never met him but she knew he was estranged from his daughter. "I... I would prefer not to interact with him," she said meekly her ears depressed. "I'm not going into danger, I'm just... Getting the ship and bouncing," she said quietly as she looked back at Kat. "You should go with Asa and them and get out," she again reiterated. She didn't know it but [member="Darth Prazutis"] men and women were already looking for her. "The ships not too far, maybe 10-15 minutes to the southwest." She turned and smiled. Hopefully, Kat would stay behind but if not, she'd probably follow behind. Beth took off towards the ship in hopes of reaching it and escaping.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
Location: City Sewer system
Enemies: CSA and Allies
Allies: TSE and Allies

Ithnan stepped through the putrid-smelling domain that was the sewers without care or worry. One got used to the smell of garbage when you spent a long enough time around it. He wasn't expecting a lovely aroma or fresh perfumes when he cut open his way in. All that was in his mind was not being flattened into paper by falling rocks. With each step, he took he listened out for any strange anomalies or voices. There had to be something he thought. A planetwide siege occurs and the first thing that rats that live in their houses above will do is try to hide. Killing the mediocre citizenry would net him nothing, plus, he still had a job to do.

"Any words on the shields," He asked without looking back, the symphonic clanking of boots hitting the floor proof enough that the two troopers were still with him.

His coms had been shot either when the Twilek women tried to cook him or when he was dodging rocks to escape. Regardless he had to spares available and they even came with a pair of legs and guns.

"Still holding." one responded.

" I'd have hoped another group would have gotten one by n-" Ithnan stopped in his tracks as a feeling washed over him.

A disturbance in the force of a much greater scale then he was used to. It gave him a sick satisfaction. Has the pit in his stomach was replaced with sadistic chuckles. Never doubt the Empire, he'd had hoped he would know that by now but still he was constantly reminded. Whatever it was they had done was far greater than taking down a few generators. Whatever they had did was near divine as the feeling of eight million lives were erased from existence, no stain back they ever existed.

"Reports are coming in that Munto city is.....gone sir"

Ithnan tried to regain some stoic composure. " Yes, I know. The exit is up ahead correct?"

Both troopers shared a confused look before nodding.

"Then we have little time to waste."

His slow march turned into a rather powerful and quick one as the ladder and manhole cover came into view. With a flick of his hand, the manhole cover flew off and up onto the chaotic streets above. He didn't hear a thud for its landing so he assumed it was either muffled or someone above was one of the few select members of the "Death by aerial manhole" club.

"I'll go first." He said, jumping out into the street, lightsaber at the ready.

Sadly it was as he expected. Whatever security was placed around the entries inside where probably being sent to the front. The few denizens that noticed them screamed and pointed before running away, tripping over rubble and bodies alike. Before he could ask his personal guidance systems where the shield generator was located a holoprojection popped up on a nearby screen and the words of their fare queen bellowed from it.

"As Queen of Commenor, I hereby...surrender Commenor to the Sith Empire. prepared to be taken into custody as prisoners of war. All others should be left alone.

There were more words but they were just the salvaging cries of a dying monarch and so his mind tuned it out. He didn't know how to feel. He had survived which was a giant plus, but what of the true battle a real fight that would allow him to test himself. It was a volatile mix of anger, disappointment, and sewage water.

"We've wo-"

"Point me in the direction of the generator." he cut off the relieved trooper.

"Y-Yes sir...this way."
Location: Commenor, "Chateau La Arenais".
Allies: [member="Baron Morcus"] & his Troops.
Opponents: [member="Koda Fett"].
[member="Koda Fett"] had finally stopped playing and turned serious in their fight, throwing what felt like his entire arsenal down upon Veiere, though the missile prior had been sent off track and exploded somewhere off-note from their feud. Veiere didn't have the luxury of time to smirk or feel good about the defensive feat, as what the Bounty Hunter fired in retaliation force the former King into an act of desperation, pulling anything that wasn't tied down to be thrown in front of himself while too retreating with every ounce of control he held over the Force to propel himself away from the zone of impact.

Again they two appeared to outplay one another, though for the time being the game appeared to be a stalemate. Veiere's breathing had become staggered and his shoulders rose and fall with every hastened breath. The battlefield had taken much from him, that which his previous captivity had barely spared. Koda, Veiere hoped and even relied on, would be counting his shots and eventually run out of ammunition providing he could last long enough to see the Bounty Hunter's options run dry. It was a game of Cat vs Cat for there were no mice here. Only two gifted Warriors each of their own means and neither one willing to lay down and submit to the other.

Overhead however came the arrival of a vessel, a Gunship no less and in that moment Veiere wondered if all hope had been lost. The Sith had come for him at the order of [member="Darth Carnifex"], his chances had finally caught up with his feats of miraculous escape and evasion...

"Mister Arenais. Is this bothersome bounty hunter giving you trouble?".
He could not believe it, Veiere somehow still held allies in the Galaxy, or at the very least the Sith had pissed off one too many good people. Moving to fall back as [member="Baron Morcus"] soldiers opened fire, the former King would make the most of the opportunity to escape the flames that were burning over Commenor. "Leave him, get me to my Children" Veiere spoke with urgency before adding "I'll make it worth your time".

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"]

Jagger Swaggernaut

Hide Yo Gurl and Pass the Fries
[member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"]

The Galaxy's worst Bounty Hunter scratched his chin, skeptically. He was unphased by the many weapons aimed at his unprotected head. Jagger was by far too brave to even blink at the many barrels he was gazing at.... or to put it another way, he was by far too stupid.

"Master Swaggernaut, you know who that is? It would be wise for us to--" began the butler.

"Quiet, Reginald!" Jagger exclaimed. His eyes narrowed suspiciously on the teen and woman before him. They had a lot of soldiers with them, they would probably ask him to share. But there would be no sharing. No, not one cheesepuff would slip from his fingers into any gullet other than his own. "Alright, but all the goodies go in my hands," he swung the door open, and everyone could see just how massive Jagger's girth truly was, "And don't even try to hide those chocolate goodies from me, I got a nose for that good stuff."

He took his tax before letting them on, and indeed, he did not let a single cheese puff go. He was even willing to pat the down. The entire time, Reginald was fretting, his face was twisted in an expression of pure pain. When they were at last all onboard, He closed the door and the speeder began to move once more. It was clunky, junky, and rust covered on the outside, but the interior was actually quite nice.

The cheeto-stained and cheese-dip stained seats were made of memory foam, giving for a comfortable, but sticky, seat. There was plenty of foot room, and plenty of space to actually stretch out, even with the added passengers.

"Where should we go, Master?" Reginald asked tentatively.

"Eeeeh," Jagger said ripping open a bag of chips and shoving them into his mouth, "I dun care. Where y'all wanna go?" he swallowed before taking another handful, "Are there any MacYoda's still standing?"
Museum of Arts and History, Chasin City
[member="Ayessa Kroan"] | [member="Rook Lokar"] | [member="Nej Tane"]

Rohak landed staggering a dozen yards away from the Jedi and her pal, his carbine was somewhere around in this hall while his fibercord whip felt weightless. Not surprisingly. The Mandalorian glanced at the sliced cord and retracted its remains into the wrist launcher's mechanism.

"Leave me and my ladyfriend and this other guy alone- you big dummy."

The pirate remained silent only hearing the fading shuffling of feet from the other hall - the rest of the pirate crew were either done with looting the place to the bone or nearly done. In either case, Rohak had given them enough time for their pillaging endeavor. He could easily just fly off from the Jedi and her now two friends but avarice's grasp simply did not let her hold off Rohak falter. Jedi fetched a great price on the slave market, and even a better one at the Sith market.

He'd try once more.

Abruptly tossing himself to the side behind cover, he fired a quick burst of blaster shots from his wrist laser at a massive chandelier above the trio of hostiles.
Commenor, Chasin City, A Not-So-Lovely Museum, Undetermined Time
Rescuing the Rescuers | Assisting Commenor Systems Alliance | Combating The Sith Empire | Interacting Engaging with [member="Rook Lokar"], [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Rohak Vizsla"] ~ Run Boy Run

Oh, delightful. Rook was back? Ayessa wasn't entirely sure of what was even happening anymore, her slowly-clouding-eyes turning over to Nej for half a second as he muttered nonsense. She lagged for a second before finally replying, eyebrows pushed together in a mix of confusion and a pain, her free hand swiping the blood from her nose even as she felt some trickle down her neck from her head injury, staining her lapel red.

"Um, that's Rook, he's a friend. I think," She managed a little stupidly, lightsaber half-raised, "No, you're not smothering me, not at all. And, I mean, us, it--"

Before her banged-up mind could finish putting together a sentence the Mandalorian fired at the chandelier and adrenaline slammed into her system, enough to offer a reaction. Without much thought given to it she just grabbed the nearest scoundrel-- That being Nej --and hauled him out of the way, careful to ensure he didn't cross paths with her green blade. What remained of her concentration focused as her other hand pushed out, attempting to send enough force in the form of almost-gentle telekinetic push Rook's way, to get him clear of the splash zone too.

Shiny metal and crystal and circuits collided with fine tiled flooring in a spray of glittering glass and a few sparks. At least it hadn't landed right on top of them, but it had pushed Ayessa and hopefully Nej to the side of the battlefield and created a hazard in the form of glass spread everywhere. That wasn't gonna come out easy.

R2-C4 | Lightsaber
Chasin City
On the outskirts of the shield, near the water.

Interacting With │ @Alexandra Feanor │ [member="Taeli Raaf"] (?)

Equipment │ Lightsaber - Armor

Although the strike rushed past her, grinding against the breastplate as the sensation of the force passed through; the distance Maliphant was at with the jab allowed him a moderate amount of time to dodge the strike, though in doing so he could feel something off. A traditional Makashi orientated dodge would have been faster, more refined, he knew this much, but the way his body moved even now was slow… For whatever reason, somewhat was affecting his ability to fight.

If he only knew his body was not used to such maneuvers, despite his mind so readily available to commit to such.

The palm missed narrowly, forcing him to backpedal for a moment while bringing the lightsaber back in front of him, its invisible blade utterly silent between them; a quiet barrier of protection should she rush forward.

Wonderful, but I think you should let me lead. Your form is all wrong.

Under most situations, Maliphant was level headed and strong; but something about this Jedi irked him. He couldn’t tell, but the way she carried herself, watched him with hungering eyes, it all tore at this facade of control he held for so long. His teeth gritted as she began to hold the polearm in both hands, a combat position for him; though in turn his weapon began to hunger.

The true secret of the blade was its endless gluttony, one rolling within it as whatever force around them began to concentrate itself in him. Her sight being based in the force would see this, and see too how quickly it began to take its effect. The waves, essence of the very energy around them began to rush into it like a whirlpool that would not forgive, a singularity within the force that threatened to consume her very nature; turning it all into fuel for the quickly growing pressure of Maliphant.

Shut up!”, he said with an almost force augmentation scream, unbeknownst to him the last emotions held within him from his betrayal above The Technicolor Beat.

As the burst of sound broke the air between them, Maliphant rushed forward with the blade, this time orientating the blade to the forearm of her right hand, hoping to quickly sever it while keeping the blind in a tight bind with the polearm; everything he knew of Makashi in one. Bind and follow, twist and control, all while keeping at range; though the reach she had with her weapon worried him, he knew he couldn’t keep an advantage for long without utilizing the dual-phase feature of the blade.

If nothing else, he was calculating even in anger; though the depths of which were quickly losing their merit within him as the last emotional pools of his previous life began to slowly dry up. It was unknown to either of them, likely, but the anger he felt was not who she fought now, but a man now dead to reality.
[SIZE=10pt]Location: Tunnels -> Surface[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Objective GTFO and be shocked about Saka’s potty mouth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allies: SJO[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Enemies: Sith[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]With: [/SIZE][member="Saka Amara"]

[SIZE=10pt]Charlie for some reason seemed unfazed by the sewage and the mess they face down in the tunnels. She continued forward, the shadow armor that she wore covered her face as she could keep the rancid burn Saka was feeling out of her face. The little padawan hummed happily as they continued, she turned and faced the green girl when suddenly they both were hit with the massive cry of eight million lives being taken. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Force shook, cried out and Charlie brought her hands up towards her head holding her helmet. It took a few moments for the young padawan to find her center, to push the cries out from her head. They couldn’t both be out of commission and become sitting ducks for the Sith who would most likely feel empowered by this surge through the Force. Shaking her head, Charlie looked towards Saka and the helmet was removed from her head and she blinked hearing the obscenities from the other padawan. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Like Saka, Charlie was sheltered and the words that poured out of her mouth were things she had never heard before. A hand covered her mouth as she gasped unsure of what to make at the incident.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]“Saka! Let’s go!” Charlie pulled one of her hammers, and then grabbed Saka by her hand and started to lead the girl through the tunnels. It seemed her vision was becoming more and more impaired because of the sewage. Charlie’s helmet found its way back onto her head and she guided the fellow padawan through the tunnels. “Not much farther.” [/SIZE]
Location: Chasin City

Allies: CSA and Allies | [member="Caedyn Arenais"], [member="Loreena Arenais"], [member="Kat Decoria"], [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]
Enemies: TSE and Allies | [member="Adrian Vandiir"]


Fate's Dance
2 x Sunshot pistols
6 x Shiva Knives
3 x Achlys Grenades
2 x EMP Grenades
2x Thermal Detonators

"No innocents would have had to die if you had restrained yourself from violating the Sith-Imperial Core Mandate, nor would any have had to die if you had done the sensible thing and surrendered when the Sith-Imperial fleet arrived in orbit, rather than allow millions to perish first. But that's not really what the Jedi are after, is it? No, you want to play the hero, even when the diplomat saves more lives."

Asaraa clenched her fist around her sword as she took a half-step forward. "We want to be heroes? Don't even try that you killed an entire city just for what, to prove a point to the queen and to force her to surrender. If the role of the diplomat is so good, so important then why didn't you guys use it? Instead of actually talking you decide to kidnap innocent children and use them in a ritual, you wipe out a city without any warning and you're trying to turn this on us because not everyone wants to be ruled by such heartless monsters who throw away civilian lives at the drop of a hat. Don't make me laugh, you want to know the difference between us and you? It's not that we need to be heroes, it's that we're all right here trying to save as many people as we can while your leaders are up there, throwing away lives like they don't mean anything."

She knew what he was doing, that he was trying to knock her off guard and the worst part of it was he was succeeding too. The idea that any of the Sith might take the high moral ground after what they had done proved to be an anathema to the girl. She took a step forward, her emotions wrapped up in a turbulent roiling surge of anger that almost blinded her as she took another step forward, trying her best to tamp down on it, to release her anger like she'd been taught, trying to slip into the duelist's mind space that normally came so easily to her. It was just hard, the sith's accusation settling like burrs under her skin, she knew they were wrong, that there was no basis for the accusation, but just the fact that he could utter the words, the world was all about points of view. She had little doubt that there would be people who agreed with him and it was that idea that she couldn't bear.

It was only the touch of her friend's hand, his words that pierced the haze of her thoughts, shaking her head as she turned to face him, her taking a deep breath as she shook her head as if she could shake loose the cobwebs, the haze clouding her judgement. "Are you sure? The girl's eyes flicked back to the Sith before she nodded at Caedyn, takin a step to the side. "If you're sure...he's yours but don't get hurt, ok?" It wasn't like she was going very far, if her friend looked like he was in danger, she was going to step in and deal with the consequences later.
Anden Fancelo

Commenori Trenchline, Commenor
Objective: Maintain position
Allies: TSE | [member="Vestille Thumahra"]
Enemies: CSA | [member="Lauri Törni"]
In the prime time of blood fertilizing the soil that composed the trenches, Lauri was incapacitated for the time being thanks to the brutality of Maxevan, he had just enough time to focus on Lauri before the Commenori Lieutenant could even kill Haktan, who was trying to tend to the downed gravewalker Lauri shot earlier. Eventually the rest of Onyx came together, the ones that had consciousness at least. It seemed to be a clear victory for the 12th, the trench was theirs. Some Commenori soldiers dying from the bloodthirsty mixture of gravewalker and legionary, but some surrendering and successfully apprehended.

As for Lauri and Christiana, they were dealt with by Onyx and luckily for them, were alive. As Christiane was being secured and bounded by temporary means of restraints by two 'Onyxwalkers'. Maxevan set his large weapon down and grabbed a hold of Lauri by the collar, attempting to hold him up for his squad leader.

"Sir, this is the one that shot you. What should we do with him?"

"The same as we're doing with the others still breathing, secure and apprehend." Fancelo spoke clearly, slowly approaching the rather tall gravewalker. Offering a pair of temporary restraints.

"Yes sir." Maxevan nodded and went to bind the man's hands if no resistance was met. He'd go over to check the soldier for any weapons or tech.

Fancelo went over to no-man's land, curious where the squad medic was, and as expected. Reida was already tending to the two gravewalkers that were taken down earlier in the charge. Lowering himself down to the trench's floor. Fancelo went over to his left foregard, and the device planted onto it emitted a tone. It was a commlink. Once the comms started to transmit, the lieutenant spoke.

"Colonel Thumahra, sir. We've managed to secure the enemy trench line and we're currently holding position here. Awaiting orders."
Vestille Thumahra

Command Post, Sith Trenchline, Commenor
Friendly Assets: [member="Anden Fancelo"]
Opposing Force: [member="Lauri Törni"]

The first hurdle had been jumped.

From within the command post that was a hive of activity of both Legion Officers and Saaraishash agents alike, the Colonel remained firmly seated before the holographic projection of the proceeding conflict that relayed tactical information and analysis on the fly. What was once his weapons that shot and cut had been replaced for maps and communications to lead his men to glory; even if not from the front among them. In any event, at least in his eyes, the 12th were a capable fighting force willing to bleed and go into the act of bloodletting of the enemy without a single doubt; those men that had been with him since the start of his time within the Sith Empire, thrown against Voss and from that went through their highs and lows; from the burning of Ession to now, those Gravewalkers and their Legion counterparts had before no doubt felt a divide between them, a sense of belonging lacking within their core yet, as times went by, the connections they made from former Sovereignty to now loyal men of the Sith Empire had been quite a journey for some. It did perhaps take some reflection from Vestille as he watched the charge go ahead as planned; none of them had fallen as far as he, withstood as a sentinel against his own demons but not only that, use them to turn the calculating and ruthless Colonel into nothing more than a mindless beast with blood on the tip of its tongue.

Perhaps not the exact embodiment of war but it was close; a relative of the four horsemen.

With the communications from the Lieutenant, the faded flicker of reflection dissipated as the Colonel's eyes refocused and his mind returned to work with the snap of a mental finger. He was correct, the first charge had been ample in its size and ferocity enough to capture the trench-line that the Commenori had been utilizing to try and halt the Legion's advance. Of course, this wasn't the end of it all; the capital still stood tall and there had been no order to stand down as of yet. Whatever was happening behind the scenes was out of his control, something that he could only wait for the order to come through and send it through the chain. The 12th had at least secured both ends of no-man's-land and pushed the frontline forward towards the shield that still remained. There was no value to be gained in sending them forward yet again and into certain death or into a position of uselessness. The waiting game was to begin yet again, waiting for the opportunity to present itself so that they could push the knife deeper into Commenor.

"Lieutenant Fancelo, this is Colonel Thumahra." the voice was crisp and clear; "Hold your positions, collect the tags of our fallen and secure any enemy combatants. Bring their commanding officer to me." he wished to see the face of the one that he had conquered, meet the enemy commander that had put up such a valiant fight against overwhelming odds and extract everything that he knew and perhaps even bring that opportunity to advance about quicker than simply waiting it out.
Location: Chasin City
Objective: Enlighten the Jedi.
Equipment: Right Arm, Lightsaber, Sith Sword, Sidearm, Jin'Wodasir [3].
Allies: The Sith Empire
Opposition: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] & [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

Anger all but poured forth from the pink haired one, an ironic contrast to Adrian's own icy self-control. It was amusing, really, how the Jedi espoused their self-suppressing ideology, yet were unable to stick to it when push came to shove. She was standing on the precipice, even if she did not know it yet. Unfortunately, her more balanced friend seemed to be able to calm her down. A slight smirk. Fortunately, he seemed determined to make this a one on one. Strike him down, even if only nonlethally, and the other Padawan just, might, snap.

"Don't trust your friend to restrain herself, hmm?" As the most immediate threat, he was the focus of the young Knight's gaze, though a quick smile was flashed towards Asaraa. "Maybe she shouldn't. Perhaps a bit of anger is just what is needed to shake off the shackles of indoctrination. To realize that the very existence of the Jedi is pointless." Another slight smirk. "An oppressive cult founded to prevent the study of the Force in the full, to crush all who would disagree beneath an iron sole. A madcap brotherhood enthralled by the concept of stagnation, and blind to the corruption of those they seek to protect." This was not about an advantage on the field of battle, it had never been. He believed the words he spoke and hoped that they might plant a seed of doubt in the Padawans' hearts. After all, he so hated seeing those with potential wasted in service to the delusions of the Jedi.

"Your people have no reason to fear me; I have no quarrel with them, not now, and not even before the surrender." A slight pause, marked by his lips turning upwards into a wolfish grin. "Still, it would be rude of me not to play my part, no? To satisfy your delusions by playing the villain of the story... even when the truth is rarely as black and white as you Jedi seem to think." With a slight exertion of his will, the lightsaber on his hip flew into his left hand, a crimson blade surging forth. "It is easier that way, simpler. That's what you want, isn't it? A pretty picture to distract you from the horror of having to come face to face with reality."

Still grinning, he pulled the glittering sword fully from its sheath, spinning it around to face the Padawan while being careful to cover the embedded sun-crystal with his hand. "Perhaps, once you're safely in Sith custody, I will bestow onto you the gift of self-realization. Help you break the chains that bind you."

Loose Ends

It was said that each face could tell a thousand stories, as each man had walked a thousand rounds only to find themselves in the current situation. Such a thing wasn't as trivial to men such as Fett, but it applied all the same. It was, admittedly, agitating to find Veiere alive; breathing, moving. At the very least, it was respectable. His weapon had become lowered, held at a half-mast with no obvious indications of malice present. Defeated? No, definitely not. Instead, this was a moment of reprieve, a deceitful game of plotting and analysing. If the two of them knew anything, it was that they should remain weary. Fett wasn't done, he never was, only when he was physically incapable. It was his reputation that he valued above all else, mind you. To lower it in the slightest was to commit career-suicide, or the particularly vain individual felt in regards to his perceived greatness.

Baron Morcus was a face he hadn't witnessed in some time. A previous employer of the Bounty Hunter, one that found himself on the unfortunate end of a blaster more than once, or so his troops had. His son, too. Clone, really, but treated as a son. Fett could remember such a horrific death with ease, it wasn't everyday that the Mandalorian engulfed an individual with flames, only to have them stumble backwards, and backwards, backwards off of a cliff to their deaths. Had it been the flames or the fall that caused dear Esmond's deminse? It didn't matter.

"You know how this ends." Enough confidence to full two grown men double his size. There was no fear in Fett's voice, he had known it before, conquered it; nothing scared him, not anymore.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] - [member="Baron Morcus"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Chasin City
Equipment: Spear, Sabers, Armor,
Allies: CSA and Friends
Enemies: Sith and Friends ([member="Taeli Raaf"]?) [member="Darth Maliphant"]


Alexandra grinned, the augmented scream louder in her sensitive ears but she could stay focused. It sounded like a cannon, reverberating in her head and she knew that it would hurt, it was something she had gotten used to. The small benefit being that this sound, this overwhelming sensation was something Vulpesen had taught her to push through and focus on combating. What came next though, was something she had learned for herself.

Her hands pulled the spear back and watched his blade come from the side, anger pushing the blade through the air. Her hands twisted her grip on the polearm, the point being driven back and once more she focused on the force to defend, the smell of burnt cloth rising but the damage not quite done. Her eyes swiftly dropping to where he had hit and thankful for the ability that had saved her arm. The power would not hold though and she knew that, which is why she stepped forward with the spear's point now aimed at her target, having been prepared when she had twisted the spear into position.

Her grip tightened and she punched the tip of her weapon forward, aiming for the man's thigh. Her trailing hand putting the majority of the power into the strike while her leading hand merely directed the weapon. She had only a few seconds before her defenses should fail and hoping to buy herself some more time she would make the strike quick. She only intended to hit the muscle network at the forward area of the leg, not burrow the spear into his leg.

No she had to get back as soon as she could and only when the strike had gone its intended distance would she try to pull back, twisting the spear up as she did and looking to make her own attempt at the man's arm, aiming for a small cut at the wrist and to sever the tendon that controlled his grip. She didn't expect the latter strike to land, but it would atleast make the man back up, just as she was trying to do.

The smoking cloth would be broken after the power failed, her body moving away just as the plasma blade cut along her arm and caused a gash over the top of her arm. He had hit her leading arm and she grimaced, the pain burning up her side.

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