It'd be hard not to pretend, at this point. That the whole world of Nar Shaddaa was closing in on [member="Kyrel Ren"]. He'd find, even if he managed to hotfoot all the way to the Spaceport--to anywhere, really---he would yet still, find a massive void in his desired place of solace. A publicly posted Bounty of Ten Million Credits? He'd be lucky if the entire Galaxy wasn't fixing to find itself collapsing upon the Smugglers Moon.
Luckily, Six-O was a very common fixture out here in the beautiful realm of Hutt Space. One might say he had a certain penchant for crime and violence. Yet more comical, it seemed his new mentor too, was fighting over this potential boon. For as [member="HK-36"] kept to rafter, catwalk and high-rise, Six, unaware, rest silently in the very alleyway the Running Ren seemed to be scampering through.
And he was not alone.
Killer. Cannibal. Criminal. Monster. Child.
UltraV, which, the boys chosen name, Six-O knew this to stand for Ultraviolence. He stood short, but faithfully at the Droid's side. His body littered with raggy, saggy clothing. A ammunition belt tucked loosely around his slender make, a Magnetic Reaper Rifle clutched showcasingly in his hands; the weapon was almost half the same height as the youth.
"Mi bet fo' keeps!" The war tested youngster belted out in to the dank, steaming alley, it's gap, which separated two buildings with an overhead ceiling of duracrete, barely wide enough for two full grown men.
"All Hutt Space know me. ." He continued on, singing in Hutt Space Pidgin, his head and shoulders bouncing in cadence.
"Nvtuta echuta, kootoo. . . never on my block!"
Six-O, directly contacted when the bounty of depth and proportioned was transmitted, scanned it over rapidly.
Gorgon Rifle found itself in one claw at haste, a simple piece of Durasteel Crossbar in his opposite, he'd used it once to abuse a caged woman once, a fierce beating administered before he fed her to Goorg the Gruesome, a massive Gamorrean.
"Cheespa E'nachu, to yum the team " UltraV carried on, his adolescent body joining in on the movement, swaying to and fro aggressively.
"Straight Karkin' dot, no circles!" He shook his head with the admission,
"Big Reapa tuck tight, nvtuta curfew!" He pulled up the
Magnetic Reaper, holding the stock under his right arm, flashing it around dangerously as he turned out towards the busy street just on a few meters away from the network of alleyways, behind he and Six-O.
Brandishing the Bar of Steel lustfully, Six-O, in a rare moment of affection began to tap the metal against a solid wall next to him. Giving UV a threatening percussion whose echo was lost in the hustle and bustle of this Urban World.
"Bo rang, yeah I'll warp you. . ." He stretched out his right elbow, twisting arms and hands as he moved the Rifle sideways, his body swinging back around to look down the alley.
"Speak diss, we gon' tort' you!" As a Child Soldier, he was actually quite renown for his use of torture. He was the youngest individual in the Galaxy to have a Death Mark on his head through the entirety of the Core Worlds, since the One Sith collapse and the relative order, peace and law that had been returned.
"Kark yeah, moocha Geelo! Grappa to Prevaro! Shodu and 'ternly vinto!" He breathed the words rapidly, head shaking side to side, teeth bared from behind his lips.
"I drive and nee choo for my Pateessas, " He belted,
"Kaeshana Crucified for my Pateesas!!" He claimed honestly, fulling willing to die for his gang.
Whatever commotion had been happening some ways back, through the alley and in the street on the other side of a number of massive buildings, Six-O had no notion of. He continued to swat the metal against stone, rattling a savage drum for the boy. His Sensor Dome examining the body and integrity of his Gorgon Rifle - it was perfect.
"Can't blink a one-v-one, kark wermo" There was no such thing as a fair fight in the Criminal World.
"My whole Kajid' gon' nu you. . ." You'd have to hope for a better lease on life in your next foray in to the Galaxy, UltraV and his club wouldn't leave much left of you in this one.
"Sith Order so phony though! Direc' like your Pateessa though!" He found the traitorous behavior of the Sith so weak.
"Come correc' or get punta from the clappin', yo!" He threateningly jolted the Rifle in his arms, as if firing off a number of Hyper-velocity shots from it's muzzle.
"Hey, Six, roll that chit!" Suddenly he let the gun free of his grasp, it sagged nearly to the ground from the tight leash he had clasped around it and his body.
"Whole block, watch me smoke dis chit!"
A spliff of his own making found it's way to his fingers, a torch lighter in his opposite hand, flame kissing the end of the roll until it was cherry.
"Bo thing I ain' never did is love the Syndicate!" His voice had mumbled, lips clenching tight packed end of his Spice-packed joint, inhaling smoke deeply to lungs and loosing back out through nostrils.
"Out here I'm grappa leenik!" UltraV shouted angerily,
"Straigh' love for Kajidic's!"
When [member="Kyrel Ren"] had found himself assertively sought, he made the wrong choice in his escape route, he just didn't know it quite yet.
"Syndie's yo me, 'hey you gotta ease low'! Say all these sleemo civs is so no!" He shook his head, spliff still teetering up and down between lips, Reaper returned back to his grasp, where now he brandished it openly out towards the crowds on the opposite side of the street, unseen.
"But if I see a civ, an' he in my spot, he bound to be blowed down!" He cackled, entirely willing to kill any and everyone in his way.
"Neesha ropal, Six, watch me blow this whole pound!" UltraV swept the muzzle left to right, he was in a murderous mood tonight. Seeing his good friend @Six-O always made him feel a certain type of vicious!
"Yo, 'cause I live dis life, an' I sell dis spice, Cheeka bow down!" The boy twirled back to face his strumming Droid ally,
"Coratanni Cartel not really in the field. . ." He threw shade at what he perceived as the fake Criminals.
"Loca kung, straight, never in for the kill" They were far too soft handed to garner his respect.
"Witne' me late at night, I don' creep gee the steel" Again he mock used his weapon, insisting honestly at the ease he felt with taking lives. He elbowed what would be the abdomen of Six-O's chassis.
"[member="Miss Blonde"] fixed to feel this hot chit, real!"
He was unaware she was in fact the one that was providing this Bounty, granted, the Droid hadn't stopped the young Hutt Space familiar that there was even a job they were no pursuing. He wanted to listen on, let him unleash his verbal hate.
"Muni so right, when I'm hreeda off the pill!" He enjoyed a wide range of Drugs.
"[member="Natalia Thawne"] can't say she late, " More hostility,
"Cheeka, the cons' I use ain't never break!" That was highly inappropriate,
"Wac yeah, go trace." She belonged in a more civil setting,
" DCK kark yeah. . . get exposed!" Open season on all the Coratanni Cartel.
"Hutt Space, strap right, don't kark with no poles!" If she and her Cartel wanted to survive out here, she better be coming prepared.
"Greedo, Harido, strai' crazy! Ya sleemo's don't tote. . . Syndicate sleemo's all jokes! DEAD CHUBA KILLERS the only set I know!" He proudly shouted his affiliation.
"[member="Miss Blonde"], she not from the block! Don't know the flip, watch me bend this queen, then sell her chit. . . UltraV run dis!" The Child Cannibal Soldier barked roughly.
Oh, as it would seem, [member="Kyrel Ren"] was no rapidly approaching. And he and the boy were directly in his line of escape. It would behoove the Ren to surrender quick, to the Six-O and UltraV. . .
Kyrel, you do not want to be eaten raw!