Hey everyone! Tyl is a Kaminoan Jedi gracefully swooping into the Jedi Order here with the Galactic Republic. Despite her relative lack of posts, I've been working on the character for almost 6 years now (holy carp, that makes me feel old) and look forward to transitioning her into being an active character here. I still have one more thread to do with [member="Travot Ravenna"] but since coming to the Order was my plan from the start, I thought I'd come aboard and get a jump start on some things here.
I'm not the fastest writer, but I put a lot of detail and thought into my rp. Still getting into the swing of how things work on Chaos, but all with time, eh?
Thanks to [member="Aimone"] and [member="Zak Dymo"], friends of mine from the board where this character originated, for pushing me to bring Tyl over and to [member="Corvus Raaf"] for a ton of helpful advice while attempting to blend Tyl with Chaos.
I look forward to writing with you all!