Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thranta flew over the Moon (Complete)

The Mountain Palace - Alderaan

Faith had wanted to go to Aldera there were things to see to but she had to admit it to herself, she needed a representative there and she had just the person in mind. Yeah she was going to fuss but it would be fine she'd do great.

Right now everyone was settling into the apartments of the Mountain Palace, there were two children running a rampage from room to room.

"no no"


Followed by the "OH MY you can't go in there." The problem the Palace was also open to the public and visitors were brought in each day, and now with Organa Standard out front it told everyone the royal family was in residence. It was becoming the resident insane asylum. With two children leading the charge followed by their Nanny, and their parents.

Faith was standing with Ana, "Yes just tell Claire I need her to come."

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Faith took off in the direction of the crash. In the parlor two little ones stood over the pieces of the vase, and the over turned table. "Do I dare ask what happen?"

Both shook their heads, yes..they had not yet learned the difference when shaking their heads, they did however now the words Yes and No quite well.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco sat down in the floor of the living room, beckoning the twins to come notice him and avoid the more fragile things in the Mountain Palace while they played. Theo noticed him and seemed to act like he thought about running over to mess with his Father in the floor, but in the end his attention turned elsewhere quickly. Laira simply threw a pillow in his direction and went about the havoc they were working to causes. The poor nanny was from Alderaan and well trusted, even recommended by Arianna, which Draco was beginning to believe was a way of tormenting him rather than helping them.

"Ugh. I don't sleep enough to keep up with these two." He said with a groan as he made his way back to his feet. Faith corralled them after a loud crash of something breaking in another room. Draco followed her into the door, filling it with his frame as he looked on at the two with a stern gaze. They had already learned he was quite the pushover when it came to getting on to them, but Laira had pressed until she found his limits and Theo seemed to learn those limits through watching his sister tempt fate. The twins learned quickly that Father wouldn't overturn their mother in any matters they could see.

"Alright. You two be that way." Draco didn't mind putting them both in time out, as it was likely they both broke the vase. "What do you think Ner Ahiraor?" He asked in a soft voice as his gaze turned to Faith, his eyes slowly moving over her figure. At least being a house-husband bought him lots of time with his family these days which left him at the Lake House, at the homestead, or the Palace with them often. Sometimes he would venture out and go hunting or fishing, and every morning he made it to the gym to work out, keep in shape so he could continue to claim to be a trophy husband. "Do we stick them both in their room without their toys?" Draco was trying to get a rise out of them, they were smart and they stuck together most of the time.

Laira ruffled her red hair, and seemed like she might be content with being sent to time out, though reluctantly.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"yes a time out." Faith went over and scooped up Laira, she was at times very defiant. A trait she came by naturally considering who her mother and father were. She and Draco knew that having twins was going to be trying but there were days it tilted on the edge of overwhelming. They were pushing their limits now trying to figure out just how far they could go. If they let it pass that the vase got broke they wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

Theo of course saw what was happening and immediately ran the other way, Faith looked back, "Drahr, your son is heading for cover." She smiled at him though even if she kept a stern face for Laira. This was what Draco had wanted, and needed a family to keep him balanced.

More than that though he needed to be loved for who he was, Laira and Theo loved him for certain even if they were at times trying to pull his hair, yank his beard, and run from him.

Diaper duty was proving to be.....interesting.

The first time she nearly bust a gut watching.

"They will each get 5 minutes" 5 minutes was a lifetime at this age and she and Draco would explain why they were punished. Never would she punish just to punish she believed in explaining so they understood. It was at that moment Laira reached up and grabbed a handful of Faith's hair. Faith growled low at her, "Don't pull Mommy's hair, I will pull yours" She threatened reaching up for that tuft of red.

So far, Laira was living up to the reputation of red heads....goddess help them as they grew.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco slipped past Faith and went after the fleeing toddler. He was fighting to keep a straight face while the twins caused mischief, much like how their parents had been when they were growing up. Draco had always been a little bit of a trouble maker, getting into trouble here and there, getting into mischief and being a general ruckus as it pleased him. Faith herself was a little bit of a rebel, or else she wouldn't have fell in love with or married Draco in the first place.

He scooped up the toddler as the boy retreated through the hallway, trying his best to evade his father's grasp. Unfortunately for the child, Draco wasn't an old man just yet and the child was quickly hefted off the ground. It took a moment before the babe started wailing. "Nuh uh." Draco said sternly, turning the child to face him. "No screaming because you didn't get your way." It didn't effect the child much, who continued to start to burst into tears much to Draco's chagrin.

"Well ner runi, is this what you always dreamed about?" Draco asked cheerfully, carrying the baby boy behind her, the child's screams echoing down the hallway. "Its not quite as glamorous as I thought being a Prince would be, though living with you in the palace has been awesome, its fun isn't it?" Lots of easy days on the palace spent with Faith and the kids. Even with the insanity of the terrible twins running rampant all around them, it was still an easy, luxurious life in the grand scheme of things. They had a nanny, Ana as Faith's assistant, there were servant droids which handled much of the cooking and cleaning they had to do. Neither of them had to leave for work everyday, and Draco didn't have to leave at all. Faith had to deal with other members of nobility seeking to see the children, curry favor with the Princess and her husband, or just to be seen around the royals.

He plopped the toddler down, still screaming in the penned up corner of their bedroom, separated from all their toys and from each other so they could have their punishment. They weren't old enough to spank, and Draco wasn't a big fan of that kind of discipline during the early stages. He had been, but he never remembered it deterring him from anything. When they got older, he would be a little harder on them both, teach them about hunting, survival, weapons while Faith taught them diplomacy, manners, read them books, and generally turned them into functioning members of society.

Draco was glad for them. The two children may have loved their mother more than him right now, but they showed him affection as well, showing him kindness like only an innocent child of one's own flesh and blood could do. He loved them, they kept him rooted, and he had finally hung up his axe, as it sat above the mantle in a display case now. There were other weapons in the house in his little armory locked and out of the way, but his axe, his primary weapon, it sat above their mantle for others to see, symbolic of his retirement. There weren't wars worth leaving his family for anymore.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Did I dream of chasing two kids through the halls of the palace while they screamed and laughed at the top of the their lungs? With you?" She thought about it a minute, maybe less, "Yes course it wasn't two kids I was chasing it was one, so I guess I got everything plus some"

Faith lowered Laira into her crib, for a moment mother and daughter locked eyes, "no" Laira sputtered as she grabbed the sides of the crib.

"I"m sure you didn't break the vase on purpose but we must be careful when running around not to knock things over. Outside is for running most times. There are other rooms you can run around in the Grand Ballroom for instance, the main hall way, I hope you under Laira." Faith sighed, "five minutes"

Faith turned and headed to the door, she looked at Draco, "It's really a different kind of battle here at home, us against them." She looked at Theo who already looked dejected about his upcoming five minutes.

It would seem an eternity, "Buir and I are going into the hall. " She smiled at Draco.

He was really doing well with his retirement it seemed, though she knew as much as that axe hung on the wall that it could easily come down and be put into use. The children didn't really understand favorites even if Draco thought they did, "perhaps later we can all go out by the water. Make mud pies and build castles."

Faith lovingly put her hand on Draco's arm, reassurance that everything was ok, the she motioned for him to join her in the hall when he put Theo down.
With the children in time out, even if they were making themselves heard about how much they were displeased with the situation, Draco happily let Faith slip her arm into his and escort him from the room. Draco held his stern look on his face until they left the children's eyesight, they didn't need to know how much he wanted to just let them out and play around with them in the floor despite the broken vase. He closed the door behind him as the left into the hall, "Oh, the poor little things." He said under his breath. "They just get carried away running around in this big a place. I know I would when I was their age."

His arms wrapped around her stomach and held Faith, trying to pull her against himself and hold her tightly. "I'm quite happy with how things have turned out you know. I haven't had to leave the planet since Atrisia, and the scars from there have faded and can't hardly be seen anymore." He had gone hunting every now and again, hiking off into the Juran Mountains going after the game up there, using primitive weapons like bows and spears after Manka Cats or Orobirds, but he was always home a little after dark the same day. His days as a warrior were over, but he couldn't just sit around the palace all day every day. Faith had her diplomatic trips and envoys to keep her busy, and some days she just might need a break from working and being a full time mother all the time. He understood that, and he needed the occasional day off on his own on the mountains or down in the forges for a few hours.

"You know, you never did teach me how to fly Thranta." He whispered, "But I'm not sure if the twins are ready to fly with us just yet. Certainly not me while I'm still learning. I'd need you sitting in my lap to guide me at first anyway." When they were a bit older, able to kind of sit in front of their parents and not quite as fragile so they could handle the bumps of flying and landing the creatures, maybe. Then again, she was the expert when it came to Thranta, as he had only ever ridden Basilisks on his own, and they weren't nearly as elegant or graceful as the flying beasts of Alderaan.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Me too I thought it was my personal playground I didn't understand what we had. I know that we can afford just about anything Draco, but they need to learn from the start that they have to work for things, and respect things. They will break more things, and each time we just teach them about how it is hard work that gets things. So we take care of what we have." She smiled at him, they hadn't completely discussed everything about how they would raise the children, but she knew that they both wanted to instill in them a work ethic, not have them thinking that they were so privileged that they didn't have to work.

The cries from the room sudden grew quiet, made her wonder what they were up to. Just as Draco drew her close, he was really all hers right now. "We haven't had to leave for very much that's true. Atrisia, my heart hurts for them. I know how it feels to be displaced but they are fortunate they don't have to leave, just move to other portions of Atrisia that aren't damaged."

Faith rubbed Draco's arm, "I'm glad you weren't terribly hurt there."

He mentioned the thranta, "I will teach you, because you'll have to teach one of the kids while I teach the other. So we will set aside time during the schedule. I"ll have Ana make it happen and we can begin." She wondered if he truly understood her love of riding, the gliding, the power, the overall elegance that they thranta had as they rode the air currents.

"Has it been five minutes?" She didn't want to leave them too long. "We can go outside after this...they can run and we can chase." Yes they'd chase.
"Oh, I know. I'm just a bit of a pushover." He grinned, looking down at Faith, staring into her shining amber eyes. She was glowing, and was leading him through parenting just fine, helping guide him through the struggles and the hardships. He knew he would have been lost without her by his side. The few times he was left alone with the children the feeling of being overwhelmed hit him quickly. It was all he could do to keep up with the twins, much less keep them out of trouble. "I'm strong for you, because of you honestly, but it hurts me to see them cry." Part of him wanted to make all the tears stop by whatever means necessar. He was lucky he had her, otherwise he might succumb to that small part of him.

"Yeah, they got caught in the middle of something that didn't concern them at all. The Alliance will be good to them, and we will keep helping anyway we can." They had money, supplies, medical professionals, and other necessities being sent to the planet, and she was helping them in more ways than he really understood, being of Atrisian nobility and holding some influence over that world and its people. She provided a soothing voice from someone that was trusted, because people loved her. It was what made Faith so special, people loved her because of how she was, how she carried herself, how she spoke, how she respected every person, from nobleman to peasant.

His hands drifted to her sides, smoothing out the sides of her dress and feeling the satiny fabric and her muscle tone underneath, teasing the fabric playfully with a smile on his face and the storm in his grey eyes calmed.

"I think its been long enough, I didn't catch the time when we locked them up." Draco grinned down at her again while she rubbed his arm, "I had been distracted by the thought of getting to spend five minutes alone with a beautiful woman." Her scent filled his nostrils, playing with his senses subtley. He took one last breath and then opened the door to see the twins. Theo was sitting, pouting in his corner but his eyes lit up when he saw his daddy in the doorframe. Laira was a little more mischievious, the cushion and pillows from her crib thrown into the floor and it appeared that she was only moments from trying to fall onto them and escape, already trying to precariously climb out.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"It's not a prison Draco, its just time out. But yeah its been long enough" Any moments they got alone were never long enough even with a nanny. Faith and Draco were very hands on in raising their children, it was what they wanted and if it meant falling exhausted into bed at night that was what they did. Draco did have them more than Faith, her meetings, and trips took her away too often.

She took them with her when she could, she hoped they wouldn't remember how many times she had left them.

For a moment she lay on Draco drawing on his warmth and feeling his heart beat steadily as she rested on his chest. She liked how his hands felt sliding over the material of her dress, that was how they ended up with twins.

"Ok let's go in" Going in she looked from one to the other Laira was preparing her escape yes it was time to do something about that. It was part of growing learning how to get out of the cribs what was the problem was she could get hurt if she fell. So, perhaps it was time to take off the sides, put up the rails, and teach them about sitting on a chair for their time outs.

"No so fast young lady." Faith stepped towards Laira's crib, Theo smiled and stood up waiting to be set free. "Ok so we will be careful in the wants to go outside?"

Both their faces lit up, yes they loved being outside. They ran and investigated everything "Come on Blu let's go out" Why not take the whole family outside.

Faith headed to get Theo and Draco would get Laira..

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco made his way swiftly to Laira who was trying to look as innocent as possible like she wasn't on the verge of escape, and likely some minor head injury. "Come here you little vagabond." Draco said with a smile, hefting the child with a groan. She wasn't all that heavy, he just liked messing with them, making it seem like it was harder to pick them up than it was sometimes. She grinned and held her little hands reaching to paw at his beard. "Yeah, you are getting big aren't ya?" He asked to a squeal of delight as she was lifted up by her father.

Faith went to get Theo, who had been penned up much better in the corner than the cribs. Draco wasn't sure, but he thought the boy would have tried a similar escape strategy if their places had been reversed. "Alright, lets head outside and go run around for a little while." Blu, the Wolf-Cat bounced into the room, still relatively small in size. The cute little creature was the family pet, and the Twin's animal companion. Blu had already become a little protective of the Twins, playing with them and watching them when they wandered some. She was still young herself and playful at heart.

Draco turned and followed Faith closely with the little infants in arms, smiling and happy as they were, their time out in the back of their minds already. They remembered they were disciplined, and they would remember why. The question was would they think it was because they were caught and that they need to be better at hiding things, or would they think to just be more careful? It would just take time, and as long as they had, it would go by much quicker than Draco really wanted. Child-rearing was a bit more difficult than Draco had originally thought. Many nights were cut short by the babies crying in the room beside them, and many mornings dragged by, stretching for what felt like an eternity. It was harder than he had thought, but he loved his children, he enjoyed waking up and sitting in the floor with them, having Theo ramble incoherently while holding certain toys, like he was telling Draco a story about the toy or having Laira tinker with toys trying to build something, the little face she got when she was working intensely on something. He wouldn't trade it for anything, but occasionally he longed for just a weekend with him and Faith alone again, perhaps on the lake, but that was how they would end up with more twins if they weren't careful, and the newly-weds were rarely all that careful.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]​
Theo as much as Faith would tell anyone she loved her children equally those present and the one whose fate had never been determined, her heart ached when she said the name Theo. Her brother. She had been very close to him naming her son after him kept him alive in her mind, and showed an honor she hoped that one day he would know of, and be happy about.

Those eyes of his crystal blue like ice not like hers or Draco's just like Laira's fire red hair all thrown back to previous ancestors. She looked over at Draco carrying Laira, she could see it already their children were going to have many suitors.

She held onto Theo and headed towards the door, he began to squirm and struggle he wanted down he wanted to do it himself. The twins were fiercely independent anything that they had learned to do they continued to want to do it alone. This included feeding time, no longer willing to let them hold the spoon they each insisted on holding their own.

She put him down as they neared the doors, before his feet were solidly on the ground he was running to go. That was another thing so far they both loved being outside. The Mountain Palace offered swimming in the lake, hiking on the trails, and a large gardens. It was easily defendable and the tourists seem to love getting candid shots of the family doing every day normal things.

That was the problem with the Mountain Palace, privacy was hard to maintain.

She turned to look at Draco, "I will grab the buckets with their toys, digging in the dirt by the lake would be fun." How much fun, now that depended on things.
Draco could see how much the twins loved their parents, and how much their parents loved them. Theo was much like Faith's brother had been, and Laira was very similar to his sister in their mannerisms, some of their looks though they had their traits that made them unique. Like Faith had done with Theo, Draco had done with Laira. They had named their children aptly; the next generation, named for the last to carry on their spirit. Part of him worried that it would put pressure on the children as they grew up, more pressure than they would already have. Hopefully they would prove up to the task of living up to their namesakes and making their own way in the galaxy, becoming their own person. And through their success, they would bring honor to those whose spirit's they carried onward.

Laira saw Theo get put down and began whining, squirming pointing at the ground with her little hands when she had just seconds ago been occupied with looking at things and perfectly content being in her father's arms. "Okay, okay, fine. Have it your way." Draco put the little toddler down and off she went bumbling after her brother as they neared the doors. They were precious little angels, now insistent on feeding themselves, resulting in a large mess every mealtime, demanding to be allowed to do what they thought they could. Draco often felt himself torn, wanting to help them do as much as possible and wanting to let them be and do their own things as much as they wanted. Often the later beat out, but sometimes he was rabidly protective of his children.

"Okay my love. I'll keep them corralled as best as I can." He grinned at his princess, blowing her a kiss. Laira and Theo saw this and did the same in their own way, smacking their lips and waving at their mother while she grabbed their toys. Draco grinned at Faith as she left, watching her walk away like he did. The diaper bag was small and the nanny kept one by the door for them so they didn't have to constantly go looking for it. Draco was absent minded and often set it down in the palace and forgot where exactly he had left it that day, the days meshing together.

Theo began pushing on the closed door impatiently, and Laira tugged on her father's pants trying to get his attention so he would open the door for them and they could go running around outside. Blu padded up beside the twins, bouncing as she sniffed them and bounced just out of reach, playing with them.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith grabbed up the two black buckets, one with purple tools the other with green. Yes even though her mother thought that she should use pink and blue she just had to exercise her own judgement. Pink and Blue really? Were they going to start defining the children by color? Pfft, no.

She could hear the kids and Draco at the side door already to burst out and run. Run they would their little legs still learning would angle at the sides as they laughed filling the air with joy. She couldn't help but smile they were happy kids. Angels, they looked like angles their faces full of innocence, eyes brimming with curiosity, and boundless energy.

Faith kept walking towards the doors, "Let em loose Drahr we are right behind them." She would be too, changing from heels to flats to keep up. She picked up the step she could see him standing there with the two of them pushing hard against the door, and each other vying to be first? No, they just wanted out. Being first didn't come into their thoughts..well she didn't think it did.

"Hang in there they are only going to get faster and into more things." She knew they would be at the stairs only a couple, it would slow them down just enough. It gave them the opportunity to think about it, how to get down without falling. Live and Learn.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco grinned in Faith's direction, looking back to her as she approached, the buckets of toys in her hands and the diaper bag over his shoulder. "Yes Ner Runi. Hopefully we will be able to keep up with them once they can get into real mischief." His voice soft and deep as he turned the handle of the door and swung it open carefully so as not to sweep it out of their way suddenly. The twins took off waddling down the hall, Blu chasing after them like the young puppy she was, tongue out and making excited noises as she followed them.

Draco waited just a second for Faith before following after the three of them. How innocent they were right now. Everything they needed was provided for them, their parents spent as much time as they could with them, and they never had to worry about their mother or father missing important milestones in their lives. Draco and Faith had heard their first words, seen their first steps, watched them begin training themselves to eat after Faith had quit nursing them and they had grown tired of the airplane noise.

The little ones stopped at the stairs and their little minds began working out how to traverse them. Theo was the first to start going down them on all fours, moving backwards, taking it one step at a time. For a moment Laira glared at him standing at the top of the stairs, pouting until she watched Theo long enough to see what he had done to start getting down the steps. Draco walked cautiously above them, staying nearby while Blu had already rushed to the bottom of the stairs and was bouncing around waiting for the family.

"Mhmm, yes. We will get outside and play chase the toddlers until they get too tired to run, and then I will have you, ner Ahiraor, to myself for however long a time we get. I think I could call that the perfect afternoon, don't you?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]​
She watched her children and took pride in this accomplishment of going down the stairs, careful and intent as they made it slowly down. There was no stopping them really once they conquered the stairs they were a force to be reckoned with. Blu happy to have her family about appeared to bounce around waiting. Ever mindful though Faith could see her ears turn one way then the other.

A wolfcat, she needed these skills to keep ahead of the kids who wanted to pet...really PET her and tug on her ears. They had no trouble Blu laid down and let them do most anything to her as if she sensed their youth and innocence.

Faith looked over to Draco as they started after the kids who were doing their best imitation of running towards the water. They moved quicker for it wouldn't take long for them to be in it knee deep. She heard Draco, "Yes Drahr just you and me for nap time." Their passions had not cooled one bit since the birth of the twins. If anything it seemed as though it had grown.

Love. It was exciting, and this love was fulfilling in ways that she hoped one day her children would have. That someone who looks at you and makes your knees weak all while providing a strength that was needed to push through to the next problem. She had always thought that mandalorians did better with warriors, those that were like minded, but it seemed that was not true for everyone.

There was splashing, and it brought Faith out of her dream state, tiny hands smacked at the water while laughter echoed from the mountains. Blu lay nearby, "Ok..." Faith put the buckets down..."watch this."

Faith sat on the beach of the lake and began to fill the bucket with dirt, the kids watched to see what was she making. They reached in to touch the dirt, "cold"

"Yes it's cold right now" Faith pat the dirt down, then turned the bucket over making one mound of dirt. The twins each grabbed their buckets and began to do the same thing. "come on Buir, let's build something.." She looked up..
Draco felt tranquility, calm and at peace, both inside and outside himself. The inner peace his family provided him was reinforced by their love and acceptance of him. Living on Alderaan surrounded by natural beauty and one of the most peaceful planets in the galaxy didn't hurt. Draco had spent so much of his adult life fighting, and for many years he had fought simply to keep busy, to keep from dwelling on his past. Then he had fought to secure his future with Faith here, at home with their family, in love with one another. Now that future had been realized and there wasn't a reason for him to leave them anymore. If he needed to go out and defend them, he would, but there was no reason for him to seek war and death. Only to be prepared if it found them once more.

Faith called to him and the big man settled into the dirt and sand beside her comfortably, nudging her playfully with his elbow as he got situated. Laira and Theo were digging in the dirt and sand, pouring it into their bucket giggling as they did so. "What would you like to build, ner runi? A castle perhaps?" Theo looked over at his parents, watching how they were messing with the wet mixture and doing his best to copy them his eyes darting back and forth, his face serious while he worked. Laira was a bit more off in her own world, just putting a mound of mud where she wanted and trying to make it look like she wanted. Draco laid his head against Faith's shoulder, poking his hands into the mound they had before them. "You are the artist of the two of us, you will have to lead."

"Look at them. They are beautiful aren't they." He whispered, looking at their children playing in the sand and mud, getting dirty, giggling and laughing as they played or tugged on Blu's fur or pet her roughly like toddlers did to pets. Blu was exceptionally patient with them, letting them do as they pleased while she laid on her side or nuzzled them. Sometimes she would lick their faces followed by squeals of delight from the children. Faith's hair brushed into his face and her pleasant scent filled his nostrils. A feeling of peace and calm washed over him. No doubt there were the occasional tourists trying to snap candid pictures of the royal family from a distance, the guards of the mountain Palace keeping people from bothering them too much.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"they are" she whispered back to him, "Are they everything you thought they would be?" He had reservations before, uncertainties about the kind of father he would be.

Small hands reached over to pat Faith hand helping to loosen the dirt in the bucket. A semi perfect turret came out which garnered the wrath of Theo as he crushed it under his little hand laughing. The dirt flew in different directions as they all blinked owlishly to clear away the unwanted dirt from their eyes. they were perfect at times, ten little fingers, ten little toes, and 100% attitude.

It was interesting to watch Draco, his hands so large and sure of everything now reached out to smaller hands who only saw their father who seemed to know everything, and made the best fighter sounds during feeding time. How things changed though the kids screamed in delight over mastering the feat of putting dirt in the bucket. If someone was going to take a picture, let them. Right now, this was perfect.

Draco was home enjoying the life that he deserved and had long worked for hair hair hung to his shoulders, she loved his long hair and he was healing up from Atrisia. Laira and Theo were standing now each with a tiny shovel in each hand patting the dirt so far neither had tried to...yep too late.

Theo spit it out, "yucky"

"Yes baby, yucky." Laira made this smirky face like, watch me one handful....ut oh.."Laira...."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Yes, and more. They have a lot more spirit than I could have prepared for, so much more of a handful." He grinned and nuzzled against Faith's neck. "They have so much of your spirit in them." His hands played with the mud and sand carefully, smiling as he watched Theo build and then happily destroy a little turret, playing outside pleasantly. The twins loved being outside in the sun, feeling the grass under their toes, the dirt and sand in their fingers, feel the warmth of the sun on their faces, the wind in their hair. They loved living on Alderaan and it seemed to be all they knew, but they cherished it nonetheless.

Theo spat out a small amount of dirt with a frown on his face, disgust in his features. Draco smiled at the little boy holding out his arms to the child while Faith consoled the child. Theo spat again just as Laira put a wad of dirt and roots and twigs into her mouth with a grin that almost instantly turned into her holding her mouth open pushing it out with her tongue with a frown. She threw the dirt down in a fit and ran over to her father falling into his outstretched arms.

He chuckled a little bit while she wiped her mouth on his sleeve with sadness and frustration all over her face. It was almost as though she was on the verge of crying and then like flipping a switch, she was happy again, tugging on Faith's dress and squirming over both of her parents, trying to drag herself across Draco and into Faith's lap by reaching for Faith's dress to haul herself.

"Aww, poor Laira. Don't stick mud into your mouth. Right Theo?" He asked trying to get the boy's attention for a second. The boy waddled over and slumped down near Faith sticking his hands back into the dirt and mud building some crude structure again like nothing had happened.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]​

"Well I guess we learned today not to put dirt, twigs, grass and things in our mouths, yucky, but.." Faith wiggled so that Laira and Theo could both sit with her their little faced turned upwards listening. How much they understood no one knew but the experience would last for a while.

"One day Buir will teach you both about what things can be eaten, and what can be hunted, and eaten." Faith leaned over her head resting on Draco's shoulder for a moment this was perhaps their kodak moment. "they are like us both, you know you have such spirit." The twins sat quiet for a moment enjoying time with their parents. Faith nuzzled Laira and then Theo, "Can we sing our letters for Buir show him what you've been learning"

Faith smiled, "A B C D...." and so on the alpha bet she sang, while they each said the letter after her till the very last word in the with "next time won't you sing with ME ME ME" echoed from the three of them. "they knew me real well." She hugged them both, "good job baby" They were both baby and would be for sometime.

She looked at Draco and saw how proud he was, "This is the age to start teaching them other things as well Draco. Perhaps the Resol'nare in simple terms. Like, its' important that we always remember we are family" Faith touched herself, then Draco, then Laira and finally Theo, "Family." They looked intent for a moment all they could do was touch themselves, and then Draco and Faith, they liked that part saying the world Family though was still hard.

"Buir..." She looked to him to teach them the next law.
Draco grinned as his children sang their ABC's. They were smart, intelligent, and Faith had a knack for turning learning into a game for them so they enjoyed it. That was one of the things he had lacked growing up and it had lead him to an early disdain for learning anything that didn't immediately peak his interests.

"Education. Its important we teach our family," he pointed at each of them, touching them all gently on the chest, "about our ABC's, about the Six actions, and about Alderaan." The children sang the first several letters of their ABC's quietly when he said it, followed by mumbled broken basic of "education and armor" as they watched him intently, and then when he touched the ground they grinned and stuck their little hands back in the dirt, shining eyes watching their parents. Draco had been a convert to the Mandalorian lifestyle. He had struggled to learn the language, and in many ways he still hadn't. He wasn't fluent in Mando'a in any regard, and there had been a time when he hadn't known anything.

It was important to him that they knew the Resol'nare and they were raised with it's teachings, but it was must less important to him that they follow in his footsteps. The Resol'nare itself only had one part of it that wasn't just good life advice, and that was the answering of their Mand'alor. The rest of it could be applied to anyone's life and they would be better for it. On Alderaan, they could be free to do as they wished. If they grew up and decided they wanted to be Mandalorian warriors, they would have that opportunity. If they became adults and decided they wanted to be Alderaanian royalty and spend their years bringing aid, kindness, and wisdom to others through peaceful means. Well, they would have that opportunity as well.

They laughed, repeating his words in their own way, getting some of them jumbled and mumbling through parts of it, but it showed they understood him. "Yes, mommy has been teaching us all very well, hasn't she?" He asked which was responded to with grins and laughs. "What's next?"

[member="Faith Organa"]

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