Queen of Alderaan
Bright eyes and big smiles they were ready to play again their hands sunk deep into the dirt wiggling each digit to feel it on their fingers. Faith picked up the bucket and began to fill it once again. As the children stood up and stomped the castles into small pieces, that had to be the mandalorian in them.
It made her laugh, for just as quickly as they smashed it they were back at rebuilding, They were too young for fishing still but they could be taken into the water, but not yet. That meant getting soaked both of them loved the water during baths more water ended up on the floor than in the tub.
There were larger lessons to teach them but perhaps for today letters, and family were enough.
While Faith was extremely content to sit on the beach of the lake watching her children play, and seeing the adoration in her husbands eyes her thoughts often drifted towards the rest of the family.
"We will have to introduce them to their Aunt Bella one day soon." She had not really talked about Bella to Draco and he had been kind enough not to ask too many questions, so perhaps now while the children were content, and they were relaxed this was a good time to discuss the absent family.
[member="Draco Vereen"]
It made her laugh, for just as quickly as they smashed it they were back at rebuilding, They were too young for fishing still but they could be taken into the water, but not yet. That meant getting soaked both of them loved the water during baths more water ended up on the floor than in the tub.
There were larger lessons to teach them but perhaps for today letters, and family were enough.
While Faith was extremely content to sit on the beach of the lake watching her children play, and seeing the adoration in her husbands eyes her thoughts often drifted towards the rest of the family.
"We will have to introduce them to their Aunt Bella one day soon." She had not really talked about Bella to Draco and he had been kind enough not to ask too many questions, so perhaps now while the children were content, and they were relaxed this was a good time to discuss the absent family.
[member="Draco Vereen"]