Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thranta flew over the Moon (Complete)

Bright eyes and big smiles they were ready to play again their hands sunk deep into the dirt wiggling each digit to feel it on their fingers. Faith picked up the bucket and began to fill it once again. As the children stood up and stomped the castles into small pieces, that had to be the mandalorian in them.

It made her laugh, for just as quickly as they smashed it they were back at rebuilding, They were too young for fishing still but they could be taken into the water, but not yet. That meant getting soaked both of them loved the water during baths more water ended up on the floor than in the tub.

There were larger lessons to teach them but perhaps for today letters, and family were enough.

While Faith was extremely content to sit on the beach of the lake watching her children play, and seeing the adoration in her husbands eyes her thoughts often drifted towards the rest of the family.

"We will have to introduce them to their Aunt Bella one day soon." She had not really talked about Bella to Draco and he had been kind enough not to ask too many questions, so perhaps now while the children were content, and they were relaxed this was a good time to discuss the absent family.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco watched the twins quietly while they played, resting his head on Faith as she permitted. He could enjoy this for as long as he could, sitting out on the lakeside with his beautiful princess that was as in love with him as he was with her, their twins who took after her, and their cuddly wolf-cat. "Yes, you mentioned your father had several other children. Aunt Bella, Aunt Tia. I'm sure there are others." She had mentioned her father's heritage to him when they were first courting each other, but she hadn't been forthcoming with details. She was allowed her privacy, especially given how secretive he had been about his past during that time.

"I'm sure the twins will love getting more attention until their cheeks are rosy red from getting pinched." He playfully acted like he was going to pinch on Laira's cheeks only to have her frown and swat at his hand, trying her best to keep him at bay while she gave no ground and refused to retreat out of arms reach.

"I've gotten along with all your family members, barring your mother. I'm sure they will be nice to meet. Maybe they will watch the kids for twenty minutes or so." He nuzzled his head into her neck, kissing the base of her throat playfully. His mood caused Theo and Laira to squeal and laugh at their parents for a moment before returning to their cycle of building and destroying, rebuilding and tearing back down. "Sounds like they think its a good idea too." Draco grinned at his wife.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Aunt Tia you've met that Rianna. Bella though she's had it a bit rough she's on Vena having taken over the lands that were vacated by the Duke" Faith smiled and felt that twinge of sadness Rebekah. She looked at her children they too would likely experience heartache like that loss of a friend but hopefully not was always painful didn't matter.

What of Clan Ordo well she wouldn't bring it up right now, it could wait. As the kids laughed Faith tilted her head slightly to give Draco the room he needed to show the tender kind affections that she craved, just as the kids laughed and screamed. "Yes they think having bugs for dinner is good too."

"Buggy?" the kids stopped and stared at her, "Yes there's THE dreaded buggy" Faith pointed to something with six legs and was making its way across the sands.

The twins stopped and then squat to watch it"oooo" the little cooing noises from them both, "Look" they yelled.

Faith couldn't help but look, course as she looked was when they both decided it was time to pick it up. The helpless thing did not know what to think it ran between their legs, tried digging to hide all while small fingers reached out...until one yelled "IT" They were still learning words and sentences, and it was about as good as it got when they had it.

Yes it was caught...

"Ooo Buir look....a buggy"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Ah, the Bella that had taken over the Duke of Vena's holdings in the wake of the scandal that followed Faith and Draco there. Bad memories coalesced around Vena for him, Rebekah's death, their fight that had tested them with the Countess that had been told to attempt to seduce Draco. Draco remembered that particular redhead had been nothing but problems for the couple. Vena hadn't been pleasant, but Draco was glad someone in Faith's family was benefiting from Vena.

He slipped down into the sand, relaxing a little more beside Faith, letting her hair caress his skin with the gentle wind of Alderaan while the twins occupied themselves playing near the water. When Faith pointed out the insect to the children, Draco knew it was only a matter of time before they captured it, and only a short matter of time after that before they either tried to pull its legs off or eat it.

"Yes a buggy. Buggy is our friend." He said, telling the twins that in hopes they wouldn't hurt the poor thing in their curiosity as they examined it closely with big bright eyes of wonder. He could see it in their eyes that they had been considering something devious until that moment. Questions like why did it have so many legs, what did it taste like, what was it for floated around in their little minds while they played with it. Theo, holding it in his hand carried it over to Faith for her to expect. "Buggy." He exclaimed as he held it out, Laira beside him trying to crawl around him to get a better look at it. They were quite adorable in how they acted, mischievous and cunning, but adorable. They took after their parents strongly enough that they would be good adults when they got older.

"What kind of Bug is it Faith?" Draco asked, looking up at her affectionately, letting her educate the children on the creatures of Alderaan they encountered. Blu seeing them all piled together had decided Draco's lap needed her presence and was crawling there to get comfortable, muddy paws leaving prints on his pants.

[member="Faith Organa"]
What kind of bug was it? She smiled "its the six legged kind." She did look a little closer, "I'm not sure but it doesn't appear to have any stingers, its not radiating a smell, and it really wants to get away." Faith brushed the bug from Theo's hand to hers. "Tia Rianna would know we will get her to visit and tell us."

The twins got close so they could see the buggy in their mother's hand as it slowly crawled towards the edge, "we don't want to hurt it though." Theo looked again, first at his mother then the bug. A determined look on his face, and just as quick as Faith had brushed it away he grabbed it from her hand and popped it into his mouth.

"OH MY" Faith mouth dropped open, "spit it out spit out" Laira was staring at her brother, sheepishly he opened his mouth the bug laying flat on his tongue, Faith started to reach just as Laira reached over snatched it off his tongue and brought it to her eyes to stare at.

"yuck" She then threw it down.

Faith tried not to laugh, it was comical to watch and only to imagine how it looked. Laira plopped back down to play in the sand and Theo stood there looking dejected. Oh if they could only read their thoughts to know what was he thinking?

Was Theo hungry?

"I can't believe he put it in his mouth that quick." She looked at Draco, watching his reaction.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco struggled to hold his laughter at the situation, it was quite comical and amusing from the father's perspective, but if he laughed at it too much it might become habit for young Theo. He might begin to think it was okay to do that, or to do it in order to gain some attention from his mother and father. Even still, the big grin on Draco's face couldn't be hid.

"Ew Theo. You can't be that hungry can you." He asked, amusement in his tone, doing his best not to sound like he was chastising the babe. It was innocent curiousity and it wouldn't be the first or last time either of the children had tried to eat something they shouldn't. "If you want some food daddy brought some animal crackers in the bag." Draco's hand reached out and grasped the diaper bag, pulling it to him to open and dig through. Theo dejectedly walking over to peer inside.

Bottles, diapers, wipes, a change of clothes for each of the children. The nanny was quite responsible when it came to cleaning out and repacking the to-go bag the royal parents needed to travel. "Cookie." Theo said with an excited expression when Draco produced a very small snack bag full of honey glazed animal crackers, causing Laira to perk up at the word. "Cookie?" she said quizzically.

"Yes, here you go. And here is one for you, Laira." He opened the little clear baggies and passed them to both children who took them back greedily like a dragon hoarding treasure to where they were playing. "Luckily you don't need mommy for feeding anymore so I get that to myself again." Draco grinned at Faith devilishly, appearing quite pleased with himself.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Yes cookies were the saving grace of the morning. Faith looked at Draco, "He actually put the bug in his mouth." Faith looked at Theo again oh she could tell his curiosity would be a driving force for him. Laira had curiosity but so far it was not the risk taking curiosity it was just the ooo let's see that kind. They were the same and yet different.

Let the Galaxy be put on notice that the children of Faith and Draco would one day be let loose upon them.

They sat munching the cookies happy to have the snack, "Are we almost ready to take a walk?" They walked every day not far, but far enough that the children and parents got the exercise they needed. She reached over and brushed Laira's hair back, the eyes always got her. Laira always ready to walk, "walk?"

She winked at Theo who seemed to have inhaled his cookie. High metabolism maybe? Theo seemed to sense Faith looking at him he stopped and looked at her, then looked at his father. "walk?"

Yes both of them loved being outside, sometimes they had to drag them in kicking and screaming till they fell silent from exhaustion into a restful slumber. This walk would lead up to their nap.

"You ready for a walk Buir?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco watched the children contentedly munching on their cookies, Theo scarfing his down as quickly as he could while Laira seemed to enjoy them a bit more, taking her time eating and playing in between bites. This was the peaceful life he had been promised all those years ago. This was what he had fought for, what he had fallen to the Sith for. All of it was for days like this. All the pain, the struggle, the suffering, the injuries. And it was all worth it to have finally achieved that goal.

He wasn't proud of his time as a Sith, but he couldn't imagine his life would be the same if he had not fallen. Would he have met Faith? Would she have fallen for him if he had not have been Sith? Would he have even noticed the Princess at the time? No one could say for certain his life would be better had he not fallen to the Dark Side's call, but he could say for certain had he not returned from the gaping maw of chaos, he would not be the same. He would not be sitting here, enjoying the tranquility of Alderaan watching his children play in the morning sun while laying in the comfortable embrace of his beautiful, compassionate, wife.

"Yes, a walk would be nice." He stood up from the warm grass, feeling the subtle wind on his skin, the sun's warmth on his face. Alderaan was such a peaceful planet, for all the horror it had seen, it was still a beacon of what it meant to be peaceful, kind. Strong.

Draco held out his hand to help Faith up while the twins moved about, wandering closer to their parents. Laira was bouncing up and down excitedly beside Faith, Theo was looking at Draco with wide eyes, studying his every movement.

"Come on, all of you. Lets walk around the lake for a bit." He leaned down to help Faith off the grass. He had plans for her after the twins went down for their nap, and she could probably see the familiar roguish look in his eyes. Plans indeed.

[member="Faith Organa"]
The twins began to run as they ran they looked back, they were wanting to be chased. "I"m going to get you!!!" Faith called as she began to walk a little faster. Laira and Theo's little legs even running right now were still no match for Faith or Draco.

As long as they didn't dart into the woods or towards the lake the game would be fun. Faith made wiggling fingers at them and continued to tease at getting them. They squealed with delight. "Oh but but now I have buir, MY buir." Faith turned and hugged Draco. She turned to look at the twins who stopped, "Noooooo" they came running back swatting at Faith's legs.

"My Br, No mine Br" Two little voices argued over their father with each other, and with their mother.

"ow ow ow." Faith ran around Draco as she reached over and grabbed Laira, "But now I got you!!!"

"NOOO" Laira twisted away, as Faith then reached for Theo..."nooo" he ran after Laira.

Faith laughed what a fun game with them. She had seen that look in his eyes and she had a good idea of what it meant he was waiting for nap time. Chasing the kids would tire them out course it might tire them out too.

"Your turn" she nudged Draco for him to give chase and play monster. Yes right now everything was good with them couldn't ask for a more ideal life. If only they knew what was ahead, and how much it might try them once again.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Playing chase was fun with the twins. They would run away, grinning and squealing with glee from their parents, Faith wiggled fingers at them and taunted them. She hugged him to get them both to come running back to his defense before chasing after them some more, while Draco held his arms up over his head making his hands look like claws, taking large wide steps. "Rawr." He grumbled, smiling as the twins clutched at his legs, arguing over who owned him.

They screamed playfully and ran from him Theo falling over and crawling away on all fours until Draco scooped him up. "Rawr. Got you now." Draco growled amid playful cries from the boy to put him down. Draco blew raspberries into the toddlers cheek and then set him down to run off again.

Laira had turned to head back towards them when she saw her brother in need but hadn't made it all the way there when she ran into Theo. Both twins fell over and were in that moment of 'they haven't realized they are hurt yet' as Blu ran over to lick their faces cheerfully. Draco simply kept playing monster grabbing a hold of Faith, "Rawr, I have mommy now." in the hopes they would get distracted and go back to playing.

For a moment Laira sat on the verge of tears, staying sitting in the dirt while Theo had already forgotten about bumping heads, rushing to save Faith from "Br bear" as the child yelled it, swatting playfully at Draco's legs. It took a moment longer for Laira to decide she wasn't hurt and to rejoin her brother.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Faith kneeled down for just a minute to look at Laira's forehead, she gave it a gentle kiss, "all better" Theo not to be left out came back and offered his head too which Faith gave a kiss to as well. Faith looked up at Draco and then back to the kids, "Come on let's run" She whispered taking each by a hand as she rose up and they all began to run looking back.

"Bet you can't catch us" Faith was holding the kids back so she let go and watched them run ahead looking back to make sure Faith and Draco were coming, their little walk about the lake was becoming a run around the Lake. The children laughed till they cried

As they made the round the kids were slowing down and yawning some, they began to droop some they were little yet and all this exercise and fresh air tapped their energy. Faith knew they were tired. "Just a bit further." She went to reach for Laira to pick her up, Draco would pick up Theo. Laira laid her head on Faith's shoulder while Faith gently pat her back, "it was a good walk you did really good. We can play more after naps and something to eat."

"k" was the soft little whisper as Laira snuggled to get comfortable while her mother carried her.

She looked at Draco to see if he was tired too.
Draco gave chase at a slow jog, just enough to keep pace with the children as they ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, squealing, screeching, laughing, giggling. It was good fun running around the lake with them having the time of their lives. The lake near the Mountain Palace was the perfect place to take them, the Mountain Palace being the Royal Family's official retreat. It was beautiful country, away from the cities enough that they could relax and just live happily, going for strolls without having guards crowded around them.

Draco scooped up the tired toddler, Theo barely dragging along as he stumbled on the trail. "Come here ad'ika." The child didn't fight him this time, wrapping his little arms around his father's neck and slowly blinking his eyes, watching where they were going. Laira was almost already out like a light while Theo was barely clinging to consciousness as they walked in the afternoon sun. "It was a good run Theo, lets get naps and then lunch. Maybe later we can play some more."

Theo yawned and looked over at his sister, rubbing his eyes. With a sigh of surrender the babe laid his head against Draco's shoulder and relented, snuggling against his father's chest, letting his arms dangle uselessly as Draco carried him.

Draco couldn't help but smile, looking over at Faith carrying Laira, Theo's steady breathing the only noise that could be heard for a moment. "So, Ner Ahiraor. How do you feel?" Draco was a little tired from just general lack of sleep, but he wasn't exhausted. Certainly not enough to pass up on capitalizing on some alone time with Faith. She was especially alluring with the sun radiating off her dark hair and kissing her tanned skin, so he wouldn't have trouble stirring up some fires for her if she'd let him.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Faith smiled, "I could use down time, how about you?" Her kind of down time consisted of just a few things, closed doors, no staff interruptions, and Draco. The children would be watched over by Blu and the Nanny. The Nanny had a great job as far as Faith was concerned simply because she wasn't a full charge nanny she was the filler for when Draco and Faith had other duties.

Laira was getting heavier, a sign that she was asleep. "I think" Faith tilted her head back to see, yes Theo was asleep, "Both of them will be out for about an hour, you have something in mind you want to do?" She was teasing him, she remembered that look from earlier. Now that both children were resting, it was their moment.

The one thing that had never been at issue, the desires that they possessed for one another had not diminished. They were near the palace Faith walked slowly towards the double doors, two guards snapped to and opened the doors, "Thank you" Faith passed through and headed towards the nursery.
"Yes. Down time is on my list of things to do." Draco grinned, feeling Theo fading fast. He was trying to stay awake and look at things, fighting the urge to sleep weakly with the occasional whine and whimper as they entered the Palace once again.

"An hour? Well to be honest, being by that lake reminded me of our first vacation out on the lake house, and how you showed me that cave." That had been the dawn of his darkest night as far as he was concerned. The Princess had pulled him from the depths of depravity by showing him there were things worth living for, there were people who still cared about him. But it had also been a very passionate weekend spent together in each other's arms.

Draco turned the hallway towards the nursery carrying a now sleeping Theo. Draco quite enjoyed being a stay at home father and professional palace husband, it provided him plenty of time with his family and so far other than the occasional meeting, the Jarls of Clan Vereen handled themselves just fine. The majority of them stayed in the Utegetu Nebula, occasionally raiding pirates or fighting the killiks there.

"I had some memories of that Cave, and I was going to see if we could recreate that memory." Draco grinned devilishly at Faith, letting his roguish side come out as he opened the Nursery door. The Nurse did have a dream job. Got to live with the Royal Family, well paid, and while she was always around, she was only called to actually work part time. She did a lot of the repacking bags, washing clothes, and a good bit of changing diapers.

"That is, if you are up for it."

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Yes we had a grand couple of days, we didn't eat much if I remember correctly." She smiled yes it had been a weekend to remember. It was the reality of their situation back then course Faith figured it was also that weekend that gave them Laira and Theo. Once again Faith had acted on her instincts and just accepted Draco for who he was. Love, words neither had spoken to another for fear of being hurt, or abandoned.

Here they were 2 1/2 years later so did she want some alone time with her husband, yes she did. "We can create new memories" the cave though that was hard to top. She laughed softly as she laid Laira down, she reached out and smoothed her hair and looked at that small little face. She was pouting in her sleep.

She walked over to where Theo lay now and caressed his small cheek, he was softly snoring. Yes both the twins were down for the count. Faith looked at Draco.

"So my Knight Errant are you ready to meet the needs of your Princess?" She winked at him and started walking away, a little more sway to her hip than usual. As she looked over her shoulder, "I can take anything you can give."

She walked into the hall, turned flashed Draco a come get me grin, she slid her shoes off, "catch me, if you can" She ran towards their room.
Draco lowered Theo down into the bed and let Faith inspect both of the children. It was how he knew she was a good mother, or at least one of the many reasons. She couldn't bare to leave them alone without at least one look over them, which were instincts he just didn't have. He saw them asleep and wanted to move quietly away, she wanted to make sure they were secure and safe, warm enough and comfortable.

With the children down and Faith satisfied, she turned her attention to Draco. "Yes I am." He grinned at her with a roguish gleam in his eyes. The sway of her hips as she walked away drew his attention lower, and he didn't really see her face when she spoke, but he heard her words. "I have my doubts about that." He said softly as he followed her.

She started running just in time for Draco's senses to return to him, and so he gave chase happy with his circumstances, following at a decent gait, pulling off his shirt on the way to their room. He picked up the pace as he followed her, reaching out to try and snatch her up and lift her off the floor, hoping to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Come here Ner Ahiraor, I've got plans for you."

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Plans!" She tried to escape but she didn't try as hard as she could, he lifted her easily off the ground as she looked down at him slowly sliding downward until they were eye to eye, "So ner drahr what are these plans you have?"

There were many things that could be said of them, and to them but there was not a single person who could ever look at them and wonder if there was any spark between them. A marriage built on love, honor, and friendship would stand longer than one built just on the physical. Faith ran her fingers through Draco's dark masses, she loved his hair. It was at times longer than her own.

The storm grey eyes that had at one time held so many questions now only reflected the love that he felt. She couldn't help but feel a slight weakness in her knees and stomach. How she loved him. No one could ever come between them, at least she didn't think so. But now what did often come between them was duty hers to Alderaan.

"Feel like breathing a little fire drahr?" She kissed him softly.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco grinned as they slipped inside their room, starring deep into each others eyes. A light within her golden amber eyes was ignited, calling out to Draco, beckoning him to her. He held her up against him, his hands gripping her thighs around his waist. They had suffered their problems, their set backs. They had forged their relationship through passion and pain together. Sometimes he had caused her headaches and pain, things he didn't wish upon her, but those times were the past now. All he had was her, and their family.

His time as a warrior was over, just like his time as a Sith had come to an end because of all she had done for him. Now she had given him love, kindness, children of his own blood. They had built a home together, a life he quite enjoyed as a stay at home father and a palace husband. Though sometimes her duties to Alderaan got in his way and made them leave the bedroom, she made time to spend with the children, and time alone with him like now.

Her fingers ran through his hair and Draco closed his eyes, resting his head against her chest calmly for a moment. "Yes," he whispered, putting her back up against the wall as he held her up, leaning gently against her, "I don't have to share you for the next hour, and I'm making the most of it."

His lips pressed against her warm flesh, kissing her neck hungrily and passionately, breathing his fire into her.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Fire can be all consuming wrapping its flames around what and whoever it decided to reduce to ashes, there were some that would say fire was cleansing. For Faith the fire was consuming. It consumed her and Draco in endless murmurs, and hungry touches. Faith encouraged her dragon to breath fire as hot as he could, while she kept pace with him.

She held tightly to him even as he trailed kisses down her neck, she could feel the muscles begin to cord and release. And then everything became the white light of passion.

An hour was not a long time, or nearly enough for them within a time they lay tangled around one another staring into each other's eyes thankful the children were sleeping. The sheen of activity glistened on their skin, a rosy pink hue to her cheeks, while he looked as if he could sleep his eyes half open as he watched her.

"The Republic wants to come visit, or the new Republic wants to come visit. I'm going to meet with them." She brushed her fingers against his lips, "Will you meet them with me?" She could make a request but it did not mean he would. She winked, "If you do I'll wear the boots one night.." Ok she wasn't above bribing him.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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