Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thranta flew over the Moon (Complete)

Draco shifted uneasily behind his princess, making sure to keep working his hands in a massage and not to grab her hungrily with want and desire just yet. That part would come later. "I don't know. Probably have a lot less stress and more free time." He grinned as his lips pressed against the side of her neck and his hands moved to begin working on the muscles in her sides and her hip joints. He knew that she probably wouldn't be in the same place in her life without him there and he would likely still be in the long self-destructive spiral he had been in before he met her. He was still feeling the effects of that time in his life, still hungered and fought against his hunger for the life force of others, but only she gave him the strength to resist.

"But you wouldn't have very entertaining company to spend your nights with or to lavish with your affections. No one else could appreciate you like I do." Her hand drifted to touch his leg and the warrior felt a jolt of energy burn through his whole body as she leaned back. "And no one else could keep you so entertained." He shifted so that he pressed against her back and his hands wrapped around her stomach, sliding down in the bubbly water and leaning back so that she sat more or less on top of him. The massage jets moved the water around lazily, keeping the temperature warm and pleasant for the couple.

His heart pounded out its chorus of pulses in his chest, his lungs causing his chest to rise and fall against her back. His blood boiled over with wanton desire and need for her touch as he struggled to control himself. "Are you ready for bed Ner Ahiraor?" He asked with a whisper, his breath tickling the edges of her ears alongside the bubbles and fizzing of the water in the tub.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Oh the kisses. She felt each one as he pressed his lips to her neck his hands were drifting lower. The firm yet gentle grip easing the stresses from each muscle that Draco's fingers touched on Faith's form. Faith leaned fully on Draco she felt the warmth of his skin against her own it didn't matter that they were sitting in a tub.

The golden glow of candles the steady drumming of her heart growing louder each time Draco massaged a new muscle.

Draco's arms fully wrapped around Faith pulling her close she did not know if she could endure much more. She could feel each muscle against her skin cording and releasing.

"No one can do the things you do ner kar'ta. Who knows what fate or destiny would have done if we had not met. I try not to dwell on it." Faith couldn't help it her hands now both rested on Draco's thighs Faith leaned back until her head rested on Draco's shoulder.

Faith took in Draco's profile the years of war had taken a toll it showed in the little lines around his eyes. If anyone ever looked too close they'd see the scars that had come close to taking his life, or a limb. Every time he walked out the door to aid the Alliance, or to protect a neighbor she wondered what injuries would he bring him. As the thought surfaced her fingers tightened on Draco's thigh. Unaware that she could be breaking Draco's one condition of no hands.

Faith shook her head slightly to chase the thoughts away, and then as if reading her mind knowing that she was over thinking everything Draco asked was she ready?

She let go completely of the thought smiling and thinking that soon the rules would be lifted and she'd be able to revel in touching him.

"Yes Draco" she answered to being ready, "the waiting is torture" It was he was so close, so warm, as he whispered against her skin making her heart skip and thunder as pools of warmth made sitting and waiting a terrible aching torture.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco gently released her from his embrace, letting her be free to stand and find a robe should she please when Faith answered even though his hands stayed on her fulfilling his deep seeded need for as much physical contact with her as possible. "There is still some waiting to be done, ner runi." Just a little, just enough to make sure Faith was taken care of and stress-free. Her hand gripped his thigh tightly, causing Draco to grin mischievously and his mind to begin turning.

The warm water fizzed and bubbled around his shoulders and sides, slipping into the creases where their bodies touched and soothing their pores and skin with massage jets. Yes, he would need to think of something quickly for her as a response to her failure to comply with his one rule. Then again, the point of that rule was to make her get creative so perhaps not something so heinous was in order.

"Let's get dry and then you can go find those boots for me." His grin stayed on his face and his hands squeezed her backside gently, pressing his fingers into her flawless olive flesh, "Plus someone hasn't followed the rules very well." His voice seemed to slip lower and his tone seemed to be chastising her, though he had no intentions of truly doing anything about it.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith rolled her eyes and sighed. She tried to play Draco's game and had touched him breaking his rule, she may have done that intentionally. The mention of boots a gentle reminder of a promise she made just for him.

She nodded in agreement as she whispered back "I never follow the rules very well Drahr as" she smiled, "You well know" She turned to face him just staring into his eyes. As much as he could be loving he was at times equally mysterious that was what kept their relationship from getting stale. Add in the amount of off world duties they each had created a longing to be with one another.

She reached over her finger tips slowly walking across his chest so she'd break the rules a bit more. She placed a gentle kiss upon his lips pulling back. He wanted creativity it was early and now out of the water she felt more relaxed. Sometimes she needed him to provide her that confidence, that assurance of the security of their relationship before her creativity blossomed. She then stood up a few marks here and there showed as a reminder that she had children but everything was still pretty much in place and had not slipped lower. Her Atrisian blood was certainly helping with that.

She took a step back admiring Draco once again because she could. The water ran in small rivers from her skin beading up to leave tiny trails everywhere. Her skin glowed hints of pink blush kissed her skin. She felt like a goddess right now.

"I'll need to be good an dry to put on those boots" She winked at him, "Are you going to help me with them?" She did not really need help she just wanted him closer.
"No, never one to follow the rules very well." Draco grinned at Faith as she leaned away from him, pulling out of a gentle kiss and enticing him with just a bit more by dancing her fingers across his chest. He didn't mind her caress and her playful kisses in the slightest, his little rule was a playful way to see how she would be creative in teasing him, but now he needed to think of an appropriate punishment. "But what to do with you now? I need to think about an appropriate punishment for damaging my professional integrity." Draco asked with a devilish grin on his face and an arch in his brow.

He watched her slink out of the water, paying close attention to her form before rising himself, droplets clinging to his form, dripping off his skin and running down his body back into the water of the tub. "No," he answered, "I won't help, I'll mostly be a distraction and a hinderance, but I'll be there to make sure its as difficult as possible." He reached out to her, running his hand through her wet hair, his fingers raking through her long dark locks and gazing into her amber colored eyes.

"So, what do you think I should do with you?" Draco asked, drawing closer to Faith his skin pressing against hers, the water that clung to them both mixing together, his grey eyes looking softly into her soul. His voice dropped to a breathy whisper, his whiskers only a hair's breadth from her cheek, "Have any ideas?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
“Punishment you say” she looked coyly up into his grey eyes giving him her best temptress smile. “Your poor professional integrity, is It damaged beyond repair Drahr?”

Life with the Dragon of Mandalore could have been very complicated but it seemed the attraction to a Princess of Alderaan had given him the fire needed to break old habits and emerge from darkness and now here he was whispering endearments and trying to think of a punishment for her transgressions.

She couldn’t help but give him the admiring look from head to toe, Faith lips pucked into a pout, “awwww Drahr”

Faith looked up it was unfair that he had such an effect on her Faith couldn’t help it a needy little moan escaped. “This won’t solve anything Drahr all it does it remind me of what you’re capable of doing with each little touch.”

Faith leaned warmth pooled in her belly, “an idea….for punishment…”

She reached up placing her hands on his forearms the muscles tensed as she did. “You think I’m such a bad girl? I bet there is one thing you can think of.” Faith placed a gentle kiss on his bare skin, “I think it know…” She gave him a knowing grin and then took his hand, “Let’s go see if I’m right”

[member="Draco Vereen"]
With a wry, playful tone the former warrior answered the Princess of Alderaan's query about his professional integrity, not that he'd ever had any to begin with. "Beyond repair. Completely broken. Shattered forever." Draco's grey eyes shined as they watched Faith's attempts to tempt and seduce the Mandalorian. She was of course succeeding with ease, and he was quite obviously defeated by her demeanor and spirit.

Faith's touch caused his muscles to tense, the need to grab her and carry her off to his lair growing deep in his chest that it was almost instinct. Only with herculean effort was he able to contain himself properly, and even then not completely. His hands traced across her stomach, his eyes looking down upon his princess. "An idea?" He raised an eyebrow quizzically at first until the realization dawned on him at what she was implying. "Oh. Well, you certainly deserve it, and I feel as though I need to see this through to the end. For closure." He grinned as she took his hand.

"Let's just not forget about the boots though. I need those too." And he followed her into the bedroom with a snicker and a heart full of want and desire.

[member="Faith Organa"]

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