Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thranta flew over the Moon (Complete)

"I remember them." They were his favorite part about his experience on Nar Shaddaa, for that trip and all others before it even if that trip hadn't went as well as they might have hoped. It wasn't the best honeymoon they could have planned, but they had better vacations.

Draco ran his fingers down the middle of her chest until they stopped at her waist where her pants buttoned together. "Willing and able huh? Maybe I'll see if I can work up a little something extra for you." The big man grinned looking down at her with a gleam in his stormy grey eyes, his blood starting to rise in him at the prospect of getting Faith alone again. "I'll go get the nurse before you distract me so much I forget." Taking her right then and there wasn't a concept he was against, but the children needed to be watched or they would inevitably get into things. Or worse, interrupt Draco during his alone time with his princess.

Reluctantly, and deliberately, Draco moved away from Faith his eyes still locked with her amber colored pools. In his mind, the main thing keeping him moving was the promise of boots, the promise of something special. Finally, he slipped out of the room and hastily made his way to the nurse who was watching the holovision while the young parents were watching the children.

Truthfully, the nurse had an excellent job. She got to live with the Royal Family in all their luxury, she wasn't required to cook all the time or clean extensively since there were some droids to help with that. All she really had to do was make sure the diaper bags were restocked and watch the children a few hours each day, sometimes for a few days while Faith and Draco took a vacation.

"Nera, Faith and I are going to retire a little early tonight. If you wouldn't mind keeping up with the twins I'd be grateful." The woman smiled and stood, moving fairly slowly as she went. Draco kind of nodded his head and motioned for her to hurry while he walked, taking long strides towards the playroom.

[member="Faith Organa"]
His look lingered gazing down into her eyes as he reluctantly went off to get the Nanny.

The twins were uncaring about anything right now except for their toys. Theo was sitting upon his favorite toy and Laira had what she called a 'pew pew' chasing something across the floor.

They were a riot together. She remembered one thing enjoy them now because they would one day be too old for 'pew pew' and riding toys. She sighed thinking about them growing up. She realized she did not want them to grow up she wanted them to stay small, stay her babies.

She could hear Draco talking to Nera. Of course she wouldn't mind how could she Nera had most of the day to do what she wanted while she and Draco took care of the kids. It was important to her that they spend time with the kids, just like it was important to her that Draco pick up his own socks. She laughed.

Where were those boots again, the walk-in perhaps. She thought about the reaction it would create that pleased her. She liked knowing that what she did pleased her husband.

She could hear him already on the way back, the softer foot fall had to be Nera. Laira paused looked at the door, "Mommy?" Faith winked, "Are you getting all the bad guys?" The little redhead smiled, "Yep" then she began running again.

Theo rocked the motion seemed soothing to him as he smiled and tried to wave.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco hurried excitedly into the playroom where the Twins were busy playing with toys and convincing Faith to play with them. They loved involving both of their parents in all sorts of games which came to no surprise. Draco tried to spend as much time as possible with them if Faith was busy with Alderaan and its government. He knew it tore at her heartstrings every moment she was away from them, and he knew that it did the same to him. Then again, Draco would pay hard cash for a full night's sleep and feeling rested without having to give up his time with Faith.

The family was well off, they had several homes to stay in a nurse to watch the children when Faith and Draco needed it, droids to help clean up after them, and enough money to retire on and ensure their children never wanted for anything. Time was the only commodity they didn't have in ample amounts. For all their influence and wealth, they had the exact same amount of time as every other family.

Draco waved Nera into the playroom, the woman entering with a smile and immediately moving to distract the twins so that the parents could eventually slip out unnoticed. Sometimes they just couldn't leave without the twins realizing and causing a fuss, which left Draco torn as much as Faith. 'Do we stay and be parents or go and be husband and wife?' It was a question they had to ask themselves often, and it never came easy. Each side won out about evenly with each other.

Theo made vroom noises on his little bike to one side while Laira and Faith played running through the room making pew pew noises. Draco swooped in and moved for Faith, hoping to be able to scoop her up and carry her off but knowing that at least one of the twins would want to know where they were going at the least.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

The children were distracted for a moment Faith paused to watch them. Their cherub faces endless smiles and the world still new to them. She almost did not want tomove from watching them. It wasn't very often she just watched them as they explored their world. The way the cold floor felt under their feet, the pleasure that water gave them when they splashed about, a puzzle that tempted their minds as their tiny tongues hung out, they were beautiful.

She felt Draco at her back his gaze also fixed on their children. She half turned looking at his profile. It was like being at a crossroads with many directions to choose. She reached up lightly touching his cheek then slowly withdrawing her hand.

Faith whispered, "Wanna go play Drahr?" She turned fully looking up at him, "Before we change our minds" Or find a reason not to.
Draco was much less prone to wanting to stay and play with the twins when Faith was offering to spend the night alone together. It wasn't that he played favorites, it was just that he was a man and when the carrot was dangled before him, Draco went after the carrot. Or in this case, the Faith who was very much taunting him. Her hand touched his cheek and his blood rushed to the surface of his skin where her hand grazed him, instinctively beginning to rush through his veins and his heart began to pick up, thudding faster and faster.

"Yes." He grinned, stepping out of her way and ushering her towards the door. If Faith really wanted another child, she would tell him and he would be as agreeable and amicable as he could be, but he had no intentions of pushing her for a third even with all the luxuries and amenities they possessed. "I don't know if I could change my mind at this point. Let's go find those boots and see where the night takes us." He looked back at Nera and mouthed the words 'Thank you' as the woman knelt beside Laira, distracting her as she asked the redhead for a situation report on the bad guys. Theo, however wasn't so distracted. He watched his parents standing together and watched them go towards the door.

His chubby little hands waved at them as he rocked back and forth on his little toy speeder. "Mama!" He shouted, shaking his arm at her as furiously as he could, not quite beckoning at Faith but certainly blowing any chances of leaving quietly. Nera was very diligently working to keep Laira interested in anything other than her parents.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith could see Theo waving and smiling at them. She felt a tug at her heart watching that little face light up as he road his favorite toy. It was hard to turn away Faith grabbed Draco's hand and then pointed toward Theo. She wanted him to look at their son.

She smiled brightly at her son for a moment her heart froze with fear that she would lose Theo as she had lost Bud. She closed her eyes for a moment reigning in her fears. She then opened them quickly to see Theo still riding his ship. Faith looked at Draco was he thinking about another child? Was she agreeable? Yes, but just a while longer she wanted to spend time with the twins first.

In looking at her children, and looking at the man who had rescued her from a life of loneliness and duty she couldn't help but feel a growing warmth that pooled somewhere deep within herself and began to spread. She had lost everything dear to her only to find that it was possible to have it all again.

Faith blew kisses to both her children knowing that Nera would take care of them both.

"Drahr, shall we go find some boots?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco felt Faith squeeze his hand, and despite his excitement and the distraction Faith had provided the man, he was able to follow what she wanted as she pointed at their sun. Draco smiled widely at the little child who was desperately trying to make sure they saw him before they left. Draco returned the infant's little wave with delight, grinning as he did so.

Seemingly appeased, Theo returned to rocking on his toy, letting it jostle him slightly back and forth while his parent's contemplated on their future. "Yes, we shall." Draco ushered Faith through the door and closed it behind him only after ensuring both children were content and playing, not screaming about being left with their nurse.

The door slid closed behind him and Draco teasingly poked Faith's back, prodding her down the hall towards their bedroom. "So, I want boots, but what do you want? Perhaps a massage once you get changed?" He asked as they moved in that direction, putting his big hands on her sides as they walked.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"hmm massage, knowing how well you use those fingers of yours I'd be a fool to say no." Their rooms were at the other end far from the play room it would give them a measure of privacy.

She felt his poking at her gently trying to get her to move a little faster she intentionally then slowed down as she laughed. "I don't know what else...let me think" She stopped and began contemplating the ceiling as she thought. She was not really thinking she was only prolonging their journey towards their room. Teasing her husband.

"Perhaps I should consider the other things you could do. Like....draw a bath." She took a single step, "What do you think of that idea?" She reached out stroking his cheek, "Hmmm" she smiled innocently.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"I can do that. Draw us a bath, get in and relax in the tub together." Draco's voice dropped low and soothing. "Grab some oils for a massage. You can sit in front of me and I can rub the tension out of you in the warmth of the water." It wasn't boots, but it was the build up towards that prize, and it was build up Draco was more than happy to provide to his wife. Yes he had a favorite, and Faith was that favorite. Draco had no qualms about spoiling her where he could.

He knew she was teasing him, edging him onward by taking her time, moving slowly. She knew how excitable he could get and hood needy he could become. Sometimes she relented and gave into him, bounding away with him. Other times she played games with him. He loved to play these games with her and so when she touched his cheek tenderly, he took her hand and turned it over.

He pressed his lips to her hand tenderly, kissing her softly while starring deep into her golden eyes. And then he licked her, from back of the hand to forearm and burst out laughing. "I think if we don't hurry, I'll die from lack of being with you. I need it you know, like a vitamin."

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Oh see now when you describe it." She shimmied her shoulders as she thought about it, "It just makes me all warm and giddity." She loved baths, water, lotion, oils, and being with her husband.

They walked casually down the hall the faces of past Organa family hung on the walls looking down at them as they walked. The Mountain Palace was about family, about tribute to those of the family who lived during times that she hoped the galaxy would never see again. Lost in her thoughts for a moment, that was until Draco did something she hadn't expected.

He licked her she stood there speechless. As Draco laughed. "You're in trouble now.." she shook her head he was playing and it did her heart good to hear him laugh. What ever was she going to do with him. As soon as the words left they were nearly forgotten as Draco explained how much he needed Faith.

"A vitamin, can we name it after me, Vitamin F." She laughed as they moved down the hallway. Sounds of the children laughing and playing filtered down relieving some of the guilt Faith felt for leaving them.

They were nearing their bedroom door it was time now for just them and whatever they desired to do. It was adult time. "You start the bath and I'll be in right away...sound good?" She asked knowing already what his answer would be.
Draco grinned devilishly at Faith as they walked down the corridor towards their master bedroom, quietly loving every moment they spent together even just the cutting up and laughing with one another. "In trouble huh, I think I'll make it up to you soon enough." He winked at her as they approached their door.

"Vitamin F, huh." Sometimes she said things without realizing how well she set him up, and he just had to take advantage of this one. "I suppose we can call it whatever you desire, so long as I'm the only one who gets it from you." Draco turned his chin up at her, looking down his nose at her for just an instant until their conversation returned to their well deserved bath.

"Sounds excellent. Don't make me wait too long." Draco kissed her nose softly and pulled himself away, feeling like he had to drag himself each inch as he left her presence to draw their bath. As he left, he looked at Faith longingly but did reluctantly move into the master bathroom of the Mountain Palace.

The bathroom was large with tile flooring and a wide, elegant ceramic bathtub seated into the tile flooring. The sani-steam bathtub had a number of jets and an ergonomic design to allow for someone to sit comfortably. The big man pressed the buttons for the water to begin, setting it at a warm but not scalding temperature. He dropped in a tablet of effervescences into the rising water and situated the oils and lotions he wanted for Faith's massage close to the edge of the tub and then lit a set of scented candles arrayed on a counter.

Once he was satisfied, he dimmed the lights so that one could see the flicker of the candles throughout the room but still make out the contours of one another. Draco quickly pulled off his clothes and slipped into the gently fizzing water to wait, ensuring he was ready for her to slink down into the water right in front of him.

[member="Faith Organa"]
She wasn't too far behind having slipped into her dressing room to pull on a robe. She walked into the bath turning she leaned against the doorframe tilted her head back then looking over gave Draco a wink. Herhair cascaded down her back, a little roll of her shoulder and the robe fell away from one shoulder.

"Hey big boy, you think you can handle." She motioned to herself, "all this?", her hand motioned to all of her. She smiled as her hair fell back cascading down her back. She took a deep breath it really smelled good in there. The candlelight reflected off the walls giving the room a golden glow.

She lifted her leg as the robe fell back to reveal the toned calf, "I hear your a guy who really likes to....put his hands to good use." She could see that look growing in his eyes it was the same as it had been the day at the lake. Want and desire.

She sighed heavily, "Are you ready?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco swirled the water with his hand around him, the effervesces bubbling and fizzing in the water as he disturbed it. "I don't know if I can handle you, but I swear I will give you my best effort ner kar'ta." His voice dropped low and sweet, eyeing Faith carefully and committing every curve to memory. He sat up in the tub so that the water level rested around his navel, tension tightening his muscles to show the striations across his chest and abdomen so that she could appreciate all the time and effort he put in at the gym, and so he could restrain himself from chasing after her.

Candlelight danced across her features in a way Draco could only describe as incredibly, irresistibly attractive. His eyes glinted and his heart began to beat. His blood rushed through his body as his desire built in his mind and body. "I'll show you if you join me. But... I have a condition." His eyes moved up and down her body once, twice, and then rested on her eyes, as breathtakingly beautiful as ever. So full of fire and passion, so full of love, they shined with an inner light that made Draco melt.

"I'm a professional masseur, you know, so there is one rule." He grinned devilishly from the bath, his hands pulling the scented oils he selected to the edge of the tub. "You have to keep your hands to yourself the whole bath. Just your hands though." He didn't want to be that professional.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Keep her hands to herself now that would be difficult one of the things she enjoyed most was the feel of Draco's skin beneath her fingertips. As for his best effort she would have him on his best day and his worst for always he was the gentlest and most loving husband. She couldn't help but look him over appreciatively as she went through her little dance.

Slowly she lowered her leg pushing off of the door frame. She listened to his conditions. It would be difficult but she liked a challenge, "Very well no hands" She let her robe fall to the floor pooling around her feet. The soft shimmer of fabric picked up the candle light.

She slipped into the bath, remember no hands. She took in a deep breath of the scents he had so carefully put into the bath. The details of how much nights like this meant were evident everywhere. The scent, the candles, and the workouts. She slowly lowered herself into the water sitting next to him for now, bumping his shoulder gently.

"This is lovely Drahr" She looked again at all he head done. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. A grateful kiss was very sisterly, the kisses to come would be more wanton.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco took in the sight of his Princess, waiting for her to slip into the warm water alongside him comfortably. The tub was more than large enough to accommodate the both of them comfortably, however, they remained close to one another leaving a large portion of it unused for now. She kissed his cheek and he grinned contentedly, her having agreed to his one condition for the duration of their bath.

"Yes, you are. I have to try and make sure the back drop isn't so dull behind you that your radiance drowns it out. Takes work, even this can't compare." The big man reached beneath the water and found her legs, shifting them so they fell across his lap so he could reach her feet and calves.

The dark haired man took one of her feet into his hand and began kneading it with his thumb, tracing her leg gingerly with his fingertips and palm, applying pressure to every muscle below her knee just so to work out the tension and press the right nerves. His grey eyes turned up to stare into her amber pools, the windows of her soul with affection. Faith was his world, his whole world right now. She commanded the entirety of his attention and presence.

"Just relax for now, ner runi. The night is young and we have a long time to ourselves. I want to make the most of it." Eventually they would give in to passion and desire, but for just a little while he wanted to show her how much he appreciated everything about her by massaging her muscles properly. Eventually he would work through her legs and get to her shoulders.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Charmer" one of the traits Draco possessed was his ability to mold everything into being about her, or them. Like now they had spent part of the day as a family, and now this was for them. Everything from the temperature of the water, the smell of flowers, and the flickering lights was all to please the senses and make this time just theirs. "I appreciate all the time and effort you put in Drahr. It makes me feel special."

Faith sat on her hands, it would be difficult to keep them off her husband so it was best she sit on them.

The water lt her float even as Draco pulled her legs to him. She felt the tender yet firm touch begin to work on her muscles. "ohh" Faith let out a giant sigh,"ohh that feels good" She loved massages, her feet, her legs, arms, back it was the sensation of being able to let go of any tension as someone literally removed it with their hands. Faith could melt right here in the tub. Faith slowly leaned back.

"I am so glad that you learned how to do this." She met his gaze they had lived as much as two people could in a short time. She was bought and sold and forever his at any price, he was her world.

So many things she could talk about right now. She and Draco needed time where the affairs of Alderaan were not discussed, nor the worry over the children, and definitely not the state of the Mandalorians.

"If part of your goals is to make me into a big pile of moosh, you're on your way to success." She closed her eyes enjoying each tender caress, "I'm halfway to moosh" Faith felt her shoulders drop as the tension slipped away.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco grinned as Faith relaxed into the water at his careful caress. "I'm glad too. Its a good skill to have so my princess can relax." He lifted her leg to his chin and kissed her knee softly, letting his stubble rub against her skin, water droplets falling off her tanned flesh back into the tub and his beard. She was intoxicating as she lounged in the water alongside him, water clung to her skin like dew and the candle light danced over her features in a way that made her appear more like a master sculptor's greatest work, crafted of fine marble and fitted with a flowing mass of brown hair with little streaks of blonde and red throughout. Her eyes could have been made from gold inlaid pearls that stared deep into him, cutting the warrior to his core. He might have to make sure his children learned this skill once they were older so they would be able to work for their spouses in the same way.

"It is. At least at first." He dropped her legs back into the water with a smooth, deliberate motion. With a roguish glint he smiled at Faith ans swirled the water in front of him again. "Alright, now for your shoulders and back. Come over here and sit in front of me so I can get them evenly." He shifted his position so she could slip around him and sit in between his legs where she would be comfortable and positioned directly in front of him. His heart was beating fast, but the big man had already given up on trying to steady himself and calm himself. She would have to accept he was barely restraining himself and was already filled with anticipation for the things to come.

"And remember, no hands." It would be hard enough for him to restrain himself without her trying to egg him on, he doubted he had enough self-control to keep focused if she was purposefully taunting him, baiting him onwards. But, in his mind he still wanted her to try.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

She knew that he had his ways of twisting her around his little finger she was not complaining because it worked she enjoyed it as much as he did. She slid over easily resting where he wanted her at. She smiled the water was a second home to her whether in the tub, lake or ocean it was here she felt the most ease. Draco understood her connection. It was amazing that a man of his strength could be so gentle.

Each of his fingers trained to kill and fight also gave her such pleasures she smiled as his thumb pressed against her shoulders easing the stiffness hidden there beneath layers of muscle.

"So you goal is two fold, moosh and...." she looked back at him giving him a knowing look. She knew where this would lead. She started to reach over, "ohh" she stopped herself turning back putting her hands into her lap. This was the difficult part..don't touch.

"So is this a technique that I've not seen before?" Conversation...maybe. She laughed her nerves were already dancing at his touch.
The warrior poured a warm oil that smelled like honey and honeydew blossoms over Faith's shoulders until it began dripping down her chest and back, taking to rubbing it into her skin as he applied pressure with his palms and thumbs. His hands worked diligently at easing the tension from her muscles and the stresses from her body with subtle pressure and gentle movements. Draco's movements were slow and deliberate, moving just a little across her shoulders little by little as she listed in his grip.

With their position, she sat just a head of him in the tub sitting up straight with her, his legs on either side of her. "Moosh, once I rub all the tension and stress from your body, I'll pour you into some boots." He leaned forward so that he pressed against her back, his blood rushing through his body and his heart pounding as her skin touched his. Draco's voice became almost a whisper, spoken softly and into Faith's ear so that his warm breath would brush across her skin. "Just boots." His head slipped just an inch closer and lips pressed against her neck softly for a moment before he began nibbling on her ear gently.

Draco grinned mischievously as he continued his efforts to massage her worries away and push the limits of her self control until neither of them could stand it any longer. His hands started making their way from Faith's shoulders towards her lower back, pressing each muscle group and working their way along her spine until his hands slipped below the water. Faith was already struggling with keeping her hands to herself, but had so far done a very good job of resisting him. It was his goal to break through her self control while still ensuring he took care of her desires and needs.

He felt what little self-restraint the dragon possessed was slipping away as he found himself making waves in the tub as he pressed against her backside with his hips. He forced himself to stop as he still had a few tricks to show her before they made their way out of the tub.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

When it came to her husband she had no control and he had to know this considering how quickly she had been to kiss him, or allow him to kiss her. Here now with his firm yet gentle ministry to her aching muscles she was a contrast no one but she ever saw. Draco's broad shoulders which tapered down to a slim waist he was in great shape and spent hours to make sure that he stayed so, she appreciated it. Many meetings she had spent listening to the High Council talk about the squabbles between the houses and she could envision her husband standing in the doorway, her knight errant.

His breath soft and warm gave her goosebumps. The speed of Faith's heart picked up how many nights had he had her heart going so fast she thought she would break a rib. His caresses left trails of fire on her skin and it was already becoming extremely difficult to keep her hands from touching him. Draco focused his attention on her, once he was dedicated to the outcome the only result would be Faith shattered.

Magic things his fingers could do to her muscles. she leaned back groaning with relief forgetting for a moment the rules her hand rested on his knee lovingly. "Ner Drahr what would I do without you." She never wanted to find out.

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