Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thranta flew over the Moon (Complete)

"Life is good. Its not what I expected when I was younger, its better than that. I never thought I'd be well off, or married to a princess with two kids, but I'm glad that is what we have been blessed with." He grinned, he'd been given a lot over the years and he'd done his best to earn his place in her family one way or another. "But life could be better." Draco waited for some kind of reaction as he stood to get Theo out of his chair so they could go get their baths.

"Could have more boots and more spandex, but I wouldn't give up anything we have for those." A wider smirk painted his face now, knowing Faith spent a lot of her time working to make sure he was satisfied, just as he did for her. They both exercised to keep in shape for one, she wore boots for him occasionally to keep such an act a treat, he did similar things for her and spent as much time as he could with the twins.

He carefully lifted the infant from the high chair, trying not to get sauce on his own clothes and set the child down, holding his hand to keep him from running off and smearing red sauce on the walls and furniture in the process of getting to the bath they were promised.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith cautiously lifted Laira as she scowled upset that her plan had been interrupted by her parents. With the same caution she set her to the floor and took her hand as they followed Draco and Theo out.

"Spandex, when did spandex get added?" She gave him an odd look, "what have you been ogling my dear Riduur?" She shook her head, not sure where this had come from but she was going to find out. Laira tugged trying to get away, "No baby let's go get a bath."

"Pay with me" Laira looked up at Faith, "Of course baby, but first a bath." Faith told her knowing that she wouldn't be satisfied with that answer. She shook her head, "brrr pay wif me"

Theo looked back, "baf, nao?"

Faith nodded, "Yes bath now, play after the bath." They were strong in their will but Faith was stronger no matter how much they wanted their own way she wouldn't relent not with them covered in red sauce. Faith stretched a little, the day was long already.

Maybe they should all go to bed early...tomorrow was another day filled with..goddess knew what.

Laira tugged her hand again, "stahp let go"

"Laira, behave or you'll find yourself in time out again." Faith used a stern voice hoping it held enough edge to convince Laira to stop.

"Pfft mmff" Laira didn't want to be a baby she wanted to be older.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco shrugged his soldiers. "Couple of fights I've been in I saw some spandex armor and my first thought was 'I bet Faith would look amazing in that' and now I'm seeing if I can make that dream a reality. Even if only for short periods of time." Taryc Ap'Irae had been the one that he had seen during Atrisia and Kaeshana, and had made him consider becoming a fan of Faith worn skin tight clothing, though Draco wasn't interested in the other woman and had never alluded or implied that he was.

"We can play after your bath sweetie." Draco said with a soft voice, letting Theo lead him towards the bathtub. Theo liked the water and was a bit more cooperative than Laira at Bathtime, which was understandable. They were twins but sometimes they could be very different, individuals. Laira seemed to be giving Faith a hard time, hard enough for Faith to break out her mom voice to instill some order. That little girl was going to be a handful for a long time, that much was certain. The redheaded toddler would turn into a redheaded girl, and eventually into a redheaded teenager which would likely be a nightmare if she took after Faith. Draco was going to need to invest in a gun to carry around.

Draco opened the door to the bathroom and let Theo go, the water wasn't on yet and the twins still needed to be prepped for their bath, as well as the bath run for them. "Mommy looks like she needs a massage and to spend the afternoon relaxing." Draco said aloud as he grabbed a towel off the shelf to keep some of the water off of themselves while they bated the twins. Perhaps she could relax in spandex leggings to try out his suggestion. "Doesn't she?"

Theo nodded agreeably, though he wasn't paying attention to his parents anymore, focusing on the tub and clapping chubby hands together in anticipation and excitement.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Spandex armor." She said with a little disbelief in her voice, "Who would wear spandex into battle? What type of protection does it give?" She was curious and while she could easily accept that he saw it in battle she was curious about who would wear it, and how so in that her husband had noticed.

Laira once they got to the bath immediately began to shed herself of her clothes she liked the water. It was a good feeling knowing that right now both the children enjoyed the water and were agreeable about it.

Course there would come a time when the children wouldn't be cute toddlers anymore they'd be teens with minds of their own. They will be influenced by friends, events, and their own ideas of what life was to be about. Faith realizing this knew she had to start stocking something to deal with those days when she felt hated by her children. Those days would come and she dreaded it.

She stopped thinking about that day, oh...Draco was saying something about a massage which brought her back to the moment. "A massage you say, maybe I can be persuaded to such a thing. I don't know." She smiled. Draco was expert at massage one of his hidden talents.

"Baths let's do baths first" Faith got the water turned on and adjusted for temperature. The large round tub would easily hold Theo and Laira. There would come a day very soon when they could no longer take baths together. When they realized they were different in more than the obvious ways.

"Come on you can sit while the tub fills." Filled, they were lucky they got water to go to the belly buttons.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Spandex armor." Draco said with a confirming nod of his head. "A Mandalorian Witch who fought as my sword-sister on Atrisia and Kaeshana. I believe her suit has beskar mesh woven into the fabric to offer minor protection but I've not inspected it closely, and it does offer more mobility that my beskar'kandar. I'm normally somewhat restricted in my movements, but she was an acrobat, hopping around." Draco shrugged, always preferring to keep his steady base and on his feet. Then again he got hit a lot and she didn't, so perhaps there was value to such a fighting style. In truth, Draco had only seen or spoken to Taryc during combat, and knew very little about her other than her combat capabilities and what she looked like.

"I saw it, and assumed you would look great in such an outfit, maybe less armor bits though. I stand by my initial assumption too." He looked down at her hips and arched his eye brow, she did indeed have the figure for spandex, plus it was her figure which made it better as far as Draco was concerned. Theo allowed Draco to pull off the infants clothes with only a little struggle, and even then it was resistance so much as excitement to get to play in the water and with the bubbles made by the soap. Eventually they would grow up and Draco would feel lost when he stopped having them around all hours of the day, when his days of retirement were no longer filled with the full time job of raising small children, and it was just him and Faith again. Part of it filled him with fear and sorrow, part made him happy because he liked the thought of his children growing into strong young adults. He had run off and never come back when he reached adulthood which was one of his biggest fears for his children. Course, maybe by then he and Faith would have some more children running around the house by then.

"Oh, I can persuade you to let me give you a massage. Isn't that right kids?" He asked in a higher tone voice than normal. Theo and Laira instinctively looked up and grinned nodding their heads up and down. "Well they said so, so now you have to." The big man grinned widely, putting his arm through Faith's while he faced the tub, kissing the soft smooth skin on her hand and letting his whiskers tickle her before turning to focus on helping get the twins clean after a morning outside running around.

[member="Faith Organa"]
He best not have examined it closely if he knew what was good for him. She smiled, nodded, she was listening quite closely. He noticed how she moved, well la di dah. "Like an acrobat you say" She kept smiling.

She was thinking and he wouldn't like the thought if she said it out loud, he wants me to wear something that he saw another woman wearing. He thinks I'll look good in it, he gets points for that but does he want me to wear it to remind him of her. She was still smiling as she set Laira down into the tub. She looked over at Theo was ready. That was when she laughed.

She and Draco had talked about the differences in culture and her passive nature mixed with the warrior culture. She had asked him if he would prefer a warrior from the clans, it would have made things easier for him. She knew how strong the bonds were that formed in battle. He had said no, and she believed him. She caught the way he was looking at her as if sizing her up. He was happy she knew this.

She had always feared him being lost in battle or on one of the long trips he had to take. It never crossed her mind since their marriage that a woman could...Faith looked at Draco he wouldn't do that. That's not who he is. He would never do anything that would separate them.

Just as all these thoughts swept through her mind he kissed her hand, she leaned over to rest on him for a moment. No he didn't want some witch.

"Massage always. Boots surely. no spandex, maybe something else." She looked at him he might not understand her resistance but he'd respect it.

Faith reached to turn the water off. "Ok...15 minutes then we are out of here."

She placed a hand over Draco's and squeezed gently a bit of reassurance for him and for her.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Yes indeed. Lots of movement, jumps, and evasions." He said, scrubbing the excited infant he was struggling with in the tub with his sister. "Laira will probably need to be trained in that manner. I doubt she will have as much bulk as me, and I'd rather not train my children to get stabbed like I do." Lots of movement meant lost of exhaustion, relying on one's speed and skills to keep from being injured was a bit different than Draco's style of just getting hit and powering through it. Arguably a better strategy, even if he managed to make his style work.

Draco didn't want or desire Taryc, though he knew the woman was attractive. Faith was more so and was his, all his. She loved him when he hadn't cared about himself, stood by him when he was weak, fought to be with him when he wasn't worth the struggle, and carried his children alongside him. Faith was his princess and no one was good enough to make him jeopardize that, a fact so ingrained in his psyche he didn't even consider it a possibility, much less did it come to his mind. It didn't really occur to Draco that Faith could be jealous and wary of the witch, even though Draco was the jealous and possessive type himself.

"Hmm, no on the spandex?" He raised an eyebrow, but didn't push the subject. She could definitely pull off spandex if she chose too, and it was one of those semi-clothing items that could be worn in public, but if the princess didn't want to, Draco knew he wasn't going to be able to convince her otherwise. Besides, she was a princess afterall, that required her to appear princess-like most of the time and he didn't mind getting to be the only one that didn't have to use his imagination when he saw her. "I'm sure I can think of something else. You and your boots are still my favorite, perhaps tomorrow." He owed her a massage tonight, which he personally enjoyed giving to her very much. It was how he repaid her for everything she did for him and put up with from him.

Draco grinned at Theo and Laira who were splashing around as if nothing was happening around them, enjoying life that their parents provided for them as children should. With any luck, life would be very easy for them for many years without heartache or pain or death surrounding them. Draco poured a handful of water over Theo's head, rinsing what was left of the shampoo from his hair.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Nope on the spandex, I like leather. I think I wore something that you liked when we went to Nar Shadaa didn't I?" She wore a lot of things it was part of her role as Princess to always look put together. There were times she was put together as a royal, but then there were the days she was put together just for Draco. The blue dress, the black dress, the fitted pants with boots, and other things. He for some reason enjoyed her showing off her curves.

Only on days when she received the nobility did she wear Alderaan fashion. It kept the nobles from frowning. She reached over and lightly poured water over Laira, she spit and sputtered for a moment wiping the water from her eyes. All while looking up at them those big eyes that would one day melt hearts. Theo was busy putting bubbles on his hair playing in the water.

Such personalities they had, "So you want Laira to learn to fight differently than you do. Does that mean she will need a different kind of teacher?" Draco took a beating like tank, what was Laira to be? And what of Theo who seemed more and more like his Uncle. Was he destined to be a warrior? Or something different? It was hard to know at this point, and so far into the future that she was not prepared to deal with it.

Children are the extension of their parents, sometimes. She just wanted hers to be happy, to know life was for the living not to linger and watch. She and Draco would be sure to instill this into them.

"We do make good looking kids Drahr."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Oh yeah. I don't remember all of what happened on Nar Shaddaa so you will have to forgive me, but I do remember something from the club that got me riled up." Nar Shaddaa didn't exactly have the kind of happy ending he would have preferred given what all had happened on the Smuggler's Moon during their vacation there, but he did have memories of a short leather dress and thigh high boots he enjoyed at the dance club they had went to. He didn't mind the loss of spandex to the request list, it wasn't that great of a loss considering the other things on said list.

"Its been a while and I'm pretty sure I lost some brain cells there, but I do remember you well enough." He grinned, washing some of the bubbles out of Theo's hair and splashing a little water at Laira while he was at it to pay her some attention during their bath.

"No, me and the shamans will be able to train her enough to get her started. She will have to seek out her own masters for herself, same with Theo. I can only set them on their paths, not lead them down it." He swayed to nudge Faith gently. Draco knew she worried about that point in their lives when their children no longer needed them. It always came, but after it came the time when their children wanted their advice and guidance. He had everything he needed and a plethora of information to get them started but at the end of the day only their own experiences could make them into what they wanted to be. He was also adamant that both children would be trained to defend themselves and would be at least knowledgeable in the Force for it was better they be prepared even if that wasn't the lives they chose for themselves.

"We do. I think they take after you for the most part, which is good and bad. Means I'll have to instill the fear of God into a lot of boys and girls when they come of age." Oh yes, Girls and Boys would probably be after the both of them when they hit their teenage years, and as much fear as he could instill the only thing that could help them from heartbreak would be morals and ideals Draco and Faith would teach the twins.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"You're forgiven we were all just relieved and glad to have you home." Yes it had been a difficult vacation the most awful 48 hours Faith had endured in eight years. She wouldn't focus on that right now. He was being a bit of a rogue right now playing at what he did remember.

She had worn something just for him and it was because of the distractions that they had gotten into trouble. Least in her mind that's how it went. She looked at Laira and then to Theo as Draco talked about them finding their own paths. thing was finding their paths would come sooner than later. They were mandalorian for starters and considered adult by the age of 13 that wasn't far away.

A shiver ran down her spine thinking about them still being babes and already fighting.

Set them on the path, but the path was full of pitfalls and turns and she feared those things for them. The choices. And living with the choices.

"I don't know who they take after right now they are just kids babies still. " Faith smiled at her children as she reached out to run her fingers through their hair, "they will have so much to deal with."

It wouldn't be easy to be mandalorian and of Alderaan.

Faith knew the day was only half over naps and lunch were done, baths too. What to do next?

"What shall we do next?" She waited to see what they family wanted.
Draco remembered bits and pieces of that trip, mostly the night he and Faith had spent together having fun dancing and spending time together until the incident. Mostly he remembered being blocked from his first encounter with Faith's boots by the bounty hunters and how angry that had made him at the time. "I am glad to stay home with you." Yes, Draco lounged around the palace or the house most days, but there was a gym for him to exercise and tinker during his free time.

"Ah, they will take after you some. Hopefully more than they take after me." Draco grinned, his arms wrapped in Faith's and his body touching hers, his children happy and playing in the water. This was where he wanted to be, how he wanted to spend the rest of his days. The mandalorian had struggled to understand how he would be able to fit into Alderaan and still be a Mandalorian, and it wasn't until Ra Vizsla disappeared that he finally understood how to. It was about finding which parts of the Resol'nare meant the most to you and knowing if an action you took would be to the benefit of that tenant or to its detriment. Things had been easy under Mand'alor the Resurgent, there was a clear enemy that was a danger to everything he held dear. Now, there was only his family that was important. They would have to struggle and decide what was most important to them as well for things would not always be so easy, so black and white. "I would prefer two strong-willed children with high morals than two warriors, but I will love them no matter what they choose to become." No matter what.

Draco grinned, "I know I want boots and to give you a massage, but that will have to wait until the little ones are asleep for the night." And there was still several hours left in the day for them to spend as a family before Draco would get Faith to himself again. "What about you two?" He asked the twins.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith rested easily on Draco as they looked upon their children who laughed and played as if nothing were wrong. Nothing was wrong. She smiled turning her head to look at Draco.

"Well let's finish our day with the children and then we'll see about boots" Such a small thing to ask really that she wear some boots for him. She had asked greater of him to live on a world where the customs were so different from what he knew, and to accept that one day they would be responsible for all the inhabitants of Alderaan.

He had not blinked much. They had paid the price for it all. This singular moment of peace watching their children was part of the reward.

She loved her family. MIssed the absent ones, and mourned those who had passed from this world.

The future was brighter she was happy.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Yes, we shall." Draco grinned. She wore boots for him enough to keep him feeling like he was being spoiled and rare enough that it seemed like a special occasion to him. They were good like that, giving each other exactly what they needed and wanted as best as they could without overstepping. The loss of spandex pants wasn't a loss, but the gain of something else and Draco knew that.

Draco gave up a lot to be with Faith. He hadn't at first, but as time progressed he fought less and less, and eventually retired from the field to spend his years focusing on making love to his wife and showering her with attentions, raising his children, and fulfilling what duties Alderaan had for him as a protector and defender rather than leading his enclave directly.

Draco grabbed up towels, much to Theo's displeasure as the boy moved a bit away from Draco's reach while Laira seemed distracted, inspecting the little wrinkles starting to form on her fingers.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Prune fingers, and prune toes any longer in the tub and they'd be prunes. "Come now all clean." Faith lay down on the edge of the tub looking at Laira, "come on baby time to come out."

"Look mommy" She held up her little hands, Faith nodded, "Yep been in the water too long." Laira slowly stood up and started towards Faith as she reached in and picked her up then wrapping the towel around her. "It will go away quick. We will get dressed and go to the play room for a bit."

Faith and Draco had learned that the children liked different things and keeping them occupied at this age was always difficult. There were toys that made sounds, and flashed lights, and some that they just enjoyed cuddling with.

She looked over at Draco Theo perhaps liked the water almost as much as she did. It was always fun to watch and see how Draco navigated the sour waters of Theo's displeasure.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco hefted the infant out of the tub placing the dour child in the floor so he could ruffle the towel around the small child. "Not so bad huh?" Theo's pouting lip was poked out and his brow furrowed and narrow at his father. "Bath nao."

With a chuckle Draco wrapped the toddler up in the towel. "No, we had our bath. Lets get dry and see if we can find your motorcycle in the playroom." Draco knew that for some reason of all the toys the twins had that could light up, make noise, or was soft and could be cuddled during nap time, Theo preferred a simple speeder bike as his favorite. It didn't do anything special, it didn't look special, it was just the little boys favorite that no matter what, even if he was playing with other toys he had to check to make sure it was there first.

For a second the boy smiled, but then remembered he was supposed to be upset and maintained his sour mood while he was scooped up in a towel by Draco. Draco held Theo's hands and inspected the wrinkles, Draco had some of his own from bathing the twins.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Theo was in full pout mode as he looked at his father hoping to convince him to put him back into the water. Draco though remembered the one thing he liked more than water, the bike. Yes she had a feeling that as Theo grew that bikes were going to be something he had a draw to. Good job Buir she thought.

That was the thing about children they found pleasure in simple things like an empty crate rather than the toy that had been in it, the packing bubbles that took them both a whole half hour to learn to step on and pop, and their disappointment when they brought the popped bubbles to them to be fixed. Somethings they didn't understand.

Faith headed off with Laira to get her dressed in something easy, onsie and pants, while handing over to Draco similar items onsie and pants different colors, different fabrics one thing they had sworn they wouldn't do, dress them alike.

"The sooner we dress the sooner we get to the playroom" Faith made a big smile for the kids getting them excited too. Little rings of red curls framed Laira's face as she sputtered about getting clothes on. Kids never know how to judge what they want, or when they wanted it. Laira reached up and put her hand on Faith's lips, "no momma" Faith kissed her little palm, "okay" whatever she was saying ok to seemed to make Laira happy.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco wrapped the toddler in a towel and lifted him quietly, wearing a smile on his face while he did so. Theo wasn't interested in leaving the bath just yet, but now the toddler was torn. Play in the water or go see his favorite toy? It seemed he was willing to go with Draco, but wasn't going to appear happy about the concept.

After the toddler was dry, Draco put him into the onesie and pants Faith handed over, struggling with the boy for a while. Theo was slow to comply, even pulling his arms out of the article of clothing a couple of times just to make it more difficult on his father. Grumbling, Draco struggled to get the buttons snapped while Theo tried to roll over and crawl away.

"Yes, yes. I'm gonna let you go. Give me a second." With a sigh of relief, the mandalorian let the toddler crawl away, fully clothed and ready to run off and play. "How are you fairing over there," Draco asked with a smile as he moved to stand behind Faith, paying half attention to her subtle movements and the sway of her hips, and half to the crawling toddler making his way towards the play room.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"OH fighting it as usual but almost there" Faith snapped and pulled the clothing all while Laira tried to get away, stiffen her legs, and attempt rolling over to get away. But no, "You scamp stay here" She pulled Laira back.

"Oh she wiggles so much...maybe she needs dance classes sooner than I thought" Yes both of them would go like it or not. She finally finished letting Laira up who delighted in her freedom and began to run to the toy room.

Was she seriously thinking about another? Would she be able to chase another? Maybe. She didn't know..she laughed and shook her head. Looking at Draco who looked so different now than the first time she met him. She knew he was happy, and that he loved this part of their life it was there especially right now in how he was looking at her. They really needed a vacation, an adult vacation of just them.

"You know I wouldn't be opposed right now to telling the Nanny to take over for the night so that we can have some us time." She walked towards him watching him and keeping an eye on Laira and Theo. "You know maybe get some boots..."

He deserved at least that.
"Yes, maybe they do. They'll be school age before long you know, then it will just be me and you most days. Plus with after school activities," Draco grinned, lifting her chin gently with a finger so she was looking up at him. "Can you imagine, quiet days." Or would he rather they make noise during those times?

Draco was happy and loving towards his family, he loved Faith more than anything else in the galaxy and was so happy with how things had worked out for them, and yes he lusted after Faith as well. He loved everything about her, how she talked, her brown eyes, the way she moved and swayed her hips when they were alone, how she always put others before herself, even him and his desires sometimes.

"Oh you wouldn't?" He grinned widely, opening his arms enough that she could slip into the curve of his body and his embrace. "Boots?" The big man stopped talking, his eye brows raising quizzically. Yes, Faith was well aware of some of his favorite things, her and boots went so well together as far as he was concerned. It was one of the small sacrifices she made for him. "If you are sure, you know I am willing."

[member="Faith Organa"]
"Willing and able Drahr" She smiled up at him. Yes things had turned out perfect for them, "If you get the Nanny, I"ll get the kids into the playroom and then we can meet in our room.."

Laira and Theo were almost in the toy room they really only needed the Nanny who really wasn't far away. She put her hand to the big man's cheek, "How about the boots from our first night on Nar Shadaa? You know which ones I mean" She had worn quite an outfit that night, just for him. Many of her outfits were just for him, just as many were for receiving visitors, and for day to day.

She pressed against his side knowing he could handle her weight her eyes never left his face so much of what he felt was always written so plainly there for her to see.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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