Disney's Princess
Karen 'oscopy? Ohh by the gods. Bah. You bonkers devil HK. Do tell me again. Why are we friends? Ugh.
Oh right. We're warlords. It's a gimme.
"Hello o' eternal one. I see this good galaxy of ours hasn't killed you yet? Pity. To think that sense of humor of yours could continue on for generations is sooo distasteful. Bleh."
She smiled.
"So. What's the mission this time? Bounty hunting? Ugh. ...You jasper loon. You never change."
Karen ignored the references to the King of the Keshiri and The Good Mistress Kerrigan. Lady of Dungeons. It was true however that Solan and Sio could be rather unpredictable. But. That much was always true with powerful force users. Still. They had bigger fish to fry. Apparently the Hutts where hosting a ball on this burning heap of a planet. Oh ye gods. Not more underworld scum. Not again. Blimey. This planet was just awful.
"I'm not equipped for combat right now, Old One. So we'll do things the sneaky way. I'll follow you."
Karen wore little under her black cloak. Only her space suit, the Gem's Coat, (minus the helm,) a single blaster/stun pistol, and her twin lightsabers. Ugh. No. Not the best loadout for Bounty Hunting. Bleh. Well. On a more positive note. I guess you could say Roberts sets a very high bar for herself and for her war techniques too. Mm. Welp.
At least there wouldn't be any Sith.
Karen 'oscopy? Ohh by the gods. Bah. You bonkers devil HK. Do tell me again. Why are we friends? Ugh.
Oh right. We're warlords. It's a gimme.
"Hello o' eternal one. I see this good galaxy of ours hasn't killed you yet? Pity. To think that sense of humor of yours could continue on for generations is sooo distasteful. Bleh."
She smiled.
"So. What's the mission this time? Bounty hunting? Ugh. ...You jasper loon. You never change."
Karen ignored the references to the King of the Keshiri and The Good Mistress Kerrigan. Lady of Dungeons. It was true however that Solan and Sio could be rather unpredictable. But. That much was always true with powerful force users. Still. They had bigger fish to fry. Apparently the Hutts where hosting a ball on this burning heap of a planet. Oh ye gods. Not more underworld scum. Not again. Blimey. This planet was just awful.
"I'm not equipped for combat right now, Old One. So we'll do things the sneaky way. I'll follow you."
Karen wore little under her black cloak. Only her space suit, the Gem's Coat, (minus the helm,) a single blaster/stun pistol, and her twin lightsabers. Ugh. No. Not the best loadout for Bounty Hunting. Bleh. Well. On a more positive note. I guess you could say Roberts sets a very high bar for herself and for her war techniques too. Mm. Welp.
At least there wouldn't be any Sith.