Selena Halcyon
Jedi Master
As morning broke in the horizon, Selena Halcyon looked out into the morning fog. In the distance too far away to see, she knew the towers of the Qeld's estate loomed to the north. It seemed as if it was the Qeld's all along that had been plotting to take the throne for themselves with the aid of the Sith Empire. A secret they had kept well during the battles on other planets in the consortium. Once the Sith had finally landed on Hapes, they revealed themselves and now played host to a great army of both local and from the Sith Empire.
Her gaze drifted to her left, towards the walls at the outskirts of the capital. They too were distant and cloaked by the fog, but it was the people within those walls that the Republic was here to protect. Part of her questioned the loyalty of many of the nobles within the walls but one could only do so much about hidden enemies when there were ones right at the doorstep. Despite advising the people to evacuate none were, likely due to the Queen Mother's insistence upon staying. Stubbornness seemed to be a common trait in the locals, she mused.
Mentally she went over the map of the region between the two rivers that came out of the city in this sector. Doting the hilly landscape were Republic outposts, armed and entrenched against Imperial assault. She stood at the rather substantial staging area for the Republic to the south, with two smaller bases to the north west. A local comm relay was also under their control near the river. Some distance lay between the outposts and the main Imperial forces but that would quickly change.
She worried about the region as a whole, it was a beautiful green region riddled with farms. Farms which would come under Imperial attack in no time she imagined. The towns within them making decent forward bases for the attacking army she expected. The Jedi Master was also concerned about the state of a local industrial region just a bit to the north around the cape. The most immediate concern she held surrounded the Zelm estate just outside the Republic line, at this time that noble house had yet to declare for either side, but word was they were gathering locals to fight. The question was for who.
The stand off would end soon, how soon remained in question but when it did this war would be brutal. The Imperials desperately wanted the Hapes Consortium's resources and its foothold in Republic space. They would fight hard to take it. The Republic would meet them with just as much force though. She foresaw a very long war here on Hapes. A long war indeed.
Her gaze drifted to her left, towards the walls at the outskirts of the capital. They too were distant and cloaked by the fog, but it was the people within those walls that the Republic was here to protect. Part of her questioned the loyalty of many of the nobles within the walls but one could only do so much about hidden enemies when there were ones right at the doorstep. Despite advising the people to evacuate none were, likely due to the Queen Mother's insistence upon staying. Stubbornness seemed to be a common trait in the locals, she mused.
Mentally she went over the map of the region between the two rivers that came out of the city in this sector. Doting the hilly landscape were Republic outposts, armed and entrenched against Imperial assault. She stood at the rather substantial staging area for the Republic to the south, with two smaller bases to the north west. A local comm relay was also under their control near the river. Some distance lay between the outposts and the main Imperial forces but that would quickly change.
She worried about the region as a whole, it was a beautiful green region riddled with farms. Farms which would come under Imperial attack in no time she imagined. The towns within them making decent forward bases for the attacking army she expected. The Jedi Master was also concerned about the state of a local industrial region just a bit to the north around the cape. The most immediate concern she held surrounded the Zelm estate just outside the Republic line, at this time that noble house had yet to declare for either side, but word was they were gathering locals to fight. The question was for who.
The stand off would end soon, how soon remained in question but when it did this war would be brutal. The Imperials desperately wanted the Hapes Consortium's resources and its foothold in Republic space. They would fight hard to take it. The Republic would meet them with just as much force though. She foresaw a very long war here on Hapes. A long war indeed.