Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War on Hapes (Year Long RP)

"Raincheck Actual this is Raincheck 2, how's our cover look?"

"All good, Raincheck 2. Fighter support is showing up on my right, three o'clock."

"Copy that, Raincheck Actual, I see 'em."

Neil Astor's green eyes scanned the radar, picking up several blips to his right. They were the Republic's escort fighters, two old Thrones and a Shrike. The escort fighters drew into formation around the two Virtue-class Bombers, air whipping around them as their photon engines propelled them through the Hapan air, toward Imperial lines. Astor turned to his co-pilot, Chloud, and nodded. They were almost at their destination: the Imperial forward batteries. A quick bombardment and then they'd turn back. The Republic had precious little in the way of air superiority here, as evidenced by the Imperials' ruthless bombardment. Neil returned his gaze forward, trying to pierce the morning fog with his eyes. Impossible. Good, it would serve as cover against line-of-sight AA fire from MANPADs. Astor gritted his teeth and pushed the engine to full as they drew into combat range. He took a deep breath.

"Here we go..."


The thunder of artillery sounded ominously in the distance. Hion's large, black eyes stared hard at the Imperial lines, occasionally making out the flashes of artillery pieces. He sighed. This was what binoculars were for, unfortunately he was rather too large for them to work properly. One of the Republic scouts with him had lent him a pair, but Hion had had to give it back, much to the scout's amusement. Hion felt bad about it. He didn't like being laughed at for his size. He did his best to make others comfortable around him, but the truth was that he felt uncomfortable around others. He hated going indoors. The cramped spaces provided by habitations meant for those of a human-size made moving around a constant struggle. Cities were worse. The bustle of the crowded streets made him paranoid with a fear that he would accidentally knock someone over and step on them. For some reason, humans seemed to think that was funny. Hion never understood why. Death was not something to laugh at.

Overhead came the roar of engines. Hion glanced into the foggy sky, but could see nothing. The morning fog had risen from the ground and hung high above their heads now. Sounded like bomber engines. Hion sighed, more death on its way. These days reminded him all too much of his time in Suarbi as a mercenary serving under Lysander. Together they had caused so much death, but in the end it resulted for peace in the Suarbi region. They had eradicated the pirates from that system. Perhaps if they eradicated the Sith from Hapes there could be peace here too. Hion hoped so. That was why he was here. "Peace through superior firepower" was an old adage of Jedi using the Krayt form. Hion understood that he could help the galaxy with his own hideous might, but he hesitated. Doing so meant killing. Hion hated killing, because he knew that somewhere deep down in the depths of his heart, he actually enjoyed it. And that made him so very afraid.

Hion attempted a quiet lumber over to the nearest scout, Chactaw. He had been sent as "heavy" support for the scouting squad, which seemed odd, since Hion was very poorly suited for any scouting. Regardless, he loved being outdoors, free from the constraints of too-small buildings. These grassy plains were second best only to the ocean. Just the thought of the salty deeps made Hion breath deeply as he lumbered. How he longed to swim again.

Before he could open his mouth, the whir of repulsorlifts sounded nearby. Hion glanced up and backward, surprise on his features, though a human wouldn't recognize the open, gaping maw full of teeth as an expression of "surprise." A skiff neared them, headed toward the Zeld Estate. Onboard Hion could make out what looked like droids and one being, as massive as himself, perhaps more so, with long tusks and a trunk. Hion tapped Chactaw on the shoulder, nearly knocking her over.

"I see it," she growled, then saw the expression of hurt on his features. "It's okay, you didn't break anything. Damn whale," she muttered.

Hion frowned, confused. "Of course I'm a whale, well not exactly it's more of a- Hauum."

He cut off as Chactaw rolled her eyes. He sighed. He had a tendency to prattle, or so he had been told. Big, black eyes returned to the skiff, which loomed closer. The squad of 4 scouts quickly moved into positions of cover beneath the long grass, their rifles trained on the skiff. Only wearing XXXXXXL Jedi Robes - Jedi combat armor didn't fit him - Hion unclipped his greatsaber from his belt with a large flipper, ready to confront friend... or foe.

Kilo Outpost-Southern Most Position on Republic Line
@[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Grundark"]
Miles and his men ran into the trenches as a large bipedal creature and some droids ran into the back of the initial Empire soldiers. Drawing only his heavy bolter pistol, he used gunkata style martial arts in the close range of the trenches. Taking out a few soldiers in quick succession with punches, elbows, and bolts. He moved on in the trenches, and found what he was looking for, the Sith crouched, on his comm. Miles stopped mid-stride and drew his vibrosaber and took a stance the Sith would recognize as the Djem So form of combat, in a crouched position, ready to pounce on his enemy.

You will not take this position. I cannot allow it.
"And I can not allow you to keep it." A dark voice stated, stepping in front of @[member="Miles Varden"]. The man worked against Empire, so Marcus would destroy him. Pulling his personal saber from a belt of trophies, Marcus ignited the crimson blade, his expression placid beneath the wrappings and his mask. The prime candidate for Emperor's Hand would not allow this position to be taken, and he would kill all who tried to take it if it was required. "Stand down now or face the wrath of the Empire."

@[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Grundark"]
As I was starting to leave the city A sound of whistles and shelling started. Clearly this war was already starting. I looked around to see that some of the citizens were going into their homes, others came out in battle armor and weapons of all kinds. This was not so good. Taking up my efforts I let the speeder stay where it was. Without warning I decided that I would help the Jedi. I smiled as the quickest way to the current leader of the Jedi, was by flying. As much as I wanted to keep the 17 credits with me. I could get more later on. I shrugged off the book bag. and let it fall to the ground. my jacket went with it. only in a t-shirt with clothing wrappings that went all the way up to my hands. I pulled the face cover up around my mouth and nose. I could hear a child cry as My wings manifested themselves from my back.

I wanted to stay low to the ground so I wouldn't be hit with Anti-air weapons. Smiling I lifted off and flew past people just above their heads. Zooming past them with no one to stop me I made my way to the center of the City district to where I could find the Jedi. Upon coming to a woman who was getting onto a speeder I spoke. "I need to find the Je-" Then when I could see that she was a Jedi I restated my claim. "Here to help the Jedi."

@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
"Get some suppressing fire on those enemy positions!" Arcturus shouted. "Pop smoke to cover your advance, set charges on targets and keep moving. This mobile warfare!" With enemies confusion, his strike force managed to way more damage then originally he though possible. Yet it was becoming abundantly clear resistance was becoming more organized. And for a few brief moments he was attacked by some droids, led by some merc. "Grab those republic heavy machine guns and use them on the enemy that will keep their heads down." The artillery strike had killed many soldiers before hand, and their equipment was still just laying around in the trench. Quickly the Imperial troopers utilized them on the advancing reinforcements for the Republic, under heavy repeater fire dozens went down.

However it did not stop all of them. A Commando arrived in his presence having cut through at lest a dozen of his men. Arcturus turned to face @[member="Miles Varden"]. He raised his lightsaber in front of him and when the man said he would stop the Sith smiled. "The force is a powerful enemy, and a terrible foe." Yet before he could do anything another figure emerged as if out of nowhere. Arcturus's expression changed from being eager at the new challenge to confused. "Who the heck are you."

@[member="Marcus Faust"]
Kilo Station Trenches, Southern Most Outpost
Miles took a half step back to maintain a visual on both of the Sith, now that another Crimson Swordsman had stepped into His trench.

Now the odds are even. We shall see if the 'Force' truly is with you.

Miles gripped his vibrosaber so the blade sat more angled in his palm, and with a boost from his jump-pack, he rocketed at the nearest Sith. Before he leapt, he inaudibly signaled Kilo stations batteries, and turrets to focus their fire on his position by sending firing coordinates on his location. As he neared the Sith, Miles planted his foot on the sidewall of the trench and pushed up as the scream of incoming shells grew louder. Now in a position over the pair of Sith, he rained down AP bolts and immediately followed the shots down with his blade leading the way. The Sith had the Force and lightsabers, but Miles had far more exstensive training, strength, speed, equipment and resources on his side. The whole of Kilo station was backing him up, including the incoming reinforcements from the North. Soon the area would be covered in the pieces of the last of the Empire scout soldiers and their rash Sith leaders. Miles left plenty of shots in his bolter in the event he would need to switch back to Gunkata or just continue his Form he learned from a Jedi in the academy to ensure he could take on Sith without a Jedi being necessary in every engagement. He was propelling himself down towards the Sith with the force of an artillery shell made of flesh, bone, armor and blade. If the Sith were to dodge the attack, the ground would have a man-made crater amongst the artillery holes.

@[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"]


Disney's Princess
Kilo Outpost: Awaiting an Airstrike.
Tag: @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Commander Roberts observed a Sith Scout Team advancing upon the Outpost. Not even the fog or smoke grenades could hide the Dark Side from her senses. But sadly, a simple Scout Team would not be enough to overcome the Hapan Republic Soldiers. It was an attempt doomed to failure from the start.

The Omega Commander viewed her wrist com with delight. A friendly Air Squadron was on approach,

"Shadowguard. Air support is inbound to knock out those batteries. Move up with me and let's reinforce that outpost. Push out the enemy. Move out."

Omega Shadowguard are Force Sensitive Combat Veterans from Fondor. They carry lightsabers as well as Omega Bolters, Explosive Round Automatic Rifles, and Ballistic Shields. Roberts had five of these men with her as she approached the Outpost.
Marcus had been alone, joining up with the apprentice @[member="Arcturus Procyon"] on his own. He wasn't keen on leading his men into traps, so he lead from the front, operating as a scout for his soldiers, so they didn't get into messy situations like this would've been. As @[member="Miles Varden"] propelled himself forward at a rapid pace, Marcus reacted quickly and not in a way one would expect. He reached out and grabbed Varden, and attempted to jerk him off course. He'd be getting a face full of dirt if it worked, which in all likelihood it would. Marcus had more than the force, he had training as well, as well as strength and speed, the force combined with cybernetics made for one powerful Sith Assassin.

As he'd moved Varden to the side, he himself had to move, avoiding the bolts that flew towards him with the intent to kill. He sensed something coming, but it mattered not. It wouldn't stop him. As the man efficiently dug himself a hole, Marcus raised his saber hand, leveling it. "Care to try again?" He asked mockingly as artillery rained down around them.

@[member="Arcturus Procyon"]
@[member="Karen Roberts']
Nyos Val ran to the HQ in the Command Post of the Republic front lines as reports came in that Kilo was under attack.

Looks like they'll need a patch up after that, I'll head right over.

Nyos spoke to the command staff as he turned to run for a transport speeder being loaded with reinforcements. He had on simple chest armor, given that his cybernetic replacements were made of songsteel. His saber on one hip, blaster on the other and his med-pack strapped to his back. He was a field medic in the Protectorate on loan to the Republic on this venture. Nyos took a seat and waited for the transport to move out to Kilo.
Kilo Station Trenches
The Sith was quick, as to be expected by someone aided by the Force. He altered course enough to avoid crashing into the ground from the strength of the Sith. His shots missed and he withdrew his saber from the dirt. Miles decided to take this one step further. Stowing his bolter, he drew instead a vibroknife. He quickly swapped hands and held the knife in a reverse position.

Miles' men were reporting in that the scouts were being finished off or fled. Artillery fire came down around Miles and his enemies, also the sounds of fighters could be heard overhead. As a shell landed on the ground above the trenches, Miles chose then to move, high speed bursts from his HUD controlled pack allowed maneuverability one could not repeat on foot alone. Running along the side wall of the trench Miles attacked at the side of his opponent, slashing out with the knife. Then using the pack, he jumped, flipped and landed on the other wall, again slashing out but with the saber this time. He continued down to the ground, rolled to an upward strike with the vibrosaber, keeping the vibroknife back for defense. Being in such close proximity to the exploding artillery rounds gave Miles the slight cover he wanted to hopefully keep the Sith occupied with not being blown up. Miles maintained as much speed as possible in his attacks, hoping that his style of move-attack-move-etc would keep the Sith on his heels.

@[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Karen Roberts"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"]
So he wanted to play unorthodox? Lovely, unorthodox may as well have been Marcus' middle name. Sidestepping to avoid the strike from the wall of the trench, being a bit perplexed as the man somehow ran along the trench wall. As the man kept towards the other wall and struck, Marcus simply ignited his saber for a brief instant and deflected the strike. Then he went to strike low, but at this point Marcus had tired of this game, reaching out he grabbed a chunk of the trench's wall and brought it down where @[member="Miles Varden"] was attempting to go. It would with crush him, or stop him in his tracks, either way worked for him. Something bigger was coming, there was no point in overexerting himself here.

He didn't know or truly care who this man was, he didn't care shot the one coming was, all he cared about was taking these trenches, and it wouldn't be all that hard if people kept throwing themselves at him while hurling explosives downrange. He'd either push them into their own blast or wait until they ran out of ammo, then take out their now revealed positions with his own artillery. It was simple to be quite honest.

@[member="Karen Roberts"]
@[member="Arcturus Procyon"]
As Vulpesen sat upon his speeder, he heard the com chatter and explosions from the southern outpost. He took his comlink and hit the button, "Valde to southern outpost, you need any help out there?" It had taken him a while to get that particular codename, but after explaining its significance, he was allowed it. For him it brought back memories of his past tight situations, and as the name was translated, it would always inspire excellence in the padawan. Trouble was brewing and there was no better way to prove himself than to join the fray and help defend a position. He turned to @[member="Selena Halcyon"]. I think I might be required elsewhere. The last thing we need is to loose an outpost this early in the battle.
@[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Nyos Val"]
Miles took the rock to the back as the Sith deflected and dodged his attacks. Shaking off the rock, Miles stood again, pain flushed over his spine but not enough to deter him from his goal. Enough tactics, bum rush was the answer, pound for pound the Sith was bigger, but Miles had something the Sith didn't...backup. He heard in his helmet, that reinforcements were near and the rest of his men were now there with him. Twenty on two, still not the best for his mens' safety, but the number in firepower more than made up for that. Then Miles jumped back as a round struck the space between the two fighters, igniting the ground in a brilliant flash and shockwave. The men from his squads unloaded on the Sith, soon joined by Miles' heavy blaster rifle. Grenades were tossed in as well, and a couple auto-turrets had been reclaimed and turned towards their targets spewing fire at the Sith. No one could survive the battery, and combined fire from the soldiers.

Poor it on men! leave none left alive! For the Republic!

A cacophony of cheers roared throughout the area, signalling the rallying spirits of the men under Miles' command.

@[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @Selena Holcyon @[member="Karen Roberts"]
Marcus had come alone, but he didn't intend to stay that way. Saber igniting and deflecting the blaster bolts that surged forward, Marcus fended off the attacks of the soldiers, and when grenades came, he pulled down more of the trench on top of them, shielding himself from the blast. Rushing in towards the Republic troops were a trio of saber guards, twin crimson saber's ignited in reverse grips. These were his personal guards, the best of his best, each had the power of a Sith apprentice, but instead were driven by blind loyalty to the Empire. Once they reached the Republic troops, they would carve them up like a thanksgiving turkey, and it would be utterly glorious.

@[member="Miles Varden"]
@Karen Roberts
@Arcturus Procyon
Vulpesen listened to the request, a single man asking for help and that was all it took. He kicked his speeder into action and raced towards the battle, blasting any imperial scouts he happened by. As he came nearer, the com chatter became more comprehendable, allowing him to listen to the charge. These sith would likely make good prisoners, and thus Vulpesen swung around, aiming to block off their escape route. They had moved against the republic and they were going to pay for that. Padawan or not, with back up, he would likely be the tipping point in this battle. "Valde en route to the party, someone mind telling me what I'll be jumping into?" He asked into his comlink. There was no point in him jumping recklessly into a fight he knew nothing about.

As he neared the battle zone, he witnessed the ignition of several lightsabers. Their uniforms were to similar to be full on sith, and Vulpesen reached for the com. "Valde to southern outpost. Company headed your way. I'll delay them, and if any jedi out there mind giving me a tad bit of back up, it'd be well appreciated." He yanked the speeder to the side, putting it into a drift as he strafed the sith with blaster fire while cutting them off from the republic troops. "Salutations!" @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Nyos Val"]
While Arcturus was more than able to deflect the blaster bolts the commando fire at him, with the Sith Knight's appearance Arcturus had other priorities. "You deal with him, I'm stopping those batteries." Arcturus said to Marcus, leaving him with Miles. The Sith Apprentice jumped out over the trench and over the embankment. The reinforcements were poring in now, his men could not hold them off forever. However Arcturus was not here to capture the outpost, no he was here to destroy key targets.

He moved quickly to a machine gun emplacement that the Imperial scouts still occupied. "How many are left?" He shouted at one of them. "We've lost at least half our men. But the charges are set. With the exception of those batteries." A Imperial scout said to him. Arcturus turned for a moment, then looked back at the scout. "Get everybody out, now fall back." Then grabbed the laser designator. As the Imperial Scouts made a hasty exit, Arcturus detonated the charges. The machine emplacements exploded, killing several Republic and Hapan soldiers who failed to check for sabotage. The communication relay exploded as well, all that was left was those batteries Miles was using to fire on him and his men.

Arcturus hoped his fellow Sith was good enough in the force to sense the incoming danger. He raised the designator and pointed it at the Republic battery emplacements. "HQ, I have a firing solution. Requesting long range artillery strike, high explosive rounds, on Outpost Kilo." Arcturus spoke into his comm. There was a slight delay, then a response. "Roger that Commander Procyon, firing solution received." Imperial HQ responded. "WARNING you are within the blaster radius, I repeat you are within the blast radius." Arcturus jumped down into the trench again, getting down on his knees he put his hand over his head. Summoning the force he did the best to shield himself from the coming blast.


He did not hear how many times the shell landed or how close. Arcturus was thrown from his spot from a blast, landing hard on his back. He instinct causing him to shield his face. The blaster fire had stopped, and his vision was obscured by smoke and dust. He coughed heavily then, struggled to get on his feet. He glanced over the trench to see the state of the outpost.

@[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="Miles Varden"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Nyos Val"]
Kilo Outpost
Down from the skies, passing through clouds, moisture clinging to his scales, Faenrovon dived. Wings tucked tight, he was a 68 foot long, white blur in the air as he hurtled straight down at the Republic's lines. These Idealists would soon taste his fire. The Republic were too focused with returning artillery fire at the Empire and attempting to recover from the shelling the Imperials were giving them to immediately notice the dragon coming straight down. They were also dealing with a frontal assault from the Sith forces. He came on a contract with one of the Noble houses. They wanted a Black Suns heavy armored squad. They got Faenrovon instead. He demanded payment in precious metals only. And quite a lot at that. Mercenaries were quickly finding Hapes to be a profitable place.

Suddenly, just when it seemed he would hit the ground, Faenrovon's wings snapped open, halting his descent immediately. He belched forth a stream of fire that engulfed the petty mortals surrounding the outpost. The entrenchments caught ablaze, men and women running screaming from their repeater nests, flames clinging to their bodies. Like little burning insects. @[member="Miles Varden"]'s troops died in droves. Faenrovon flapped his wings once, causing huge gusts of air, like galestorms to batter down those directly below him who still lived. He was indiscriminate in his deathbringing, what cared he if a few more mortals perished than were necessary? @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"]

He turned his attention on those to his left. One carried a little glowing stick. Faenrovon let loose a bellow. He feared nothing. He was invincible! Fire shot from his maw and streamed toward @[member="Karen Roberts"] and her unit, splashing white-hot flames across the grassy fields, turning them into a brush fire. Flapping furiously, Faenrovon climbed higher, shooting a last jet of flame at the outpost to catch one side of the building on fire, before he climbed up, up into the sky, disappearing into a cloud. The speed of Arkanian Dragons was legendary.
The fools should've known killing the Sith wouldn't be so easy, they should've known they were outmatched. As @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] ripped through the men of @[member="Miles Varden"], Marcus leapt into what remained of the soldiers butchering them with his saber as he slashed around, causing a flurry of red. His saber guard would deflect @[member="Vulpesen"]'s blaster bolts, and, all together would reach out and grab his speeder with the force, yanking it towards the ground.

Marcus, decapitated a final soldier, searching for Miles, but instead a series of explosions hurled him, and most people in the general area into the dirt. @[member="Arcturus Procyon"]'s strike had done that, and while initially he was frustrated, he soon calmed himself, after all, the explosions were the sounds made by Sith explosives detonating on his enemies positions. It was the sound of success.

@[member="Karen Roberts"]
Vulpesen launched himself from his speeder as it was forced down, using the force to land behind the enemy, one of which immediately fell due to a quick bisecting swipe from the Jedi's saber staff. "Let the fun begin." He grinned and leaped over the head of another enemy, landing in front of the acolyte and placing his enemies in a line in front of him. These sith would not be joining the battle any time soon as Vulpesen would refuse to fall to before back up could come to his aid.

@[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Arcturus Procyon"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Nyos Val"]

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