Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War on Hapes (Year Long RP)

@[member="Aequalis"]' hands beat against armour plating, even if it was thin. The armour still absorbed any damage the masked figure was trying to inflict. Though, the kick caused the jedi to step back. He followed it up with a round house kick to the mans side. Passing the mans speed, the armoured foot connected to ribs and clothing or possibly armour as well.


Armored hands shot up and caught the kick as her turned around, twisting to face him. He sunk to one knee and jerked brought @Meta's leg down with as he yanked it out to the side, it should cause him to fall, it was basic wrestling/grappling, it worked, a lot.
Trying to physically overpower an augmented human being was a really bad idea especially after the masked figure had somehow deflected a kick that had already hit him, however. Meta pulled his leg to the side. Smacking the masked figure to the ground with one mighty swoop. He then used the force to send the now grounded man rolling. His body spiralling in the dirt and into a tree. Dismissing the figure, Meta turned around and moved to fight @[member="Daxton Bane"], as soon as he came within range. He stopped and went into a defensive form beside the soldier who had been fighting Daxton. "Are you alright?"



For a writer who complained about auto hitting, Meta's did it quite a lot. It also wasn't a matter of strength, in fact the strength of @[member="Meta "]would be what dragged him down. But since somehow he managed to defy physics, and launch another attack, he ducked his head under the smack and rolled backwards, away from the Jedi, who of course tried to force push him, back, but he forgot now pad wan had force pushes' powerful enough to do what he was trying too. Skidding slightly, Aqeualis laughed as the padawan ran, halfway amused.
Turning towards the approaching Force User, Daxton directly addressed @Meta, "This battle is already over, your forces are in retreat and in moments this position would belong to the Sith. Withdraw and you have my word, I will not hamper you. Stay and fight, I cannot assure you that the odds would be in your favor."

Between Daxton, the Sith reinforcements coming, the Dragon and the white masked individual, there was no way the Jedi could fight against such stacked odds. Still he was curious to see if this one was smart enough to realize he was seriously at a disadvantage.
Duch'a Dallmoor's residence

"Duch'a the reports coming in have been verified."

Melanctha rose up from the white chair, and crossed to the window looking out over the lands of her estate. Hapes, the home of the royal family was under seige. How long before war seeped out across the Consortium, and what future would there be for anyone should Hapes fall into dark hands.

"Should we send reinforcements m'lady?" That was the question was it not, to do nothing would show a weakness. Then to react would draw attention, but how many others of the noble houses had sent in reinforcements. "Find out if any of our allies have sent troops" A dangerous game to play, timing, know when to make a move, when not to move. Then there was the matter of having sworn an oath, funny how at times of self preservation oathes often disappeared. She tried not to smile, but had it not been seen that this could happen.

Was there a way to see through this. Melanctha closed her eyes and pictured the chess board, what move to make and what could happen with each one.
Meta turned his head, the white masked man was already getting back up, a dragon not too far in the distance, Sith trooperson their way, and the Sith far more experienced and powerful than himself. Meta pulled up his com link. "Any gunship in the vacinity? I need pick up. Now!" Meta shouted, Sith soldiers on foot and on speeder bike coming into view. They charged him, Meta deflected a few blasts but was pushed back into the woods. @[member="Miles Varden"]s men caught site of him, "Sir?" One questioned. "Get into defensive positions, a gunship is on its way to pick us up!" Parts if Metas armour and cloak were soaked in blaster fire. Bullets raining through the trees. "Cover me!" He shouted, running to reach them.
A wondering wind fluttered leaves along its random travels. A green hue filled the air, as the leaves transformed to little green spectural skulls. Flowing towards each other, the skull's glow increased to a bright shine, until out of the glow, stepped a black wrapped figure, standing 6'4" he articulated every joint to full flexion. Glowing green eyes took in the landscape and inhaled the air. Blood, fire, and death filled the air. The man walked to the edge of a ridge and witnessed the aftermath of a devistating battle. TIE fighters and transport crafts flew around the sky near the smoke, the smell of a recent rain matted the earth in the valley below. Looking up at one of the passing TIE fighters, a few thoughts fought to the surface, one screamed hatred at the sight of the distinct shape of the Imperial fighter, another screamed fear, another of anger, another of pride, and all at once, the voices were silenced when the black hooded man glared at the ship, willing it to come closer. As if the universe turned on a dime, the ship turned 90 degrees mid-flight and came to a crashing hault next to the man's feet. He grabbed the hatch at the top and ripped it off. The pilot inside cried in surprise as he was torn from his seat. Green eyes reflecting off the pilots helm, fear and confusion could be felt from the man. A voice echoed out of now where, Kill him!, another moaned, Finish him!; the last voice silenced the echoes, What has happened here? What is this conflict? is the...Empire and Rep..Rep..Republic conflict of the planet Hapes. We...the..Empire has just destroyed that outpost down below....That's all I know. I was just told to patrol the area.

I am finished with you.

In one motion, the pilot was tossed up, the man lept into the air and blasted him off the cliff. The muffled screams from the pilot's helm could be heard until there was a satisfying thud at the bottom.

@[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Aequalis"]
Miles was propped up against a tree, a medic working on his leg. @[member="Meta "]came through the tree line, deflecting blaster fire. Miles crawled up to his feet with his back against the tree.
Jedi, get back into the trees. The transport will be here soon. I would take cover.
Meta nodded. Launching in behind cover, a mortar blast scorched his left shoulder. His lightsaber flopped to the ground and was damaged, sparks flying from it. "My lightsaber." His left arm, now under himself. He used his right to command the blade to his hand as he crawled to cover. Pulling his left hand free, he used the force and called a blaster to his left hand, and began deflecting bolts and firing back at the stormtroopers closing in on them. "ETA?" He asked the commander. As he caught a blast with his lightsaber that would have shortened the Commando's life dramatically.

@[member="Miles Varden"]
Miles put his hand up to protect from a blaster bolt, but the Jedi deflected it. Putting a finger to his ear to hear the transmission. He nodded as he listened, pulling his rifle up with one hand, he fired out of the trees at the incoming stormtroopers. He yelled over the firing at the Jedi.

ETA 15 seconds, keep your heads down. They're coming in hot.


A heavy transport rumbled through the skies over Hapes. Trajectory eluded to the tree line between Kilo station and Juliet, incoming fire from a pair of TIE fighters. The pilot was more talented than the Imperials could have prepared for, using the speed of the TIE fighters against them, making them over correct their intercept paths. The gunners maned heavy blaster cannons, they took aim on the TIE fighters as they crossed their field of view. The fighters were dealt with and the transport was over the tree-line hovering in place, waiting for the signal.


Miles heard the roar of the engines overhead, their ride was here.
Alright, load up and lets get home. Miles pointed his gun into the air and popped a flare. Move, move, move!

Meta propelled himself and jumped into the ship, the haul of the ship taking the enemy fire. "Come on!" He shouted, pulling @[member="Miles Varden"] into he ship like a rag doll. "Is that everyone?" He asked, a trooper crawling into the ship. His legs dangling out for the storm troopers to shoot. The soldier cringed. "Go!" He shouted in pain, Meta pulled him in. Resting his free hand on the soldiers chest plate.
The soft chirp in his ear confirmed the information that Daxton was expecting to hear. The Sith were moving heavy ATAT units forward. Excellent, between himself, the dragon, and arriving Sith reinforcements, it would soon be a matter of moments before they mopped any remaining resistance like roaches under their heel. The numbers game simply favored the Sith side now.

He could sense the presence of another Force User nearby and dismissed the possibility of that posing a threat. Not only was the Sith Master a veteran of both battle and duels, he also had a vast armory of dirty tricks and spells he still had in reserve, not to mention the vastly superior number of Sith reinforcements to toss into the fray.

What could a lone Jedi do against a dozen, three dozen soldiers armed to the teeth? To stay would be suicide, but then again, he still hadn't met a Jedi with enough brains to see when the battle was already lost. Perhaps they would challenge him to a fight, that would be amusing to say the least. Especially Daxton never fought fair in his life, and he wasn't about to anytime soon.

@[member="Talos Riga"]
Talos felt an increase of traffic in the skies, he turned towards the incoming reinforcements, reached out with his mind, willing a few of the transports out of the sky. Sending them crashing into the ground, exploding upon impact. Dozens of soldiers were obliterated and a few of the fighters broke off to locate the source of the attack. A pair of TIE fighters spotted Talos and dove to attack him. Before they could fire, Talos shot his hands out to the side, the wings of the fighters became separated from their respective cockpit. The ball shaped cockpits crashed and rolled on the ground until they met a rock or a tree. Talos turned to walk away from the area, as he walked, the skulls flowed from his body, encircling him as a whole, until nothing visible was left.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Daxton eyed the stranger with some amusement, how utterly little of the Force did he truly understand that he would think that such actions would not bear an immeasurable burden even on the most gifted of psychics. He was already a master, a veteran of countless duels and battles across the galaxy, one of the strongest minds currently in the galaxy bested only by two psychics, both of whom had his respect even if he did not agree with their politics.

He had recovered somewhat from the previous attacks and was fully capable of unleashing a new onslaught on the interloper. Especially since he just wasted a vast amount of his power on what amounted to a petty tantrum worthy of a petulant child of two years of age. Perhaps a spell of withering grace, or creeping doom, or perhaps his personal favorite, the broken mirror of the inner mind. So many arcane options, but that would be for another time since the man was now leaving the battlefield. A pity though, Daxton would have loved to have broken him and reshaped him into something that actually posed potential to the galaxy.

Today was a Sith victory, let the Republic roaches scurry in fear, the time of the Sith was well again on the rise.

@Talos Riga
A thundering monstrosity. A giant metal camel. The most cumbersome piece of military machinery in the Imperial Army. The AT-AT, a massive, walking artillery platform/troop transport, was making its way towards the rally point along with two others. twelve vehicles in total were headed towards the newly acquired Sith outpost. The pilots were going over their consoles, ensuring everything was working properly. The co-pilot went to the back to grab some binocs, but where the engineers should have been, there stood a man wrapped in black cloth. The man reached out and with a twist of his wrist, the pilot's head popped off its shoulders. The inside of the AT-AT began to dent outward, until it finally burst, a smoking wreck from the inside out.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Daxton looked at the figure of @Talos Riga with utter contempt. Not only was he a fool to have stayed, but he just three of the biggest mistakes of soon to shortened life.

First, instead of being smart and pulling back, he stayed behind and soon to be surrounded by Sith Forces. With no support or anyone left to watch his back, he was a sitting duck.

Secondly, crushing an AT-AT from the inside required massive amounts of Master Level concentration and even then the slightest break in that was enough to be his downfall. Besides stopping a single AT-AT was meaningless, especially when more where on the way. With a simple command in his helmets comms, he had the remaining AT-ATs unleash a barrage of twin turbo blast cannon fire on the position of the lone force user. The combined firepower was more than enough to chew up the ground and reduce anyone in the blast radius into quivering chunks on flesh.

Taking an abandoned rifle, he carefully aimed down the sights, before he sent a trio of shots down at the Force User. His third and biggest mistake was turn his back to the Sith Lord. Each shot was guided not only by the Force but by Daxton's mastery of the skill shatterpoint. Where normally armor would deflect or mitigate some of the damage, this would not be the case. Daxton had intentionally shot at the weakest fracture points as he could see via the Force. Each shot would blow through armor, flesh and bone as if it was paper. Having shot at the back of the man's kneecaps and the small of the back where the spine connected to the pelvis, the attack was designed to inflict the maximum amount of pain while simulatenously incapacitating him. With his concentration focused on the AT-AT he was destroying, combined with the turbo-laser blasts, he stood little chance of walking away from this. Perhaps that would teach him to run when given the chance.

@Talos Riga
Talos took a deep breath behind his wraps, heard the other AT-ATs walking towards him. He turned to see them preparing to fire. Massive bolts of pure energy sprang out from the 'tusk' mounted turbolasers. Moving with much haste, Talos ripped the pectoral hatch and dove down to the ground, flipping to his feet at the last second. The carcass of the AT-AT he had just been in, was now teetering to its left, the legs buckled, shortening its fall. Talos ran as he was now in the open, in the middle of a Sith convoy. Behind him, one of the echoes spoke up, Behind Us!, Incoming!

Talos turned in time to see the first bolt strike his arm at his shoulder socket, the second hitting his hip at the joint, but the third missed from the previous bolts spinning Talos off his feet. Rolling on the ground, away from the shots direction, Talos clutched his shoulder and hip. He groaned in pain, the echoes grew in volume, until their screams became audible to any stormtroopers nearby. The chorus of cries would sound like a beast in pain, the cries would continue to grow in volume until they carried down the valley. The Sith, should he be listening, would hear the echoes of echoes as the man he had seen lay in pain in the grass. No blood was visible on the flora, but the visions of tiny green skulls could be seen flowing out from the wounds, circling their home. Talos regained his composure, focused his mind, and drew the skulls into the wounds. They squeezed themselves into the holes, closing them. Struggling to stand, Talos saw a squad of stormtroopers marching towards his position with rifles at the ready. Although they were ready for a fight, they weren't ready for a desperate cornered man to strike first. As if he vanished before their eyes, he was gone. Then from nowhere, Talos came back into view, thrusting his left palm out, he blasted them from behind. Looking up at the remaining AT-ATs, he compelled them closer, training their heads on each other, he made them fire. Shrapnel showered the convoy below, a trooper collapsed, grasping at his back, where a massive sliver of the AT-AT was imbedded. A tank was crushed beneath the falling behemoth. More troopers died from falling debris and fire. Talos focused as hard as he could, the wounds closing ever more. Not fully repaired, but good enough to survive. He moved away from the destroyed convoy, into the trees.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Lilith took a deep breath and tried to prepare for fighting. She was not very good at anything: her lightsaber skills were terrible and she only had a really long-bladed saber which was hard to use, she wasn't skilled with the Force. Fortunately she had managed to steal a blaster from someone. Obviously she didn't know what kind of blaster it was, so she just had to assume it was a good one.

And then she landed a bit away from the battlefield.
Several weeks had passed since the Sith offensive, nothing remained of the Republic position save for churned, violated earth. Multiple defensive positions sprouted like vile mushrooms, weapons of mass destruction waiting for the next push towards the enemy lines. Daxton glanced at the map once more as he took a sip of wine from the glass he held in his hand.

Where to go next, he wondered silently to himself. Perhaps this time he would assassinate someone important behind enemy lines. That should still up the hornet's nest. Turning to his right, he checked the wall where pictures of various local political and military targets belonging to the enemy. After a moments consideration, he took one off the board and smiled. Yes, this one would do quite nicely indeed....

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