Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)

[member="Silara Vantai"]

Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves

"You know, you shouldn't talk to yourself, thats the first step to insanity, shortly followed by hearing voices in your head." Ellain smiled as she walked up behind Silara, wearing a suit of ultrachrome gungnir armor that had been modified with two holes where her shoulder-blades were, her hands crossed over her chest as she looked at the woman's back. "How can i help you miss?"
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves
Objective - Find the Ruins

Silara practically jumped, having felt the sudden presence approaching just as [member="Ellain Hadrin"] spoke out about her mutterings. Turning around abruptly, her back pressed to the rock that she had been leaning against, a clear look of surprise could be seen painted all over Silara's face. This was probably the first, and likely the last, time the Sith had been caught off-guard, and made it a mental note to always feel around with the force at a minimal amount. Sizing up the red-head, the blonde let out a sigh of relief, though she wasn't entirely certain if the girl she'd encountered was a Jedi or not. "Oh my gosh, you scared me!" The teen gasped, though a warm smile soon replaced her temporary look of shock and concern, with a tone that was much softer and vulnerable than the previous one she had whispered with. "I'm sorry, I was just looking around. I seem to be lost, I was looking for a ruin around here, and I can't seem to find it." Silara added with an embarrassed laugh, bringing her right hand up to her forehead to rub against it. "I don't suppose you could show me around?" The Vahla asked with a smile that could melt a heart, her tone a bit hopeful if anything.

[member="Matsu Ike"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
The Capitol

[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki had come back to the planet and this time well she had come with others... Mostly because the capital of the world would be a great place to look for information and what they could find. There was also the chance for her padawan to work on setting up things for her company although she would leave that to her while crossing her arms over her chest. She was still nervous around the master but at least Teria could be distracted by Tarak... That was a plus and she stood there in the ship with her arms crossed over her chest. "So you guys have any plans or ideas?"
Ocean temple

[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Una Gal"] [member="Ellain Hadrin"]

Ikki continued forward and stood looking out upon the area, she could see the waves crashing while her eyes flicked around everything. It was a distraction for some but she was going to rather enjoy all of it while she moved brushing some of the moisture off of her synthatex outfit. This temple was amazing and slowly moving forward she crouched dusting off a mural that started and cleared it away from a wall. She wondered if there was others within who were finding things like she was.
"Well now it's freaky and you're going to have to deal with this extra appendage on your arm." Una wriggled her arm in his a little and began to pick up the pace. She was sure she could hear something that wasn't quite the ordinary noise for a cave. There was the sound of rushing water deep in the mountain side and the occasional drip, drip of water falling from the ceiling and hitting the floor. Even the sound of the cave itself still settling after all these years was a normal noise in Una's ears. It was almost like something was in the cave with them, or some one. Her arm tightened around Solan's and her finger tips brushed readily against the hilt of her saber. "Can you hear that?" She asked meakly as she looked up at her friend.

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Una Gal"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

Solan nodded and felt her arm tighten around his and looked at Una again, stopping as she said that and closing his eyes as he let his mind expand out and see if there was anyone with them. It took him a minute or two but after that his eyes opened slowly and he looked at Una as he moved the glowrod under his face and spoke, not realizing he was still red from embarrassment of her holding onto his arm. "Its the dead, they've risen again to eat your brains and turn you into one. Any moment now they will all stand up." He knew full well it was only one person, probably with the Silver Jedi like they were, but this was more fun.
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves

Ellain smiled at the woman, her features holding nothing but kindness and a softness reserved for near everyone when it came to her. She barely even kept a weapon, a pistol and knives at her waist as she stood there. "Sooo.... are you with the Silver Jedi too, if so my name is Ellain and its an honor to meet you." She gave her a small bow before smiling again and pushing her hair back out of her face.
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves
Objective - Find the Ruins

Giving out a sigh of relief, she had finally found one of them, and this one seemed to be less than armed, at least much less armed than anything threatening to her. It was slightly amusing to see someone who gave out their trust with such blatant disregard to the chance of being incorrect, such naivety was almost cute really. Her fake smile, which she had worn while trying to persuade the girl into thinking less of her, quickly was replaced by a real one, though the meaning of it was more so based around the girl's naivety. "My name is Silara, but would it be such a disappointment if I did not belong to them?" Silara asked as she pushed herself off from the rock, making an exaggerated curtsy. "It isn't often that I meet someone like you, though. You said your name was Ellain? Well it's a wonderful pleasure to meet you." She added with a pleasant smile.

[member="Ellain Hadrin"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Una Gal"] | [member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]

"Err... well hello Silara... who or what are you then?" She blinked as the woman curtsied and then smiled at her, looking to the side for a moment to make sure that no one was behind her or something. "And uh. thank you... but what do you mean someone like me?" She blinked again, eyes shifting back to the woman as she found nothing.
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves
Objective - Find the Ruins

Silara stared for a moment, wondering if what she said wasn't clear enough, and decided for the more obvious approach. "What I meant was that you're so trusting, it's a rare quality that many people lack." She explained, pausing to look over [member="Ellain Hadrin"]. "Well I suppose I'm nobody, just a girl named Silara." The teenager continued, walking backwards down the trail a bit further with a smile. Turning away from the red-head, Silara reached out with the force to feel for other presences, making sure she was still alone with the girl and not followed, or that the girl herself wasn't being followed. "Well, are you coming or not?" She asked, almost playfully, as she turned and began to walk away, in the direction of the Ocean Temple.

[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Una Gal"] | [member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]

"I uh err.. thank you Silara." She smiled at the compliement, or what she thought was a compliment, about her trusting nature... Something seemed off though to her and she still decided to be careful around this woman, trusting or not of what the woman will do. "So, how come you are on the planet then if you aren't with the Silver Jedi..." She moved and walked up beside the woman, curious about her and what it was that she was doing here.

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Niamh tugged at her clothing lightly, trying to figure out why it felt so strange. Mostly it was because she wasn't wearing her armor like she normally was. She'd gotten really comfortable in her armor. Now she felt more or less naked, standing around with the other two and wondering what it was they were doing.

"What? Plans for what?"

She looked between [member="Saki"] and [member="Aika Kawakami"], blinking.

"What are we doing?"
Objective: Explore Quarantine Zone
Location: Within Compound

Landing on her feet she took a second to look around where she had ended up. She could see from her view the tattered tents more closely. They were covered in bullet holes and teeth marks. The first discovery made sense but the second one didn't unless they had been prisoners here trying to get out. She had bit people plenty of times trying to get her point across.

Before investigating more she pulled out her "investigation" kit from her napsack. It was nothing special just a few bags and some gloves. She saw this series about investigating so she though perhaps touching the evidence was a bad thing. After pulling on the gloves she began her search to which she first came across a bunch of blasters and being her curious self felt the need to pick up one. There were not only teeth marks on it but blood droplets as well. After bagging and tagging it the young woman moved forward. There was a lot of area to cover and not much time until nightfall. She would leave before than as there was no way she was going to spend the night.

Turning her head towards the actual building the thought of not going into it popped into her mind. There was no telling what lurked around in there. Even though the place looked dead she could still sense something and honestly she didn't want to find it. She was here on a mission though so she needed to search everywhere or she wouldn't be doing her job.

Reluctantly she turned around and began trudging towards the building wondering how she got stuck with this job.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Her head turned to face him, and she very nearly jumped out of her skin. With a swift movement her fist went for his shoulder, thumping him lightly. "Don't do that!" It was all in good fun, but the pout on her face suggested she really was nervous about the noises she heard. Una was anxious to start moving again and didn't waste time, re-linking and starting their walk again. Through the musty darkness she could see a large set of double doors at the end of the corridor. One was slightly ajar and from the inside of the room came a bright blue glow. It was bright enough for Una to lower her glow rod and release her grip on Solan's arm.

With a much more confidant stride now that natural light was finding its way in, Una strolled toward the doors. There was a large amount of gusto in her movements as she pushed the heavy wood open. For a few sickening moments it creaked loudly and Una's hair stood on end. Whatever was in the cave with them would have surely been alerted now. Just as her foot was crossing the thresh hold, she caught her first glance of the room. Inside were hundreds of skeletons decorating the room. Overall, the sight was nauseating, but from her spot countless sabers caught the light and reflected back into her eyes. Sets of armor gleamed in all their glory, used only once for this fatal battle. In short, the room was a treasure trove.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

He smiled as she punched his arm and rubbed the spot. "Hey now, it was a joke miss Gal." He moved with her to the door and studied it as she pushed it open and he helped her, his one hand on his saber while he looked at the darkness behind him. Inside he saw the skeletons too, but his eyes had gone immediately to the sabers and the armor as he went wide eyed. "This... do you know how much i could sell all this for... i would never have to worry about credits for the next five years." He smiled and moved inside, he had seen the dead a hundred times over, so it was not a odd thing for him, right now though he was looking for anything special mixed in with the otherwise uniform loot.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Quarantine Zone

Nico held the hammer as she dropped down and she could feel the bristling energy of the taung spirit, there was so much more to it and with Connor locked away and Shalla indisposed it was up to her to try and see what they could do to spread the fear. Spread the power and here on the moon she moved towards the ruined base they had set up to study the outbreak while she listened for shrieks and howls of the creatures that were here on the planet.
Capital City

This place was amazing, the jedi padawan roamed around and was looking for anything they could have going through the area. The silver jedi had proven quite a better home and there were actual healers here wanting to do good things and Rianna, Leori were here. She could learn from the ones who were skilled, work in their hospital and do good works instead of satisfy ones ego. She just hoped that master Leori was willing to take students, perhaps if she provided an item off worth she could find here at the Shri-tal capital.

Aika was coming... maybe it was hard to say but there was so much going on with this planet that she was enjoying all of it. Her hands were damp from the nerves while she was looking over the equipment being sold. The mandalorians had a shop here and their equipment was quite a sight to behold as was the large swords were gleaming. There were others shops and talls for food and gems, droids and clothing. All of it served the purpose of ensnaring and attracting the people to spend their credits while she smiled enjoying herself.
Illerium Factory

The imperial knights had come to Shri-tal.... well at least her as it was and standing there in her red armor she was looking at the mirror and the gash on her head from Empress Teta while she thought about what had happened from the situation. The factory held secrets that the silver jedi had learned about and she was here wearing a radiation badge to protect her from one of the secrets they had found. The illerium gas being used for the purpose of shipping to companies to power their ejection seats. "Come on lets go and see what we can find."

The snow was biting at her and she was filling it through the winter clothing. Coci had found a hammer here and as the white haired woman walked along the mountain path she was looking around. There were species from worlds few usually saw and refugee's from Dromuund Kaas that had come after the mandalorians destroyed the world. Now they were possibly working with a remnant of purebloods and causing problems which is what she was also investigating as it came up. She was looking for the ruins and what the shadow and master had found.

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