Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
This was like a bad dream... Very pretty people, but still like a bad dream. It seemed that at every opportunity Niamh seemed to poke fun at her, and Saki had done nothing to ease any of it. Actually, she had been a large part of her problem at this point. But it wasn't like she could play dumb any longer.. Aika had remembered the kiss she had shared with Saki when she had rescued her with Jeela alongside. It wasn't that it was bad...just unexpected. Combine that with the fact that had little in the way of romantic encounters in her life, and it made sense why she was reacting the way she was.

That was when Saki put the squeeze on Aika...quite literally at that. The arm that slipped around her waist had caused her to jump slightly, startled. The words that followed didn't help matters in the least. It was like Saki was saying things specifically to cause her embarrassment to deepen. Luckily for her, Niamh was either sensing how she felt, or she made the right comment at the right time. Either way, it helped.

"Uh..There seems to be a lot of sound...cheering. Maybe there's something going on that we should see?..."

[member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Saki"]
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves
Objective - Find the Ruins

Nodding in agreement with the red head's statement, she continued to walk down the edge of the base of the mountain, leading [member="Ellain Hadrin"] to the water's edge, before pivoting and looking inland to examine the area and discern the correct path to take. As looking with her eyes was clearly not going to be much help in her cause, she let out a huff and took a path that cut through between the mountain and the ocean temple, which after some time showed a sign of the ruins being near, as there was a building of sorts off in the distance. Of what, she had no idea, but it was still better than she had expected. "You wouldn't happen to know the way, to the ruins I mean, would you?" The blonde asked curiously, hoping her temporary companion would be better with directions on such a planet than her - especially seeing as how she had never even been around the area before, let alone the planet. She was a bit concerned that the red head's inquiries about her identity and pestering about her affiliation would continue and cause an issue for her, but she seemed likable enough.

[member="Silara Vantai"]

"No but.... i can do something to help speed up our search for it..." She debated showing the wings, growing them and flying above the path to give the, a birds eye view. But she wasn't sure if she should or could with this woman hear, unsure if she did change whether the person would leave her here as a freak or use her until she found the ruins, then toss Ellain to the side. Yet the offer stood and her wings itched for freedom once more.
[member="Ellain Hadrin"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

Quenladose stayed quiet more judging the people she was near and following like the kid sister, the short nine hundred year old kid sister whos eyes almost seemed to spin at times and hair was all natural. Her voice coming out more in a question before she stopped and looked around "Curious I don't believe I have ever seen you in the silver jedi before." The petite knight kept her hands in front of her and was looking at the redhead while wondering what she had planned while a small flash went across her vision then she was looking at the two again and remaining very still almost like a doll.
Location: Enroute to Illerium Factory
[member="Sai Fel"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]

Anija and her group spent close two two hours hacking their way through the jungle. Those vines were.... vicious. Even using their flamethrowers, at last two of the Hyperion Security forces had gotten snared by the things. With some very careful cutting by knife and beskad, and careful application of a flamethrower, the two had been freed, and the group moved on. After that, they made good progress towards the factory.

From all reports, the people running the factory appeared to be friendly to the Jedi, but Anija knew it wouldn't be simple. She frowned slightly behind her visor as they finally came into the large clearing where the factory was located. It was pretty nondescript, but certainly seemed out of place in a location such as this. She paused, and took a moment to issue orders to the Hyperion Security forces. When she was done, the group advanced towards the building, weapons ready. Friendly or not, the building probably had some sort of defenses.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki kept looking at Aika and she wondered if the woman could get any redder while she heard the sounds and nodded her head. "They might be having one of their sporting competitions." Or a parade, or something fun and interesting that would take her mind off of all the flush in her cheeks. Saki looked at Niamh and Aika and then outside moving to direct them through the capital and she looked at the larger buildings. "Alright I lied this place is awesome, better then coruscant and we have" She looked around at the scene in the distance, a large grav ball court with cheering and the souonds in the distance were coming. "Grav ball... oh now that makes so much better come on."
Location: Enroute to Illerium Factory
[member="Anija Ordo"]

Sai Fel arrived, the factory was friendly to the Silver jedi... mostly because they didn't try and control it but she saw one of the mandalorians they had called it. Hyperion security and soldiers to make sure the factory was secure and well Illerium was difficult to find while her datapad read more energy being used in the facility under the factory. The few jedi with her as she stood there and looked at the mandalorians fanned out more to keep and make notes of how many. "Greetings, I am Sai Fel. You are the security we hired to protect Silver Jedi interests in our sector?"

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Soon enough they were walking along. The sounds of cheering resonated ahead of them. What could the cheering be about? A sporting event was mentioned and she wondered what that meant. Sporting events to her were sparring bouts with weapons and blood. They were awesome! Was this going to be like that? If so, she couldn't wait!

And then she saw it was grav ball and pouted a bit. Not as fun. Still, she went along with the other two.

"Too bad it's not a gladiator match or something. That would have been better."

[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Sai Fel"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]

As the two groups advanced towards each other, Anija motioned her people to stop. There was a bit of shuffling, but after a few seconds they did so. Weapons were lowered, but still held ready. With a glance towards Arrbi, Anija turned back to address the young Jedi who had spoken. Intentionally lowering her ripper, she nodded. "That is correct, Ma'am. One of your council Masters - a Master Matsu Ike, I believe - hired us to provide security." She paused. "I apologize if our approach gave you any cause for alarm. We were told that we were to secure the factory area." She slowly looked around, matching faces to the data Master Master Ike had given her. They all matched, so she relaxed a little. "What's the current status on the factory? I was led to believe there might be defenses of some kind that we would need to disable."
Eventually her hard work paid off and the young woman was able to locate a door headed into the facility. Giving it one nice big push was all it took for the door to creak open just enough for her to squeeze her way inside.

The first thing that she saw was nothing, it was pitch black inside this place however she could smell the mold and death that permeated this place. Reaching inside of her bag she pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. Sure she could have used a spell however she didn't want anything in here, if there was something, to know that she was one as well. If she could find a light switch or something she would definitely turn that on. Anastasia would need to look for the control center.

As she scanned the room she currently was in she saw nothing of value. There was an empty table and a dusty floor which was irritating her nose so she decided to move forward to the next room which looked like just a bunch of lockers still she opened them up to find old weapons and other junk which was not useful to her but she collected some anyway as she knew someone whom would appreciate it.

Walking into what kind of looked like an office which did have a journal on the desk a long with a Stormtrooper helmet with some sort of writing on it. She couldn't understand the writing on it but she was sure that someone could and as such she picked it up as well to figure it out when she got out of her.

The only other thing of interest was a datapad which held some plans for a facility in the basement. The last place she wished to go however it looked like that was her next stop.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
A deep exhale came from her lips, the sounds of the large crowd growing louder with each and every step as the three moved along. With the conversation seemingly moving in a more normal direction, the color from Aika's face finally subsided. The city, itself, was rather impressive. Buildings large and people about, Saki's comment comparing it to Coruscant was seemingly right on. Without a doubt, she'd have been just as happy to pace about the city with the two. As much as they seemed to cause her visible reactions, they were interesting and fun. And that was enough to keep her interested. Though, a little help didn't hurt..

As the grav ball court came into view, Aika let the two make their comments as she pushed out from under Saki's arm, rushing ahead a few step as her smile grew to its widest proportions possible. Her head turned to look back at the two. "There are plenty of ways to have fun other then attacking each other with weapons. Right Saki?"

Her head turned back to the ongoing match, still griming as if she had just been proposed to. "It's my first time actually seeing this close up.. Come on! Lets get a better look!"

Well, at least she wasn't struggling to say words anymore.

@Saki@Niamh Raste
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Explore Hammer sight [[rolled 20]]

The final hammer has been found in an ornate chamber with chests and scrolls. The armor of the ancient Taungs stand arouund it as all eight members of the Warriors of the Shadow. Ancient bone armors with their swords and preserved slugthrowers

Explore Ruins for Clues [[rolled 16]]

The overgrown areas of the ruins gave way to an open area filled with statues detailing ancient beings that were not native to the planet. They had visited and perhaps left valuables behind

Explore Marketplace [[rolled 20]]

The grand auction has released information on several of its lots.

  • Mestare Crystal
  • A katak Crystal
  • The Ankarres Sapphire
  • An old model Phaser
  • A rumored Map to the resting place of the Blade of Beginnings
  • The Blade of the Betrayer

Explore Capital [[rolled 16]]

Aika, Saki and Niamh in their looking discover there is an Atrisian spa offering for the jedi a free day of service for their work in protecting the sector.

Explore Quarantine Zone [[rolled 14]]

Anastasia would find more equipment and things strewn across from different era's some more recent moel weapons and several lightsabers as in the distance an otherworldly howl could be heard.

Explore Crystal Caves [[rolled 16]]

The crystal caves were filled with more things, among the research notes were there detailing the possibility of pontite crystals and more rare varieties

Explore Mountains [[rolled 20]]

The scout ship was filled with gungnir armor and stormtrooper armor from the empire. They had fought and been attacked by sith purebloods on beasts.

Explore Ocean Temple [[rolled 20]]

The sea leviathan was not the only thing, crackling to life wit the presence of people a computer terminal installed later after they were built continued to repeat on loop. "Lower levels secure, vault secure, armory secure, Mandalorian Knights Barracks secure"

Explore Illerium factory [[rolled 17]]

The scientists and workers in the sub level of the factory were drawing more power and bombarding the illerium with radiation. Producing some as the chemical slowly changed and the workers topside noticed the mandalorians with jedi. Not drawing their weapons but reacting and being tense in case of problems.

Explore Lakeside [[rolled 1]]

Jessie gets a really bad sunburn

Explore Silver Jedi outpost [[rolled 17]]

The Silver Jedi outpost is nearing completion and the workers discover a secondary entrance to a lakeside chamber

Explore Golan Defense Station [[rolled 8]]

The majority of stations are undermanned and not being used aside from storage of clutter.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
[member="Ace Thrakish"]
[member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Ailyne Viren"]
[member="Asaak Tey"]
[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Barinthus E`ron"]
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]
[member="Bridgin Sky"]
[member="Caelius Mars"]
[member="Caira Zee"]
[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Connar Arneir Whitelight"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Dagos Terrek"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
[member="Esiri Kepporra"]
[member="Flynn Blackheart"]
[member="Graal Byrn"]
[member="Gurbot Luk"]
[member="Hawk Solo"]
[member="Ian Kepporra"]
[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Iris Tyrad"]
[member="Isabella Denko"]
[member="Jeela Tillian "]
[member="Jessie Volt"]
[member="Jora Vao"]
[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kalia Walsh"]
[member="Katagiri Ike"]
[member="Kenshi Mitsumoto"]
[member="Kuan Le"]
[member="Kycoros Oberon"]
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]
[member="Lok Jorunn"]
[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
@Ma'ku Izi'ka
[member="Marek S'hadar"]
[member="Max Scorpio"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]
[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Parmi Miemant"]
[member="Pravis Sharman"]
[member="Rang Un-Haku"]
[member="Rasu Gan"]
[member="Reiko Ike"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"]
[member="Scutu Hu"]
[member="Sean Winters"]
[member="Serra Val Rhia"]
[member="Shalla Horizonis"]
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]
[member="Siather Det'aan"]
[member="Sochi Ru"]
[member="Sol Loup"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
[member="Tanaris Mohebbi"]
[member="Taurus Braun"]
[member="The Ethelwulf"]
[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Vexander Graves"]
[member="Visvada Ondu"]
[member="Vladimir Kirov"]
[member="Xander Carrick"]
[member="Ellain Hadrin"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
[member="Kra'nei Rin"]
[member="Una Gal"]
[member="Maria Natalja"]
[member="Eric Koor"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Saori Kutunome"]
[member="Plepeat Vrai"]
[member="Niamh Raste"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]
[member="Cable Smith"]
@Private Rose
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Elphaba nic Arose"]
[member="Sai Fel"]
[member="Celtic Corcoran"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Lanir Tyko"]
[member="Willa Isard"]
[member="Avano Reed"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Mol Arket"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Location: The Grand Auction

Oka was going to claim a very special item at the grand auction. The Ankarres Sapphire, not only would it restrict sith from touching it, but it'd also aide him in battle. He didn't know what the price would be or if it'd even be there. It was a new journey that he was ready for.

He was so excited that he lost track of where he was going. Oka was on a street but it seemed he was now in an ally between brick buildings. It came to his head, where was this auction anyways?

Tiland paused at a fountain and dipped his hands in, cupping them, and bent down to stream it over his face. He shook his head. Much better. Nothing like water to clear one's mind. Especially clean water. The tension and hunger that gnawed at him faded. It would return. It always did. But then he stopped. Thoughts trickled into his mind. An auction. With special, ancient artifacts. Ones older than he was, even. Now that was interesting. Might even be worth stopping in to see. He limped off again, tapping his staff in an irregular rhythm, ambling in the direction the thoughts seemed to be coming from. Others seemed to be following suit.

Some of them were rather shady looking, and violence lingered in their thoughts. He drifted over towards them, following slowly. They glanced back at him, but then moved on. After all, who cared for an old homeless man? Nobody. He was beneath their thoughts.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki looked from the grav ball to Niamh when she saw her pouting and Saki moved her hands seeing the one advertisement for a spa... There were worse things she could think of and took Niamh in both of her arms for a moment while she grasped her hands. "Oh all right you know I can't say to when you make that face, though maybe she was being a little selfish as she turned around Niamh so she was behind her and looking at Aika. Her lips puffing up and taking in the jedi councilor while she held up her arms speaking. "Maybe instead we can go to the free spa Aika, we promise not to be more handsy unless you want to. Just relax and let all the stress melt away with a relaxing oil massage. Or..." She trailed it off since she wasn't going to get to see the grav ball game but a kiss to Niamh's ear and small nibble. "We can all talk about how much I suspect you want to run your hand over my head and through her hair."


Aynea raised a slight eyebrow at the jeweler.
"There is one such source of such fancies, yes," the abroad Togorian continued.
"Well, where is this place?"
"Ah, not a place, but a man. Nobody has seen his face or heard his voice, but they call him the Beskar Fang. Word on the grapevine is that he brings in most of the exotic and foreign goods around these systems. They say he's very dangerous - always walks around with two Mirari bodyguards. Most are too scared to cross him...." He paused. "But nobody really knows, he is always in and out so quickly."
The Togorian paused for a moment.
"Tell you what, I need a new crystal for my jewelry. Bring me back a Force-attuned crystal from the local Caves here and I will tell you when next he lands for business."
Ugh. These shady rogue traders and merchants were always so greedy and manipulative, she thought. At the luxury of being one crystal lesser, she'd pay the price of giving her one of her own instead.
"Here, take this. It's a raw, natural crystal from a far-off planet called Mnencheiasus. They're very rare, and considered incredibly sacred - their Forcers are like an inquisition, and would kill to keep it out of the wrong hands."
She shuffled through her shimmersilk satchel, looking for just the thing, lifting the shard of Kalestat out to hand over to the man. The challenge was completed and circumvented.
"Ah..." he said, pulling out some manner of strange oculus and inspecting the jewel top to bottom, "I admire a woman who traders in like. This is very good. I won't ask where you got it, I just hope it's not stolen from some holy temple or the like.... As promised, I will tell you what I know. They say the Beskar Fang comes bi-monthly to deliver new shipments and make new trades. Supposedly, his next shipment is at the first sun's eve. There is an underground auction going on somewhere in town today; legitimate, but very exclusive. You may find him heading there if you are fortunate. I'll mark the location on your holomap."
[ fast forward ]
The day, and her very culling to the planet, were beginning to become more and more complex with each step she took.
It was there, circling around town that she bumped into some random, white-haired lad - [member="Nix"] - who perhaps was there for similar reasons.

((( super late but better late then never, I've been very busy )))​
Sometimes, riding a shuttle until you can no longer stand it wasn't a good idea. Nix soon leanred this as he started walking around the over-crowded streets of the city. As usual, he wore white and light grey clothing meant for cooler climates, and as usual, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His fur-fringed hood was pulled low over his head. He had his music cranked up very loud so that the bustle of the throngs of people around him wouldn't hurt his ears. All he needed was a place to sit and find his bearings. Then, he could leave this place and go somewhere quieter. It was while having this thought that someone bumped into him. Just for a second, his icy blue eyes met theirs. It was a woman with golden cat-eyes, and... cat ears? He'd never seen that before. He said nothing to her, and began to continue walking.
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]
Though the graveyard of potential credits was an interesting sight, Una knew better than to disturb the dead. The whole idea of removing their valuables, having to pry them from closed fingers that had been under rigor mortis for decades, was something she was definitely not open too. But turning to face Solan she could see in his eyes that he'd hit the jackpot. Leaving him too it, she picked her way through the dead's final resting place. Each foot step was placed carefully so as not to disturb their sleeping skeletons. As her eyes glanced over them she was transported back to the past, to the day of the battle. In her minds eye the battle was playing out. In her head she watched the thousands of people strewn over the floor die, one by one by one.

She stopped at one particular body. It was spread out across the floor, it's arms and legs twisted in a grotesque manner. Her eyelids fluttered closed at her vivid imagination. Sometimes she could even hear the screams and feel the warm splash of blood against her skin. It sent a shiver down her spine that jolted her whole body. The her body jolted again and a noise that didn't quite coincide with the battle filled her ears. A whir of mechanics and century old machine bringing itself to life. Then the blue light over powered her graphic depiction of the horrible event that took place in the temple. Una's gaze remained on the body for a few moments before she forced herself to turn in the direction of the strange light. The terminal hummed gently, making the floor beneath her shake with it's power. The soft, broken voice that emitted from the age old technology went unheard until she was a few centimeters away from it.

The dusty screen blinked with a text copy of the spoken words. Una read them quickly. "Hey Solan, look at this. Armory, secure. Vault, secure. Mandalorian Kn-..." The whole temple shook on its foundations. Debris and dust floated from the walls to the floor and coated everything in a thick layer of fine powder. She felt the leviathan roar in the very core of her bones. "H-hey.. Solan. That's not you is it?"

[member="Solan Charr"]
Location: Between Ocean Temple & Ruins
Objective: Reach Ruins
[member="Ellain Hadrin"], [member="Quenladose"]

Although Silara was anything but comfortable with a Jedi and some very questioning teenager following behind her, she continued with their little trek toward what appeared to be the ruins - though a deafening roar from the coastal area could be heard faintly even from where they were walking now. "I don't think we need to look much further, Miss Ellain." She said after a while, her force-enhanced sight giving her a glimpse of the outskirts of the ruins. "That should be it, over there." Silara added, ignoring the Jedi's prattling on. To her, the purple-haired jedi seemed to remind her of her mother with how she seemed to keep tailing her. Unfortunately for this Jedi, Silara had killed her own mother and was not exactly fond of reminiscing about her.
Explore Quarantine Zone

"What is that horrid smell?" She groaned quietly to herself. The young witch had smelled a great many terrible things in her time but nothing quite like this. It was unreal and it kind of reminded her of death. The way it smelled in that prison cell. It was brining her back to a place she would very much rather forget. Leaning against the wall Anastasia closed her eyes for a brief moment trying to collect herself before she passed out or had some horrendous flashback. She had been trying to keep her flashbacks down to a minimum and had been successful. They only now came back to her at night.

Her eyes had only been closed for a few minutes before she heard an eerie howl throughout the building which made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. It was times like this she wished that she wasn't alone and that she had a partner in crime of some sort to lean on. They could be freaked out together.

The actual direction of where the sound came from was unknown to the young witch as it seemed to come from everywhere. There was a huge part of her that wished to get out of there now yet another part of her still wished to explore. There was so much yet to see and she wanted to know what occurred here.

Gathering up some courage or what others may see as stupidity Anastasia left the office to go into a new part of the building which by the looks of it was a lab with blood stains everywhere including a supposed operating table. Shinning the light to the ground she saw tools scattered about. The types of tools she was no stranger too. A free hand ran up her arm and she shuttered as her mind flashed back to those very times.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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