Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)


She was sad, her master was ill and in need of help as she moved about on the large Jun-la creature and he was moving about. The beast sniffed the air tracking the scent of the creatures on the planet, the large ruins near the plains she was exploring with a few shadows just in case of problems coming along. They never knew what could be found to handle and take care of things on the ships but thpse were not needed to be brought down or help out. She would work together and try to impress her master so that the real promise she made to be a good jedi would be fulfilled.
Lakeside Home

Orihime was excited about it all, her mommy had gotten a home built for them and she was looking at the large place. Their home was underneath the silver jedi compound but it wasn't a military base but it was a place they could stay on the world and below the surface was the house two the padawan and her sister. Hanna the blonde lady from Hapes was a great person who she enjoyed having around more so because her baby was great to play with and have adventures. "Oh it looks so beautiful."
Crystal Moon

Knight had found a sense of peace here, the crystal caves on the planet had proven a great place and they were filled but here on the moon there were even more ruins from ancient civilizations and more crystal caves. She walked letting the black patch over her eye reduce her headache and didn't want to work with more of her injuries. After Coruscant and getting the starfall dropped on her she had questions namely what one was planning and what she would be able to do in the future while blowing out a small hiss and looking at the entrance to the cave ruins.

With his padawans indisposed and working hard he would have to find something that could be done. Shalla and Shiva were getting very skilled and he would do what he had to do to make sure they had their fun. He would also work hard to make sure they were safe and protected and that was why he was here on the lakeside with a few jedi researchers while they were looking to make sure done of those small caves held sithspawn near the compound the head of their research division had created.
Hammer Site

Noriko was here and in force it seemed, Nico was acting strange, Junko was concerned with her master, Katagiri was off in the mountains, Ikki was around and being her usual meek self and Matsu was off doing as she needed to do and focused on helping the silver jedi with their causes in the galaxy. More so then she had been in the jedi but Noriko attributed that to the work she had seen, it wasn't being pushed aside and told it couldn't be done by her while another claimed they already knew what to do with it. Nor was there someone using everything discovered for their own personal ego trip. Everything added up and that was letting Noriko have some peace while she examined the runed section of stone near where they possibly had a hammer.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Golan Defense Station

Ayumi had come to the station, less because they needed to worry and more because they were here to make sure the world was safe and functioning. Her amusement rising while she held up a trinket from the capital. An over sized head of the emperor that was on a spring and able to move with the vibrations. It was near other ones of Atrisian women dressed up in white make up and black hair. An interesting kimono like the jedi master... former jedi master had crafted for the jedi to wear. She was here to oversee and help make sure the station was supplied. "I hope all is in readiness."
[member="Ellain Hadrin"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

Quenladose tilted her head listening to the people all of them were so loud in a place that could turn on you at any second and she let the force shimmer over her skin for a moment while the smallest jedi looked up with pin-wheeled tri colored eyes and nearly bleached white skin. The long purple hair down to her ankles and a saber on her hip and she spoke softly. "You two should be more careful, never know what will appear from the shadows."
Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves
Objective - Find the Ruins
Silara was about to come up with a story of some sort to explain why she was on the planet when someone else spoke up, and when she turned her head in curiosity it was to her great dismay that it appeared to be a Jedi, one with a visible saber at that. Resisting the urge to groan, she instead channeled her frustration so that her clear annoyance seemed to be directed at [member="Quenladose"] speaking like a mother to a child - it certainly helped that Silara had hated her own mother enough to kill her. "Great...what now?" Silara thought to herself, rather disgruntled with the continual appearance of people she was trying to find from the shadows only to be found by them. "I think we'll be fine, miss." She replied, turning forward again to continue on and explain herself to [member="Ellain Hadrin"].

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Ah... Awkward silence. Made even more awkward by the fact that one of them wasn't fully aware of made things so awkward. Life is wonderful..

AIka's hands clasped behind her back, fingers twiddling amongst themselves. Her eyes bounced back and forth between the other two ladies, gaze tending to linger more over Niamh. She sighed, more unsure of what to say than the other two, and probably more nervous. But, someone had to break this silence. Otherwise, who knows what may come out of Saki's mouth..

"Well, we could look around a bit. We're essentially at the capitol. We should look around. I'm sure we could find something interesting around. Or at least give us something to spark a conversation about." Her lips curled into a warm grin, hoping the two would go along with her idea. If not, she certainly wasn't opposed to hiding under a rock..

[member="Saki"] [member="Niamh Raste"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Explore Hammer sight [[rolled 15]]

The jedi at the site of the hammer would find the entryway to a chamber overgrown with roots and brush. Murals of the hammer and more warnings down below.

Explore Ruins for Clues [[rolled 2]]

The ruins were to overgrown with vines and plants to provide useful clues but there was evidence of fighting and other groups frm before

Explore Marketplace [[rolled 7]]

The rumors of a special merchant led and pointed towards an auction that would require invitation

Explore Capital [[rolled 1]]

The capital city is in the middle of a large sporting event

Explore Quarantine Zone [[rolled 20]]

The group inside the building would find research notes on the flowers and a sample, lockers full of outdated equipment but there was some ammo and medicine. The biggest thing of note was a stormtrooper helmet with graffiti on it and a datapad detailing more storehouses under the facility

Explore Crystal Caves [[rolled 14]]

The caves themselves were becoming harder to sense as the sounds woke things up, a Taozin was around and with its sleep disturbed it was projecting its small field around itself and an area making feeling things in the force harder.

Explore Mountains [[rolled 20]]

The Vanr and sith purebloods were not the only things in the mountains, a crashed scout ship from the Republic could be see from when the Republic was working to help the planets previously under the sith empires control.

Explore Ocean Temple [[rolled 18]]

There was a roar for the ones in the temple, something was coming from the depths and more and more the ancient foundation shook. A great sea leviathan protecting the lower levels was stalking the larger halls of the temple

Explore Illerium factory [[rolled 6]]

The factory the mandalorians and Silver jedi was going to was a friend of the order and they had a gift but the droids set up for protection were still there as were the dark flower plants and bloodvines making getting there difficult.

Explore Lakeside [[rolled 4]]

Jessie gets a burnburn

Explore Silver Jedi outpost [[rolled 17]]

The Silver Jedi outpost and home for Matsu Ike was nearly completed, her home might not look the best but she and Hanna had one fo the better places to call their own and plenty of space under the silver jedi's outpost for researchers.

Explore Golan Defense Station [[rolled 18]]

The commander of the defense station was ready for the bizarre inspection from the Silver Jedi if only because he did know they had soldiers.. ranger something. The bottomline was they were ready and had a few surprises to show her.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
[member="Ace Thrakish"]
[member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Ailyne Viren"]
[member="Asaak Tey"]
[member="Azlyn Ike"]
[member="Barinthus E`ron"]
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]
[member="Bridgin Sky"]
[member="Caelius Mars"]
[member="Caira Zee"]
[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Connar Arneir Whitelight"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Dagos Terrek"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]
[member="Esiri Kepporra"]
[member="Flynn Blackheart"]
[member="Graal Byrn"]
[member="Gurbot Luk"]
[member="Hawk Solo"]
[member="Ian Kepporra"]
[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Iris Tyrad"]
[member="Isabella Denko"]
[member="Jeela Tillian "]
[member="Jessie Volt"]
[member="Jora Vao"]
[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kalia Walsh"]
[member="Katagiri Ike"]
[member="Kenshi Mitsumoto"]
[member="Kuan Le"]
[member="Kycoros Oberon"]
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]
[member="Lok Jorunn"]
[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
@Ma'ku Izi'ka
[member="Marek S'hadar"]
[member="Max Scorpio"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]
[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Parmi Miemant"]
[member="Pravis Sharman"]
[member="Rang Un-Haku"]
[member="Rasu Gan"]
[member="Reiko Ike"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"]
[member="Scutu Hu"]
[member="Sean Winters"]
[member="Serra Val Rhia"]
[member="Shalla Horizonis"]
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]
[member="Siather Det'aan"]
[member="Sochi Ru"]
[member="Sol Loup"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
[member="Tanaris Mohebbi"]
[member="Taurus Braun"]
[member="The Ethelwulf"]
[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Vexander Graves"]
[member="Visvada Ondu"]
[member="Vladimir Kirov"]
[member="Xander Carrick"]
[member="Ellain Hadrin"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
[member="Kra'nei Rin"]
[member="Una Gal"]
[member="Maria Natalja"]
[member="Eric Koor"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Saori Kutunome"]
[member="Plepeat Vrai"]
[member="Niamh Raste"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"]
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]
[member="Cable Smith"]
[member="Private Rose"]
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
[member="Leina Snowfire"]
[member="Elphaba nic Arose"]
[member="Sai Fel"]
[member="Celtic Corcoran"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Lanir Tyko"]
[member="Willa Isard"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Devaronian blood stones can be found


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki was looking at Aika and she was so nervous now.... awkward again it was... confusing in the temple on Malachor V she had been serious and sure, they hadn't really gotten to speak and now were back where some of the awkwardness had started when Aika had done all that tonsil sports... No just kidding she had totally kissed the jedi master in the transport after she saved her from zombies and she was more then willing to go and do it again if the situation called for it. That Aika seemed to be looking at her padawan meant the two did have a shared interest... at least in some terms

Saki smiled though and moved over to Aika and gave a nod of her head. "We will find something to do, there are plenty of places and sports who knows maybe we can make a lesson plan of it with Niamh." Saki looked at at her padawan who was wodnering what was going on but she stood there with her arms over her chest. "We are going to have a fun time padawan and I don't know look at pictures or something or another." She turned to Aika. "Sound good." She shrugged and brought an arm out to get the two of them over under her arms. "Of yes we are going to have a fun time."

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Explore the city. That could potentially be fun. Aika seemed totally out of sorts, and she kept staring too. Not that Niamh minded much, she stared just about as much at the other two women as Aika was at her. They were gorgeous so how could she not? She loved Saki. Now that they were spending time with Aika she was finding herself drawn to the woman as well. A love triangle they could be. Now that would be more than fun, and really put Teria off. Wherever she was. Probably with Tarak.

"Sure, let's do it."

She winked at Aika and then allowed Saki to pull her under her arm. Nuzzling up against the woman, she slipped an arm about her waist.

"Onward and forward!"
Location: Enroute to Illerium Factory
[member="Sai Fel"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

She frowned slightly at Arrbi's question, and directed the security forces to fan out. Half she sent ahead to help guaerd the temple construction site, and the other half to scout ahead and clear the way to the Illerium factory. it was a facility she'd been told about by Saki. She didn't have an exact location; just a general area. Frowning, Anija consulted the notes she'd made. They hovered in glowing text to the right side of her HUD. ANNE helpfully displayed a possibly path to the area, based on scans the AI had taken when they'd landed.

After a moment, she looked over at him. "From what I was told, we're to secure the factory and guard it against seizure from anyone not of the Silver Jedi." [member="Saki"] had given her a list of Jedi, and holos to go with it. That information alone would prove useful. With a shrug, she moved off away from their landing zone, and drew her beskad. Hopefully there wouldn't be too much need for it. This being a somewhat wild planet, there was no telling.


They continued through the jungle for perhaps another hour or so. Along the way, she and the Hyperion Security personnel had to clear a path. The 'trail' they were using wasn't really much of one. But it was the most direct route to their destination, according to ANNE. The AI had't accounted for the sheer amount of vegetation, though. Several times, the group had to stop and clean what they were using to clear the vines with. They weren't just any vines though. When the group first encountered the overgrowth, Anija had ANNE run a sample of the plant material for analysis. Bloodvine. Nasty thing to get snared by. Anija had heard all kinds of stories about the things. And many of them ended badly. As a result, she advised the group to swap to using their ZX Miniature Flame Projector . With caution, of course. There was no need to start a forest fire.
[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Tiland limped through the city, leaning on his staff, and pulling his hat down lower. The inhabitants gave him wary glances and then hurried out of his way. He was clearly some crazy homeless bum. Which, to be honest was mostly accurate. Granted, he was this way because he chose to be a bum. A bum serving the greater good, but a bum nonetheless. He gave them a warm smile and moved on. Then he paused. He sensed things changing. Light. There were Jedi on the planet.

He had not seen a Jedi in oh.... three hundred years or so. That would be interesting. But the hunger. It gnawed him, sending spikes of pain through his torso. He stiffened, and the instinct hit him like a hammer. Feed. Consume. Kill. He bit his lip, and sank into the Force with what skill he had, emptying his mind, letting the instinct flood into the vastness of the Force and disperse. He slumped, sweating slightly, and hurried on. He needed to get away from the city. It was too dangerous here, even with his proboscis cauterized permanently into their slits. The madness still might come and drive him to violence. He needed to be far away from here, far from innocents. He needed to meditate.

He picked up his pace, skin growing paler than usual and eyes frantic. They gave him a wider berth now. Not just a bum, but a drug addict. Stay away. Get the children inside. Someone notify security. What a waste. He seemed like a kind old man. The thoughts echoed through his head, knocking at his skull. Get out. Into the wilderness. Where the plants grew. That's what he needed.

Jeela Tillian

Jeela frowned. The sense of the crystal cave she had been feeling had faded, and was now much harder to discern. What had caused that? Wasn't there some sort of creature or other that could do that? She wasn't entirely sure, but she knew she had to pick up her pace to reach it. She stood and reached for a handhold, then pushing herself up with her leg, pausing there, balanced, to find a foothold. SHe tested it, frowning as her foot slipped, and she moved to another one. Better. Then she was up again, free climbing, using the Force to seek out and stay on solid holds. Only a few meters left to go, and they were the trickiest. She paused, breathing heavily, and biting her lip in concentration to study her route. Sweat dripped into her eyes, and she tried to shake it away. It helped, but her eyes continued burning. Her hand slipped, and she sagged from her position.

The muscles in her other arm burned in protest, and she let out a quick hiss of breath, and slowly, centimeter by centimeter, pulled herself back up to her former position, resting there for several moments, breathing heavily and heart pounding.
[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Quenladose"]

Location - Base of the Mountains, Near Ocean Temple and Below Crystal Caves

Ellain watched the two and debated using her wings though she held off for the moment, not sure who this Silara girl was exactly... not yet atleast. "Uh, perhaps we should get going miss Silara... sorry Miss, but we were trying to reach somewhere, you are going to have to either come with us or simply remain here. " She spoke in a soft light voice before turning back and walking with Silara.
Objective: Explore Quarantine Zone
Location: Within Compound

Before arriving at her destination Anastasia came across something different in the grass. Stopping she picked it up and turned the box over in her hands a few times. The box itself was made of old wood with teeth marks on it however it was locked shut which is what she found to be most interesting. The lock itself was old fashion and one would need a key to open it. Using her hands she desperately tried to pull it apart unsuccessfully while her eyes searched for a key. Sighing she wrinkled her nose slightly as she bagged up the box and continued on. There was so much to explore, she didn't have time to try to open a silly box which may not have anything.

Carefully she made her way to her destination, the building, which in all honestly she wasn't that thrilled to be going into however she would. Taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself she tried to look for a way in like a door or something. Being careful not to prick herself Anastasia pulled apart the overgrown vines in search of a way in.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Blinking, her eyes simply lingered on the two as they seemingly made plans that included her. Her mouth hung open, as if preparing to say something, but no words left her lips. They were so comfortable with one another, more so than others. Sure, Aika had close friends herself, but the way the two seemed to life one another wasn't something that she could really ignore. Though the mention of the checking out the city was an interesting idea. If nothing else, it would give them something to talk about, and take the attention off of herself. Alas, that thinking evaporated as Saki's arms wrapped around them both, pulling her in. She attempted to maintain the small glimmer of composure that remained, exhaling softly as her eyes looked to Saki. It was at that moment, things took an even more awkward turn..

The actions of Niamh told the whole story. The wink seemingly thrown towards Aika, and the way her pushed her own body up against Saki's.. Either she had been dragged along on a private affair, or the two had dragged her out on a romantic affair...for thee. The blood rushed to her face, instantly turning her a deep shade of pink.

Suddenly, she has more to worry about than being awkward...

[member="Saki"] [member="Niamh Raste"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki looked at Niamh and snuggled a little closer with a smile of contentment and then she noticed Aika's cheeks and smiled looking at her. "Oh Aika you know you are just adorable when your nervous. Where is that girl who was facing down sith or handling darksiders? Come on." Saki moved her arm to bring her a little closer but she had seen the wink from Niamh... which was strange but she was fluid in things... Getting jealous was the path to the darkside and as well as angry, she'd just have to make sure to find a common goal and brought her hand to Aika's waist. "We never did get to have our talk but I should be honest Aika... you always look really cute when you are nervous. Those few times in the order I was always so nervous around you and you were so talented. I hope you can enjoy some friendship with us."

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Blushing. Epic win! Yeah, she had this down. For whatever reason, Aika had taken a shine to Niamh. She wasn't exactly sure why. With Saki it had simply been the training. Something about it, and who Saki was, had drawn Niamh to her, but Saki had been manipulating a bit, toying with her the entire time. She'd known the whole time that Niamh was attracted to her. This was something different. Aika couldn't stop watching her at all, and now she was blushing.

"She's awfully quiet. I think the wampa got her tongue."

She grinned over at the other two. This was going to be strangely fun."

"So, where are we going first?"

[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

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