Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]

Ayumi had used the news and her contacts to snag the invitation. Looking at the opening lot of what could only be called... mouth watering. At least somewhat this meant there might be other things down that have yet to be revealed which intrigued her and she wasn't going to spend all of her credits or resources. She had some kilo's of natharanium and ionite to spare while moving through the streets and towards the large building. Making a note of the guards stationed around it and the weapons while she turned her pistol over keeping only the holdout necklace. Might only be a single shot but damned if she didn't know how to use it while moving about the halls to the room and sitting down.
[member="Una Gal"]

He smiled and shook his head. "Hey, don't worry about it, i have a unique quality that will keep me from... thats it. Ok this might feel odd but..." He looked at her and took each of her hands, closing his eyes. He had been taught a bit of pyrokinesis as well as how to keep yourself warm in cold places, and now he mixed his knowledge in both areas with the same way he had been given the ability of pyrokinesis. None the less he would slowly push both a feeling of warmth into her body, focusing on the chilled bones and muscles as he tried to warm her up best he could. It wouldn't be a permanent fix, but it would keep her from getting hypothermia until they found her new clothes somewhere in the Ocean temple.
She felt the sensation of heat working its way through her muscles again. Though the chill was still prickling her skin and making her hair stand on end, she was no longer forced to shiver and keep her muscles tensed. "Thanks.." Her words left with a sigh of relief that followed soon after. "Lets head toward the barracks, there's bound to be something in there." She motioned lightly with one finger and began to head in the direction she assumed the barracks where in. There was a simple form of a map on the computer screen and Una remembered it clearly.

[member="Solan Charr"]


Nix said:
Sometimes, riding a shuttle until you can no longer stand it wasn't a good idea. Nix soon leanred this as he started walking around the over-crowded streets of the city. As usual, he wore white and light grey clothing meant for cooler climates, and as usual, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His fur-fringed hood was pulled low over his head. He had his music cranked up very loud so that the bustle of the throngs of people around him wouldn't hurt his ears. All he needed was a place to sit and find his bearings. Then, he could leave this place and go somewhere quieter. It was while having this thought that someone bumped into him. Just for a second, his icy blue eyes met theirs. It was a woman with golden cat-eyes, and... cat ears? He'd never seen that before. He said nothing to her, and began to continue walking.
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]
As she walked through the streets, Aynea bumped into some random passerby. Her eyes locked with his for a moment; he looked like he certainly wasn't from around Shri Tal, and he certainly didn't fit in just as much as she. As usual, her feral curiosity kicked in.
"Hey. Kid," she shouted back. "Wait. Who are you? ...And how are you not burning up in that thing, you look like you just came out of Hoth."
For all she knew, he probably did.
Just in case, she customarily checked herself for any loose belongings that might be missing, like her training saber, her chip purse or the Dragoon beskad at her back. Nope, she thought. Everything was there, in place and untouched. Just who was this boy? She thought.

[member="Una Gal"]

He smiled as she was able to speak without shivering and nodded, pushing through the darkness with a saber activated as he used it as a light, still trying to keep una warm as he actually tried to put a free arm around her. He was more focused on keeping his friend warm than studying everything now, looking carefully to make sure nothing popped out to strike at the injured and chilled pair.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Location: The Grand Auction
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]

Oka figured the auction was held somewhere private since its grand. He walked out of the alley to see a whole different side of town. It looked cool but he was only here for the auction. As he walked through the area, he noticed 6 guards by the entrance. 2 on each side of the door, and 2 on the roof guarding.

Oka didn't have an ID, but he had in mind a way to get in. He walked up to the entrance. "Hello, I'm here to deliver a package." One of the guards grabbed at the suitcase. - We'll need to inspect that package sir. - "Do I have to report your curiosity to your boss?" Oka asked. - No sir, we're just being cautious. Can we see some ID? - "Its none of your business who I am, I'm only here to deliver a package. If we have trouble, reports will be made!" Oka didn't like cheating his way in but the suitcase was made for the size of The Ankarres Sapphire. And he had no ID. - Sir, go ahead. We're just being secure, we can't have any smugglers coming in here. - "I'm the least of your worries." He said walking in. Oka then set coordinates on his comlink so he could find his way out.

Sierra was here, since Dromuund Kaas had been destroyed by the mandalorians she had been searching for what people of hers she could find and learned some f them had survived coming here to the mountains to live with the purebloods. She stood as the cold didn't bother her in loose fitted rags so she could fly while searching through a crashed scout ship. There was some weapons and equipment as she raised her head and the wind swept her hair from her face. "Humans."
Ocean Temple

The display that was talking about her attention around as Ikki was moving, keeping the slice wire secured and checking the corners. She didn't want to have to look far though as she saw the large leviathan swimming in the temple. Built like a tank and even less pleasant with more hide then she knew what to do with, her slicewire wouldn't be able to get through that as she moved and heard more people around. There was a great deal of tension and her sense of direction was going well as she smirked. "This is getting interesting." She moved out and saw the corpse of the beast wondering where others were and raised a delicate eyebrow.
With the problems created in the Republic, Willa had left with the rest of Havoc squad but she was a loner usually preferring to be by herself as she remained in the cloud car with her rifle next to her. The hard work the Rangers were doing as they worked here in the mountains. They had taken a group from the prison and were seeing what they did and preformed. Not the dangerous... well semi dangerous still ones who could be used like Havoc squad for special missions and tasks. "This should prove dangerous... or interesting... or insane. We'll have to see now but until then." She slid the anti material rifle out and checked it. "Tome for some bad guy hunting.

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
"But... that just makes me not want to stop..."

Niamh grinned at this. Seriously, didn't Saki know anything about her by now? Echani getting punched? Candy. Give me! Anyways, she was a ball of bouncing excitement now that they were going off to the spa instead of going to watch grav ball. Not that she couldn't have gotten herself into it, but she didn't want to get into it. She wanted to get into Saki and Aika, but she was being made to wait. She hated waiting. Instant gratification please! Sheesh.

When Saki mentioned kissing Aika, Niamh made an oohing sound and looked all excited. Yeah. Excited. Definitely. Also, spa... she wasn't wearing a two piece or anything. Seriously, Niamh had like zero concept of modesty. She got naked in front of just about everyone because she didn't care.

"Oh, I'm not wearing a two piece or swimsuit, just so you know. No point in that. Unless they make me, I guess...."

[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Lorna was moving now through the ruins as she saw the statues, all the things here that could happen and she had come across a place few could translate. The central chamber was filled with debris and the remains of an ancient hypergate as Lorna took in the sight of it all with a smirk on her face. She was being careful while the scanners were checking everything and looking for hidden alcoves and levers. She wnted to make sure they found everything they could while she ran a hand through her hair.
Crystal Caves

The pulsing from the crystals and the research notes as she was looking upon them. Reading it all while she moved and remembered what Feena Mason taught her while she wondered what the skilled healer was doing. She didn't want to leave her hanging and abandon her training as a healer but Naboo was a busy place and with the majority of jedi in the republic either leaving, refecting or being forced away she didn't have many places to go.
Illerium Factory

[member="Anija Ordo"]

Sai Fel looked at her and then at the workers as she spoke. "There are some defenses but Illerium is a dangerous chemical great for escape pods, stealing it is dangerous while it is... unstable but." She looked at Anija and the workers while some of them were moving towards the back entrance with more security and defense turrets under the employee's entrance. "but when you bombard it with radiation you get a prize. That is what you are protecting well that and a supply for the Outer rim of Illerium for more escape pods on ships. We'll get everyting set up and it all goes well should have a sample for you and the council."
Nix barely heard the strange-eared woman over his music. The fact that he'd heard her at all was surprising. He stopped where he was, and turned slightly, giving her a sideways glance from below his hood. He gently slipped his headphones off and let them rest at the base of his neck. "I beg your pardon?" His soft, smooth voice travelled incredibly well amidst the commotion around them.
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]
The Mountains

Katagiri moved and she saw a being in the snow, they had been tracking and looking until they found the remains of the scout ship. Frozen bodies in armor and with weapons all around. She was looking at the soldiers with her as the rangers had the scanners running, the silver shadows searching and she spoke. "Spread out and don't attack unless we have to it looks like one of the Vanr, we don't want to hurt them." They nodded in agreement and Katagiri moved holding her hands up and speaking as she looked to the creature. "Hello, I come in peace."
Lakeside Ruins

Junko was searching, Matsu had contacted her and they had broken ground with some of the construction into a section of ruins. That had Junko roaming around and searching as she went down into the section of tunnel with a glowrod and some silvers jedi. A smile on her face while she thought about reporting all of this to her master and what they could do or learn while she was searching into the vases and areas of the tunnel. "Look for pathways leading up to the surface." The men nodded and she brushed her hair behind her ear.
Aoi Estate

The breakthrough into the lower levels brought her attention around, auntie Junko had went down while her mommy and sister where here. A small smile on her face and she was looking at all of it with the shrine and the basement home they had built. Her room was done as she headed down to look at it smiling and mapping out where she planned to put things. "Oh I know where I want to put my bed mommy, right here and here my desk and here my boxes from Hapes."
Office of the Goddess

Knight was being sneaky... well more so as she shifted to looking like the sisterhood who were in charge of the government. The Emperor was there and did as he wanted but the government was run by others so one person didn't have full control, something strange but last time she had faced atrisian beings... They had been trying to invade Fondor while she smirked. Hiding in one of the rooms for a moment as she searched through memo's and the scrolls.

Oh this was painful, with the sunburn he had gotten he wasn't liking it while he rubbed the healing salve from under the umbrella that another jedi provided. They were searching the woods with the Jun-la and he was looking up at the beast while he moved. "ow this is painful, where is my wonder twins when I need them?" He was speaking more to himself but it was worth it. The twins were talented young jedi and very skilled in all that they did. He was happy to train them. "Shalla and Shiva I hope you two are having fun."

Bellalika had used what credits she needed to snag an invitation and as she stood there in the inquisitors armor letting the ultrachrome gleam it gave the women a small smirk of amusement. They had worked hard but this world was still very much the same filled with lots of people and that was what made it wonderful, made it a home. Se could see why the Silver jedi order preferred it to the whole expanding across the outer rim as it were. The Republic had been wanting to do that for a time but now they couldn't or wouldn't even try it. So she was there and moving checking out the lots and was more interested in the possibe location for the blade of beginnings.

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