Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
"Oh yes. I love you so much right now, Saki."

And she practically melted when her ear was kissed and nibbled. A giggle escaped her, but then she reached over and grabbed Aika by the hand, before also taking Saki's, and pulling the both of them in the direction of the spa. Oh yeah, she wasn't missing out on this for anything. Free spa. Oh it was going to be great! And she could put Aika in even more uncomfortable positions! No innuendo intended! Seriously, though, catching the woman off guard was beginning to become a pastime for her.

"Let's go!"

[member="Saki"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]
[member="Una Gal"]

Solan had been busy fastening the armor he had found on a stand, that of an old inquisitor model of stormtrooper armor. Intruth he only downloaded the data off datapads he found and only grabbed a number of sabers that he could use to improve his own saber. He didn't have the ability to carry bodies out of this temple with only Una near by... hopefully he could get to selling the armors back to their respective owners, complete with the ids of each of the dead. So while he looted he made sure to take a detailed list of each of the dead's names that he could find on his own datapad.

None the less though he did loot and took several sabers to his belt to mess with later and see if he could dismantle them and find something useful. Only when Una's voice sounded did he look up, then hear the same low boom of sound that filled the room. "Well... should have expected that." He stood and walked over to her, shaking his head as he did. "That my friend, is a leviathan." He stood there now in the armor from the stand, adjusting it a bit more before grinning at her. "Want to go play pest control?"

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
For someone so perceptive, who could invade another mind and reduce it to nothing, who had telekinetic abilities that seemed to rival and surpass most others, Aika was incredibly dense some times...

At this point, she had noticed literally nothing going on behind her. Not Saki's public display of affection, and not those three little words that Niamh so eloquently blurted out. As a matter of fact, she didn't notice a single thing until her hand was grabbed, and her body was pulled away. The large smile across her face fell away as the Echani seemingly was running off with her. She sighed lightly as she made sure to keep her own feet moving, not wanting to face plant into the ground. That was the last thing she needed at this point...

"So...exactly where are we going?.." It was only after those words that she noticed something. The two were still holding hands. Her eyes wanted to dart to Saki, as if to ask if such a thing was okay. Her eyes wouldn't move however. Instead, her hand simply clasped onto Niamh's tightly, a grin ,barely noticeable, forming on her face.

[member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Saki"]
Betna more or less minded his own business for this excursion. He'd let Anija do her thing for the most part, though not out of laziness. He, technically, wasn't an employee of Mandal Hypernautics. Sure, his shop was owned by MH, but that was more like a... supporter. A few MH logos here, a couple of MH product advertisements there, and that was about it. Otherwise, he was left to his own devices for the most part.

The bloodvines had been annoying; somewhat dangerous, but annoying. Flamethrowers, blades, and brute force had solved the problem and they'd made good time anyways. Now, with a factory producing some pretty volatile stuff, was the dangerous part. A mishap here or an angry worker there and they could all go sky-high.

For now, though, Betna let Anija handle things. He kept behind and to the right of her with his shotgun propped over one shoulder with his right hand on the grip. His left thumb was hooked through his belt and he simply stood there, waiting for orders. That, and enjoying Anija's backside. He really enjoyed that part. Thank the Manda for full helmets with a 360° field of view.

[member="Anija Ordo"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Saki was moving with Niamh as the woman went towards their destination. She spared a glance at Aika only for a moment as the other master was holding Niamh's hand while she shifted herself putting her hand in Niamh's and moving in closer to Aika with a smile. She Brought her hand up and took the jedi masters other hand while running and she let her thumb tap hers before smiling. "You are both adorable." Saki was moving now as she saw the spa and she moved to get there stopping just outside while she made sure her grip on the two of them was sure and comfortable.

"Hold up, we aren't just going in there." Saki took a look at Niamh and then pulled her in close with one arm before she turned to Aika and pulled at her to bring her in closer to the two of them. "Now Aika we're going to go in there, we are going to relax and have fun and I am going to maybe kiss you gain. You won't know when, you won't see in coming but I am going to get one of the few jedi I have known since I was a snot nosed little padawan and I am going to kiss her... then I might get your named tattoo's on my cheek." She turned. "And Niamh you are teasing her so much she might burst from embarrassment... tone it down before she possibly loses control and punishes you with some well placed swats on your lily white skin."

Saki then looked at the spa going to the front and going inside while she took in the sight of it with a small fountain and comfortable chairs. There was steam coming up from the back at what looked like small pools/baths and more doors leading to wherever they wanted as she smiled. "We have three Silver jedi, we came to take you up on your offer and enjoy your hospitality." Saki turned back to see them and as they were welcomed and directed in she looked as the two piece she was wearing and stretched. "Now this I could get used two, seeing the two of you in these outfits, getting Aika wet and calm, teaching you how to hold your breath under the water for a few hours with some skillful techniques."
Una shifted her weight with a grin on her face, shrugging her shoulders toward Solan as she reached for her saber. "I guess we're going to have too. But give me just a moment." She turned back to the age old computer that shone brightly in her face. It was a wonder it was still working, even after all these years. The technology was simple and easy to use, after all it was centuries old and they can't have been that developed. She drummed her fingers on the metal casing for a few seconds, before tapping the screen with her fingers. It groaned in protest as it whirred to life again, this time to complete the tasks it was made to do. The croaked, digitalized voice echoed out, confirming her actions to both Solan and a number of deaf ears. "Vault, unlocked. Mandalorian Knights Barracks, unlocked. Armory, unlocked."

With a proud look on her face she turned to her friend, spinning her saber hilt in one hand and working her way around the dusty skeletons. "Let's go kick some butt."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"You just took the words out of my mouth..." In an instant the dark emotions started to come to the surface, grief and sadness chief among them. His hands took a saber from his belt, one of the ones he had looted, and felt its weight before grinning and moving with Una to find the Sea Leviathan, his eyes held their position on the door though, not sure how big this thing was. "Don't try and face it head on, one of us has to play distraction while the other does the damage, which do you want?"
Una skipped her way around the sleeping dead, igniting both sides of her blade as she walked. They acted as a giant rainbow glow stick, changing colors slowly. First the room was illuminated with an orange glow, which faded into yellow, then green and then blue. Exiting out into the hallway she held up the saber a little higher, filling even the darkest of corners with the bright multicolored light. "I'll do the distraction." She walked with a confident stride in the direction of the roar, the corridor dipping down further into the heart of the mountain.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

Solan melded into the shadows, he worked best through them as his malice mixed all around her, purposefully pushing his feelings out to fill the entire room and confusing any force user he could. Even now he moved like a phantom, his saber off, and his eyes staring through the darkness as he ran like a shade through the fog of darkness that enveloped him.
A second set of heavy wooden doors loomed up ahead of the two. She had no idea where Solan had disppeared too, but she guessed that was a good thing. The great lumbering beast wouldn't see him before it was too late. Reaching the large slabs of wood she paused for a moment to catch her breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply, preparing for a battle that wouldn't be quickly forgotten. She had only ever seen leviathan's in holocrons and heard tell of them in stories. But she had an image in her mind of how it was supposed to look. She could only hope she was quick enough to defeat it.

The doors swung open on their hinges, and creaked loudly, alerting any other danger that might lurk in the space. From where she stood she took the time to look around the room. The ceiling shimmered a white blue color, reflecting the water beneath it. The room, which was incredibly large and mostly filled with a deep blue water, had all sorts of decor hanging from the walls. Perfect for a few acrobatic moves. Una couldn't see the beast yet and made the assumption that it was under the water. Crossing over in the threshold, her assumption was proved to be correct. The great beast burst through the surface of the water, breaking the tension and splashing her with salt water. In all its glory, it rose almost 60 feet into the air, showing off its impressive length. Una's legs went to jelly beneath her body. It was much bigger and much more scary than she had originally imagined. And now it was coming straight toward her, jaw open and teeth shining in what little light the room provided.

Quick thinking was the only thing that saved her. As she dove to the side of the oncoming attack she felt the rush of wind behind her as the giant snake like creature crashed into the floor. It nose dived straight into the set of wooden doors, smashing them in one go and sending splinters shooting toward her body. She scrambled to her feet and ran as far away from the doors as she could manage, but she was quickly running out of walk way.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

Solan wouldn't strike, he trusted in her ability survive, but just incase he was arming several detonators that he had on his person and had picked up from the dead in the last room. But his armory would run out sooner or later, and when it did he would have to get in close. Quietly, and almost more as a shadow than a actual being, he shot past and into the gaping maw of the beast several detonators found their way into its throat. His eyes would turn to his detonator though, waiting for the thing to swallow before he would do anything with the explosives.
The great beast groaned in protest as Solan found it's throat. But it's focus was still on Una, who by now was scrambling up the decor on the walls. They were at least a few feet away from each other, but the protruding leviathan heads made from stone that stuck out of the wall were perfect for her to grab hold of. As she ascended slowly, the leviathan turned its great body toward her. Una dared not look, jumping from one statue to the other, painfully aware that they were getting more slippery by the second. The leviathan twisted it's body left, then right, then nose dived toward the statue Una was balancing on. She had moments to think and took a chance, jumping from the tip of her toes and waving her arms wildly to catch the next statue.

For a few sickening moments she was falling, until her fingers caught onto the stone tongue that slithered from one of the statues. It was wet and she could feel her grip slipping. What was more concerning was the leviathan, who had managed to recover from slamming its face into a solid stone wall and was preparing to pounce once again...

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

Solan grabbed her hand and in his other the detonator was seen, grinning before pressing on it and a number of detonations sounded from the stomach of the monster, nearly a half dozen in total. It probably wouldn't out right kill the creature, infact probably enrage it more than kill it as it would slowly die out through that wound... they wouldn't live that long if they didn't do something. "D-dont fall..." He dropped the detonator and returned his other hand to grab hers and used what he could to pull her up, not letting her fall even though it would have been a perfect piece of bait to use on the sea leviathan. He didn't know why, but she was not someone he could just use like that, shaking his head though, the thought vanished as he pulled on her arms.
Una swung her other arm up and held firm onto his wrist as she watched him throw the other detonator down the beasts throat. With her eyes shut firmly after witnessing the brave move, she willed herself not to slip from his grasp. Her body was soaked in salt water and their skin seemed even more slippery now the leviathan was only a few feet away. Finally, she felt the safety of his other hand closing in around her wrist. With all her might, she pulled herself up. Even with her small frame her whole body felt like a lead weight as she attempted to swing herself up next to Solan. Grunting heavily, she flopped onto the ledge, her chest rising and falling quickly. But there was no time for recovering.

A dampened boom sounded out from within the leviathan's stomach. On the floor, Una clutched the detonator. The great snake seemed confused. It opened it's mouth for a cloud of smoke to escape and raise quickly to the ceiling. In a matter of minutes half the room was filled with a thick black fog and the stench of burning flesh. Una and Solan were 25 feet up in the air and there was nothing to break their fall. What's worse was the beast only seemed to be annoyed. In a matter of minutes, she found her feet and clutched onto Solan's hand. "Do you trust me?"

She gave him no chance to reply and leaped from the edge of the stone, pulling him with her. Her saber embedded itself into the leviathan's neck. With both of their weight pulling them downward, it ripped through its flesh with a sickening sound. The only thing that would stop them from breaking bones was the large pool of water beneath them. Una could only hope that the beast was dead by the time they reached it. Other wise they would be in a world of trouble.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

He smiled as they fell, only he spoke to. "Don't die." He would forcibly break his hand from her grip and smiled as he instead fell right on to the beast and in a moment, locked sabers in their activated mod as he cut at the creature's face and smiling all the while as he drew them over its skin, pierced into its eyes, while she cut up its throat solan was moving in a constant motion as he forced his body well beyond the point of normality and feeling the strain as finally he cut once more deep into its skull and plunged the blade in his right hand as deep as he could screaming as he fueled his strength though the force and then was hit by something, flying through the air he impacted roughly on the ground through the double doors that had been shattered and breathed slowly as he tried to stand, his body groaning against the stress, unsure if he could even stand through all the pain. Their combined attacks would be more than enough he though, but she was not sure.
Una screeched as he let go of her hand. For a few horrible moments she thought he was going to plummet to his death. Even with her blade buried deep into the beasts neck, she was still falling at an alarming rate. But her worries were soothed as she watched him slice the beast up even further. The water was coming toward her quickly and she braced herself for an icy cold blast. Her toes entered first and she felt the hairs all over her body stand on end. With her toes pointed and the blade still slicing through the leviathans skin, her body plunged into the water. She was right. It was ice cold. Cold enough for the muscles to lock up. When she opened her eyes the water was a sickening red color and swimming with pieces of leviathan gut.

She let natural laws bring her up to the surface, her body going limp as she floated slowly up to the top. Bursting through the waves that rocked violently with the large weight that was swaying two and fro in the water, Una struggled to breath. The chill of the water had knocked the wind out of her. Her muscles struggled to regain their consciousness as she flailed toward the edge of the large pool. Lifting her weight out of the water, she was just in time to see the beast collapse forward and crunch against the wall. It sprayed blood and water across the stone as it slid slowly to its final resting place.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"G-gods that hurt..." He had slowed his fall down when he had been struck, still not knowing what had hit him in the first place, but he survived as he stumbled over to her. Bruised and cut all over he stood there, his robes and new armor stained red as he stood there, a mixture of the beast's blood and his own coming from the cut on his face. "That was stupid by the way..." He half fell, half sat down beside her, his hand over the cut as he dug deep down and used what knowledge he had of the force to heal the cut, it wouldn't disappear, but it would be enough to close it.
Una didn't speak, her body stretched out flat on the stone walk way they had begun their journey on. She was well aware that he was injured, but she felt like she couldn't move. Instant bruises had also appeared on her skin and the freezing sensation of the water wasn't going away. Her lips parted silently as she struggled to regain her breath and some of her energy. "S-.. so.. w-were y-y-y-ou.." Her teeth chattered loudly against one another. But that wasn't what she was focusing on. The two had just defeated the biggest beast she had ever laid eyes on. Even though her body remained motionless and she couldn't feel anything from her neck down, Una was celebrating in her head.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

He looked at her freezing and immediately removed the cloak and robes around his armor, them largely being still dry, and tried to help her sit up as he wrapped them around her. "Come on, we need to get you in something dry, there has to be some robes somewhere... lets head for the Armory or barracks and see what we can find." He tried to help her stand up, helping her as much as he could, his own cuts and bruises showing but none of them bad enough for him to worry too greatly about them.
Una attempted to let her muscles relaxed as he lifted her off the floor. The weight of his cloak around her shoulders provided some welcome warmth. Her white shirt was stained pink from the water she had just been floating about in. "W-w-we should f-f-find some stuff to p-p-patch you up with..." Una cursed herself as they began to head toward the exit. Master Syn had taught her how to keep warm in cool conditions, but the rush of the battle had prevented her from remembering she was capable till just now. Dealing with the consequences of her slow thought process was enough punishment already so Una decided to let it go and focus on moving slowly to regain some heat to her body. "A-a-are yo-o-ou ok?"

[member="Solan Charr"]

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