Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Live and Die on Naboo [Open to All]

Myles was reviewing the map when a member of the group walked over to him. Have I blown my cover already?

Jim Pehico said:
Excuse me sir, are you THE Myles Davorak, former Naboo military officer known for putting down dozens of insurgencies on Naboo?

He was surprised that someone had heard about that. This wasn't the most proudest moment in his career. "Afraid I am not that man anymore son, that was me though; long ago. I did what I could. Myles Davorak at your service Mr.???"

The man talked as if he was eager to meet him so Myles would give off that same demeanor. He noticed someone else mention his name, this would be a lovely surprise. Ra, never thought i would see her again.

"Ra! Small world, glad to see you again! Seems that this is a good group of allies then!"
Myles stood up and went to shake the younger man's hand, perhaps he found a good company to stay with.
[member="Jim Pehico"] [member="Giana Rhyker"] [member="Drax Malachore"] @Ra'a'mah
"Afraid I am not that man anymore son, that was me though; long ago. I did what I could. Myles Davorak at your service Mr.???"​ The old man said. Jim couldn't believe it was him.

The old man got up and spoke to the silver haired women "Ra! Small world, glad to see you again! Seems that this is a good group of allies then!"

After shaking Myle's hand Jim continued "Sir, my name is Jim Pehico! You were my Idol growing up. I even lived in the same town as you're mother for a while she used to tell me stories about you growing up. However you were the biggest inspiration to my military career, Jim Pehico formerly of Bravo Squad and the Honor Guard." Jim saluted to the old vet.

"That's the thing I wanted to talk to you about however, I don't know if you heard anything about the queen being attacked a couple years back by her own Honor guard escort. The man flying that ship was me. however my ship was remotely sliced into, and the slicer forced my ship to attack the queen. Forcing me to be on the run for the past few years, I know this isn't much but I could offer you 2,000 credits now and 13,000 once I have cleared my name it's a simple bodyguard Job. I doubt anybody has to die. right now both Ra and Giana have offered their ships. Would you care to join us?" Jim said somewhat excited.

Jim was about to sit down, when he suddenly remembered something, "Mr. Davorak sir, This belongs to you." Jim said handing over the S-5 pistol on his right hip.

"When I had joined the Spacefighter corps. your mom wondered if I wanted it. she claimed she didn't need it and said that you probably had forgotten all about it anyway. I've never used it, always brought it along in a secondary holster as a good luck charm but it belongs to you sir, consider it a pre-payment of sorts." Jim said hoping his childhood hero will take it.
Giana realized as Ra had gone ahead and also offered her ship as well. When the man known as Jim walked off all of a sudden to walk over to a familiar face, she and Ra had a chance to talk for a little bit.

"I have a VCX-100 lightfreighter. It has enough living quarters for everyone and a large cargo space for whatever you guys would need to bring along. It's got good speed too. I've gotten lucky with it. It has great maneuver ability as well."

She responded. Before Jim had left, he had slightly picked on Ra for her little smirk. It wasn't exactly picking on her, but it was something that had definitely caught her of guard. The face she gave him afterwards was priceless. Then looking over to where the man had gone to, Giana had recognized another man that was sitting at the bar. She recognized his face, but she had never seen him in person. Giana couldn't quite put a finger on it until Jim struck up a conversation with him, questioning his past.

It was interesting seeing how he interacted with a childhood idol. When Jim gestured to her and a having ships, Giana gave a nod in respect to the older gentleman when her name was said. Just hearing the history of the two together put a slightly small smirk on Giana's face.

~ [member="Jim Pehico"] ; @Ra'a'mah ; [member="Drax Malachore"] ; [member="Myles Davorak"] ~​
Myles shook the mans hand with a firm grip. Hearing his story humbled Myles to an extent to where he wanted to make sure he still lived up to the image he used to have long ago, back when his hair was darker and his shape was more toned.

"Honor Guard eh? Pretty good title to have, especially on Naboo! Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Pehico."

Jim Pehico said:
That's the thing I wanted to talk to you about however, I don't know if you heard anything about the queen being attacked a couple years back by her own Honor guard escort
"I did hear about that a couple years back, wasn't sure what happened but I knew something was up. It's not everyday an Honor Guard turns on the Queen. I am sorry that happened to you son, tell you what. I will gladly join your little brigade, always glad to help out another serviceman. If need be I can offer my ship for protection as well. It is an older Clone Wars model ship, but she is a moving tank. A little slow but she can hit real hard."

He examined the woman behind them sitting down talking with Ra. Curious one she is, but that smile...... Myles was glad to be in good company again, as it has been a while since he has seen smiling faces like this.

Before Myles went to sit down he noticed that Pehico was motioning to him, as to hand him something......his old service pistol. Wow, I thought this thing was gone for good. But the kid wanted it..

Myles held his old blaster pistol and instantly it brought back memories, like being at the firing range constantly. He looked at it then gave a brief frown before handing it back to Pehico.

"Tell you what kid, you keep it. It brought you good luck so far, and besides it seems like you take good care of it. My mother knew who would cherish it and she chose you. Keep it. If you really want to give it to me, then I will oblige but I think you took really good care of her."

He gave a genuine smile back to the younger man. Jim really made a good impression, that was for dang sure, at least he found someone else from Naboo to converse with at least.

Davorak grabbed a chair and joined the crew who would be bound to do great things together.

"Ill offer my baby, The Tempest. Clone-Wars AIAT/i with flak cannons, missile tubes and enough room to carry 20 comfortably if need be, consider me signed up guys."
[member="Jim Pehico"] [member="Giana Rhyker"] @Ra'a'mah [member="Drax Malachore"]
As Myles walked over, Ra would give him a hug if he accepted it and turn back to the others.

"I have no idea what kind of heroics you did in the past, but it's good to see you again."

Picking up her drink, Ra took a sip and now they had three ships up as options to use.

"I can pilot, be a gunner I suppose or whatever. Can also do bodyguard duty if that's more what you want. My ship is rather on the small side, but would still carry all of us."

The woman and giant of a man had yet to actually offer up their names and while only Myles and Jim knew hers, she would introduce herself to Giana and Drax.

"I'm Ra'a'mah, but everybody just calls me Ra."

Jim Pehico Giana Rhyker Drax Malachore [member="Myles Davorak"]
Jim sipped his lum, he needed to figure out who's ship they were going to choose, Jim thought for a while. Myles ship was nice but not lowkey enough, the pirate girl's was nice, but he was not a fan of it, However Ra's YT model would be perfect though a little small.

"I gotta go with Ra being my pilot here, Her ships pretty old but so are all of yours. But her's is also extremely lowkey." Jim then looked over to Ra

"So when can we leave?" Jim smirked.

[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
[member="Drax Malachore"]
Nathaniel liked Corusant. It had plenty of people to kill, and to little law enforcement. Course, the bars were good too. Jobs could be found, and that was what he was here to do.

A small crowd of people had gathered around a table. Two women, a guy siting at the table, an older man, and another beast of a man. Something was up. Nathaniel walked over, looming over the majority of the party.

"What's the job?"

[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Jim Pehico"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
Ra'a'mah said:
I have no idea what kind of heroics you did in the past, but it's good to see you again.

Myles embraced her sudden hug. He had no idea anyone felt that strongly about him, not even as a friend. Myles returned the hug and looked her in the eye
"It is good to see you again Ra, hope you have been out of trouble. And certainly have been staying away from cruise liners for the time being"
Myles chuckled at what he just said. It felt like yesterday that the two of them were on the cruise liner getting in all sorts of trouble with the slavers commandeering the vessel.

Jim Pehico said:
I gotta go with Ra being my pilot here, Her ships pretty old but so are all of yours. But her's is also extremely lowkey
Snapping back to the present moment, Jim did have a point. Myles' ship would stick out like a sore thumb so to speak. He listened to all comments that the group proposed. Myles would just offer his blaster and service to this group of companions.

Motioning to the service droid in the cantina, Myles ordered a glass of Jawa juice to keep his mind alert and to dull out the dry taste in his mouth. He knew Ra a little bit but couldn't help but wonder who exactly these people were and what their past was like. He briefly met Jim so he kinda got a glimpse of his past; not a bad one, just got dealt the wrong card. Shame. Kid would have had a bright future, but someone sliced his ship and made him attack the Queen.

Haven't even met the new Queen. Pyne I think her name is. I only remember the previous one back when i was in service. Oh well. Water under the bridge.
[member="Jim Pehico"] @Ra'a'mah [member="Giana Rhyker"] [member="Drax Malachore"]
Jim looked at the brash man who seemed to join their group, "Look I'm tired of explaining it to everyone, it pays well, we're not doing anything illegal, so are you in?" Jim chuckled lightly, He had not expected this many people to be interested. Jim then looked over to the others.

"This is gonna be a really easy Job, we go to Nar Shaada, I've got an old friend meeting me there, He's also a big fan of yours Myles. He's found out who had sliced into my N-1 Starfighter. We go to where-ever that womp rat is, and we bring him into the authorities."

Jim then looked over to Ra.

"Well, love, lead us to the ship." Jim said to Ra as he was getting up from the table.

[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
[member="Drax Malachore"]
[member="Nathaniel Trumont"]
Giana had just sat back and had observed and admired what was going on. Honestly, she felt slightly awkward here, only knowing the older pilot through legends she'd heard of him and nothing more. These people had actually known him in person. All Giana had know about him, was that he was familiar. She looked to Ra, who had introduced herself to the group. She herself then did the same.

"I'm Giana Rhyker. If Giana's a little much, you can call me Gia."

she responded. Giana didn't know the older man, but he seemed to be a fairly decent and nice guy. She could definitely live with these people for a little while. Before it was over though, she had to get to know the big guy that had been standing idol throughout this entire meeting. After a little while, she heard Jim propose that they would use Ra's ship. At least Giana had left another droid on her ship. It was a pretty sneaky droid to say the least. He liked to scare her every once in a while. Nodding her head upon hearing Ra's ship would be used, Giana could offer her skills and man another gun on the ship.

Giana picked up her glass and took another sip of her drink almost forgetting she had it sitting there. There wasn't much left anyway, but still, why waist a good drink? After she finished it, she then turned back to the rest of the group to see another man step up and ask what was going on. Their little group was slowly starting to grow into a bigger one. Giana then stood, waiting for Ra to lead towards her ship so they could get going.

~ [member="Jim Pehico"] ; @Ra'a'mah ; [member="Drax Malachore"] ; [member="Myles Davorak"] ; [member="Nathaniel Trumont"] ~​
[member="Myles Davorak"] Ra really had to hand it to Myles and she gave him one of her rare and true smiles. It lit her face up and almost made her golden eyes glow. Holding up her hands like she was surrendering, she shook her head. "I haven't been on once since. That was TWO public transports that messed up on me. I'm afraid if I try a third, my luck is going to run out. What have you been up to?"

[member="Giana Rhyker"] When Giana spoke and had given her name, Ra turned and nodded at the woman. The smile still showed on her face, but that was fading and really only showed in her eyes. "A pleasure, Giana. It'll be nice to have another female around in a sausage fest dominated field." While she didn't show it very often, she did have a sense of humor and the drink probably helped loosen her up a little.

[member="Jim Pehico"] Downing the rest of her drink and her mostly neutral façade back in place, she looked at Jim and nodded. "I just wish I could make this on my ship. Twi'lik Surprises are the best. Should try one sometime. When the others have finished their drinks, we can go. Myles just got his." Tipping her head in the direction of the man in question, she continued to watch Jim. "A little revenge always feels good now and then. I am ready when the rest are."

[member="Nathaniel Trumont"] Ra's eyes probably came up about the belly button of this giant and she looked up and kept looking. "I don't think I have bunk large enough to fit you..." Blinking a few times and shaking her head.

And then there was the other giant to worry about that had been silent basically since he had walked up. [member="Drax Malachore"]

"I think I may need a few more provisions..."
Jim Pehico said:
"This is gonna be a really easy Job, we go to Nar Shaada, I've got an old friend meeting me there, He's also a big fan of yours Myles. He's found out who had sliced into my N-1 Starfighter. We go to where-ever that womp rat is, and we bring him into the authorities."
Ah Nar Shaddaa, the underground. Haven't been there in ages.

"Alright Mr. Pehico, that's what we have to do then, I am ready to ship out when everyone else is"

Ra'a'mah said:
What have you been up to?
Myles chuckled, Ra sure did have a way with words. Luck for that matter as well. He flashed another smile before answering her question
"Oh you know, just doing jobs here and there. Nothing really too exciting, been without a group for a while so a change in scenery is what I am aiming for at the moment"

Although he did have some allies, he really did have "friends" or people to rely on if things went south. I am an old man, who am I kidding? He kept his derelict thoughts in check with reassurance to steer him back on course. You gabbering idiot, thoughts like that could ruin a mission.

Giana Rhyker said:
I'm Giana Rhyker. If Giana's a little much, you can call me Gia
He eyed the young woman nodding his head in her direction "Ah Giana, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Myles Davorak at your service, some call me Ol' Ironsides if you want variety"
Myles chuckled at his own remark, boy his age was really showing now.

Ra'a'mah said:
we can go. Myles just got his.
"No worries, I am a man of timeliness and taste." He said as he downed his drink without hesitation. He set the glass down with two knocks showing that he was done with the beverage.

A sausage fest? Heh, Ra you crack me up sometimes. He thought once again as he gave a steady laugh. There was definitely diversity on this little venture but that was okay, gave room for more interesting events to happen.

Ra'a'mah said:
I think I may need a few more provisions...
Hmmm heck, whatever she needs, Ill help her out should she want it.
"If you need anything Ra, just let me know and if I have it, it's on me"
Hard to believe they were almost ready to depart. Myles wasn't sure what would be waiting for them on Nar Shaddaa other than muggers, crime lords and other unsavory characters; but there could be fun and good business to be had on that bustling planet.
@Ra'a'mah [member="Jim Pehico"] [member="Giana Rhyker"] [member="Drax Malachore"] [member="Nathaniel Trumont"]
Jim stood up and looked at the party. "So are we ready? Ra, if you would show us where you parked your ship?" Jim said looking over to the door.

OOC: Sorry for the late reply

[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
[member="Nathaniel Trumont"]
[member="Drax Malachore"]
Myles took his stand along with [member="Jim Pehico"] and added "I am ready to leave when everyone else is. What else do you require Ra?"

He would hope that this band of companions would stay together for a while. At least it would be a stable environment for him, and that in itself relieved Myles.

Maybe for once he found what he considered "friends" but it was too early to tell.

[member="Giana Rhyker"] @Ra'a'mah [member="Drax Malachore"] [member="Nathaniel Trumont"]
[member="Jim Pehico"]

She was back for reprieve before her next ice haul to Sullust. Time never stopped for a civilian hauler, and her crew and colleagues were running themselves to death over trying to keep the lava planet stocked with water and goods. It had been a while since she'd had a day off and even longer since she'd had a stiff drink.

Her an Calvin were downloading containers on the dock when she spied a familiar face. She looked over and then did a double take.

"Holy Feth, Calvin hold my beer dude!" She passed her bottle to Calvin and took off across the bay, running right up to [member="Jim Pehico"]. He might or might not remember her. Back when she was a senior pilot he had just come on the Royal Naboo Starfighter Corps. She never really ebelieved it was him that had attacked the Queen, but it was beyond her power then to grant him immunity.

"Jim! Yo dude!"
Jim looked, the odds that he'd find someone else he knew was astronomical. There she was, Cait Sandusky, standing right at the door way. He walked over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Cait karkin' Sandusky. How are you?" Jim let go, He hadn't seen her since the incident. He was estatic to see her, after all Cait did help Jim a lot during the academy years.

[member="Cait Sandusky"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
[member="Jim Pehico"]

She smiled. It was good to see someone she knew around these parts. The Damn Rodians had her busy as all hell shipping Ice. She hated it.

"Good, good. I'm retired now, Royal Marines. Got kicked off the Starfighter Corps right after you. They said I had a problem with jack jawing superiors and ripping on the fighter too hard. Like you can hurt an N1. Those things are built for high speed."

She noticed his compliment and waved.

"Hi guys, names Cait."

Then she turned her attention back to Jim.

"What's all this? Your escape party?"
Jim chuckled.

"Cait, your too funny. this is the group that's gonna help me prove my innocence to the government of Naboo. I got a contact on Nar Shaada who claims to know me and who sliced my N-1 Starfighter. A couple of the guys who were supposed to help me seem to have fallen asleep." he looked over to Nathaniel Trumont and Drax Malachore and sighed.

He looked back over to Cait, "Well since they seem to be out for the count, you're more than welcome to join us, and of course you will be paid." Jim smirked.

[member="Cait Sandusky"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Giana Rhyker"]
[member="Jim Pehico"]

"I don't necessarily need the pay. I'm on retirement pension for now, though that seems to be going away fast. What I would love is the adventure, and to get the fether that got you booted. That was a nice post to be assigned to."

Calvin shouted from across the way.

"Ay! You coming back for your beer or am I gonna hold it all day."

"Kark bring it over dude. Feth it bring the whole case and lock up the ship."

"We're gonna bail?"

"Feth yeah, Talos can find another pilot to haul his damn Ice for a month. We done enough."

She grinned as Calvin came up beside her, then grabbed one end of the case he was dragging.

"So lead the way. Also you got a fridge on this vessel? Need it for the beer."
After a quick talk between the small group, they decided they were all ready to go. Jim requested Ra to lead the way and started heading for the door when another person approached them. She obviously knew Jim as they greeted with a friendly hug and talked about a few things. In the end, she joined the party and Ra lead the way to her ship.

[member="Myles Davorak"] "Possibly just more food. I have the beds and bedding except for the big guys and I can't think of anybody that would have something for them." He had mentioned being without a group for a while and Ra knew that feeling. All her life she had been alone, then her captain had taken him under his wing and taught her a few things. They had been a team until he was murdered. "You're always welcome to fly with me."

Ra didn't really know why she had said that, but thinking on it, she liked Myles and they had worked well together before. Maybe they could be partners in business. If their paths kept crossing like this, it wouldn't surprise her one bit.

"It's at the spaceport of course."

[member="Cait Sandusky"] "Yes, I have a rather well stocked fridge on my ship. Have no fear there." Jim had invited her to join them, so Ra figured she would introduce herself to the woman and approached her after speaking. "I'm Ra'a'mah. Just call me Ra though, makes things easier."

[member="Jim Pehico"] [member="Giana Rhyker"] [member="Nathaniel Trumont"]

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