Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Trading in Danger

Yondir Fenn Yondir Fenn

He was getting the idea better and better each time... which was helpful to her. They could plan it all out and really work on his personality as the snow was flying.. he seemed to be preparing for something and she could see it for a brief moment. She moved in the higher snow for a moment and allowed herself to move to the side. Diving into the snow as her hand came out and slid between the flakes for a moment... then deeper as she could hear the impact of the snowball he had managed to create. She dove down... down and allowed the snow to go around her as she came up and was laughing. "You might be in your head but I work on reaction Yondir... don't think just act."
Was he doing it yet again? Thinking instead of acting? Getting stuck in his head? Yes. He guessed.
Truthfully, it wasn’t something he always did. Something had happened to him back in that cavern.
Usually, he does experience a kind of connection with his homeland. He was normal at that tavern.
Yet, this was different. Something shifted within him. Due to that witch. Who…was she even…dead?

No. He won’t think about this again. Don’t. Not her. That sorceress in a nexus was dead to begin with.
This Jedi Master, however, was alive. Living. There was so much life in Ikki Ike. So much proven power.
The kind he didn’t want for himself. But…did he…want her? Did Yondir want Ikki? He’d already shown it.
Quiet. She would tell him the same thing that moment. He blinked. Suddenly Ikki is covered in powder.

His shot had missed her. That didn’t matter. Suddenly, not even Mavin mattered. He is safe anyway.
Throwing snowballs at the walls. Pretending he was already a Knight. Already a Master. Like these.
Reaction... She gave him such a reaction. He just didn’t know how to translate what he was feeling.
“You are faster, Master Ike,” Yondir spoke simply as he walked over to her. “And stronger. I do say.”

He spoke in a tone as politely as possible as he approached.
Closer. He wanted her to know he was civil despite their jest.
Hands clasped behind back. Good manners. She has to know.
Few feet away. Act. Lifts his hand to plunge snow on her head.

Moonlight. It was trapped in his mind from homeland's lake.
In this moment, though, he sees no moon and sees no light.
Surely his attack won't miss only inches away from her face.
Whatever the case, he grins, he laughs, he has a good time.

Ikki Ike Ikki Ike
Yondir Fenn Yondir Fenn

She listened to the two of them in the force and gave a small nod as she was taking a little cover. Crouching a little sos he had a smaller profile she spoke. "Speed and strength are only part of it.. one should observe and think. Be int he moment and listen tot he force." She said it with a nod of her head though as she moved with more snow. Yondir was thinking to himself but he was moving... dweeling on things but at least he wasn't standing around and making her wonder where he was going. She moved around a little thoughh crouching lower. "THe moment is where you want to be.. thinking to far ahead does little same as thinking about the past... just allow the force to guide your actions and trust in it."
Uncertainty. What was he even thinking? Feeling? How had he ended up in this position to begin with?
Speed. Strength. Be in the moment. Listen to the Force. Yes, he already knows these things, he’s no idiot.
Yet, had he forgotten the basics? Had that really happened? Yondir couldn’t help but wonder after her words.
Admittedly, his words about strength and speed were just to distract her from his attack, but hers had worth.

“I trust…” The man began, blinking between Ikki and Mavin; the latter, a child, a boy content with playing.
Adults could engage in the same behavior, after Yondir’s observations, as he was doing currently, maybe.
Be in the moment. Don’t think too far. Allow the Force to guide. Yes. Of course. His spirit, his sword, his person.
What is happening? Between thinking, feeling, fading, gazing into a well behind his eyes, broken on the surface.

The Jedi, the Master and the Knight, danced with each other on the mountainside, but the dance was a lesson.
Maybe Ikki would pelt and pellet him, but even Yondir doubted that moment as he stood staring, motionless.
What are you telling me? Ikki. The Force. The light. The light. Perhaps that itself was the reminder. My only truth.
Mavin was building some snow creature, man or woman, as Yondir looked at Ikki, didn’t blink at her. “I trust you.”

He stepped forward toward her. His hands brandished before him, not hidden, if empty of snow.
“I do not trust me,” he admitted freely. There wasn’t any treachery in that statement or animosity.
They had played, they had trained, they had given Mavin a demonstration of how Jedi may treat.
It wasn’t all scrolls or meditation. Yondir observed that even Jedi had fun. Closer, he approached.

“Something happened to me, Ikki,”
the Ranger of Rhunor said finally. “I don’t feel quite like…well…myself.”

Ikki Ike Ikki Ike
Yondir Fenn Yondir Fenn

She listened... she felt... she was looking at the boy as when the battle ended she joined him in making a snowman. SHe was moving her hands when he approached her and raised an eyebrow listening to him speak while she was there. Allowing the force to guide her and carry her thoughts for the moment. SHe looked at him with a side eye for a moment as she listened and then turned to look at him. Offering a smile. "Well you did go through a traumatic possession by a force spirit seeking revenge, meet a girl and take in a child... you went from loner to papa in a matter of days." She said it looking up at him with her hands clasped in front of herself. "YOu are seeing the galaxy with a new perspective but Yondir... you spend so much time in your own thoughts and thinking it that we were able to build a snowman."
Ikki’s words had merit and credit, but she didn’t really appear to listen to him. She mentioned that he was seeing the galaxy with a new perspective and she wasn’t exactly wrong with that thought. Then again, against her better judgment and wisdom, she had not sensed the danger so close to her with this Yondir in her presence.

However, maybe that was for the best at the moment. Despite that she recognized his possession, something that surely had consequences for this man after the fact, perhaps what Ikki was really trying to do was offer Yondir peace in spite of his inner turmoil. If there was a quiet war waging within his spirit, sparked by that witch who might still exist in her pit, then maybe Ikki was simply her foil for him.

Traumatic possession. Yondir thought. Force spirit seeking revenge. He repeated in his head. I met a girl. I took in a child. Surely for the best. Yet, it was one thing to think, another to spend so much time in his own thoughts. So, instead, Yondir Fenn, as a Ranger and a Knight, decided to do something different.

He listened to the wild wind, he watched the white horizon in the distance, he considered his companion’s words over ‘loner’ and ‘papa’ and remembered that he had kissed her. Was that really him who had done it? Or some remnant of his possession? Whatever, this next moment was only him.

“Snowman,” Yondir spoke low, lowering himself to his knees before the creation of Mavin and Ikki. Something happened to him in these moments, as if what was once the rigid core of a Ranger of Rhunor had shifted, slid like snow down a slope, brought chaos to order beyond the light and darkness, Jedi and Sith.

“It’s missing something, Ikki,” he squinted, trying to pin it, and finally found it. He wanted to kiss her all over again but didn't. “Right.” Mavin had given this contraption eyes and lips. “What about this?” Yondir lifted a stick and stuck it in between those eyes and lips. “There we go. A nose.” He grinned.

Ikki Ike Ikki Ike

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