Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trapped on coruscant

The planet of coruscant was dangerous ground for a smuggler, a smugglers job was to arrive, and to leave within a few hours, on coruscant arriving without any reason at all was suspicious to authorities, not to mention a spontaneous departure a few hours later. This aspect of coruscant was especially dangerous for widely known criminals such as Lon Ginn. Lon was already weary of entering coruscant space just for one delivery of some spices, but he needed the credits, after ending a debt with a Hutt on Narr Shadaa, he was a bit dry on money.

Lonn maneuvered the "crimson eagle" through the vessels just outside of coruscant, preparing to dock. The dashboard of the eagle flashed alerting him to the required docking codes, which he possessed. Lon punched in the codes and was accepted, and a few seconds later the coms of the eagle sounded "crimson eagle, we require you to dock at a mandatory separate docking station" Lon cursed under his breath as two other vessels came up to the sides of the eagle, forcing it to follow them, he had been caught, no doubt they had seen his ships ID signature at another planet and had been following him.

The officials where waiting for him as the eagle docked at a landing pad outside of a military station. As they opened the doors the cockpit of the vessel they had found nothing, Exasperated the commander shouted "what! Where is he?" Meanwhile Lonn had escaped using a secret hatch at the bottom the ship, taking some old cloths and a hat to pull off a lousy disguise. Lonn was in trouble, he lost his ship, he needed help to get it back, so out of instinct he went to the local tavern, just to see if anyone would be there to help him out.
Factory Judge
Zero had been on the planet Coruscant looking for some job that he could receve. walking down the streets everyone was avoiding him seeing that he had a blue blade on his back and a his GH-44 pistols on his hips, covered head to toe in his armor. it was a sight that would attract attention. The wrong attention. wanting a place to stay for the night he went to the near buy tavern which was just alittle out of the way from the docking bays.

Zero entered the tavern and went up to the keeper. he placed some credits on the table and asked "I wish to sleep here. I give you credits for my stay. and some extra, for I am not here." Resting his hand on the pistol to show that Zero ment what he said. the keepers eyes went wide and he said "Okay sir here's your room card." the keeper slid the card across the counter top towards him he picked it up and was turning around to go to his room when a man rushed in.

This man was dressed like a smugler. old dirty clothes, a hat to match with it. and it looked like he would have somesort of reaon to be breathing hard. Zero turned around to the keeper and said. "I will pay for his stay. Another card i will need for him." Zero grabed the key from the keeper of the tavern and went over to the man. he then wispered "Come to my abode when you can. 127." Zero didnt like to talk much so he left the man standing there. and retired to his room. waiting for his company to come.
Lon was astonished that what he was looking for was so easily placed into his hands. Deciding that it wasnt anything to think to much of, he looked at the card and then at the man walking away. He could wait he thought, a drink of some cheap alcohol would rejuvenate his sences. "How much for some beer?" Lon coughed out at the man at the counter, still wheezing from running so hard. "5 credits" the man plainly replied, "ill give you these cloths" the man looked at Lons dirty jacket and hat, "deal" the man took Lons cloths and handed over a mug of alcohol, which lon took upstairs to meet with his new "friend"
Factory Judge
Zero had entered his room and closed the door. he placed his weapons on the bed. and was about to take a rest when he heard a knock on his door. "Enter" comanding the person to open his door. Zero grabed his dagger to protect himself if it was someone who intened to bring harm to him. when the door opened he saw the man he just gave the key too but in different clothes and a mug of ale in his hands.

Zero gestured with his dagger to enter in to the room. he went to the door to check the hallway if anybody followed the man here. after all was clear Zero closed the door and turned to the man and said "Explain to thee for such reasons of rapid breath and nurvousness in the tavern."
Lon looked at the man, and replied "well, thats a story worth telling, but theres no time for that, long story short im a smuggler delivering spices, but i ran into a delema and my ship is now impounded and all my credits are gone" Lancer chose his words carefully, he needed to rely on his charisma to persuade the man to help him.
Factory Judge
Zero was not very keen on helping people who couldnt pay him. their was something about this man that he was not telling. Zero would have to fugure that out later. but a smugler importing spices? they had to be really rare spices or that was his cover up. But Zero could be wrong maybe he was just a poor smugler that need credits fast and picked an easy job. It didnt matter to him.

Zero walked over to his bed and placed his dagger next to his other tools. Zero had been using these weapons for a long time and did not cinsider them weapons. it was part of his job to have them. It was the same thing as a student and pens, or a construction employe and his drill. Coming back to the present, Zero looked at the smugler and decided to help him.

Saying "I will help you with the complications you may have. In return a third of your profets will be mine. are theses terms accaptable?"
"Right, thats about 500 credits, but, to get the credits, we first need to find the buyer, and to do that we need an international transit to get to the lower city" Lon spoke, he didnt like sharing any of his money, he desperatly needed the credits, but without this man he would have no chance "you got a name my friend?"
Factory Judge
"I do not know about a transit that you are looking for. I do not have a name. For it was lost long ago. I have taken the name of the number Zero. if that solves you questions?"

Zero then grabed his tools from the bed and replaced them where they belonged on his person. Making sure that he had everything he turned to the smugler and asked "Could i have a name? and would you be willng to go search for what we need now or later?"
Lon finished his ale and slammed the mug on the counter "names Lon, galaxies most wanted, or, at least on that list somewhere" Lon admitted, but either way they needed to get going. Quickly Lon checked his jacket pocket to see if the spices where still there, and they where of course. "Lets get going"
Factory Judge
Zero then checked the halway after the man answered. clear. he turned around and met lon saying "Wait 3 minutes here. we mey not be seen together by the people here. go to my docking bay. 4. ill be waiting" Zero left without another word. he came to the main room of the tavern and saw some more people than there was in the last few minutes. a small group of them were what look like guards. he went to the bar and ordered a drink and then threw it at the guards.

Zero was running from the guards. he was creating a diversion for lon so he could go tto his docking bay. he also had suplies in his ship. Zero passed a corner and turned on his cloaking device that hides him from eletrical components and from sight of the guards. they ran past him yelling "get out of the way, move people move!" after they were about another block down he went towards his own docking bay. when he got there lon wasnt there so he got in to the small cargo hold in his ship. he grabed another cloaking devise. his grenades and extra credits. when he turned around lon was there.

Darren Onyx

Onyx was on planet trying to find a good smuggler who could get important Sith artifacts into the city. He heard rumors that Lon Ginn, a known smuggler by the Empire, was in the city. Onyx knew the chances of him helping may not be high, so he had his weapons ready to kill if need be.

He saw the commotion with the guards and the strange looking fellow. He assumed he was a hired gun by Lon to help him while he was on assignment. He didn't care. He was going to get him and if it meant killing this man, then it would result in that.
Lon paid close attention to the mans arsenal of weaponry, nervously he told zero "you know that this mission is going to require as little combat as possible, right?"
Factory Judge
"Not worried about combat. for I worry watchful eyes and thoes who wish to create harm. if need be i will have the tools i need." Zero then handed the smugler the other cloaking devise. he then showed lon how to use it by pointing at a buttion on the belt and he dissapeared. and he showed that it turns off the same way.

"If you are hiding from trouble we will need to be invisable. downside of the belt, you still make noise." Zero grabed some cloth and wraped it arund his boots to muffle the sound of his feet on the pavement. he then hande some to lon to do the same.

"Now we we may progress in our quest. to where is it that we go?"
Cloaking emitter? Lon had never used such a device, he had always been subject to using his own instincts for stealth, but the device was a welcome gift. "Were looking for transit into 1313, a less than neigboring place, but getting there will prove difficult without my ship" Lon already knew getting his sip back was out of the question untill he found his buyer. lon checked the holsters on his jeans to find his dual blasters, making sure they were where he left them.
Factory Judge
"Lead the way. activate your device. we dont want prying eyes." Zero then turned towards the shop and closed it up again and activated his device. "Do not fear lon. i can see you with my helmet. quick we must be to reach 1313 before nightfall"
Lon clicked the button on his belt and fell into silence. "This way" Lon whispered, Lon walked for what seemed like hours untill he stopped at an old looking hatch in the ground "maitenance hatch, he whispered while opening the hatch.
Factory Judge
Zero was silent as he followed the smugler down in to the hatch. it lead to what was a sewer system and was slightly filled of waste water. Zero turned his device off and looked around to see if there were any smaller tunnles that would lead off of the main pipe. Zero bent over and took off the cloth from his boots so the woundt get to soaked. if the needed them again they would still be usable. placing them so they wraped around his belt where they would hang to dry. Zero looked for lon to ask "Next?"

Darren Onyx

Onyx followed them silently. He used the force to keep them focused on task on not on him. He was wearing a cloaking device as well. He knew that he could flank them when they reached 1313, since it was crowded and death was a normal part of life down there. No authorities would investigate the murder of a smuggler and bounty hunter.
Lon looked down both of the dimly lit tunnels before him "ive been here once before, needed a quick escape from 1313 after angering a gang of twi'leks that call themselves the retrade, had a debt with them but couldnt pay up, i only just payed it actually, so i shouldnt be getting any trouble from them" Lon explained while walking down the right tunnel. "Found my way through the tunnels to get out, now listen, you look like the kind of guy who doesnt take disrespect from anybody, but down in 1313, if you start a fight you better be able to kill everyone in the next 2 miles" Lon warned, he needed to set the groundrules for Zero

Darren Onyx

"And what if you just wanna kill someone?" Onyx asked as in a sinister tone. He had revealed himself to the smuggler and his protector. "Of course if you help me and loose the bounty hunter maybe you won't have to answer that question."
Onyx looked at him with a evil grin and awaited his reply.

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