Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trapped on coruscant

Zero saw the man who was a sith and pulled the sword out of the sheath on his back maing a nice ring tone when pulled. when he was talking about leaving him for this sith Zero just simple stated "I work for him. helping him now. Have your turn sonmeother time. or we both work for you. if no agreement then we leave." having his sword in his right hand and his left on the hilt of his dagger on the small of his back. ready for the worst.
Lon swivled his head around to see a dark jedi standing ten feet away from him and Zero. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble young lad, but, no, i will not loose the bounty hunter" Lon shot back

Darren Onyx

Onyx, in one swift move, ignited his lightsaber and blocked the sudden fire from Lon, hitting just right to send it flying straight back at him. "Come on, we could have been friends but you had to blow it!"
[occ:leave it it makes the story better]

Zero saw the sith ingnite his red blade and blocked the blaster shot. Zero didnt like to fight jedi they were almost imposable to kill even with his songsteel sword and mando iron daggers. he pulled the dagger from his back and got in a defencive like stance that the jedi pratice. using the skill that he has learned over the years he was ready for the sith.
Lon thought about the fight about to evolve in front of him, and a plan began to grow into his mind. "Keep him occupied" Lon said to Zero
Zero heard lon and knew that he had a plan. Zero answered by changing fourm and attacking. he moved foward with his blade going to stab the sith through the belly like a stuck pig
Lon understood the force, even if he was unable to feel it. He understood that being able to reach out with the force while in combat was near impossible, so he fed off the disadvantage the dark jedi had. While Zero was downed in combat with the sith Lon found a security terminal. "This might take some time" Lon shouted at zero, not expecting an answer. Putting his skills on the front lines Lon dashed through the terminals security wall in an instant. Lon screamed out to zero "you got night vision in those goggles of yours?"

Darren Onyx

Onyx began to block the strikes of the bounty hunter. He saw Lon on a terminal. He heard the remark Lon had yelled at Zero and Onyx realized his plan. Before anything could happen, Onyx jumped backwards and shot a force wall at Zero, pushing him back towards Lon. "No need to hack. I can do this on my own!" Onyx lifted his arms and the lights went out. He only hoped he could use his power to disable any extra help, such as night vision.
Lon cursed under his breath, but he knew he could adapt to the environment, he grew up in the dark, but if he came face to face with the sith, he wouldn't last long. "Zero, keep combat with him, he cant use the force to see in the dark while in combat, he will be overwhelmed, ill give you covering fire!" Lon pulled out his dual heavy modded blasters and opened up a storm of blaster shots with a rapid trigger.
Zero heard lon and what he was going to do. he was about to switch to night vision when the sith used a force wall on him and turned out the lights. he tried his night vision but it didnt work. Zero didnt say a word. lone opend fire and he walked right up to lon and grabed the pistol from his hands and he simply stopped and stood still and told lon in a whisper "No movement"

Zero was thinking that if the sith wanted to fight him blade on saber that he would have to walk to them. and that would cause noise from the water and the hum of his blade. From the dark the red blade would create a red glow in the tunnel they were in exposing the sith. the only way they could be hit was by the force. he then place his hand on to lons head and pushed softly down indicating that he needs to be low to the ground. he neede all the advantages here and fireing randomly was not going to do that. when he would hear the sith moving he would strike from the noises he heard.

Darren Onyx

Onyx was standing still. His eyes had adjusted to the dark. He noticed them sitting. He was one step ahead. He would kill them using the greatest weapon a sith had, fear. He gave out a sinister laugh. "You think you can fool me? I am a sith. But even more, I am death. I stalk those who fear it. And destroy those who don't. I am an reincarnation of Nihilus, my master who trained me in the power of death."
He used a force power that would cause his voice to move around the room. Giving the illusion that he was also moving, when in reality he was just sitting as dead as a door knob. His voice was now whispering in the ear of Zero in a persuading tone. "I can feel your fear. I know your past. I know you."
His voice then drifted into Lon's ear. "I want to help you Lon. You know I do. But you must first help me. You can start by killing Zero. If you don't. Then I will consume you with darkness and you will die a slow and very painful death. What will I kill you with? FEAR."
Zero had adjusted and could see a slight siloette of the sith standing where he was. hearing a voic in his head about the sith knowing his past was untrue. only he knew his past. everyone else that may have known was dead. the sith trick didnt work on him. but sith never leave a chance to bring fear into the game and knew that something was going to be said to lon. he said out loud "Sith, knoledge is power. not fear. leave, and you wont end up as a stuck pig."

Zero was saying this to the both of them so the sith knew that he had faced his kind and to lon so he would know that the sith was eather lieing or he was using persuation. Zero grabed a dagger from his back and spun it in his hand so it would be throwable. he then threw it some where near the sith. If it hit him it was good if not he would feel the riples in the water and tell where he was. the riples would move around him and from that become larger than they should somewhere else in the water.
Lon heard the voice in his ear, but was not fooled so easily, he had aplan in mind, but had no time to explain it to Zero, it was a one time shot.

Darren Onyx

"You think I am scared of you Zero? You may have faced my kind before, but you have never faced anything like me. I am a nightmare, a unstoppable force."
Lon watched as the two combatants prepared for another battle. Putting his plan into action he bagan to crawl across the durasteel floor over to the wall "and what do you call yourself?" lon asked the sith standing accross the tunnel from him. Lon needed to set several actions in motion for his plan to work. In order for this to happen he neaded to adapt to everything his enemy said, turning the tides of the conversation.

Darren Onyx

"I do not have a name, just a sign. Onyx. But Zero already knew that. After all, we've met before."
Zero heard the sith boast about being a nightmare and thought nothing of it. Zero has faced a rancore before which is nearly imposable to do when you are not a force user, and lived to tell the tale. Zero heard lon moving and was alittle mad untilll he started talking. He knew apromaxly what lon was doing.

so Zero said "Call yourself a nightmare? no for I am of the night and of darkness. you do not know me I was born from it! Powers are not needed here. only the Dark can help you here." taunting him.

hearing what he said about meeting before was true.

Darren Onyx

"You think you can use these tricks on me. You waste nothing but your breath!" Onyx was getting irritated. He wasn't worried. He knew that if he moved in he could kill them fast. The only one who would be difficult was Zero. He did have the advantage over him since there last misadventure together. Lon would be the first to die.

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