Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trip to Ilum

Ava Solborne

Dominator thought. He didn't know, how to create a lightsaber. He hadn't thought about that before. "Well, I haven't... And I don't know, how to create one." Dominator said. But how hard could it be? Maybe he can talk with a Master like Ben Watts or even Teferi Efreet. Though the last one was very unsure, because the Jedi Grandmaster definitely didn't have time for that.


Disney's Princess
"No worries. We can worry about that later."

She checked the heading and glanced over the controls once more. Then she unbuckled and pulled her helm off. Leaving it on the seat behind her. She stood up and paced back into the deck. The ship was empty.

"We've got some time now. Why don't you explain to me this 'Balance' theory you have. I'm eager to learn what occupies you so completely Master Dominator."

She took a seat in one of the soldier's chairs and relaxed. The nav-com could handle the flying for now.

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded, when Karen talked about worrying later. He looked as she came to the passenger area. When she asked Dominator a question, he thought about the balance. It was hard to explain. "Something is wrong with me. I am sure you have seen me acting strangely, right? So, I think that's caused by the unbalance. I have discovered, that many great Jedi and Sith have or had suffered from the unbalance. As I believe, not using the Darkness leads to the falling, but using only one Force does. For example... Have you heard about... um... Jacen Solo? Or Anakin Skywalker? Or Bariss Offee? They all fell to the darkness, because they normally used only the Force, but then, they suddenly started to use the Darkness. That caused the unbalance to become even greater unbalance. If the Force-user used the... um... Light Side, like you call it, and then suddenly started to use the Dark Side, his pressure changes sides. The pressure was on the Light Side before, but then it suddenly... and quickly slips to the Dark Side. But using both of the sides can make the pressure slip to the center of the balance. It means, that the total balance is achieved." He explained, but maybe miss Karen didn't understand anything. "I'm sorry, if you didn't understand. It's hard to explain, what the balance is."


Disney's Princess
Karen listened and did her best to understand. Like many things of the Force, it sounded difficult to explain.

"I do not know of these people you mention. The 400 year Darkness makes such records difficult to obtain. Even for the Jedi."

Still. She shrugged. Karen most certainly did understand the Light and Dark sides of the Force. That was easy enough.

"...And you say that this 'Imbalance', is making you sick? ...How. I mean? Then, how do we fix it? How do you get well again?"

Ava Solborne

"I actually knew, that you don't know about these people. I have... read a lot." Dominator smiled. Really, he had spent too much time in libraries. He even got a permission to read the Senate's archives. Okay, that was for only one time. "I think, that I am too much on the Light Side. I've got nothing against it and I never want to betray the Jedi Order, but... I think the Darkness calls me to balance the sides."


Disney's Princess
"I see. And how does one 'balance' the sides? What would you have to do be cured?"

She was curious now. Equa was on to something completely new. And that was fascinating indeed.

Ava Solborne

"I am not sure yet. But if I start to use the Darkness..." Dominator said. It was easy to see, that he didn't like the Darkness. "I think, that if I do it very slowly, but I use both sides, the voice calling me to the Darkness stops." He sensed, that it was a wrong choice, but he had to do it. If there are ways to cure himself, this was the only one.


Disney's Princess
"Oh, I have not doubt about it. If the voice says, come to the Dark Side. And then you go, to the Dark Side. Well. I would probably stop calling you too."

Common sense really.

"You know. Most Jedi move farther and farther into the Light every day. Since it doesn't end? You can walk the path deeper into the Light forever. The Light Side of the Force is not a location. It's not a destination. ...It is an eternal journey."

She shrugged.

"So. Thats probably why the Jedi never bothered with balance. Like me, they walk into the Light. And they just keep going. You just keep going deeper into the light until your a part of it. Happily ever after."

If Equa wanted to be Grey User. He was more than welcome to try. It wasn't a Jedi ideal. But that didn't stop others from trying either.

"Live however you want to live Equa. If the Grandmaster kicks you out? Then so be it. At least you'll be happy. And free."

Ava Solborne

"Yes, but the hardest conflict is, that I don't think not being a member of the Jedi Order is being free. Being free is being in the Jedi Order and there is now other way. It is a strange dilemma..." Dominator said and sighed. It was so hard to choose, what he really wants, but maybe life is all about that. Maybe life is about choosing the right path and by the moment you die, you have already chosen the path. Life was so philosophical...


Disney's Princess
"Being free, means living the life you want to live."

She smiled and tried to understand him better.

"Equa. The Jedi Order is just a group of Light-Siders trying to help the whole galaxy. There are many other organizations that do just that. You don't have to be a Jedi if you don't want to. Especially if it is making you sick."

She paused,

"The Dark Side is evil. I know that. And I hope that you know that. ...But. If you want the Dark Side in your life? I am not going to stop you. Just remember that evil is bad. And that I am sorry if anything bad happens to you because you embrace it."

Karen frowned. It was sad to hear the Equa wanted more evil in his life. Karen did not. It was not the Jedi way.

"Just remember Equa. You only get one life. ...So live it the way you want to. There is no turning back. I will do whatever I can to help. ...Even if you leave the Jedi Order to search for your cure. ...You can always come back later if it doesn't work out. We will always take you back."

She smiled and nodded. Maybe Equa just needed a vacation from being a Jedi. That way he could seek out balance anyway he wanted to.

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded sadly. He sensed, that miss Roberts was sad because of his plans, but he had to do something. "Thank you for your support! I know... the Darkness is so evil, that I might fall into it, but I try to do my best to remain on the side of the Force." He sighed. It was so hard to do it all. But maybe he was completely wrong? Maybe the voice didn't say, that he needs to go to the Darkness, but actually says something else? "I know, that you remain loyal to the Jedi Order with every piece of your mind and I try to do the same, but the life has to be lived like your destiny says."


Disney's Princess
"Why remain loyal? Why do you want to be Jedi? ...What is so important about being a Jedi?"

She seemed surprised. Equa wanted Balance. But then he also wanted to be a Jedi. This was called, 'conflict'. Maybe he just needed to choose.

Ava Solborne

A piece of wood lied on the floor and Dominator used the Force to make it levitate. It came to Dominator and he used Force to destroy it. When Dominator put his hands to fists, the piece of wood was ripped into hundreds of pieces. "The Jedi is my life. I joined them to learn the truth, but... When I was younger, actually very young, the Jedi Order visited Umbara. I had already discovered, that I am Force-sensitive. And I wanted to gain their attention. I had heard stories about the Jedi Order's lies and their selfish minds. But I had heard stories about what they actually are. I wanted to join them and... they noticed me. For almost all of my life, the Jedi Order has been my family. I cannot leave you behind. I cannot leave the Jedi Order. I think you understand, why." Dominator said. All the small pieces of wood flew in the air and it looked like a hurricane.


Disney's Princess
"Then choose this family Equa. Choose the Jedi Order."

She leaned in closely and spoke with power,

"Choose to cast off this voice in your mind. Cast off this Darkness that binds you. Bring balance to your mind by destroying this insidious influence. Choose us. Choose your family. Choose to be free! ...Let go of your feelings. You know what to be true."

She pleaded with him to let go. To become whole again.

"I can't make this decision for you Equa. Only you can control your own destiny. Words are hollow and have no meaning. You must act. You must, choose. ...So choose us Equa. ...And tell that voice in your head to depart now and to never come back."

Ava Solborne

"You are right, I guess, but the voice is stronger than I am. Maybe with your help I can destroy it, break the bonds?" Dominator said and looked at padawan Roberts. Then he smiled. The help Karen gave him was better than everything Kaleeya had done. And it made Karen... a friend. I Karen would become a Jedi Knight, Dominator would beg to be her padawan.


Disney's Princess
"I see. Well, that is an affliction indeed."

She pondered upon the problem and then snapped her fingers,

"I know! We can go to Ruusan. The Force Nexus there is powerful indeed. Any Force user is at their strongest when channeling the powers of a Force Nexus. Perhaps you might be able to draw enough strength from the Force to purge yourself clean? ...I don't know. It is a long shot."

Karen leaned back in her chair and thought a moment. She didn't know how to cure Equa.

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded and said: "That might help." He was very excited, because he didn't know, how powerful he actually is and how powerful he can become. But now the only thing he had to concentrate on, was creating a lightsaber. "Well, how far are we?" He asked, because he thought that the topic was over.


Disney's Princess
"I'll take a look."

She stood up and went back to the cockpit. They were half-way there.

"We are almost there. I'll strap in and do some early reading. The Holonet might have news about the world and any updates about it's weather conditions. This might take awhile."

Karen liked reading up on any new world she was going to visit. Learn about the local governments, the people, the weather, and the creatures. Sometimes the Holonet had news and other recent reports as well. It was always best to be prepared.

"We'll be there shortly."

Karen sat down and began studying the planet. They would be exiting Hyperspace soon.

Ava Solborne

Dominator smiled. The flight had seemed so... quick. Maybe because of their long conversation about the topic? But it was a needed conversation. He discovered Karen's knowledge about the Force and the Jedi Order and understood, that she is one of the few people, who can help Dominator become free from the voice. But now... He had to think about their trip. Well, the cave should've been in the northern half of the planet, but he didn't know, the exact coordinates, so he went to his seat. Well, it had computer-like technology, so it had to help him. The computer was... strange, because on Coruscant and on Umbara, he had never seen this kind of computers. The ones she had seen, were normal boxes, but this one seemed both old and new at the same time. It was really confusing.


Disney's Princess
Moments later

Time past and soon the two Jedi found themselves flying safely over the Ice World of Ilum. The trip had been a complete success thus far.

"Okay Equa. We're here. Where to now?"

The sky was calm and made for good flying. The only question now was, where did they want to land.

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