Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trip to Ilum

Ava Solborne

"I am here... Near the crystals." Dominator said and squatted. He took one of the two crystals and looked at it. Yes, it seemed like the right crystal. And the other one... Was the crystal too. Though the crystals were green and ice was blue, he still had to be careful. The cave was known because of its 'magical' powers, what made crystals look like ice and thus, many Jedi Younglings and Padawans had found a shard of ice, what looked like a crystal.

He took both crystals and ran away from the place. The sun had already started to set, though it was still pretty early. "I've got the crystals. You can go to the ship and start the engine." He told Karen. The way back to the ship was long, but Dominator ran as fast as he could.


Disney's Princess
It had only been an hour, so there was truly no rush. Karen hoped down a slide and dashed her way back to the entrance. It was a fun way to travel and she was glad she had found it. Apparently the addition of working elevators was lost on this frozen Temple. Go figure.

Karen took fifteen minutes and arrived back the Gunship. Eager to start the take off sequence and get them back on their way.

Ava Solborne

Dominator kept running and finally he reached the area they were in before. Still, he had to run for about a quarter of a hour to get out. But what is he going to do with two lightsaber crystals? He had heard, actually read, about a special weapons only some Jedi used. It was light-shield.


Disney's Princess
Karen fired up the ship and called Equa on her com. She had opted to leave the Red Crystal behind.

"Equa. I'm getting the ship ready now. When your all done. Meet me in the cockpit. I'd love to see what you have found."

She smiled and flipped the many dozen switches. It was almost time to go.

Ava Solborne

Dominator didn't answer to Karen, but he heard her. Now he had to hurry, because he didn't want to make the woman wait very long. About four minutes passed and he had finally reached the front door of the temple-cave. Now he had to go back to the ship. The ship was too far, but maybe he could jump on top of it? He breathe in and jumped. He was strong enough to reach the ship and he landed on top of it. Now he had to get in. And he jumped again, this time into the ship.


Disney's Princess

"Good heavens Equa? Just what are you playing at?"

Apparently he was jumping about the Gunship like a rabbit. So strange. And there was a perfectly good boarding ramp too.

"Did you find what you we're looking for? You were gone for quiet awhile there."

Ava Solborne

"Yeah... I found them." Dominator said and took out his new crystals. Well, they were actually crystals. They didn't melt. Dominator sighed and then asked: "Have you heard about light-shields?" He finally discovered, that he wants to create a light-shield with the additional crystal. Though it was kind of hard, because he had thought about the wristband version.


Disney's Princess
Karen was baffled. She'd never heard of a light shield before. Though, it was good that Equa had found the crystals he was looking for.

"I'm afraid not. But it's never too late to try something new. Just try not to break those crystals if you experiment with them. It's a long way back. Hehe."

She fired up the engines and finished pre-flight,

"Are you ready to go? Got everything you needed then?"

Ava Solborne

"Alright..." Dominator answered to Karen's first sentences. He should probably look from the HoloNet to find some useful tips of creating a light-shield. "We can go now." He was ready to finally go home again. So he started from looking for some guides and tips.


Disney's Princess
Karen smiled underneath her helm and punched the controls. Within only moments they would blazing through the upper atmosphere and out into the dark of space. Karen loved Starships. They went so ridiculously fast. It was beautiful.

"So. What's a light shield? I thought you were making a saber?"

She played with the controls and prepped the jump to hyperspace. There was a great deal of buttons that needed pushing right now.

Ava Solborne

"Yes, I actually wanted to create a lightsaber, but two crystals reveled themselves, so I thought, that maybe I should create a light-shield too?" Dominator said and looked at his crystals. "Light-shield is similar to lightsaber. But it's just a shield. If the button is pressed, the laser will ignite and form a shield."


Disney's Princess
She spun around and looked back into the bay,

"Whoa! That sounds awesome? Do you know how to make one?"

In a world of swords and staffs, a shield was truly the missing ingredient. What a very fun idea.

Ava Solborne

"I don't know, but I've got a book about making them. There are instructions and I think maybe some Jedi Masters can help me too." Dominator answered and sat down. I shouldn't try to make them here... Dominator thought.


Disney's Princess
She played with the computer more,

"You have a book? Fascinating. I had thought all such traditions lost. What else does it contain? You Umbaran's are a resourceful people. I am impressed."

Equa was quickly becoming the most resourceful Jedi in the Order. He knew of Ilum. Of light-shields and ancient tech. He was like a walking library of old secrets and inspiring lore. Equa was quickly becoming a leader.

Ava Solborne

"Well, yes... I've looked around Umbara and I found it. It was on a place, where an old war took place, so... I think a Jedi dropped it many years ago. It is very dusty and almost unreadable, but that's why I want to learn translating and deciphering." Dominator said. It seemed to him, that Karen was impressed or something. "But we've got thousands of books... Maybe even millions. Millions of books about politics and history. Though we haven't got any great libraries." It was very sad, that they had no place to store the books, so they could be read after a hundred years again. He had delivered some books to Coruscanti libraries, though many of them were still on Umbara.


Disney's Princess
"Indeed. A great Library. This idea fascinates me. After the Gulag plague... Well. I had thought our past was lost to us. Just poof. ...Gone."

She frowned behind her helmet. Finishing the calculation of Hyperspace she turned to the view screen.

"Well. Nevermind that. ...You have you shield at least. It's time for Hyperspace. Hold on."

She pushed the button and in a glimmer of light. ...They were gone. Vanishing from Real Space and disappearing quickly into the great beyond. Karen took off her metal helmet and set it aside. The mission was quickly coming to a close.

Ava Solborne

After the Gulag virus, many people on Umbara had died. And it was just horrible. Many innocent souls had to suffer and... die. The Zero had to be a really bad guy. He had destroyed maybe the half of the galaxy. Not materially, but he killed the people. Umbaran books were all hidden somewhere, but Dominator often went back to Umbara to see, if he can find more books. One day, he had even created a book-collecting day, when people can take a day off and look for books. The day was funny and great, but they had only found ten books. And they were all the same books about Kani Nrahv, a mad historical Master of Umbara. He ruled the planet a few years before the super deadly Gulag Virus started to spread. He was one of the first Masters of Umbara and the most evil of them. Well, the Master before Dominator was evil too, though he wasn't so bad...

Thanks to Karen, he just remembered, what the Virus had done on Umbara, but it wasn't bad. After all, that was a thing, what made all, even present people suffer, though almost everyone was immune to it or was it completely gone? Though they shouldn't start to think, that everything is over now. At the time of Clone Wars, the Blue Shadow Virus almost spread again, but a few Jedi had interrupted the doctor's plans. Dominator didn't remember the doctor's name, but he knew, that he was an ally of the Separatist Confederacy, more know as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Blue Shadow Virus had spread in a few systems many years before the Clone Wars started, though it didn't cause so much trouble. But the whole meaning of what Dominator wanted to say, was, that every virus can start to spread again and can hit the mankind even more powerfully than it did at the first time.

Dominator did, like Karen said. He was ready to go to the Hyperspace. "I am ready!" He said and put his crystals away. They could easily disappear, so it was safer to hold them in his pockets. He didn't want to fly to Ilum again... Just to get a crystal because he had just lost it. It would've been a disappointment.

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