Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trip to Ilum

Ava Solborne

Dominator looked out and nodded. Yes, it was the right place. But coordinates... "Could you tell us our exact coordinates, please?" Dominator asked.

Ava Solborne

"Thank you!" Dominator said and started to press buttons. They were not far away. They were already on the northern hemisphere. Then the coordinates popped out. Right, they were flying over 46N, 35W. But the cave was about 60N, 50W or something like that. "Miss Roberts, we'll have to fly about sixteen coordinates north. And then fifteen west." He said then.


OOC: Sorry, I don't know, how to write coordinates in English...


Disney's Princess
"Okay. You are the boss. Taking her up."

Karen pitched their vessel to match the new heading and brought them in a rapid pace. The closer they got the more the Force seemed to guide her hands. There was indeed something special about this world. Something unique. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it was there.

There was a flat section of solid blue ground just before the Temple structure that marked the entrance that Equa had been looking for. The entrance was like a palace made out of ice or glass. Cut clean from the blue earth and polished with a mirror sheen. Karen could see the reflection of her Gunship in the blue walls even as she settled the ship down for a landing. The vessel hissed as the landing gear came down,

"Okay. I think this is the spot. Temperature is showing a rather brisk environment. Brrr."

She killed the engines and went through all the after-flight checks. Karen could leave the bird here for now.

"Well. What do you think Jedi Dominator? So far, so good?"

Ava Solborne

Dominator looked at the cave and said: "It's beautiful!" Then he looked at Karen again and nodded. "Everything is fine. I think we arrived just in time." He referred to the mysterious sunlight-door, what uses the sun as its key. "We should go inside if you are ready." He said and opened the ship's door. He stepped out and felt the strange cold temperature. Of course it was colder than on Umbara, but it was lighter. It was so light, that his eyes started to hurt. Maybe they should do fast and get inside?


Disney's Princess
Karen fasted her helm and stepped down from the cockpit in full armor. She removed a blaster rifle from the wall and attached it to her back. Ready for anything.

"Right. Lead on then. You look like your know what your doing. So, I'll follow you."

She dropped the ramp and they could move out.

Ava Solborne

Dominator walked to the cave and looked at it. Now they had to go inside, where had to be a huge hall and then they can reach the cave. So Dominator stepped inside the hall and looked around. Some strange letters were written on the wall. They didn't mean anything for Dominator, because he didn't understand the language. "Come!" Dominator said calmly to miss Roberts.


Disney's Princess
Karen entered right behind him. Careful to feel the movements of the Force. This place could be dangerous. Though, the Force did not seem as concerned. Perhaps this was a Light-sided location after all.

"Right behind you."

Ava Solborne

Dominator looked at Karen and nodded. The sun still shined and no ice had formed. That was... Well, that was good. He had heard, that when the whole arc is covered with ice, no one can get in nor out. So they had to be quick. "Do you think a crystal will shine for you too? I mean, you've already got a lightsaber..." Dominator said, while looking at the walls. He slowly walked towards the arc, what led to the cave. Really, these characters were very interesting.


Disney's Princess
If Karen could have shrugged in armor, she would have. Sadly, she just shook her head,

"Only way to find out."

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded again and stepped into the cave. There was nothing inside. Well, he didn't see any crystals, not even ice shards. But still, it was just the beginning. "Do you think we should stick together?" He asked. Of course their crystals may not be in the same place, but it would've been easier and safer to be together. Now he had to let the Force flow inside him.


Disney's Princess
"I don't sense any danger. Follow the Force and find your crystal. I'll start looking around for another way out."

Karen didn't really trust a door that opened and closed on it's own. Best not to get trapped underground.

Ava Solborne

Dominator looked at Karen. Just looked. "Okay, I'll go then." He said. Maybe their ways really separated. Then he ran away and looked around him. The crystal might be everywhere. He just had to feel, what the Force gave him.


Disney's Princess
Karen took a side passage that felt unfamiliar. The Force was bubbling from this direction in the strangest way. So she followed the passage until the Temple walls disappeared and she was left standing inside a wide expanse. A massive atrium of black rock and blue glass crystals. The expanse sloped downwards into a dark black lake that bubbled and brewed from lava far beneath the planet's surface. The roof of the expanse was coated in illuminating blue shards that sparkled and glowed. And all around the edges of the silent lake drew up the tall and flawless forms of ancient Jedi walls. Polished clean like cut glass and beautifully reflective against the wet cave that birthed them.


She seemed like an infant. So small, so tiny. Her footfalls echoed across the expanse and took many moments to return to her own ears. This place... This place was massive. Ilum was far, far greater a Jedi civilization that she had ever thought possible.

"Equa. What have you found..."

Ava Solborne

Caves of Ilum
Dominator looked around. He was amazed. All the crystals, ice shards, snow, ice... Everything made the caves even more beautiful. Dominator sat down and took some snow with his hand. It was so soft, that he almost didn't feel anything. It wasn't too cold too, so it was familiar to him.

But then, in the other side of the cave, he saw a crystal glowing so powerfully, that its light covered a very large area. Then he heard miss Karen shouting something. At first, he didn't hear her very well, but then he thought about it and realized, what she had asked. "I think I've found my crystal, but it's so far away, that it takes me about and hour, maybe, to reach it." He answered and started to run towards the crystal.


Disney's Princess
Karen realized she could hear Equa. But how? She poked around until she found a glowing red crystal shard. It didn't look natural at all.


When she touched it, it rang. Distilling a soft pitch and echoing softly. It wasn't a crystal at all. It was a communication device. Equa could hear her.

"Dominator? It's Karen. I'm in another part of the caves. ...Or. Temple. I haven't found a back door yet. But I'll keep looking."

She reached down and plucked the small crystal from it's nest. She would take the little radio crystal with her.

Ava Solborne

OOC: You look so great with the 'Jedi Knight' title... :D


Dominator saw a tiny crystal near his feet. Well, it didn't look like a normal crystal. It was glowing... And it was red. In the caves of Ilum, there weren't red crystals. When he squatted to take the crystal, he heard Karen's voice coming from it. Oh... Now I understand. He thought. Of course he was amazed before, when he heard miss Roberts' voice, though they were so far away from each other.

"Okay, keep looking!" He said and moved on. He held the device he had found in his hand. But then... Another crystal started to shine and glow. It was near the crystal he saw before. And they were both green. Green crystals...


Disney's Princess
It took some time but eventually Karen entered another sector of the caves. Here she found living quarters, sunlights, interactive crystal shards, and more.

"Equa. I appear to have stumbled upon a dormitory. I believe at one time these caves were used as an actual working Temple. The technology is ancient and strange. But I believe that long ago Jedi might actually have lived here."

She continued looking around. The walls, the doors, the skylights. She needed more time to browse and see what she could find.

"I'll keep in touch with what I find. ...Stay safe."

Ava Solborne

Dominator listened to Karen and nodded, though the girl couldn't see it. "Alright... Maybe that's what the walls are talking about?" He said, while walking. At the same time, he looked around and saw, that on every wall, there were huge letters, symbols. What could they mean? Dominator thought. Maybe V-34S could translate it? But yes, the droid wasn't here, so there was no chance to make it happen. And he didn't take his hologram device with him, so he couldn't contact him either. "You too!" Dominator said for an answer to miss Roberts' "Stay safe...".


Disney's Princess
Karen spent about an hour exploring the dormitory. She didn't find a crystal for a lightsaber, but she found much more. Drawings, carvings, designs, and ancient Temple layouts. This place was a treasure vault in rare and useful Jedi items. Mostly broken sadly. Hundreds of years in the cold will do that to you. No matter. Karen didn't bring anything to carry them anyway. She simply took pictures and made notes on her Com device. It had taken a good deal of time to complete her adventure,

"Equa. I'm all finished up here. How goes your search. I think I'm ready to head back to the ship."

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