Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two minds one soul

[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray pulled out his blaster pistol as he heard the sound of a crash coming from deeper inside the cave. He moved towards it not knowing what he was in for. He figured it could be anything by this point after all of the weirdness he had already gone through.

Gray came upon the scene of the twi'lek woman laying on top of... James? Why was he here? Had he found out about Gray running into his daughter at that mall in Naboo and was here for his revenge? Was that weird dream he had after about that busty lady being a James clone and stabbing him real and he was just blocking it out?!.... No that made no sense at all. Who knew why he was here, but for now he should make sure they were okay.

Gray holstered his blaster pistol and ran over to them. He quickly examined them and was able to see that the twi'lek woman had broken some ribs. He put a hand on her shoulder and said, " Don't move. Those ribs look broke and you might puncture a lung. Just sit here and I will figure something out. I promise."
James spat a mouthful of blood out, spraying it onto the floor. He could feel two ribs broken on his left side and some di'kut of an apparition was taunting him. That was fine. He had enough experience shattering skulls to know where this was going. He shoved Stardust off his body--which was no small task considering her implants. He hardly noticed Gray had come towards him, James had tunnel vision kicking in.

"That all ye got?" he snarled back. "Suck fething plasma dumbarse!"
His fingers locked on trigger of his weapon, sending a few thousand blaster shots at it per minute. Kylo Kyr'am had designed this weapon with an unbelievable rate of fire, on par with flak weaponry--at least. The kick was enough to knock a man off his feet, thank goodness James was already propped against the wall.

A sadistic laugh escaped his lips, "Die you fething dog, die die die!!"

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She pushed him away as she took a pained breath in and watched James start unloading into pulsar as she took every shot given to her as she laughed before falling down still laughing

I'm fine I'm fine"she said to [member="Gray Raxis"] as she picked her sabers up and she stood by james holding her chest"she's not done"she said and used the force to lower his weapon and started limping over to pulsar"stupid fething pulsar"she said and coughed blood coming out"

Pulsar laid there, sure yes she had chunks missing and bleeding but she still grinned out as she looked up" you can't do i- " she was interrupted by Star stabbing both her sabers dwon into pulsar, she shook as she panted...pulsar smiled " thank you hahahah thank you ahahahhahahahahahah"pulsar laughed before a bright light filled the cave blinding any looking before it went away and all was left was star laying on the ground with raspy breaths"hehehe I can
[member="James Justice"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray really didn't know what was going on here, but the twi'lek woman seemed to stubborn about her injury. He couldn't really fault her for that, since he had seen plenty of people like here. Most of them were dead from aggravating their injuries, but still, he knew them. He watched as she somehow lowered James' weapon and walked over to the phantom of the cave that looked just like the Twi'lek woman. He got a flash back of his own about seeing his own body looking very similar, but his body didn't keep laughing. She suddenly stabbed herself, and Gray just felt that wasn't right. You couldn't kill a part of yourself just because it annoyed you.... Hadn't that been what he was trying to do though? This whole scene was just hitting a little too close to home on him.

Gray was caught off guard by the blinding light. His vision went out for a bit, but finally managed to come back enough for him to see the woman laying on the ground. He rushed over to her again and began to check her vitals to make sure she was still alive. He said as he did, " Can you hear me? Give me a reply if you can. Anything will do. A grunt, a word, a kiss." Why did he just say that? This was a serious situation he was in... okay maybe that was why he said it. Better to get a response for being stupid than getting none for being serious. He hadn't forgotten about James being there either, he just had to triage the situation and a woman on the ground was the higher priority on the list.
James watched, partially dazed as the entity that had assaulted the two of them was put out of its misery. Good. That meant one less thing to terrorize the universe. He looked down at the Destroyer. The heat had warped the barrels, overheating them. The red metal began to slowly melt in on itself. He unclipped the now-worthless hunk of metal. He was almost done. There was just one thing left for him to do before surrendering to death's loving and kind arms.

His eyes were still dazed from the blinding light as he stood there a few seconds. He drew on his Force Sight, a skill he had learned subconsciously when Prosecutor had physically blinded him for over a month through torture and hell itself. There was some figure there who looked somewhat like that fellow who was called Gray something-or-other. But, no, that couldn't be right. Gray had hit on James' daughters and was interested in them. Why was he talking of kissing Stardust, his admiral?

His mind must have been playing tricks on him again. The spacer reached over his shoulder and unslung the slughthrower rifle. He pumped a round into the chamber and swallowed, "C'mon, Star. Ye know what I gotta do. Dun't make this any harder than it has to be."

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She laughed hearing [member="Gray Raxis"] and rose slowly before coughing"yea yea yea I'm here"she said even though she had blood dripping from her lips

James you must be drunk as hell not to notice that I got rid of the one you wanted to kill "she said and looked up at him

[member="James Justice"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray felt some relief when the twi'lek woman got up. The blood was alarming, but not as much as death would have been. He did everything he could to help her out. He determined she was okay enough for now and then turned his attention to James. As he did, he got a red flag of alarm that went up inside of him. Something told him that the man was not in his right mind, and he needed to do something about it.

Gray slipped his pistol out of it's holster and switched it to stun. He charged up a shot quickly and fired it at the man. He hoped the shot would knock him out, because Gray did not want to deal with being shot at in return right now.
James shook his head, mostly blind, "I'm sober as a stone, Star. I dun't know what ye mean by killing--except I saw ye kill a lot of our troops. And for that ye know what is coming," he thumbed off the safety, his throat got tighter as he tried to speak, "I-I'm sorry."

As his finger tightened on the trigger and his eyes stun with tears, his body sudenly went limp with a spasm of pain. Where had that come from? He tried to fight it, but was in no condition to do so. His rifle fired wildly to the side as his body fell in a heavy heap on the ground. The sound of his clattering excessive and unneeded weaponry followed as well.

James' vision dimmed out as unconsciousness took him.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She stood up slowly and wiped the blood from her mouth"thank you mate...I know he wasn't in his right mind"she said and coughed some more, yea she definitely needed medical attention...first she had to get James medical attention.. "Cover me from anything" she said as she hefted [member="James Justice"] up with some challenge but she smiled"come on capn....we got a job to do she said and started walking out of the cave seeing the blinding light of what sun rays came through...however she heard a storm approaching....and thunder? Did thunder roll like a engine?

[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray was glad the stun shot worked. It was at times like these he was so glad he had the type of blaster he had. It was just so useful. He switched it back to bolt mode and holstered it. He watched the twi'lek woman lift up James and said, " I got the rag doll captain. You focus on keeping those ribs out of your lungs. My ship isn't too far from here and has some medical supplies we can use to keep you from killing over."

Gray had followed her outside and heard a sound he didn't want to hear. Was that thunder coming this way? On a swamp planet like Dagaboh, that could mean an extremely long down pour was coming.... Wait that wasn't thunder, that was the sound of an engine. He placed one of his hands on the side of his helmet and said, " Key I don't care if you got the hyper drive fixed yet or not. Come to my signal, NOW." He got beeping in response back, but ignored a reply since his little droid was coming with his ship. He turned the twi'lek woman and said, " My ship is on its way here. Be ready to border it as soon as it gets here. Hopefully that will be soon."
James. Stun Rounds. Being carried by Stardust. Everyone was expecting her to blow his ship up next ((Do it and I will put a bigger bounty on your head than you ever dreamed was possible <.<)).

Thank goodness he was transferred to the hands of Gray Watcher before she decided to blast the Lost Angel like she had destroyed the Drunken Angel. He was barely aware in the semi-conscious ether of the world what was going on. Spots of color splayed before his eyes, he was so weak the spacer couldn't even muster a pitiful moan at his mishandling. He was flailng around and gorramn it, didn't this kid know what a shoulder felt like when it dug into the tender parts?

Would he ever have kids again after this? He wasn't sure if he would be able at this rate. Inside James cursed the Force yet again and prayed this kid would consider the most tender parts (and may ladies would say most important) part of his anatomy for the rest of the voyage.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She gave [member="James Justice"] to [member="Gray Raxis"]"make sure he gets to safety.... Someone decided the party wasn't full enough..."with that she started walking....sure she needed medical attention and the sort however the force was pulling her to about three beings

She sighed as she crouched low seeing a small drop ship with about three humanoids... One which was shorter. And...tied up?, they were speaking as they pushed the shorter one out and then turned laughing before taking off and leaving the place

Stardust slowly moved in and stopped stunned at what she saw..the smaller one had been in fact a child...a twilek child.....why did she feel drawn towards this kid"

Sighing she checked his pulse... yep his eyes....odd...they looked familiar... Like her past lovers eyes...not to mention the face...

Shaking her head she picked the kid up carefully...the force radiated from this kid....likely a powerful force sensitive

She made her way back to gray and sighed"get another room ready
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

You were darn right Gray was mishandling James' naughty bits right now. He was doing the galaxy a favor, especially the female side of it, by making sure the man never could use it properly again.... Okay so it actually wasn't so much that as how awkward it was to transition someone from one person's shoulder to the other. Gray had done this kind of thing before, so he quickly adjusted James body so it wasn't painful for him in any area.

Gray wanted to say something to the twi'lek woman as she ran off, but figured it wouldn't help. She had just been doing as she pleased the whole time, which really wasn't that odd for women now that he thought about it. He waited around for her to come back, since there was no point in him leaving with Key bringing the ship around. How Key managed to not run into the other ship along the way was beyond Gray. Whoever designed those little k1-series astromechs had don't a good job.

The Gypsy Caravn landed not far from Gray shortly before the twi'lek woman returned. The ramp was lowering right as she showed back up and the little droid came beeping out as soon as the ramp was completely down. Gray ignored his doting little droid and turned his attention to the twi'lek woman. He said, " There is plenty of room for him too. Just find a room and get settled in. I will take care of Sleeping Beauty here."

Gray walked into the ship and set James down in the cargo hold. He started to strip off all of the weapons off of the man, because who wants to deal with that when he woke up? If he had gotten all of them off, he would move the man into his own room next.
As he was adjusted for his sensitive parts to be less-encroached upon, all women in the galaxy felt a wave of relief through the Force. It was as if the true thing if their desire's danger had no longer been encroached upon.

As the spacer was set on the ground and dissarmed, a set of semi-sentient psychosis began to set in as was common for those who were drugged. Some who were drunk would act in such a manner, but the spacer was truly a professional at drunkness, so it would not affect him thus. However, now the babble proceeded from his lips without impedment.

"Yer a good guy," he said patting Gray on the head dumbly, "I may pretend to not like ye but, really ye are alright." The spacer felt himself being lifted up, "The sky is so ugly, soemtimes I think we should just shoot it down and scream weeeeeeeeeeeee, all the way home." He beltched as he was being carried in swaying motions to the next room, "Ye arms are funny, they look like legs. And dun't even get me started on ye face, it looks like a--ow" a bonk on his head on the man's back plate cut the sentance off.

Being set on the bed, James grabbed Gray and pulled him close, his eyes stern with seriousness, "No you forget this. Remember and pay me attention. Tis serious business. I want ye to have me moneys. I wanna give em alls to you. Here is what ye do, go to me bank ask them to drain account number," His face froze up for a moment--

and he was asleep once more, the secret would remain in him.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She nodded and went to the other room and sat the kid down, poor kid but got dumped on such a planet...

She started cleaning the kid up not minding he town injuries just yet but she knew she'd have to soon, she sighed and laughed lightly hearing [member="James Justice"] rambling on in the other room, hopefully he'd come to later and they could talk...mostly so she could explain herself to him...hopefully she still had a job....

Hey uhhh god gray can you come here

[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray could almost curse right now. He had to stop right before the good part too, not that Gray would have taken his money out of it... well most of it. He made sure that James was settled onto the bed and comfortable. It was always nicer to wake up after being shot by a stun bolt in a warm bed than to wake up half on, half off the same bed. He examined his work until he was satisfied and then left the room. He was on his way to the cargo hold to hide the weapons he had stripped from James, when he heard the twi'lek woman call out to him.

Gray headed to the room she was in. As he opened up the door, he said, " Everything alright? Need me to massage your lekkus for ya?" He just smiled at her as he finished speaking. He hoped nothing was wrong though. She wasn't exactly in good shape when they got on board the ship, and he would rather she took a visit to his med room right now. He added after a moment, " So you called for me. Anything you need?"
James rolled over, semi-consiousness licking at his mind. The blankets were scratchy. And they were grey. This was injustice to him, he was so uncomfortable. There was no Justification to put him in a bed with grey blankets, especially ones like these. It was horrific.

Pushing though the memebranes of sleep, he decided to do the worst thing he could do to punish the poor boy. Place a bounty upon his head? No, if only it was that good. Shoot him? No, worse. The rack? No, not even Thraxis would dare torture someone this bad.

James would sing about his suffering. Yes indeed, the spacer would sing, making the song up as he went.

The Gray man crushed me nuts
Oh yes the Gray man Crushed me nuts
Away today,
The Gray man crushed me nuts.

He was so unsightful
And his delivery so undelightful
Ho-ho, take fear, for the man is here
The Gray man who crushed me nuts
The Gray man crushed me nuts
Oh yes the Gray man Crushed me nuts
Away today,
The Gray man crushed me nuts.

These sheets are so damn gray
And they are scratchy-oh naaaaay
He batter along, so sing a sad song
The Gray man crushed me nuts
Oh yes the Gray man Crushed me nuts
Away today,
The Gray man crushed me nuuuuuuuutttssssss.

As his raspy voice reached its big finish, he collapsed, panting and exhausted. Poor James. Stun rounds were so bad to him....

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She shook her head as she listened to poor ol James singing away...she should've recorded it just to show him...

Do you have anything to do dna tests?"she asked [member="Gray Raxis"] as she sat down slowly and let a sigh out feeling the pain in her chest return"and get me some bacta as well....

[member="James Justice"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray heard James singing, terribly at that, from the room he had left him in. What did he have in his system that had this kind of reaction to a stun bolt? He didn't know, and wasn't for sure if he wanted to find out. There were some rabbit holes you didn't go down, usually because they lead you to the likes of the mad hatter and the spring hare.

Gray turned his attention to the twi'lek woman. He frowned a bit before he said, " I'm afraid I don't have the DNA test. You will need to go to a medical station or clinic for that. I can help with the other stuff. I have a room set up for medical purposes. Can you walk or you would rather I carried you like a princess there? Wouldn't mind getting my hands on your firm body you know." He smiled at the woman and winked to her. He added after a moment, " The name is Gray by the way. Gray Raxis. I don't remember if I introduced myself. How about you? What might our pretty lady's name be?"
She sighed..she needed to know the identity of the parents...but oh well she can do it later when they were away...first she had to load her shop into James"r8 take the fighter and load it onto James ship and tell rascal to follow when we take off"she said and sighed as she heard [member="Gray Raxis"] speak as she chuckled"

Hahaha as much as I'd love the strong hands of a handsome guy on me right now that'll have to wait till later"she said as she walked and limped but at least walked towards the medbay"I'm stardust...stardust rivkan "she said with a smile as she put a arm on him to keep up"

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