James Justice
Charting new Paths
"LIAR!" roared James.
His fist balled and slammed into the wall, sending a shockwave with the Force that made the entire room shake. His fist pulled back, reveiling a 5 inch dent in the durasteel. His anger was nothing to play with, in its rawness was like a dying star.
A second pound hit the wall again, making it buckle even further. The darkside screamed through the room, flickering purple sparks in his dark brown eyes. All the intensity of the past few days was whipping through him. Rose's turning, seeing his wife's death in the tunnel, the disappearance of Sasha, the torture at the hands of Thraxis, the torture under the knife of the Prosecutor. Now his dearest friend had betrayed him. Broken beyond belief, James didn't want to or care about suppressing his dark side anymore, or the evil that tainted his soul.
At last, lashing out, a broken man who was sick of fixing the world screamed, "Ye dun't care, ye never cared, shut the hell up!"
His fist balled and slammed into the wall, sending a shockwave with the Force that made the entire room shake. His fist pulled back, reveiling a 5 inch dent in the durasteel. His anger was nothing to play with, in its rawness was like a dying star.
A second pound hit the wall again, making it buckle even further. The darkside screamed through the room, flickering purple sparks in his dark brown eyes. All the intensity of the past few days was whipping through him. Rose's turning, seeing his wife's death in the tunnel, the disappearance of Sasha, the torture at the hands of Thraxis, the torture under the knife of the Prosecutor. Now his dearest friend had betrayed him. Broken beyond belief, James didn't want to or care about suppressing his dark side anymore, or the evil that tainted his soul.
At last, lashing out, a broken man who was sick of fixing the world screamed, "Ye dun't care, ye never cared, shut the hell up!"