Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two minds one soul

"LIAR!" roared James.

His fist balled and slammed into the wall, sending a shockwave with the Force that made the entire room shake. His fist pulled back, reveiling a 5 inch dent in the durasteel. His anger was nothing to play with, in its rawness was like a dying star.

A second pound hit the wall again, making it buckle even further. The darkside screamed through the room, flickering purple sparks in his dark brown eyes. All the intensity of the past few days was whipping through him. Rose's turning, seeing his wife's death in the tunnel, the disappearance of Sasha, the torture at the hands of Thraxis, the torture under the knife of the Prosecutor. Now his dearest friend had betrayed him. Broken beyond belief, James didn't want to or care about suppressing his dark side anymore, or the evil that tainted his soul.

At last, lashing out, a broken man who was sick of fixing the world screamed, "Ye dun't care, ye never cared, shut the hell up!"

She didn't move but waycge dthe fist hit near her, she could feel it the hurt sadness pain all of it just filled the room like a dark ocean that threatened to swallow her

And she did the unthinkable and probably suicidal

She closed her eyes and hugged her right head over his shoulder as tears fell on him"you say I don't care that I never cared if I didn't getting care I wouldn't be working for you if I didn't care I would be fine by now if I didn't care I wouldn't be risking my life to hug you "she said as she sobbed"

[member="James Justice"]
There were only so many times a man could be broken before he was beyond repair. And he was nearly there. Almost there, but not yet.

As her arms wrapped around him, he could still feel the pain inside him, almost like a tear across his heart. He doubted it would ever go away. In truth, he almost knew he would bear it until the day he died. It was compounded by the fact that Rose Blade had turned on him before, making this one almost worse.

He didn't know if he would ever trust star again, but he would swallow it and hug her. Hurting, yes. Battered, yes, his soul always seemed to be these days. But he couldn't bear to watch those he cared about cry. Even if they had hurt him.

He wrapped his arms around her, even though he burned inside like acid.

"Its alright," he said in his raspy voice, "Its alright."

She shooked her head"I wish I could say it..I really wish I could say its OK...James"she said as she released herself and wiped her eyes as she looked at him with tired eyes....both had been through hell and back to many times for the normal person...and still somehow lived through the hell"

The nurse came in with a security guard as she looked around" everything OK"

Yea just a little disagreement the guard can leave"she said leaving her hand as the guard left

Well ma'am...we did the DNA test as you asked and.

And what?

Well ma'am it seems the child is yours

Stardust sat there with a dumbfounded look in her face, she...have a legit kid...its impossible "wow wow wow wow first that not possible.... Wait who is the father

Er well...a hrd known as watcher three this was a cruel had to be" ma'am...that is not possible... And you fethimg know it"she shook her head as she was given the result and she looked at them "you've got to be fethikg kidding...

[member="James Justice"]
James listened, a look of more than mild surprise covering his face. He wasn't surprised that [member="stardust"] wasn't a virgin but more that she had a child.

"Well then," he said clearing his throat.

He knew how it felt to suddenly find out you had a child. He had been there twice. He had a pretty strong idea of what was going through her head right now; regret, remorse, fear, anger, love, protectiveness, and terror, to name the stronger emotions. And, of course, there were subtle undertones within it but those would be the stronger ones.

"It'll be alright," he said giving her a squeeze with the arm around her waist. He quirked a grin, 'Welcome to parenthood, I will teach ye all I know."

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She stood there mouth agape to try and speak but could not get the words out, she was feeling so many things and had so many being how the kid was already eight standard galatic years "

James...I am beyond confused and I don't know what to think"she said as she rubbed her head"I mean I don't ever remember planning to make a clone child with watcher bow"she said stunned but then she shook her head"may we go see the child

Unfortunately ma'am. It seems the child is in a medically induced coma "

Stars color if it could faded from her skin, the kid hadn't awoken the entire trip here...could it be that was the reason"I...I see"she said amd swallowed
[member="James Justice"]
A coma? well that was weird. He must still have had some of that stun stuff in his head, buzzing and clouding his hearing. Yeah, that'd explain it. He coughed a bit and cleared his throat, only able to imagine how his green friend was feeling.

An attempt at humor was needed to help her feel somewhat better.

"That's nothing, when Brookie found out I was her dad, her mum got kilt on the same day," he said with a forced laugh, "thar been worse ways to--"

Yeah, it wasn't working. His forced smile melted away, "I know how ye feel, star. If I can help ye, just let me know."

James humor only lightened her mood a little, she had so many thoughts going through her head...she felt bad anger sadness happiness the whole nine yards"how long will my child be out

well ma'am we estimate about a month

Stardust nodded and looked to James"get the medical fleet on the line...I'm taking the kid to naboo where I can monitor him"she said as she looked away"and tell them to make haste

She sighed and sat down hand on her head"so I still got a job

[member="James Justice"]
James nodded and took a few steps away. A child was in danger, and Stardust needed help. His biggest things, a child, a friend, and a woman were all in distress and danger.

He tapped on his wrist comm, pulling the medical staff quickly, "I want the nearest and fastest ship here, now." there was a warbled repsonse, "well make it an hour not two or the Captain is dead," there was another warbled reply, "That's what I thought."

A matter of 45 minutes later a frigate exited hyperspace and docked with them. James gave a grunt and a nod as the medical troops began storming the halls in both a mix of war-effort and heroism. They reached James and Star. Their leader gave a salute, "What is the emergency, sir?"

"Get the child of Stardust's from the facility and in route to Naboo."

The nodded and a chorus of "Yes sir" filled the air before they stormed off.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Stardust sighed as she saw the medical troops, she found it funny how they acted...however the true hero's were them at least she thought so

She saluted at them before watching them storm off"have them take the kid to a medical facility I'll send the coordinates to you where I want the kid to go"she said accessing her filels and sending the coords with a smilex

So James you never I got a job?

[member="James Justice"]
James growled under his breath. Star was still his friend, even if she had scuzzed up. Besides, he knew he had made more than a few mistakes in the past before. He wanted to make them better. He knew she did too. Besides, the last thing she needed added to her plate was unemployment.

He nodded, "Aye, ye do. But ye got a lot to make up for after that, I expect big profits from ye in the future to make up for the losses. I also want ye to work on getting a fleet for us to auction off. Get it the classic way; pirate it. Capital ships out the arse. I dun't care where ye get em from, just get em. Clear?"


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